NAS backup recommendations

I am looking for recommendations for NAS, simple or not, hard drives for use as a network backup device for a small office before I plunk down more money on one.
I currently have a Tritton Technologies simple NAS drive, but this was barely functional with the macintosh from the beginning and has recently ceased communicating with them at all. I still can access it quite easily on my intel based mac machines as long as I am running Windows, but cannot access at all from OS X. It was supposed to show up on the network, but didn't and the best their tech support could suggest was to physically call the drive using command K and then smb to the address. This worked, but no longer is functional with the most recent system updates.
I have checked the apple store and the only NAS drive they have has one review indicating that the drive has essentially the same problems that I am currently experiencing. I note that some people have suggested Buffalo. Is that the general consensus? Any reports from people currently using a setup that works for them? More importantly has anyone seen an NAS drive that comes with backup software from the drive manufacturer that will actually function in OS X?

I hate NAS drives, but I hear Buffalo is good, but slow, and I hear that you really don't want a LaCie NAS.
I do have a Ximeta NDAS that has "worked" since 10.2.x through 10.4.8, but it needs drivers and who knows when they'll be broken by an OS update, or if they'll have drivers for 10.5 and beyond!?
My Ximeta can only have one CPU with R/W permissions at a time, the others can only Read... sorta defeats the purpose.
I'm using it with the USB connection rather than the Ethernet, as it's about twice as fast, though not as fast as FW.
If you have GigaBit Ethernet all around, then a NAS may pay, but I use FW drives on most of my Networks and use Tri-Backup...
With Sharepoints...
Which can backup any CPU to any Drive in the Network, to/from any other CPU/Drive.
Can't say enough good about Tri-Backup.

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    Any suggestions?
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    If you do intend to place data on the share that needs to be accessed directly by an application on your computer (such as iTunes or iPhoto), however, then you might want to check with support for the software application itself for advice on the best way to accomplish this. It is important that such an application is able to locate the files once you relocate them to the NAS drive, or else the program will not function properly.
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    I experienced the same frustration when i bought my Iomega NAS (which I do not recommed by the way).
    I wanted my iPhoto library to be stored on it, thats the main reason i bought it.
    But as you have discovered the library connot be stored on a non Mac formatted disc.
    So I began to store my photos in a logical folder structure (based on events) on the NAS and access that folder structure from some other software (Adobe bridge).
    The PC users in my household could therefore also access this folder stucture and view all the photos. Bonus.
    I wasn't satisfied though. I wanted to use iPhoto. Location, Faces, Events, simple editing, etc.
    So I created a new iPhoto library on my Mac and then went to iPhoto preferences / Advanced and UNTICKED the 'Copy items to the iPhoto Library'. This creates what I think is called a reference library. This kind of library has some pros and cons but for me it is all pros.
    Then simply drag your file structure from your nas into iPhoto and voila. All your photos and any home movies are added to iPhoto but accessed from the NAS.
    I continue to add new photos into the event based file structure on the NAS and then drag the new folder across to iPhoto.
    This also has the added benifit in that you don't need iPhoto to view the photos (PC users)
    This method works perfectly for me. Enabling me to use iPhoto AND my NAS.
    Hope this helps.

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    All you could hope to do is copy the sparsebundle to a work drive then use Disk Utility to see if you can mount it and repair it. Otherwise you are out of luck as far as I can tell. If the sparsebundle is damaged and cannot be repaired by DU or if the sparsebundle cannot be mounted, then there's nothing one can do to recover the data.
    I would strongly suggest you not entrust your backups to an unsupported backup system - the NAS - using an unsupported hack. TM does not support backups to a NAS device other than a Time Capsule. Even using a USB drive connected to an AEBS is not supported (although it will work.)
    Personally I would recommend you start making multiple backups. Use TM for your daily incremental backups, but also use another hard drive and another backup tool to make a bootable clone of your hard drive. This way even if one backup goes awry you have a second one. Having taught for 30 years I understand the value of backing up the backups.

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    Main Amble
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    Selected the actual back up "The Big Mac" on disk "XXXXX"
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    Diagnostics to date
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    I think I solved this myself:
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    I don't need raid, try to keep the cost down

    Hi Rhett, if you post this in the 'Time Machine' category, you might get faster response and plenty suggestions.

  • Can Time Machine do a Non-Direct NAS backup?

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    Please let me know if you find (or have) any cases where you have been able to backup onto a NAS with time machine while you're not on the same network as your NAS.

