"N" Series 250,000 posts milestone!

Title says it all!
Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

chanchan05 wrote:
We're not employees, so we cant do that. LOL.
Seriously, not sure if this is a good thing or bad. HAHA.
Since most people come here at NSD because of problems they face with their smartphones, I think this is not good at all ...
If you want to thank someone, just click on the blue star at the bottom of their post

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    If not  which file type I can use for it. Thanks for advance friends

    There are many solutions. I say two solution here:
    using "extract" by right click on database in ssms like bellow screens shots
    using "get external data" from data tab in excel
    more info: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/connect-to-import-sql-server-data-HA010217956.aspx

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    If you are generating a PDF output, select "PDF Compression" option in the properties. Ensure you reduce all the log levels to "Low". Ensure there are no (or minimal) calculations/formulas in the report template.

  • 7,000 Posts

    I was just reminded that I have made 7,000 posts in this forum.
    I hope I have helped a few people along the way. That being said, I am very aware that not everyone appreciates my "style".
    I just wanted to say thanks to ComcastAndrew, ComcastNeal, Raymond the Super Geek, RobertWy, Shane the Pizzaman, TerriB, Warrior, scjohnson, John, DougK, Manamok, Jehill, Telcodad, TR (TiredRetired), Gate1975, SuperDave, Fred, Wolfie and many more. You have all made positive contributions to this little slice of heaven known as the X1 forum.
    I have not had the pleasure of meeting any of you in person but I have no doubt that all of you are wonderful people.
    X1 is getting better every day. Maybe someday all of us will be able to look back at where X1 started and pat ourselves on the back for making it better for everyone.

    RickGr4 wrote:
    I was just reminded that I have made 7,000 posts in this forum.
    I hope I have helped a few people along the way. That being said, I am very aware that not everyone appreciates my "style".
    I just wanted to say thanks to ComcastAndrew, ComcastNeal, Raymond the Super Geek, RobertWy, Shane the Pizzaman, TerriB, Warrior, scjohnson, John, DougK, Manamok, Jehill, Telcodad, TR (TiredRetired), Gate1975, SuperDave, Fred, Wolfie and many more. You have all made positive contributions to this little slice of heaven known as the X1 forum.
    I have not had the pleasure of meeting any of you in person but I have no doubt that all of you are wonderful people.
    X1 is getting better every day. Maybe someday all of us will be able to look back at where X1 started and pat ourselves on the back for making it better for everyone.7,000 posts and still kicking!!! I have a little over 3,000 now, and am looking forward to the day when we are no longer needed as X1 and the rest of Comcast's services work perfectly.  <hehehehehehehe> It has been my pleasure to work, interface and reply with you and the others you have named because helping newly upgraded X1 users and others is what we do!!!! -=Ray=-

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    Command (right) - click on your hard drive icon on the Desktop and select Get Info from the contestual menu:
    In the window that comes up will be the amount of available(free) space:

  • MacBook Pro 11/2007 problem with SSD OCZ Vertex Series 250 GB

    you can read my detailed problem in the OCZ board here:
    The short version:
    - I bought an OCZ Vertex SSD with 250 GB for my 2 years old MacBook Pro
    - System Details: MacBookPro3,1; Boot Rom: MBP31.0070.B07; CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz; SMC: 1.18f5
    - The first 250 GB OCZ SSD was an firmware 1.3 and I could install it with Snow Leopard very easy. After 2 days the HDD just disappeared and it also didn't work in an other PC with an internal SATA port and also not with an external disk with sata to FireWire / USB
    - I RMA'ed the disk with OCZ and received a new one with firmware 1.4. I tried to install the computer from scratch and it couldn't write the partition when the SSD was connected to the internal SATA port of the MBP. I used the external SATA to USB and formated the disk with another mac. Then I could install SL from scratch but after some hours the computer began to stall and after the reboot it tried to run fschk and I got the error: "kernel[0]: disk0: I/O error."
    (again: Further details please have a look at the link above)
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    - I RMA'ed the disk again and last week I received the third one but it had the exact same problem.
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    Thanks for you help!
    --Goetz aka Tankmann

    No ideas?

  • A Very Useful Series of blog posts about the new Audition

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    But reading the blog brings to light that the online help is now active.  So the "missing features" list can be contrasted with what IS in AA-CS5.5.  The full effects reference is here:
    Or, if you want to start at the top, or see how other functions and features are implemented, the main help page is:
    Interesting reading!

  • Milestone HUP /  post-milestone dependency failure?

