Cannot apply OS image to lenovo with usb Ethernet

  We have a Windows 8.1 task sequence which works fine on over a dozen laptops that have an ethernet adapter. We recently acquired a Lenovo Helix machine that doesnt have an inbuilt adapter but has a usb ethernet adapter. I found the driver for this
and added it to our winpe image (we are using sccm 2012 r2, adk 8.1, winpe 5). When I use the same task sequence, it always fails on the apply OS image step. Relevant log entries here:
<![LOG[WinHttp credentials set]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.696-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:796">
<![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP:80  PROPFIND /SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.696-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context=""
type="1" thread="1732" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8604">
<![LOG[Request was successful.]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8939">
<![LOG[DAV response string is: 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:response><D:href>http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/sccm?/P0100120/</D:href><D:propstat><D:status>HTTP/1.1
200 OK</D:status><D:prop><D:getcontenttype/><D:supportedlock/><D:getetag/><D:creationdate/><D:iscollection>1</D:iscollection><D:resourcetype><D:collection/></D:resourcetype><D:ishidden>0</D:ishidden><D:displayname>http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/sccm?/P0100120/</D:displayname><D:getlastmodified></D:getlastmodified><D:getcontentlanguage/><D:getcontentlength>0</D:getcontentlength></D:prop></D:propstat></D:response><D:response><D:href>http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim</D:href><D:propstat><D:status>HTTP/1.1
200 OK</D:status><D:prop><D:getcontenttype/><D:lockdiscovery/><D:supportedlock/><D:getetag/><D:getcontentlanguage/><D:iscollection>0</D:iscollection><D:creationdate/><D:resourcetype/><D:ishidden>0</D:ishidden><D:displayname>http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim</D:displayname><D:getlastmodified>Wed,
22 Jan 2014 03:18:55 GMT</D:getlastmodified><D:getcontentlength>3582506802</D:getcontentlength></D:prop></D:propstat></D:response></D:multistatus>]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014"
component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:321">
<![LOG[List of files to be downloaded]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:350">
<![LOG[  File: http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context=""
type="1" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:418">
<![LOG[GetDirectoryListing() successfully completed]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:523">
<![LOG[Succeeded loading resource DLL 'X:\sms\bin\i386\1033\TSRES.DLL']LOG]!><time="09:30:03.774-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="util.cpp:964">
<![LOG[Downloading file /SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim range 0-2147483646]LOG]!><time="09:30:03.825-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1"
thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1411">
<![LOG[WinHttpReadData (hRequest, (LPVOID) Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), &dwRead), HRESULT=80072efe (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,972)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem"
context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:972">
<![LOG[WinHttpReadData() failed.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:972">
<![LOG[ReadDataAndWriteToFile() failed. 80072efe]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:991">
<![LOG[ReadDataAndWriteToFile() failed for D:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\P0100120\windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim. 0%]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context=""
type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:992">
<![LOG[ReadDataAndWriteToFile (hRequest, ullContentLength, hDestFile, pszDestFile, ulPackageSize, ulDownloaded), HRESULT=80072efe (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,1413)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014"
component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1413">
<![LOG[DownloadFileWithRanges() failed. 80072efe.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1430">
<![LOG[DownloadFileWithRanges (hSession, hConnect, sRequest, hFile, pszDestination, ullFileSize, ulPackageSize, ulDownLoaded, LastGoodCredentialsType, bUseSSL), HRESULT=80072efe (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,1496)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1496">
<![LOG[DownloadFile() failed for http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim, D:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\P0100120\windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim. 80072efe.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1518">
<![LOG[DownloadFile (hSession, hConnect, sSourceFile.c_str(), sDestinationFile.c_str(), ulPackageSize, ulDownLoaded, LastGoodCredentialsType, bUseSSL), HRESULT=80072efe (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\downloadcontent.cpp,1572)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1572">
<![LOG[Error downloading file from http://ZDC1SC001.INFAUIAG.CORP:80/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/P0100120/sccm?/windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim to D:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\P0100120\windows8.1-x64-Enterprise-Captured.wim ]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1572">
<![LOG[DownloadFiles() failed. 80072efe.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="downloadcontent.cpp:1588">
<![LOG[DownloadFiles (setDirs, setFiles, sDestination.c_str(), bUseSSL), HRESULT=80072efe (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2529)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem"
context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:2529">
<![LOG[Download() failed. 80072efe.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.015-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:2534">
<![LOG[DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() failed. 80070002.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:2963">
<![LOG[DownloadContentAndVerifyHash ( pszPackageID, L"SMSPackage", saHttpContentSources, saSMBContentSources, saMulticastContentSources, sDestination, dwFlags, L"", 0, dwPackageFlags, mapNetworkAccess ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,3052)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:3052">
<![LOG[DownloadContentLocally (pszSource, sSourceDirectory, dwFlags, hUserToken, mapNetworkAccess), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,3273)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014"
component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:3273">
<![LOG[TS::Utility::ResolveSource( this->packageID, this->packagePath, TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::PersistContents | (this->forceRunFromNet ? TS::Utility::ResolveSourceFlags::ForceRunFromNet : 0) ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1767)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="installimage.cpp:1767">
<![LOG[resolvePkgSource(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1810)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context=""
type="0" thread="1732" file="installimage.cpp:1810">
<![LOG[Apply(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,2019)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0"
thread="1732" file="installimage.cpp:2019">
<![LOG[Installation of image 1 in package P0100120 failed to complete.. 
The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="3" thread="1732"
<![LOG[installer.install(), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,2094)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.031-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context=""
type="0" thread="1732" file="installimage.cpp:2094">
<![LOG[ReleaseSource() for D:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\P0100120.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.109-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="1" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:3564">
<![LOG[The user tries to release a source directory D:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\P0100120 that is either already released or we have not connected to it.]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.109-660" date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem"
context="" type="2" thread="1732" file="resolvesource.cpp:3622">
<![LOG[InstallImage( g_InstallPackageID, g_ImageIndex, targetVolume, ImageType_OS, g_ConfigPackageID, g_ConfigFileName, bOEMMedia, g_RunFromNet ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\applyos.cpp,509)]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.109-660"
date="03-24-2014" component="ApplyOperatingSystem" context="" type="0" thread="1732" file="applyos.cpp:509">
<![LOG[Process completed with exit code 2147942402]LOG]!><time="09:30:24.109-660" date="03-24-2014" component="TSManager" context="" type="1" thread="2040" file="commandline.cpp:1123">
Does OSD have a problem with USB ethernet adapters? It appears so....
David Z

