Need a service contract?

I'm told I need a service contract for a UC540 that was purchased only a few months ago.  I sort of assumed that for at least the first year of ownership I'd be entitled to updates, but that is not the case?
Any idea how to get a service contract that will allow me to get updates w/o spending any more money than I absolutely have to?  So far all the support I've required has come from these forums, so I don't want to spend a lot more money than I have to.
I called Cisco and they said to just call a reseller, and that there aren't any part #'s.  But there HAS to be a part number or two, right?
The more I try this Cisco stuff, the more I realize I should have stayed with the Asterisk-based solutions.  Pretty disgusted with this approach.

If you don't have a contract it can cause issues downloading the software from the site, but you can download software from the support forums without a contract. Here is the warrany information that comes with the UC and no contract:
Warranty Information
The Cisco Unified Communications 540 has 1 year of hardware support and 90 days of software support though the Small Business Support Center.
Find detailed warranty information on at the Product Warranties page .
Full Datasheet
UC500 Software Download:
You can look up contract part numbers here:
The contract part numbers are:
CON-SBS-SVC4 - SBS 8x5xNBD 3yr Small Business Support Svc 4
CON-SBS4-SVC1 - SBS4 24x7x4 3yr Small Business Partner Rapid Response
You will have to purchase the contract from an authorized distributor or reseller.

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    Thks for your advise in advance.
    Best Regards.

    Just for the record, let me clarify some terminology.
    An update is when you get software of a newer version but the mostly same capbility.
    An upgrade is when you get software of substantially improved capability or new features in a feature family.
    A feature set upgrade is when you move up to a different licensed set of features.
    In general, service contracts will get you updates and ugrades, but feature set upgrades will require a purchase (just like going from Windows Home to Windows Ultimate, for example)
    The issue that Leo refers to was the January 2011 change where software center started a more rigourous enforcement of access based on covered products, which prevented users from downloading software for devices and device families for which they had no service contract.  Customers have always needed a service contract to download Cisco IOS; the change merely disabled the ability to inadventently download software for which no active service contract existed.
    For more details on the Software Download center, please see

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    Thank you,

    Replace the
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    Hey Emilio,
    I found a solution, that worked for me. Try reseting the sync services as stated in this document:
    Follow these steps:
    Export your Calendar data - (you should end up with a .icbu-File) and make sure all Calendars are shown (I had one that was hidden - which later had all entries doubled)
    Close Calendar
    Export your Contacts (you should end up with a .abbu-File)
    Close Contacts
    Backup your iPhone
    Close iTunes (just in case)
    Open up Terminal and for Mounain Lion enter: /System/Library/Frameworks/SyncServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/resetsyn full
    Open iTunes and sync your iPhone (go to the info-tab you should see blanks and not your Calendars - don't worry they will soon show up, as you activate the sync)
    Pooh. Ok. Looks like a lot, but it actually is really simple. I only did so many steps, to really make sure, I would not loose any data.
    In quick words: reset your sync services with the terminal and sync again.
    I will also write that down for all times in my notebook.

  • Need Help in Oracle Service Contracts API -- OKS_COVERAGES_PUB

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    We have a requirement in service contracts module, wherein we have to delete the old coverage template of service line of a contract and attach the new template with the service line.
    For this, we are using OKS_COVERAGES_PUB (“OKS_COVERAGES_PUB.DELETE_COVERAGE”, “OKS_COVERAGES_PUB.CREATE_ACTUAL_COVERAGE”) API but not able to get the desired results.
    The API Works for only those service line ids of the contract which has the status “Entered”.
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    We don’t know exactly the limitation of the API and there is no detail available about these API in both Service Contracts Development and API reference guide.
    If anyone come across similar requirement or known any details about this API, Kindly mail the details to this id : [email protected]
    Thanks in Advance
    Thanks & Regards

    i want to add the lines and covered product to the existing contract.
    Cuold you please suggest me the API for the same.
    Thanking you in anticipation.
    Edited by: user10829701 on Mar 27, 2009 1:34 AM

