Need Help in JTextArea

Hi all,
I am typing a character in a JTextArea (this class is extended from JTextArea and implements KeyListener). I am performing several validations in the keyPressed, keyTyped and keyReleased events. I am checking for a condition in the KeyReleased event. If the condition is true, then the character typed in the keyboard should not be printed in the JTextArea . Is it possible.
The constraint is that the text should not be printed only if the condition in keyReleased method becomes true

Hai try this and tell me...
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){
     String []s = getValue();
     /* Naga */
     System.out.println(" inside keyReleased");
          if (s!=null && s.length>rows)
               System.out.println("setting text");
return;//add this line

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MORT_RETRY extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JPanel keypad;
    private JPanel buttons;
    private JTextField lcdLoanAmt;
    private JTextField lcdInterestRate;
    private JTextField lcdTerm;
    private JTextField lcdMonthlyPmt;
    private JTextArea displayArea;
    private JButton CalculateBtn;
    private JButton ClrBtn;
    private JButton CloseBtn;
    private JButton Amortize;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private DecimalFormat calcPattern = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    private String[] rateTerm = {"", "7years @ 5.35%", "15years @ 5.5%", "30years @ 5.75%"};
    private JComboBox rateTermList;
    double interest[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
    int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
    double balance, interestAmt, monthlyInterest, monthlyPayment, monPmtInt, monPmtPrin;
    int termInMonths, month, termLoop, monthLoop;
    public MORT_RETRY()
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    lcdLoanAmt = new JTextField();
    lcdMonthlyPmt = new JTextField();
    displayArea = new JTextArea();//DEFINE COMBOBOX AND SCROLL
    rateTermList = new JComboBox(rateTerm);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(displayArea);
    scroll.setLocation(150,270);//DEFINE BUTTONS
    CalculateBtn = new JButton("Calculate");
    ClrBtn = new JButton("Clear Fields");
    CloseBtn = new JButton("Close");
    Amortize = new JButton("Amortize");//DEFINE PANEL(S)
    keypad = new JPanel();
    buttons = new JPanel();//DEFINE KEYPAD PANEL LAYOUT
    keypad.setLayout(new GridLayout( 4, 2, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON KEYPAD PANEL
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount$ : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Term of loan and Interest Rate: "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Monthly Payment : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Amortize Table:"));
    displayArea.setEditable(false);//DEFINE BUTTONS PANEL LAYOUT
    buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout( 1, 3, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON BUTTONS PANEL
    buttons.add(CloseBtn);//ADD ACTION LISTENER
    rateTermList.addActionListener(this);//ADD PANELS
    pane.add(keypad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    pane.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String arg = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    int combined = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    if (e.getSource() == CalculateBtn)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got try here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (arg != null))
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    monthlyInterest = interest[0] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[0] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    monthlyInterest = interest[1] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[1] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    monthlyInterest = interest[2] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[2] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry!\nPlease Try Again", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }                    //IF STATEMENTS FOR AMORTIZATION
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    loopy(7, 5.35);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    loopy(15, 5.5);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    loopy(30, 5.75);
    if (e.getSource() == ClrBtn)
    if (e.getSource() == CloseBtn)
    private void loopy(int lTerm,double lInterest)
    double total, monthly, monthlyrate, monthint, monthprin, balance, lastint, paid;
    int amount, months, termloop, monthloop;
    String lcd2 = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    amount = Integer.parseInt(lcd2);
    termloop = 1;
    paid = 0.00;
    monthlyrate = lInterest / (12 * 100);
    months = lTerm * 12;
    monthly = amount *(monthlyrate/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,-months)));
    total = months * monthly;
    balance = amount;
    while (termloop <= lTerm)
    displayArea.append("Year " + termloop + " of " + lTerm + ": payments\n");
    monthloop = 1;
    while (monthloop <= 12)
    monthint = balance * monthlyrate;
    monthprin = monthly - monthint;
    balance -= monthprin;
    paid += monthly;
    displayArea.append(monthloop + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthly) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthprin) + "\t");
    displayArea.append(calcPattern.format(monthint) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(balance) + "\n");
    monthloop ++;
    termloop ++;
    public static void main(String args[])
    MORT_RETRY f = new MORT_RETRY();
    f.setBounds(600, 600, 500, 500);
    }need help with displaying the textarea correctly and the scroll bar please.
    Message was edited by:

    What's the problem you're having ???

  • Need help using JTextArea to read large file

    Hi here is the deal.
    I've got a large file (about 12Mbytes) of raw data (all of the numbers are basically doubles or ints) which was formed with the ObjectOutputStream.writeInt/writeDouble (I say this to make clear the file has no ascii whatsoever).
    Now I do the file reading on a SwingWorker thread where I read the info from the file in the same order I put it originally.
    I need to convert it to string and visualize it on a JTextArea. It starts working. However a one point (56% to be exact since I know exactly the number of values I need to read) it stops working. The program doesn�t freeze (probably because the other worker thread froze) and I get no exceptions (even tough I�m catching them) and no errors.
    Does anyone have any idea of what the problem could be?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    PD: I don�t know if it matters but I'm using ObjectInputStream with the readInt/readDouble functions to get the values and then turning them to strings and adding them to the JTextArea.

    I can put up the code.
    I don't have it with me right now but I'll do it later.
    Thank you.
    Second. I need to debug a function aproximation that uses a method that has to manage that many numbers. If I don�t put it into a txt and read it there is no way I will know where the problems are, if any. And yes I can look at the txt and figure out problems. It's not that hard.
    What I'll try to do is to write directly to regular txt file instead of doing it to the JTextArea.
    Thank you for your help and I'll post back with the code and results.
    PD: I don't know what profiling is, would you mind telling me?

  • Need help with project

    Hi all I'm working on a project and need help.
    I want the "New" button to clear all the fields.
    Any help?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Message extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         public Message() {
         super("Write a Message - by Kieran Hannigan");
         FlowLayout flo = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT);
         //Make the bar
         JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
         //Make "File" on Menu
         JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
         JMenuItem f1 = new JMenuItem("New");
         JMenuItem f2 = new JMenuItem("Open");
         JMenuItem f3 = new JMenuItem("Save");
         JMenuItem f4 = new JMenuItem("Save As");
         JMenuItem f5 = new JMenuItem("Exit");
         //Make "Edit" on menu
         JMenu Edit = new JMenu("Edit");
         JMenuItem e1 = new JMenuItem("Cut");
         JMenuItem e2 = new JMenuItem("Paste");
         JMenuItem e3 = new JMenuItem("Copy");
         JMenuItem e4 = new JMenuItem("Repeat");
         JMenuItem e5 = new JMenuItem("Undo");
         //Make "View" on menu
         JMenu View = new JMenu("View");
         JMenuItem v1 = new JMenuItem("Bold");
         JMenuItem v2 = new JMenuItem("Italic");
         JMenuItem v3 = new JMenuItem("Normal");
         JMenuItem v4 = new JMenuItem("Bold-Italic");
         //Make "Help" on menu
         JMenu Help = new JMenu("Help");
         JMenuItem h1 = new JMenuItem("Help Online");
         JMenuItem h2 = new JMenuItem("E-mail Programmer");
         //Make Contents of window.
         //Make "Subject" text field
         JPanel row2 = new JPanel();
         JLabel sublabel = new JLabel("Subject:");
         JTextField text2 = new JTextField("RE:",24);
         //Make "To" text field
         JPanel row1 = new JPanel();
         JLabel tolabel = new JLabel("To:");
         JTextField text1 = new JTextField(24);
         //Make "Message" text area
         JPanel row3 = new JPanel();
         JLabel Meslabel = new JLabel("Message:");
         JTextArea text3 = new JTextArea(6,22);
         JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(text3,
         public static void main(String[] arguments)  {
         Message Message = new Message();

