My solution for iTunes skipping

I noticed that iTunes doesn't skip immediately after boot up and when first logging in, but that if I start iTunes after I've been doing something else on my PC, that it sometimes does. I then discovered that if I logged off and then logged back in again, that this sometimes solved the problem of skipping. I concluded that it must be some kind of memory problem. I have a utility on my PC called Tweak-XP and this has an option to optimise the RAM - 'to reorganise the physical RAM and release as much RAM as possible'. I have discovered that if I close all applications down, run this option and then launch iTunes, then the skipping problem goes away. It works for me. I can only assume that there must still be other bits of residual programs left in the RAM and it's these which cause a conflict with iTunes. The clipboard also gets flushed out and emptied in the optimisation, so maybe it could also be this being full of residual stuff that causes the problems. I'm using iTunes 7.1. I presume that by launching iTunes as the first application after any flushing of RAM or the clipboard, that it must then 'hold on' to certain areas of memory for itself, and not let other application access those same areas of memory. Can anyone from Apple confirm this?
Hence, my suggestion is to force your PC to either clear the clipboard and/or RAM of any residual programs that are still there. You therefore need a utility to do this, or try logging off and then back on again and launch iTunes as the first application.
  Windows XP Pro  

It sounds to me like the iTunes problem is managing RAM that is swapped to disk. I have 1GB of memory and I never get skipping problems - I wonder if those experiencing these have 512MB or less RAM in their system.
I am a bit surprised to hear there are still memory-management programs out there when most systems have plentiful memory. I haven't used something like that since Windows 3.1

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    You receive this error when you try to log in to your account iTunes or try to get access to iTunes Store.
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    Hi, chau.satish.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    I understand that you are receiving error 11556 when attempting to connect to the iTunes Store.  Here are the steps for this specific error that I would suggest going through.  
    "Error 11556"
    This alert occurs when iTunes is trying to do something not allowed by the iTunes Store in that country.
    The most common example of this is trying to sign in while limited to iTunes U by Parental Controls.
    For more information, see the steps from iTunes 9: "One Moment Please" or "Error (-50)" message when accessing iTunes Store.
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, make sure that the iTunes Store is not disabled in Parental controls.  
    Use Parental Controls in iTunes to set content restrictions
    -Jason H.  

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  • A solution for iTunes install problems

    I upgraded to the latest ver of iTunes and immediately had ALL the problems posted all over the 'net.
    The following is what worked for me.
    BACKUP!!! Set a Restore Point. Back up your REGISTRY. It is critical that you back it up beforehand and use caution while cleaning it. Please do this in case everything goes T. U.
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    4. Using Microsofts Search function, search for all remaining references to iTunes, iPod, Apple Computer (leave applets alone) and most importantly-Quick Time.
    5. When you are certain that everything that says Apple Computer, Apple, iPod, iTunes and Quick Time exists no more on your PC, Reboot.
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    8. Reboot.
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    It took me 3 days to figure out this procedure but once I did, it took only an hour to do it.
    I've seen a couple other procedures recently posted here that look good. If you are uncomfortable with going into the Registry, try one of those others first.
    And fer cryin' out loud, Apple. Yank the latest version of iTunes off your site. I did a Google search for "iTunes installation problems" and came up with 700,000 hits. Do ya think you might have a problem?
      Windows XP   Try testing your upgrades before releasing them!

    Im trying your method right now, when im finished ill let you know how it worked out. I agree with your comment on apple needing to pull the latest version and get a version that actually works.

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    I didn't mean to give me an answer for the security questions i mean that i didn't remember the answers and i don't have a rescue email to send in it , i'm just ask for sloution to reset my security questions got it?

