My harddrive is full and contains Items for which I lack permissions, help!

My trash is full, my hardrive is full and I can't get rid of anything. Any suggestions?

Buy a larger hard drive, Empty your Trash, remove your files from your Home folder.
Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
  1. See Lion/Mountain Lion's Storage Display.
  2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
  3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
  4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
  5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
  6. See The Storage Display.
You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.
Try using OmniDiskSweeper 1.8 or GrandPerspective to search your drive for large files and where they are located.

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  • Report to find open items and close items for given vendor

    Hi All,
    What are the steps needed to write a REPORT to find out
    open and close items for a given vendor.
    Which are the fields i'll have to take and what are the comparisons i'll have to make.
    I know,
    BSIK is for open Vendor &
    BSAK for closed Vendors..
    what are the conditions i'll have to check.
    Thanks in Advance..
    Pradeep Alex

    Hi Pradeep,
    This report I developed is definitely useful to you.
    *& Report  ZFI_PROV_IT_VENDOR
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    tables: BKPF,
            t005u,           "Region Description
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_bkpf,
            bukrs type bkpf-bukrs,
            belnr TYPE bkpf-belnr,
            gjahr type bkpf-gjahr,
            blart TYPE bkpf-blart,
            budat TYPE bkpf-budat,
           END   OF ty_bkpf.
    types: begin of ty_J_1IMOVEND,
             lifnr     type lfa1-lifnr,
             J_1IPANNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO,
             J_1ICSTNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO,
             J_1ISERN  type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN,
           end   of ty_J_1IMOVEND.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_bseg,
            belnr TYPE bseg-belnr,
            gjahr type bseg-gjahr,
            bschl TYPE bseg-bschl,
            umskz type bseg-umskz,
            shkzg type bseg-shkzg,
            wrbtr TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
            hkont type bseg-hkont,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           END   OF ty_bseg.
    types: begin of ty_t005u,
            bland type t005u-bland,
            bezei type t005u-bezei,
           end   of ty_t005u.
    types: begin of ty_lfa1,
            lifnr type lfa1-lifnr,
            name1 type lfa1-name1,   "35
            ort01 type lfa1-ort01,   "35
            ort02 type lfa1-ort02,   "35
            pfach type lfa1-pfach,   "10
            pstlz type lfa1-pstlz,   "10
            regio type lfa1-regio,   "3
            stras type lfa1-stras,   "35
            ktokk type lfa1-ktokk,
            telf1 type lfa1-telf1,   "16
            telf2 type lfa1-telf2,   "16
           end   of ty_lfa1.
    types: begin of ty_bsik,
            bukrs type bsik-bukrs,
            lifnr type bsik-lifnr,
            augdt type bsik-augdt,
            augbl type bsik-augbl,
            belnr type bsik-belnr,
            budat type bsik-budat,
            blart type bsik-blart,
            shkzg type bsik-shkzg,
            wrbtr type bsik-wrbtr,
           end   of ty_bsik.
    types: begin of ty_bsid,
            bukrs type bsid-bukrs,
            lifnr type bsid-kunnr,
            augdt type bsid-augdt,
            augbl type bsid-augbl,
            belnr type bsid-belnr,
            budat type bsid-budat,
            blart type bsid-blart,
            shkzg type bsid-shkzg,
            wrbtr type bsid-wrbtr,
           end   of ty_bsid.
    types: begin of ty_out2,
            lifnr type bsik-lifnr,
            wrbtr type bsik-wrbtr,
            end  of ty_out2.
    types: begin of ty_out,
            lifnr type lfa1-lifnr,
            name1 type lfa1-name1,
            addr(162) type c,
            J_1IPANNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO,
            J_1ICSTNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO,
            J_1ISERN  type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN,
            opbal  type bseg-wrbtr,
            purch type bseg-wrbtr,
            PAYM  type bseg-wrbtr,
            grdeb type bseg-wrbtr,
            othdeb type bseg-wrbtr,
            othcre type bseg-wrbtr,
            tds   type bseg-wrbtr,
            bal   type bseg-wrbtr,
            blart type bkpf-blart,
            bschl type bseg-bschl,
           end  of ty_out.
    types: begin of ty_bsegtemp,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           end   of ty_bsegtemp.
    types: begin of ty_bsegnew,
            wrbtr TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           end   of ty_bsegnew.
    data: it_bsik type table of ty_bsik with header line,
          it_bsid type table of ty_bsid with header line,
          it_bsak type table of ty_bsik with header line,
