N8: Gmail my senders name

I've sucessfully setup gmail on my N8 and sent an email to one of my other addresses. It worked, except for the fact that the sender's name was my gmail alias (eg *****@gmail.com) and not what I put in the "My name" field in the settings.
It works for my other Email Accounts (IMAP) setup on the N8.
Any suggestions why that is?

Is the outgoing email client application, Mail, in your computer?
Rules for setup of various email clients can be different but you
should be able to disable or change the messed-up one your office
computer is using now.
"I just tested this with a friend and this is what he sees."
The image [?] did not appear in your post, so I can't tell
anything from a blue box with a question mark inside...
•Gmail setup for Mac Mail -- google search results:
You could disconnect the Gmail from your computer's email client
software from within that application. Then it may stop sending out
any messages until you can correct the first problem... Or second
problem, if the daughter's device can sync and mess it up, that is
something to deal with at another level. So it won't happen at all.
There likely are some fair ideas at Google Support regarding setup
and use of Gmail POP SMTP and etc. Some of these settings are
also accessed within your email account. But to stop her Gmail's
broadcasting involves an email client software hosted in your Mac.
Sorry to not be of much help.
I don't sync anything & don't
allow anyone to use my Mac.
Good luck & happy computing!

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    You will have to configure Workflow System Administrator.
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    "Maintian Workflow System Administrator".
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    Hope this helps..

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    Go into Settings>Mail, Contacts>Calendar>the email account in question and check all the settings. The name the receiver gets is set up in your account.

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    What's going on?  I've searched the web and can find no references to this at all.
    Have any other users noticed this feature? And can anyone explain why it doen't work for all contacts?

    you will have a double entry of the contact, if more than one name attached to a number the phone doesn't know who sent it,eg if you have John Smith and Johns Mobile attached to 123456 then the phone sees the number and doesn't know who sent it, check your contacts and delete duplicate/multiple entries, many threads on this subject on the forum. Always the reason !
    Good Luck
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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