My time capsule just quit, what could it be

anyone? what about all my files?

Quit is rather inexact.
Do you mean it is now non-operational and the front LED is off?
If so that is standard fare for the TC that are >3years old. It will need fixing of the power supply. s/apple-time-capsule-repair
Or pull out the hard disk and place it in a usb holder.. and pull out the files.
Is it solid amber on the front LED.
That is bad.. the hard disk could be dead as well as the power supply.
Did you try just allowing it several hours to cool down? See if it then boot ok. They do just overheat at times.
How old is the TC?
What model from the rubber base A1xxx?

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    I called them this morning. Admits my allergies and sneezing I was able to talk to them.
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    I am trying to do the same thing but I am having an issue.
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    My Time Capsule has quit backing up - now spends all it's time "preparing".  I've tried the Apple suggestion of a reset which does not help.  All indicators seems to be OK.  Running OS 10.5.8 on G4 Powerbook, Time capule is 1st gen I believe.  Any ideas?

    Thanks for your message, I have attempted to repait the permissions as tou suggested.  The first time this produced a long list of exceptions and took quite a while, however although it said "Permissions repair Complete" when I ran it again there were still about 20 exceptions, I have repeated the procedure and this is unchanged.  The Time Capsule now does not spend hours "Preparing", but the backup attempt fails after a few minutes with the error message "The backup volume could not be mounted."  Any further ideas would be appreciated.   When I use Disk Utility I can't see the Time Capsule volume, if I could I'd be tempted to re-format it and start from scratch. 

  • The backup disk image "/Volumes/Jeffrey Brown's Time Capsul-1/Main.sparsebundle" could not be created (error 17).

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    Try just rebooting the TC.. or a reboot of the network..
    Turn everything off and restart in correct order.. modem.. TC.. clients. 2min gap.
    Try C9 in pondini for that error.
    I generally make a nuisance of myself here by suggesting Apple names are more curse than help. Apple automatic naming conventions are causing havoc.. change everything to SMB compatible names.. ie windows networking which is the base common denominator of networking.. ie if it works with SMB it works on any OS.
    Short.. less than 20 characters. 10 is usually plenty. Why type more than you need to?
    No spaces.. spaces have to be removed even in apple names..
    Pure alphanumeric.. some characters cause issues.. again the apostrophe is a nasty item to all other OS.
    The -1 is stupid Mountain Lion.
    eg Jeffrey Brown's Time Capsule-1
    Change to JBTC

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    You probably can, but this type of configuration is not recommended or supported by Apple.
    Two cautions if you want to try this:
    1)  The Time Capsule has to be configured to "Join" your existing wireless network in this type of setup...and to do that, you must know the exact type of wireless security that your network is using.
    2)  Backups are likely going to take twice as long. The wireless signal must travel from your computer to the wireless router and then from the wireless router back to the Time Capsule.  Two "hops"......even if the computer is located close to the Time Capsule.
    If you want to try this, we can tell you how....but with no guarantees on your results....since this is not officially supported.

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    Thank you for your help

    You will need to configure the Time Capsule (TC) to join the wireless network provided by the ATT Uverse router, as follows:
    Either connect to the TC's wireless network or temporarily connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to one of the LAN port of the TC, and then, using the AirPort Utility, change this setting:
    AirPort Utility > Select the TC > Manual Setup > AirPort > Wireless tab > Wireless Mode: Join a wireless network
    Wireless tab > Wireless Network Name: <select the ATT Uverse network>
    This configuration will allow your Mac to connect by wireless to the ATT Uverse router and perform Time Machine backups wirelessly.
    If you want to only do this backups by wire, then you will need to connect the TC directly to the ATT Uverse router by Ethernet, and then, reconfigure the TC as a bridge. You can then connect the Mac to the TC by Ethernet as well for backups.

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    This is just typical Lion.. reboot the TC.. if that doesn't work.. reboot the whole network from fully off.. in order.. modem.. router/TC.. clients. 2min gap between each.
    If still has issues.. press reset on the TC and redo it.
    Download a utility that has tool properties..
    Just ignore the toyland version in Lion.
    Next time it happens go to disk page in the utility and hit disconnect all users..
    C12 and C17 can suggest some other things.

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    The backup disk image “/Volumes/ Time Capsul/ MacBook Pro.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).
    Any ideas?

    I have not found a long-term solution (fix), but in my case the volume where the Time Machine backup should occur usually is mounted on the desktop but not as a shared volume (incidated as a drive with the people holding hands superimposed over the drive icon). If I drag the drive to the trash (unmount it), the next time Time Machine is scheduled to run, it completes successfully.

