Nas (Synology DS413j) and Aperture

Hello, I'd like to know something more about Aperture, please. In a few days I'll own a beautiful Nas, in order to give more storage to my iMac (and Time Capsule). I'd also like to move from iPhoto to Aperture. Should it be possible to have multiple Aperture libraries on the NAS?
Thank you for your attention. 

I have a Synology DiskStation DS413 running DSM 4.1-2668 sharing and mounted by Mountain Lion thru 1G switch network. I did a simple test as below, and it works fine.
(My photos in this testing aperture project already point to the same DSM mounted disk.)
1. Copy (rsync -av) local Aperture project to the DSM shared networked disk.
2. Open Aperture, File -> Switch to Library -> choose project on the DSM mounted folder.
3. Press 'N'  to use face detection and add names on some pictures.
4. Close project which opened from DSM mounted folder.
5. Rsync -av "DSM aperture project folder" "My MBP local disk (~/Pictures/)"
6. Open Aperture, File -> Switch to Library -> choose project on my local disk (~/Pictures/).
7. Check the face name I just added, and those pictures still have names I just added.
It seems that the Aperture handle the project library based on file level and xml definiation, so that it , perhaps, still works. But I DONOT promise putting Aperture project file on mounted NAS disk has no problem at all, although Apple says that it won't work.
Of course, networked project solution is a little bit slow than local disk when I do the previewing photos and saving project. But if You have a MBP, a iMac and a NAS at your home, putting aperture library and photos in mounted NAS could be great when you want to edit your photos in both MBP and iMac.

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    In regarding of the issue, we need more information.
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    <i>I am using NAS 4.1 and was wondering is it possible to set a different session timeout for different users?</i>
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    Previews are what you view on your display. When you import a photo into Aperture (and I'm pretty sure iPhoto as well), your computer automatically generates a preview for quick viewing. The original images are stored in your library, but it is the preview that you see.
    In Aperture, you are able to set the size and quality of these previews. When sharing photos between Aperture and iPhoto, the process is as follows:
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    So, you have your images in one or the other (in this case Aperture), but you want to play around with them in iPhoto. What you can do, is open iPhoto, go to the File menu and then select, Show Aperture Library. This will open a window with all of the contents of your Aperture Library. You can then drag any images you want into iPhoto . The only thing is, you are not dragging the original JPEG's, but rather, the previews of those images. If you have those previews set to a lower quality (again for capacity concerns), you will only have lower quality and lower detailed images in iPhoto. These images might not be ideal, or even suitable for printing high quality prints. The previews that you generate in Aperture though can be adjusted to be extremely high quality with no size limits.
    My thinking was that since you mentioned Aperture, it sounded like you had experience with working with it and with ordering a photo book through Aperture. I guess you were saying that you ordered via iPhoto, weren't happy with the quality and were wondering if Aperture created books were better.
    Anyway, if this is the case, I cannot answer that for you. I have never ordered a book through Aperture. If the quality of your images is good, you should be able to get a decent product no matter where you order it from. There is not doubt that the materials used and the print shop that does the work makes a difference, but if your images are good, you should still get a decent product through iPhoto. Perhaps iPhoto isn't the way to go though if you have had poor experiences with them.
    If you haven't used Aperture yet, I would highly recommend it though aside from the photo book aspect of this thread. It is a stellar product.
    I hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: macorin

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    If you want just the originals, then you can go into the Aperture library (right click on it and do "show package contents"). Inside is a directory called "Masters" and you can find the original files in a bunch of subfolders.
    But... you'll lose all adjustments, keywords, and other information, and just have the files as they were imported originally from the cameras.
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    If it is still slow after removing Symantec, you may need a RAM upgrade. Yosemite can run very poorly on older machines with only 4 GB RAM.

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    Here's how I solved this problem:
    In Aperture, select File -> Import -> iPhoto Library
    Then under the "Store Files" dropdown, be sure "In their Original Location" is select. This will allow Aperture to see your iPhoto library, but it will be managed by reference rather than phyisically imported.
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    Hey there, Apple Support Communities.
    To start, I'm working on a MBP Retina 15" with a 2.3GHz i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM.  10GB free on a 256GB SS HD.  Attached are two external HDs - one 1TB Western Digital portable drive from 2011, one 2TB Porsche LaCie non-portable drive from 2013; both connected via USB.  All photo libraries in question are on the external drives.
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    The Issue(s)
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    When I was moving things, I ran the software Gemini to de-dupe my iPhoto libraries.  Not sure what effect that may have had on my issues.
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    My Question(s)
    1.  For Aperture libraries that have missing originals, is there some magical way to find them, or have they just disappeared into the oblivion?
    2.  For iPhoto libraries that have missing originals and I have found the original in another iPhoto library, what is the best way to proceed?
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    TL;DR: Too many iPhoto and Aperture libraries, and not all the original pictures can be found by the libraries anymore, though some originals still do exist in other libraries.  Steps/process to fix?
    Thank you!  Let me know if you need add'l info to offer advice.
    With appreciation,

