N95 - likely to be as problematic as N73?

Hello all
Just wondering whether you people think think the N95 is likey to be as 'buggy' as the N73. Just interesting to know as many will rush out and purchase the new handset, when in fact it may be better to wait a while till any problems are identified and sorted.
As with many here, i have been quite dissapointed with the N73. Certainly not upto Nokia standards!

Nokia was considered as leader in stability with best of phone stable on network even if signal was weak.
But today in the race to release new phones with latest features competing with Sony, Samsung & LG, Nokia has missed ensuring that the basic feature works. A phone is a medium to help people connect, but today that is the least important function in Nokia.
I feel Nokia should concentrate on its best feature and then enhance other functions, All my friends on Sony have never complained about there phones. Infact since I was a die hard fan of Nokia, I decided to upgrade to N73.
But today I feel I made a major mistake not just because of the faulty phone, but due the approach of Nokia - India on responding to problems.
Surprising I have been given responses which surprise me;
* Replacement cannot be provided since you did not bring the phone back to shop from where you bought it in 48 hrs
* Replacement cannot be provided since you gave the phone to a Nokia Care center in Bangalore instead of Mumbai, but the Nokia Care center did not mention this as a problem while accepting the phone
* We cannot give the phone back on priority, since it is being repaired and tested. I am surprised what better testing facility they will have compared to Finland or Factory of origin
* If you insist on taking the phone early your warrnty is void
* If I try contacting anyone other than Nokia Care, they disconnect the phone or mention they are busy and the mail box for escalation is full as no one is reading any mail
* Even an email to Nokia - Customer Cservice representatives has not invoked any response....
I am surprised that Nokia is not worried about retaining customer base, I feel they are more than happy that people should accept that there are problems and we have to live with them or move to other brands.

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    hiya thought id let you know how long i get out of this battery in the n95
    fully charged at 9am
    made 1 hour 10 mins of calls via bluetooth
    listened to 1.5 hours music via bluetooth
    sent 8 txts
    no wifi and it is switched off completley
    iam using 3g network
    by 2pm i had 3 bars of battery an was scared to listen to more music as i dont finish wrk till 5
    my n73 would have all its bars left and thats with music all day
    iam looking on ebay ive seen a battery for 8 pounds its 1200mah in size
    thats 100mah bigger then the n73 battery surely this will work better and last longer??
    has any1 tryed a bigger battery at all??
    what were the results??
    i love my n95 but at the moment iam leaning back to the trusty n73 as the battery is awesome
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    i cant understand how nokia bring a device out with grounbreaking features but put a smaller battery in it then a device with less features!!!!!!
    nokia must have had loads of complaints about the n80 but still they realease the n95 with a battery which isnt adequite
    any feedback appreciated guys
    by the way i turnt backlight to 10 secs standby mode cums on after 25 seconds and i even turnt the screen brightness down a notch!!!!

    nah mate no apps open, how can you be impressed with what i done on the phone?? by the time id finished work at 5pm i was nearly empty 1-2 bar max that was with medium use as i noticed it was going down quick and didnt wanna be without my phone for the rest of the day.my n73 would have had 4-5 bars after the same use and more
    had symbian phone since the 6630 all the way through 6680 n70 n73 n80 n95 so pretty good with them and power saving features and ways to make them quicker etc
    ive decided to sell my bluetooth headset that i used with my n73 cus the battery was sooo good
    go back to the wired headset as bluetooth connection is defently going to drain the n95s poor battery
    ive turnt the backlight down to minimum
    turnt backlight time to 10 seconds
    turt power save mode on after 20 seconds
    warning tones off
    ringtone half way
    all apps and games saved to phone apart from emulators so memory card isnt allways being accessed and read etc
    ive bought a second battery to use as a spare
    a desktop charger to charge the battery and phone over night
    left a charger at work just incase
    :-0 oh my god the things ive had to do to try to extend my battery life!! :-0
    i think nokia should hurry up and release a new battery for the n95 personally evry n95 owner would buy one 100%
    i spose they are happy with selling every1 a second bl5f battery though
    next thing ill be buying chagers to leave round my mates houses just in case or a wind up charger just incase :-)
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    iam sure 5mp cameras would have bigger batterys in iam not sure but they must be bigger then 950mah
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    i was thinking maybe wifi is somhow draining the battery even though we see it as off in the settings etc??
    i know its a long shot but ive never noticed bad batterys apart from the n80 and n95
    thanks for your replys guys
    peace out and have a good 1
    lol you might see my n95 on ebay soon still got the n73 and that battery is soooooooooo good compared to this one. you can actually use the phone without having to have backup chargers stashed everywhere :-)its great :-)
    only major differences is slight menu changes ie few new apps due to wifi etc --the cameras even though with the n73s if you use the settings you can get such good pics roughly 1.4-1.8 mb in size with lots of details the n95s is better but not by loads and loads :-)
    and wifi but hey i dont use that anyway , maybe its just cus it kills my battery and iam scared to use it :-) incase i run out of juice when i need the phone to ring someone :-)
    saying that the n73 is smaller and feels a bit sturdyer due to it not being a slider :-)
    still unconvinced on this n95 dont get me wrong loving the features just get me as much juice as the n73 which is how much older then the n95?? gota be 12--18 months hasnt it?? and id be soooo happy
    i dont think you can call this the perfect device yet as a perfect device would have a much better battery and i know nokia prob never release a perfect device as what would they do next but for 500+ pounds rrp youd expect it to pretty dam perfect wouldnt you :-)
    just my 2 cents :-)
    nice 1 have a good 1 every1Message Edited by buxz777 on 17-Aug-200708:37 PM