          it_out2  type table of ty_out2 with header line,
          it_out3 type table of ty_out2 with header line.
    DATA : it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           it_alvevent TYPE slis_t_event,
           gt_events TYPE slis_t_event WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
           wa_alvevent TYPE slis_alv_event.
    DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader.
    DATA : g_repid  LIKE sy-repid,                  " Program ID
           g_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.           " Layout Workarea
    DEFINE m_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos       = &1.               " Fieldcat column postion
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname     = &2.               " Field name
      wa_fieldcat-DO_SUM        = &3.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_m     = &4.               " Column Text
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen    = &5.
      append wa_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
      clear wa_fieldcat.
    DATA: wa_lfa1 TYPE ty_lfa1,
          wa_bkpf TYPE ty_bkpf,
          wa_bkpf1 type ty_bkpf,
          wa_bsegtemp type ty_bsegtemp,
          wa_bsegnew type ty_bsegnew,
          wa_bsegnew1 type ty_bsegnew,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND type ty_J_1IMOVEND,
          wa_t005u type ty_t005u,
          wa_bseg TYPE ty_bseg,
          wa_out    TYPE ty_out.
    DATA: gt_out TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out,
          gt_out1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out,
          gt_lfa1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_lfa1,
          gt_bsegtemp type standard table of ty_bsegtemp with header line,
          gt_bsegnew type standard table of ty_bsegnew with header line,
          gt_bsegnew1 type standard table of ty_bsegnew with header line,
          gt_J_1IMOVEND type standard table of ty_J_1IMOVEND,
          gt_bkpf1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bkpf WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt_t005u type standard table of ty_t005u,
          gt_bseg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bseg WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt_bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bkpf WITH HEADER LINE.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_budat for bkpf-budat obligatory,
                    s_ktokk for lfa1-ktokk obligatory.
                   s_wrbtr for bseg-wrbtr.
    parameters: p_bukrs type bkpf-bukrs obligatory default '1000'.
               p_gjahr type bkpf-gjahr obligatory.
               p_lifnr type bseg-lifnr obligatory default '300040',
               p_ktokk type lfa1-ktokk obligatory default 'Z200'.
    selection-screen end   of block b1.
      PERFORM sub_fetch_data.
      PERFORM sub_process_data.
      PERFORM sub_build_fieldcat.
      PERFORM sub_build_layout.
      PERFORM eventtab_build USING gt_events[].
      PERFORM comment_build USING it_listheader[].
      PERFORM sub_disp_data.
    *&      Form  SUB_BUILD_FIELDCAT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_build_fieldcat .
    sort gt_out by name1.
       WA_SORT-FIELDNAME = &1.
       WA_SORT-UP        = 'X'.
       WA_SORT-SUBTOT    = &2.
    *m_sort 'NAME1' 'X'.
    *M_SORT 'ADDR' 'X'.
      m_fieldcat 1  'LIFNR' ' '  text-026 10.
      m_fieldcat 2  'NAME1' ' '  text-006 35.
      m_fieldcat 3  'ADDR' ' ' text-007 162.
      m_fieldcat 4  'J_1IPANNO' ''  text-008 40.
      m_fieldcat 5  'J_1ICSTNO'  '' text-009 40.
      m_fieldcat 6  'J_1ISERN'  '' text-010 40.
      m_fieldcat 7  'OPBAL'  '' text-011 18.
      m_fieldcat 8  'PURCH'    '' text-012 18.
      m_fieldcat 9  'PAYM' ''  text-013 18.
      m_fieldcat 10  'GRDEB'  '' text-014 18.
      m_fieldcat 11  'OTHDEB'  '' text-020 18.
      m_fieldcat 12  'OTHCRE'  '' text-021 18.
      m_fieldcat 13  'BAL'  '' text-023 18.
      m_fieldcat 14  'TDS'  '' text-022 18.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_BUILD_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  SUB_BUILD_LAYOUT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_build_layout .
      g_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
      g_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  EVENTTAB_BUILD
         -->P_GT_EVENTS[]  text
    FORM eventtab_build  USING    gt_events TYPE slis_t_event.
      DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type = 0
          et_events   = gt_events.
      READ TABLE gt_events WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
                               INTO ls_event.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE 'TOP_OF_PAGE' TO ls_event-form.
        APPEND ls_event TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " EVENTTAB_BUILD
    *&      Form  COMMENT_BUILD
         -->P_IT_LISTHEADER[]  text
    FORM comment_build  USING    p_it_listheader TYPE
    data: v_text(30) type c,
          v_datelow(10) type c,
          v_datehigh(10) type c,
          v_month(2) type c,
          v_day(2) type c,
          v_year(4) type c.
    v_day  = s_budat-low+6(2).
