"nano is full" message

If you make a big playlist on the mac, you can set the the software on a shuffle to randomly choose as many songs from the playlist as the shuffle can hold.
my new nano doesn't seem to want to do this; if the playlist is too big i just get a message saying the nano is full.
am i doing something wrong?

so to summarise, it used to work really well.
now it doesn't.
apple seem to have taken a big step backwards.
thanks for your help, but if that were the official (apple) answer, i'd say that's a lousy answer.
again, thanks for your help.

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    Often (no, not always, it's not consistent), I get the dreaded "Home Directory full" message when I launch mail. Mail then quits when I click OK. Normally, if I launch it again right away, it works.
    I tried to use the standard fix (e.g., removing the "Envelope Index" file to the desktop and launching Mail). This did cause a dialog to pup up informing me that I needed to re-index my mail file. I did that, and the process stopped with the progress indicator about two thirds through. I quit Mail and replaced the Mail folder in Library with the backup I had made before getting started.
    Next, I tried the Hoover method (running the vacuum command from the Terminal. My machine grinded away for some time. I don't know how far it got (there is no progress indicator nor any other feedback of any kind), but since nothing happened for a good half hour (with no more disk activity for a long time), I quit that process, too. Get info revealed that the "Envelope Index" file had not been modified at all by this. Again, just to be on the safe side, I replaced the Mail file again with the backup copy.
    Because the re-indexing in my first attempt had stopped while processing my sent items folder, I suspected that this one was the culprit. I therefore attempted to rebuild it (via the menu command in Mail). Much to my surprise, the process actually finished without an error message. However, my sent items folder now contained some 5,200 emails as opposed to the 7,00 or so it should have.
    Then I saved my Mail preferences file to the desktop, made a backup copy of my Mail backup file, and launched Mail. This made the application believe that it was being launched for the first time. I used the Import command and imported only the contents of the Sent Items mailbox, specifying "Other" as the type. This imported 5,225 items; at that point, the progress indicator was showed a fully completed process, even though the "messages" folder contained 7,900 items. Checking things, I found that there was a discrepancy of 9 items (i.e., the last item that showed as having been imported was not the 5,225th item in the "messages" folder, but rather the 5,216th). I thus moved the first 5,216 items from the messages folder into a different folder and tried to import the rest. Much to my surprise, Mail imported the same 5,216 items all over again. This is when I noticed that it does not import from the "messages" folder but rather from the file called "mbox".
    And this is where things stand. I still get the "Home Directory Full" message about once out of two launches of Mail (but never once Mail is up and running). I desperately need to get this fixed as I fear I'm on the brink of a disaster with my mail file.
    One more clue: I cannot be 100% sure, but it seems to me that the problem began when I added a second dot mac email account to my Mail setup (we have a family pack; I always managed the main account and have more recently added one of the sub-accounts to my configuration). I also noticed that sometimes, this second dot Mac account shows up in my list of mailboxes on the left side of the screen, and sometimes it doesn't. Both these accounts are configured to be checked automatically. In addition to these IMAP accounts, I have a half dozen POP3 accounts and some 40 or 50 local mailboxes configured.
    Does anyone know of a utility I can use to rebuild my entire email file instead of just the index? Or does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can manually fix things? I did do the usual stuff already (using disk utility to check the disk, fixing permissions, and so on) without detecting any problems.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.

