My query still running und running  without end

Hi Everybody,
Mr. Randolf allready advice to provide an explain plan but But i cannot beause my query still running und running.
What to do please.
select D1.c1 as c1,
     D1.c2 as c2,
     D1.c3 as c3,
     D1.c4 as c4,
     D1.c5 as c5,
     D1.c6 as c6,
     D1.c7 as c7,
     D1.c8 as c8,
     D1.c9 as c9,
     D1.c10 as c10,
     D1.c11 as c11,
     D1.c12 as c12,
     D1.c13 as c13,
     D1.c14 as c14,
     D1.c15 as c15,
     D1.c16 as c16,
     D1.c17 as c17,
     D1.c18 as c18,
     D1.c19 as c19,
     D1.c20 as c20,
     D1.c21 as c21,
     D1.c22 as c22,
     D1.c23 as c23,
     D1.c24 as c24,
     D1.c25 as c25,
     D1.c26 as c26
     (select D1.c1 as c1,
               D1.c2 as c2,
               D1.c3 as c3,
               D1.c4 as c4,
               D1.c5 as c5,
               D1.c6 as c6,
               D1.c7 as c7,
               D1.c8 as c8,
               D1.c9 as c9,
               D1.c10 as c10,
               D1.c11 as c11,
               D1.c12 as c12,
               D1.c13 as c13,
               D1.c14 as c14,
               D1.c15 as c15,
               D1.c16 as c16,
               D1.c17 as c17,
               D1.c18 as c18,
               D1.c19 as c19,
               D1.c20 as c20,
               D1.c21 as c21,
               D1.c22 as c22,
               D1.c23 as c23,
               D1.c24 as c24,
               D1.c25 as c25,
               D1.c26 as c26
               (select D1.c2 as c1,
                         D1.c3 as c2,
                         D1.c4 as c3,
                         D1.c5 as c4,
                         D1.c6 as c5,
                         D1.c7 as c6,
                         D1.c8 as c7,
                         D1.c9 as c8,
                         D1.c10 as c9,
                         D1.c11 as c10,
                         D1.c12 as c11,
                         D1.c13 as c12,
                         D1.c14 as c13,
                         D1.c15 as c14,
                         D1.c16 as c15,
                         D1.c17 as c16,
                         D1.c18 as c17,
                         D1.c19 as c18,
                         D1.c20 as c19,
                         D1.c1 as c20,
                         D1.c25 as c21,
                         D1.c24 as c22,
                         D1.c1 + D1.c25 + D1.c24 as c23,
                         D1.c21 as c24,
                         D1.c22 as c25,
                         D1.c23 as c26,
                         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY D1.c2, D1.c3, D1.c4, D1.c5, D1.c6, D1.c7, D1.c8, D1.c9, D1.c10, D1.c11, D1.c12, D1.c13, D1.c14, D1.c15, D1.c16, D1.c17, D1.c18, D1.c19, D1.c20, D1.c21, D1.c22, D1.c23 ORDER BY D1.c2 ASC, D1.c3 ASC, D1.c4 ASC, D1.c5 ASC, D1.c6 ASC, D1.c7 ASC, D1.c8 ASC, D1.c9 ASC, D1.c10 ASC, D1.c11 ASC, D1.c12 ASC, D1.c13 ASC, D1.c14 ASC, D1.c15 ASC, D1.c16 ASC, D1.c17 ASC, D1.c18 ASC, D1.c19 ASC, D1.c20 ASC, D1.c21 ASC, D1.c22 ASC, D1.c23 ASC) as c27
                         (select count(case  when T507690.SR_SUBTYPE_CD = 'Anfrage' then T507669.INTEGRATION_ID end ) as c1,
                                   T33809.ORG_NAME as c2,
                                   T498657.ORG_NAME as c3,
                                   T36044.X_CUST_STATUS as c4,
                                   T495757.X_DB_ADDRESSEE as c5,
                                   T495692.SR_NUM as c6,
                                   T488901.CALENDAR_DATE as c7,
                                   case  when T495757.STATUS in ('Abgeschlossen', 'Abschluss ohne Antwort') then T489959.CALENDAR_DATE else T489831.CALENDAR_DATE end  as c8,
                                   T507690.X_DB_LEAD_ORG as c9,
                                   T507690.X_DB_TRAVEL_CHAIN as c10,
                                   T507690.SR_TYPE_CD as c11,
                                   T507690.X_DB_CAT_1 as c12,
                                   T507690.X_DB_CAT_2 as c13,
                                   T507690.X_DB_CAUSE_RGN as c14,
                                   T507690.X_DB_ORDERED_BY as c15,
                                   case  when T507669.PROBLEM_DT = '01.01.1901' then  cast(NULL as DATE) else T507669.PROBLEM_DT end  as c16,