    That will not be an easy task, Christie.
    I am afraid, your cleaning session with Gemini may have actually removed originals. I have never used this duplicate finder tool, but other posters here reported problems. Gemini seems to replace duplicate original files in photo libraries by links, and this way, deleting images can cause the references for other images to break. And Aperture does not follow symbolic links - at least, I could never get it to find original files this way, when I experimented with this.
    1.  For Aperture libraries that have missing originals, is there some magical way to find them, or have they just disappeared into the oblivion?
    You have to find the originals yourself. If you can find them or restore them from a backup, Aperture can reconnect them. The reconnect panel can show you, where the originals are supposed to be, so youcan see the filename and make a Spotlight search.
    For iPhoto libraries that have missing originals and I have found the original in another iPhoto library, what is the best way to proceed?
    Make a copy of the missing original you found in a folder outside the iPhoto library. You can either open the iPhoto library in Aperture and use "File > Locate Referenced file" to reconnect the originals, or simply reimport them. Then Lift&Stamp all adjustments and metadata to the reimported version.
    See this manual page on how to reconnect originals:  Aperture 3 User Manual: Working with Referenced Images  (the paragraph:  Reconnecting Missing or Offline Referenced Images)
    Are there quirks to merging iPhoto and Aperture libraries (by using the Import->Library) feature that I should be aware of?
    References images will stay referenced, managed will remain managed. You need to unhide all hidden photos in iPhoto - this cannot be done in Aperture.
    and not all the original pictures can be found by the libraries anymore, though some originals still do exist in other libraries.  Steps/process to fix?
    That is probably due to Gemini's replacing duplicate originals by links, and your best cause of action is to fix this before merging the libraries. Reconnecting can be done for your iPhoto libraries in Aperture.

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    Should I partition the disk into two volumes, one for each, or will TM and Aperture co-exist quite happily on the same volume?
    I'd rather use a single volume as, in my experience, partitioning a disk always results in one volume filling up long before the other, however integrity of the backups is the most important requirement.

    I strongly agree with V.K.
    The other big reason to partition is, as you say, one volume will fill up before the other.
    That's exactly how TM is designed to work -- fill up whatever space you allocate to it. Unlike traditional archive-type backup systems, it manages it's space and deletes backups automatically. As you probably know, it keeps it's hourly backups for 24 hours, then deletes them, except the first of the day, which becomes a daily backup and is kept for a month. Similarly, after a month, one of those daily backups becomes a weekly, and the others are deleted. But the weeklies are kept as long as there's room. Unless something goes wrong, you never have to do a thing.
    So, if you have other data in that same partition, TM will, eventually, fill up the remaining space, limiting the space available to Aperture.

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    Thanks to Bobthefisherman & Turbostar.  Turns out I've got a corrupted disk (which I found out via "verify disk" on Disk Utility First Aid.  Previously, I never thought to verify disk -- only to repair permissions -- so I never knew my HD had been corrupted.
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    The HD wasn't partioned by the way.  And I did have just over 40GB of contiguous space. 
    Thanks again.

  • Best Practice for Installation of Both Leopard and Aperture 2 upgrade.

    I've finally bought the bullet and purchased both Leopard and Aperture 2.0 upgrade. I've tried searching for a best practice to install both, but haven't been able to find one--only trouble shooting type stuff. Any suggestions, things to avoid, etc would be greatly appreciated. Even a gentle shove to a prior thread would be helpful. . . .
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    steve hutchcraft wrote:
    I've tried searching for a best practice to install...
    • First be really sure that all your apps work well with 10.5.3 before you leave 10.4.11, which is extraordinarily stable.
    • Immediately prior to and immediately after every installation of any kind (OS, apps, drivers, etc.) got to Utilities/Disk Utility/First Aid, and Repair Permissions. Repairing Permissions is not a problem fixer per se, but anecdotally many folks with heavy graphics installations (including me) who follow that protocol seem to maintain better operating environments under the challenge of heavy graphics than folks who do not diligently do so.
    • When you upgrade the OS do a "clean install."
    • RAM is relatively inexpensive and 2 GB RAM is limiting. I recommend adding 4x2 GB RAM. One good source is OWC:
    • After you do your installations check for updates to the OS and/or Aperture, and perform any upgrades. Remember to Repair Permissions immediately prior to and immediately after the upgrade installations.
    • If you are looking for further Aperture performance improvement, consider the Radeon HD 3870. Reviews at and at
    Good luck!
    -Allen Wicks

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    i cannot change editing location from aperture to photoshop in iphoto.  i followed directions to advanced tab in iphoto and have 2 choices for editing photos-iphoto and aperture.  any suggestions on how to change the sites?  thanks.

    Not sure why you would have Aperture there as it's not an editor.
    To change, just select Aperture again, and this will give you the dialogue to change the choice.

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    I cannot afford an iMac, can anyone recommend a widescreen Monitor for my 15" MacBook Pro.  It will be used mainly for iPhoto and Aperture.  TF

    Pair a wireless KB with the laptop and all should be well when you attach the laptop to the iMac and invoke TDM. But as Denny mentions, it does seem like the waste of a good iMac to use it in just this configuration. Why is the laptop primary?

  • Zoom in-out and rotation in trackpad doesn't work in iPhoto and Aperture. Any solution?

    Zoom in-out and rotation in trackpad doesn't work in iPhoto and Aperture. Any solution?

    Sound like a trackpad problem and not an iPhoto one.  Have you asked in the forum dedicated to the Mac model you're using or is this an add on trackpad?

Maybe you are looking for