NB100 not booting?

When I switch it on it goes to the Toshiba logo where you can press f2 or f12 when that go's it shows a small curser in the top left hand corner then nothing, it has the sata h/d so I got my external dvd drive and tried to reload win xp pro it will go through the procedure of loading the drivers then when it try's to start windows it hangs for a min or 2 then does the blue screen!, Could it be that xp is not seeing the H/D as I have seen in a post or could it be a graphics problem any help will be greatly apreciated. I do not have the back up software I used an xp pro oem disc.
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Wayne.. :(
Message was edited by: CT1965
Message was edited by: CT1965

> I tried with vista and it loaded and is working but I cant find any drivers for it!
Win XP and Win 7 drivers are available for the NB100.
Vista is past Win 7 is the best OS which have been released by MS I recommend using Win 7 instead of Vista
However, you can also try to use Win 7 drivers on Vista OS in some cases it works

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    Windows 8.1 will not boot
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    *Error states "The boot configuration Data File doesn't contain valid information for an operating system.*
    *File:\ BCD*
    *Error Code 0xc0000098*
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    Two Samsung P2350 Monitors connected via DVI. (One using a Mini Displayport to DVI adapter).

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    As for installing Windows I used an original (not burned) installation media (Disk is in a pristine condition). And yes, Windows is fine, the problem just seems to be getting the system to boot up Windows with that second monitor. However if the "problem monitor" is disconnected the system boots fine 100% of the time and connecting it later after booting the system will still operate properly.
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    As for GPU testing, I've played games (Crysis, Grand Theft Auto IV, Battlefield 3, etc.) and I've had no issues with the card or stability.
    You would think that Apple would try to find a fix for this, especially considering the caliber of this machine.

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    the during boot to recover the BIOS
    removing mobo from case, maybe a short
    moving the memory to different slots
    moving the PSU to a different computer...it works
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    Tryed everything that I could think of and some stuff that others thought of but nothing worked. However the last item...removing the battery...did change things some. Now nothing happens, and I mean nothing...no lights, no fans, no buzzing...nothing.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. The only recourse I have left is to RMA the board.

    I tried one stick in all of the slots with and without the sound card. That did not work either.
    The voltage for my memory is 2.6 so that is what I tried. But if I can get it to boot up again I will try 2.7.

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    1.5GB RAM (after removing 2 512MB sticks that gave errors)
    OS 10.4.11

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    What can I do? I noticed this last weekend when I tried to reboot my MB Pro and it started this. Well Apple pushed and update last friday - I needed to restart it again and this happends. I thought it was a logic board at fist until it booted fine in safe mode.

    Sorry. What I mean is I selected the SL boot up in the start up panel and it would not boot into the cd. The CD rom sounds like it just keeps reading with it slowly loading from grey screen to blue screen to the Block screen. Almost like it is booting into normal mode from the hard drive.
    What I can't understand is why it runs fine is Safe mode?
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    The first screen shot is the Tech tool showing everything passed the hardware test is safe mode.

  • Computer will not boot up after recent software install

    I recently tried to install a series of software updates. Not all were successful. Soon therafter the computer froze up while in safari. I turned it off and the computer would not boot up on restart, and instead sent me to the darwin login screen. I rebooted in safe mode per these forums, and turned off an itunes startup function, and then rebooted. That seemed to do the trick as I could now get back into the OS, but the computer was dreadfully slow. It froze up again in Safari and I turned it off again, and this time it would not go past the grey startup screen with the apple. I tried safe mode again, but the computer would shut down around 30 seconds after the wheel below the grey apple started turning. I Was able to get my Tiger Install DVD in the drive, and turned the computer back on, but now just get the grey apple screen and the wheel spinning indefinitely. I cannot do an erase and install because my photos are not backed up. Please help!

    Hi, Deaton41. Welcome to the Discussions.
    You wrote: "I recently tried to install a series of software updates. Not all were successful."I suspect the only way you are going to resolve this is by performing an Archive and Install. For important tips on this process, see my "General advice on performing an Archive and Install" FAQ. Perform the steps therein in the specified order. If you follow my FAQ's steps to the letter, then your photos should be AOK, assuming directory corruption hasn't damaged them. I suspect directory corruption is the root cause of the unsuccessful software updates, which that then led to your current problem re: start up.
    Before installing future software updates, you may wish to consider the advice in my "Installing Software Updates" FAQ. Taking the steps therein before installing an update often helps avert problems and gives you a fallback position in case trouble arises.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Upgrade BIOS and drivers have possibly corrupted drive. OS will not boot.

