Nealy there

hi, i have cracked my head round this code and not got anywhere with it can someone help please. i do not seem to get my code to write out the two dimensional array into a file. it only dose it on one line ie one row and produces 9 columns. dose anyone know what the problem is.
what is happenning over here is that i have an application which extracts vectors from a wav file from my system. the soundsimilarity then reads from the file and and the mainform class has to write to a new file in the system after quantizing the vectors obtained. but because i can not send off that application, that is why i will post these numbers to act as the vectors extracted from the wav file.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
public class MainForm extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    private DefaultListModel leftlistModel;
    private DefaultListModel rightlistModel;
    private double[][] svectors;
    /** Creates new form MainForm */
    public MainForm() {
        this.setSize(700, 300);
    public void populateLeftListBox(){
        File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
        FileFilter waveFilter = new FileFilter("wav");
        String[] names =  f.list(waveFilter);
        for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
public void populateRightListBox(){
File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
FileFilter waveFilter = new FileFilter("mp7");
String[] names = f.list(waveFilter);
for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
public void generateMP7File(){
File root = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
String selectedWave = (String)leftPanelListBox.getSelectedValue();
File wave = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + selectedWave);
MP7Creator m_Creator = new MP7Creator(wave);
int result = m_Creator.RunBat();
if(result == 0){
svectors = m_Creator.getVectors();
System.out.println("The Length = "+svectors.length);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error");
public void quantizeA(double[][] va) {
System.out.println("VA Length = "+va.length);
//double[ROWS][COLS] v; // read vectors using
int ROWS = va[0].length;
int COLS = va.length;
//int COLS = va[0].length;
double[][] v = new double[ROWS][COLS]; // read vectors using
double lowVal = -100.0;
double hiVal = 0.0;
int bins = 10;
double step;
double edge[] = new double [100];
step = (int)(hiVal-lowVal)/bins;
int count = 0;
for(int k = (int)lowVal; k <= (int) hiVal; k += step)
edge[count++] = k;
for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < count-1; k++){
if(v[i][j] >= edge[k] && v[i][j] < edge[k+1])
PrintWriter newFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("QuantizeVector.txt"));
for(int u = 0; u < v.length; u++){
catch(Exception m){
/** This method is called from within the constructor to
* initialize the form.
* WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
* always regenerated by the Form Editor.
private void initComponents() {//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
leftPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
leftPanelScrollPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
leftlistModel = new DefaultListModel();
leftPanelListBox = leftPanelListBox = new JList(leftlistModel);
buttonPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton();
Quant = new javax.swing.JButton();
rightPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
rightPanelScrollPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
rightlistModel = new DefaultListModel();
rightPanelListBox = rightPanelListBox = new JList(rightlistModel);
addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
leftPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
leftPanel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Left Panel"));
leftPanel.add(leftPanelScrollPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
leftPanel.setBounds(10, 20, 190, 230);
buttonPanel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Button Panel"));
jButton1.setText("Create MP7");
jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
buttonPanel.setBounds(220, 30, 220, 70);
rightPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
rightPanel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Right Panel"));
rightPanel.add(rightPanelScrollPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
rightPanel.setBounds(470, 20, 190, 230);
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed
// Add your handling code here:
/** Exit the Application */
private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_exitForm
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String args[]) {
new MainForm().show();
// Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
private javax.swing.JButton Quant;
private javax.swing.JPanel buttonPanel;
private javax.swing.JButton jButton1;
private javax.swing.JPanel leftPanel;
private javax.swing.JList leftPanelListBox;
private javax.swing.JScrollPane leftPanelScrollPane;
private javax.swing.JPanel rightPanel;
private javax.swing.JList rightPanelListBox;
private javax.swing.JScrollPane rightPanelScrollPane;
// End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
public class SoundSimilarity {
File f;
LittleEndianInputStream in;
double[][] seriesOfVectors;
public SoundSimilarity(String filename) {
try {
f = new File(filename);
in = new LittleEndianInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
int column;
// get columns from file (first int)
COLS = in.readInt();
System.out.println("cols = " + COLS);