    Ok, I know that's a horrible subject line. Please bear with me.
    I've been playing with the dependency mechanisms in b72, and have been unable to get an online milestone offlined by disabling a service upon which that milestone depends.
    Disabling cron at the single-user milestone prevents
    # svcadm -v milestone svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    from succeeding: svcs -a \*milestone\* shows the multi-user milestone is offline, svcs -xv says why, everything works as advertised.
    A slightly different test is to cleanly come up to the multi-user milestone with cron enabled, show that the milestone was reached, and cron is online, and then disable cron.
    The milestone is still reported as online, although it has lost a dependency. I guess milestones are... milestones, not states, per se, but it would be nice to demonstrate SMF noticing a subsequent dependency failure.
    $ svcs | grep mil
    disabled 9:41:17 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
    online 9:41:27 svc:/milestone/devices:default
    online 9:41:32 svc:/milestone/single-user:default
    online 10:48:41 svc:/milestone/name-services:default
    online 10:48:51 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    $ svcadm -v disable cron
    svc:/system/cron:default disabled.
    $ svcs | grep mil
    disabled 9:41:17 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
    online 9:41:27 svc:/milestone/devices:default
    online 9:41:32 svc:/milestone/single-user:default
    online 10:48:41 svc:/milestone/name-services:default
    online 10:48:51 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    I've tried to nudge SMF by calling restart on the mult-user milestone, but no joy:
    $ svcadm -v restart svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    Action restart set for svc:/milestone/multi-user:default.
    $ svcs | grep mil
    disabled 9:41:17 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
    online 9:41:27 svc:/milestone/devices:default
    online 9:41:32 svc:/milestone/single-user:default
    online 10:48:41 svc:/milestone/name-services:default
    online 11:26:02 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    $ svcs -a | grep cron
    disabled 10:59:53 svc:/system/cron:default
    From this state going all the way down to single-user and then attempting to get back up into multi-user fails, as it should. But that feels a lot like
    # init s
    # init 3
    with fingers crossed.
    So, two questions:
    Is there a svcadm command that will effectively HUP a current milestone?
    Is there no simple way to tell before the fact that a milestone is unreachable, or that a currently achieved milestone will not be achieved next time around?
    Thank you for reading this far!

    There are characteristics to the dependencies within smf(5): grouping, which has to do with the set of entities and their necessity, and restart_on, which has to do with event propagation across the dependency link. If you use svcs -l on milestone/multi-user:deafult,
    you will get:
    2 $ svcs -l cron milestone/multi-user:default
    fmri         svc:/system/cron:default
    name         clock daemon (cron)
    enabled      true
    state        online
    next_state   none
    state_time   Tue Jan 11 10:37:15 2005
    logfile      /var/svc/log/system-cron:default.log
    restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
    contract_id  50
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/milestone/name-services (online)
    fmri         svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
    name         multi-user milestone
    enabled      true
    state        online
    next_state   none
    state_time   Tue Jan 11 10:37:24 2005
    logfile      /var/svc/log/milestone-multi-user:default.log
    restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/milestone/single-user (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/name-services (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online) svc:/milestone/sysconfig (online)
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/platform/i86pc/kdmconfig:default (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/bind (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/system-log (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/utmp (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/application/print/server (disabled)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/nfs/client (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/inetd (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/smtp:sendmail (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/ntp (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/autofs (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/cron (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/mdmonitor (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/name-service-cache (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/power (online)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/rcap (disabled)
    dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/system-log (online)
    dependency   require_all/none svc:/system/rmtmpfiles (online)The key part of the line for system/cron is "optional_all/none", which means that ("optional_all") milestone/multi-user does not require cron and can be brought online even if cron is disabled or in maintenance, and that ("none") milestone/multi-user is not restarted for any interruption or activity that might happen to cron.
    - Stephen

  • Trash has 250,000 items to delete

    Well, looks like I waited too long to empty my Trash. But now that I've executed Empty Trash, the system is struggling to deal with the command. The "Preparing to empty the Trash..." message box with the progress bar has been active for an hour. Should I just give up? or leave the machine on overnight?
    Thanks in advance for any tips!