    Model: Toshiba P505-8980
    Part Number: P6PG0U-005002
    OS:  Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (upgraded from Home Premium)
    6 gig RAM, 500gig HD
    I haven't started up my computer in a while.  First I installed the critical and optional updates (3 total) from windows update, rebooted, and Toshiba Service Center popped up and said that there was the BIOS 3.10 update and the HDD/SSD Alert update.  Through the Service Center I downloaded and installed the BIOS update, at the end it seemed as if there was an error.  I rebooted the computer and everything seemed ok, so I downloaded the HDD/SSD update through the Service Center.  Upon rebooting the drive would not boot.  (Screen remained blank with a blinking cursor and HDD light was not on.)  There are no accessories/USB devices/drives attached.  After a reboot I checked the BIOS and it recognizes the Hard drive, I restored all settings in BIOS to default and rebooted.  The computer started receiving stop errors (blue screen) and stuck in a reboot loop.  I entered the BIOS, restored default settings again and rebooted, I could get to safe mode and it would receive stop errors trying to load disk.sys file.  I also tried last known good configuration and that wouldn't work either.  After a while the laptop was able for me to select to try and repair the disk using the repair utility.  It reported that there may be partition errors (on the last step of recovery) and I selected to repartition the drive to factory default with the Toshiba repair tools.  It got to about 98-99% and received errors at the end.  I tried using a Windows disk to reinstall the OS, but it reported it couldn't install on any of the drive partitions because of an error in the boot configurations.  After trying to repair again it doesn't report any disks or partitions.  Currently after booting it reports now that there is an error that occurred while attempting to read boot configuration.  File: \Boot\BCD|Status: 0xc000000f.  Guessing that the boot sector got corrupted.  After reading that BIOS isn't recommended to be installed while in windows, I'm wondering if using the service center messed something up.
    Question 1:  Any recommended actions to take now?  No recovery disk available
    Question 2:  Is there a way to configure the service center to download a BIOS update and be able to save it instead of only being able to install it within windows and the service center?
    Thanks in Advance!

    I was able to get into system recovery.  This system recovery was different then the first one I came across.  Underneath the Command Prompt option there was a selection for a Toshiba based restore.  That is the one I tried that failed at 98-99%  This system recovery just has the standard options.  At first it showed me the original OS of Home Premium (recovered).  I tried to repair the Home Premium and it still wouldn't work.  "Startup could not repair the problem".  On the many tries the probelms were either "Failed Installation" or "Partition Table".  Then when I tried loading the OS it would blue screen and reboot repeatedly.  So I loaded up Windows 7 Professional from a different CD to at least get the OS working.  I tried Repairing but that didn't work with the same errors, and it also reported that there was no system image on the disk.  I did a Custom (fresh) install and had all items copied to Windows.Old folder.  So now I have an OS, BUT I can't activate it now even with the keys that I have from the old version because it said the key was only used for upgrade, not clean installs.  So now I'm left with trying to find a way to get the original Home Premium image so I can load that and then upgrade since I have the keys I need.  I tried doing repairs again, this time it showed me two Windows 7 Professional and one Windows 7 Home Premium.  Again I tried repairing the Home Premium but it came back with the same errors.  Now all that remains is just the fresh install of Windows 7 Professional that I installed but can't activate with the key.  Anyway I can get/download a factory image from Toshiba?  I only just bought the laptop shortly before Christmas.