    Ok, given that I may have not been the kindest to you on the other thread (and I'm still annoyed that you went and cross-posted this), and that you did actually use code tags, I'm going to post some code here:
    Please take the following advice onboard though.
    1. When you are naming your artifacts, please use the java coding standard as your guide. So if you are naming a class you use a capital letter first, and use camel case thereafter. All method names begin with a lower case letter, and all variable names begin with a lower case letter (and again camel case after that)
    2. Please use self explanitory names (for everything), so no more row1, row2, or text1, text2, etc.
    3. The example I am giving below makes use of a single class to handle all actions, this is not really the best way to do this, and a better way would be to have a class to handle each action (that would remove the massive if() else if() in the action handler class.
    4. When you are using class variables they should be private (no exceptions, ever!), if you need to access them from other classes use accessors (eclipse and other IDE tools can generate these methods for you in seconds)
    5. Notice the naming convention for my constants (final statics), they are all upper case (again from the java coding standards document, which you are going to look for with google right?)
    6. I have hived some of the creation work to helper methods (the getSubjectTextField() etc), although it isn't advisable to be calling other methods from the constructor, since this is a GUI, and you want it to appear as soon as you create the class, we won't worry about this, but perhaps as an execrise you could work out a better way to do this?
    7. Personally, I don't like classes that implement listeners, unless they are specifically designed to do that job. So a Frame that is set up as an action listener is fine, provided the actions it listens for are associated with the frame, not its contents. If the actions are related to its contents, then a dedicated class is better.
    8. Another personal opinion, but I feel it makes code clearer, but others may disagree. If you are creating a variable solely to hold the result of a calculation, to be passed to a method in the very next line, then don't create the variable, just pass the method as the argument to the method (feel free to ignore this advice if the method call is extremely long, and a local would make it easier to read)
    Anyway, here is the code. I have removed most of the menu items, and leave this as an exercise for you. Also I have only created 2 methods (new and exit), I'll again leave it as an exercise for you to complete this.
    package jdc;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JMenu;
    import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
    import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
    public class Message extends JFrame {
        /** Constant for the new action command. */
        private static final String NEW_COMMAND = "New";
        /** Constant for the exit action command. */
        private static final String EXIT_COMMAND = "Exit";
        /** Subject text field. */
        private JTextField subjectTextField;
        /** Recipient text field. */
        private JTextField toTextField;
        /** Message text area. */
        private JTextArea messageTextArea;
        public Message() {
            super("Write a Message - by Kieran Hannigan");
            setSize(370, 270);
            FlowLayout flo = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT);
            // Add "Subject" text field
            JPanel subjectRow = new JPanel();
            subjectRow.add(new JLabel("Subject:"));
            // Add "To" text field
            JPanel toRow = new JPanel();
            toRow.add(new JLabel("To:"));
            // Make "Message" text area
            JPanel messageRow = new JPanel();
            JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(getMessageTextArea(), ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,
         * Clear all the fields.
        public void createNewMessage() {
         * Exit the application.
        public void exitApplication() {
            if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Are you sure you would like to exit now?", "Exit",
                    JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
         * @return The subject text field, (creates a new one if it doesn't already exist)
        private JTextField getSubjectTextField() {
            if (this.subjectTextField == null) {
                this.subjectTextField = new JTextField("RE:", 24);
            return this.subjectTextField;
         * @return The to text field, (creates a new one if it doesn't already exist)
        private JTextField getToTextField() {
            if (this.toTextField == null) {
                this.toTextField = new JTextField(24);
            return this.toTextField;
         * @return The message text area, (creates a new one if it doesn't already exist
        private JTextArea getMessageTextArea() {
            if (this.messageTextArea == null) {
                this.messageTextArea = new JTextArea(6, 22);
            return this.messageTextArea;
         * Helper method to create the menu bar.
         * @return Menu bar with all menus and menu items added
        private JMenuBar createMenuBar() {
            JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
            JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
            fileMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new MenuItemAction(this, NEW_COMMAND)));
            fileMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new MenuItemAction(this, EXIT_COMMAND)));
            // TODO add all other menu's and menu items here....
            return bar;
         * Private static class to handle all menu item actions.
        private static class MenuItemAction extends AbstractAction {
            /** Instance of the message class. */
            private Message message;
             * @param actionName
            public MenuItemAction(Message messageFrame, String actionName) {
                this.message = messageFrame;
             * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if (e.getActionCommand().equals(NEW_COMMAND)) {
                } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(EXIT_COMMAND)) {
                // TODO Add the other event handlers here
        public static void main(String[] arguments) {
            Message messageFrame = new Message();
    }If you have any questions, please let me know, as there are a number of new areas introduced that you may not have come across before.

  • Hi i need help with getting my homework for school

    im in a nine week class that ends tommorw and need help go\etting my program working properly these are the requirements ofr the assignments:
    Modify the Inventory Program by adding a button to the GUI that allows the user to move
    to the first item, the previous item, the next item, and the last item in the inventory. If the
    first item is displayed and the user clicks on the Previous button, the last item should
    display. If the last item is displayed and the user clicks on the Next button, the first item
    should display.
    · Add a company logo to the GUI using Java graphics classes.
    Modify the Inventory Program to include an Add button, a Delete button, and a Modifybutton on the GUI. These buttons should allow the user to perform the corresponding actions on the item name, the number of units in stock, and the price of each unit. An item added to the inventory should have an item number one more than the previous last item. Add a Save button to the GUI that saves the inventory to a C:\data\inventory.dat file. Use exception handling to create the directory and file if necessary. Add a search button to the GUI that allows the user to search for an item in the inventory by the product name. If the product is not found, the GUI should display an appropriate message. If the product is found, the GUI should display that product’s information in the GUI. Post final .class and .java files as an attachment.
    this is what i have there are three java files im puttong in here
    first is the panel frame
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class PanelFrame extends JFrame
         private JPanel buttonJPanel; // panel to hold buttons
         private JButton buttons[]; // array of buttons
         private JLabel label1; // JLabel iventory number
         private JLabel label2; // JLabel product name
         private JLabel label3; // JLabel product price
         private JLabel label4; // JLabel product in stock
         private String p_ProductName; // private variable for the employee name.
         private int p_UnitCount; // private variable for the hours worked.
         private double p_UnitPrice; // private variable for the hourly wage.
         private int p_ItemNumber; // private inventory number
         //create inventory object
         Inventory myInventory = new Inventory ();
    // no-argument constructor
    public PanelFrame()
    super( "Panel Demo" );
    //Add items to the inventory within the Invntory
              myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(1,"Html a Begginers Guide",14,29.99));
              myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(2,"Html 4 for Dummies",6,29.99));
              myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(3,"Visio Step by Step",7,24.99));
              myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(4,"APA Publication Manual",14,47.99));
              myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(5,"The Gregg Reference Manual",14,37.56));
    setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); // set frame layout
    // JLabel constructor with a string argument
              label1 = new JLabel( "Inventory Number:%s: %d\n ",p_ItemNumber );
              label1.setToolTipText( "This is Inventory number" );
              add( label1 ); // add label1 to JFrame
              label2 = new JLabel( "\n\nProduct Name: %s: %s\n", p_ProductName);
              label2.setToolTipText( "This is Product Name" );
              add( label2 ); // add label1 to JFrame
              label3 = new JLabel( "\n\nPrice : %s:$%.2f\n",p_UnitPrice );
              label3.setToolTipText( "This is product Price");
              add( label3 ); // add label1 to JFrame
              label4 = new JLabel( "\n\nQuanity %s: %d\n",p_UnitCount);
              label4.setToolTipText( "This is Quanity in stock: " );
              add( label4 ); // add label1 to JFrame
    buttons = new JButton[ 4 ]; // create buttons array
    buttonJPanel = new JPanel(); // set up panel
    buttonJPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, buttons.length ) );
              String names[] = { "First", "Previous", "Next", "Last"  };
              JButton buttons[] = new JButton[ names.length ];
              // create and add buttons
              for ( int count = 0; count < buttons.length; count++ )
              buttons[ count ] = new JButton( names[ count ] );
              buttonJPanel.add( buttons[ count ] ); // add button to panel
              } // end for
    // setup the logo for the GUI ...image needs to be in same directory as source code
              URL url = this.getClass().getResource("book103.gif");
              Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
              // scale the image so that it'll fit in the GUI
              Image scaledImage = img.getScaledInstance(100, 100, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
              // create a JLabel with the image as the label's Icon
              Icon logoIcon = new ImageIcon(scaledImage);
              JLabel companyLogoLabel = new JLabel(logoIcon);
              // add the logo to the GUI
              getContentPane().add(companyLogoLabel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    add( buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); // add panel to JFrame
    } // end PanelFrame constructor
    } // end class PanelFrame

    this is the original part again with the code tag added
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import java.util.;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.;
    import java.awt.;
    import java.awt.event.;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class PanelFrame extends JFrame
    private JPanel buttonJPanel; // panel to hold buttons
    private JButton buttons[]; // array of buttons
    private JLabel label1; // JLabel iventory number
    private JLabel label2; // JLabel product name
    private JLabel label3; // JLabel product price
    private JLabel label4; // JLabel product in stock
    private String p_ProductName; // private variable for the employee name.
    private int p_UnitCount; // private variable for the hours worked.
    private double p_UnitPrice; // private variable for the hourly wage.
    private int p_ItemNumber; // private inventory number
    //create inventory object
    Inventory myInventory = new Inventory ();
    // no-argument constructor
    public PanelFrame()
    super( "Panel Demo" );
    //Add items to the inventory within the Invntory
    myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(1,"Html a Begginers Guide",14,29.99));
    myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(2,"Html 4 for Dummies",6,29.99));
    myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(3,"Visio Step by Step",7,24.99));
    myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(4,"APA Publication Manual",14,47.99));
    myInventory.addItem(new productinfo(5,"The Gregg Reference Manual",14,37.56));
    setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); // set frame layout
    // JLabel constructor with a string argument
    label1 = new JLabel( "Inventory Number:%s: %d\n ",p_ItemNumber );
    label1.setToolTipText( "This is Inventory number" );
    add( label1 ); // add label1 to JFrame
    label2 = new JLabel( "\n\nProduct Name: %s: %s\n", p_ProductName);
    label2.setToolTipText( "This is Product Name" );
    add( label2 ); // add label1 to JFrame
    label3 = new JLabel( "\n\nPrice : %s:$%.2f\n",p_UnitPrice );
    label3.setToolTipText( "This is product Price");
    add( label3 ); // add label1 to JFrame
    label4 = new JLabel( "\n\nQuanity %s: %d\n",p_UnitCount);
    label4.setToolTipText( "This is Quanity in stock: " );
    add( label4 ); // add label1 to JFrame
    buttons = new JButton[ 4 ]; // create buttons array
    buttonJPanel = new JPanel(); // set up panel
    buttonJPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, buttons.length ) );
    String names[] = { "First", "Previous", "Next", "Last" };
    JButton buttons[] = new JButton[ names.length ];
    // create and add buttons
    for ( int count = 0; count < buttons.length; count++ )
    buttons[ count ] = new JButton( names[ count ] );
    buttonJPanel.add( buttons[ count ] ); // add button to panel
    } // end for
    // setup the logo for the GUI ...image needs to be in same directory as source code
    URL url = this.getClass().getResource("book103.gif");
    Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
    // scale the image so that it'll fit in the GUI
    Image scaledImage = img.getScaledInstance(100, 100, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
    // create a JLabel with the image as the label's Icon
    Icon logoIcon = new ImageIcon(scaledImage);
    JLabel companyLogoLabel = new JLabel(logoIcon);
    // add the logo to the GUI
    getContentPane().add(companyLogoLabel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    add( buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); // add panel to JFrame
    } // end PanelFrame constructor
    } // end class PanelFrame

