My printer distort the text ! what to do ?

When I 'Print Page' of a Firefox site - The text on the HP Printer comes DISTORTED ( the fonts are too small with large spaces between them.....)
But - When I'll try the SAME Page with Chrome - It prints just fine.....
Hey FireFox....what's going on ?

That problem was fixed like a year ago, before Firefox 4.0 was released in March. You are using an old Beta version, you should upgrade.

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    What has this to do with Pages? You probably did this in Preview.

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    In the front panel, right click on the listbox object and select create>attribute node.
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    Please see the following to print only the text portion of the web page. I am assuming you wish to print just the text & not the ads or additional irrelevant items to avoid wasting ink.
    [[Printing a web page]]
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    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ekpo,
             ebeln TYPE ebeln,
             ebelp TYPE ebelp,
           END OF ty_ekpo.
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             FROM ekko
             WHERE ebeln = p_ebeln.
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        MESSAGE e001(00) WITH 'Enter valid PO Number'.
      SELECT ebeln ebelp INTO TABLE i_ekpo
             FROM ekpo
             WHERE ebeln = p_ebeln.
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           INTO l_name.
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            language                = sy-langu
            name                    = l_name
            object                  = c_object
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            id                      = 1
            language                = 2
            name                    = 3
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            object                  = 5
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            OTHERS                  = 8.
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            WRITE:/ wa_tline-tdline.
            " Format wa_tline-tdline in the way you need to print out

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    This is something we are working on fixing but in the mean time what you can do is one of two things :
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    Hi @simplykateg , and welcome to the HP Forums!
    I see you're having print issues.  I would like to help!
    There can definitely be compatibility issues between a 2.0 USB device and a 3.0 connection port. I'd recommend plugging into a 2.0 port.
    I'd recommend starting with a power reset.  Disconnect the power cord from the printer and the power outlet, then wait 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, plug the printer back in. Ensure you plug the printer directly to a wall outlet. Make sure to bypass any sort of surge protector or power bar.
    I'd also suggest downloading and running the HP Print and Scan Doctor. 
    Good luck and please let me know the results of your troubleshooting steps thank you for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

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    I can't recreate your issue. I'm also not sure what steps you're following, but here's what I did:
    I tried it with live type, too, and it still worked. You may try copying your two objects into a brand new document, and see if the issue persists.

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    That's a limitation of Apple's AirPrint framework that Adobe Reader depends on.  We are considering an alternate solution that may resolve this issue though.
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    Thanks in advance.
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    Hi Florian,
                    Tried your option.
    Here's the output : " A<(><<)>(><(>&<)><(><<)>)>B "

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    Hello Evelyn
    From your description I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to. If you select View > Show Layout and then drag the corner of your window so that more than your page is shown on the right. You should see a dark grey box on the right hand side of the window. This is just so you can see the edge of your page.
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    Within the light grey border is the printable area of your page. You will notice that on a new blank document this consists of boxes for the header, a single column of text and a footer. You can control the dimensions of these by adjusting the relevant settings in the Inspector.
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