Mysterious mising space

I created a 52GB partition on one of my secondary drives for win 7 and installed sucessfully. However, after the install I only have 20gb of space left. Getting combine info for every folder on the c: drive shows total of 12GB data, i just can't figure out where the missing space is!
Any ideas?

you can use WinDirStat or the trial version of FolderSizes for a full view of the space used.
Windows 7 hides quite a lot of folders from the user.
Hope it helps

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    Get "Disk Inventory X" (it is freeware.)
    It searches your hard drive and gives you a visual representation of all of your hard drive space usage. It seperates each file type into groups of colors etc so you can see where you have 15gb of mp3's and such. You can use it to open finder windows to those files. Just be careful not to delete any system files with it!
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    see this page on how to locate missing space.
    most likely you have a phantom hard drive in /volumes
    there are also tools like Whatsiz, Disk Inventory X and Omni Disk Sweeper which will show what's taking all the space but try the above page first. those other 3rd party tools often don't look in /Volumes.

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    You can also put things into List view, then go to Show View Options (Command-J) and tell Finder to display the Size column and to calculate sizes. Depending on your computer, how much stuff you have, and where you are, this can take a little or a lot of time. But as far as I'm concerned by far the best option is to get the free contextual menu item CalculateSize. Here's a review of it plus the download if you are interested:
    I really like it.

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    These two articles may be of help.

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    problem. thanks.
    there is too much width to the index page leaving large black
    sides on either side of the center image.
    This was an existing site that I think is a locked real
    estate template cause things jump around when I reposition some
    Fer instance, if I align the 'new on the market' tables left,
    the text below it: 'Miami Florida real estate Agency etc' jumps up
    to fill the gap on the right.
    but first >>>how do I get rid of the excessive width
    of the page so it all fits under the top image?
    thanks for your help.

    Bzmeltzer wrote:
    > but first >>>how do I get rid of the excessive
    width of the page so it all
    > fits under the top image?
    Hummm....your maths don't add up.
    To make it work the trhee cells under the main header image
    need to add
    up to 760px in width.
    At the moment the:
    td.left cell is 200px wide (css) or 145px (inline
    td.main cell is 460px wide (css) plus left/right padding
    total 80px
    (css) or 520px wide inline declaration.
    td.right cell is 125px wide (css) plus left/right padding
    total 10px
    (css) or 151px wide inline declaration.
    I would start by deleting ALL the inline declarations ie
    145px, 520px,
    and 151px from the cells.
    Then I would delete ALL the padding from the css style.
    Then make sure the widths of your cells (all added together
    total 760px)
    If you want to add padding, as you undoubtedly will, then add
    padding back into to the css then reduce the width of the
    cells by the
    same total.
    ie if a cell is 200px wide and you add left and right padding
    of 15px
    reduce the cells width to 170px. (200px - 30px = 170px)

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    It obviously has some hidden formatting characters.
    You can try and show them by:
    +Menu > View > Show Invisibles+
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    sounds like the drive may be defective. remember that hardrives can crash at any time even if new and the drives in the air books are just really big flash drives. sound like you have an appointment for the genius bar to get it replaced.
    i have one more possible fix but requires you download a free app called "OnyX". if you are not famliar with the power of this app, be carefull about what you have it do. hit me back up if you choose to go this route. other wise to the apple store you go my friend

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    In the Finder get the View Option for a folder, then select calculate all. It will show you the total space occupied by each subfolder. You can also click on the "size" bar at the top of hte Finder window to get it to sort by size (click a second time and it will reverse the sort direction).
    You may find some of the space is used in applications, etc., so you can do the same thing for the drive view option.
    There are also programs that will do this for all folders (e.g., Folderlister, WhatSize).
    Here's a list of sites to read:
    Where did my disk space go?
    Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk
    Amazing Disappearing Drive Space
    Increase HD Free Space
    [ free-space-laptop.html]
    [How to free up my disk space

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    Oh yes and the iPad is not uploading updated apps to the iTunes automatically which it did some software versions ago (a known issue). This is annoying.

    I had the very same problem with you. I think the main reason for this happening is purchasing and downloading content with your phone. I don't know how it happens though, this seems the problem with me.
    What I did is, I basically erased all content and settings from my iPhone and used my backup in my mac to install everything back again. After that, the "other usage" got really small in size and as I deleted all the songs by using syncing, I saw that music occupied no space in my phone. Then, I synchronized my music back again and now everything works just fine.

  • I saturated all the available iPad (3rd. generation) screen space (home screens or desktop space) with apps, and the apps that got bumped out of the last screen, mysteriously disappeared? Where are those missing quick lauch app icons?

    Running my 3rd generation iPad on iOS 7.0.4, I saturated all the available iPad screen space (which would be the 15 home screens or desktop worth of space) with apps, and the apps that got bumped out of the last screen space mysteriously disappeared. Where are those missing quick lauch app icons now? The apps are still installed and can be searched/accessed through the finder, but they no longer have a user friendly access. How can I solve this problem?

    Christopher Doryan wrote:
    Hi Hexonxonx, thanks for trying to help, but next time please read the entire discussion, in oder to better comprehend what is being asked. The reason being is that your answer added nothing to what had already been mentioned.
    Like I said, I was aware it was possible to access the apps through the finder, but the question revolved around how to recover the quick launch app icons for certain vanished apps.
    Wow, kind of a snotty response to someone who was taking their own time to offer help.  Whether you thought it was helpful or not, didn't deserve such an unkind retort.  Maybe when you realize we all just users here trying to help others like you, who have issues and we don't get anything in return for the countless hours some people here spend offering that assistance, you'll maybe be a little less quick to be critical.
    Just sayin.......
    Oh and Meg offered the right answer.  Put your Apps in Folders, which will create extra space for the apps which have disappeared.

  • Mysterious usage of my external HDD space after last backup on TM?

    Recently, after some problems with TM giving me a pop up error, I turned off TM and used my WD MyBook as a normal external and have just been copying files onto it. Last night, I figured it has been a bit too long since I last backed-up my mac's HD (I backed up right before I upgraded to ML in the beginning of August). It took well over an hour for it to just prepare the backup, then took almost all night to backup 100GB worth of data (I downloaded a few games and I purchased a few TV series). Before the backup, i checked the "Get Info" option of my external and saw that it said I had about 600GB of my 1TB left for space, but then when I started the backup, it went down to 70GB left!!! My internal HDD is only 250GB, so I dont see how 600GB could be used up just like that... with all the files (pictures, videos, shows, and games) that I manually put into my external HDD, i use up only about 300-400GB. Even if I used up ALL of the space on my internal and backed up everything, it still doesnt add up to the 900GB that have been mysteriously used up. Any clue where all of this data was used up? should i delete my old backups from older versions of my mac's OS and just make the most recent back-up what I have on my mac now? Any help would be appreciated!! I feel as if TM did something wrong when i backed up my data after 2 months

    By going into the options you gave me, it said that the size of the backup should still be 211GB, which still doesnt make up for the good 300 GB discrepancy. Could it be that it is making multiple copies of my internal due to the fact that i updated my OS?

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    i checked my colleague's S430 for you, and he does not have any mystery partition on his factory shipped 128 gigs SSD.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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