  • Need help in storing data from JList into a vector

    need help in doing the following.-
    alright i click a skill on industryskills Jlist and press the add button and it'll be added to the applicantskills Jlist. how do i further store this data that i added onto the applicantskills JList into a vector.
    here are the codes:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane.*;
    //import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    public class Employment extends JFrame
            //declare class variables
            private JPanel jpApplicant, jpEverything,jpWEST, jpCENTRE, jpEAST, jpAddEditDelete,
                                       jpCentreTOP, jpCentreBOT, jpEastTOP, jpEastCENTRE, jpEastBOT,
                                       jpBlank1, panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4,jpBottomArea,
            private JLabel jlblApplicantForm, jlblAppList, jlblName, jlblPhone,
                                       jlblCurrentSalary, jlblPassword, jlblDesiredSalary,
                                       jlblNotes, jlblApplicantSkills, jlblIndustrySkills,
                                       jlblBlank1, jlblBlank2, ApplicantListLabel,
                                       NotesListLabel, ApplicantSkillsLabel,
            private JButton jbtnAdd1, jbtnEdit, jbtnDelete, jbtnSave, jbtnCancel,
                                            jbtnAdd2, jbtnRemove;
            private JTextField jtfName, jtfPhone, jtfCurrentSalary, jtfPassword,
              private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
            private DefaultListModel /*listModel,*/listModel2;
              String name,password,phone,currentsalary,desiredsalary,textareastuff,NotesText;
              String selectedname;
            final JTextArea Noteslist= new JTextArea();;
            DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
            JList ApplicantSkillsList = new JList(listModel);
           private ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel;
            JList ApplicantList, /*ApplicantSkillsList,*/ IndustrySkillsList;
            //protected JTextArea NotesList;    
                    //Vector details = new Vector();
                  Vector<StoringData> details = new Vector<StoringData>();             
                public static void main(String []args)
                    Employment f = new Employment();
                }//end of main
                    public Employment()
                            setTitle("E-commerce Placement Agency");
                                  Font listfonts = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 12);
                            JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
                            topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
                            getContentPane().add( topPanel );
                            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Applicant", panel1 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Job Order", panel2 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Skill", panel3 );
                            tabbedPane.addTab( "Company", panel4 );
                            topPanel.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            public void createPage1()//PAGE 1
                 /*******************TOP PART********************/
                            panel1 = new JPanel();
                            panel1.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                                  jpBottomArea = new JPanel();
                                  jpBottomArea.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            jpApplicant= new JPanel();
                            jpApplicant.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Font bigFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD,24);
                            jlblApplicantForm = new JLabel("\t\t\t\tAPPLICANT FORM  ");
           /********************************EMPTY PANEL FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES*************************/
                               jpEmptyPanelForDisplayPurposes = new JPanel();
                               jlblEmptyLabelForDisplayPurposes = new JLabel(" ");
                            jpWEST = new JPanel();                 
                            jpWEST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            //Applicant List
                                  listModel2=new DefaultListModel();
                                  ApplicantList = new JList(listModel2);
                                listSelectionModel = ApplicantList.getSelectionModel();
                                listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new SharedListSelectionHandler());
                                JScrollPane scrollPane3 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantList);
                                  ApplicantList.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20,40));
                            ApplicantListLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant List:");
                            jpCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jpCENTRE.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
                            jpCentreTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreTOP.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2));
                              //Creating labels and textfields
                            jlblName = new JLabel( "Name:");
                            jlblBlank1 = new JLabel ("");
                            jtfName = new JTextField(18);
                            jlblBlank2 = new JLabel("");
                            jlblPhone = new JLabel("Phone:");
                            jlblCurrentSalary = new JLabel("Current Salary:");
                            jtfPhone = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfCurrentSalary = new JTextField(7);
                            jlblPassword = new JLabel("Password:");
                            jlblDesiredSalary = new JLabel("Desired Salary:");
                            jtfPassword = new JTextField(13);
                            jtfDesiredSalary = new JTextField(6);
                              //Add labels and textfields to panel
                            jpCentreBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpCentreBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpBlank1 = new JPanel();
                             //     Noteslist = new JTextArea(/*Document doc*/);
                            JScrollPane scroll3=new JScrollPane(Noteslist);
                            NotesListLabel = new JLabel( "Notes:");
                            //Applicant Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> TOP
                            jpEAST = new JPanel();
                            jpEAST.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            jpEastTOP = new JPanel();
                            jpEastTOP.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                            ApplicantSkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Applicant Skills");
                            JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(ApplicantSkillsList);
                            //Add & Remove Buttons
                            //EAST ==> CENTRE
                            jpEastCENTRE = new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd2 = new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnRemove = new JButton("Remove");
                            //add buttons to panel
                            //add listener to button
                           jbtnAdd2.addActionListener(new Add2Listener());
                           jbtnRemove.addActionListener(new RemoveListener());
                            //Industry Skills Panel
                            //EAST ==> BOTTOM
                            jpEastBOT = new JPanel();
                            jpEastBOT.setLayout( new BorderLayout());
                           String[] data = {"Access97", "Basic Programming",
                           "C++ Programming", "COBOL Programming",
                           "DB Design", "Fortran programming"};
                           IndustrySkillsList = new JList(data);
                           JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(IndustrySkillsList);
                           IndustrySkillsLabel = new JLabel( "Industry Skills:");
                            jpAddEditDelete= new JPanel();
                            jbtnAdd1=       new JButton("Add");
                            jbtnEdit=       new JButton("Edit");
                            jbtnDelete=     new JButton("Delete");
                            jbtnSave=       new JButton("Save");
                            jbtnCancel=     new JButton("Cancel");
                               jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                               jbtnDelete.addActionListener(new DeleteListener());
                                jbtnEdit.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                            jbtnAdd1.addActionListener(new Add1Listener());
                            jbtnCancel.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
            public void createPage2()//PAGE 2
                    panel2 = new JPanel();
                    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1) );
                    panel2.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage3()//PAGE 3
                    panel3 = new JPanel();
                    panel3.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel3.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public void createPage4()//PAGE 4
                    panel4 = new JPanel();
                    panel4.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
                    panel4.add( new JLabel( "Sorry,under construction" ) );
            public class Add1Listener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    name = jtfName.getText();
                    password = jtfPassword.getText();
                    phone = jtfPhone.getText();
                    currentsalary = jtfCurrentSalary.getText();
                    int i= Integer.parseInt(currentsalary);
                    desiredsalary = jtfDesiredSalary.getText();
                    int j= Integer.parseInt(desiredsalary);
                       StoringData person = new StoringData(name,password,phone,i,j);
                   //     StoringData AppSkillsList = new StoringData(listModel);
                 //     details.add(AppSkillsList);
    //                NotesList.setText("");
            public class Add2Listener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           String temp1;
                           temp1 = (String)IndustrySkillsList.getSelectedValue();
            public class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                            int index = ApplicantSkillsList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class EditListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        int index1 = ApplicantList.getSelectedIndex();
            public class SaveListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            public class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
             selectedname =ApplicantList.getSelectedValue().toString();
             StoringData selectedPerson = null;
                   for (StoringData person : details)
                          if (person.getName1().equals(selectedname))
                                 selectedPerson = person;
                              //String sal1 = Integer.parseString(currentsalary);
                             // String sal2 = Integer.parseString(desiredsalary);
                             // jtfCurrentSalary.setText(sal1);
                             // jtfDesiredSalary.setText(sal2);
                   //     if (selectedPerson != null)

    Quit posting 300 line programs to ask a question. We don't care about your entire application. We only care about code that demonstrates your current problem. We don't want to read through 300 lines to try and find the line of code that is causing the problem.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE) that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.
    Here is a simple SSCCE. Now make your changes and if you still have problems you have something simple to post. If it works then you add it to your real application.
    Learn to simplify your problem by simplifying the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ListTest2 extends JFrame
         JList list;
         public ListTest2()
              String[] numbers = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven" };
              list = new JList( numbers );
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( list );
              getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
         public static void main(String[] args)
              ListTest2 frame = new ListTest2();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.setSize(200, 200);
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
              frame.setVisible( true );

  • Need help with assignment for class. its for my high school project :(

    i really need help, my problem is that with my code i cannot get the "previous", "done" and "next" buttons to work.they cannot seem to find the items from each other. so could someone look at those buttons in the code and tell me how to fix please? the code is as follows:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
         private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
         private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextArea textOutput;
         private JPanel buttonJPanel;
         public GradeCalculator(){
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
    fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
    new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
    "Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
    "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
              JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
    fileMenu.add( exitItem );
    new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    System.exit( 0 );
              JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
              JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
              ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
              JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
              edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
              /**JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
              previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
              JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
              done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
              JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
              next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
              JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
              contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
              contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              JPanel content = new JPanel();
              content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              String output = "test";
              String outputTwo = output;
              textOutput = new JTextArea(outputTwo,10,30);
              box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
              tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
              setTitle("Grade Calculator");
              class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                        double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                        gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                        String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                        double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                        gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                        String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                        double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                        gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                        String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                        double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                        gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                        String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                        double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                        gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
              class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              /**class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        if (i <= 0){
                             i = 0;
                        }else if(i > 0){
                             i = i-1;
              class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        output = "Results \n";
                        output+= studentName[i]+" Assignment Average = "+averageO[i]+" Exam Average = "+averageT[i]+" Overall average = ";
                        output+= tAverage[i]+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade;
              class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String [] studentName = new String [40];
                        double [] assignOne = new double [40];
                        double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
                        double [] assignThree = new double [40];
                        double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
                        double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
                        double [] averageO = new double [40];
                        double [] averageT = new double [40];
                        double [] tAverage = new double [40];
                        char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                        double max = 0;
                        double min = 100;
                        int i = 0;
                        while(i < studentName.length){
                             studentName[i] = studentsName.getText();
                             String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                             assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                             String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                             assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                             String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                             assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                             String gOne = examOne.getText();
                             gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                             String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                             gradeTwo = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                             averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                             averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                             tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                             if (tAverage[i] >= gradeA){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeB){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeC){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= gradeD){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] <= gradeE){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'E';
              public static void main(String[]args){
                   GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();

