NB Temps on p965 Plat

What is the normal temp. for the Northbridge on the p965 plat ? Speedfan shows me one Temp 3 (AUX on some other boards) with impressive 110 C with or without overclocking the chipset. Is that the NB temp ? (and if it is, can i try to boil some eggs on it  )

It is hot indeed but as i can touch it it must be around 60C. For SpeedFan, i think i have the latest version. I just don't have any devices which can measure the temp on the heatsink, unfortunately. I just wonder if i need to add a cooler, because i overclock the system. The heatsink have a strange form and a metal plate right in the middle of it which maybe is going to block some of the airflow. But a cooler will move the air for sure.

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    Reads the temperature directly from the cpu's built in sensor and should be very accurate...

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    Quote from: akinnetz
    OCZ GameXStream  700W PSU +3.3V(36A), +5V(30A), +12V1(15A), +12V2(15A), +12V3(15A), +12V4(15A)
    Check out the reviews:
    It seems to be a "great" PSU.

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    I would recommend using the v1.2 BIOS which is by far more stable than the 1.3 one.
    They just added the new microcode and that's it.
    Also, if you're unstable during OC, I would highly recommend attaching a FAN to the NB,  in my experience, when I did that, I could attain rock solid 333 on a E6600 at 3Ghz whereas without the fan, it was 3 seconds FAIL in Prime.
    Also, for 333 and on, you HAVE to set the NB voltage to 1.51
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    Quote from: dmmessiah on 25-January-07, 13:01:10
    Well, after putting on more than the token amount of thermal paste that was originally there, CoreTemp reports that while running Orthos the temp holds at 56C.  CPU-Z, which is the only program to correctly report 266x8=2.13ghz, shows no throttling.  Nor does it throttle when those previously mentioned games are running, or even the simple little things like screen savers.  These are not problems of marginally slower performance than I would like, it's a problem of certain applications running unusably slow.
    Ok. Temps are normal now.
    Hmm I think you said that you used intel's chipset drivers?
    I'm my self running e6400 with msi 965 neo-f using MSI's drivers. I also have MSI x1950pro, which is currently running on MSI's modified drivers, tho Ati's seemed to work ok too. I changed them for some no use debugging when trying to figure out my sluggis gfx (pci slot2 + Jmicron problem).
    I also found out that installing MSI's usb driver, kills the usb ports. (aye I also have usb keyb & mouse). So i just hit reboot button after they were installed. Next time windows booted up usb worked. If I had know this, I would have gone power saving settings in windows, and enabled shutdown, if powerbutton is pressed. Tho Windows didn't broke because of one crash start, its used to it
    If changing chipset drivers from intels to msi's don't help I dunno what to try.
    Oh BIOS.
    I had bios 1.5 in this board when I bought it, after that I have been updating BIOS with newest beta right after they release one. I'm now using 1.6B15, as there was some thread on forums that released 1.6 version of BIOS had some problems.
    But as I said earlier, I have only encountered sluggis gfx, if I'm using some PCI card in slot2 and Jmicron is enabled. My BIOS patching is due to scsi controller problems not gfx so dunno if it will help at all.

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    I think both MSI and vendors should inform us better about such.
    I still got those two short beeps at startup, three if the USB CDRom is on. Can anyone please explain those beeps to me?

    Glad you found your way out of "hell".  The problems that threw themselves in your way are well known to many P965 Plat. users in this forum. It is good to see that you were able to solve them.
    I still got those two short beeps at startup, three if the USB CDRom is on. Can anyone please explain those beeps to me?
    Usually it is one beep for each USB-device attached.

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    P965 Platimum
    2 GB 667Mhz RAM
    250 GB of HDD
    XpertVision 7600GS DDR3
    Artic cooler pro 7

    I would like to know what is going on with this problem
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    P965 Platinum
    2 GB 800
    2 HDD
    1 DVDRW
    1 floppy
    PSU HEC Windmill 385 18A/12V
    When i switched on the system i noticed this peculiar behavior and then when the boot screen came up my floppy got fire.(we are talking a lot of smoke and the wire sheathing got melted for about 10cm from the floppy.
    I have a suspicion that the floppy short circuited because the pin somehow managed to clip incorrectly although i am not sure because i have done it about 1 million times ( i am a technician and i have assembled a zillion machines) ,probably the floppy input has broken and the floppy power pin slipped.
    I very much concerned if this is a grounding issue
    I have checked the system afterwards with the same PSU and as far M/B CPU and memory seems to be OK (At least i got into BIOS and they seem to be in place .......one strange thing 800 MHZ ram (4-4-4-12) where shown in Cell menu as 533 MHZ does this mobo has detection problems ????????) ...but the strange switching on-off was there...
    If there are groundings issues could these related to the fact that i have used for the first time plastic washer on the screws that screw on the standoffs
    I am going to purchase a new 400W enermax liberty ( 12 V1 ->20a , 12 V2 -> 20A ,Combined 30A....my wife is going to kill me.....   )
    But if grounding is the issue i have to be certain that it wont kill something more expensive....:(
    i am going to try to remove the washers but if this fail i don't know what i would do.....