// compute rows from file length and column count
ROWS = ((int)f.length()-4)/(8*COLS); // (file_length - int_size) / (double_size * COLS)
System.out.println("rows = " + ROWS);
// Allocate the 2-dimensional array (matrix)
seriesOfVectors = new double[ROWS][COLS];
// Read all the double values in from the file
for(int row =0; row < ROWS ; row++){
if((row%100)==0) // print every 100th row count
System.out.println("row " + row);
for (column = 0; column < COLS; column++)
seriesOfVectors[row][column] = in.readDouble();
// Write all the double values in from the file
/*for(int row =0; row < ROWS ; row++){
if((row%100)==0) // print every 100th row count
System.out.println("row " + row);
for (column = 0; column < COLS; column++)
seriesOfVectors[row][column] = in.writeDouble();
catch(IOException e) {
//similarityFeatures = new double[100];
//for(int k=0; k<100; k++){ // compare first 100 vectors
//double d = similarity(k,99);
//similarityFeatures[k] = d;
public double[][] getVector(){
return seriesOfVectors;
public double similarity(int M,int N){
double sim=0.0;
// Ignore 1st column, it is the envelope!
for (int j=1; j<COLS; j++)
return sim;
// this method is used to quantize the vectors
// into a series of bins namely 100, 50 and 10.
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("File: " + args[0]);
SoundSimilarity s = new SoundSimilarity(args[0]);
-9.9880500e-001 -2.5682200e-002 1.4480400e-002 1.4123400e-003 1.0640200e-002 2.9212900e-004 9.0401200e-003 -4.4735900e-004 4.9126100e-003 7.9064800e-004 7.4386000e-003 -8.1005600e-005 8.3502500e-003 1.1063400e-003 5.4860600e-003 3.1147200e-004 1.4283800e-003 -6.3254600e-003 4.2583800e-003 1.3930400e-003 4.9324500e-003 -4.1324300e-003 1.1809900e-003 -1.0342100e-003 4.6125800e-003 2.4040600e-003 7.5168100e-003 5.8312400e-003 1.0795900e-002 4.2694300e-003 8.4706900e-003 6.1024700e-003 1.0669700e-002 5.5327400e-003 8.7081700e-003 2.1874700e-003 3.7305500e-003 -7.0779600e-004 5.5088700e-003 1.0755700e-003 4.1186300e-003 -2.3996800e-003 9.4503000e-004 -1.4182000e-003 5.1152700e-003 5.7152800e-003 5.6506400e-003 1.3463000e-003 7.8001900e-003 4.8596000e-003 5.4654800e-003 3.5813900e-003 2.1183000e-003 1.4367700e-003 2.2291300e-003 2.9423100e-003 -1.0202100e-003 -3.3365100e-003 1.4046900e-003 2.1444700e-003 6.6818600e-003 4.1698600e-003 3.4172000e-003 -4.6212100e-004 -1.4033600e-003 2.0452700e-003 -1.0029200e-003 4.5422600e-003 4.1288100e-003
-9.9875600e-001 -2.6207400e-002 1.6760200e-002 4.4508800e-003 8.8208900e-003 -7.0655200e-003 1.1277100e-003 2.0795400e-003 8.0215600e-003 1.0152500e-003 8.2721600e-003 1.4941100e-003 7.4838400e-003 1.8117600e-003 8.6550700e-003 5.1811400e-003 5.7960100e-003 -2.0238300e-004 1.9799700e-003 1.3931400e-003 9.5476000e-003 4.6519800e-003 7.1191800e-003 8.7289700e-004 8.1651200e-003 4.0004700e-003 6.6545500e-003 3.3615300e-003 8.2088900e-003 4.6978600e-003 6.4103000e-003 4.3450100e-003 1.1541900e-002 2.9746300e-003 5.1368700e-003 -2.4085500e-003 1.9326500e-003 -5.4090100e-007 7.9337600e-004 -2.0486400e-003 4.4199700e-003 3.5263600e-005 6.2964700e-003 -1.5795100e-004 5.6571900e-003 4.1500300e-003 6.3776000e-003 -3.6153800e-003 5.3413800e-003 6.4273000e-004 4.5859200e-003 4.3817400e-003 2.9148100e-004 -2.3556300e-003 1.3381200e-003 -3.3789200e-003 1.3486800e-004 2.1101500e-003 4.3505200e-003 5.0372600e-004 -4.6095100e-004 -3.3701000e-003 4.7159000e-004 2.6756800e-003 6.0001600e-003 6.8206200e-003 1.8714000e-003 2.5756600e-003 2.8793300e-003
-9.9858700e-001 -2.5439300e-002 9.0326300e-003 -1.6130700e-003 1.4366600e-002 3.5253600e-003 5.5506600e-003 2.6756900e-003 1.8094200e-003 1.7998300e-003 8.5904400e-003 3.2213100e-003 1.7919000e-002 6.2457700e-003 1.0004900e-002 -6.2638100e-004 3.9784400e-003 6.2871100e-004 1.3173700e-004 -5.1409600e-003 6.6069000e-003 4.5487100e-003 8.9039000e-003 -3.6039900e-003 9.9563500e-005 -2.6771500e-003 9.0553000e-003 7.7981700e-003 1.4482100e-002 1.2849200e-002 1.1466100e-002 3.0651100e-003 4.5750100e-003 -5.1329400e-003 1.9729900e-003 3.7657500e-003 4.6088600e-003 -7.5412200e-004 4.5328000e-003 -2.4626500e-003 1.8524800e-003 -2.4876700e-003 2.2612900e-003 2.5831700e-003 6.8259200e-003 1.1450000e-003 6.1129200e-003 -2.4803100e-003 1.4119900e-003 1.2715700e-003 2.0042000e-003 -3.9546100e-003 -1.0423200e-003 1.8391300e-003 1.2027800e-003 -2.8825300e-003 1.1697900e-003 -1.1075800e-003 -3.3825100e-003 -1.1549000e-003 1.2620900e-003 -1.6867800e-003 -2.0610300e-003 5.4261000e-003 3.2863200e-003 6.7362400e-004 4.4857400e-003 4.6307800e-003 7.0499400e-003
-9.9880000e-001 -2.5161300e-002 1.3083100e-002 2.1480100e-003 6.1643600e-003 -1.2401700e-003 9.6387500e-003 4.6367500e-003 8.1698200e-003 4.1694700e-005 9.6445800e-003 2.8473600e-003 1.1326800e-002 5.3663000e-003 7.7355400e-003 -8.8683000e-004 5.4302500e-003 1.9609300e-003 5.2588500e-003 8.8440800e-003 9.8847800e-003 -4.1387900e-004 5.1169200e-003 3.0000400e-004 8.0330600e-003 7.4114000e-003 5.4780400e-003 1.9929300e-003 1.1664800e-002 1.4668200e-003 1.0051100e-002 9.1395900e-004 2.6749700e-003 -2.0810000e-003 1.6910600e-003 -5.6738100e-003 1.9182700e-003 -5.1803300e-003 1.4717300e-003 -3.3754900e-003 1.2889800e-003 1.6733600e-004 3.5733000e-003 4.5518400e-005 5.7786100e-003 3.7500700e-003 6.7725100e-003 1.0109500e-003 3.8106000e-003 -1.8640300e-003 4.2360900e-003 5.1591600e-003 2.3461300e-003 -1.8858400e-003 -6.6064700e-004 3.1596200e-003 5.8905100e-004 5.5874800e-005 1.8504500e-003 1.2497000e-003 -1.3671600e-003 -4.3641500e-003 -3.4654100e-003 7.7654000e-004 3.2618400e-003 1.8425400e-004 2.4825700e-003 5.0541700e-003 5.6166400e-003


