Mythtv right channel audio squeel

I'm having a problem with mythtv and audio. For some reason, when I view TV in myth or record it, I get an high pitched alternating squeal which spurts for about a second and then stops for a second and so on.
I'm using a old bt878 card patched into my sound cards audio in jack. I have tried patching into both the mic and line in jack and both produce the squeal. However, I don't think it is a hardware problem. When I test the system using kdetv, there is no squeal at all. When I unmute line in using alsamixer so that I can hear both the live audio and myth's recorded audio, only mythtv's audio has the squeal. Using alsamixer to turn the master volume down to 0 in the right channel removes the squeal (but also right channel sound). However, using alsamixer to turn the recording device down two 0 in the right channel does not remove the squeal, but only removes the right channel audio.
I honestly don't know what the problem is. Could it be a mythtv recording problem? Could it be a codec problem? Could it be a DSP problem?
Is there some way I could test DSP to see if the squeal exists there?
Any other suggestions?

Ok, Í've done a little more fooling around. I changed the recording profile sample rate to 48000 which helped a fair amount. Now the squeal doesn't switch on and off. But now I get this weird thump noise about every 4 seconds, sort of like a static blip. Again this doesn't occur in other programs from mythtv. Any ideas?

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    2) Go to this directory :
    or something that looks like that
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    Pin 18 : 04 00 00 00
    Pin 19 : 04 00 00 00
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    Snud wrote:
    Thanks to all. - But Matt, I know you just solved the "built-in stuff not working problem"! You certainly win whatever Grand Prize goes along with diagnosing "Drummer Dysfunctional Disorder". Your suggestion most certainly works with the built-in stuff - Thank you!
    Your welcome and... I'm pretty sure the award for curing Drummer Dysfunctional Disorder is a combination Nobel Prize + sneakers with the Nobel logo embroidered onto it, which is really great since I could use a new pair. I'm only grateful that this didn't occur last year because I would feel terribly guilty if my own award interfered with Al Gore's since, as I have read, he is also thrilled by the complementary sneakers.
    Now see if Apple was really smart, they'd have the *opening screen* of GB ask: "Are you a drummer?" and if you answer "Yes", well that would take us to a much simpler version! Hmm... Perhaps I could design it for them - or be the "Test Monkey". But I digress...
    I'm guessing your humility is not exactly warranted... but perhaps an even easier version could be developed and named something like, I don't know, iTunes?
    I'm happy to report that, thanks to you Matt, my stream of obscenities is not only causing the LED to register but... I can *record them in stereo* too! I'll try your final suggestion after I sleep on it. Today, the built-in mic... tomorrow, the world!
    Words to the wise! (particularly when recorded in stereo and including obscenities)
    (I still hope it's ok to leave this as "unanswered" until I try recording my drums instead of the built-in mic, tomorrow)
    I suppose there's a sort of philosophical appeal to leaving all questions unanswered: for what is knowledge, and what can we truly know? But now I digress...
    So back to your Garagebanding.
    The thing is, if you can get your internal mic to work just fine, stereo and everything, that lets you know that at least your system is working, and that there isn't a bug that's crawled into it and is messing things up. Knowing that, you can narrow down your search for the culprit. If the internal mic works just fine, and the software works just fine, what is it about your original setup that's broken?
    I would go back to the notion that the computer never received both channels of your output (its input) to begin with, and that perhaps the physical plug is either mono or, by virtue of its shape, not able to properly seat itself in order to make contact on both channels. That's just a guess, but at least the search for the culprit has been narrowed down to likely suspects.
    (One possibly helpful distinction: a mono signal can record to both channels through a stereo minijack, but perhaps if the minjack itself is mono - or not connecting to both channels of the input - the signal (stereo or otherwise) might be restricted to one side?)