Yes, it does have something to do with USB Ethernet. Before conclusion, we may check if there is a workaround or fix for this issue to make OSD work. So, please check the IP Info when the issue happens.
Another way is to use a Standalone media.
Juke Chou
TechNet Community Support

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    Adam G wrote:
    Hello Mark,
    I was wondering what NI hardware you are going to be using in your application? Also are you going to be using LabVIEW for the programming? Have a great day!
    Best Regards,
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
        <settings pass="generalize">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
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            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
                <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone>
        <settings pass="oobeSystem">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
                    <SupportHours>Regular Business Hrs (Overnight Support Provided)</SupportHours>
                    <SupportPhone>Phone number</SupportPhone>
                        <LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
                            <Description>Local Administrator</Description>
                <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone>
                    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
                        <CommandLine>slmgr.vbs /ipk {serial key}</CommandLine>
                    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
                        <CommandLine>slmgr.vbs /ato</CommandLine>
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
        <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="catalog:v:/sources/install_windows 7 professional.clg" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />
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    Now here comes my problem...
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    i capture the image does it not apply the changes....
    I'm stumped...
    Any ides?

    Confirm this scenario: You installed Windows, then ran sysprep and used the /unattend switch. Then you captured the image.
    In this scenario there are 2 deployment methods.
    1. If you deploy the image with DISM, the answer file generated by sysprep is detected on first boot and settings are applied. It is the same function as if you ran sysprep and chose to restart.
    2. If you deploy the image using Setup.exe, it does not use the answer file specified by sysprep prior to capturing. I have not looked into *why* this happens, but I suspect that after the image is applied, it replaces the unattend.xml with the generic one.
    If you are using Setup.exe, you need to use its /unattend switch and point to the answer file location. This location cannot be inside of the image. If you are not using setup.exe in a manual method (using WDS) you will need to apply the answer file to the
    install image in the WDS snap-in.