                                   T507669.X_DB_TRAIN_NO as c17,
                                   T489446.BHF_DESC as c18,
                                   T507656.X_DB_LINE as c19,
                                   T507656.SR_NUM as c20,
                                   T488901.ROW_WID as c21,
                                   T33809.ROW_WID as c22,
                                   T507656.ROW_WID as c23,
                                   count(case  when T507690.SR_SUBTYPE_CD = 'Lob' then T507669.INTEGRATION_ID end ) as c24,
                                   count(case  when T507690.SR_SUBTYPE_CD = 'Beschwerde' then T507669.INTEGRATION_ID end ) as c25
                                   WC_BHF_D T489446 /* Dim_WC_BHF_D_Bahnhof_Kategorisierung */ ,
                                   W_INT_ORG_D T498657 /* Dim_W_INT_ORG_D_Team */ ,
                                   W_INT_ORG_D T33809 /* Dim_W_INT_ORG_D_Primary_Owner_Org */ ,
                                   W_DAY_D T496016 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_Bezugsdatum_Vorgang */ ,
                                   W_DAY_D T488901 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_Eingangsdatum */ ,
                                   W_DAY_D T489831 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_Abtretungsdatum */ ,
                                   W_DAY_D T489959 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_Abschlussdatum */ ,
                                   W_PERSON_D T36044,
                                   WC_VORGANG_F T495717 /* Fact_WC_VORGANG_F */ ,
                                   WC_VORGANG_H T495744 /* Helper_WC_VORGANG_H */ ,
                                   WC_VORGANG_MD T495757 /* Dim_WC_VORGANG_MD */ ,
                                   WC_CATEGORIZATION_D T507656 /* Dim_WC_CATEGORIZATION_D */ ,
                                   WC_CATEGORIZATION_F T507669 /* Fact_WC_CATEGORIZATION_F */ ,
                                   WC_CATEGORIZATION_MD T507690 /* Dim_WC_CATEGORIZATION_MD */ ,
                                   WC_VORGANG_D T495692 /* Dim_WC_VORGANG_D */
                              where  ( T33809.ROW_WID = T495744.OWNER_MANDANT_WID and T488901.ROW_WID = T495744.OPEN_DT_WID and T489446.ROW_WID = T507669.BAHNHOF_WID and T489831.ROW_WID = T495717.TRANSFER_DT_WID and T36044.ROW_WID = T495717.CONTACT_WID and T489959.ROW_WID = T495717.CLOSE_DT_WID and T495717.VORGANG_MD_WID = T495757.ROW_WID and T495717.VORGANG_WID = T495744.VORGANG_WID and T495744.OWNER_TEAM_WID = T498657.ROW_WID and T495744.VORGANG_WID = T507669.VORGANG_WID and T495692.ROW_WID = T495744.VORGANG_WID and T496016.CALENDAR_DATE = TIMESTAMP '2009-08-18 00:00:00' and T507656.ROW_WID = T507669.CATEGORIZATION_WID and T507669.CATEGORIZATION_MD_WID = T507690.ROW_WID and T33809.ORG_NAME <> 'Default Organization' and T33809.ORG_NAME <> 'Deutsche Bahn' and T33809.ORG_NAME <> 'Nicht spezifiziert' and T33809.ORG_NAME <> 'Siebel Administration' and T498657.ORG_NAME <> 'DB AG' and T496016.ROW_WID < T495717.EFFECTIVE_TO_DT_WID and T496016.ROW_WID < T495744.EFFECTIVE_TO_DT_WID and T496016.ROW_WID >= T495717.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DT_WID and T496016.ROW_WID < T507669.EFFECTIVE_TO_DT_WID and T496016.ROW_WID >= T495744.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DT_WID and T496016.ROW_WID >= T507669.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DT_WID and (T495757.STATUS in ('Abgeschlossen', 'Abschluss ohne Antwort', 'Abtretung')) and case case T495757.STATUS_I when 'In Progress' then 'Offen' when 'Draft' then 'Offen' when 'Preliminary work for someone' then 'Offen' when 'Assigned' then 'Offen' when 'Abgeschlossen' then 'Geschlossen' when 'Closed' then 'Geschlossen' when 'Closing without response' then 'Geschlossen' when 'Transfer' then 'Abtretung' else 'Nicht Spezifiziert' end  when 'Geschlossen' then T489959.CALENDAR_DATE when 'Abtretung' then T489831.CALENDAR_DATE end  between TO_DATE('2009-07-01' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE('2009-07-31' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') )
                         ) D1
               ) D1
          where  ( D1.c27 = 1 )
     ) D1;
Thank a lot in advance

