Navigate and draw

Does anyone know if whilst in freehand drawing mode it's possible to navigate and move around the document? Would make my life so much easier to add notes to docs =/

This is a good suggestion, but there is no way to navigate while drawing. We elected to do this because we thought it would be confusing to users because they are using the same gesture for drawing that we currently use for panning. It might be possible for us to add a "navigation toggle" that toggles between navigation and drawing while using the freehand tool, but we thought this would be confusing too.
We do appreciate the feedback and will take it into consideration as we enhance this and other features in the future.
Thank you!

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
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    > Ahhhhhh!!!!! They came up!!!! They came up again!!
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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    * DrawingPanel creates a panel used for drawing
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         /** Tells if it is time to draw */
         private boolean timeToDrawPath;
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                                  //private String pathFile; 
         private String usa.txt;
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         public DrawingPanel() {
              this.timeToDrawPath = false;
                                  //this.pathFile = null;
              this.usa.txt = null;
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              g = grph;
              if (timeToDrawPath){
         * Reads the USA coastline coordinates from a file and draws the path
         * to the panel
         public void processUSA( ) {
                        //just an example of how to draw a single
                        //line segment from (50,50) to (200,200)
                        //g.drawLine( 300, 50, 200, 200);
         //Insert the while loop here??
         //Include the parse.Int statement
         //Open the file
         String inFile = ("usa.txt");
         FileReader fileReader = new FileReader (inFile);
                   //BufferedReader bufReader = newBufferedReader (fileReader);
         BufferedReader bufReader=newBufferedReader (new fileReader ("usa.txt"));
                        //Insert beginning of while loop here????
         //read data from the file
         String str=bufReader.readLine();

    Yep, you are right in deciding the positioning of the while loop.
    But the folly you are committing is while creating object of BufferedReader ... It is to be created by passing to the constructor, the reference of the FileReader object you have created.
    so the line of code shud look like ...
    BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(FileReaderObject);
    And then you can go ahead with readLine() as per your requirement in the while loop.

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    I would suggest using Evernote to type notes and then an app made by Evernote called 'Penultimate' for taking free-hand notes, if you create an account (very simple to do) and sign in on both apps, your handwritten and typed notes will sync into the main Evernote app. Handwritten notes are even searchable in the same way as a typed note through image recognition technology.

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    I'm not familar with GIMP, but I can shed some light onto the layers and transparency you would need to use.
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    Hope this helps,

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    You can use Tools Provided by KeepTool It includes,
    1. ER Diagrammer
    2. SQL Editior
    3. HORA,DBA Tool
    4. Pl/SQl Debugger

