Need a clear explanation for class.forName()

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("aadsn","xxxxx","xxxx");
actually what it does behind the scene.

(Copied from
Class.forName() loads the given class. In itself, that isn't interesting. The beef lies in that loading a class executes any static blocks in that class.
If you had the source to com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, it would probably start something like:
public class Driver
    static {
        Driver driver_object = new Driver();
}The static block does the actual work of registering the driver. Class.forName() is really just a bit of a hack to get that static block executed.
The newInstance() call is customary because there is an old rumor that some buggy JDBC driver somewhere is missing the static block, and has the registerDriver() call in a Driver() object constructor instead. A belt and suspenders kind of thing.
If you want to see real life examples of that static block, google around for open source JDBC drivers.

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  • For class.forName()

    method is used in DataBase Connection
    we cannot trap the returned value why n how it works in DataBase Connection

    method is used in DataBase Connection
    we cannot trap the returned value why n how it works
    in DataBase ConnectionYes, you can "trap" the returned value, but you don't need to. This call loads the driver class. For all JDBC drivers it is mandatory to have a static initializer that registers the driver at the DriverManager, so loading the class is all you need to do in order to make it known to JDBC.

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
         private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
         private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextArea textOutput;
         private JPanel buttonJPanel;
         public GradeCalculator(){
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
    fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
    new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
    "Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
    "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
              JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
    fileMenu.add( exitItem );
    new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    System.exit( 0 );
              JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
              JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
              ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
              JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
              edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
              /**JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
              previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
              JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
              done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
              JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
              next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
              JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
              contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
              contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              JPanel content = new JPanel();
              content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              String output = "test";
              String outputTwo = output;
              textOutput = new JTextArea(outputTwo,10,30);
              box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
              tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
              setTitle("Grade Calculator");
              class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                        double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                        gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                        String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                        double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                        gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                        String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                        double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                        gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                        String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                        double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                        gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                        String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                        double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                        gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
              class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              /**class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        if (i <= 0){
                             i = 0;
                        }else if(i > 0){
                             i = i-1;
              class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        output = "Results \n";
                        output+= studentName[i]+" Assignment Average = "+averageO[i]+" Exam Average = "+averageT[i]+" Overall average = ";
                        output+= tAverage[i]+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade;
              class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String [] studentName = new String [40];
                        double [] assignOne = new double [40];
                        double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
                        double [] assignThree = new double [40];
                        double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
                        double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
                        double [] averageO = new double [40];
                        double [] averageT = new double [40];
                        double [] tAverage = new double [40];
                        char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                        double max = 0;
                        double min = 100;
                        int i = 0;
                        while(i < studentName.length){
                             studentName[i] = studentsName.getText();
                             String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                             assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                             String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                             assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                             String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                             assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                             String gOne = examOne.getText();
                             gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                             String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                             gradeTwo = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                             averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                             averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                             tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                             if (tAverage[i] >= gradeA){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeB){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeC){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeD){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] <= gradeE){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'E';
              public static void main(String[]args){
                   GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();