    I asked because some folks use Finder to delete backups from their Time Machine drive. This is a very, very bad idea & often causes problems with the computer.
    In your case, I think you just have a LOT of big files, and it will take a while to remove them all. If I find I need to remove a lot of large files, I first move them to a folder called "Trash" which is on my desktop. Once I have all the files together, I move some of them to the actual trash bin. This way, if emptying the trash gets stuck along the way, it's not so hard to figure out which file caused the jam. The system may think a file is in use or locked and that will bring the trash emptying process to a complete halt.
    If you want to stop the trash emptying process, at least for now, you can relaunch the Finder by clicking the Apple icon in the upper left corner, clicking "Force Quit," then highlighting Finder & hitting the enter key or clicking "Relaunch."
    I do agree that you need to get this stuff removed, but perhaps doing it in smaller chunks will help.

  • Mobile version now available via WidSets

    Hi all,
    I am happy to tell you that we recently joined forces with the Nokia WidSets team to create a "widget" for Nokia Support Discussions.
    With WidSets, you can get your favorite web content straight to your mobile device. WidSets works on over 300 phone models from all manufacturers. Using WidSets is free of charge apart from any data traffic charges by your operator.
    The Discussions widget is basically a light, mobile version of Nokia Support Discussions. Although the boards work pretty well with device browsers, the pages can be quite heavy to load and there's a lot of data traffic. The widget only downloads the texts, making the experience very fast and user-friendly on most mobile devices.
    The new widget lets you search and read messages posted by Nokia users on this global discussion board, which is available via several Nokia websites around the world. There are almost 250 000 posts in 40 000 different topics, so you won't run out of things to read.
    Note that you won't be able to login or make posts, but you can search and read all posts.
    The widget was created by utilizing the board software's API interface. This enabled us to create an elaborate and feature-rich widget that aligns very nicely with the online version of the service.
    If you haven't yet discovered the fascinating world of WidSets, you can start by visiting
    If you already have installed WidSets, just add the Nokia Support Discussions widget from
    I wrote all my posts from 2005-2011 as an "Admin" for this community. I still work for Nokia as an external consultant, so my rank in all posts is now "Employee".

    Hi dani2xll,
    thanks for that, excellent question. I agree it's not that easy to distinguish between widsets, widgets and gadgets.
    The new mobile version of Nokia Support Discussions is indeed based on the java launcher of WidSets.com. The WidSets applications - they're called "widgets" - work on over 300 phone models from all manufacturers. You need to register at WidSets.com before you can add any of the thousands of widgets that are available.
    The .wgz applications - apparently they're also called "widgets" - you mentioned are a similar but newer thing. Theyre based on WRT (web run time) technology, which is currently supported by N95, E90, N82 and N78 (N95 and E90 may require the latest sw update for this.) These WRT widgets can be run independently, straight from the device desktop.
    And yes, we are certainly looking into the possibility of getting Discussions to work also via a WRT widget on all compatible phones.
    (And if it was up to us in the Nokia Support Discussions team, such a widget would naturally be preinstalled in every compatible device )
    edit: and with gadgets, I don't mean physical products but applications that run on a Vista or a Mac desktop or Igoogle. Stay tuned - more news about gadgets in the next few days!
    Message Edited by vandelay on 06-Jun-2008 02:20 PM
    I wrote all my posts from 2005-2011 as an "Admin" for this community. I still work for Nokia as an external consultant, so my rank in all posts is now "Employee".

  • Noisy power supply when running of UPS?... follow up post.

    Ned/The hatter your input here would be most appreciated along with anyone else using a UPS with your mac pro. Please read on...
    Having just concluded a rather detailed any lengthy post over in the power mac g5 forum with regards to loud buzzing noise from the power supply running of battery backup.
    I recemmend reviewing the link below for the full and i think interesting read...
    Linked here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=665537&tstart=0
    To sum it up it concluded that my model of UPS (Belkin) produces a simulated sine wave. I am unsure of technicals here, but this then makes the power supply in powermac G5's make a nasty electrical noise as the unit works to sort it out. What is ideal is a pure sine wave i understand.
    The reason for my post was that i was concerned the noise was a sign of harm being done to my mac. No one has said either way yet that this noise is either just a nuisance and it something thats got to be lived or that its actually harming my machine.
    Anyhow it turns out that the RS series from APC also makes the G5 powermac make a noise. And i am aware that Ned along with some others use the APC RS series with there mac pro's. What i am looking to find out is... Do you have a noise from your power supplys when running on battery backup with your new shiney mac pro's?
    The APC smart ups series however does not make the powermac G5 make a noise this has been confirmed by several users. I guess this is because these models produce pure wave sine.
    As you can see this has all got very complicated and over my head.
    The reason for me coming into this forum and asking about noisy power supplys when using certain UPS is because shortly i will be switching to a Mac pro. And if the power supplys in these are different and dont make a noise when running under battery with certain APC Rs's and the new Dual form belkin units then i wont return my current belkin model in exchange for a APC smart ups. I will just live it for a short time whilst i own my G5 and just hope it wont do any damage if and when we have a power outage.
    Thank you to anyone that can guide or assist me with this dilemma. Cheers Pob