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    Having problems with my time capsul it went dead.

    What model from the base, A1xxx?
    Dead is not at all unusual for Gen 1 and Gen 2 products.. lots have already died.. alot that survived to now have reached EOL..
    Leave it off until it fully cools down and see what happens but good chance the above models will survive only a short time.
    Fix or replace.
    If newer model it could be in warranty/applecare.. most of the older ones will no longer be under warranty. s/apple-time-capsule-repair

  • Time capsule dies? What then?

    Using 2010 1 TB Time Capsule & Time Machine 1.3 to back up my 2010 MacBook Pro.  Faithfull for 3 years.
    Thank the lord that I also have a 2nd 2Tb external drive that also backs up the MacBook Pro with TIme Machine
    The amber light on the Time Capsule is blinking at me.
    I got a message 2 days ago that said better back up the TIme Capsule.  It's failing.
    Now I get the message, That Time Machine did verification of backups on Time Casule, but needs to create a new backup.
    Well guess what
    My 1 TB Time Capsule has 995 Gb free!  Looks like it's already dumped all my old backups.
    Should I:
    1.  Assume my Time Capsule's near dead and take it to the Apple store to try and save the backups that are on it but not showing?
    2.  Just go ahead and let Time Capsule and Time Machine create a new backup overnight tonight?  Surely overriding any recoverable data that's hiding somewhere on the Time Capsule
    3.  Follow the Apple help note and "If you back up to a Time Capsule, check the Apple Support website to be sure you have the most current available firmware."  Where do I find out which firmwear I have now and if it's the current one?  Could this be my problem?
    Only 77 Gb remaining on the MacBook Pro Hard 500 Gb hard drive.  I think it's slowing everything down on the computer.
    What should I do?

    When you upgrade to Mavericks it can do nasty things to your backups if you allowed it to continue backing up.. and then has subsequently corrupted itself.
    I got a message 2 days ago that said better back up the TIme Capsule.  It's failing.
    I have never seen that message.. it would be good to have it exactly. My guess is it said something like the backups are needing to be verified. A5.. but lots of posts about the issues with corrupted or deleted backups.
    Please do a verify now. My suspicion is that Mavericks has helped you decide by wiping it on your behalf.. he always was a card sharp.
    1.  Assume my Time Capsule's near dead and take it to the Apple store to try and save the backups that are on it but not showing?
    apple do not do recovery.. they replace bad TC under warraty with refubished ones. No warranty left on yours as it is more than 3years old.
    2.  Just go ahead and let Time Capsule and Time Machine create a new backup overnight tonight?  Surely overriding any recoverable data that's hiding somewhere on the Time Capsule
    You cannot recover the old backup without removing the drive, and using a recovery software ($99 expense) which won't work. TM backups once corrupted cannot be recovered.
    3.  Follow the Apple help note and "If you back up to a Time Capsule, check the Apple Support website to be sure you have the most current available firmware."  Where do I find out which firmwear I have now and if it's the current one?  Could this be my problem?
    The version of the firmware will make no difference.
    You can find it on the airport utility.. click the TC and it is shown right there.
    Only 77 Gb remaining on the MacBook Pro Hard 500 Gb hard drive.  I think it's slowing everything down on the computer.
    What should I do?
    Well don't use the TC as a file store .. that is for sure.. as you can see it is not reliable.
    A USB drive plugged into the Mac.. (or fw800 better or thunderbolt excellent) and use that for the excess files.. or learn to live with a leaner machine and transfer your work over to a desktop. The external drive can then be backed up by Time Machine.. you can plug a larger disk into the TC USB port or even open it and replace the 1TB with 2TB or 3TB drive.

  • Volumes/Time Capsule/Macintosh.sparce bundle could not be assessed error 1

    Time Machine is working fine. Time Capsule starts out down loading but part way it quits
    and the message shows, "volume/time capsule/macintosh.sparsebundle" could not be
    assessed (error-1) .How do I correct this?

    I purchased a new iMac and Time Capsule and also have a power book, All on Lion latest 10.7.4.  iMac  works fine with Time Capsule but after the first back up of the power Book I also get the spares bundle could not be accessed error 1.  I have tried all the suggestions (some were in error regarding the disk utility) And the disc image cannot be repaired just erased and then a new disk created.  I have had to backup the powerbook using a 1TB portable hard drive.  Come On  Apple lets fix these bugs!

  • I want to use my Time Capsule just as backup, not as a router.  How?

