My secondary dictionary in iOS 7 keeps getting removed

I tried downloading/using both the "English" and the "Japanese-English" dictionaries in iOS 7 but the "Japanese-English" dictionary keeps on getting removed, and I have to keep on re-adding it. The "Enligh" dictionary stays active and fine.
Sample steps to re-create:
[1] Make sure the "English" dictionary is downloaded and active.
[2] Select a word in Safari and launch dictionary. This will show the English definition.
[3] Click on "Manage" at the lower left.
[4] Download the "Japanese-English" dictionary.
[5] Re-select the word in Safari and launch dictionary. This will show both the definitions from both dictionaries.
[6] Restart Safari
[7] Re-select the word in Safari and launch dictionary. This will show only the English definition.
[8] Click on "Manage". This will show only the "English" dictionary downloaded.
[A] Why was my "Japanese-English" dictionary removed after the restarting Safari?
[B] How do I check if it is still occupying disk space in my iPhone 5
Let me know if you need more details. Same issue with other applications that can access the dictionary.

Same problem. It is a bug that apple cant fix for 2 monts...

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