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    Thanks a lot

  • Creation of Sales Order and Service Contract from Inbound IDOC

    Hi Experts,
    My requirement is to create a Sales Order as well as a Service Contract from one Inbound IDOC. I am getting the Inbound IDOC from a third Party. The message type is ORDERS and Basic Type is ORDERS02. How ever i am using an extension type IDOC which carries all the required data for Sales Order and Service Contract. My requirement is like, to create a Sales Order first.
    I have created a Z FM which is attached to the Process Code and subsequently to the message type. Inside the FM i an calling FM 'IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS' for creation of Sales Order. After that i am changing the IDOC data for the Document Type. I am changing the document type which is responsible for Contract Creation.
    Then I am again calling the FM 'IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS' for creation of Contract with the help of IDOC data. But here the Contract is not getting created. It's getting failed during the Batch input session.
    I need to solve this problem as soon as possible. Please help me. If there are any other options also please share.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Actually there is problem with BDCDATA. Inside the FM it's calling transaction with help of BDCDATA. If i am creating a Sales order or contract alone its creating successfully. But when i am trying to create both, it's retuning sy-subrc '1001' after calling the transaction on the second attempt. Is there any problem with BDCDATA like we can't handle with less time gap? Please help and give your inputs.

  • How to reject Line Items in a Service Contract?

    Hello friends,
    Can anyone help me understand how do we reject items in a Service Contract? I don't see any Reject field. Is it one of the Status I need to configure for Item Level Status Profile? Even if I add a 'Reject' status, how do I link it to Rejection Reason codes? (I know how to add Reason codes in customizing, but how they are linked to a Transaction type is something I am not finding...).
    Please provide any inputs.

    HI Navaneethan,
    please try following code.
    make  PEKKO should be internal table with appropraite structure..
    Loop at ZBTXT.
          append  PEKKO.
         clear  PEKKO.
    loop at pekko.
    write : / PEKKO-zbtxt.
    if above code is helpful, REWARD POINTS.

  • Partner in service contract and ibase

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    2. legancy contract will be migrated to crm contract, which also contains a sold to party
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    And whether it can prevent to create new contract for D?
    Many thanks.

    Hi Nagaraju,
    First of all, you can bill Service Contract and Service Order differently. This is because you may wish to charge contract fees irrespective of whether service occurs or not.
    Secondly, while maintaining DIP profile, you can use different material from the one used in contract. Just make sure that it gives explanation as to what service was performed so that customer will understand the invoice.
    DP90 will generate Debit memo request. You will need to create billing document against this using VF01.
    When you settle the service order (KO88), it will be settled against service contract.
    Please let me know if you need any further information.

  • Lead as Follow up document from Service Contract

    Hi Experts,
    There is a requirement to create Service Lead from Service Contract. I dont think there is something different by name Service Lead so i assume it is Standard Lead which is present in system.
    I maintained the copy control for Tx. Types and as well as for Item Categories.
    If i create a Service Contract and create a follow up Lead with no items, it works fine.
    Suppose i use an item (sales/service item), and i try to create a follow up Lead, the resulting pop-up to choose items from preceding document shows and error and the item doesnot get coped and displays an error, 'Sold-to-Party is not eligible for contract items'.
    Has anyone come across this issue?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Maggii,
    1. Is it possible to create a Lead from Service Contract? Does the system allow it even after maintaining relevant copy control configurations?
    A.Yes, it is possible while arranging of copy controls for transactions need to activate u201CCopy Item numberu201D.
    2.What does the error message, 'Sold to party not eligible for contract items' mean....have u ever seen such error?
    A.  Means, the particular sold to party is not maintained for that contract (for trail check with any maintained sold to party for that error message), cross check the contract again under in partner functions.
    If it is suits to your requirement please some reward points,