    I just want to use my Time Capsule as a wireless back-up and not as a router of any kind.  My mac is already connected to my wireless network and it seems the the Time Capsule wants to run a wireless connection of its own?
    Here's what I've done:
    -Plugged the time capsule into a power outlet (have not plugged it into anything else)
    -The amber light continues to blink
    -Ran a back-up (to do this I had to disconnect from my main wireless and connect the time Time Capsule Connection)
    -It ran through a back-up and completed, but when I tried to open time machine, it couldn't connect so I switch back to my main wireless connection
    I am not good with setting up connections and things of that nature.. I am afraid to unhook my main wireless. 
    What do I do?

    The Time Capsule should be bridged and plugged into the main router.. you can then use the wireless on the TC or the main router.. both will give you internet and TM will be able to backup.
    What OS version are you running.. I only know the v5 method of setting up the TC.. where you go to internet tab, connection sharing and select off .. bridge mode.. if you have later OS.. like Lion, you can download the 5.6 utility.
    It is much better than later version. But it will not install into ML.. you will need another member to describe the method or google for it.. bridge TC with 6.1 utility.

  • New Time Capsule: just use as external hard drive without other setup

    I have a brand new 2 Tb Time Capsule, and I need to move data to it manually (not as a backup) as soon as I can  to solve another problem. 
    Can I do this without doing the full blown Time Capsule setup (which I've never done) ?  Just plug it in and wirelessly connect my MBP to it?
    The other problem is 1 Tb external drive (G-Raid Mini)  that suddenly cannot be written to, and I need to offload the data (700 Gb of photos) and reformat it immediately.  There isn't enough room on the MBP and the USB connected 1 Tb  Iomega being used as a time machine, and I don't have any other Mac formatted hard drives.   This problem occurred I think because in order to get around an incompatibility problem with an Express Card CF Card Reader after loading Lion, I was advised to restart the MBP in 32 bit mode.  Next thing I know, my G-Raid with all my photos can't be written to. 
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Thank you very much for your response. 
    I got brave last night, and plugged in the TC, and ran an Ethernet cable from the Switch that connects via an in the wall Ethernet cable to the main VZ FiOS Router (which also propagates a private wireless network).  I just answered the questions in the setup, which led me to setting up a secured wireless network, and  configuring the router part of the TC as a Bridge.  Then I wirelessly connected the MBP to this new network, and began moving some files.
    Before doing that I had unplugged the cable from the MPB to the Switch (since instinctively I thought that would be a conflict with the wireless connection via the TC bridge to that switch, and the router behind it, but I'm not sure I'm right about that).
    However, I later realized I should have just plugged that cable into the TC, and used that connection to move files (and connect to the Internet), since the wireless connection has been SLOW: about 1 min 40 seconds for each Gb. And it just stops sometimes (I guess because of competition with the traffic from the MBP to the Internet). 
    I'm moving 370 Gb off the Iomega that came from the G-Raid since I needed to clear space on the Iomega because it still has the duty of doing the Time Machine backup.  I did't want that to run out of disk space on it since I had copied some of what was on the G-Raid there before I realized that the MacBk HD plus the Iomega were not going to have enough room to empty the G-Raid Mini. 
    As soon as this operation is finished, I'll change the connection from MPB to TC to wired, and start copying directly from the G-Raid  everything that hasn't already been copied somewhere else directly to the Time Capsule storage.  Instinct says I shouldn't disturb the present coping process, much as I'd like to speed things up.
    As to your suggestion that I just plug the G-Raid into the TC, it's connection to the MBP is FW800.  It also has a USB 2.0 port, and an E-SATA port.  Wouldn't FW800 to MPB and MBP to TC via Ethernet be faster than a direct USB 2.0 connection? 
    How do I control what happens between the TC and drives plugged into it from the MBP (a novice kind of question, but I find it confusing that the TC is both a router, and an attached storage device)?  Do I see it from the MBP as if it were directly attached to the MBP?
    Do you (or any other forum member reading this) have any suggestions or comments about the above?  Do you think my observations are correct?
    Thanks in advance for any comments or help.

  • I have one week old MBP r with a 500 gig ssd. I looked at my storage and im using 147gig for back up. I've backed up onto a time capsule. So what is this 147gig of backups and how do i delete it?

    This is my first Mac, and i was just browsing around when i went into storage and i saw i was using 43.97 gigs for audio, 44.72 gigs for movies, 7.96 gigs for photos, 5.4 gigs for apps, 147.16 gigs for backups and 70.81 gigs for other.
    I've backed up onto a time capsule that i also recently bought. So i would like to know what constitues the "Backups" on my hard drive and how do I delete it to free up more space

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