  • Oveclocking E6420 on P965 Platinum - interesting !

    Hi all
    I am trying to overclock my 6420 with the P965 Plat bios 1.4 also using Corsair twin2x2048 6400CL5 (5 5 5 12 on 1.9v). Strange things are happening  I can get the system stable at 2.8Ghz with 1.4+v on core and impressive 1050mhz on my ddr working on 2:3 with 800 and 2.15v. System is also stable at 2.76ghz and 1035mhz ram at 2.1v. The most interesting thing is when i put the ram to 1:1 533 in the bios. Everything is getting unstable, i can boot and run windows but for some time only. Playing with timings and voltages doesn't make it better. Where is the point, if the FSB is set to 355 - 2.8ghz the Ram is set to 700mhz let's say we give it more energy at 2.1v and low timings at 5 5 5 15. Isn't that be more stable than running it with 1035 on 2.1v ?
    As i can tell for me, the FSB is ok and the CPU will boot without problems at 3.0ghz and it did, windows and on, but the memory is totally unstable. Changing the voltages on it and/or on the northbridge isn't moving me forward.
    If i get the new beta bios 1.5b3 or something like that will it get any stable with DDR set to 533 ? My point is not to toast my memory but to get to the unseeing 3.0ghz 

    ok here are the numbers:
    for DDR 533:
    Memory Frequency
    < Timings >
    .   CAS# Latency (tCL)   4
    .   RAS# to CAS# Read Delay   4
    .   RAS# to CAS# Write Delay   4
    .   RAS# Precharge (tRP)   4
    .   Precharge Delay (tRAS)   13
    < SubTimings >
    .   All Precharge to Activate   4
    .   Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC)   28
    .   CS# to MCH-ODT Latency   2
    .   Write to Precharge Delayed   11
    .   Write to Read Delayed (tWTR)   9
    .   Act to Act Delayed (tRRD)   2
    .   Read to Write Delay (tRD_WR)   8
    .   Read to Precharge (tRTP)   4
    .   All Precharge to Refresh delay   4
        529.8 MHz (4.0-4-4-13)
    as i put the timmings on 5 5 5 15 in the bios i get that CS# to MCH-ODT Latency   Res (0).
    CPU-Z tells me that my ram can work on 533 with 4 4 4 13.
    for DDR 800:
    Memory Frequency
    < Timings >
    .   CAS# Latency (tCL)   3 (it's 5 but the bios shows 3 also in CPU-Z)
    .   RAS# to CAS# Read Delay   5
    .   RAS# to CAS# Write Delay   5
    .   RAS# Precharge (tRP)   5
    .   Precharge Delay (tRAS)   15
    < SubTimings >
    .   All Precharge to Activate   5
    .   Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC)   42
    .   CS# to MCH-ODT Latency   3
    .   Write to Precharge Delayed   14
    .   Write to Read Delayed (tWTR)  11
    .   Act to Act Delayed (tRRD)   3
    .   Read to Write Delay (tRD_WR)   8
    .   Read to Precharge (tRTP)   5
    .   All Precharge to Refresh delay   5
        1035 MHz (5.0-5-5-15)
    the command rate for DDR 533 is 1T and for 800 is 2T, but as i see i cannot change thouse

  • Use old HD with new P965 Platinum MB. Possible?

    If I wanted to use my present HD with my new P965 Plat board, I have to boot with the OS CD and do a "repair" or a "install", or is this even possible?  Has anyone tried/done it?  Thanks.

    Your "old HD" is P-ATA (IDE), right?
    Theoretically it should not be a problem, if there is still room for a second drive on the JMicron IDE-port. 
    However, you should install a fresh XP SP2 onto that drive using JMicron Drivers (F6).  Just "reparing" the existing installation might not work properly.

  • MSI P35 Realtek HD sound driver not working

    I am unable to reinstall the driver nor uninstall it.. The nividia VGA GTS 8800 works great and the LAN works, except HD Audio not working.
    Good thing I got creative sound card and 1 available PCI slot to install it..

    O my P965 Plat I could not install a new version of the driver nor uninstall the old version. Never figured out why but I keep restoring images getting progressively older and found one I was able to uninstall the old driver and then install the new driver. 