    i have to apologize to jittei for the misunderstand i do not know which defination of terms is for which line of code but i know what they do, to solve the problem i have actually made another class in the workspace file called students and now all the bottons work, all i have to do now is properly arrange and put in some additional lines of code and it will be completed. teacher gave me the idea of putting in a new class to help in calling codes from other subclasses in the main program. ah well guess non of you could think of that thanks for the help-ish and hope yall will atleast try to be nice to new people that come in the room. the new coding is:
    of course all the commented out lines are not being used in the program anymore but just there till i have the program working with everything in it runs and performs the actions required now though ^_^
    *Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
    *@author Carlson Smith
    *@version 3.01          07/02/2008
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
         private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
         private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextArea  textOutput;
         private JPanel buttonJPanel;
         private JPanel buttonJPanelTwo;
         private Student [] students = new Student[40];
         private int current = 0;
         private String output;
         public GradeCalculator(){
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
              for (int i=0;i<40;i++){
                   students[i] = new Student("");
            fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
               new ActionListener()
                  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
                        "Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
                        "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
              JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" ); 
            fileMenu.add( exitItem );
               new ActionListener()
                  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                     System.exit( 0 );
              JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
              JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
              ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
              JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
              edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
              buttonJPanelTwo = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanelTwo.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
              JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
              previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
              JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
              done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
              JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
              next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
              JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
              contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
              contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              JPanel content = new JPanel();
              content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(buttonJPanelTwo, BorderLayout.EAST);
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              //String outputTwo = output;
              textOutput = new JTextArea(output,10,30);
              box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
              tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
              setTitle("Grade Calculator");
              class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                        double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                        gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                        String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                        double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                        gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                        String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                        double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                        gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                        String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                        double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                        gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                        String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                        double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                        gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
              class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
                        currentStudent = students[current];
                        if (current <= 0){
                             current = 0;
                        }else if(current > 0){
                             current = current-1;
              class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
                        //output = "Result \n";
                        output = currentStudent.getStudentName()+". Assignment Average = "+currentStudent.getAverage()+". Exam Average = "+currentStudent.getExamAverage()+". Overall average = ";
                        output+= currentStudent.getTotalAverage()/**+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade[current]*/;
                        currentStudent = students[current];
              class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    //                    String [] studentName = new String [40];
    //                    double [] assignOne = new double [40];
    //                    double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
    //                    double [] assignThree = new double [40];
    //                    double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
    //                    double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
    //                    double [] averageO = new double [40];
    //                    double [] averageT = new double [40];
    //                    double [] tAverage = new double [40];
    //                    char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                        //double max = 0;
                        //double min = 100;
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
    //                    currentStudent = students[current];
    /**                    while(i < studentName.length){
                             String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                             assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                             assignmentOne.setText(" "+assignOne);
                             String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                             assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                             assignmentTwo.setText(" "+assignTwo[i]);
                             String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                             assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                             assignmentThree.setText(" "+assignThree[i]);
                             String gOne = examOne.getText();
                             gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                             examOne.setText(" "+gradeOne[i]);
                             String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                             gradeTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                             examTwo.setText(" "+gradeTwo[i]);
                             averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                             averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                             tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                             if (tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeA.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeB.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeC.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeD.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] <= Double.parseDouble(gradeE.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'E';
              public void refresh(){
                   Student currentStudent = students[current];
              public static void main(String[]args){
                   GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();
    Second class implemented./**
    *Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
    *@author Carlson Smith
    *@version 3.01          07/02/2008
    public class Student {
         private String studentName;
         private double assignOne;
         private double assignTwo;
         private double assignThree;
         private double examOneGrade;
         private double examTwoGrade;
         public Student(String sName){
              studentName = sName;     
         public String getStudentName(){
              return studentName;
         public double getAssignOne(){
              return assignOne;
         public double getAssignTwo(){
              return assignTwo;
         public double getAssignThree(){
              return assignThree;
         public double getExamOneGrade(){
              return examOneGrade;
         public double getExamTwoGrade(){
              return examTwoGrade;
         public void setStudentName(String sName){
              studentName = sName;
         public void setAssignOne(double assignOne){
              this.assignOne = assignOne;
         public void setAssignTwo(double assignTwo){
              this.assignTwo = assignTwo;
         public void setAssignThree(double assignThree){
              this.assignThree = assignThree;
         public void setExamOneGrade(double examOneGrade){
              this.examOneGrade = examOneGrade;
         public void setExamTwoGrade(double examTwoGrade){
              this.examTwoGrade = examTwoGrade;
         public double getAverage(){
              return (assignOne + assignTwo + assignThree)/3;
         public double getExamAverage(){
              return (examOneGrade + examTwoGrade)/2;
         public double getTotalAverage(){
              return (getAverage() + getExamAverage())/2;
    this thread can be closed now. l8rz :P
    Edited by: Jacal on Feb 10, 2008 7:28 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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    But as a special case the user has entered more than SIX digit cheque Number in Gl Account. Now am unable to clear those open items, since bank statement is having six digit cheque Numbers only.
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    This question has been asked, but was rejected unanswered.
    The response states that you must add the full url. It would be more useful to state that you need the base url only, which will then take out any subdomains etc.
    The article above explains in nicely.
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    <br />
    etc etc
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    The following rules apply for converting a structure into a single field and vice versa:
    1. If a structure is purely character-type, it is treated like a C field during conversion.
    2. If the single field is of type C, but only part of the structure is character-type, conversion is only possible if the structure begins with a character-type structure and if this structure is at least as long as the single field. Conversion now takes place between the first character-type group of the structure and the single field. If the structure is the target field, the character type sections of the remainder are filled with blanks, and all other components are filled with the type-adequate initial value.
    3. Conversion is not permitted if the structure is not purely character-type and if the single field is not of type C.
    hi anybody can provide an explanation with examples
    Thanks in advance.