    i have to apologize to jittei for the misunderstand i do not know which defination of terms is for which line of code but i know what they do, to solve the problem i have actually made another class in the workspace file called students and now all the bottons work, all i have to do now is properly arrange and put in some additional lines of code and it will be completed. teacher gave me the idea of putting in a new class to help in calling codes from other subclasses in the main program. ah well guess non of you could think of that thanks for the help-ish and hope yall will atleast try to be nice to new people that come in the room. the new coding is:
    of course all the commented out lines are not being used in the program anymore but just there till i have the program working with everything in it runs and performs the actions required now though ^_^
    *Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
    *@author Carlson Smith
    *@version 3.01          07/02/2008
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class GradeCalculator extends JFrame {
         private JTextField gradeA = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeB = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeC = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeD = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField gradeE = new JTextField(3);
         private JTextField studentsName = new JTextField(15);
         private JTextField assignmentOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField assignmentThree = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examOne = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextField examTwo = new JTextField(5);
         private JTextArea  textOutput;
         private JPanel buttonJPanel;
         private JPanel buttonJPanelTwo;
         private Student [] students = new Student[40];
         private int current = 0;
         private String output;
         public GradeCalculator(){
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem( "About" );
              for (int i=0;i<40;i++){
                   students[i] = new Student("");
            fileMenu.add( aboutItem );
               new ActionListener()
                  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( GradeCalculator.this,
                        "Grade Calculator Version 1.00. \nMade by Carlson Smith.\nSchool: Pre-University\nSubject: Cape Computer Science.",
                        "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
              JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem( "Exit" ); 
            fileMenu.add( exitItem );
               new ActionListener()
                  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                     System.exit( 0 );
              JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
              JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              buttonJPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
              JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
              ok.addActionListener(new OkBtnListener());
              JButton edit = new JButton("EDIT");
              edit.addActionListener(new EditBtnListener());
              buttonJPanelTwo = new JPanel();
              buttonJPanelTwo.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
              JButton previous = new JButton("PREVIOUS");
              previous.addActionListener(new PreviousBtnListener());
              JButton done = new JButton("DONE");
              done.addActionListener(new DoneBtnListener());
              JButton next = new JButton("NEXT");
              next.addActionListener(new NextBtnListener());
              JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
              contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade A")/**,BorderLayout.NORTH*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade B")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade C")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade D")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              contentPane.add(new JLabel("Grade E")/**,BorderLayout.WEST*/);
              tabbedPane.addTab("Grade Entry Tab", null, contentPane, "Grade Tab");
              contentPane.add(buttonJPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              JPanel content = new JPanel();
              content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              content.add(new JLabel("Student's Name")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Assignment 3 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 1 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(new JLabel("Exam 2 score:")/**,BorderLayout.EAST*/);
              content.add(buttonJPanelTwo, BorderLayout.EAST);
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              //String outputTwo = output;
              textOutput = new JTextArea(output,10,30);
              box.add(new JScrollPane(textOutput));
              tabbedPane.addTab("Calculator Tab", null, content, "Calculation & Output Tab");
              setTitle("Grade Calculator");
              class OkBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String gradeAA = gradeA.getText();
                        double gradA = Double.parseDouble(gradeAA);
                        gradeA.setText(" "+gradA);
                        String gradeBB = gradeB.getText();
                        double gradB = Double.parseDouble(gradeBB);
                        gradeB.setText(" "+gradB);
                        String gradeCC = gradeC.getText();
                        double gradC = Double.parseDouble(gradeCC);
                        gradeC.setText(" "+gradC);
                        String gradeDD = gradeD.getText();
                        double gradD = Double.parseDouble(gradeDD);
                        gradeD.setText(" "+gradD);
                        String gradeEE = gradeE.getText();
                        double gradE = Double.parseDouble(gradeEE);
                        gradeE.setText(" "+gradE);
              class EditBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              class PreviousBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
                        currentStudent = students[current];
                        if (current <= 0){
                             current = 0;
                        }else if(current > 0){
                             current = current-1;
              class DoneBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
                        //output = "Result \n";
                        output = currentStudent.getStudentName()+". Assignment Average = "+currentStudent.getAverage()+". Exam Average = "+currentStudent.getExamAverage()+". Overall average = ";
                        output+= currentStudent.getTotalAverage()/**+" Letter Grade = "+letterGrade[current]*/;
                        currentStudent = students[current];
              class NextBtnListener implements ActionListener{
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    //                    String [] studentName = new String [40];
    //                    double [] assignOne = new double [40];
    //                    double [] assignTwo = new double [40];
    //                    double [] assignThree = new double [40];
    //                    double [] gradeOne = new double [40];
    //                    double [] gradeTwo = new double [40];
    //                    double [] averageO = new double [40];
    //                    double [] averageT = new double [40];
    //                    double [] tAverage = new double [40];
    //                    char [] letterGrade = new char [40];
                        //double max = 0;
                        //double min = 100;
                        Student currentStudent = students[current];
    //                    currentStudent = students[current];
    /**                    while(i < studentName.length){
                             String aOne = assignmentOne.getText();
                             assignOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(aOne);
                             assignmentOne.setText(" "+assignOne);
                             String aTwo = assignmentTwo.getText();
                             assignTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(aTwo);
                             assignmentTwo.setText(" "+assignTwo[i]);
                             String aThree = assignmentThree.getText();
                             assignThree[i] = Double.parseDouble(aThree);
                             assignmentThree.setText(" "+assignThree[i]);
                             String gOne = examOne.getText();
                             gradeOne[i] = Double.parseDouble(gOne);
                             examOne.setText(" "+gradeOne[i]);
                             String gTwo = examTwo.getText();
                             gradeTwo[i] = Double.parseDouble(gTwo);
                             examTwo.setText(" "+gradeTwo[i]);
                             averageO[i] = (assignOne[i]+assignTwo[i]+assignThree[i])/3;
                             averageT[i] = (gradeOne[i]+gradeTwo[i])/2;
                             tAverage[i] = (averageO[i]+averageT[i])/2;
                             if (tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeA.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'A';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeB.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'B';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeC.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'C';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] >= Double.parseDouble(gradeD.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'D';
                             }else if(tAverage[i] <= Double.parseDouble(gradeE.getText())){
                                  letterGrade[i] = 'E';
              public void refresh(){
                   Student currentStudent = students[current];
              public static void main(String[]args){
                   GradeCalculator calWindow = new GradeCalculator();
    Second class implemented./**
    *Group CAPE Computer Science 2007/8
    *@author Carlson Smith
    *@version 3.01          07/02/2008
    public class Student {
         private String studentName;
         private double assignOne;
         private double assignTwo;
         private double assignThree;
         private double examOneGrade;
         private double examTwoGrade;
         public Student(String sName){
              studentName = sName;     
         public String getStudentName(){
              return studentName;
         public double getAssignOne(){
              return assignOne;
         public double getAssignTwo(){
              return assignTwo;
         public double getAssignThree(){
              return assignThree;
         public double getExamOneGrade(){
              return examOneGrade;
         public double getExamTwoGrade(){
              return examTwoGrade;
         public void setStudentName(String sName){
              studentName = sName;
         public void setAssignOne(double assignOne){
              this.assignOne = assignOne;
         public void setAssignTwo(double assignTwo){
              this.assignTwo = assignTwo;
         public void setAssignThree(double assignThree){
              this.assignThree = assignThree;
         public void setExamOneGrade(double examOneGrade){
              this.examOneGrade = examOneGrade;
         public void setExamTwoGrade(double examTwoGrade){
              this.examTwoGrade = examTwoGrade;
         public double getAverage(){
              return (assignOne + assignTwo + assignThree)/3;
         public double getExamAverage(){
              return (examOneGrade + examTwoGrade)/2;
         public double getTotalAverage(){
              return (getAverage() + getExamAverage())/2;
    this thread can be closed now. l8rz :P
    Edited by: Jacal on Feb 10, 2008 7:28 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

  • Need Help With D&D Program

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post questions on this forum but I can't find anywhere to talk to helpful people about programming.
    I'm making a dnd interface for JComponents. So far I've made a simple program that has a Component that can be lifted from a container and braught to the glass pane then later moved to anywhere on the screen and dropped into the container below it. Here's where my problems come:
    1) Rite now my 'Movable Component' is a JPanel which is just colored in. I want to either take a Graphic2d from a JComponent/Component and draw it on the JPanel or change the JPanel to the component I want to paint and disable the component.
    The problem with getting the Graphics2d is that if the component isn't on the screen it doesn't make a graphic object. I tried messing with the ui delicate and overriding parental methods for paintComponent, repaint, and that repaintChildren(forget name) but I haven't had luck getting a good graphics object. I was thinking of, at the beginning of running the program, putting 1 of each component onto the screen for a second then removing it but I'd rather not. I'd also like to change the graphics dynamicly if someone stretches the component there dropping and what not.
    The problem with disabling is that it changes some of the visual features of Components. I want to be able to update the Component myself to change how it looks and I don't want disabling to gray out components.
    I mainly just dont want the components to do any of there normal fuctions. This is for a page builder, by the way.
    Another problem I'm having is that mouseMotionListener is allowing me to select 2 components that are on top of one another when there edges are near each other. I don't know if theres a fix to this other than changing the Java Class.
    My next problem is a drop layout manager, but I'm doing pretty good with that rite now. It'll problem just move components out of the way of the falling component.
    One last thing I need help with is that I don't want the object that's being carried to go across the menu bar and certain areas. When I'm having the object being carried I have it braught up to the glass pane which allows it to move anywhere. Does anyone have any idea how I could prevent the component from being over the menu bars and other objects? I might have to make 1 panel is the movable area that can then be broken down into the 'component bank', 'building page' and whatever else I'm gonna need.
    This is all just test code to get together for when I make the real program but I need to make sure it'll be possible without a lot of hacking of code.
    Sorry for the length. Thanks for any help you can give.