    v_month = s_budat-low+4(2).
    v_year = s_budat-low+0(4).
    concatenate v_day '.' v_month '.' v_year into v_datelow.
    clear: v_day,v_month,v_year.
    v_day  = s_budat-high+6(2).
    v_month = s_budat-high+4(2).
    v_year = s_budat-high+0(4).
    concatenate v_day '.' v_month '.' v_year into v_datehigh.
    clear: v_day,v_month,v_year.
    concatenate 'From' v_datelow 'To' v_datehigh into v_text
                                        separated by space.
    clear: v_datelow, v_datehigh.
      ls_line-typ  = 'H'.
      ls_line-info = text-116.
      APPEND ls_line TO p_it_listheader.
    ls_line-typ  = 'S'.
      ls_line-key = text-090.
      ls_line-info = v_text.
      APPEND ls_line TO p_it_listheader.
    ENDFORM.                    " COMMENT_BUILD
    *&      Form  TOP_OF_PAGE
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM top_of_page.
          it_list_commentary = it_listheader.
    ENDFORM.                    " TOP_OF_PAGE
    *&      Form  SUB_DISP_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_disp_data .
      g_repid = sy-repid.
          i_callback_program = g_repid
          it_fieldcat        = it_fieldcat[]
          is_layout          = g_layout
          i_save             = 'U'
          it_events          = gt_events[]
        IT_SORT             = I_SORT[]
          t_outtab           = gt_out1[].
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_DISP_DATA
    *&      Form  sub_fetch_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_fetch_data .
    select bukrs
           from bkpf
           into table gt_bkpf
           where budat in s_budat
           and   bukrs = p_bukrs
          and   gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   blart in ('KR','KG','KZ','RE','DK','Z1','AB','SA','KA','DZ').
    select belnr
           from bseg
           into table gt_bseg
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and   gjahr = gt_bkpf-gjahr
          and gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   bschl in (21,25,29,31,50,39,38,19,35).
          and kunnr in gt_
          and lifnr = '0000300019'.
    select belnr
           from bseg
           appending table gt_bseg
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and   gjahr = gt_bkpf-gjahr
          and gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   bschl in (21,25,29,31,50,39,38,19).
    break manukapur.
    sort gt_bseg by  lifnr bschl.
    delete adjacent duplicates from gt_bseg comparing all fields.
    loop at gt_bseg into wa_bseg.
    if wa_bseg-lifnr is not initial.
    move: wa_bseg-lifnr to wa_bsegtemp-lifnr.
          append wa_bsegtemp to gt_bsegtemp.
    delete adjacent duplicates from gt_bsegtemp comparing lifnr.
    select lifnr
            from lfa1
            into table gt_lfa1
            for all entries in gt_bseg
            where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
            and ktokk in s_ktokk.
           and lifnr = '0000300030'.
    select  bland
            from t005u
            into table gt_t005u
            for all entries in gt_lfa1
            where bland = gt_lfa1-regio
            and land1 = 'IN'
            and spras = sy-langu.
    select lifnr
           from J_1IMOVEND
           into table gt_J_1IMOVEND
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr.
    *select bukrs
          from bkpf
          into table gt_bkpf1
          where budat < s_budat-low.
          and zfdbt < s_budat-low.
           from bseg
           into table gt_bsegnew
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and xopvw = 'X' .
          and zfbdt < s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsik
           into table it_bsik
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   lifnr = '0000300000'
           and   bukrs = '1000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsak
           appending table it_bsik
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   lifnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low
           and   augdt > s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsid
           into table it_bsid
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   kunnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   kunnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsad
           appending table it_bsid
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   kunnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   kunnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low
           and   augdt > s_budat-low.
    if it_bsid[] is not initial.
    append lines of it_bsid to it_bsik.
    *delete gt_bsegnew where lifnr  <> '0000300000'.
    *break manukapur.
    *sort gt_bsegnew by lifnr.
    *loop at gt_bsegnew into wa_bsegnew.
    *collect wa_bsegnew into gt_bsegnew1.
    loop at it_bsik .
    it_out2-lifnr = it_bsik-lifnr.
    *it_out1-budat = it_bsik-budat.
    *it_out1-blart = it_bsik-blart.
    if it_bsik-SHKZG = 'H'.
    it_out2-wrbtr = it_bsik-wrbtr.
    else .
    it_out2-wrbtr = it_bsik-wrbtr * -1.
    append it_out2.
    clear: it_out2, it_bsik.
    *clear it1.
    sort it_out2 by lifnr.
    loop at it_out2.