Hi Guys,
Please how to optimize it,

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    catch (Exception err){
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    I tried and I tried and I couldn't make the same problem occur unless I specfically had a long task execute BEFORE calling the runtime command. See the code below:
    I tried a bunch of things, including having a GUI run before the Runtime call, after the runtime call. Neither affected the movie from being played.
    I tried with different versions of the runtime command, none of it made a problem.
    I tried running the application with a long task that would keep the main thread busy for a while AFTER I launched mplayer - no problem.
    The only thing that made the app work the way you describe was when I built the long task that keeps the main thread active for a while BEFORE I launched mplayer (which is the state of the code as I pasted it below).
    So my guess is that you have a single threaded application and you add the call to mplayer at the very end of your program's execution - thus it doesn't get called until the last thing. My suggestions:
    1) Move the call to the Start of your code, not the end
    2) Move your other work to a new thread so that it can be kicked off without holding the main thread in check.
    package movies;
    import inheritance.BaseWindow;
    import java.util.*;
    class StreamGobbler extends Thread
        InputStream is;
        String type;
        OutputStream os;
        StreamGobbler(InputStream is, String type)
            this(is, type, null);
        StreamGobbler(InputStream is, String type, OutputStream redirect)
   = is;
            this.type = type;
            this.os = redirect;
        public void run()
                PrintWriter pw = null;
                if (os != null)
                    pw = new PrintWriter(os);
                InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
                String line=null;
                while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null)
                    if (pw != null)
                    System.out.println(type + ">" + line);   
                if (pw != null)
            } catch (IOException ioe)
    public class MyMainClass
        public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
             //This is just a GUI as a test
            BaseWindow bw = new BaseWindow();
            //Keep App Running for a while
            int count = 0;
            while (count < 200) {
            if (args.length != 1)
                System.out.println("USAGE java movies.MyMainClass \"<movie to play>\"");
                Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                //String[] cmds = new String[] { "cmd", "/c", "C:\\Mplayer\\mplayer.exe", args[0]};
                //String[] cmds = new String[] { "C:\\Mplayer\\mplayer.exe", args[0]};
                //Process proc = rt.exec(cmds);
                Process proc = rt.exec("C:\\Mplayer\\mplayer.exe "+args[0]);
                // any error message?
                StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new
                    StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");           
                // any output?
                StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new
                    StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");
                // kick them off
                //Keep App Running for a while
    //            int count = 0;
    //          while (count < 2000000) {
    //                 Thread.sleep(200);
    //                 count++;
    //                 System.err.println(count);
                // any error???
                int exitVal = proc.waitFor();
                System.out.println("ExitValue: " + exitVal);
            } catch (Throwable t)
    }I will restate myself:
    "I was not able to repeat the problem, except as described, as long as I took the hints mentioned in the article I posted into account and actually put them into action."
    Of course, as soon as I ignored those hints, I was able to reproduce the error described above quite easily in all the different tests I made... But I guess the OP implemented those fixes, right? He did say he read the article...
    Message was edited by:

  • Plz help about,  Running Wallet sample without CAD

    I want to run Wallet sample without (CAD)CardReader
    1. I have append follwing in the wallet.scr
    a. powerup;
    b. select instller applet and id as per given in
    c. powerdown;
    step a and b i have append at the starting of the file
    and step c. at the end
    2. started cref
    3. Run apduttol wallet.scr in other Dos window
    It is giving ouput like
    establising connection to localhost to port 9025
    and other ASCII commands(APDU commands)
    But not asking anything to input like debit/credit?
    plz, tell me how to run wallet applet without card

    I am running the sample wallet program.
    through scriptgen i got wallet.scr file
    i added two line at top of the wallet.scr file
    // Select the installer applet
    0x00 0xA4 0x04 0x00 0x09 0xa0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x62 0x03 0x01 0x0c 0x06 0x7F;
    I got this(0xa0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x62 0x03 0x01 0x0c 0x06) from wallet.opt file i.e. wallet applet id
    i appended powerdown;
    In one command window i am starting cref
    c:\wallet>cref -o wallet.out
    another window i am executing apdutool
    c:\wallet\javacard>apdutool wallet.scr
    Java Card 2.2 ApduTool (version 0.20)
    Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
    Opening connection to localhost on port 9025.
    Received ATR = 0x3b 0xf0 0x11 0x00 0xff 0x00
    Some ASCII text like CLA: .. SW:
    cref closed automatically.
    i don't know what is happening.
    But not asking anything to input like debit/credit?
    plz, tell me how to run wallet applet without card

