My verizon account has an unauthorized user i need help

how do I clear my account of all unauthorized users

We want your account to be safe from all those who are not authorized. Are you looking to block users from your online My Verizon account or as an authorized manager? You can remove account managers by visiting
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    It was a genuine email from iTunes, not a phishing attempt trying to get your account and payment details ?
    Viewing your account's purchase history : See your purchase history in the iTunes Store - Apple Support (on an iOS device you can view the last 90 days purchases via
    Phishing and similar emails : Phishing & Other Suspicious Emails
    Phishing emails : Identifying fraudulent "phishing" email - Apple Support
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    Contact iTunes support:

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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    You can try and start the computer from the OSX installer disc#1 and
    use the menu beneath the "Installer" by clicking on its name, to access
    the part that says reset password. This may be a premature move, but
    if you can find anything regarding your system before this, you may need
    to see if you can do so by attempting an Archive and Install; and choose
    to save your user permissions and information, so maybe a new system
    could have your old account stuff in it. That may retain your old user folder.
    Another idea (outside of the two or so packed together above) would be
    to make a new user with Admin privileges and use that to see if the
    system can be talked into finding your other files. Each user's files
    have a certain inaccessibility from even an Admin's level of permissions.
    I have and use OnyX software in my machines, and it does a
    good job of keeping on top of system maintenance procedures
    I am otherwise at a loss or too lazy to perform; it can do some
    tasks to help clean up a system (but not wipe stuff) and keep
    the time/date things working smoothly; and other tasks. I use it
    a few times a month, usually when bored and the system's fine.
    Preventative maintenance and repairing disk permissions can
    help to keep things going well. Don't know really why, but it does.
    [I know if/when the situation you have should arise in my computers, I
    hope to have a working full computer hard drive clone available to go in
    and irradicate the contents of the hard drive and replace it with a clone.
    But any super-recent stuff would be lost unless automatic backups were
    being made by a utility on the computer, making a backup to a FW HDD.
    Mine do not have this last faculty. Mine is a full clone from a week ago.
    Made manually, and when I did that, other utilities were run and the drive
    was wiped, zeroed and reformatted; and the clone was re-cloned back.]
    You may be able to see some "lost" files (but not open them) from a
    new user account, by using a utility named What Size. This can find
    things that take up disk space, and it also can delete things real easily.
    It does not care what it deletes, but it can find things by size and location.

  • User Error Needs Help Correcting - Repeatable Tag on Custom Section Attribute

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    Best, Beckie

    Hi Beckie,
    As long as you are sure that no-one has consume this you can remove this tag with a database script.
    As with every script make sure that you backup your data.
    With the following script you can find the rows that contain repeatable tag for a particular section template
    select rowTemplate.* from eaSectionDynamicTagJoins rowTTagjoin
    inner join commonEARowTemplate rowTemplate on rowTemplate.pkid = rowTTagjoin.fkEAS
    inner join commonLookups tag on tag.pkid = rowTTagjoin.fkTag
    inner join commonEASectionTemplate sectionTemplate on sectionTemplate.pkid = rowTemplate.fkSectionTemplate
    where tag.Name = 'Repeatable' and langID = 0 and Category = 'EASRowDynamicTag'
    and = '<custom section id>';
    Tags are linked to custom section row templates using eaSectionDynamicTagJoins table.
    You can remove the tag from a specific row using the following script
    delete from eaSectionDynamicTagJoins
    where fkEAS = '<pkid of the row>';
    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions,

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    Maybe try this, on iPhone tap Settings App>select Store, near bottom>select Apple ID: at bottom>select Sign Out. Then sign in again. Worth a quick try.

  • Accounts receivables - Cross company cash application - Need help

      They are applying cash to an invoice to a diff  company- code . For e.g if there is an invocie in comp A ( cust debit and Rev :  credit ) but the cash account is of company B.
    These are the documents which it creates
    Original Invoice :
    Customer   debit  :                  100 dollars
    Revenue account  credit :         100 dollars.
    After CASH application:
    cross - company document created : 100000
    company A, customer credit  :    100 dollars
                       inter company   :     100 dollars
    company B  cash account debit  :           100 dollars
                       inter - comp account credit :   100 dollars.
    The thing is when I pull up the customer from company A , it still shows in open items list , but the fact is it is cleared in a diff company.
    What do I need to do to remove it from the open item list, or what is the correct procedure .
    Please let me know how to resolve this as it is affecting a custom Aging report.
    Thanks in advance.

    i am testing this , can u pls tell me how do i clear an invoice from a diff company code cash account.

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