    You’re welcome.
    When I removed the preference file (com.apple.mail.plist), I also removed
    the folder "Mail" so as to start from scratch completely.
    Well, that’s not what you said in your first post...
    I only use "Other" because I read in one of Apple's notes that one should
    try "Other" in the event that the OS X Mail import failed (which it did).
    This is wrong in the case of Mail 2.x. That has to be an old article. Could you please be more specific as to where exactly did you find it?
    there is a way to actually export the contents of a mailbox as individual
    items that can then be reimported.
    Selected messages can be exported in standard mbox format by doing File > Save As in Mail and choosing Raw Message Source from the Format popup menu. Standard mbox files can be imported into most mail clients. In particular, they can be imported back into Mail doing File > Import Mailboxes and choosing Other as the data format. Using this format, however, would cause some status flags to be lost (e.g. whether a message has been replied to).
    Locally stored mailboxes can be copied to the Desktop or anywhere else by just dragging them there from Mail itself (for server-stored IMAP mailboxes, copy the messages to locally stored “On My Mac” mailboxes in Mail first). These, however, are .mbox folders (not standard mbox files), where messages are stored in individual .emlx files that other mail clients don’t know or care about. They can be imported back into Mail doing File > Import Mailboxes and choosing Mail for Mac OS X as the data format.
    It also explains why the import only brought in 5,200 items instead of the 7,900.
    The question is: where are the others?
    In the Messages folder.
    as I mentioned above, I used disk utility to check the disk and fix permissions, so I did
    not just do the permissions stuff. In my experience, if checking the disk gives you an
    OK result, then there is no point in booting from another disk to perform a repair disk.
    Right. I missed that part of your first post. Sorry.
    if the mbox files are no longer needed, can they be removed?
    Yes. The only items within a mailbox (i.e. within an .mbox or an .imapmbox folder) used by Mail 2.x are Info.plist and the Messages folder. Any other files you may see there are almost certainly Mail 1.x files that Mail 2.x leaves there after the conversion. This is poorly explained in Mac OS X 10.4 Mail: Some mailbox files used by Mac OS X 10.3 are not deleted after importing. The article only talks about mailboxes in ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/, but the same can also be said about mailboxes in “POP-”, “IMAP-”, or “Mac-” account folders.
    As long as you keep a backup copy of the old files for a while (at least, until you’re sure everything was converted properly), they can safely be removed from the Mail folder. OnyX has a Cleaning > Misc > Temporary and obsolete items option for getting rid of all those files.
    Note that if you see strangely-named Messages-T0x... folders, these aren’t old files from previous versions of Mail, but rather an indication that there is something amiss. More specifically, these are temporary folders created by Mail 2.x during an import or a reindexing process (e.g. rebuilding a mailbox) that Mail should have deleted when done. Their presence is a clear indication that something didn’t work as expected.
    Here’s the procedure I usually suggest to set up Mail again from scratch:
    1. If you have a .Mac account and .Mac synchronization of Mail data is enabled either in Mail > Preferences > General or in System Preferences > .Mac, disable it before proceeding.
    2. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    3. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/. Move (not copy) the entire Mail folder out of there, to the Desktop.
    4. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Preferences/. Locate com.apple.mail.plist and move it to the Desktop.
    5. Open Mail and set it up again from scratch. If given the option to import existing mailboxes or something like that, don’t. Just enter the account information and check that everything works fine.
    6. You’ll have to re-configure all your settings in Mail > Preferences. For spam-related security reasons, the first thing you should do is go to Preferences > Viewing and disable Display remote images in HTML messages if it’s enabled.
    7. If Mail works fine now and you had any messages stored in local mailboxes, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Mail for Mac OS X as the data format, and follow the instructions to import your mail from the old Mail folder that’s now on the Desktop. Import the Mailboxes folder first, then each of the POP-username@mailserver account folders, if any.
    8. If .Mac synchronization of Mail data was enabled at the beginning, enable it again, go to System Preferences > .Mac > Advanced, click Reset Sync Data, and choose the appropriate options to reset the Mail data stored on the .Mac server with the data locally stored on the computer, i.e. sync data must flow from the computer to the .Mac server.
    As a result of doing the above, some messages may be duplicated. Andreas Amann’s Mail Scripts has a Remove Duplicates script that you may find useful.
    If all is well and you don’t miss anything, the files on the Desktop can be deleted, although you may want to keep them for a while, just in case.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.

  • HT201253 My Nano is full and I can no longer sync more music. How do I delete duplicate songs on the Nano to make room for syncing more songs?