    Switching power supplies (such as those used in computers) do not require a "pure" analog sine wave input; they are more than capable of running on PWM/stepped sine wave input. The noise from the power supply when running on power from a PWM output UPS does not indicate that damage is being done to your machine; it's a harmless side effect.
    Some equipment will be damaged if powered via PWM input; items with compressors (refrigerators, air conditioners) definitely fall into this category, as well as some medical equipment and telecom equipment.
    I live in an area with notoriously dirty power; a UPS is critical in my case (I'd argue that it is critical in any case, however). I've ran my equipment on UPSs for many years, and the price has dropped significantly. I've got one APC SmartUPS with pure sine wave output which was purchased for me by a client, but most of my equipment is running on UPS with PWM output. It's not uncommon for me to have 20-30 power events in a given day - most of them transient voltage drops or spikes; I've still got an old Sun Sparc 10 file server that's still chugging along.
    A couple of interesting articles for your perusal:
    A quick google will turn up lots more information on the topic. APC used to have a white paper on their site which talked about this very topic.
    Most manufacturers provide connected equipment insurance - tripp lite, for example, provides $250,000(US) coverage. I've never known anyone who actually needed to use this coverage - I certainly haven't .
    In brief: A UPS with PWM output will not harm your computer; switching power supplies are more than capable of handling this. If the noise bothers you, look for a UPS with "pure sine wave" output - you will pay more for this feature; it's an aesthetic choice in this case.

  • 2lis_02_scl extract records with wrong posting date for Good Receipts.

    Hi Experts,
    We are currently having issue of mismatch between BW Schedule Line data with R/3 values for the Goods Receipts posting date updating incorrectly in to BW.
    In table EKBE purchase order history we have following records.
    501   5600453404   00010   00    1     2010  5012473031 0001  E     101   23.01.2010        1.250,000
    501   5600453404   00010   00    1     2010  5012473031 0002  E     101   23.01.2010        1.250,000
    501   5600453404   00010   00    1     2010  5012473031 0003  E     101   23.01.2010        1.250,000
    501   5600453404   00010   00    1     2010  5012693310 0001  E     101   26.02.2010        1.250,000
    Which means we have on posting date of 23.01.2010 1250*3 i.e. 3750 quantity of Goods Receipts.
    However when we check the extractor we get multiple records in internal table C_T_DATA and in psa.
    Line BWV ETENR   SLFDT              MENGE    ROCA BEDAT                            BUDAT          EBELN
           ORG                                                        NCEL
    1     001     0001     20100125     3750.000          20100113     ZNB     F     00000000     5600453404
    2     001     0002     20100226     1250.000          20100113     ZNB     F     00000000     5600453404
    3     002     0001     20100125     3750.000     X     20100113     ZNB     F     20100123     5600453404
    4     002     0001     20100125     3750.000          20100113     ZNB     F     20100123     5600453404
    5     003     0001     20100125     3750.000     X     20100113     ZNB     F     20100127     5600453404
    6     003     0001     20100125     3750.000          20100113     ZNB     F     20100127     5600453404
    7     002     0001     20100125     3750.000     X     20100113     ZNB     F     20100226     5600453404
    8     002     0001     20100125     3750.000          20100113     ZNB     F     20100226     5600453404
    9     002     0002     20100226     1250.000     X     20100113     ZNB     F     20100226     5600453404
    As can be seen we have record no 8 for ETENR (Schedule line 1) with posting date 26.02.2010 and another record with posting date 23.01.2010.
    Since we are getting 2 records the record with incorrect posting date overwrites the record with correct one.
    Any idea if this could be a standard extractor problem or any other way to resolve this issue.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    First of all, are you using a staging DSO? (You should ideally)
    If yes, is it a Write Optimized DSO? (Again, this is ideal)
    If its a standard DSO, the values maybe over-writing upon activation.
    You have 3 records (quantity = 1250 * 3) that have been receipted on 23.01.2010, where Posting Date = 23.01.2010.
    You also have a record (quantity = 1250 * 1) that has been receipted on 26.01.2010. Posting date = 26.01.2010.
    Now, in RSA3 & in PSA you can see more records than intended.
    This is because you have before & after images. (ROCANCEL = X or blank).
    ROCANCEL = X --> Before Image (record before change)
    ROCANCEL = blank --> After Image (record after change)
    This is a standard property of the extractor.
    Now, we also have something known as BWVORG (Process Keys). Each process, i.e. creating a PO, Goods Receipt, Invoice etc.. have different Process Keys.
    Creation - 001
    Goods Rcpt. - 002
    Invoice - 003
    We can see that record 8, i.e. BWVORG = 002 (GR) has been modified on 26.01.2010.
    That is why there is before image and after image.
    Which one should be the correct posting date? 23.01.2010?
    Normally in a Write optimized DSO, you will have all the records (before and after images & others as well).
    I hope this helps.
    Please let me know if otherwise.