    it_out3-lifnr = it_out2-lifnr.
    it_out3-wrbtr = it_out2-wrbtr.
    collect it_out3.
    clear: it_out3, it_out2.
    *&      Form  sub_process_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_process_data .
    *sort gt_bsegtemp by  lifnr .
    sort gt_bseg by lifnr bschl.
    sort gt_bsegnew by lifnr.
    sort it_out3 by lifnr.
    *loop at gt_bsegnew into wa_bsegnew.
    *at end of lifnr.
    sort gt_bkpf by blart.
    loop at gt_bseg into wa_bseg.
    if wa_bseg-lifnr is not initial.
    read table gt_lfa1 into wa_lfa1 with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr.
    move: wa_lfa1-name1 to wa_out-name1,
         wa_lfa1-lifnr to wa_out-lifnr.
    read table gt_t005u into wa_t005u with key bland = wa_lfa1-regio.
    concatenate wa_lfa1-stras ',' wa_lfa1-ort01 ','
                wa_lfa1-ort02 ',' wa_t005u-bezei ','
                wa_lfa1-pfach ','
                wa_lfa1-pstlz ',' 'Ph:'
                wa_lfa1-telf1 ','
                into wa_out-addr separated by space.
    read table gt_J_1IMOVEND into wa_J_1IMOVEND with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr.
    move: wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO to wa_out-J_1IPANNO,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO to wa_out-J_1ICSTNO,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN  to wa_out-J_1ISERN.
          read table gt_bkpf into wa_bkpf with key belnr = wa_bseg-belnr.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'RE' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31 or
    wa_bkpf-blart = 'KR' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-purch = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-purch = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KR' and wa_bseg-bschl = 50.
    *wa_out-tds = wa_out-tds + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    *wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KG' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
    *wa_out-grdeb =  wa_out-grdeb + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'RE' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
    *wa_out-grdeb =  wa_out-grdeb + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 25
    *or wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 29
    **and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'
    or wa_bkpf-blart = 'SA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 25.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-paym = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-paym = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'DK' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'SA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 38.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'DZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 19
    and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 39
    and wa_bseg-umskz = 'G' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'H' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'J' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'L' OR
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 35.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if ( wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 29 )
       and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'B' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'I' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'M' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'O' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'V'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 27.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'Z1' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21 .
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    **if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    ***wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **wa_out-othdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    ***wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **wa_out-othdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    ***if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 27.
          wa_out-othdeb =  wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    ***if wa_bkpf-blart = 'Z1' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
          wa_out-othdeb =  wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    read table it_out3 with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr binary search.
    on change of wa_bseg-lifnr.
    *move: wa_lfa1-name1 to wa_out-name1,
        wa_lfa1-lifnr to wa_out-lifnr.
    wa_out-opbal = it_out3-wrbtr.
    *if wa_out-opbal is not initial.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch + wa_out-paym + wa_out-grdeb + wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    at end of lifnr.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    append wa_out to gt_out.
    *collect wa_out into gt_out.
    clear wa_out.
    clear it_out3.
    clear wa_bsegnew1.
    clear: wa_bseg, wa_bkpf, wa_J_1IMOVEND.
    loop at gt_out into wa_out.
    collect wa_out into gt_out1.
    endform.                    " sub_process_data
    Santosh Kumar M.