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    I had the same problem today and was able to resolve it without having to do a restore or reset. The problem had something to do with my mail accounts. The upgrade reset my mail settings, switching both my gmail and my .mac mail to "archive all mail". I went into the General Settings, disabled that setting, and resynced the phone. The "other" storage allottment dropped back down to less than a gig.
    Before you restore or reset, I would try that first.

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    The problem is not limited to an error message - web browsers will also sometimes refuse to download now because of 'disk full' issues.  But if I try to copy files within Finder, it always works, up to the actual limit of the disk size.   This suggests that something is going on with file management where both MacOS and my web browsers see that there is no space, but Finder is able to manage around it when I try to copy files.  Is this a known issue?   Are there large temporary files which are not reflected in the available disk space indicators?
    I'm using an early 2011 MBP with 10.6.8, and the original 500gb hard drive.  I did just upgrade to 8GB of RAM but it's not clear if this is related or a coincidence.

    You are Confusing RAM = Memory.. with Disc Space = Hard Drive...
    ZeroZeroZeroOne wrote:
    I've started to receive a 'Disk full' message when every indication shows that I still have over 10GB of hard drive space available.  ...
    This is Not enough Free Space on your Hard Drive... You need at Least 10% or 25 GB (whichever is greater) for your Mac to Perform as expected...
    Time to Clear Up some Space on your Hard Drive before it Freezes and becomes unusable...
    See Here for starters...

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    It is NOT legitimate. It is SPAM
    The latest Firefox release is 7.0.1 which you should update to by visiting http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

  • Cannot view full message box in right corner

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    At least some portion of every window is supposed to be drawn ON the screen.
    If that message is too far toward the edge, you could try reducing the screen resolution to something very narrow, like 640 by 480 if supported. The hope is that this will place the message box off-screen, so that the System would have to move it back toward the home position to keep it on-screen. When you switch back (presuming the box is still there) it will be firmly on-screen and can be moved into a position you like better.

  • IPad's mail program doesn't load full messages (e.g. 9,5Kb)

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    Other messages with pictures, text (e.g. 500 Kb) are shown correctly.
    Did not find any relation between this problem and the messages content.
    Can't attach a picture because didn't find no "camera icon" on this page.

    Another quirk I've just noticed.  Sometimes the mail WILL display completely at first and then after I look at another mail, it changes to displaying with the body missing.  This is weird.

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    That;s really not enough free space... you can use a tools such as OmniDiskSweeper to find out where your large files reside and begin pruning (or copying to an external if they're files that you want to keep).
    One thing is certain - if you're going to continue your current usage you're certainly going to need to install a larger boot drive.

  • "storage almost full" message

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    1. Deleted iCloud backup for the phone. - Not Fixed
    2. Restored phone - Not Fixed
    3. Bought brand new iPhone 5 and restored from backup - Problem is now on the new phone.
    This is obviously an issue with the OS. What is the fix?
    My next course of action is to factory restore the iPhone 5 and remove all traces of the backups from the iPhone 4. In the process we are going to lose lots of data that is very important.

    riegertml wrote:
    1. Deleted iCloud backup for the phone. - Not Fixed
    Why?  This is completely illogical.  The iCloud backup has nothing to do with the message being displayed.
    riegertml wrote:
    2. Restored phone - Not Fixed
    Again, why?  There is completely illogical. Restoring does not remove content from the device.
    riegertml wrote:
    3. Bought brand new iPhone 5 and restored from backup - Problem is now on the new phone.
    Again, why?  If  the same backup is restored to a device of the same capacity the same "Storage full" message will appear.
    riegertml wrote:
    This is obviously an issue with the OS.
    No, it simply and obviously is not.
    riegertml wrote:
    What is the fix?
    Replace the user with one that can read and comprehend the message.
    riegertml wrote:
     My next course of action is to factory restore the iPhone 5 and remove all traces of the backups from the iPhone 4. In the process we are going to lose lots of data that is very important.
    Why?  So more time and effort can be wasted?
    Stop being dense.  Connect the iPhone to the computer. Open iTunes.
    Manage the content being synced to the device via iTunes.