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    I assume 8GB is OK and reliable to use ??
    Just checking - as I said, not seen any problems at all just curious as to the mismatch.

    I haven't seen a slowdown with lots of videos and music on a 2GB card in my N73, but I have seen a huge slowdown with a lot of MobiReader eBooks installed (around 100)- it takes four or five minutes sometimes to go from a book back to the library. It doesn't happen with only a few books installed (10 or so).
    I haven't had much chance to check with my N95 that I was given for Xmas - it only came with a 1GB card and I only have a few songs plus DivX music videos and movies plus 20 books aboard so far, but so far I haven't seen any slowdown even with MobiReader.
    I'm looking for an 8GB card for my N95 once one becomes available here and I can confirm it works reliably in my N95. Then the wife gets the N73 with the 2GB and my laptop gets the 1GB card. Guess I throw away the 256MB card currently in the laptop!

  • N73 Themes

    Can someone please help me by telling me what format themes my nokia takes, where to find some and how to install it. When I try it tells me .sis file not compatible.

    It's compatible with SIS files too as well as sisx.
    Check out the themes section here
    Even though it says N95 themes they are comnpatible with the N73 as the screen resolution is the same.
    Grayburn @ www.nokiausers.net & www.dailymobile.se....come say Hello!!!
    If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

  • Deskjet 710/720/810/820/1000 Series printers - Patch for 64 bit Vista and Windows 7