  • Populate datagrid and draw linechart based on xmlList

    I am generating dynamic xml structure like this
    What i have to do is to populate data grid based on this xml structure and draw a line chart where distance is category axis (x-axis) and Height1, Height2 etc are line series . No of Height fields depends on how many height values are entered by user (in text field Height1, Height2, Height3, Height4, Height5,Height6).
    Given is the code of my application ....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="905" height="482" creationComplete="init();">
    private var dataProvider:XMLList = new XMLList();
    private var initDist:int ;
    private var offset:int  ;
    private var finalDist:int;
    private var height1:int;
    private var height2:int;
    private var height3:int;
    private var height4:int;
    private var height5:int;
    private var height6:int;
    private var heat:int;
    private var dataOP:XMLList;
    public function init():void{
    initDist = parseInt(txtInitDist.text);
    offset = parseInt(txtOffset.text);
    finalDist = parseInt(txtFinalDist.text);
    height2 = parseInt(txtHeight1.text);
    height2 = parseInt(txtHeight2.text);
    height3 = parseInt(txtHeight3.text);
    height4 = parseInt(txtHeight4.text);
    height5 = parseInt(txtHeight5.text);
    height6 = parseInt(txtHeight6.text);
    heat = parseInt(txtHeat.text);
    public function getOP():void{
    dataOP = createXMLObject();
    } // public function getOP():void{
    public function createXMLObject():XMLList{
    var data:XMLList = XMLList(<root></root>);
    for (var i:int=initDist;i<=finalDist;i+=offset){
    var x:XMLList = new XMLList(<OPVector></OPVector>);
    var distance:String = "<Distance>"+i+"</Distance>";
    var strHeight1:String = "<Height1>"+(parseInt(txtHeight1.text)+i)+"</Height1>";
    var strHeight2:String = "<Height2>"+(parseInt(txtHeight2.text)+i)+"</Height2>";
    var strHeight3:String = "<Height3>"+(parseInt(txtHeight3.text)+i)+"</Height3>";
    var strHeight4:String = "<Height4>"+(parseInt(txtHeight4.text)+i)+"</Height4>";
    var strHeight5:String = "<Height5>"+(parseInt(txtHeight5.text)+i)+"</Height5>";
    var strHeight6:String = "<Height6>"+(parseInt(txtHeight6.text)+i)+"</Height6>";
    if (txtHeight1.text != ""){
    if (txtHeight2.text != ""){
    if (txtHeight3.text != ""){
    if (txtHeight4.text != ""){
    if (txtHeight5.text != ""){
    if (txtHeight6.text != ""){
    } // for (var i:int=initDist;i<finalDist;i+=offset){
    return data;
    } // public function createXMLObject():void
    <!-- States Definition -->
    <mx:State name="stateOP">
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{btnOP}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{btnThermal}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight5}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight6}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtFinalDist}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label1}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label2}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label3}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight3}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight4}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtOffset}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label4}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label5}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label6}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight1}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight2}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtInitDist}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label7}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label8}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label9}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeat}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label13}"/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:DataGrid x="57" y="112" width="274" height="336" id="dgPressure" dataProvider="{dataOP}">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="col1"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="col2"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 3" dataField="col3"/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:LineChart x="382" y="112" id="lcOverPressure" width="513" height="182">
    <mx:LineSeries displayName="Series 1" yField=""/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:Legend dataProvider="{lcOverPressure}" x="810" y="51"/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:Button x="382" y="426" label="Close" id="btnClose" click="currentState=''"/>
    <mx:State name="stateTR">
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeat}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight1}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight3}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight5}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight2}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight4}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtHeight6}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtInitDist}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtOffset}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{txtFinalDist}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label13}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label7}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label4}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label3}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label8}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label5}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label1}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label9}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label6}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label2}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{btnOP}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{btnThermal}"/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:DataGrid x="39" y="108" width="301" height="364">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="col1"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="col2"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 3" dataField="col3"/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:LineChart x="420" y="108" id="linechart1" width="475" height="181">
    <mx:LineSeries displayName="Series 1" yField=""/>
    <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">
    <mx:Legend dataProvider="{linechart1}" x="810" y="13"/>
    <!-- States Definition -->
    <!-- Controls Definition -->
    <mx:TextInput x="331" y="95" width="62" id="txtHeat" text="8"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="231" y="229" width="62" id="txtHeight1" text="100"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="231" y="259" width="62" id="txtHeight3" text="300"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="231" y="289" width="62" id="txtHeight5"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="357" y="229" width="62" id="txtHeight2" text="200"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="357" y="259" width="62" id="txtHeight4"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="357" y="289" width="62" id="txtHeight6"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="580" y="229" width="62" id="txtInitDist" text="0"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="580" y="259" width="62" id="txtOffset" text="100"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="580" y="289" width="62" id="txtFinalDist" text="2000"/>
    <mx:Label x="298" y="97" text="Heat" id="label13"/>
    <mx:Label x="168" y="231" text="Height1" id="label7"/>
    <mx:Label x="168" y="261" text="Height3" id="label4"/>
    <mx:Label x="168" y="291" text="Height5" id="label3"/>
    <mx:Label x="302.5" y="231" text="Height2" id="label8"/>
    <mx:Label x="301" y="261" text="Height4" id="label5"/>
    <mx:Label x="301" y="291" text="Height6" id="label1"/>
    <mx:Label x="484" y="231" text="Initial Distance" id="label9"/>
    <mx:Label x="533" y="261" text="Offset" id="label6"/>
    <mx:Label x="490" y="291" text="Final Distance" id="label2"/>
    <mx:Button x="298.5" y="384" label="Pressure Effects" id="btnOP" click="getOP()"/>
    <mx:Button x="464.5" y="384" label="Thermal Effects" width="142" id="btnThermal"/>
    <mx:Label x="298" y="10" text="Weather Effects" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18"/>
    <!-- Controls Definition -->

