My timebase does not scroll (in my voltage measurements)

I have a 5v DC pot connected to my 6008 USB  DAQ. In labVIEW when I run it I get my voltage output as expected but the timebase does not scroll it remains fixed. When I change the axes scales the output voltage still only varies over the first second only. Does anyone know what is wrong ?
Go to Solution.

Hi thanks again for your reply. That seems to define the starting reference point. You have suggested that as Im using dynamic data I'm pretty much bound to the timestamp which is why I cant have an x-axis (time) that starts at a 0.0 and iterates relative to this. I guess I'll just have to accept that.
My input to my DAQ is a linear rod potentiometer ( with 200mm full scale defelection). So it will dynamically output a voltage 0 - 5v for 0 - 200mm of displacement of the rod potentiometer. To put this in context the pot swill be connected to (for example) the column/elevator on an aircraft. So it will output a voltage linearly proportional to the displacement of the column/surface. Is there any other way of doing this without "dynamic data" ? As you say you have never used dynamic data and being far more experienced than me in using LabVIEW was wondering if  there was an alternative for the type of configuratiom I'm using ?
I've attached my data scalar constants in my block diagram to convert the output voltage from potentiometer (that is input into AI0 of the DAQ) into a potentiometer displacement (0 - 200mm) or wheel angle (-180 deg to 180deg), for example, as illustrated in my front panel. I dont know of any other way of doing this - Since the pot is linear (1v per 40mm of displacement) I just scaled the voltage to provide a representation of pot displacment. Is this a sensible thing to do ? The use of the scalars doesn't diminish my need for a high sample rate. I think I still need as high a sample rate as possible (1000hz the max for 6008 DAQ ?) as inceptor input could be quite rapid and I need to ensure I get as many samples as possible to measure the relative gearing between inceptor and surface.

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  • My JList does not scroll