    There is an issue with the 64 bit Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 or 8.1 drivers that causes the spooler to crash with the following HP Deskjet printers:
    Deskjet 710    
    Deskjet 712 
    Deskjet 720 
    Deskjet 722 
    Deskjet 810 
    Deskjet 812 
    Deskjet 820 
    Deskjet 822 
    Deskjet 1000 
    The attached file contains a patch for this issue for Vista and Windows 7.
    [The patch does not currently work for Windows 8 or 8.1 x64 systems.  There are some efforts to address this, if a solution is developed it will be posted here.  {Edit - I have not made any progress in getting the patch to work in Windows 8 x64.}]  
    First make sure the driver for the printer is installed.  If the driver has not been installed go to Start, Devices and Printers, Add a Printer, Local Printer, choose the proper port (for USB-Parallel converters the port will likely be USB001: or perhaps USB002: ), Next, click Windows Update then choose HP for the manufacturer and select the appropriate printer.   
    Apply the patch as follows: Log into the computer with an administrative account.  Download the patch by clicking on this link or on the paper clip at the end of this post.  Save the patch file to your computer, then unzip it.  Next copy the three DLL files to the following directory:  %windir%\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3   
    Note that %windir% is a system variable that points to the location of the Windows directory. For most systems this will be C:\Windows.  You can click Start, Computer and type %windir%\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3 in the address bar and it will find the right place.
    This can be done from a DOS prompt if DOS is opened with the "run as administrator" command, or from explorer with a copy and paste.  Depending on your UAC settings you may need to provide confirmation.  Also allow the current files to be overwritten if prompted.
    This patch is not required and should not applied to a 32 bit version of Vista or Windows 7.
    Thanks to extraordinary Microsoft engineer Alan Morris for guidance for the patch.
    Update - the following are more detailed installation instructions:
    Download the patch from here. Now click on the file and open it, then extract the patch to some directory that is easy to find. (I use c:\temp. If this directory does not exist you can create it as follows: open the administrative DOS prompt by clicking on Start, All Programs, Accessories, then right click on CMD.EXE and select Run as Administrator. Click in the DOS box then type the following:
    MD c:\temp
    CD \temp
    Now extract the patch files into the c:\temp directory (extract all, chose c:\temp as the destination).
    [Update - Windows security settings may prevent these files from being used, please open Computer, type c:\temp in the address bar and then right click on each of the dll files and select Properties.  If there is a message in Properties indicating the file was downloaded from the internet and may be blocked then unblock the file before proceeding.]
    Next click back in the administrative DOS prompt and type the following: (stuff in green is comments, do not type them...)
    DIR *.dll (this is just to verify the files are there, it should list hpvdb720.dll, hpvdb820.dll and hpwm5db1.dll and perhaps others.)
    Net stop spooler (makes sure the files are not in use.)
    Copy  hpvdb720.dll  C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3 (this is for the Deskjet 710/712/720/722)
    Copy  hpvdb820.dll  c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3 (this covers the Deskjet 820 and 822)
    Copy  hpwm5db1.dll  c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3(this covers the Deskjet 1000)
    Net Start Spooler
    [Edit - note that these DLL files will already be in the directory.  You will get a warning asking if it is OK to overwrite the files, say "yes".]
    At this point the patch is installed and ready to print.
    Note that the printers here do not support USB connections, they have only parallel ports. [Edit - if your printer does have a parallel port use it, this will likely be much less problematic than using a USB-Parallel converter.]   If you use a USB-parallel converter make sure it is supported in your operating system.  The following posts are flagged with USB-parallel cables that are reported to work in Windows 7.   A driver is required for the USB-parallel converter in addition to the driver for the printer.  For supported converters this is typically supplied automatically in Windows 7.  Note:  the proper port to select for the USB-Parallel converters is often USB001:.  I have heard of some cases where the port was USB002: or LPT3: as well.  If the port you are using does not succeed (after applying the patch) try changing the port by going to Start, Devices and Printers, right click on your printer and select Printer Properties, then click on the Ports tab.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.
    DJ_Patch.zip ‏34 KB

    Just want to send a thanks.  Purchased a new HP computer with 64 bit Windows 7 and haven't been able to get my 722c to work. This patch worked like a charm!

  • Import fails for movies on Intel Macbook

    Importing with iPhoto on my MacBook fails on the first movie it encounters every time.
    The movies are 30 second AVI files from a Canon Ixus v3 connected via USB. The import will show no progress for about 5 minutes and then apparently time out. It returns to the iPhoto library and neither the movie nor subsequent content are there.
    The same combination of camera, cable, photos & movies works perfectly on other computers, a 17" 1GHz Powerbook and and a 17" 1GHz iMac.
    The same CF Flash card, photos & movies work fine on the MacBook using a CF-USB card reader.
    Using Image Capture on the MacBook instead iPhoto worked once but every other time it has behaved just like iPhoto. It times out and fails to import that first movie or any subsequent content.
    I created a new user on the MacBook and tried importing with iPhoto in there and the same failure occured.
    I reset the PRAM and tried again to no avail.
    I worked through all this with the AppleCare phone support with no success. The support person consulted senior technicians for a couple of minutes and came back to me with their opinion - that it is probably an incompatibility betwen iPhoto, the Intel Mac and the Canon Ixus v3 ie. the specific combination of those three things.
    They suggest that it's not a USB issue because iPhoto imports perfectly using the CF-USB card reader. They believe it's not an iPhoto software installation issue for the same reason. It's not a preferences issue because it also failed with a new user and the PRAM reset didn't help.
    They apologized for not finding a solution for me and could only offer the workaround of using the CF card reader. That's not such a bad work around but I'd still like to persist if anyone can suggest any further troubleshooting or possible solutions. I'd also like to see "me too" posts from anyone who has had the same issue.

    I have had a similar problem, where maye 8 out of 10 AVI format moves will download into iPhoto, but the rest simply never get there. I did get 107 out of 109 files OK but have seen worse. I can tell you about which camera it is, how I connect and so on, but first, this:
    A small sidebar in the Bugs & Fixes column of the April, 2007 Macworld magazine (see page 89) mentions that: "the likely cause is a problematic third-party QuickTime Plug-in." and advises the reader to check for and remove plug-ins not installed by OSX.
    I took the same camera and imported all 109 pics from my camera on a separate account of the same machine (20" i-mac but I don't think this is relevant) and got all 109 f 109 files just fine.
    So, I think "problematic third party QT plug-ins may be a good call. Need to investigate this some more, but its a flaky problem and Macs are supposed to "just plain work".