    The trick to making viewable components that have no behaviour, is to render them onto an image of some sort (eg a BufferedImage). You can then display the Image on a JLabel that can be dragged around the desktop.
    Here is a piece of code that does the component rendering for you. This particular example uses a fixed component size, but you can modify that as you choose of course...public class JComponentImage
         private static GraphicsConfiguration gConfig;
         private static Dimension compSize = new Dimension(80, 22);
         private static Image image = null;
         public static Image getImage(Class objectClass)
              if (gConfig == null)
                   GraphicsEnvironment gEnv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
                   GraphicsDevice gDevice = gEnv.getDefaultScreenDevice();
                   gConfig = gDevice.getDefaultConfiguration();
              image = gConfig.createCompatibleImage(compSize.width, compSize.height);
              JComponent jc = (JComponent) ObjectFactory.instantiate(objectClass);
              Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
              g.fillRect(0, 0, compSize.width, compSize.height);
              return image;
    }And here is the class that makes the dragable JLabel using the class above...public class Dragable extends JLabel
         private static DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource();
         private static DragGestureListener dgl = new DragMoveGestureListener();
         private static TransferHandler th = new ObjectTransferHandler();
         private Class compClass;
         private Image image;
         Dragable(Class compClass)
              this.compClass = compClass;
              image = JComponentImage.getImage(compClass);
              setIcon(new ImageIcon(image));
         public Class getCompClass()
              return compClass;
    }Oh and here is ObjectFactory which simply instantiates Objects of a given class and sets their text to their classname (very crudely)...public class ObjectFactory
         public static Object instantiate(Class objectClass)
              Object o = null;
                   o = objectClass.newInstance();
              catch (Exception e)
                   System.out.println("ObjectFactory#instantiate: " + e);
              String name = objectClass.getName();
              int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
              name = name.substring(lastDot + 1);
              if (o instanceof JLabel)
              if (o instanceof JButton)
              if (o instanceof JTextComponent)
              return o;
    }Two more classes required by this codepublic class ObjectTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
         private static DataFlavor df;
          * Constructor for ObjectTransferHandler.
         public ObjectTransferHandler() {
              try {
                   df = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType);
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
         public Transferable createTransferable(JComponent jC) {
              Transferable t = null;
              try {
                   t = new ObjectTransferable(((Dragable) jC).getCompClass());
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return t;
         public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
              return DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE;
         public boolean canImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor[] flavors) {
              if (!(comp instanceof Dragable) && flavors[0].equals(df))
                   return true;
              return false;
         public boolean importData(JComponent comp, Transferable t) {
              JComponent c = null;
              try {
                   c = (JComponent) t.getTransferData(df);
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return true;
    public class ObjectTransferable implements Transferable {
         private static DataFlavor df = null;
         private Class objectClass;
         ObjectTransferable(Class objectClass) {
              try {
                   df = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType);
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                   System.out.println("ObjectTransferable: " + e);
              this.objectClass = objectClass;
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#getTransferDataFlavors()
         public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
              return new DataFlavor[] { df };
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor)
         public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor testDF) {
              return testDF.equals(df);
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#getTransferData(DataFlavor)
         public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor arg0)
              throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException {
              return ObjectFactory.instantiate(objectClass);
    }And of course the test class:public class DragAndDropTest extends JFrame
         JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel();
         Container contentPane = getContentPane();
         Dragable dragableJLabel;
         Dragable dragableJButton;
         Dragable dragableJTextField;
         Dragable dragableJTextArea;
          * Constructor DragAndDropTest.
          * @param title
         public DragAndDropTest(String title)
              dragableJLabel = new Dragable(JLabel.class);
              dragableJButton = new Dragable(JButton.class);
              dragableJTextField = new Dragable(JTextField.class);
              dragableJTextArea = new Dragable(JTextArea.class);
              leftPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
              BoxLayout boxLay = new BoxLayout(leftPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
              rightPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
              rightPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
              rightPanel.setTransferHandler(new ObjectTransferHandler());
              contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              contentPane.add(leftPanel, "West");
              contentPane.add(rightPanel, "Center");
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new DragAndDropTest("Drag and Drop Test");
    }I wrote this code some time ago, so it won't be perfect but hopefully will give you some good ideas.

  • I need help in GUI

    Hi every one..
    I need help in this class. I want to do a modification to the project AddGUI so that it will do subtraction, multiplication and division of two integre numbers, in addition to addition.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GUIAddition extends JFrame {
       private String output;
       private int number1, number2, sum;
       private JLabel number1Label, number2Label, sumLabel;
       private JTextField number1TextField, number2TextField;
       private JButton addButton, exitButton;
       private JTextArea textArea;
       public GUIAddition()   {
       super("Sum of Two Integer Numbers");
    // Create an instance of inner class ActionEventHandler
       ActionEventHandler handler = new ActionEventHandler();
    // set up GUI
       Container container = getContentPane();
       container.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
       // set up Label Fields and Text Fields for number1
       number1Label = new JLabel( "Number1" );
       number1TextField = new JTextField( 10 );
       number1TextField.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( number1TextField );
       container.add( number1Label );
       // for number2
       number2Label = new JLabel( "Number2" );
       number2TextField = new JTextField( 10 );
       number2TextField.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( number2TextField );
       container.add( number2Label );
       // for sum
       sumLabel = new JLabel( "Sum" );
       textArea = new JTextArea( 1,10 );  // only output, no addAction
       textArea.setEditable( false );
       container.add( textArea );
       container.add( sumLabel );
       // set up Add Button
       addButton = new JButton( "Add" );
       addButton.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( addButton );
       // set up Exit Button
       exitButton = new JButton( "Exit" );
       exitButton.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( exitButton );
      }// end constructor
    // Display The Sum of the Two Numbers in displayfield
       public void displayAddition() {
      }// end display method
       public static void main( String args[] )   {
          GUIAddition window = new GUIAddition();
          window.setSize(500, 100);
          window.setVisible( true );
      }// end main
       private class ActionEventHandler implements ActionListener {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
           // process Text Fields: number1 and number2 as well as Add Button events
           if (event.getSource() == number1TextField)
               number1 = Integer.parseInt(event.getActionCommand());
           else if (event.getSource() == number2TextField)
               number2 = Integer.parseInt(event.getActionCommand());
           else if (event.getSource() == addButton){
                   sum = number1 + number2;
                   output = "" + sum;
                   System.out.println("The Result of adding number1: " + number1 +
                   " and number2: " + number2 + " is: " + sum);
           // process Exit Button event
           else if (event.getSource() == exitButton) System.exit(0);
    // Display Information
         } // end method actionPerformed
       }// end inner class ActionEventHandler
    }  // end Class GUIAddition

    I try to do it for subtraction, but it didn't work correctly.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GUIAddition extends JFrame {
       private String output;
       private int number1, number2, sum, sub;
       private JLabel number1Label, number2Label, sumLabel, subLabel;
       private JTextField number1TextField, number2TextField;
       private JButton addButton, subButton, exitButton;
       private JTextArea textArea;
       public GUIAddition()   {
       super("Sum of Two Integer Numbers");
    // Create an instance of inner class ActionEventHandler
       ActionEventHandler handler = new ActionEventHandler();
    // set up GUI
       Container container = getContentPane();
       container.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
       // set up Label Fields and Text Fields for number1
       number1Label = new JLabel( "Number1" );
       number1TextField = new JTextField( 10 );
       number1TextField.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( number1TextField );
       container.add( number1Label );
       // for number2
       number2Label = new JLabel( "Number2" );
       number2TextField = new JTextField( 10 );
       number2TextField.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( number2TextField );
       container.add( number2Label );
       // for sum
       sumLabel = new JLabel( "Sum" );
       textArea = new JTextArea( 1,10 );  // only output, no addAction
       textArea.setEditable( false );
       container.add( textArea );
       container.add( sumLabel );
       // for sub
       subLabel = new JLabel( "Subtraction" );
       textArea = new JTextArea( 1,10 );  // only output, no addAction
       textArea.setEditable( false );
       container.add( textArea );
       container.add( subLabel );
       // set up Add Button
       addButton = new JButton( "Add" );
       addButton.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( addButton );
       // set up Sub Button
        subButton = new JButton( "Subtraction" );
       subButton.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( subButton );
       // set up Exit Button
       exitButton = new JButton( "Exit" );
       exitButton.addActionListener( handler );
       container.add( exitButton );
      }// end constructor
    // Display The Sum of the Two Numbers in displayfield
       public void displayAddition() {
      }// end display method
       public static void main( String args[] )   {
          GUIAddition window = new GUIAddition();
          window.setSize(500, 100);
          window.setVisible( true );
      }// end main
       private class ActionEventHandler implements ActionListener {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
           // process Text Fields: number1 and number2 as well as Add Button events
           if (event.getSource() == number1TextField)
               number1 = Integer.parseInt(event.getActionCommand());
           else if (event.getSource() == number2TextField)
               number2 = Integer.parseInt(event.getActionCommand());
           else if (event.getSource() == addButton){
                   sum = number1 + number2;
                   output = "" + sum;
                   System.out.println("The Result of adding number1: " + number1 +
                   " and number2: " + number2 + " is: " + sum);
           else if (event.getSource() == subButton){
                   sub = number1 - number2;
                   output = "" + sub;
                   System.out.println("The Result of subtraction number1: " + number1 +
                   " and number2: " + number2 + " is: " + sub);
           // process Exit Button event
           else if (event.getSource() == exitButton) System.exit(0);
    // Display Information
         } // end method actionPerformed
       }// end inner class ActionEventHandler
    }  // end Class GUIAddition