    hello forum,
    my JList (indentifier=PKGList) does not scroll. Can any look at code and tell me what's the problem. Following is the code. To test this code create two files in same directory. No package statement is there in code.
    copy the respective codes. compile these files.
    run command >> java javaEditor .
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    at some places,for the ease of identification, i have put the comments..
    I will be thankfull whoever helps me.
    /*  */
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    public class javaEditor extends JFrame
         JMenuBar menubar;
         JMenu menu;
         JMenuItem menuitem;
         Container pane;
         Package PKGname;     
         JList PKGlist;
         Vector files;
         Vector PACKAGE;
         static Vector ClassList;
         JTextArea JTA;
         char flag;
              PACKAGE=new Vector();
              files= new Vector();          
              ClassList=new Vector();
              window_listener WL=new window_listener(this);
              action_listener AL=new action_listener(this);
              PKGlist=new JList();
              Package pkg[]=Package.getPackages();
              for (int i=0;i<pkg.length;i++)
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(PKGlist);
              ////////////File menu//
              menubar=new JMenuBar();          
              menu=new JMenu("File");     
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("New File");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Open");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Save As...");
              menu=new JMenu("Edit");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Cut");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Copy");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Paste");
         public static void main(String s[])
              javaEditor JE =new javaEditor();
         }//public static void main(String s[])
         public boolean isClass(String str)
              int i=0;
              System.out.println("searching"+str+" ................");
                   Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(i);
                   String str1=c.getName();
                   System.out.println("\t\tMaching with "+str1);
                        return true;                    
              return false;
         public Class  findClass(String str)
              int i=0;
                   Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(i);
                   String str1=c.getName();
                        return c;
              return null;
    }//javaEditor extends JFrame
    class action_listener implements ActionListener
         javaEditor JE;
         action_listener (javaEditor JE1)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="New File")//adds JTEXT AREA
                   FileOpener file_opener=new FileOpener(JE);
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="Open")
                        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();               
                        int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(JE);
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                            System.out.println("You chosed to open this file: "+
                             FileOpener file_opener=new FileOpener(JE);
                        }//if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   catch(Exception excptn)
                   }//catch(Exception excptn)
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="Save As...")
                        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();               
                        int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(JE);
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                           System.out.println("You chose to save this file: " +
                           FileOutputStream fileOS=new FileOutputStream(chooser.getSelectedFile());
                          //String tofile=JTA.getText();
                        }//if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   catch(Exception ex)
              }//if (e.getActionCommand()=="Save As...")          
         }//actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    }//action_listener implements ActionListener
    class window_listener extends WindowAdapter
         javaEditor JE;
         window_listener(javaEditor JE1)
    }//window_listener extends WindowAdapter
    class key_listener implements KeyListener
              JTextArea JTA;
              javaEditor JE;
              StringTokenizer str_tok;
              key_listener (JTextArea JTA1,javaEditor JE1)
          public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
               if (e.getSource()==JTA)
                        Character c = new Character(e.getKeyChar());
                        String str= JTA.getText()+c.toString();
                        String str1="hsdk";
                        str_tok=new StringTokenizer(str," \n\r\t;:{}%\\+-*&!.");
                             System.out.println("key word "+str1);
                        else if(JE.isClass(str1))
                             System.out.println("class is in list");
                        else if(c.equals(new Character(' '))||c.equals(new Character('.')))
                             Class CLASS;
                                  Method methods[];
                                  System.out.println("searching "+str1+" class into list");
                                  System.out.println("after finding "+CLASS.getName());
                                  for(int i=0;i<methods.length;i++)
                        if(JE.flag=='p' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
                             Caret crt=JTA.getCaret();
                             Point p=crt.getMagicCaretPosition();
                             JE.PKGlist.setBackground(new Color(150,150,150));                         
                        }//if(JE.flag=='p' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
                        if(JE.flag=='C' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
               }///if e.getSource()
               if (e.getSource()==JE.PKGlist)
                              String selectedstr=(String)JE.PKGlist.getSelectedValue();
                              String toAdd=" "+selectedstr+".*;";
               }//if (e.getSource()==JE.PKGlist)
          public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}//keyReleased ends
          public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}//keyTyped ends
    class FileOpener
         javaEditor JE;
         static int counter=-1;
         String name;
         JTextArea JTA;
         JInternalFrame  JIF;
         boolean isSaved;
         FileOpener(javaEditor JE1)
              name=new String("NoName-"+Integer.toString(counter)+".java");
              JTA=new JTextArea();          
         }//FileOpener(javaEditor JE1)
         public void openNewFile()
                   JIF=new JInternalFrame(name,true, true, true, true) ;
                   key_listener KL=new key_listener(JTA,JE);
         public void openFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException
                   JIF=new JInternalFrame(file.getName(),true, true, true, true) ;
                   FileInputStream fileInputStream=new FileInputStream(file);
                   byte buf[]=new byte[fileInputStream.available()];
                   JTA.setText(new String(buf));
                   key_listener KL=new key_listener(JTA,JE);
                   /************************************************************/          JIF.getContentPane().add(JTA);
         }//openFile(File file)
    }//class FileOpener
    class ClassSearch //extends Thread
         public static  void ifClassAddToList(String str)
              String pkg[]=  new String[77];
              pkg[0]=new String("java.applet.");
              pkg[1]=new String("java.awt.");
              pkg[2]=new String("java.awt.color.");
              pkg[3]=new String("java.awt.datatransfer.");
              pkg[4]=new String("java.awt.dnd.");
              pkg[5]=new String("java.awt.event.");
              pkg[6]=new String("java.awt.font.");
              pkg[7]=new String("java.awt.geom.");
              pkg[8]=new String("");
              pkg[9]=new String("");
              pkg[10]=new String("java.awt.image.");
              pkg[11]=new String("java.awt.image.renderable");
              pkg[12]=new String("java.awt.print.");
              pkg[13]=new String("java.beans.");
              pkg[14]=new String("java.beans.beancontext.");
              pkg[15]=new String("");
              pkg[16]=new String("java.lang.");
              pkg[17]=new String("java.lang.ref.");
              pkg[18]=new String("java.lang.reflect.");
              pkg[19]=new String("java.math.");
              pkg[20]=new String("");
              pkg[21]=new String("java.rmi.");
              pkg[22]=new String("java.rmi.activation.");
              pkg[23]=new String("java.rmi.dgc.");
              pkg[24]=new String("java.rmi.registry.");
              pkg[25]=new String("java.rmi.server.");
              pkg[26]=new String("");
              pkg[27]=new String("");
              pkg[28]=new String("");
              pkg[29]=new String("");
              pkg[30]=new String("");
              pkg[31]=new String("java.sql.");
              pkg[32]=new String("java.text.");
              pkg[33]=new String("java.util.");
              pkg[34]=new String("java.util.jar.");
              pkg[35]=new String("");
              pkg[36]=new String("javax.accessibility.");
              pkg[37]=new String("");
              pkg[38]=new String("");
              pkg[39]=new String("");
              pkg[40]=new String("");
              pkg[41]=new String("javax.naming.");
              pkg[42]=new String("");
              pkg[43]=new String("javax.naming.event.");
              pkg[44]=new String("javax.naming.ldap.");
              pkg[45]=new String("javax.naming.spi.");
              pkg[46]=new String("javax.rmi.");
              pkg[47]=new String("javax.rmi.CORBA.");
              pkg[48]=new String("javax.swing.");
              pkg[49]=new String("javax.swing.border.");
              pkg[50]=new String("javax.swing.colorchooser.");
              pkg[51]=new String("javax.swing.event.");
              pkg[52]=new String("javax.swing.filechooser.");
              pkg[53]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.");
              pkg[54]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.basic.");
              pkg[55]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.metal.");
              pkg[56]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.multi.");
              pkg[57]=new String("javax.swing.table." );
              pkg[58]=new String("javax.swing.text.");
              pkg[59]=new String("javax.swing.text.html.");
              pkg[60]=new String("javax.swing.text.html.parser.");
              pkg[61]=new String("javax.swing.text.rtf.");
              pkg[62]=new String("javax.swing.tree.");
              pkg[63]=new String("javax.swing.undo." );
              pkg[64]=new String("javax.transaction." );
              pkg[65]=new String("org.omg.CORBA." );
              pkg[66]=new String("org.omg.CORBA_2_3." );
              pkg[67]=new String("org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable." );
              pkg[68]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage." );
              pkg[69]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage." );
              pkg[70]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.portable." );
              pkg[71]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.TSIdentificationPackage." );
              pkg[72]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage." );
              pkg[73]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.ValueDefPackage." );
              pkg[74]=new String("org.omg.CosNaming." );
              pkg[75]=new String("org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage." );
              pkg[76]=new String("org.omg.SendingContext." );
              boolean found=false;
              int counter=0;
              Class cl;
              String str1=str;
                        System.out.println("searching for "+str1);                    
                             Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(0);
                   catch(Exception e)
              return ;
    public class key_words
         public static boolean isKeyWord(String keyword)
              String list[]= new String[48];
              list[0] = "abstract";
              list[1] = "boolean";
              list[2] = "break";
              list[3] = "byte";
              list[4] = "case";
              list[5] = "catch";
              list[6] = "char";
              list[7] = "class";
              list[8] = "const";
              list[9] = "continue";
              list[10] = "default";
              list[47] = "do";
              list[11] = "double";
              list[12] = "else";
              list[13] = "extends";
              list[14] = "final";
              list[15] = "finally";
              list[16] = "float";
              list[17] = "for";
              list[18] = "goto";
              list[19] = "if";
              list[20] = "implements";
              list[21] = "import";
              list[22] = "instanceof";
              list[23] = "int";
              list[24] = "interface";
              list[25] = "long";
              list[26] = "native";
              list[27] = "new";
              list[28] = "package";
              list[29] = "private";
              list[30] = "protected";
              list[31] = "public";
              list[32] = "return";
              list[33] = "short";
              list[34] = "static";
              list[35] = "strictfp";
              list[36] = "super";
              list[37] = "switch";
              list[38] = "synchronized";
              list[39] = "this";
              list[40] = "throw";
              list[41] = "throws";
              list[42] = "transient";
              list[43] = "try";
              list[44] = "void";
              list[45] = "volatile";
              list[46] = "while";
              //list[47] = "do";
              for(int i=0;i<48;i++)
                        return true;
              return false;

