Navigate to a directory's only subdirectory (batch file)

If I use the "cd" command to navigate to a directory in my C: drive via a batch file, and in that directory there's only one subdirectory but I don't know its name, is there a way I can navigate
to that subdirectory? Is there some kind of environment variable I could use? Thanks in advance!

This works at a prompt:
for /f %i in ('dir /ad /b') do cd %i
If in a batch file it needs to be this:
for /f %%i in ('dir /ad /b') do cd %%i

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    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    public class MyBatchFiles {
          public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
        StringBuffer output  = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer();
        try {
                   //call batch files
                   Process Process=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start F:\\batch1.bat"); // Batch File Path
                      BufferedReader inputStreamReader  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(cubeBuildProcess.getInputStream()));
                   BufferedReader errStreamReader  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(cubeBuildProcess.getErrorStream()));
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                   error = new StringBuffer();
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                   for(String ProcessLine;(ProcessLine=errStreamReader.readLine())!=null;)
                   System.out.println("transformer output = " + output);
                   System.out.println("transformer error = " + error);
                   if (error!=null){
                             //calling batch2
                             Process Process2=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start F:\\batch2.bat"); // Batch File Path
                             BufferedReader Process_inputStreamReader  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Process2.getInputStream()));
                             BufferedReader Process_errStreamReader  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Process2.getErrorStream()));
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                             for(String ProcessLine1;(ProcessLine1=Process_errStreamReader.readLine())!=null;)
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    It's your if statement. Why do you think it could be happening?

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    Backup tablespace USERS;
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    set tbs2=,%2
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    if exist tbs2 == goto usage
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    Found comma after first tablespace.
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    With Best Regards
    Fawad Ahmed

    I am not expert is DOS but I think you can fix this with
    a simple programming logic elements in the script.
    You have 2 cases:
    1 case ) When you have only one parameter
    2 case ) When you have more or equal than two parameters
    if exist tbs1 == goto mark1
    if exist tbs2 == goto mark2
    echo BACKUP tablespace %tbs1% %tbs2% ; > c:\temp\tbs.rman
    goto end
    echo BACKUP tablespace %tbs1% ; > c:\temp\tbs.rman
    goto end
    rman TARGET / @ c:\temp\tbs.rman
    This can be one the case for 1 or 2 parameters . If
    you think to pass more parameters you have to use
    another logic.
    I hope this can help you!
    Joel P�rez

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    With runas you in fact logon to another seesion. So cmd is started with his own starting directory (being where it is located, system32).
    I would recommend never to rely on the working dir for a batch file or script, but to always include the full path to the needed command/executables. If needed you can use environment variables to get the pathes of user-customised folders (for example the %usersprofile% variable).
    Using .lnk files (normal shortcuts) you can specify the working dir to start in if you would really need that functionality.

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    I just sent you an e-mail, I hope it helps!

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    In Aperture you are limited to renaming files by the entries in the File Naming preset window.
    At what point are you looking to rename, import or export? It might be possible to do what you are looking to do external to Aperture either via a script or other software.

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    Take a look at which represents an abstract path such as a directory or file. You'll probably be particularly interested in File.exists().

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    you can use the file modified dates to figure out whats new and whats old.
    May be you can compare them against the last time that you ran the process.

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    For this document type in OBA7, remove the check for 'batch input only'
    Thank You,

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    Hi Anderson,
    if you're using flash.filesystem.FileReference - then it is run in black box - except of filename, size and creation data (and few other properties available after some operation succeeded). This is part of security features in Flash runtime (described in header section): .html
    This for example implies that user can download a content to local machine - but that content cannot be loaded back into Flash runtime. For this you would need either Air runtime flash.filesystem.File: tml
    (so you would created Air runtime based application: desktop or mobile but not web, even as standalone project) or you would need one of 3rd party tools that add file access/file information features to standard Flash runtime applications converted to standalone native applications.
    kind regards,

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    What could be a nice way to do this ? As nice, i mean i'd like the user don't edit the .bat to enter the path with keyboard.

    you could program a dialog, and create the .bat - file after testing, whether the selection (in a fileDialog, isDirectory (), check for starting that jvm) is valid.
    But this are two issues, independent from each other.
    You may call java -Xmx ... with or without leading path.

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    I have tried to prepare a batch file which is calling the default service restart batch StartEssbase.bat and stopEssbase.bat.
    Stop process is running fine. But, Start is not success. When I run StartEssbase.bat and stopEssbase.bat manually essbase is restarting successfully.
    I tried with the command like START ESSCMD.exe "Password" also. Still it is not working.
    Could any one please help with the batch scrpit how can I build to start or stop essbase.
    Srilatha Dasari

    You can use these...
    Start essbase-------------------------------
    REM ----------EssbaseAgent Start----------
    net start HyS9ESBAgent11.1.1_hypservice_1
    IF "%CHK46%" NEQ "0" (
         EXIT /B 46
    ) ELSE (
         EXIT /B 0
    Stop essbase----------------------------------------
    REM ----------Stopping of ESSBASE Service----------
    SET ESB_BIN_DIR=E:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer\bin
    SET SRCDIR=F:\Essbase\bin
    SET MSHSRC=%SRCDIR%\ShutdownServer.msh
    REM *****************CALLING ESSBASE ENVIRONMENT SCRIPT***********************
    CALL %ESB_BIN_DIR%\setEssbaseEnv.cmd
    IF "%CHK10%" NEQ "0" (
         ECHO ------------------------------------------------------
         ECHO ------------------------------------------------------
         EXIT /B 10
    ) ELSE (
         ECHO ------------------------------------------------------
         ECHO ------------------------------------------------------
         EXIT /B 0
    The maxl is like
    login $1 $2 on $3;
    alter system shutdown;

  • ESB Process reads a Batch file for a limited set of records only..?

    Dear All,
    I am having an ESB process that reads a Batch file (csv) that has around 10,000 Products information.
    I have another BPEL process that will create the Product in Oracle Apps through standard API (Main BPEL process that calls a child process for creating product).
    I am invoking the BPEL process from ESB, and that works fine.
    Now, the Issue is: I am able to create at a time around 10 Products (the main process calls the child process in a loop.). The main process instance is not getting created but the child process instance is getting created for a set of records, afterwards the child process instances get stops creating. The main process instance could not be found in the console. Not getting why the process is not getting visible as well it is not completing the process.
    What could be the problem for this... Am I need to change any environment configurations...?
    Please update...
    Many Thanks in advance...

    Does this apply to you?
    Thanks for the link, but no - not the same scenario although the error is the same.   The RGs I'm working with are all in sync and communication is working, it's just getting the backlog reported correctly.
    To reiterate, I can paste two versions of the exact command into the DOS window buffer; one copied from OneNote and one copied from my batch file.  Executing the one from OneNote succeeds and reports the RG in sync and the one copied from the batch
    file fails.
    I can repeat the results by up arrow once to the command pasted into the buffer from the batch file and see it fail.  Then up arrow twice to retrieve the command pasted from OneNote into the buffer and it will report correctly (illustrated in the grahic).
    Let me add that the command in the batch file was originally copied from OneNote and pasted in to the batch file; as if going into the batch file somehow corrupts it.
    - a -

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