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    1) When you first load iTunes, press Ctrl + Alt + Del,
    2) Choose the tab labeled "Processes", and find iTunes.exe in the list displayed
    3) Right click on this, and choose "Set Priority > Above Normal"
    Close Task Manager, and hope that this works
    I have tried this on two systems, and it seems to work. Please post your success / failure stories
      Windows XP Pro  

    hey wsup i came across this forum and i must say its a start. I tested it on my videos and i noticed less lag and choppiness in the videos than before yet there are still some. I noticed the videos mainly lag when im wathign a video and using AIM on my laptop. ITs a start yet and its better than where i was before, but i dont wanna have to set priority to itunes and then just have all my other applications lagg.
    So for now the videos are ok, but i dont wanna divert so much memory to itunes. Soo thnx for the solution. Better than what anone else has come up with lol ight get back to me if u find anymore solutions thnx

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    Thanks in advance for your suggestions

    I've been looking at the QNAP TS219P, which may be overkill for you. I've had issues streaming HD content (720 or 1080p) over wireless, less so with wired ethernet, but I'm still paranoid that the NAS is the slowest link sometimes.
    If you check out you can see they compare different NAS boxes based upon their read/write speeds, you can even plot performance versus price. You need to make sure whatever NAS you get not only will support the read speeds of the video you plan on streaming (bitrate) but also whatever protocol Apple TV will use. Most QNAP's support iTunes servers, AFP (Apple's network protocol) and DLNA (a standard protocol for media servers). This is just what I've picked up in my research to purchase my own NAS box, although I wasn't considering Apple TV compatibility. I could be wrong, but if I had to guess, I think if you get a NAS with decent read/write/throughput (enough to at least match 720p and 1080p bitrates) and AFP/iTunes/DLNA support, you will be safe.

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    This solution, which I found on another forum, worked for me.
    1. Download the latest gear driver at:
    2. Once that is installed you have to DELETE the UPPERFILTERS entry in your system registry, AND CREATE A NEW UPPERFILTERS VALUE at:
    HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 (of course you knew once you get there just click on "favorites" in your system registry and add it your favorites).
    YOU WILL BE DELETING THE UPPER VALUE: DONT WORRY YOU WILL BE CREATING A NEW ONE. ________________________________________________________
    To Start the Registry Editor
    Click on Start > Run, type Regedit and press OK
    ! WARNING! !
    Be very careful while you are running the registry editor.
    You can easily render your machine unable to boot if you play with settings you aren't familiar with!
    You may want to immediately back up your Registry before doing any editing.
    HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318
    1. WHILE IN HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 using the system registry editor: EDIT > NEW > MULTI STRING VALUE. IT MUST BE A "Multi String Value".
    2. NAME IT UpperFilters.
    3. Once it's created and named, right click on it and select "Modify".
    4. Enter this into the box that will pop up: GEARAspiWDM AS SOON AS YOU TYPE THE GEARAspiWDM PRESS ENTER. This "carriage return" is required.
    THE VALUE FOR THE UpperFilters should be: REGMULTISZ (Which means it is a multi string value).
    5. REBOOT

    Try looking on the manufacturer of your Disc Drive's website for any drivers that you might need.


    have an identical file on THE 2 DISC
    Windows XP Pro

    No need to yell dude... Pas la peine de gueuler !

  • Partial solution for iTunes not playing songs or playing partial songs

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    I had been thinking all along that the song was encoded correctly and now iTunes would not play it.
    Well it turns out that the iPod will not play it either, meaning that PLAYBACK was not the issue, but ENCODING.
    I have another computer on our home network...I encoded a CD with that computer (same version of iTunes), then transfered the files to the "broken" computer...with the newly encoded files from the other computer, the "broken" computer plays the songs perfectly.
    So anyway, the problem is with ENCODING, not PLAYBACK.
    Now I have to go back and re-encode about 30 CD's...the number of CD's I've encoded on the broken computer since the no-playback/partial-palyback issue first surfaced.
    We all still have a big problem here in figuring how to get the broken computers to encode correctly.
    Hope this helps.

    You might check and see what codecs are installed on your PC...
    Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Hardware tab
    Audio Codecs > Properties
    here is something similar

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    Hi, has anyone found a solution for iTunes installation error:2356?
    I noticed a post since Dec last year, and no answers were found.
    Still having trouble installing itunes... sigh

    From :
    Check for hardware issues
    Related errors: 1, 3, 10-47, 1002, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1000-1020, 1669.
    Try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good. Also, confirm your security software and settings are allowing communication between your device and update servers. If you still see the error message when you update or restore, contact Apple support.

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