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    You will have to excuse me if this sounds wrong. But I wished to know if it's possible to run GTK themes without any GTK themes.
    Justr curious what the results may actually be and how to go about disabling GTK theme entirely.
    Last edited by wildfowl (2015-01-16 22:51:27)

    I deleted all the themes and Raleigh is still the fallback theme.
    Basically Windows 95.
    No go.

  • Unable to run jar file without lib folder containing swing-layout-1.0.jar

    I have done my project through NetBeans 5.0. Eventhough I have copied my lib foloder containing swing-layout-1.0.jar inside my project.jar, I am still unable to run my project.jar in other systems, it is creating an error as Could not find the main class. Program will exit. But if I copy the lib foloder containing swing-layout-1.0.jar in the same path as the project.jar, then my project.jar is running.
    But I want to give only the project.jar for other users and not also lib foloder containing swing-layout-1.0.jar each time.
    Could someone please help me with this.

    When you develop GUI applications using the Netbeans you may endup using netbeans specific jar files in your auto generated code.
    And when you build jar files with netbeans it copy the third party jar files used in a application in to a lib folder in the same directory as the jar file of your project. And then set a class path entry to those jar files in your project jar file's manifest file.
    So if you want to redistribute the package you have to redistribute your jar file and every thing in the lib folder in with the same directory structure.
    If you want to change the structure you will have to change the class path to suit the new structure.

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    Yep, just wondering what configuration of the new macbook pro do I need to run FCS 3 without choppy playback or lagging.  I'm thinking about the 7200rpm, 2.2ghz, antiglare, 4gb ram, with 1gb GPU graphics card configuration

    Nothing wrong with the computer. Playback is dependent on the media and the drives.

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    I found the following information on Time Machine help about restoring Aperture library from TM
    Restoring Your Aperture System
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    Restoring Your Aperture System
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    Connect the hard disk drive that contains the most up-to-date vault to your computer and open Aperture.
    Choose File > Vault > Restore Library.The Restore Library dialog appears.
    Choose the vault you want to use to restore your library from the Source Vault pop-up menu.If the vault doesn’t appear in the Source Vault pop-up menu, choose Select Source Vault from the Source Vault pop-up menu, navigate to the vaults location in the Select Source Vault dialog, then click Select.
    Click Restore, then click Restore again.

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    I am having trouble connecting MacBook Pro (10.6.7) to Novell server. I get incorrect username and password message. I can connect worksations running 10.5 without any problem. Any possible solution? Thanks, Ned

    Having the exact same problem with connecting ML and Snow Leopard machines to a Windows 8.1 machine. Oddly enough, connecting and copying to/from works perfectly from a Mavericks machine, despite the problems reported about Mavericks regarding the exact opposite. An old thread, but did you find a solution?

  • Running server app without timing out?

    Hello all,
    I have a server application running on a linux server and am timing out after about 15 minutes. I do not know how to make this server program run indefinately. It is an application that listens for clients and responds appropriately. Any ideas?

    Here is my code if it helps. If I should post this to a different forum would someone please tell me.
    NOTE: The app is running perfectly it just stops running after a time frame.
    public class MyServerApp{
    //...variable delaration etc.
    server = new ServerSocket(5252);//listen to the socket
    //tried without this, with it set to 0, and with this number
    }catch(IOException e){
    MyConnectionThread w;//thread that handles communication
    w = new MyConnectionThread(server.accept());//receive new client
    Thread t = new Thread(w);//create new thread with our handler
    t.start();//start new thread
    } catch (IOException e) {
    //...clean up
    class MyConnectionThread implements Runnable{//communication handler
    public void run(){//when run
    //...variable declaration etc.
    //get streams from client socket
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException e) {...}
    line = in.readLine();//get data from client
    out.writeBoolean(true);//test to see if running
    out.flush();//flush information
    break;//break out of loop
    }catch(IOException e){break;}
    try{//clean up
    }catch(Exception e){...}
    //...other functions
    Hope you can help me from here. I am running it on a linux server.