    The data layout of structures is relevant to UP checks with regard to the reliability of assignments and comparisons, for example. This data layout is represented in the Unicode fragment view. The fragment view breaks down the structure into alignment gaps, in byte and character-type areas, and all other types such as P, I, F, strings, references or internal tables.
    Juxtaposed character-type components of a structure except strings are internally combined into a group if no alignment gaps exist between these components. All possible alignment requirements for characters are considered. Juxtaposed byte type components are grouped together in the same way.
    BEGIN OF struc,
      a(2) TYPE C,
      b(4) TYPE N,
      c    TYPE D,
      d    TYPE T,
      e    TYPE F,
      f(2) TYPE X,
      g(4) TYPE X,
      h(8) TYPE C,
      i(8) TYPE C,
    END OF struc.
    Fragment 1: a, b, c, d
    Fragment 2: Alignment gap between d and e
    Fragment 3: e
    Fragment 4: f, g
    Fragment 5: Alignment gap between g and h
    Fragment 6: h, i

  • New to flash.  Need help defining term for class.

    My professor has given us the following definition:
    What is the vegetable term within Flash that enables you to
    view multiple frames at the same time?
    Any ideas? Your help is much appreciated!

    Or you could always stop by google and, well, just type in:
    flash view multiple frames
    "Nickels55" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ejsjdg$fsa$[email protected]..
    > hahahaha - unreal.
    > Go ask one of your three classmates that already came
    here last week
    > asking the same question. Or better yet search for it

  • Use of Class.forName() in JDBC

    I know that in JDBC "Class.forName()" is used to load the JDBC driver classes.
    Is this the only purpose of "Class.forName()" method specially in JDBC?

    thanks much..
    ok so. calling the Class.forName automatically
    creates an instance of a driver and registers it with
    the DriverManager.more or less
    When we use the string / string buffer class we don�t
    need to explicitly load the classes exist in
    �java.Lang� package.they get loaded - as do all classes - when your code first tries to use them.
    But to get the JDBC connection, we need to insert the
    please clear my's really because the JDBC driver might not be known at compile-time. Class.forName allows us to load classes at runtime we didn't know about at compile-time. you could just as easily load java.lang.String using the above method, but since the method takes a string, the class will be loaded already! you could also just as easily do
    import sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;
    new JdbcOdbcDriver();that would also load the class. but that then couples your code to that particular driver. generally, in real applications, the driver classname would come from a config file, rather than hard-coded in the application. Class.forName() gives us that flexibility

  • About servletContext (i need a good explanation)

    what is the use of servlet context.
    what is the difference between request.GetRequestDispatcher and servletContext.gerRequestDispatcher .
    Friends,i need a clear explanation with some example code.