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    Rufus Cat-
    Even if it was compatible, AirPrint does not work through a USB link, only Ethernet or WiFi.
    I do not see your HP 4500 listed on Apple's list of AirPrint compatible printers.  <iOS: AirPrint 101>  Therefore you need to take another approach.  To start, I suggest you download the free HP App, ePrint Home & Biz.  It has limitations, but should get you printing with your existing setup.
    There are other printing Apps with more features such as Print n Share and PrintCentral, but they can only be accessed from within other Apps that have the "Open In" option.
    Your best option may be to share your computer's printer as AirPrint over WiFi.  Programs that are reported to do that well are Printopia and FingerPrint.  Your computer must be on and awake any time you want to print.  <Printopia for Macintosh>  <FingerPrint for PC and Mac>

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    James, thank you. I'm experiencing the same issue and submitted feelback at that link. I'm trying to use the same pumpkin image I used last year for Halloween on my lock screen and attempting to follow instructions (Move and Scale) and would like to make the image smaller so that it appears BELOW the time and date, but although I'm able to move the image, I'm unable to scale it - make it smaller. I've since tried this with several other photos with the same outcome. It seems that in iOS 7 one can make images bigger, but not smaller. I'm not sure what the logic behind that could be.

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    What I want is to see my image instantly on monitor when I am taking a picture from example a portrait or a painting in the studio. The camera is connected with USB to the computer.

    So I was shooting teathered the other day with the following:
    Nikon D100
    USB to Powerbook G4, 1.25 Ghz 2GB Ram OS 10.4.8
    Nikon Capture to Hot Folder
    Hot Folder to Aperture
    My issue was that sometimes for reasons I could not work out my
    Camera would lock-up after a couple of frames shot. I was also syncing
    to a couple of dynalites but I dont think it was a light re-cycle thing.
    This became embarrasing as my subject was standing there and my shutter
    would be locked up.
    Was this an issue with maxing out the processor on the Pbook?
    Or perhaps writing the file to aperture?
    Would it be better to have the image display in Nikon Capture and worry bout importing into Aperture later?
    After finally de-teathering and shooting normaly I never ran into the problem again.
    Any thoughts appreciated.
    G5 Dual Core, AL 15" Pbook, G4 Quicksilvr, G3 Wallsteet, PM 9600, Mac SE   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iPods: Nano, 4th-Gen & 1st-Gen 5Gb Original Goodness!

  • Background image seems to be applied twice Can someone help with this CSS issue....

    Can someone help with this CSS issue....
    If you view the main page you will see that our background is
    2 shades of
    orange.. if you look at the line that divides those colors to
    the right and
    left you wil notice that the line is higher
    if you notice that it seems that there is another background
    on top of the
    first one..its the only thing i can think of..
    the only place where the image is being referenced is in this
    CSS style
    html, body
    Is there something wrong with the above CSS that could or
    would cause this?
    is it because im applying the image to both the HTML and
    ASP, SQL2005, DW8 VBScript, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio

    You've attached the background to both the html and the body.
    I would do this:
    html, body {
    Having said that the image doesn't look any higher on the
    right than the
    left to me in Firefox. Is it just an optical illusion?
    Daniel wrote:
    > Can someone help with this CSS issue....
    > If you view the main page you will see that our
    background is 2 shades of
    > orange.. if you look at the line that divides those
    colors to the right and
    > left you wil notice that the line is higher
    > if you notice that it seems that there is another
    background on top of the
    > first one..its the only thing i can think of..
    > the only place where the image is being referenced is in
    this CSS style
    > html, body
    > {
    > min-height:100%;
    > margin-bottom:1px;
    > text-align:center;
    > background-repeat:no-repeat;
    > background-image:url(images/Background-Color2.jpg);
    > background-color:#F74902;
    > background-position:center;
    > background-attachment:fixed;
    > }
    > Is there something wrong with the above CSS that could
    or would cause this?
    > is it because im applying the image to both the HTML and

  • TS1286 Cannot connect to internet with USB

    I am a new user of Ipod touch 5th gen 32 gig I cannot connect to internet with usb?

    Hi bikernblondie,
    When you say that you're trying to connect to the internet with USB, do you mean that you're trying to connect your iPod to the internet so that you can surf the internet with a browser on your iPod, or that you're trying to connect your iPod to your computer so that you can sync it with iTunes and bring over songs, movies, apps, etc.?
    - O.C.

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