    Hekki is the normal temperature of the plate'm using this plate with a FX6300 with cooler of stock 1 additional case MSI cooler possess the snow edition and additional cooler is on the lateral side when playing CS dota2 go and see the temperature with AIDA64 I see the proc 48-50 ° and plate 47-50 ° and when at rest the lower plate about 2 degrees less and the proc returns to 30 ° 28 ° I worry about the temp of the plate so I would like to know if nomal in MSI

    Quote from: Nichrome on 27-March-15, 23:24:25
    Were you using translator? A bit hard to understand.
    But for temperature: run something like Valley Benchmark on very high preset and watch the temp. Also run OCCT for graphics card and watch the temp. If it does not go above 75*C with fans at around 30-40% then it's all good.
    Graphics card will throttle at ~80*C, but 40-70*C is nothing to worry about.
    sorry for my bad english my question is what is the temperature of 970 MSI gaming

  • B3 bios reports cpu temp 10c higher than b5 bios on k7n2 plat

    Dear list,
    b3 bios reports cpu temp 10c higher than b5 bios on k7n2 plat after reading posts that b3 is more stable changed back to that so far so good, seems more stable its just that cpu temp was 45-50 c on b5 bios but on b3 in the bios is says 60 c and in core center it now says 40c but was 70c before I re booted very odd indeed, its stable but soemtimes doesn't shutdown have to turn off but thats probely a widnows probelm somewhere.
    ps do I need to clear cmos when I have put new bios in or will it doit as part of the process ??

    dear os navi,
    I got this one with a heat duct on it. yes its all seated well and clean, just downloaded a corecenter update, cleared the cmos and started again. I am now getting 44 c for the temp now. What the bios says I dont know, could be that I hadnt cleared the bios that the temp was reading wrong.

  • Jumpy temps neo2 plat

    Anyone notice with bios v1.8 on a k8n neo2 plat the temperatures 36, 37, 38, 39 are missing. thermal monitor reports 35 and then jumps to 40 C. weird huh??

    Do not worry about it all most motheboards have a 4 to 5 deg temperature void in and about the area you  mentioned were the  reading are smooth above and below. My neo2 plat does it form 38 to 40 deg C and neo2-F from 38 to 41 deg C. Gauge just appears to jump over these temperatures as if they had been removed. We all  have to make due with this minor anomally due to design limitation. Remember that the OEM intented that the system accurately report dangerously high temperatures (60 to 70 deg C) to warn user and or auto-shutdown system. The temp sensor and software are therefore designed and tweaked for that main purpose.
    Take care,

  • P965 Neo temp issues

    Hi I'm really happy with my board, no problems yet Thankfully, also had a great installation, of windows vista RTM, and windows xp. But the rare issue i have is that my e6400 at stock, speed and with stock hsf, makes like 41c temp. this have been happening with the new 1.6 Bios release. any one have an idea why, and also my is always at low rpm, like 1300 or so, thanks.
    and also, why Vcore voltage is so unstable, it move from 1.18 to 132v any ideas.??

    I did some thermal throttling tests.
    E6400 @ 2.130mhz (stock)
    MSI P965 Neo-f (bios 1.6b13)
    Speedfan 4.32 Beta 8
    Stresstest & Rightmark CPU clock utility from www.rightmark.com i think. if not that try google
    At first I tried to set fan running at minimum speed. Well it was cooling too much and I could not hit over 67C.
    So I obviously had to disconnect the CPU fan.
    After that temperatures started to rise. At 83C thermal throttle started up. I dunno why the hell the threshold is so high, and I dunno if it can be changed with some program, didn't find any settings from rightmark cpu clock utility.
    Picture 2 shows that temp readings are lost while cpu is throttling and stresstest is running. I guess this is because most CPU cycles are used for cooling CPU, not doing much work.
    Well I continued this for a while, what a heck this box has still warranty left
    Picture 3 shows that thermal throttle is able to keep Core temps about 82C without fan running. Obviously stresstest + thermal throttle was reason for losing CPU temp readings, as seen in picture 3 temp readings came back after stopping stresstest.
    I killed the stresstest, but left CPU fan disconnected. I can again see the temperatures. Its 82C.
    At this point my computer still works without any problems.
    Well I connect my CPU fan back. And temps starts to decrease fast, after going below 80C thermal throttle was disabled. It "saved" my CPU. BUT!
    Now I get report from windows that my RAID1 device is broken, one of the HDD's goes missing.  HMMMM?. (to note im running temporarily software RAID1 on Jmicron connected IDE hdds).
    Well I decide to reboot my computer, Windows shutdowns normally. At post first everything seems ok, my SCSI card finds both my HDDs etc etc. Then comes Jmicron's turn to find HDDs, it just freezes there. Hmm interesting, did I broke my mobo??
    I try reset button, again same thing.. $hit !!!.
    I shutdown the computer, and turn on again and everything works again. OMG
    So before someone tells how to set different threshold for cpu throttling it might work, but at least my p965 neo-f doesnt like it. My guess is that the North Bridge is overheating as there is almost no airflow there, without cpu fan running. (There would be airflow from my computer case coolers, but I did it case open, and my fans are attached to the opening side panel, so the werent blowing in the case atm).
    But atleast 70-80C should be safe temps for the cpu.

Maybe you are looking for