  • I need help in this code

    wazap guys ? long time not 2 see U :)
    i need help , this application that will follow is supposed to count the words lengths
    i.e if typed "I am poprage" the program will output :
    the word length the occurence
    1 1
    2 1
    7 1
    compile it & u will understand it.
    the problem is that it makes a table for each damen word
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Application2 extends JFrame{
    private JLabel label;
    private JTextField field;
    private JTextArea area;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private int count;
    public Application2(){
    super("Application 2 / Word Length");
    Container c = getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    label = new JLabel("Enter The Text Here");
    field = new JTextField(30);
    new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(e.getActionCommand());
    count = s.countTokens();
    area = new JTextArea(10,30);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(area);
    public void pop (String s){
    String poprage = "";
    int count1 = 0;
    int count2 = 0;
    int count3 = 0;
    int count4 = 0;
    int count5 = 0;
    int count6 = 0;
    int count7 = 0;
    int count8 = 0;
    int count9 = 0;
    int count10 = 0;
    int count11 = 0;
    int count12 = 0;
    int count13 = 0;
    int count14 = 0;
    int count15 = 0;
    int count16 = 0;
    int count17 = 0;
    int count18 = 0;
    int count19 = 0;
    int count20 = 0;
    int count21 = 0;
    int count22 = 0;
    int count23 = 0;
    int count24 = 0;
    int count25 = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
    if(s.length() == 1) count1 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 2) count2 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 3) count3 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 4) count4 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 5) count5 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 6) count6 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 7) count7 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 8) count8 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 9) count9 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 10) count10 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 11) count11 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 12) count12 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 13) count13 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 14) count14 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 15) count15 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 16) count16 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 17) count17 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 18) count18 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 19) count19 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 20) count20 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 21) count21 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 22) count22 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 23) count23 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 24) count24 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 25) count25 += 1;
    poprage += "The Length\t"+"The Occurence\n"+
    public static void main (String ar[]){
    Application2 a = new Application2();
    new WindowAdapter(){
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ){
    can any one fix it ???????

    Okay, so I took a look at it, where you are having the problem is that your pop() method not only updated the count variable, but then displays the result each time you call it. and since you call it in the loop, guess what it will give you a "table" for each "damen word"...
    Any way, I was bored enough to "fix" the program and included comments as to what I did and the relative "why"...
    So here goes...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Application2 extends JFrame{
    private JLabel label;
    private JTextField field;
    private JTextArea area;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private int count;
    // moved these up here so that all methods in this class
    // can see and modify them, and more importantly so that they would not go
    // out of scope and end up zero'd out before we display the values
    // in the "table", once that done, then we can zero them out.
    // although an array would be better and easier to use... -MaxxDmg...
    private int count1 = 0;private int count2 = 0;
    private int count3 = 0;private int count4 = 0;
    private int count5 = 0;private int count6 = 0;
    private int count7 = 0;private int count8 = 0;
    private int count9 = 0;private int count10 = 0;
    private int count11 = 0;private int count12 = 0;
    private int count13 = 0;private int count14 = 0;
    private int count15 = 0;private int count16 = 0;
    private int count17 = 0;private int count18 = 0;
    private int count19 = 0;private int count20 = 0;
    private int count21 = 0;private int count22 = 0;
    private int count23 = 0;private int count24 = 0;
    private int count25 = 0;
    // end move int count variable declarations  - MaxxDmg...
    public Application2(){
    super("Application 2 / Word Length");
    Container c = getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    label = new JLabel("Enter The Text Here");
    field = new JTextField(30);
    field.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    String poprage = ""; // move this here, once pop() loop is done, then this string
    // will be constructed and displayed  - MaxxDmg...
    StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(e.getActionCommand());
    count = s.countTokens();
    while(s.hasMoreTokens()){ // this is the "pop() loop" since it calls pop() to count the words - MaxxDmg...
    pop(s.nextToken()); // runs pop which only increments the count variable as needed - MaxxDmg...
    }// end "pop() loop" - MaxxDmg...
    // string poprage constructed one pop() loop is done to display the proper results - MaxxDmg...
    poprage += "The Length\t"+"The Occurence\n"+"1\t"+count1+"\n"+
    "2\t"+count2+"\n" + "3\t"+count3+"\n" + "4\t"+count4+"\n" +
    "5\t"+count5+"\n" + "6\t"+count6+"\n" + "7\t"+count7+"\n" +
    "8\t"+count8+"\n" + "9\t"+count9+"\n" + "10\t"+count10+"\n" +
    "11\t"+count11+"\n" + "12\t"+count12+"\n" + "13\t"+count13+"\n" +
    "14\t"+count14+"\n" + "15\t"+count15+"\n" + "16\t"+count16+"\n" +
    "17\t"+count17+"\n" + "18\t"+count18+"\n" + "19\t"+count19+"\n" +
    "20\t"+count20+"\n" + "21\t"+count21+"\n" + "22\t"+count22+"\n"+
    "23\t"+count23+"\n" + "24\t"+count24+"\n" + "25\t"+count25+"\n";
    // end string construction and area update...  - MaxxDmg...
    // all int count variable set to 0 for next usage - MaxxDmg...
    count = 0;
    count1 = 0;count2 = 0;count3 = 0;count4 = 0;count5 = 0;
    count6 = 0;count7 = 0;count8 = 0;count9 = 0;count10 = 0;
    count11 = 0;count12 = 0;count13 = 0;count14 = 0;count15 = 0;
    count16 = 0;count17 = 0;count18 = 0;count19 = 0;count20 = 0;
    count21 = 0;count22 = 0;count23 = 0;count24 = 0;count25 = 0;
    // end count variable reset... - MaxxDmg...
    area = new JTextArea(10,30);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(area);
    public void pop (String s){
    // now all this method does is increment the count variables - MaxxDmg...
    // which will eliminate the "making a table" for each "damen word" - MaxxDmg...
    if(s.length() == 1) count1 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 2) count2 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 3) count3 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 4) count4 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 5) count5 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 6) count6 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 7) count7 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 8) count8 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 9) count9 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 10) count10 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 11) count11 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 12) count12 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 13) count13 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 14) count14 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 15) count15 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 16) count16 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 17) count17 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 18) count18 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 19) count19 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 20) count20 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 21) count21 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 22) count22 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 23) count23 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 24) count24 += 1;
    else if(s.length() == 25) count25 += 1;
    }// end modified pop() method - MaxxDmg...
    public static void main (String ar[]){
    Application2 a = new Application2();
    new WindowAdapter(){
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ){
    }So read the comments, look at the code and compare it to the original. You will see why the original did not give you the results you wanted, while the fixed version will...
    - MaxxDmg...
    - ' He who never sleeps... '