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    You should be able to do this by 'Exporting' your movie to GarageBand, and just making the one-channel audio the same on both channels.
    Alternatively, if you want to do extensive tweaking manually, do the following:
    0 - Download an audio editor such as 'Audacity'.
    1 - In iMovie, select the video clip(s) which you want to 'repair', and then use 'Extract audio' to separate the audio from the video.
    2 - Close iMovie, and use the usual Finder to locate your movie project, then Ctrl-click (or right-click) on the name of the project and choose "Show Package Contents".
    3 - Look in the 'Media' file which then appears, and you'll find all your audio clips. Copy them to your Desktop.
    4 - Start 'Audacity' and use File and Open to open the audio files, one by one, which are on your Desktop. Use these hints (intended for 'Sound Studio, but they work with 'Audacity', too, so click on 'Start Slideshow') to copy and paste one channel onto the other, then Save your work.
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    6 - Reopen iMovie; the audio will now play correctly.

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    Power Mac G4 466   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    It could be something as simple as the sound balance
    in System Preferances is set for left side only.
    Make sure you check that, if it's not that it could
    be a problem with the logic board.
    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I've gone and fiddled with the balance and every other setting that I could in the System Prefs. It seems weird that it would just start right after resetting the pram. Oh well. Here's to hoping it's not the logic board. Thanks again for your suggestion.

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    Open the clip in the Viewer.
    Select the audio Tab and dial the PAN to 0 (zero).
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    ... any way to "unlock" the left channel?
    Head phones or external speakers.
    The "latest version"
    b does
    provide sound to both left and right side through the head phones jack or via the USB port if you use USB speakers.
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    No I didn't but I run my Mac's output into an analog mixer and then out to my speakers.
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    Very weird! I've even repaired and defragged my system disk in case it is some sort of corrupted code. Just grasping at straws before I take it to a Mac Genius.
    Thanks for writing. I appreciate any and all suggestions.

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    Message was edited by: Milton Allemand

    Hmm. I think someone more technically-inclined with audio could help you out here. I tried recording audio on my eMac with QuickTime Player (I'm not sure if you need QuickTime Pro to do this, otherwise I would suggest you try the same thing). I have a similar experience as you. The QuickTime A/V window (control-K) informs me that the audio balance is shifted completely to the right channel (rather than left, as you observe in Sound Studio). And there is no way to adjust this, it is also "greyed out". This QuickTime recording is through the built-in microphone on my eMac. Might there exist (pricier) external microphones that are specifically capable of stereo recording? Or perhaps our eMacs aren't capable of stereo recording, at least without hardware modifications. I don't know. Clearly, I'm ignorant about this. Perhaps there is a Discussion going on somewhere else around here that is more Audio-specific?

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    Thank you!

    Marc actually this one thing takes some manual skills. This is what you have to do: start with the timeline at the beginning of the segment you want to copy, and make sure you have your end point also [you can use add marker].
    Then take your mouse just above the waveform until you see a small letter indicating L for left on top, R for right on bottom of waveform-click. You'll see half the waveform go blank, that's deselected. Now press shift and the right arrow key until you've got your audio selected, then you can copy/cut and paste.
    [if your audio is in the middle it'll help to zoom out first and mark your start and end points then zoom back up closer so you don't have to hold the shift key for so long and the little bar on the bottom can be stretched and shrunk to zoom out/zoom in.]
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    Apple>About This Mac>More Info>Service
    Please read the warranty paperwork that came w/your computer.
    You have 14 days to return the computer w/no questions asked. 
    You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support on top of your standard 1 year warranty unless you also purchased AppleCare which gives you an additional 2 years of coverage plus FREE phone support.
    Strongly suggest that you take FULL advantage of the above before it runs out.  Let Apple deal w/the problems.

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    You need to do this before adding the footage to the sequence:
    Select the clip (or multiple clips) in the bin
    Menu > Clip > Modify > Audio Channels (Shift G)
    Change 'Number of Audio Tracks' to 2
    Change 'Channel Format' to Mono
    Dismiss the info message.
    When you place the clip in a sequence it will now drop L and R into separate tracks (assuming your sequence allows that audio model).

Maybe you are looking for

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