  • AVI import fails for older files but works in iMovie

    I have two sets of AVI files, one from early 2000 and newer post 2008.
    Both groups of files import fine into iMovie 11.
    however, only the newer group imports into FCP X.
    I can convert the older files to MOV using QT, but this won't work well for many files.
    Seems if iMovie can read, so should FCP X.

    I have had a similar problem, where maye 8 out of 10 AVI format moves will download into iPhoto, but the rest simply never get there. I did get 107 out of 109 files OK but have seen worse. I can tell you about which camera it is, how I connect and so on, but first, this:
    A small sidebar in the Bugs & Fixes column of the April, 2007 Macworld magazine (see page 89) mentions that: "the likely cause is a problematic third-party QuickTime Plug-in." and advises the reader to check for and remove plug-ins not installed by OSX.
    I took the same camera and imported all 109 pics from my camera on a separate account of the same machine (20" i-mac but I don't think this is relevant) and got all 109 f 109 files just fine.
    So, I think "problematic third party QT plug-ins may be a good call. Need to investigate this some more, but its a flaky problem and Macs are supposed to "just plain work".

  • Nokia 5700 New Firmware Should Have This Change Lo...

    Hello All!
    After A Full Anlysis Of Nokia 5700 Xpress Music I want To Inform Nokia Those Changes Which Need To Be MAde In Nokia 5700 New Firmware.
    Here They Are:
    * Music Player SHould HAve Exit Button [It takes 2mb Ram When Run In Background].
    * There Must An Application To Run Phone In Landscape Mode.
    * Loudness Of Music Must Be Enhanced.
    * Music Player Should Be Paused While There Is NAy Incomming Call.
    * Camera Quality Should Be More Better.
    * Camera Zoom Should Be 10X or More.
    * More Visulaization Should BE Added.
    * When Create ANy New Folder In Images Folder Through Gallery and Move All Images To Newly Create Folder Then Only One Image Moved To That Folder. This Bug Should Be Fixed.
    * Radio Sound Must Be More Louder.
    * There Must Be Option To Remove Themes Via Application Manager.
    * Warning Tones Must Be Fast. Warning Tones Heard After 2 sec Of The Notification.
    * Loudness Option Should Work As It Is Not Working In The Current Firmware.
    * The Phone Restart Automatically, This Bug Should Be Fixed.
    * There Must Be 25-30 mb free Ram Available as In The Current Version Only 18 mb Free Ram Is Available.
    * MAps Should Be There In New Firmware.
    I am Sure That Nokia Will Consider These Things While Releasing The New Firmare For Nokia 5700.
    I thank U All!
    Nokia 5530 Xpress Music RM-504

    * Music Player SHould HAve Exit Button [It takes 2mb Ram When Run In Background].i think this will come with a firmware update, cause n73 get it also later by an update
    * There Must An Application To Run Phone In Landscape Mode.
    * Music Player Should Be Paused While There Is NAy Incomming Call.i agree if it isnt that whay. doenst use the mp3player on my n73
    * Camera Quality Should Be More Better.maybe there will be an update like on n73, but the pictures i saw were really noisy
    * Camera Zoom Should Be 10X or More.it is digital zoom so 10x digital zoom would be like you take a 160x120 cutting of your 2mp-picture (1600x1200) and resize it to 1600x120 - i hope you understand that it is not the same like if you take a 1600x1200 native picture without resizing. that's digital zoom...
    * When Create ANy New Folder In Images Folder Through Gallery and Move All Images To Newly Create Folder Then Only One Image Moved To That Folder. This Bug Should Be Fixed.use fexplorer or x-plore or Y-Browser or activefile as file browser
    * Radio Sound Must Be More Louder.so it is the same issue like phone/mp3 loudness. phone has to be louder at all.
    * There Must Be Option To Remove Themes Via Application Manager.build-in themes cannot be removed
    * Warning Tones Must Be Fast. Warning Tones Heard After 2 sec Of The Notification.you see a notification (for example "battery low") and the sound is 2 seconds late? curious...
    * The Phone Restart Automatically, This Bug Should Be Fixed.also if you dont use the phone? or are you doing something specific?
    * There Must Be 25-30 mb free Ram Available as In The Current Version Only 18 mb Free Ram Is Available.buy a e90... n95 isnt better in that point and n73 isnt too. i dont think they can reduce the ram-using of the symbian-os too free ram for third party apps
    * MAps Should Be There In New Firmware.you can download it!?! why it should be in the firmware? if there is someone who doesnt use or need it, it is wasted memory for him if it is build-in
    V21.0.025 » 04-09-2007 » RM-356 5800 XpressMusic » Language pack 01

  • Newbie requiring re-installation help!

