My TV Shows aren't showing up in my Ipod

In my Ipod, at the Video's, there should be something called TV Shows as you know. Mine isn't there, it never has been. O_o I don't get it. I just bought a season of my faveorite show, and it isn't there, can you help me?

Do you see anything across the top of that page that says Summary? It would be above the first of those three portions the page is divided into.
Under those Options at the bottom, is there a checkmark beside Manually Manage Music & Videos? (Since you said that in the past the iPod automatically syncs when you plug it in, I'm guessing this is not checked and I suggest that you NOT have it checked.)
Is there a checkmark beside Only Sync Checked Items? If so, is there a checkmark on the box next to your TV Shows in your iTunes Library?

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    Any suggestions?
    Would suggest you check the format of the podcast. I downloaded one last week and found Sorenson video and QDesign audio tracks. If it is in what appears to be the correct format and parameter settings, then try converting it yourself and see it it syncs.
    If the converted file syncs, then I would conclude that the author's workflow may not have included adequate "field testing." (Likely relying on past successes with a particular application and/or settings.) This happened to me this week when I downloaded an Apple product/technique tutorial. (Strangely enough, the only one in the series I had tourble with delt with podcasting.) If the files still refuses to sync, then I would suggest you recheck your iTunes preference settings
    Any way to drag and drop the file onto iPod?
    "Drag 'n Drop" is, i believe, a manual management function. However, I doubt it would bypass the iTunes files scan to check on whether or not the file is iPod compatible. (I assume you aren't talking about simple data storage here.) On the other hand, at least one individual has claimed to have "hacked" his way into the loading of video data rate restricted files. Unfortunately, I am not interested in wasting space in order to put "DVD quality" files on an iPod. (If I want DVD quality, I'll watch the DVD.)
    2.0GHZ G5/533MHz G4 DeskTop/400MHz G4 PB   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    For those songs whose artists are not showing up, right click and Get Info in Itunes and see if they're a part of a Compilation. If so, highlight all those songs, Get Info, lower left corner of the window, set Compilation to "No" (make sure there's a check mark on the left of the field).

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    Here's a link to a forum that is currently experiencing the same problem...

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    I only want to share music between our devices.  I don't want her pics nor my pics to go to icloud/itunes.
    Thank you!

    1) You asked "Does she need to reconnect to that itunes/computer and if so what do we need to do to remove this folder of pics from her ipod?" Yes, you have to connect the iPod to that computer and go to the Photos pane for the iPod in iTunes and uncheck sync photos and the click on synce/apply. In the future do not check sync photos.
    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
    Create a NEW account for using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before.
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    Then on the iPod go to
    - Settings>Messages>Send and receive and sign out your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that only her ID email address is listed.
    - Settings>FaceTime sign out of your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that under You can be reached at only her ID email address is listed
    - Settings>iCloud and sign out and sign in with hers
    Contnue to use the commpn ID/account for Settings>iTunes and App stores.

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    I think the issue may be that these TV shows are in HD. Would that keep them from playing?
    Yes.  Sounds like you are trying to sync the HD version of the TV Episode.  You should try to download the Standard Definition copy instead and sync that to your device as HD content is not compatible with the Nano.  See here for more information:
    iTunes: May be unable to transfer videos to iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    To prevent HD versions from being downloaded in the future head to the iTunes Store, click the Purchased link, and then select TV Shows and remove the tick mark next to Download HD when available.  You should be able to download the SD version now from under this same page.

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    See this.
    iPod does not play content purchased from the iTMS.
    If you have made sure that both the iTunes and iPod software are current and have deauthorized and reauthorized your computer, try this test:
    1. Deauthorize the computer.
    2. Create a new user in the system.
    3. Download the free song of the week from the iTMS in the new user account.
    4. Play the song in that user account to authorize again.
    5. Restore the iPod (using the iPod updater) in the new user account.
    6. Sync just the free song of the week and see if it plays on the iPod.
    If it does, you appear to have a corrupted iTunes library file, and you should recreate the iTunes library file in your normal user account, and then sync your music back to the iPod and all should be well.
    The following articles will help you.
    About Authorization and Deauthorization.
    How to restore the iPod.
    How to recreate your iTunes library.
    How to create a new user account in Windows.

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    What's the deal? Am I missing a setting or preference somewhere? I sometimes like to see when past events happened on my portable device's calendar. This was no problem on the ancient Palm I previously used.
    TIA for any help or advice with this mystery.

    On the iPod go to :-
    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar
    Then scroll down to the Calendar settings.
    You should see an option called 'Sync', here you select how far back it will sync events. You can select 'All Events' which is what you want.

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    What happens when you try to sync?
    Was the iPod previous synced to another iTunes library/computer?
    Have you successfully synced from this iTunes library/computer before?
    Do the songs play in iTunes?
    Do you have the right boxes checked to sync?
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod        
    Do you have any Restrictions (Settings>General>Restrictions) set that would prevent syncing those songs?

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    I purchased a song and it's not showing up on my IPOD  what should I do ?

    Try the appropriate topic of:
    Apple - Support - iTunes
    Including this one:
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase

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    I am not sure that I can really add anything to to this.
    Apple used the phrase "sync" when saying what Messages on the Mac would do in regards to showing iMessages that were going to iOS devices.
    It took to OS X 10.8.2 and iOS 6 to get as close as we have right now.
    At best it looks like "Sync" means "Display on all Devices" and not much more.
    The Mac version implies it will do more as there is a setting to notify people by return that you have read the iMessage.
    The iOS devices have a similar "Send Receipts" item in the settings.
    However actually reading an iMessage on one device seems to bear very little resemblance to anything that happens or can be seen on another device.
    It seems for most people reading an  iMessage on one device shows nothing at all on another device (the presumption being it arrives all places at the same time)
    Your post is the closest I have seen to someone suggesting that it can be different on different devices.
    You also seem to be implying that there is almost a time difference it the time your iPhone gets the iMessage and the time the iPod touch gets it.
    I have certainly seen the "silent arrival" of iMessages on both my iPhone (when my computer and Messages is On) and on the iPhone if the conversation started on the Mac.
    The Mac end will show both "Sent" and Received sides as it "Syncs" the conversation and beeps the alert sound for the Received part and the iPhone will remain silent.
    Even "talking it through" like this in this post I am not coming to any real conclusions about what to try.
    I am not even sure what to suggest to test for things to look out for.
    10:13 PM      Monday; January 21, 2013
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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