  • How to clear the open items and parked items for customer

    Hi Experts,
    I need to clear the open items and parked items for customer.
    So any one could let me know the transaction code and procedure for clearing the items for customer.
    Best regards,
    Kesava balaji.

    Parked items will have NO RELEVANCE, unless you post it.
    You CANNOT clear parked items.
    You can clear the posted items using F.13 or F-32

  • I have a 27" iMac with 16GB of factory installed SDRAM and 1T harddrive.  It is telling me the harddrive is full and is not functioning correctly.  How can I adjust so that all files are managed on the harddrive rather than the SDRAM.  (BTW - design flaw)

    Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    I have a 27" iMac with 16GB of factory installed SDRAM and 1T harddrive.  It is telling me the harddrive is full and is not functioning correctly.  How can I adjust so that all files are managed on the harddrive rather than the SDRAM.  (BTW - design flaw here.)
    Older Macs with a single Harddrive would simply expand OS management on the drive, and I think I understand the new Fusion Drive to do just that, but how do I get this product that I spent a great deal of money on to be more than a pretty screen?

    I was confused by this statement
    It is telling me the harddrive is full and is not functioning correctly.
    OS X manages ram and when you run out, it create swapfiles to extend your ram on the HDD (Hard Disk Drive). The OS itself, takes about 16 gig of space and that too resides on the HDD.  Your 16 gig of RAM is really a temporary space that holds things from the HDD so the processor can work on them.  There is no design flaw between your ram and HDD.  Something else is going on and there are a lot of smart people here to help you figure out what that "something else" is.
    I would do three things.  First I would create a backup, backups are important.  Second, I would reboot into recovery and repair my HDD.  Lastly while still booted in recovery I would repair permissions.
    Can you capture a screen shot of the exact error you are getting?

  • Full and Latest Safari for Leopard

    Can someone point me where to download the full and latest Safari for Mac OS X Leopard ? Not the update one. I think I have corrupted the Safari by using a third party software.
    I have tried to download from the apple website, but it seems cant be installed on my macbook.

    Ouch - is there an uninstaller in the SafariSpeed package?
    You could use the shareware program Pacifist to extract Safari 3.1.2 from the MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.5.dmg. I am not sure if this will fix all the damage though. Did you not backup recently with Time Machine - if so, you can restore your system prior to when you installed SafariSpeed.
    If this does not work then you have a little work ahead doing an archive and install to completely restore your system.