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    Tried to take photo w/ iphone 4s. Got "storage full" message. Deleted a good bit of content: video, music, some apps. Phone still shows "0 bytes availible". What's the deal?

    Do a reset (Hold Sleep/Wake and Home buttons about 10 secs or more till Apple logo appears)

  • Startup Disk Full Message Keeps Occuring

    I'm new at maintaining our Xserve here at work. It seems that each day the serevr gets incapacitated because the Startup Disk space fills up. I keep deleting log files and other files that are temporary, but to no avail. I can free a Gig or 2 then a day or two alter it's full again. Is there something wrong with the configuration?

    You found a disk-full message and, well, piled onto the thread. OK. There's a decent shot that there is no connection to the previous disk-full error, too. If you lift the hood and look at the Unix layers, there are a large number of files being written, and many differing triggers for general or for excessive disk consumption.
    As was mentioned earlier in the thread, this likely isn't specific to Xserve hardware, and this is probably a generic Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server issue, too; something occurring within the Unix layer of the platform. Something writing a log. Caching. A run-away process. Etc.
    Get the [Grand Perspective tool|http://grandperspectiv.sourceforge.net> as a start. That can show you where your space is going.
    Also launch Terminal.app and use the shell commands:
    find / -size 1k -print+
    sudo du -sHh /*
    mdfind 'kMDItemFSSize > 10000000'
    The first shows files larger than 1K, the second shows disk space. There are commands around to sort this stuff, too; to rank your use as output by du. That last one, the mdfind command, is a (fast) Mac search command that works reasonably well as part of a pipe.
    And 150 gigabytes? That's comparatively tiny. I'm running 750 GB drives on servers that are now three years old. Go get yourself actual disk storage devices. Smaller drives can sometimes be used for high performance, but SSD is infiltrating that usage. The tiny SAS disks that were sold with various Xserve boxes were built for speed and bandwidth (as HDDs go), and aren't so good for storage or for sharing the operating system installation with, for instance, users.
    And if it's log files, have a look at what's going on as - as is typical with many of these cases - the log can be filling because there's an error somewhere. And the specific trigger for the error can by most anything. Do your due diligence as a Unix server administrator and find your big file(s) and have a look at what's going on with your Unix server, in other words.
    Also try a few Google searches, as this problem is a common one, and there are any number of discussions around of various find and du and mdfind and other commands that can be used here. It'd be nice if there was an integrated and GUI-friendly mechanism within Mac OS X, but that's not available; it's add-on or Unix shell commands for now...

  • My iMac does not start up as usual. Start up disk is full message and I do not get normal desk top. Please can you help? Thanks

    My iMac does not start up as usual. I now get a ' start up disk is full. You need to make space available on your start up disk by deleting files' message.
    I am able to key my log on password however I just get the purple galaxy screen with no desktop.
    If I try to use the keyboard I get a tone when pressing the keys.
    Has worked perfectly well up until I got this dusk full message.
    Can anyone help please. Thanks

    Your going to have to follow the Data Recovery Efforts page here to be able to access your drive and remove files without booting the computer.
    You can't open the iMac so you will need OS X booted from a external drive or via Firewire Target Disk Mode using another Mac.
    I would concentrate on Movies as this is a big source of large files to free up room.
    Read Storage Drive here
    If you not handy with computers, your going to have to hire a local service or provide the info above to someone you know who can, it's not easy.

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    Thanks Rob.
    We have the same issue (i.e. Exchange is at the first warning, and Unity is giving "ALMOST full" messages we can't skip through).  If I'm reading the thread correctly, it sounds like they didn't find a solution either.  :/
    At least we're not the only ones.  : )

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    he previous 'complete header' option has been replaced with a time consuming 'custom' choice.

    Customize your toolbar in Mail and add the All Headers button:

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