  • I bought several season of a tv series in the German Apple Store. Now they are gone due to technical problems (no backup). How do I get them back? ATTENTION: Meanwhile I moved to Switzerland and the Swiss Store doesn't offer tv series.

    I bought several season of a tv series in the German Apple Store. Now they are gone due to technical problems (no backup). How do I get them back? ATTENTION: Meanwhile I moved to Switzerland and the Swiss Store doesn't offer tv series.

    Welcome to the Apple user discussion forums
    I'll hit a few of your questions - others will have to do others since I'm not up on some of the issues you ask about
    4) is there an easy way to review/delete items (in 6, i run a basic slideshow and delete on the fly -- is this still workable in 7?)?
    5) Are there significant functionality benefits of 7 over 6 (e.g., does the noise function or shadow/highlight really offer significant benefits? The Events seems obvious, but I'm more interested in "under the hood" experience
    Loseless editing - web galleries - events
    a) Is import any faster? As my library is growing in size, the import is getting overly slow
    It is fine for me (only you can compare to your current) - I have 20542 items using 26.3 GB in 271 events
    7) Is there a full-screen edit mode?
    8) Can you configure events so that it's not just by day?
    9) Is 6's "roll" structure as mirrored in the file system still available in the Events approach, or is the database structure that once you've converted a library, there's no going back?
    Events replace rolls (if your rolls are named - NOT the default rollxxx name - they will come across as is - to me events are rolls with much more capability and a new name - some people are VERY putoff by the change (but most love it) for reasons that I simply do not comprehend
    10) What is the effective (or advised) maximum library size? I've probably got over 60GB of images in my libraries now, with 20,000 images or so. If 7 can readily digest them (and preserve all my albums, etc.), then I'd love to combine them into one, unless that will kill performance, make the database unstable, drive backups into interminable waits, etc.
    The advertised max is 250,000 photos - I have about the same number of photos as you in about 1/3 the space - there are a few users here with libararies your size. With iPhoto Library Manager it is easy to maintain multiple libraries if you choose
    Message was edited by: LarryHN

  • Index series and index class in asset accounting

    Hi All,
    I have read in the SAP documentation that we need to assign index series to index class. I have not found the place where index class is configured/assigned. Could you please let me know what are the configuration steps for indexing in asset accounting for calculation of replacement value and purpose of each of these steps/fields?

    Hi Suresh,
    Revaluation is calculated as follows:                                                                               
    ( KANSW  x Index / Basic ) - KANSW - KAUFW  
    In OAV5: Defining Index Series for Revaluation Posting
    Store the index in the depreciation area.
    Please also check the button Indicator "posting revaluation" in OAYR and read the F1 Help
    Regards Bernhard

  • Excise Invoice for Milestone billing

    We have configured mile stone billing.
    30% - Downpayment
    40% - Delivery
    30%- Closing invoice.
    Currently system is calculating excise and taxes at each step (CST & VAT)
    Our problem is how to creat single excise invoice at delivery time ( excise should be calculated on PR00 basic price in sales order at delivery against billing)
    Sachin Kadam

    Our MTO Process is as below
    VA21 -  Quotation
    VA01 - Sales order wrt to quotation
    VF04 - Create invoice, print down payment request and send to customer
    F-29 -Post customer down payment
    Production process ---> Sales order stock is available.
    VL01N - Delivery
    VA02 - Delete billing blocks
    VF04 - Create invoice, print payment request and send to customer
    F-28 - Post milestone invoice
    Billing plan deatails as below
    19.01.2010     0009          Down payment     30.00     573.89      INR
    18.02.2010     YB01          Delivery                          40.00     765.18      INR     02
    20.03.2010     0008          Closing Invoi                                   1,147.77      INR     02

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