  • Windows 8.1 Pro will not boot after installing iTunes

    It's a little hard for me to accept that this is true, but the symptoms seem to be pointing the direction of the title of this thread.  I have an all-in-one touch-screen Gateway computer that came with windows 7 (yeah, a win7 machine that came with touch, yeesh) and I put windows 8.1 pro 64-bit on it with a clean install (actually windows 8 was the clean install and then I did the free microsoft store upgrade to 8.1).  It has 4GB of RAM and has a Pentium Dual Core cpu @ 2.2 Ghz.  It was running fine with the previous version of iTunes, but as soon as I updated to iTunes (and there may have been other apple things that updated too (ie quicktime of course), the computer prompted me for a reboot and froze during the reboot process (before it even shut down).  Then it had trouble booting into windows.  I ran startup repair to no avail and decided to do a sytem restore.  My most recent restore point was from a few weeks back, before iTunes was even installed at all on the machine.  I went back to that point and the machine worked fine again.  Then I installed iTunes and the same exact problem occurred - it froze while shutting down after the iTunes install and then would not boot into windows 8.  I did another system restore and have not put iTunes back on.  The system is working fine.  I'm going to try to find out if there's a way to download older versions of iTunes, so that I can install it, but the bigger issue here is: Is this a legitimate bug/incompatibility with some hardware or software or driver that I have on this computer?  I run a computer support business so I know my way around but I don't have time to troubleshoot this from scratch.  Anyone else seeing this?  Apple employees...a little help here?  Any input?

    let it sit for about 30 min and still got nothing
    I then did a "hard shutdown(just pressed power button till it turned off the computer)"
    That may not have been long enough.  But a "hard shutdown" would definitely have been construed as a problem due to the update.
    Asus apparently is a known problem case...
    Link courtesy Darrell Gorter [MSFT] found here
    "Windows 8 Keyboard and mouse not working"
    (RSS given to avoid overhead of opening long thread for IE users)
    Note that there may be useful tips for you in both of those threads' comments.
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • Not booting from 10.4.8 volumes after upgrade from 10.4.7

    I'm sorry to report that my aged G4 450 MHz AGP with 4 internal Hard disk drives no longer boots from any of the 2 volumes upgraded to Mac OS X 10.4.8 as soon as it was started from another volume!
    All was working fine as long as 10.4.7 was installed on the 2 232 GB disks connected to the SIIG ATA133 controller. I could boot from any OS on any of the 4 disks, 5 partitions:
    internal ATA66 bus:
    18 GB disk, 2 partitions: 'IBM_18GB' with OS 9.2.2 and TechTool Pro's 'eDrive' with 10.4.7
    71 GB disk, 1 partition 'IBM_71GB' with OS 9.2.2
    PCI SIIG ATA133 controller:
    232 GB disk, one partition 'I1232GB' with 10.4.7, now upgraded to 10.4.8 and no longer bootable
    232 GB disk, one partition 'I2232GB' with 10.4.7, now upgraded to 10.4.8 and no longer bootable
    Now I can only boot from the Mac OS 9.2.2 or the eDrive 10.4.7 partitions.
    What I did so far: 'I2232GB' was my main OS X startup volume, 'I1232GB' contains a clone of it, plus additional folders like software base and backups.
    After upgrading 'I2232GB' to Mac OS X 10.4.8 through Software Update and repairing permissions all was OK as long as the Mac was just shut down or re-started: it always booted up in Mac OS X 10.4.8 from 'I2232GB' without any problems.
    The next day I booted from 'I1232GB' to do the same there.
    Afterwards I could no longer boot in Mac OS X 10.4.8 from 'I2232GB' nor in in Mac OS X 10.4.8 from 'I1232GB': it just gets to the grey screen with the Apple logo, but the round circle underneath indicating some progress never appears. I left it there for hours: it just hangs.
    With the Option key held at startup I could boot from the other partitions with Mac OS 9.2.2 or the eDrive with 10.4.7. None of their Startup Control Panels was able to get me back to 10.2.8!
    So I booted from the TechTool Pro 4.5.1 DVD to Optimize both volumes, 'I1232GB' & 'I2232GB', always Files only.
    Then I booted from the DiskWorrior 3.0.3 CD to rebuild the directories of both volumes, 'I1232GB' & 'I2232GB'.
    Still I can not boot from either 'I1232GB' or 'I2232GB' in Mac OS X 10.2.8!
    Downloaded the Mac OS X 10.2.8 Compo Update (for PPC) and installed it onto both 'I1232GB' & 'I2232GB' while booted from the eDrive which I keep on Mac OS X 10.4.7 - no luck either, still I can not boot from either 'I1232GB' or 'I2232GB' in Mac OS X 10.2.8!
    Then I backed up the users folder from 'I2232GB' onto 'I1232GB', booted from Mac OS 9.2.2 and used Intech's Hard Disk Speedtools 3.6 to format 'I2232GB', afterwards initialized it with Alsoft's Plus Maximizer Extension for a Block Size of 512 Bytes.
    Installed Mac OS X 10.4 from DVD, as well as iLive '06 and upgraded everything to the latest releases with Software Update. All was working fine with all the required reboots until another startup volume was chosen: afterwards again I can no longer boot back into Mac OS X 10.2.8 on the fresch installed 'I2232GB'!
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Here is some information found by System Profiler from Mac OS X 10.4.7, eDrive, let me know if you need more:
    Hardware Overview:
    Machine Name: Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics)
    Machine Model: PowerMac3,1
    CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (2.8)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 450 MHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 1 MB
    Memory: 2 GB
    Bus Speed: 100 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 4.2.8f1
    Serial Number: XA00715VHSF
    Sales Order Number: M7628LL/A
    ATA Bus:
    Capacity: 19.12 GB
    Model: IBM-DPTA-372050
    Capacity: 13.12 GB
    Available: 6.96 GB
    Capacity: 6 GB
    Available: 3.03 GB
    Capacity: 71.59 GB
    Model: IBM-DTLA-307075
    Capacity: 71.59 GB
    Available: 39.65 GB
    ATA Bus:
    Model: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-107D
    Firmware Revision: 1.21
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2000 KB
    Model: IOMEGA ZIP 100 ATAPI
    Name: ACARD,6880M
    Type: scsi
    Bus: PCI
    Slot: SLOT-C
    Vendor ID: 0x1191
    Device ID: 0x0009
    Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x1191
    Subsystem ID: 0x0009
    Revision ID: 0x0003
    SCSI Parallel Domain 65536:
    Initiator Identifier: 7
    ATA HDT722525DLAT80:
    Capacity: 232.89 GB
    Manufacturer: ATA
    Model: HDT722525DLAT80
    Removable Media: Yes
    BSD Name: disk2
    OS9 Drivers: Yes
    SCSI Target Identifier: 0
    SCSI Logical Unit Identifier: 0
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
    Capacity: 232.89 GB
    Available: 14.1 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: HFS+
    BSD Name: disk2s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/I1232GB
    ATA HDT722525DLAT80:
    Capacity: 232.89 GB
    Manufacturer: ATA
    Model: HDT722525DLAT80
    Removable Media: Yes
    BSD Name: disk3
    OS9 Drivers: Yes
    SCSI Target Identifier: 2
    SCSI Logical Unit Identifier: 0
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
    Capacity: 232.89 GB
    Available: 180.11 GB
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk3s3
    Mount Point: /Volumes/I2232GB
    The RAM consists of 4 identical modules and is about 1 year old:
    DIMM0/J21 to DIMM3/J24:
    Size: 512 MB
    Type: SDRAM
    Speed: PC133-333
    Status: OK
    Many thanks for your help!
    Apple G4 AGP   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   4 internal hard disks, dual layer DVD-RW, 2GB RAM