  • Ibase and configuration error while creating a Service Contract

    I am creating a Service Contract programatically and not manually through the T-code CRMD_ORDER.
    I am using the Function module CRMXIF_ORDER_SAVE for the same as the FM BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI and CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN did not work for me because of the number of parameters that needs to be passed for creating the Service contract.
    The Service contract does get created but there are errors corresponding to the Point of delivery and configuration missing.
    The error corresponding to the point of delivery says "IS-U:allocate a point of delivery to the item" even though I am passing the values in the REF_OBJECTS field of the CRMXIF_BUSTRANS_ITEM structure.
    Structure for the same is :
    ls_objects_i-TYPE_REF_OBJ = 'B'.
      ls_objects_i-object_task = 'I'.
      ls_objects_i-PRODUCT_GUID = lv_product_guid.
      ls_objects_i-PRODUCT_ID = p_product_id.
      ls_objects_i-IBASE_COMP_GUID = ls_output-IBASE_GUID.
      ls_objects_i-IB_INSTANCE = 1582.
      ls_objects_i-IB_COMP_VALID = '20070926093651'.
      ls_objects_i-SERIAL_NUMBER = '0102 46CC9C278B92025BE10000000AD5920E'.
      append ls_objects_i to lt_objects_i.
      p_ls_item-REF_OBJECT-data = lt_objects_i.
      p_ls_item-REF_OBJECT-datax = 'X'.
    Similarly,the error for the configuration says "Configuration for the item missing" and here again I am passing the values in the CONFIGURATION structure.
    Structure for this is :
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-consist = 'T'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbname = 32.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbvers = '0.0'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbprofile = 'E_H_B'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-complete = 'T'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-spras = 'E'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-cfginfo = 'VCOND=VARIANT_CONDITION_KEY'
      ls_cuins-OBJ_TYPE = 'SERV'.
      ls_cuins-class_type = 300.
      ls_cuins-obj_key = 'E_H_B'.
      ls_cuins-obj_txt = 'E_H_B'.
      ls_cuins-QUANTITY = '1.0'.
      ls_cuins-COMPLETE = 'T'.
      ls_cuins-CONSIST = 'T'.
      append ls_cuins to lt_cuins.
      ls_config_i-instance = lt_cuins.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data = ls_config_i.
      p_ls_item-configuration-datax = 'X'.
      clear ls_config_i.
      ls_cuval-charc = 'DISCOUNT_EUR'.
      ls_cuval-charc_txt = 'DISCOUNT_EUR'.
      ls_cuval-value = '0.0'.
      append ls_cuval to lt_cuval.
      ls_instance-value = lt_cuval.
      insert ls_instance into table lt_instance.
    ls_config_i-instance = lt_instance.
    p_ls_item-configuration-data = ls_config_i.
    p_ls_item-configuration-datax = 'X'.
    clear ls_config_i.
    Kindly help if anyone has worked on this.......
    Puneet Jhari.

    I am creating a Service Contract programatically and not manually through the T-code CRMD_ORDER.
    I am using the Function module CRMXIF_ORDER_SAVE for the same as the FM BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI and CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN did not work for me because of the number of parameters that needs to be passed for creating the Service contract.
    The Service contract does get created but there are errors corresponding to the Point of delivery and configuration missing.
    The error corresponding to the point of delivery says "IS-U:allocate a point of delivery to the item" even though I am passing the values in the REF_OBJECTS field of the CRMXIF_BUSTRANS_ITEM structure.
    Structure for the same is :
    ls_objects_i-TYPE_REF_OBJ = 'B'.
      ls_objects_i-object_task = 'I'.
      ls_objects_i-PRODUCT_GUID = lv_product_guid.
      ls_objects_i-PRODUCT_ID = p_product_id.
      ls_objects_i-IBASE_COMP_GUID = ls_output-IBASE_GUID.
      ls_objects_i-IB_INSTANCE = 1582.
      ls_objects_i-IB_COMP_VALID = '20070926093651'.
      ls_objects_i-SERIAL_NUMBER = '0102 46CC9C278B92025BE10000000AD5920E'.
      append ls_objects_i to lt_objects_i.
      p_ls_item-REF_OBJECT-data = lt_objects_i.
      p_ls_item-REF_OBJECT-datax = 'X'.
    Similarly,the error for the configuration says "Configuration for the item missing" and here again I am passing the values in the CONFIGURATION structure.
    Structure for this is :
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-consist = 'T'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbname = 32.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbvers = '0.0'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-kbprofile = 'E_H_B'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-complete = 'T'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-spras = 'E'.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data-cfginfo = 'VCOND=VARIANT_CONDITION_KEY'
      ls_cuins-OBJ_TYPE = 'SERV'.
      ls_cuins-class_type = 300.
      ls_cuins-obj_key = 'E_H_B'.
      ls_cuins-obj_txt = 'E_H_B'.
      ls_cuins-QUANTITY = '1.0'.
      ls_cuins-COMPLETE = 'T'.
      ls_cuins-CONSIST = 'T'.
      append ls_cuins to lt_cuins.
      ls_config_i-instance = lt_cuins.
      p_ls_item-configuration-data = ls_config_i.
      p_ls_item-configuration-datax = 'X'.
      clear ls_config_i.
      ls_cuval-charc = 'DISCOUNT_EUR'.
      ls_cuval-charc_txt = 'DISCOUNT_EUR'.
      ls_cuval-value = '0.0'.
      append ls_cuval to lt_cuval.
      ls_instance-value = lt_cuval.
      insert ls_instance into table lt_instance.
    ls_config_i-instance = lt_instance.
    p_ls_item-configuration-data = ls_config_i.
    p_ls_item-configuration-datax = 'X'.
    clear ls_config_i.
    Kindly help if anyone has worked on this.......
    Puneet Jhari.