  • Assignment Due TODAY - NEED HELP

    My program is below and I have already setup a Client Server Connection for a hangman game, but I need help sending and displaying the options selected by the user. PLEASE HELP
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ClientApp extends JFrame
        // Declarations used in program
        private Socket server;
        ObjectOutputStream out;
        ObjectInputStream in;
        int length = 0; // Length of word received by Server
        String guess;
        String lines;
        String secret;
        int chances = 0; // Count to Hold no of chances by user
        int categorySelected ;
        // GUI Declarations
        private JButton btnMovies;
        private JButton btnSport;
        private JButton btnExit, btnNew;
        private JButton a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;
        private JLabel lblWelcome, lblCategory , lblChances;
        private JPanel pan1, pan2, pan3, pan4, pan5, pan6, pan7, pan8, pan9, pan10;
        private JTextArea answer;
        private JTextField txtCategory, txtChances;
        public ClientApp()
            setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            pan1 = new JPanel();
            pan3 = new JPanel();
            pan2 = new JPanel();
            lblWelcome = new JLabel("Welcome to Hangman.\n\n Please select a category.");
            btnMovies = new JButton("Movie Titles");
            btnSport = new JButton("Sport");
            btnNew = new JButton("New Game");
            btnExit = new JButton("Exit");
            pan9 = new JPanel();
            txtCategory = new JTextField(10);
            pan8 = new JPanel();
            answer = new JTextArea(3,30);
                new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                       categorySelected = 0;
                new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                       txtCategory.setText("Actors Names");
                       categorySelected = 1;
                new ActionListener()
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                        chances = 0;
            // Attempt to establish connection to server
                // Create socket
                server = new Socket("localhost", 8008);
            catch (IOException ioe)
                System.out.println("IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());
        // Method to add Alphabetic Buttons to GUI
        public void buttons()
                pan4 = new JPanel();
                pan5 = new JPanel();
                pan6 = new JPanel();
                pan7 = new JPanel();
             a = new JButton("A");
             b = new JButton("B");
             c = new JButton("C");
             d = new JButton("D");
             e = new JButton("E");
             f = new JButton("F");
             g = new JButton("G");
             h = new JButton("H");
             i = new JButton("I");
             j = new JButton("J");
             k = new JButton("K");
             l = new JButton("L");
             m = new JButton("M");
             n = new JButton("N");
             o = new JButton("O");
             p = new JButton("P");
             q = new JButton("Q");
             r = new JButton("R");
             s = new JButton("S");
             t = new JButton("T");
             u = new JButton("U");
             v = new JButton("V");
             w = new JButton("W");
             x = new JButton("X");
             y = new JButton("Y");
             z = new JButton("Z");
            // Button Handler for Alphabet
            ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
       private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                 if (ae.getSource()==a)
                            guess = "a";
                 if (ae.getSource()==b)
                           guess = "b";
                 if (ae.getSource()==c)
                             guess = "c";
                 if (ae.getSource()==d)
                             guess = "d";
                 if (ae.getSource()==e)
                             guess = "e";
                 if (ae.getSource()==f)
                             guess = "f";
                 if (ae.getSource()==g)
                             guess = "g";
                 if (ae.getSource()==h)
                             guess = "h";
                 if (ae.getSource()==i)
                             guess = "i";
                 if (ae.getSource()==j)
                             guess = "j";
                 if (ae.getSource()==k)
                             guess = "k";
                 if (ae.getSource()==l)
                             guess = "l";
                 if (ae.getSource()==m)
                             guess = "m";
                 if (ae.getSource()==n)
                             guess = "n";
                 if (ae.getSource()==o)
                             guess = "o";
                  if (ae.getSource()==p)
                             guess = "p";
                  if (ae.getSource()==q)
                             guess = "q";
                 if (ae.getSource()==r)
                             guess = "r";
                 if (ae.getSource()==s)
                             guess = "s";
                 if (ae.getSource()==t)
                             guess = "t";
                 if (ae.getSource()==u)
                             guess = "u";
                 if (ae.getSource()==v)
                             guess = "v";
                 if (ae.getSource()==w)
                             guess = "w";
                 if (ae.getSource()==x)
                             guess = "x";
                 if (ae.getSource()==y)
                             guess = "y";
                 if (ae.getSource()==z)
                             guess = "z";
            // Method to Disable the buttons          
            public void disableButtons()
            // Method to enable Buttons so user can Click on them
            public void enableButtons()
        public void communicate()
            // The connection has been established - now send/receive.
                //  create channels
                out = new ObjectOutputStream(server.getOutputStream());
                in = new ObjectInputStream(server.getInputStream());
            catch (IOException ioe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"IO Exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
            catch (NullPointerException n)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error occured...");
        public void processClient()
                // Tells server which category is selected by user
                secret = (String)in.readObject();
                length = (Integer)in.readObject();
                lines = "";
                for (int x=0;x < length;x++)
                    lines += " - ";
                String ToDisplay=""; 
                  for (int q=0; q<secret.length;q++)
                   answer.setText(" " + ToDisplay); */
                  // String Correctin = (String)in.readObject();
                  // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Correctin );
            catch (IOException ioe)
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "IO Exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Class not found..." );
        }//end method
        public void sendGuess()
                // Sends the character guessed by user
                // Chances incremented
                //chances = chances + 1;
                // Calcualates to see whether chances are up
                //if (chances >= 7)
                //    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"GAME OVER!! You used up all your chances...");
                 //   disableButtons();
            }//end try
            catch (IOException ioe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ioe.getMessage());
            }//end catch
        }//end method
        public static void main(String[] args)
            ClientApp client = new ClientApp();
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ServerApp
         String movies [] = {"shrek","titanic","disturbia","blade","scream"};
         String sport [] = {"tennis","golf","rugby","hockey","soccer","judo"};
         int inCategory; // Category Selected By User
         int selectw; // Random word selected in Array
         String secretword = "";
         int wordlength = 0;
         String guess;
         char letter;
         Random rand = new Random();
         String msg;
         ObjectOutputStream out;
         ObjectInputStream in;
         int chances;
        // Server socket
        private ServerSocket listener;
        // Client connection
        private Socket client;
        public ServerApp()
           // Create server socket
            try {
                listener = new ServerSocket(8008);
            catch (IOException ioe)
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"IO Exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
        public void listen()
            // Start listening for client connections
              client = listener.accept(); 
              System.out.println("Server started");       
            }//end try
            catch(IOException ioe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"IO Exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
            }//end catch   
        public void processClient()
                while(msg != "TERMINATE")
                   //input and output stream
                   out = new ObjectOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
                   in = new ObjectInputStream(client.getInputStream());        
                   //Receiving a category
                   inCategory = (Integer)in.readObject();
                   chances = 7;
                   selectw = 0;
                   if (inCategory == 0)
                        selectw = rand.nextInt(5);
                        secretword = movies[selectw];
                    }//end if
                    if (inCategory == 1)
                        selectw = rand.nextInt(6);
                        secretword = sport[selectw];
                    }//end if
                        wordlength = secretword.length();
                           for (int y=0;y < wordlength;y++)
                                guess = (String)in.readObject();
                                letter = guess.charAt(0);
                                  if(chances == 0)
                                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"No more chances left");
                                  if(letter == secretword.charAt(y))
                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You chose a correct letter...");
                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You chose a wrong letter...");
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You won the game...");
                }//end while
                // Step 3:close down
                System.out.println("Server stopped");
            catch (IOException ioe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"IO Exception: " + ioe.getMessage());
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Class not found: " + cnfe.getMessage());
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Create application
            ServerApp server = new ServerApp();
            // Start waiting for connections

    How do I save that amount of code?
    Can you HELP me or NOT??Depends what you mean. Will I write you any code? No. Will I tell you what to write? No. You can do it yourself, that's why it's called your homework. I will, though, give you a couple of tips on how to get started.
    1) Throw away what you've done
    2) Do a quick requirements analysis. That means, write down descriptive, plain English (or whatever language you think in) what the thing is supposed to do. "Be a hangman game" is too brief, but twenty pages of technical jargon is too much. Write a bit of a story about what the program must do. You now have the start of a design.
    3) Break down what has to be done into manageable chunks. Your first mistake (and most newbs) was trying to write one side of the game in a single class. Don't be afraid to write 20 classes, or 50, if that's what's needed. It'll be easier both now and in the long run
    4) Tackle each chunk one by one. Don't try and do it all at once, that never works. If you write the code one bit at a time, you'll inevitably write more modular code
    5) You'll probably screw it up. Don't worry. It happens. Try again
    6) Don't give up. Writing software is hard, there's no way around that, so deal with it
    7) Don't make the mistake of thinking the software is the GUI. It isn't (don't extend JFrame, hint hint)
    8) Good luck

  • Need help with a simple program (should be simple anyway)

    I'm (starting to begin) writing a nice simple program that should be easy however I'm stuck on how to make the "New" button in the file menu clear all the fields. Any help? I'll attach the code below.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Message extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         text1.setText(" ");
         text2.setText("RE: ");
         text3.setText(" ");
         public Message() {
         super("Write a Message - by Kieran Hannigan");
         FlowLayout flo = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT);
         //Make the bar
         JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
         //Make "File" on Menu
         JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
         JMenuItem f1 = new JMenuItem("New");f1.addActionListener(this);
         JMenuItem f2 = new JMenuItem("Open");
         JMenuItem f3 = new JMenuItem("Save");
         JMenuItem f4 = new JMenuItem("Save As");
         JMenuItem f5 = new JMenuItem("Exit");
         //Make "Edit" on menu
         JMenu Edit = new JMenu("Edit");
         JMenuItem e1 = new JMenuItem("Cut");
         JMenuItem e2 = new JMenuItem("Paste");
         JMenuItem e3 = new JMenuItem("Copy");
         JMenuItem e4 = new JMenuItem("Repeat");
         JMenuItem e5 = new JMenuItem("Undo");
         //Make "View" on menu
         JMenu View = new JMenu("View");
         JMenuItem v1 = new JMenuItem("Bold");
         JMenuItem v2 = new JMenuItem("Italic");
         JMenuItem v3 = new JMenuItem("Normal");
         JMenuItem v4 = new JMenuItem("Bold-Italic");
         //Make "Help" on menu
         JMenu Help = new JMenu("Help");
         JMenuItem h1 = new JMenuItem("Help Online");
         JMenuItem h2 = new JMenuItem("E-mail Programmer");
         //Make Contents of window.
         //Make "Subject" text field
         JPanel row2 = new JPanel();
         JLabel sublabel = new JLabel("Subject:");
         JTextField text2 = new JTextField("RE:",24);
         //Make "To" text field
         JPanel row1 = new JPanel();
         JLabel tolabel = new JLabel("To:");
         JTextField text1 = new JTextField(24);
         //Make "Message" text area
         JPanel row3 = new JPanel();
         JLabel Meslabel = new JLabel("Message:");
         JTextArea text3 = new JTextArea(6,22);
         JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(text3,
         JPanel spaceline = new JPanel();
         JLabel spacer = new JLabel(" ");
         public static void main(String[] arguments) {
         Message Message = new Message();

    persiandude wrote:
    Topic: Need help with if, else, and which statements and loops.
    How would I display 60 < temp. <= 85 in java
    System.out.println("60 < temp. <= 85 in java");
    another question is how do I ask a question like want to try again (y/n) after a output and asking that everytime I type in yes after a output and terminate when saying No.Sun's [basic Java tutorial|]
    Sun's [New To Java Center|].Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    [|]. A couple dozen code examples that supplement [The Java Developers Almanac|].
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's [Thinking in Java|] (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's [Effective Java|]
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's [Head First Java|].
    James Gosling's [The Java Programming Language|].