    I migrated a lot of files across from my PC yesterday when my new imac arrived. However, it’s just a mess of files now, and I decided to just clean the hard drive and re-install OSX.
    HOWEVER, when I re-installed, it did not give me the “erase and install” function, and instead just seems to have gone through the installation process without actually clearing the hard drive.
    Two questions:
    A – how do I erase and install?
    B – is this likely to have been problematic given that I DIDN’T uninstall anything, erase anything, and just seem to have overlayed another installation of OSX on top of the existing one. Problematic?? Issues?
    Sorry guys. This is my first mac so I’m just learning.
    Thanks for your help

    when i go to utilities, clear the HD and re-install, will i then have to re-install all relevant apps from the applications CD?
    In general, no, but you will have to go through the setup like it was a new machine (User account info, etc). If you are using the Gray label DVD that came with your Mac, then you will get replacements for all of the Apple programs that came on your machine including the iLife programs.
    People that are using a retail Black label DVD on a formatted drive because their machine came with an older OS will only get the OS and basic programs (Mail, iTunes, Safari, Address Book, DVD Player, etc). They will need to go back to the Gray label DVD they got with their machine and install the iLife programs from the optional installs folder. The only version of iLife programs that are free are the ones that shipped with your Mac.
    In addition, the regular installation from the SL gray label DVD does not install some programs like the older version of QuickTime 7, Rosetta, and the developer tools. They can be installed later from the gray DVD if required.
    Usual warning - formatting the drive, and installing a new OS will completely destroy all of the user files/folders/emails/photos/music and other documents and settings. If you will need any of these items on your new installation you must back them up to an external drive or DVD before you begin the re-installation.
    Hope this helps.

  • Adobe Reader XI crashes. Is there a fix?

    Would like to use Reader XI, especially since support for 9 is gone. But the last time I used XI it crashed upon opening (double-clicking on a document). This did not appear to be a protected view issue. I would like to simply download and try it out again, but do not think I could get 9 back, and 9 works splendidly. Anyone with similar problems? Has the most recent update fixed this?

    Windows 7 is the operating system. I haven't gotten as far as using any of the Reader X or XI versions for very long; after the difficulties with XI I reverted to 9 (9.5) and have stuck with it until now. (My needs for pdf files are not very demanding.)
    Is 10 likely to be less problematic than 11, assuming it's best to abandon 9 altogether? Perhaps that would be hard for you to say. I gather my problem with 11 isn't unique, but are there common issues that seem to arise among folks that do have a problem with crashes?

  • Problem when trying to transfer messages using the...

    Hey all.
    I rang Nokia Support today, but they didn't seem to understand the issue that I was having, so I've decided to post it here.
    I reesently sent my N95 away to be repaired, because it had a broken speaker. I got it back on monday, and decided that I would try and transfer the messages from my old N73 to the N96. I launched the Switch application on the N95, and turned Bluetooth on on the N73. I selected the messages option from the list, and hit the ok option. After fetching about 250 messages, I noticed that the status line on the screen wasn't updating, so I figured that for some unknown reason the message transfer had crashed. I hit the stop option on the N95, and got a message stating that the connection had been broken. I checked in the inbox of the N95, and saw that some of the messages were there. I attempted to transfer the itoms again, and this time the connection held. However, upon recieving all of the messages from the N73, the N95 informed me that It was sending messages to the N73! I figured that this must be because it was sincrinising the messages that it had first attempted to fetch (the first time, when the connection broke). When it had finished, I checked in the inbox of both phones. The N95 had the correct number of messages, and so, surprisingly did the N73.
    So my question: does anyone know what would have happened to the messages that the N95 attempted to fetch first (the time the Bluetooth connection broke half way through), and the messages that the N95 had transfered to the N73?
    I am assuming that may be after transfering both of the phones look through the messages, and if it finds any messages with the same timestap it just overwrites them. If someone knows the answer to this question, please let me know.
    Sorry for the long post, and I hope everyone understands my question!
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Never had a transfer crash on me before. Apart from using switch to transfer, I also use it to sync my phones and that also involves the messges being transferred back and forth except I do it fairly regularly and I have yet ended up with any duplication. Hence, your theory about the phone checking checking for dupliction is probably correct.