  • How to delete the coverages for an ACTIVE service contract ?

    Hi ,
         I have created coverages for few service lines for a service contract in R12. The contract is in ACTIVE status. If it was in ENTERED state, I could use OKS_COVERAGES_PUB.DELETE_COVERAGE to delete the coverages. But this contract is in  ACTIVE status.
         Basically I want the lines lse_id=2,3 removed for a particular line (lse_id=1) which were created by using OKS_CONTRACTS_PUB.CREATE_SERVICE_LINE. This contract has a standard coverage and hence there should not be lines with lse_id=2,3 for that particular service line .
         Also, I am not able to delete a coverage for an EXPIRED contract.
         Please let me know if you need more information on this.

    Hi 2619098
    Did you find a solution for this? I am having the same problem. Please advice.

  • Error in BAPI RETURN for Service Contract

      I get an error in the BAPI Return for the Uploading the Service Contracts by LSMW. The Error Message is E BS No status object is available for &.Also want to know can we upload multiple line of header text for a Contract by this BAPI. If so then how would I do this , as the BAPI structure BAPISDTEXT has textline upto 132 characters. And I am take only one file in LSMW where the header & details come alongwith text. Or could also tell me the file structure of for the data upload. The legacy system sends multiple text in the header for a Contract.For Eg.
    Header1 Detail1 Text1
    HEader1 Detail2 Text2
    Header1 Detail3 Text3
    So I would need this text1TEXT2text3 in the Header Text of the Contracts. Or do I need the change the file structure. Many thanks for your time and help.

    Thanks Nablan, I could do that for multiple header coming in file. But I have a question for you on BAdI ALM_ME_006_GOODSMVT. I have implemented this BAdI , and this BAdI is called by a function Module ALM_MEREP_006_CREATE. When I test this FM giving the Material , Orderid and Movement type entries, this BAdI is triggered when giving a breakpoint. I've given this code for changing the movement type to 961. Cause the stanadrd scenario does not maintain Movement type 961 in Mobile Asset Management. The Movement type 961 for unplanned Materials comes to SAP and changes to 261 as maiantained by TCOKO table. To bypass this & retain the movement type 961 in SAP I'm using this BAdI. Currently this is what I'm doing and am stuck in the method interface how do I call the method.
    *DATA : i_ce_goodsmovement TYPE REFERENCE
    DATA : lr_badi_goods_movement TYPE REF TO if_ex_alm_me_006_goodsmvt.
    CALL METHOD lr_badi_goods_movement->create
           ce_goodsmovement = ce_goodsmovement
           user_data        = ls_user_data
           custom_user_data = ls_ce_user_data
           goods_movement   = goods_movement
           return           = return[].
                return = return.
    Please help me to get the data in this method. How do I call this.

  • Creation of service contract in background

    is there a function module or bapi to create and release an new service contract in background?
    We plan to maintain service contracts in ERP. But we need in CRM a kind of mini contract for the SLA determination in the service request. Therefore we have the requirement to create and release this mini contract directly in background.
    All the needed information like BP, Serviceproduct line item and object list will be available to feed such a FM or BAPI.
    Thank you
    Best regards

    Hi Manfred,
    please try to use CRM_SRV_ORDER_API_CREATE.
    When tracing the creation of a new contract there is also CL_CRM_1O_MAIN=>CREATE_ORDER, maybe this can be used.
    best regards,

  • Copy  Ibase Component from Service Contract to Service Plan

    HI Experts,
    I  am creating a Service Contract by maintaining the Ibase Component in the Product list at item level
    and I am doing followup transaction service plan and from service plan to service order followup
    But  the Ibase Component is not getting Copied from service Contract to service plan transaction  as well
    as from serivce plan to service order transaction.
    Pls help me in this regard.

    Hi Pavan,
    You can use copy control BADI to achieve this.
    The badi to use is 'CRM_COPY_BADI'.  You need to configure the transaction copy control to trigger this badi.
    Look at methods REFOBJ,  SERVICE_I and SERVICEPLAN_I.
    One of this methids should allow you to do this.

Maybe you are looking for

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