    Don't crosspost. Proceed here:

  • No explanation for failed android update service?

    Why has no member of the Verizon support staff come forward with a clear explanation for the lack of Android 2.3.4? It is beyond doubt now that the version in question is in fact available for Verizon to release to their US customers. Maybe there is a valid reason for delaying the release of an essential update, but until VZW stops avoiding numerous complaints and attempts to resolve the issue, situations such as these will continue to tarnish their brand. Do your part and  warn others who maybe be lured into ordering this failure of a phone. Tell them to get the superior AT&T 4g version or wait until a newer model is released. We have been tricked into committing two years of our lives to a network that refuses to answer questions.
    I spoke on the phone with Verizon support. The employee was very friendly and seemed genuinely concerned. After a lengthy wait on hold, the only information the employee could provide was that it was maybe SE's fault, and gave me a number to call them. Of course, support at SE explicitly confirmed what everyone on here has said: VERIZON HAS THE UPDATE AND THEY DECIDE WHEN TO RELEASE IT.
    So, VZW... you have the update and you have yet to provide us with fully-functional devices. Instead of ignoring the issue, respond directly to this post. WHEN will the update 2.3.4 be released? I can't wait for this nightmare to start all over again once ICS drops.

    Cause they are too lazy to release it. I'm done with this crappy company once my contract is up unless they can get their act together and give us the updates Sony has given them.

  • Need to create a driver class for a program i have made...