  • Is it safe to update the iPod?

    iTunes is telling me to update the iPod. Is it safe?

    First off, you'll probably get varying replies as for opinions in this matter, of course, but here's mine, which isn't exactly on one side or the other.
    Generally speaking, 1.2.1 is a fairly safe update, and it tends to solve more problems than it does make new ones, as I've seen.
    This 1.2.1 update, though, was basically for the bugs and errors in the previous 1.2 firmware, which certainly brought on new issues, so 1.2.1 would be good for users with 1.2 problems.
    If you've been running on 1.2 all this time and iTunes wants you to upgrade to 1.2.1, you're iPod will most likely do just fine, since it doesn't seem that 1.2.1 has any new problems that 1.2 didn't already have.
    If you've been running on 1.1.2 all this time, though (without issues), you have a higher chance at getting new issues with 1.2.1, which would mostly just be some remaining bugs from 1.2 that the latest upgrade didn't fix.
    The way I look at it is, if you haven't been having any issues with the iPod on the 1.1.2 firmware, though, it might be better to go ahead and not update to this latest 1.2.1, since there wouldn't exactly be a reason, bug-wise, to upgrade the iPod to this latest firmware.
    We're probably seeing only just a tiny portion of iPod owners on the Discussions with this latest update, though, so it is most likely not a commonly problematic upgrade in that sense at all, although from 1.1.2 to 1.2.1 could bring on problems that 1.2 already simply had.
    I hope all that made sense.
    Good luck!

  • Logic doesn't receive a midi signal any longer

    The whole morning I worked on my project in Logic, using my 2 midi keyboards, no problem. Now suddenly they stopped working. Logic doesn't receive any signal any more. I already did a midi driver reset, restarted the Mac, turned off and on the keyboards, checked the cables. Nothing works. What can be the problem?

    If your MIDI interface does not appear, make sure it is powered on and connected to your computer. If you are running any Classic applications and your USB interface did not appear, quit AMS and all MIDI and Classic applications, shut down the Classic environment (you can do this in the System Preferences). If you did not install Mac OS X drivers for your hardware, you may need to do so.
    If your MIDI interface is grayed out, like the Emagic EMI 6|2 M in the illustration, that means that this interface was previously present when you ran a MIDI application, but the driver could not locate it, or the driver is no longer installed. If the device is present, quit AMS and all MIDI and Classic applications, shut down the Classic environment, and make sure that drivers for your hardware are installed. If you no longer have this hardware, you can select and delete the interface if you like.
    If your MIDI interface appears and is not grayed out, like the Edirol UM-880 in the illustration, this means that your device’s driver has successfully located the hardware and all is well. If you like, you can begin using your MIDI applications without any further setup. In your applications, you will see the names of the hardware ports, as assigned by the driver. In the case of the UM-880, for example, you will see “Port 1,” “Port 2,” etc.
    If Audio MIDI Setup crashes when starting or when you click on MIDI Devices, this is probably because the MIDIServer process has crashed while starting, most likely due to a problematic MIDI driver. Try moving aside 3rd party MIDI drivers. Drivers are normally installed in/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers, though they may also be loaded from\$(HOME)/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers and/System/Library/Extensions. You might find useful clues as to which driver is crashing in:\$(HOME)/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MIDIServer.crash.log (scroll to the bottom for the most recent crash).

  • Unable to complete reports, grey screen and freezing

    I was wondering if anyone else is having the problem of getting a grey screen and unable to continue in Oracle when trying the run either financial reports or MPR reports. We have researched the differences in computer hardware and software loaded and basically all is the same. The strange thing is that the reports were working on 2 computers and all of a sudden they are freezing with the grey screen. No new programs were added to either the server or the user.

    Well, an Invalid Node Structure is usually not repairable using Disk Utility. But I see you ran it from the disk (the best result doing this in Tiger). Now it's Invalid Key Length, a little better then the 1st report, but still leaves her down. I would try the Disk Repair several more times. That is what is suggested if DU does not succeed the 1st time.
    This is pretty serious directory damage. Perhaps if Disk Utility repairs were done once a month, it wouldn't have gotten this far. Doing an Archive and install, with the directory having this much damage, is not what I would recommend. If she has nothing to lose, important data, music, pictures then it's worth a try but more then likely it will be problematic.
    But you say no volume showed; not good. Have here try a PMU reset to see if we can get the volume to show.
    I will try to help further if you can tell me if her data is important!

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