    Be very careful here:  just because a 3rd-party vendor claims to support Time Machine doesn't necessarily mean that Apple supports that configuration, or that it will work reliably in all circumstances (many won't).
    Before buying one of these, carefully investigate the following:
    •If you’re planning to use the NAS for other data, in addition to your Time Machine backups, be sure you can partition it (or set up separate "shares" or "accounts" via the NAS, since you can’t with Apple’s Disk Utility), or somehow limit the amount of space the backups can use.  Otherwise the backups will, eventually,  use all the available empty space, possibly leading to conflicts.  See  question #3  for details.
    •Look at the setup instructions.  If there’s any mention of a Terminal command involving "unsupported devices," or installation of drivers or kernel extensions to fool Time Machine into thinking it’s a locally-connected drive, use caution.  These may prevent you from doing a full system restore to a new or replaced internal hard drive.  This is because OSX doesn’t do a full system restore;  it’s done by booting up from your Recovery HD (Lion and later) or OSX Install disc (Snow Leopard or Leopard) and using the the Installer utility on it.  That utility won’t have those additions, and you can't add them to it;  thus it may not be able to connect to your backups when you need them the most.  (See question #14 for details on doing a full restore.)
    •Consider whether the maker is reputable and likely to continue supporting the NAS for as long as you'll be using it.  If Apple changes requirements, will the maker update the NAS so it will work with the new version of OSX?  Many that worked on Snow Leopard didn't work on Lion without such updates.  A few weren't updated for quite a while, and some never were.
    For more on this go to

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    regiscruzbr wrote:
    I don't want my files (including the encrypted ones from iTunes such backups) on the computers, but I want them all centralized and storage in my NAS. Is it possible? How can I do that?
    i'm not aware of any way to change the default location where iTunes stores the backups of your iDevices.
    however, you might be able to use a 3rd party app such as ...
    SyncToy 2.1 is a free application that synchronizes files and folders between locations. Typical uses include sharing files, such as photos, with other computers and creating backup copies of files and folders.
    ... to make regular backups of the folder to your NAS. 

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    I think there is no problem connecting a NAS to WRT54G router. It will work.
    You can try NSLU2 or NAS200.

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    I was looking at picking up a pair of NSS units. The goal would be to have an offsite nas mirror the in office for disaster recovery. I believe the rsync feature on the NSS will do this. However, I was wondering about versioning. Is there a way to make the offsite NAS keep previous versions of files which are overwriten or changed in case we need to restore to a previous version?

    I am wondering the same thing. It appears the CDP add on has some kind of versioning.
    I am going to try Logmein Backup with a couple NSS326 units this week. Will post back results. The logmein backup product has been a miracle product for us and they say it supports NAS now...
    Was hoping for some kind of built in native versioning or "retention"as it is called in the backup world..

  • NAS Backup Software?

    I'm looking for a good, reliable backup software that will automatically mount a NAS and will copy traditional Mac file attributes and special characters. I was using Intego Personal Backup, but every time I use it I get a slew of errors. The most frequent error is "Unable to copy attributes", but I'm also getting "This volume does not support permissions". I contacted Intego tech support via email, but they basically told me to read the manual, which I did.
    Is there a simple backup program that works flawlessly?
    Message was edited by: Kelly Crossley
    Message was edited by: Kelly Crossley

    even checking or unchecking resolve aliases along with the other suggestion still did not work for me
    it seems to be a problem backing up to the iDisk
    don't get any errors backing up from my hard drive to my hard drive as a test
    even though the backup runs to completion this does make me lose faith in using PBX5 for my backup to iDisk!! i wonder if filesyncronizer would work better

  • DPM Off site backup recommendations for all workloads without using tapes

    Hi All
    I'm looking for recommendations for off site backups avoiding tapes if at all possible.
    My scenario is as follows:
    We are soon to be migrating our backups to DPM 2012 R2 and will be backing up all workloads to disk, this will be around 10TB initially but could ramp up to over 30TB as more workloads are brought in. 
    What we would like to do is remove the need for tapes and shove our backups offsite onto some sort of cloud storage. We've looked at the obvious Azure online option but unfortunately this doesn't support all workloads (just File, SQL and Hyper-V).
    We would need a decent retention period (7 years).
    We'd like to go as direct as possible to the cloud from DPM without the need to locally double up or stage.
    I'm very interested to know what's out there and what are people using. 

    Yes but...
    As it's going to be writing potentially GB/TB of data to the VTL file it might not be the most efficient to go directly across the cloud. There are lots of issues latency, speed, contention, etc. to take in to consideration. Most of the Cloud Storage appliances
    like StorSimple, BridgeStor, etc. have the smarts of cope with variables such as above. Once the complete file is on disk moving it to the cloud is relatively easy.
    I agree that you'll be duplicating data but it would be far safer to write locally then move to the cloud.
    A secondary is a good option too but as you're looking for long term retention, 7 years, then it may be very tricky with file data due to the 64 VSS snapshot limit. For other workloads it would be fine but would require a significant capital investment to
    create the infrastructure as DPM doesn't play well with new features like Storage Spaces.

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