    hey guys im new to these forums and someone told me that i could get help on here if i get in a problem is that i need help creating a driver class for a program that i have created and i dont know what to do. i need to know how to do this is because my professor told us after i was 2/3 done my project that we need at least 2 class files for our project, so i need at least 2 class files for it to run... my program is as follows:
    p.s might be kinda messy, might need to put it into a text editor
    This program encodes and decodes text strings using a cipher that
    can be specified by the user.
    public class Cipher
    public static void printID()
    // output program ID
    System.out.println ("*********************");
    System.out.println ("* Cipher *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* *");
    System.out.println ("* CS 181-03 *");
    System.out.println ("*********************");
    public static void printMenu()
    // output menu
    System.out.println("\n\n****************************" +
    "\n* 1. Set cipher code. *" +
    "\n* 2. Encode text. *" +
    "\n* 3. Decode coded text. *" +
    "\n* 4. Exit the program *" +
    public static String getText(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
    throws IOException
    // prompt the user and get their response
    return input.readLine();
    public static int getInteger(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
    throws IOException
    // prompt and get response from user
    String text = getText(input, prompt);
    // convert it to an integer
    return (new Integer(text).intValue());
    public static String encode(String original, int offset)
    // declare constants
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z
    String encoded = ""; // base for string to return
    char letter; // letter being processed
    // convert message to upper case
    original = original.toUpperCase();
    // process each character of the message
    for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
    // get the letter and determine whether or not to
    // add the cipher value
    letter = original.charAt(index);
    if (letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')
    // is A-Z, so add offset
    // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
    if ((letter + offset) > 'Z') // need to wrap around to 'A'
    letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
    if ((letter + offset) < 'A') // need to wrap around to 'Z'
    letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
    letter = (char) (letter + offset);
    // build encoded message string
    encoded = encoded + letter;
    return encoded;
    public static String decode(String original, int offset)
    // declare constants
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z
    String decoded = ""; // base for string to return
    char letter; // letter being processed
    // make original message upper case
    original = original.toUpperCase();
    // process each letter of message
    for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
    // get letter and determine whether to subtract cipher value
    letter = original.charAt(index);
    if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')
    // is A-Z, so subtract cipher value
    // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
    if ((letter - offset) < 'A') // wrap around to 'Z'
    letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
    if ((letter - offset) > 'Z') // wrap around to 'A'
    letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
    letter = (char) (letter - offset);
    // build decoded message
    decoded = decoded + letter;
    return decoded;
    // main controls flow throughout the program, presenting a
    // menu of options the user.
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
    // declare constants
    final String PROMPT_CHOICE = "Enter your choice: ";
    final String PROMPT_VALID = "\nYou must enter a number between 1" +
    " and 4 to indicate your selection.\n";
    final String PROMPT_CIPHER = "\nEnter the offset value for a caesar " +
    "cipher: ";
    final String PROMPT_ENCODE = "\nEnter the text to encode: ";
    final String PROMPT_DECODE = "\nEnter the text to decode: ";
    final String SET_STR = "1"; // selection of 1 at main menu
    final String ENCODE_STR = "2"; // selection of 2 at main menu
    final String DECODE_STR = "3"; // selection of 3 at main menu
    final String EXIT_STR = "4"; // selection of 4 at main menu
    final int SET = 1; // menu choice 1
    final int ENCODE = 2; // menu choice 2
    final int DECODE =3; // menu choice 4
    final int EXIT = 4; // menu choice 3
    final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // number of elements in alphabet
    // declare variables
    boolean finished = false; // whether or not to exit program
    String text; // input string read from keyboard
    int choice; // menu choice selected
    int offset = 0; // caesar cipher offset
    // declare and instantiate input objects
    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
    // Display program identification
    // until the user selects the exit option, display the menu
    // and respond to the choice
    // Display menu of options
    // Prompt user for an option and read input
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_CHOICE);
    // While selection is not valid, prompt for correct info
    while (!text.equals(SET_STR) && !text.equals(ENCODE_STR) &&
    !text.equals(EXIT_STR) && !text.equals(DECODE_STR))
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_VALID + PROMPT_CHOICE);
    // convert choice to an integer
    choice = new Integer(text).intValue();
    // respond to the choice selected
    case SET:
         // get the cipher value from the user and constrain to
    // -25..0..25
    offset = getInteger(input, PROMPT_CIPHER);
    offset %= ALPHABET_SIZE;
    case ENCODE:
    // get message to encode from user, and encode it using
    // the current cipher value
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_ENCODE);
    text = encode(text, offset);
    System.out.println("Encoded text is: " + text);
    case DECODE:
    // get message to decode from user, and decode it using
    // the current cipher value
    text = getText(input, PROMPT_DECODE);
    text = decode(text, offset);
    System.out.println("Decoded text is: " + text);
    case EXIT:
    // set exit flag to true
    finished = true ;
    } // end of switch on choice
    } while (!finished); // end of outer do loop
    // Thank user
    System.out.println("Thank you for using Cipher for all your" +
    " code breaking and code making needs.");