  • I do not want to save every file I download. just want to open a file and move on. I do not see an option to just open or run the download without saving.

    Please give an option to just open and run a download without saving.
    I have a bunch of the things saved in the download folder that I have no clue what all of it is. Please I do not want to save everything I download, I would like to just open a file move on.
    Thank you.

    sorry but there is no option like this.
    but if you like you can delete them manually
    for these : downloads from menu button on right or by simply pressing (Ctrl +J )
    2.Then select the downloaded file you want to delete by a single click on it.
    3. You will find a folder type icon on right side of that , in which you should click.
    4. Then it will open folder where the selected file saved.
    5. Then you can delete that file .
    OK done

  • Query Performance - Query very slow to run

    I have built a query to show payroll costings per month per employee by cost centres for the current fiscal year. The cost centres are selected with a hierarchy variable - it's quite a latrge hierarchy. The problem is the query takes ages to run - nearly ten minutes. It's built on a DSO so I cant aggregate it. Is there anything I can do to improve performance.

    Hi Joel,
    Walkthrough Checklist for Query Performance:
    1. If exclusions exist, make sure they exist in the global filter area. Try to remove exclusions by subtracting out inclusions.
    2. Use Constant Selection to ignore filters in order to move more filters to the global filter area. (Use ABAPer to test and validate that this ensures better code)
    3. Within structures, make sure the filter order exists with the highest level filter first.
    4. Check code for all exit variables used in a report.
    5. Move Time restrictions to a global filter whenever possible.
    6. Within structures, use user exit variables to calculate things like QTD, YTD. This should generate better code than using overlapping restrictions to achieve the same thing. (Use ABAPer to test and validate that this ensures better code).
    7. When queries are written on multiproviders, restrict to InfoProvider in global filter whenever possible. MultiProvider (MultiCube) queries require additional database table joins to read data compared to those queries against standard InfoCubes (InfoProviders), and you should therefore hardcode the infoprovider in the global filter whenever possible to eliminate this problem.
    8. Move all global calculated and restricted key figures to local as to analyze any filters that can be removed and moved to the global definition in a query. Then you can change the calculated key figure and go back to utilizing the global calculated key figure if desired
    9. If Alternative UOM solution is used, turn off query cache.
    10. Set read mode of query based on static or dynamic. Reading data during navigation minimizes the impact on the R/3 database and application server resources because only data that the user requires will be retrieved. For queries involving large hierarchies with many nodes, it would be wise to select Read data during navigation and when expanding the hierarchy option to avoid reading data for the hierarchy nodes that are not expanded. Reserve the Read all data mode for special queriesu2014for instance, when a majority of the users need a given query to slice and dice against all dimensions, or when the data is needed for data mining. This mode places heavy demand on database and memory resources and might impact other SAP BW processes and tasks.
    11. Turn off formatting and results rows to minimize Frontend time whenever possible.
    12. Check for nested hierarchies. Always a bad idea.
    13. If "Display as hierarchy" is being used, look for other options to remove it to increase performance.
    14. Use Constant Selection instead of SUMCT and SUMGT within formulas.
    15. Do review of order of restrictions in formulas. Do as many restrictions as you can before calculations. Try to avoid calculations before restrictions.
    16. Check Sequential vs Parallel read on Multiproviders.
    17. Turn off warning messages on queries.
    18. Check to see if performance improves by removing text display (Use ABAPer to test and validate that this ensures better code).
    19. Check to see where currency conversions are happening if they are used.
    20. Check aggregation and exception aggregation on calculated key figures. Before aggregation is generally slower and should not be used unless explicitly needed.
    21. Avoid Cell Editor use if at all possible.
    22. Make sure queries are regenerated in production using RSRT after changes to statistics, consistency changes, or aggregates.
    23. Within the free characteristics, filter on the least granular objects first and make sure those come first in the order.
    24. Leverage characteristics or navigational attributes rather than hierarchies. Using a hierarchy requires reading temporary hierarchy tables and creates additional overhead compared to characteristics and navigational attributes. Therefore, characteristics or navigational attributes result in significantly better query performance than hierarchies, especially as the size of the hierarchy (e.g., the number of nodes and levels) and the complexity of the selection criteria increase.
    25. If hierarchies are used, minimize the number of nodes to include in the query results. Including all nodes in the query results (even the ones that are not needed or blank) slows down the query processing. The u201Cnot assignedu201D nodes in the hierarchy should be filtered out, and you should use a variable to reduce the number of hierarchy nodes selected.
    Vivek Tripathi

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