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    Best wishes
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    If you first select the calendar on the left, so that its background is highlighted blue/grey, when you make a new events they should be added to that calendar.
    Best wishes
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    Have you lost your mind?
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    No. The tech would just deny it if he did, or tell the truth which the answer would be "NO" in either case.
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    Too late now, all you can do is not worry about it.
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    To do what Dave indicated you need to do, it depends on what version of Acrobat you have:
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    Acrobat 9: Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader
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    After admittedly only a quick read the one thing you don't say is how you are trying to make this move.  Most people with moving library issues do it the wrong way.  Plenty of web sites tell you how to do it the wrong way.
    If the iTunes application is started before the drive with the library is fully mounted and awake iTunes will revert back to the internal drive.

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    If you're using a desktop or notebook PC to send the email you could try installing the HP ePrint Mobile Driver software on your machine, the link to the download is here. This will allow you to print the PDF to any ePrint capable printer without having to email it to the printers email address as an attachment.
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    Hope this helps.
    If my reply helped you, feel free to click on the Kudos button (hover over the "thumbs up").
    If my reply solved your problem please click on the Accepted Solution button so other Forum users may benefit from viewing the post.
    I am an HP employee.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Within javascript you can reference the columns of the tabular form as
    col1 = document.forms0.f01;  // the first updateable column of your report
    alert (col1.length) ;   //  number of rows
    Edited by: varad acharya on Dec 8, 2008 5:53 PM

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    Thanks  artB

    Canon DPP is Canon provided application for desktop/laptop computers and they don't have a version for any tablets as far as I'm aware (not even iOS or Android versions).
    But there are other photo editing programs that would work.  I have an iPad.  While Apple has their own photo software (which isn't going to work on a Windows tablet) Adobe has an app called PS Touch.  
    PS Touch isn't nearly as full featured as Photoshop.  It limits the image resolution (it resizes any images that you import to it so they don't exceed the max resolution) but it does have most of the commonly used adjustments.  So if a person were just trying to get something out, it works in a pinch.
    One other catch is that PS Touch can't deal with RAW images... so it's JPEG only.  But I can import JPEGs off the card into the iPad and then edit them -- not as well as I can if they're on a regular computer, but this is what I'ved when I'm away for a weekend with my camera.
    Tim Campbell
    5D II, 5D III, 60Da