    If you had seen my code You would have know that i have inserted JList into scroll pane.
    I have added comments before and after that portion of code to make it easy to notice..
    insert your jList into jScrollPane

  • Trackpad does not scroll on Macbook pro with ios10.9.5

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    I have to use the scroll bar on the side. The OS is iOS 10.9.5.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you.

    all the boxes are checked.
    The 2-finger zoom and intelli-zoom work, so does the turning.
    However the scrolling does not.
    Any other tips?

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    I have a windows 7 and whenever I play anything on Windows Media Player Classic, the middle mouse button does not work as a vertical scroll in firefox, but instead shows a horizontal scroll that does not scroll the web pages. How can I fix this problem?
    I hope that was clear.

    Hello kmanthie,
    I just sent you a private message. If you are not sure how to check your forum messages, this post has instructions.
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • My IPad needs double click to access anything and does not scroll through anything

    IPad needs a double click to access anything and then does not scroll down.

    Do you need to tap (and the app/item then gets a box around it) and then double-tap ? If you do then you probably have VoiceOver (one of the accessibility features) 'on'. Try triple-clicking the home button and see if that turns it off, and if it does you can then change what a triple-click does via Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple-Click Home.
    If that doesn't turn it off then you can either turn it off directly on the iPad (you need to use a tap-to-select and then double-tap to activate/type process and 3 fingered scrolling) to go into Settings > General > Accessibility and turn VoiceOver 'off', or you can do it by connecting to your computer's iTunes :

  • SQL Tab in Object Browser does not scroll when using a mouse.

    In the Navigator tree on the left pane, when I expand the Table node under my connection and click on a table name, the object details tabs appear on the right. This is really neat and I like it.
    One thing I noticed is that when I click on the SQL tab to retrieve the table creation script, the CREATE TABLE script appears in the read-only editor. When I try to use the mouse to select the text (hold down the left mouse button and drag down), that editor does not scroll, so that I can reach the end of the script.

