N8 Black Screen After Software update

I know this has been posted sometime ago, i just wanna know if there are developments as to how i can fix this issue. 
I left my N8 while it was updating , when i came back the screen says Nokia PC suite has stopped working but after i closed the program and opened it again the update page says "Update Complete" after that i noticed that the PC suit/Computer is no longer detecting my Phone and the Screen is already black. I tried to turn it off and On (only felt the vibration), Already tried the 8-10 seconds hold on Power button (and felt the 3 vibraions), still not working. Also tried the 3 finger thing to no avail. I felt regret for updating my N8. I shouldnt have click that update button on the Pc suit. Hope someone out there can help me.

Just to clarify whilst carrying out three key reset you did release power button only after first vibration whilst keeping other three designated keys depressed?
Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

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    Thanks for your quick answer.
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    Hello Adam,
    I would try instead of installing the beta software, to install the official build of OS X Yosemite from the Mac App Store to see if that gets you passed the no video issue when updating the beta software. 
    How to install OS X Yosemite on your Mac
    -Norm G.  

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    Hello @milence,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that your computer is experiencing a black screen after updating the BIOS, and I would be happy to assist you in this matter!
    To return the BIOS back to factory default settings, I recommend following the steps in this document on Restoring the BIOS. If the issue persists, please call our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    I hope this helps!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Connect the MBP to a monitor.  If the monitor fails to produce an image, the GPU is suspect.  If the monitor produces an image, the display or the display connection is faulty.

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    Best regards,

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    Best - $putnik

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    Best - $putnik

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    Safari update 5.1.2;
    Security Update 2011-006;
    Java 10.6 update 6
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    I turned graphic card switching back on and ran the latest Safari off and on using youtube etc. with no problems. It used the HD 3000 card all the time for me.  I have all the latest updates for 10.6.8 installed on my Early 2011 15" Macbook Pro.  I've updated all my applications to eliminate the need for Rosetta.  If the problem returns, do a safe mode startup (shift key and power key) and then a re-start to re-built your startup cache.  You may have a startup item that's giving you a problem or one of your applications may be running in the back ground even after you quit it.  Also, the permission errors never seem to go away no matter how often you run the repair permissions. This doesn't seem to mean anything.  These "blue screen" problems probably have to do with with the Apple updates required to transition to Lion.  Lion doesn't use Rosetta and you can't run power PC apllications.  We had something that worked and Apple screwed it up.

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    Some general advice on updating:
    It is worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, as they have all been extensively beta-tested, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first to an external hard disk. Ideally you should always have a bootable clone of your system that enables you to revert to the previous pre-update state.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site.
    The Combo updater of Leopard 10.5.8 can be found here:
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Full details about the 10.5.8 update here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3606
    More information on using Software Updater here:
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.5.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications and turn off energy saving and screensaver.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious!
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them compliant with the latest version of your operating system. Give them a weeks or two while you regularly check their websites for updates. This applies particularly to plug-ins for Safari 4.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    If you are updating Safari (or just have):
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. If you have installed an OS update and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party add-on.
    Additional tips on software installation here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    • /Library/InputManagers
    • ~/Library/InputManagers
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).

  • Blank screen after Software Update

    Got a new iMac today. Moved my stuff over from my old iMac G5 and ran Software Update to move up to 10.5.1 but after the reboot I only get a blank white screen. I have tried switching off and on but again only the blank white screen. Have also tried booting from CD - do I need to do anything other than insert the CD before switching on?
    I am relatively new to Macs and this is my attempt to move over to using a Mac as my primary machine, so I'm not very familiar with standard troubleshooting.
    Ideas please...

    Hold down the "c" key as soon as you hear the boot chime to boot to the disk. Once you have booted select your Language but then instead of going through the install process, go up the the Utilities pull down menu and open up Disk Utility. Repair Disk Permissions and Repair Disk then if all is good go to Startup Disk, select your 10.5 System volume and restart.

  • Gray screen after Software Update

    I rebooted my G4 running Leopard, there was a "software update" that installed several updates, my hardisk may not have had enough space....when the Mac rebooted after the update the wheel kept spinning. I rebooted and got a gray screen...Tried Command-S but still get not past a grey screen. Please Help!

    Hi guido Deboeck;
    Do you have a backup?
    Did you have Time Machine turned out prior to the problem?
    It sounds like the lack of free space has caused the files on your system to become corrupted. You may have to resort to an Erase & Install. This of course will wipe out everything that was on the disk hence my questions about backup.

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    I decided to update the bios for my msi gt60 2OD gamer notebook. Downloaded the AHCI bios file from msi notebook site then flashed the bios inside Windows 8 x64 using a bios flasher DOS tool that came inside the folder of the bios downloaded from msi site. The flash done ok in windows 8, the DOS flashing tool showed done ok in all steps of the flashing  I restarted the notebook hit Del enter the bios press F9 for optimal settings then chose exit saving changes then restarted the notebook.  After the restart my notebook olny shows black screen. Does not boot, does not show msi logo and i am not able to enter the bios hitting DEL. The notebook turns on with all lights when i press the power button but olny show black screen.  Help me to fix and recover my notebook

    Quote from: Calj25 on 04-October-13, 19:15:21
    I went to this page
    MSI Global GT60 2OD
    I did download the file w8_E16F4IMS.50E.zip AHCI Bios then flashed the bios file using the flash utility afuwinx64.exe provided in the folder. I typed at the DOS command window inside windows 8 x64 the command afuwinx64.exe E16F4IMS50E after that the fans of notebook made noise and at the DOS window showed OK DONE for all steps of flashing. Then i shut down windows 8 . Power the notebook hit del enter the New flashed bios hit f9 for optimal settings then  save changes and restart. After the restart black screen. What did i made wrong?
    You need to use included "FLASHWIN.BAT" [which contain all required parameters] to flash it,
    else your notebook will be bricked.

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