    What I did so far: 'I2232GB' was my main OS X
    startup volume, 'I1232GB' contains a clone of it,
    plus additional folders like software base and
    After upgrading 'I2232GB' to Mac OS X 10.4.8
    through Software Update and repairing permissions all
    was OK as long as the Mac was just shut down or
    re-started: it always booted up in Mac OS X 10.4.8
    from 'I2232GB' without any problems.
    The next day I booted from 'I1232GB' to do the same
    Afterwards I could no longer boot in Mac OS X 10.4.8
    from 'I2232GB' nor in in Mac OS X 10.4.8 from
    'I1232GB': it just gets to the grey screen with the
    Apple logo, but the round circle underneath
    indicating some progress never appears. I left it
    there for hours: it just hangs.
    With the Option key held at startup I could boot from
    the other partitions with Mac OS 9.2.2 or the eDrive
    with 10.4.7. None of their Startup Control Panels was
    able to get me back to 10.4.8!
    So I booted from the TechTool Pro 4.5.1 DVD to
    Optimize both volumes, 'I1232GB' & 'I2232GB',
    always Files only.
    Then I booted from the DiskWorrior 3.0.3 CD to
    rebuild the directories of both volumes, 'I1232GB'
    & 'I2232GB'.
    Still I can not boot from either 'I1232GB' or
    'I2232GB' in Mac OS X 10.4.8!
    Downloaded the Mac OS X 10.4.8 Compo Update (for PPC)
    and installed it onto both 'I1232GB' & 'I2232GB'
    while booted from the eDrive which I keep on Mac OS X
    10.4.7 - no luck either, still I can not boot from
    either 'I1232GB' or 'I2232GB' in Mac OS X
    Then I backed up the users folder from 'I2232GB'
    onto 'I1232GB', booted from Mac OS 9.2.2 and used
    Intech's Hard Disk Speedtools 3.6 to format
    'I2232GB', afterwards initialized it with Alsoft's
    Plus Maximizer Extension for a Block Size of 512
    Installed Mac OS X 10.4 from DVD, as well as iLive
    '06 and upgraded everything to the latest releases
    with Software Update. All was working fine with all
    the required reboots until another startup volume was
    chosen: afterwards again I can no longer boot back
    into Mac OS X 10.4.8 on the fresch installed
    I found several typos in above post, wherever it was 10.2.8 it should have read 10.4.8 - I'm very sorry for confusing you, this would not have made sense, but I found no way to edit the existing text therefore I modified the quote of it here.
    I do not need Mac OS X 10.2.8 back, but it would be nice to boot back in Mac OS X 10.4.8 from another volume as the current one - which was working fine before with Mac OS X 10.4.7.
    Many thanks,