    Thanks I missed this. The issue is the double scrollbars. I checked in a fix but it will not in the new update later today but the next one.

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    I have 8-10 UiWebView's  to load different charts and maps on an iPad, i am using UIScrollView to scroll through each page, problem is while loading of each UiWebView my UiScrollView does not scroll smoothly to other pages horizontally, my query is can i load UiWebView on background and how to make sure the scoll of pages is smooth, even though the loading of UiWebViews may take time.
    Note :i have tried disabled scrolling on webview, so when i scroll on the page  the scroll event will be of UiScrollView, so believe no conflict with UiWebView.
    also in ios 6 i read about suppressesIncrementalRendering = True but i want to support ios5, also as UiWebViews are said to be running on main thread by default, i suspect when loading of webViews and when user tries to scroll the page, the main thread is busy, but i want the scroll of the page to be smooth  even though the loading of UiWebViews may take time.

    You will probably get a faster and more accurate answer if
    you repost in the Developers Forum.

  • Mouse does not scroll

    Why does the magic mouse does not scroll? It only works sideways. I went to the apple store and worked with their computers.

    If you're still on 10.5  Leopard as your profile indicates then update to 10.5.8 and then apply this update.

  • When in landscape mode page does not scroll up causing the keyboard to cover typing are.

    When in landscape mode page does not scroll up causing the keyboard to cover typing area.

    No, but try terminating and restarting Safari:
    1. Press the Home button
    2. Double click the Home button to bring up the "Recent Apps" tray.
    3. Touch and hold on the Safari icon in the "Recent Apps" tray until a "-" appears.
    4. Touch the "-" to terminate Safari.
    5. Restart Safari and see if your Bookmarks are back.

  • My mouse does not scroll any more!

    My mouse does not scroll any more! first with safari, now on finder too! It does scroll on clean system. Where do I have to look for if I want to clean my system to make it scroll again? thx!
    Clean System is on MacBookPro 4.1 with OS X 10.10.1,
    Dirty one is on a MacPro7,1 on OS X 10.10.1

    Type of mouse?  Wired?  Wireless?
    Apple mouse?  Which one?
    3rd party?  Which one?  Contacted the manufacturer?
    Clean System
    Dirty one
    Excuse my ignorance but could you please clarify?

  • JTable does not scroll

    I have a JTabbedPane. One of the panes is a "resultPane" on which I put a "JScrollpaneResult" which keeps a "JScrollPaneTable".
    Showhorizonta?SCrollbars are AS_NEEDED
    BUT the schrollbar wil bee shown always, and resizing tabelcolumns does not affect the scolling.
    I use my own "ResultTableModel" which has these methods
    public ResultTableModel() {..}
    public synchronized void append(Vector newResult) {
      // some updating ..
         fireTableRowsUpdated(index, index);
    public synchronized void clear{..}
    public int getColumnCount(){..}
    public String getColumnName(int column) {..}
    public int getRowCount() {..}
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){..}
    public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex){...}Hanns

    Note: You may also want to use table.getRowHeight()
    to control the scrolling amount so it scrolls a
    single row at a time.Awesome advice (found nowhere else that I looked) that helped me get the stupid scrollpane to programmatically scroll the way I wanted.
    Anyone have an explanation of why JComponent::scrollRectToVisible()works better than JViewport::scrollRectToVisible()?
    And are Duke Dollars still applicable in the forums?

  • I am using Windows 8. My trackpad (Dell XPS) does not scroll in Firefox. The scroll works in Chrome and IE.

    Trackpad scrolling (up an down) does not work with touch on dell xps running windows 8

    Application Basics
    Name: Firefox
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    Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.16
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  • Scroll bar does not scroll far enough to view last page in thumbnail images

    When using Adobe Acrobat, and have the thumbnails/pages panel open on the left side, the scroll bar will not scroll far enough down to show the last row of thumbnails. For example, have a 40-page document open with the Pages Panel open showing page thumbnails in rows of 3. When the scroll bar reaches the bottom, the last row shows pages 37, 38, and 39. Where is page 40? If you look closely, you can see a sliver of the top of the thumbnail below page 37. There is no way to view the thumbnail because it is at the bottom of the list, and your scroll bar has reached its end.
    Is it confirmed that this is a bug in Adobe? If yes, is there any hotfix available for it?
    Your help will be greatful.

    How can I report this bug to Adobe? Is there any link where I can post this bug to Adobe or  email or contact details?

  • TS3048 scroll button does not scroll "down" only up

    Im having trouble with the scrolling button on the mouse. It will not scroll "down" only up and side to side. I tried cleaning it by turning it upside down and rolling it on a lint-free surface as suggested but still no working. Any other suggestions?

    The "upside down" thing is the standard fix.  Try rolling the ball (vigorously) on a microfiber cloth.

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