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    This is a User to User Forum...
    See Here for
    Mac Apps Store Customer Service
    iTunes Customer Service Contact

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    Hello courtneys100,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    From your post it appears that you are using an earlier iPad, which can only update to iOS 5.  Some developers do offer compatible versions of their apps for people running older iOS versions, but ultimately it is up to that developer to make an older version.  Check out the article for more information about installing the latest compatible version of an app on your iPad.
    Install the latest compatible version of an app on an earlier version of iOS or OS X
    Alex H.

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    I am a freelance motion graphics artist, and I use Final Cut Studio, After Effects, Photoshop, etc.
    I need a CRT monitoring solution for checking my color grades, etc.
    SD resolution is fine, and i've got my eye on a JVC TMH-150CGU broadcast monitor from B&H. It has an S-Video (Y/C) input.
    I'm thinking of using the Apple DVI Video Adapter hook up to it via S-Video.
    I have a Pantone Eye-One that I can use to calibrate the monitor.
    Would this setup work ok in the above applications? Will it support Digital Cinema Desktop Preview in Final Cut?
    I have the 30" Apple display. Will connecting the CRT via DVI steal 256mb of my video memory???? That seems drastic considering it's already driving a 30" display AND running after effects!!
    I've thought about FireWire monitoring, but I suspect the FireWire/DV 4:1:1 compression will affect the colors.
    I know a CAPTURE CARD would be ideal, with SDI, etc... but I don't really have a need for a full blown capture card at the moment. I don't think use it to it's full potential (ie- to capture). It seems silly spending $$$$ just for a monitoring solution.
    Or is a capture card my only option for pro monitoring? If I was to buy one, i'd want a future proof one should I digitize in the future (ie, HD, with analog support), so that leaves either a Blackmagic Intensity Pro (which I believe is only 8 bit) or a BlackMagic Decklink HD Extreme. And then i'd also need the SDI or Component expansion card for the JVC monitor, and before I know it, i've spent over $1000, just for a decent monitoring solution. Ouch.
    I strongly considered the Intensity Pro card, because I could monitor SD component, and HDMI HD from the same card. But it put me off when I heard it ws only 8 bit. But it is 4:2:2 though.
    What might KILL the Apple DVI adapter option is I have a TON of PAL footage, and I heard the adapter is NTSC only (or a seperate PAL version). So even though the monitor supports both standards, the adapter doesn't. Or so I've heard.
    Very confused. Any other options or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    From the sound of things you have answered your own question.
    If you wanted a CRT to just check video playback, safe areas and text legibility then a cheap option of monitoring via a deck or camera would suffice.
    You mention a lot of PAL footage just as a FYI this would be 4:2:0 as opposed to 4:1:1 with NTSC under the DV codec.
    You don't mention (and I'm sorry if I missed it) what codec you output to. I had always found when working with DV only that a DV monitoring solution was sufficient for most applications.
    However as you indicate that colour plays a factor in the equation bite the bullet and get a decent monitoring system from the off. I am using the Decklink Extreme and have found it to be excellent especially in real time conversion and monitoring of HD to SD.
    In addition you get the ability to work all the way up to 10bit (drives allowing) and capture over SDI with full deck control.
    You could stagger the cost since the BM card will let you monitor composite out in addition to component so the expansion board for the CRT might not be a must have from the get go for you.
    Whatever route you go you will want to calibrate the CRT using broadcast colour bars rather than a Pantone system, theres plenty of info on the web regarding this . . and why.
    Message was edited by: Steve Mizen

  • HT201328 Hi there, I purchased an Iphone 4S, it is currently locked with one carrier, I am in a contract with another carrier. I am trying to unlock the phone, but the Carrier says I have to activate it through them to unlock it. I so not want to do that,

    Hi there, my daughter purchased a used iPhone 4S from a local newspaper who has had it in the lost and found for nearly a year, and no one ever claimed it. It is locked with Telus, my daughter is a Virgin Mobile customer. Telus told me they will only unlock it if she activates it with them, she cannot do that as she is in a contract with Virgin. Is there anything I can do to get around this problem?

    Only the carrier to which the iPhone is locked can unlock it. In
    this case, you must work with Telus. If they have a pay as you go
    plan, activate the iPhone on Telus that way and then after
    you meet whatever requirements Telus has, stop using Telus
    and move the iPhone to Virgin. Or sell the iPhone to someone
    who can use it on Telus.
    Telus is the only one who can unlock that iPhone.

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