  • K7N2 Delta not booting

    My K7N2 Delta was working fine. Then it start emitting an aduible alarm. I turned of the machine, and it happened again. Now it will not boot. My screen is dead. My D-Bracket lamp shows CPU failure but I have swapped the CPUs. Still no joy.  ;( I have cleared the CMOS, no joy. What next ?

    If your heatsink and fan hooked up correctly?
    Take Care,

  • Please help! MBP 15" 2011 will not boot at all

    My 15 inch early (May) mbp 2011 will not start up. Here is what I have observed so far:
    1) When power button is pushed (without MagSafe attached) hard drive will spin up and about after 3-5 seconds it will turn off (hard drive spins Down, no further boot process) No chime, no led indicator light in front.
    2) When power button is pushed (with MagSafe attached) hard drive spins up, keeps spinning, but no further boot process. Just black screen and spinning hard drive.
    3) When attempting SMC reset, fans turn to high, and screen remains black, still no boot)
    4) Since mbp fails before booting, PRAM/NRAM resetting is not a possibility. (Tried)
    5) I have also removed the battery cable from the logic board, and tried resetting without any luck.
    6) I entered CD into optical drive - it "ate" it, but will not eject now. (Tried holding eject/left mouse/control e etc) still nothing.
    7) After letting mbp rest for 1 day, it booted fine like nothing happend, worked fine for 1 day, then next morning back to square one. Now 5 days later still nothing.
    If anybody has any ideas what could be wrong, or have possible solutions, please don't hesitate.
    Thanks in advance, Oliver

    Hey there Oliverkehn,
    It sounds like your computer is not booting up at all at this point, even after some very thorough troubleshooting you've already done. From the following article, I would use these steps that I don't mention as having been tried just yet:
    Troubleshooting: My computer won't turn on
    Note: See Apple Portables: Troubleshooting MagSafe adapters for further troubleshooting with MagSafe adapters.
    Disconnect all accessories that are plugged in to the computer, such as a printer, hub, or other mobile device.
    If your Mac supports user-installable memory, solid state drive, or hard drive, and you recently installed any of these, make sure they are installed correctly and are compatible with your computer. If possible, reinstall the original memory or drive into the computer to find out if the behavior persists afterwards.
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install memory
    MacBook: How to remove or install memory
    Mac Pro: How to remove or install memory
    Mac mini: How to remove or install memory
    iMac (27-inch, Late 2012): Installing or replacing memory
    iMac: How to remove or install memory
    If you are still unable to start up your computer after trying each of these steps, visit an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) for further diagnosis. If you plan to visit an Apple Retail Store, make a reservation at the Genius Bar using http://www.apple.com/retail/geniusbar/ (available in some countries only).Note: Diagnostic fees may apply for issues not covered under warranty or the AppleCare Protection Plan (APP).
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • T400 not booting at all.