  • How to find out the PO line items for which no GRN has been done

    Dear Friends,
    I need a report which will show all the fully open PO items for which no GRN has been done.
    In ME2N when I give the selection parameter "open goods receipt" then it shows all the line items with partially & fully open. But my requirement is to get a report of only fully open items.
    Rutabhadra Panda

    Hi Friends,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    But this is a report which projects the expected GRNs & does not depend whether partial or full.
    Is there any other way out?
    Can  I download from the table directly.
    Rutabhadra Panda

  • Need to close PR item for which no need to create PO

    Dear Experts,
    Could anyone please help me ... Some PR have several items. There are many PRs in my system for which partial line items are adopted to PO and for some items no PO will be created. When users get PR Open list they found that there are many PRs with some item (line item) for which no PO is so far crated. If user want to close the PR so that PO creator can not get that PR as open... what should PR creator do. Is there any flag to be updated in PR to close the PR?
    Please help.

    Hi Zusen,
    You have 2 options:
    1. Do a LSMW recording with ME53 t-code & then upload the requisition nos. which you want to close.
    2. Check in ME57 by changing the layout, you should be able to close from here. (I have not done it, but do understand that it can be done, so please check).
    To download all open purchase requisitions, you can use the table EBAN.
    If any additional info is required please do revert.
    Note: You cannot use MEMASSRQ as the field EBAN-EBAKZ is not there.
    If helpful award points

  • Hello, we have both Creative Cloud and Creative Cloud for teams. Can you help me with the difference and if i need to have both?

    Hello, we have both Creative Cloud membership and Creative Cloud for team. Can you help me with the difference and if i need to have both? We have 9 employees that are using it. Just not sure if i'm paying for something i don't need.
    Thank you

    Please refer to Creative Cloud Help | Creative Cloud / Common Questions
    CC is for retail use with 20 GB of storage space, CCT is where number of seats are purchased & assigned by one program admin where each seat gets 100GB of storage space.
    You can not have both the CC & team in one account as it will only provide you added storage space of 120 GB but you can activate the CC any of them or either of them twice as CC is based on Adobe ID.

  • TS1702 how do you stop itunes from downloading apps over and over again and again like for ever it wont stop  help.

    how do you stop itunes from downloading apps over and over again and again like for ever it wont stop  help.
    i tryed everything i  can in the setting and so on , i even clicked on the downloads arrow to pause it and delete them but like i said it will now stop.
    theres apps i just dont want. theres a list of them but theres not a place were i can get rid of them. it also says some stuff about icloud yeah right like i have ios 5 or 7 ha . pod touch 2 is what i have lol . plz help thanks.

    to the right by search library theres an arrow there click on it : it will show you what it is downloading , from there you can pause and select all and delete them but still will continue to download them if you tell itunes to check for downloads. that download engien is crazy i tell yeah.
    no matter what we do it will still download them trust me i tryed everything and i also went to icloud to see if it was there but to what i see is that there is no apps there this is some crazy itune program that needs to remade.

  • HP Officejet pro 8500 won't print and keeps asking for a proxy setting. Help.

    HP Officejet pro 8500 won't print and keeps asking for a proxy setting. Help.

    Can you confirm that you have an Officejet 8500a or Officejet 8500? On the 8500a model, you can set the networks proxy address and port setting from the front panel of the printer (setup>Webservices setup>proxy). If you are unsure what your proxy settings are you'll need to contact your network admin. If your network uses a proxy users name and password for all devices, you need to enter this information along with the proxy address and port in the printers embedded web server. Type the products IP address into an internet brownser window (printer must be connected to the same network as PC). Select the network tab, and than look for the proxy settings option. Enter in the information and click apply. Once the networks proxy information has been correctly inputed into the embedded web server, try printing again. If unsuccessfully, you might try reinstalling the printer software after uninstalling it. Hope this helps!
    I was an HP employee
    Reminder: Please select the "Accept as Solution" button on the post that best answers your question. Also, you may select the "Kudos" button on any helpful post to give that person a quick thanks.