    My source in code format...sorry guys :)
       This program encodes and decodes text strings using a cipher that
       can be specified by the user.
    public class Cipher
       public static void printID()
          // output program ID
          System.out.println ("*********************");
          System.out.println ("*       Cipher      *");
          System.out.println ("*                   *");
          System.out.println ("*                          *");
          System.out.println ("*                   *");
          System.out.println ("*     CS 181-03     *");
          System.out.println ("*********************");
       public static void printMenu()
          // output menu
          System.out.println("\n\n****************************" +
                               "\n*   1. Set cipher code.    *" +
                               "\n*   2. Encode text.        *" +
                               "\n*   3. Decode coded text.  *" +
                               "\n*   4. Exit the program    *" +
       public static String getText(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
                                           throws IOException
          // prompt the user and get their response
          return input.readLine();
       public static int getInteger(BufferedReader input, String prompt)
                                           throws IOException
          // prompt and get response from user
          String text = getText(input, prompt);
          // convert it to an integer
          return (new Integer(text).intValue());
       public static String encode(String original, int offset)
          // declare constants
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26;  // used to wrap around A-Z
          String encoded = "";           // base for string to return
          char letter;                   // letter being processed
          // convert message to upper case
          original = original.toUpperCase();
          // process each character of the message
          for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
             // get the letter and determine whether or not to
             // add the cipher value
             letter = original.charAt(index);
             if (letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')          
                // is A-Z, so add offset
                // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
                if ((letter + offset) > 'Z') // need to wrap around to 'A'
                   letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
                   if ((letter + offset) < 'A') // need to wrap around to 'Z'
                      letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);
                      letter = (char) (letter + offset);
             // build encoded message string
             encoded = encoded + letter;
          return encoded;
       public static String decode(String original, int offset)
          // declare constants
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26;  // used to wrap around A-Z
          String decoded = "";           // base for string to return
          char letter;                   // letter being processed
          // make original message upper case
          original = original.toUpperCase();
          // process each letter of message
          for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)
             // get letter and determine whether to subtract cipher value
             letter = original.charAt(index);
             if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')          
                // is A-Z, so subtract cipher value
                // determine whether result will be out of A-Z range
                if ((letter - offset) < 'A')  // wrap around to 'Z'
                   letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
                   if ((letter - offset) > 'Z') // wrap around to 'A'
                      letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);
                      letter = (char) (letter - offset);
             // build decoded message
             decoded = decoded + letter;
          return decoded;
       // main controls flow throughout the program, presenting a
       // menu of options the user.
       public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
         // declare constants
          final String PROMPT_CHOICE = "Enter your choice:  ";
          final String PROMPT_VALID = "\nYou must enter a number between 1" +
                                      " and 4 to indicate your selection.\n";
          final String PROMPT_CIPHER = "\nEnter the offset value for a caesar " +
                                       "cipher: ";
          final String PROMPT_ENCODE = "\nEnter the text to encode: ";
          final String PROMPT_DECODE = "\nEnter the text to decode: ";
          final String SET_STR = "1";  // selection of 1 at main menu
          final String ENCODE_STR = "2"; // selection of 2 at main menu
          final String DECODE_STR = "3"; // selection of 3 at main menu
          final String EXIT_STR = "4";  // selection of 4 at main menu
          final int SET = 1;            // menu choice 1
          final int ENCODE = 2;         // menu choice 2
          final int DECODE =3;          // menu choice 4
          final int EXIT = 4;           // menu choice 3
          final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // number of elements in alphabet
          // declare variables
          boolean finished = false; // whether or not to exit program
          String text;              // input string read from keyboard
          int choice;               // menu choice selected
          int offset = 0;           // caesar cipher offset
          // declare and instantiate input objects
          InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
          BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
          // Display program identification
          // until the user selects the exit option, display the menu
          // and respond to the choice
             // Display menu of options
             // Prompt user for an option and read input
             text = getText(input, PROMPT_CHOICE);
             // While selection is not valid, prompt for correct info
             while (!text.equals(SET_STR) && !text.equals(ENCODE_STR) &&
                     !text.equals(EXIT_STR) && !text.equals(DECODE_STR))       
                text = getText(input, PROMPT_VALID + PROMPT_CHOICE);
             // convert choice to an integer
             choice = new Integer(text).intValue();
             // respond to the choice selected
                case SET:
                // get the cipher value from the user and constrain to
                   // -25..0..25
                   offset = getInteger(input, PROMPT_CIPHER);
                   offset %= ALPHABET_SIZE;
                case ENCODE:
                   // get message to encode from user, and encode it using
                   // the current cipher value
                   text = getText(input, PROMPT_ENCODE);
                   text = encode(text, offset);
                   System.out.println("Encoded text is: " + text);
                case DECODE:
                   // get message to decode from user, and decode it using
                   // the current cipher value
                   text = getText(input, PROMPT_DECODE);
                   text = decode(text, offset);
                   System.out.println("Decoded text is: " + text);
                case EXIT:
                   // set exit flag to true
                   finished = true ;
             } // end of switch on choice
          } while (!finished); // end of outer do loop
          // Thank user
          System.out.println("Thank you for using Cipher for all your" +
                             " code breaking and code making needs.");

  • I'm trying to reinstall Logic Pro 9, and it says It's already installed. I have a project due for class and I need help asap. Please help!!!