    My T400 is not booting at all.
    When I power it on, no matter it's on AC or battery, it just shows the boot screen
    Black Screen with Thinkpad written (in BIG white letters).
    and "To Interrupt normal setup, press the blue ThinkVantage button" 
    I tried pressing Thinkvantage button nothing happened.
    I also tried pressing all function Keys, from F1 to F12... nothing happened
    I am not too sure what went wrong, I am on travel and needed my laptop badly.
    not sure what to do can anybody help me please. 
    System Configuration:
    T400, 2 GB RAM, 
    Windows XP SP3, 
    Just one Partition on hard disk C drive.
    How did this happen: 
    I am also not too sure but I remember few things that I did last, and mentioning them here,
    not too sure if this has got something to with the problem that I am facing...
    1. I compressed my C drive.
    2. I had hibernation enabled ...disabled it...shutdown-ed the machine
    3. Next time when i rebooted machine..i was in flight....I  did work that i wanted to do ,,then enabled hibernation...
        and hiberanted...
    4. Before hibernation could have completed .... i closed the flap..and kept it in bag... 
    5. later on when i powered it on ...its not booting at all

    I don't tell what caused your problem ( there are more knowledgable people here for it) but it is not wise to do these alterations you mention on a trip - better try things at home with a recent backup

  • Tecra A11-11N does not boot after CPU upgrade

    I would like to do a processor upgrade for my Tecra A11 11N from the i5-430M to a probably much faster i5.I thought the i5-580M would do, but the laptop did not boot when i installed this processor.
    I reverted back to the 430M, did some research on the internet and found out that the 580M has a very high FSB speed and that is what probably made it not to work/incompatible with my machine.
    and also at http://ark.intel.com/
    Now i went back to the computer shop,returned the 580M and got an i5-560M as i compared it's specs and saw it would be compatible as it has the same FSB speed with the 430M.
    I then later on in the day tried to install this cpu as an upgrade BUT alas!
    I was left dumfounded.Processors in the same familly line are supposed to be compatible with one another provided:Lithography, FSB and socket type are similar.
    Or what am i missing here?
    I have done processor upgrades in many instances for both desktops and laptops and this is the first one that has left me with no words to say!
    please offer some help/advice.
    +Message was edited+

    I solved this processor upgrade problem on my own.
    I did some little research on what limits processor upgradability on computers and i
    found out that BIOS was one of the factors that play a key part.
    So,i went on a mission
    to see if i could upgrade my BIOS and whether it would solve my problem.
    I found this link to be very informative:
    I then downloaded the latest BIOS version for my laptop from this link:
    The following link gave me proof that the BIOS update would not bring any problems to my
    machine and that there is already someone who had done it and not encountered any problems.
    Just to make sure that you are on the safe side,before carrying out the procedure to update
    your BIOS,make sure you have a fully charged battery in addition to the AC plugged in.A power
    outtage during this procedure would instantly kill your machine.
    The BIOS installation took less than 3 mins.I copied the executable on the desktop and run it
    from there.
    On rebooting,the new BIOS was installed.The new BIOS version was 3.40 dated on 05/18/2012 while
    the older one was version 2.0 dated on 04/03/2010.
    From Intel's website,the i5-430M was released on Q1 2010 while the i5-560M and i5-580M were
    released on Q3 2010.
    It is pretty obvious that by the time BIOS version 2.0 was release,these two newer processors
    had not been released and that explains why they were not being recognized when i installed them.
    I finally swapped the 430M with the 560M,assembled back the machine and powered it.
    Voil!,the machine booted to it's new life.Everything is as was before!
    So far i have not seen any problems even to do with overheating or the cooling fan spinning any
    faster that before.It is all the same as before.There is considerable performance gain with the
    uprade.I am a software developer and my various development enviroments including compilers,
    debuggers,database and deployment servers have all been running way way faster than they were!
    I believe the 580M can also work but unfortunately i had returned it back to the shop.
    There is no reason for buying new machines when we can upgrade the ones we have.What will
    happen to the older ones?This means more electronic waste and so does new machines.Let us try
    to make better use of the ones we have a in turn,SAVE OUR ONLY PLANET EARTH FROM GLOBAL WARMING!

  • My apple tv 1st gen will not boot up the light just keeps flashing yellow

    I turned the power on to my 1st gen apple tv about a week ago and the indicator light just kept flashing yellow it would not boot up I tried unplugging it letting it cool and plugging it back in, I left it plugged in for the day and it still wouldn't boot, I listened for hard drive clicking there was none, I looked at the Ifixit teardown and saw what looked like a CMOS battery, I've had a pc before with the same symptoms and replaced the battery and everything worked fine after. If anyone can provide a second opinion it would be much appreciated.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    The most likely problem is a hardware failure.

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