  • I´m doing a design for presale, where I will need a router what support PAT for 500 or a little more of users, it not need any more features only static routing and dhcp pool for 500 users, can you help me for know what router recommend?

    I´m doing a design for presale, where  I will  need a router what support PAT for 500 or a little more of users, it  not need any more features only static routing and dhcp pool for 500 users, can you help me for know what router recommend?

    What is your WAN speed currently and projected WAN speed in the next 3 years?

  • I have been connecting my external HD to my Mac for 2 years, no problem at all. Yesterday, I could not connect it and appeared the message: USB ports disconnect due to energy. I already checked many blogs and this site for answer. Can someone help me

    I have been connecting my external HD to my Mac for 2 years, no problem at all. Yesterday, I could not connect it and appeared the message: USB ports disconnect due to energy. I already checked many blogs and this site for answer. Can someone help me? How can I fix it?

    Hi, clara_from_brazi.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Here are some troubleshooting steps that I would recommend when experiencing this issue.  Also, test connecting the external storage device to the computer with another cable as this can be the issue.  
    OS X Mavericks: Reset your computer’s PRAM
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Apple Computers and Displays: Powering peripherals through USB 
    Jason H.

  • I have a Sony Bloggie Duo MHS-FS2 and do not know which community will be helpful.

    I have a Sony Bloggie Duo MHS-FS2 and do not know which community will be helpful for reading and learning about my video camera.  I am having trouble learning how to use it.  I have Windows 7.
    Go to Solution.

    There is separate board for the Bloggie camera. I am moving this post to the appropriate board so that others looking for the same information can locate it under the correct board.
    Now to answer your post, instructions regarding using the basic functions of the Bloggie Camera can be found in the supplied manual. However, detailed instructions regarding the different functions of the Bloggie camera can be found in the Bloggie Handbook included on its internal memory.
    You can also download the handbook from the below link.
    Additionally, there are video tutorials available for the Bloggie camera in the “Videos & Tutorials” section of the eSupport website.
    For instructions regarding installing and using the Bloggie software, refer to the below link to some great tutorials on the Bloggie that I found on the Sony UK website.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution."

  • Migration of Items for which IR done and GR not done

    We are migrating from legacy to SAP. On FI we are migration following items
    - Migration of Trial Balance as of a cut off date
    - Migration of AR,AP and GL Open Items
    We will have some IRs for which GRs are not done, what should be strategy for migrating the same. Kindly note that we are not migrating POs from legacy.

    If you don't migrate the PO from legacy to SAP then you will not be able to do the 3-way match automatically on SAP. I suggest you convert IR over as open item in AP but populate the payment block to prevent them from being paid by the payment run. Whenever GR is done in legacy system or manually by paper tracking or otherwise the user should release the payment block on the AP invoice. If SAP is the inventory system I would assume the user also need to perform the GR as a 501 movement type (goods receipt without order). The account used when doing the 501 movement type should be the provision account used in legacy system (provision account for 'invoiced, not yet received').

  • Workflow - split approved and rejected items for next step

    Hi! I have just started building a simple approval workflow for any price variation of the catalog items. I have a question in regards to the handling of rejection and approval of items. Say I run the workflow which does the validation and it spits out 4 items with huge price variation which requires approval by the manager (using the Approve stencil). The manager logs in, review the items and mark 3 items for approval and reject one. It seems that using this Approve function, I can only proceed to the next step if ALL of the items are approved. Is there a way to be able to release the approved items leaving the rejected one behind? This is so that we can release the approved item first (which also means to check in the items) and leave the rejected item in check-out mode.
    Appreciate your comments on the above.

    Hi SF,
    Yes there is a workaround for dealing with the Approved and Disapproved Records by using the Process step instead of the Approve step.
    Kindly follow the Elearning session below which will explain you how to go about this:
    You can also refer the other related links that discusses such common problems:
    Re: SRM MDM catalog
    Hope It Helped
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

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