    I'm trying to reinstall Logic Pro 9, and it says It's already installed. I have a project due for class and I need help asap. Please help!!!

    Yea I am. I deleted Logic Pro 9 and moved the App to the Trashcan like normal. Then when I go to install it, it says its already Installed. When I do this with other apps; it works fine, the install thing comes back up like it should once you have deleted the app

  • My ipod touch don´t have much sound on musics (i already go to settings- music-sound limit unlock), i need more power sound for using ipod to teach fitness classes what can i do!?

    My ipod touch don´t have much sound on music tracks (i already go to settings-music-sound limit unlock), i really need more power sound for using ipod to teach fitness classes what can i do!?

    I imagine that... a limit of sound because ears problems understand that...but in my case i need power i´m not buying a better surround for the gym (the owner must do, but everyone use cd´s and i not see me record cd´s again) ...its the only problem for this iPod to be perfect.... I´m in Portugal, by the way!!! and thanks again for you helping!!

  • Need Help Loading Sqlbase Driver Using Class.forName(...

    I'm having trouble connecting to a Sqlbase database on my PC. The problem seems to be with loading the driver with the "Class.forName" method. My source code (listed below) is in the "C:\My Documents\java" folder. I installed the Sqlbase driver in "C:\com\centurasoft\java\sqlbase" folder. The driver installation modified my autoexec.bat file to include the line "SET CLASSPATH=C:\com\centurasoft\java\sqlbase".
    The epdmo database is in a folder on my D:\ drive.
    It seems to find the SqlbaseDriver.class file, but for some reason it can't load it. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to how I can fix this.
    With the line -- Class.forName("");
    The program will compile, but I get the following error
    when I try to run it:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SqlbaseDriver (wrong name: com/centurasoft/java/sqlbase/SqlbaseDriver)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    ... [several more lines like these]
    at SqlbaseEx.main(
    With the line -- DriverManager.registerDriver(new SqlbaseDriver());
    The program will NOT compile. I get the following error: cannot access SqlbaseDriver
    bad class file: C:\com\centurasoft\java\sqlbase\SqlbaseDriver.class
    class file contains wrong class:
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
    Also, does the line -- String url = "jdbc:sqlbase:epdmo";
    look OK? I've seen numerous examples and they all have some values separated by slashes //. Am I
    missing something here that will bite me when I get past this driver loading error?
    import java.sql.*;
    // Create the ...
    public class SqlbaseEx {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String url = "jdbc:sqlbase:epdmo";
    Connection con;
    String createString;
    createString = "create table COFFEES " +
    "(COF_NAME varchar(32), " +
    "SUP_ID int, " +
    "PRICE float, " +
    "SALES int, " +
    "TOTAL int)";
    Statement stmt;
    try {
    // DriverManager.registerDriver(new SqlbaseDriver());
    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
    try {
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "SYSADM", "SYSADM");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    } catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());

    Thanks for the reply.
    Upon further testing, I think my original post was slightly incorrect: if I use either of the following lines --
    I get the following error at runtime:
    It is when I use the line -- Class.forName("SqlbaseDriver");
    that I get the long error message in my original post.
    I don't understand why it can't find/load the driver. I feel like I've covered all the bases -- I've tried numerous variations of the driver name in the Class.forName method, my classpath variable seems to be set correctly. Does it matter what folder I compile my program in? Right now, I've just been compiling it in the same folder as the driver file -- c:\com\centurasoft\java\sqlbase.

  • I need an app for people to sign in as in a sign in sheet for classes that I teach and then save in Dropbox.  Any suggestions?  I will be using my iPad.

    I need an app for people to sign in for classes that I teach.  I would like to use my iPad.  Any suggestions?

    You could do your own thing with
    or goodreader -has-replaced-iannotate-and-pdf-expert/

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