    I suggest that you first not try to cram all of your code into the MXML. Though many examples use this approach for quick copy-and-pasting, it is bad style and not as maintainable. You should use the code-behind approach where your MXML is strictly for layout of the view and its root element is a custom class that extendeds the usual base (in this case Application).
    Since the number of series in your line cart may vary, what you will need to do is dynamically create them whenever the data provider is updated.

  • Replacing Paint and Draw

    Good Morning,
    I am a teacher at a middle school that created the majority of my curriculum around Appleworks. It has been my summer project to restructure next year to use iWork and MS Office in my class. However I am having trouble replacing classroom projects that use Paint and Draw. Can anyone recommend an application or applications that are simple enough for 7th and 8th graders?

    CinePaint, free
    EasyDraw, from $95 to $139 (9 moths license $20)
    Imaginator, $49
    LiveQuartz, free
    MacEtegami, free
    PaintBrush, free
    Poster Paint, free ndex
    SeaShore, free
    The Gimp, free but requires X11
    Tux Paint, free
    If you want vectorial tools:
    DrawIt 3, $39
    Inkscape, free requires X11
    < cape-0.45.1-1-TIGER.UNIVERSAL.dmg&use_mirror=kent>
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 31 juillet 2008 20:31:13)

  • Acquiring from bluetooth spp and draw signal

    Dear Sir:
    I'm using labview 8.5
    How can I use bluetooth vis to draw ecg signals coming from adc and sended to bluetooth module(as server) , and draw it??
    I've saw bluetooth client examples but I still need help
    thanks for help

    We have a similar problem. We're trying to visualize an ECG signal using a Bluetooth connection and LabView 8.
    The Bluetooth module we are using is a Parani ESD-200, and it works using the Serial Port Profile (SPP); we also have a MSI Bluetooth dongle which allow us to create a Virtual Comm and connect the Laptop and the ECG.
    We are using VISA to write and read from the virtual port; we don't have any problem with the reading, we configure and open the port and read the input data, but when we try to write, LabView doesn't recognize the port.
    The funny thing is that the data we try to send with LabView IS sent to the port, we know that because we programmed the DSP to turn on a led when it recibes any data in the input buffer...
    So, we don't know why LabView gives us that error, we'll be very thankful if anybody can help us...
    P.D. The error LabView gives is:
    VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF003E) Could not perform operation because of I/O error.
    Mensaje editado por Luego

  • 6 November 2013 anyone with the iphone 4 having issue with the phone not turning on and at times locking up where you cant navigate and select contacts to call?

    My iphone seems to not want to turn on the screen stays black no matter what you do pressing the home and power button....and at times while it is on it locks up and cannot navigate and call out like the touch screen is in active you have to shut the phone down to get it to work as intended.

    Hello djgslimm
    Start with the article below to troubleshoot your iPhone for not responding.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    -Norm G.

  • Regarding Table DRAD and DRAW.

       I want to understand the structure and relationship between DRAD and DRAW table. And what is the object key actually in DRAD table represents.

    DRAW is the DocumentInfoRecord header table and the DRAD stores the object links to the DocumentInfoRecord viz., ChangeNumber, Material, DocuumentInfoRecord, Vendor and so on....
    Object key is the key of the object link.
    for example <MATNR> - Material Number in case the object link is Material,
    <DOKAR><DOKNR><DOKVR><DOKTL> - Keys of the DocumentInfoRecord
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards, Murugesh AS

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