My iPhone 5 called itself

Anyone have an idea how my iPhone could or would have called itself?  My phone rang at 2:00 am, and my contact information was provided as the incoming caller.  I did not answer, and nothing was left on my voicemail.  This has never happened before, and I'm baffled.

Mine apparently called some random girl from my contacts with a phone number of hot&sexy. Im in the flipping dog house and my wife is ******. WHAT THE ****?! I didn't try to call text or facetime the contact, but because its on the facetime it says recents. Its from an old hotmail acct that loaded into my contacts when i synced up 4 years ago.

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    This means:
    tcode = sy-tcode           | auth/check/calltransaction, default = 2
                               |       0       1       2       3
    tcdcouples-okflag = X      |       n       j       j       j
    tcdcouples-okflag = N      |       n       j       n       n
    tcdcouples-okflag = ' '    |       n       j       n       n
    kein Satz in tcdcouples    |       n       j       n       n
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    Edited by: Andrea Cavalleri on Jan 14, 2011 6:47 PM
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Jan 14, 2011 6:51 PM
    Subject title made more meaningfull

    On the right track, but wrong conclusion..
    Take a look here --> Authorization missing for tcode ME22N.
    Enjoy transactions are different. The transaction is not of much importance, but rather the application objects should be used consistently.
    The SE97 mechanism was invented for the application coding to be able to react faster to a "call transaction" scenario than what the kernel functions can (e.g. via the ok-code field) but the check must be at the correct location on the application code - ideally the initialization events.
    ME22N does "trust" some transactions (such as ME23N...) but if the tcode called = the current tcode, then it checks it again in the kernel. This special case is described in some SAP Notes (358122 and 1373111 and a few others about "Enjoy" transactions).
    That SAP populated TCDCOUPLES for values which the function module reacted to anyway was not necessary (hence removed so that the kernel did not check them either at the time). Later, information type messages were corrected as well so that you could not just hit "Enter".
    Conclusion: You cannot use variant transactions to obfuscate security for Enjoy transactions without disclosing that the user must have had some authoritity to get in there in the first place...
    Here is a code snippet if you want to protect applications via a transaction authorization, regardless of how the user gets into running any of the code.
    * User is calling from the outside...
      IF sy-tcode NE 'ZXITING_TOOLS'.
        CLEAR: sy-msgid, sy-msgty, sy-msgno,
               sy-msgv1, sy-msgv2, sy-msgv3, sy-msgv4.
            tcode  = 'ZXITING_TOOLS'
            ok     = 0
            not_ok = 1
            OTHERS = 2.
        IF sy-subrc 0.
          IF sy-msgid IS INITIAL OR sy-msgty IS INITIAL.
    * External caller --> tell them to bugger off ... :-)
    * They are on the inside, but should not be... so bugger off against all messages as well.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
               DISPLAY LIKE sy-msgty
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
    * Upfront authority-checks for the subsequent BAPI's, otherwise there is no sense in continuing further..

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    Depends what you mean by Reset...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.
    See  Erase your device  Here  >
    Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings
    Also... See the wjosten post here...
    And what you mean by Safe...

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    Just make sure it is legal for you to do so first... e-50005584/

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    Try downloading the offline installer from
    Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions on that page.
    You can Contact Customer Care - click on the Still need help? button to talk or chat with an agent.

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    It should work the way you describe. Mine is set up that way and it works. Internet via Ethernet cable and iphone on same network via WiFi.
    what are the IP Addresses you are getting on your Mac?

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    they claim iTunes is a whole seperate brand from Apple computers they know nothing about
    I don't know who you talked to, but either there was a misunderstanding - the statement would apply perhaps to the iTunes Store, but not to iTunes as a program - or that person was an idiot. iTunes, the program, is most definitely an Apple product and should be supported fully by the Apple Store technical staff.

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    OK, check Settings - General - Reset - Reset Home Screen Layout.
    Please note you will need to reorganize your Apps after this procedure.

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