  • I need help with a textArea which wont implement a JScrollpane

    I have created a text area, but when the words get to the bottom there is no scrollbar. I tried implementing the scrollpane to the text area, but it doesnt work. I added it to a panel, then the panel to the frame.
    (Here are the snippits of coding that I have)
    public class RPS extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener
    JTextArea textDisplay = new JTextArea(50,30);
    JScrollPane jscrollpane = new JScrollPane(textDisplay);
    public RPS()
    ///various menu items in here and buttons with action listeners
    public void createPanel()
         JPanel outputPanel = new JPanel();
                outputPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
                outputPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("TEXT IN HERE"));
    //further down
              JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1));
              JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1));
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new RPS();
              frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
    }So what I have is a frame, with two panels. One on the left and one on the right. The textDisplay (text area) is displayed on the outputPanel, which is then added to the left panel, then added to the frame. The right panel is for all the buttons which I left out to keep this simple.
    Can anyone help me please? All the other irrelevant coding has been left out.
    Need help asap please :( I was sure everything is correct.

    you add the textArea to the scrollPane
    JScrollPane jscrollpane = new JScrollPane(textDisplay);but then you add (only) the textArea to the panel
    outputPanel.add(textDisplay);whereas you should be adding the scrollpane to the panel

  • Need help pulling data from an outside file into my array.  Please help  =)

    I need help adapting my array to read the interest rates from an outside file. Here is my code and the outside file I wrote. Please help. Oh, the array in question is on line 259, inside of my calculation() method.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Workshop5 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare gui components
         //declare labels
         JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         JPanel graphPane = new JPanel();
        JLabel instructionLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel amountLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel orLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel comboBoxLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel termLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel rateLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel calcLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel tableLabel = new JLabel();
         //declare font object
         Font labelFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16);
         //declare text fields
         JTextField amountField = new JTextField(20);    
         JTextField termField = new JTextField(20);     
         JTextField rateField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField paymentField= new JTextField(20);
         //declare combo box for loan selection
         JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
        //declare button group and radio buttons
        ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
        JRadioButton enterRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Enter amount, term, & rate", true);
        JRadioButton selectRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Select a preset term/rate loan", false);
         //declare button objects
         JButton clearButton = new JButton();
        JButton calcButton = new JButton();
        JButton quitButton = new JButton();
         //declare text area for amortization
         JTextArea amortTextArea = new JTextArea();
         JTextArea testTextArea = new JTextArea();
         //declare scroll bar for amortization table
         JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(amortTextArea,ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
         public Workshop5()
              instructionLabel.setText("Choose one of the following payment calculation options:");
              instructionLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.PLAIN,16));
              //adds both buttons to button group     
             enterRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to enter radio button
              orLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,18));
              selectRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to select radio button
              amountLabel.setText("Enter mortgage amount");
              amountLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,16));
              termLabel.setText("Enter term length in years:");
              termLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
              rateLabel.setText("Enter interest rate:");
             rateLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
                comboBoxLabel.setText("Select a loan:");
             comboBoxLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
             comboBox.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
             comboBox.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              calcLabel.setText("Press Calculate button to determine monthly payment.");
             calcLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
             calcButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14));
                //define monthly payment label
             paymentLabel.setText("Monthly payment:");
             paymentLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
             //define monthly payment text field
             paymentField.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,16));
             paymentField.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
              //define clear button
              clearButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
              //define quit button
              quitButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
              tableLabel.setText("Amoritization Table");
              tableLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16));
              //add components to content     
              addComponent(contentPane, instructionLabel, 80,10,450,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, enterRadioButton, 30,40,220,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, orLabel, 280,40,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, selectRadioButton, 335,40,350,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, amountLabel, 100,80,220,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, amountField, 300,80,150,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, termLabel, 15,125,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, termField, 195,125,125,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, rateLabel, 62,160,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, rateField, 195,165,125,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, comboBoxLabel, 400,125,200,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, comboBox, 400,155,150,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, calcLabel, 100,200,400,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, calcButton, 250,240,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, paymentLabel, 150,285,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, paymentField, 300,285,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, clearButton, 100,330,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, quitButton, 400,330,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, tableLabel, 200,370,300,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, scrollPane, 10,400,450,360);
              addComponent(contentPane, graphPane, 475,400,305,360);
              //add window listener to close window when user presses X
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)    
         //method to add components
         private void addComponent(Container container, Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height)
              c.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
         //action performed method
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              Object source = event.getSource();
              if (source == calcButton)
              if (source == clearButton)
              if (source == quitButton)
              //defines active area based on user selection of mortgage calculation method
               //if user chooses to enter the mortgage manually, combo box fields are inactive
               if (source == enterRadioButton)
              //if user chooses to select from a preset mortgage, rate and term fields are inactive
              if (source == selectRadioButton)
         }//end of action performed method
         //combo box method
          public void ComboBox()
               String[] LoanArray = {" 7 years at 5.35 %", " 15 years at 5.50 %", " 30 years at 5.75 %"};
               for (int i = 0; i < LoanArray.length; i++)
         }//end combo box method
         //calculation method
         void Calculate()
              //resets fields
              //calculation variables
         NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
              int [] termArray = {7, 15, 30};                               //array of years
                   double [] yearlyInterestArray = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};           //array of interest
                   int totalMonths = 0;                                    //total months
                   double Loan = 0.0;                               //amount of loan
                   double MonthlyInterest = 0.0;                               //monthly interest rate
                   double Payment = 0.0;                               //calculate payment
                   double monthlyPayment = 0.0;                                   //calculate monthly payment
                   double Interest = 0.0;                                              //variable for Interest Array input
                   int Term = 0;                                              //variable for Term Array input
                   double NewMonthlyInterest = 0.0;                               //new interest amount
                   double NewLoan = 0.0;                               //new loan amount
                   double Reduction = 0.0;                               //principle reduction
                   //validate input
                        Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
                   catch (NumberFormatException e)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid Entry. Please enter valid loan amount.", "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                   //resets input fields after error message
                   //if select button is chosen
              if (selectRadioButton.isSelected())
                   int index = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                   Term = termArray[index];
                   Interest = yearlyInterestArray[index];
              //if user chooses to enter mortgage information
                   if (enterRadioButton.isSelected())
                        //validates input
              Term = Integer.parseInt(termField.getText());
              catch (NumberFormatException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid term length in years.", "Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                   //clears fields after error message
                   Interest = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
              catch (NumberFormatException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid rate (without percent symbol).","Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
              //clears fields after error message
                   //perform calculations
                   if (Loan > 0)
                        Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
                        MonthlyInterest = (Interest / 12)/100;
                        totalMonths = Term * 12;
                        monthlyPayment = Loan * MonthlyInterest *(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)/(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)-1));
              paymentField.setText("" + currency.format(monthlyPayment));
                        //send information to amortization text area
                   amortTextArea.append(" Amount\t");
              NewLoan = Loan;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= totalMonths; i++)
                             NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan;
                             Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest;
                             NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction;
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(monthlyPayment) + "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewMonthlyInterest)+ "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(Reduction) + "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewLoan) + "\n");
                        //resets fields if loan amount is less than zero
                        if((Loan <= 0 || Term <= 0 || Interest <= 0))
         }//end calcualtion method
         //clear method
         void Clear()
         }//end of clear method
         //main method
         public static void main(String args[])
              Workshop5 f = new Workshop5();
              f.setTitle("Carol's Mortgage Calculator");
         }//end of main method
         //exit method
         void Exit()
         }//end of exit method
    }//program end
    My data file is called: "InterestData.dat" and only contains the following text:
    5.35, 5.5, 5.75

    Ok, now I am getting this error message:
    cannot resolve symbol method lenght()
    Please help me out here, this is due tomorrow and I've been killing myself on it...
    attaching program with revised code included, see beginning of calculation method line 250:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.* ;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Workshop5 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare gui components
        //declare labels
        JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         JPanel graphPane = new JPanel();
         JLabel instructionLabel = new JLabel();
            JLabel amountLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel orLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel comboBoxLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel termLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel rateLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel calcLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel tableLabel = new JLabel();
        //declare font object
        Font labelFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16);
        //declare text fields
        JTextField amountField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField termField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField rateField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField paymentField= new JTextField(20);
        //declare combo box for loan selection
        JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
            //declare button group and radio buttons
            ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
            JRadioButton enterRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Enter amount, term, & rate", true);
            JRadioButton selectRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Select a preset term/rate loan", false);
        //declare button objects
        JButton clearButton = new JButton();
            JButton calcButton = new JButton();
            JButton quitButton = new JButton();
        //declare text area for amortization
        JTextArea amortTextArea = new JTextArea();
        JTextArea testTextArea = new JTextArea();
        //declare scroll bar for amortization table
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(amortTextArea, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
         public Workshop5()
             instructionLabel.setText("Choose one of the following payment calculation options:");
            instructionLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.PLAIN,16));
            //adds both buttons to button group
            buttonGroup.add (selectRadioButton);
            enterRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to enter radio button
            orLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,18));
            selectRadioButton.addActionListener (this); //adds action listener to select radio button
              amountLabel.setText("Enter mortgage amount");
            amountLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,16));
            termLabel.setText("Enter term length in years:");
            termLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            rateLabel.setText("Enter interest rate:");
            rateLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            comboBoxLabel.setText("Select a loan:");
            comboBoxLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            comboBox.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
            comboBox.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 14));
            calcLabel.setText("Press Calculate button to determine monthly payment.");
            calcLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
            calcButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14));
            calcButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
            //define monthly payment label
            paymentLabel.setText("Monthly payment:");
            paymentLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
            //define monthly payment text field
            paymentField.setFont (new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,16));
            paymentField.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
              //define clear button
            clearButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
            clearButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
            //define quit button
            quitButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
            quitButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
              //define label for amortization table
            tableLabel.setText ("Amoritization Table");
              tableLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16));
            //add components to content
              addComponent(contentPane, instructionLabel, 80,10,450,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, enterRadioButton, 30,40,220,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, orLabel, 280,40,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, selectRadioButton, 335,40,350,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, amountLabel, 100,80,220,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, amountField, 300,80,150,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, termLabel, 15,125,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, termField, 195,125,125,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, rateLabel, 62,160,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, rateField, 195,165,125,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, comboBoxLabel, 400,125,200,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, comboBox, 400,155,150,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, calcLabel, 100,200,400,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, calcButton, 250,240,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, paymentLabel, 150,285,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, paymentField, 300,285,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, clearButton, 100,330,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, quitButton, 400,330,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, tableLabel, 200,370,300,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, scrollPane, 10,400,450,360);
            addComponent(contentPane, graphPane, 475,400,305,360);
            //add window listener to close window when user presses X
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
           //method to add components
           private void addComponent(Container container, Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height)
                   c.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
           //action performed method
           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object source = event.getSource();
                   if (source == calcButton)
                   if (source == clearButton)
                   if (source == quitButton)
                   //defines active area based on user selection of mortgage calculation method
                   //if user chooses to enter the mortgage manually, combo box fields are inactive
                   if (source == enterRadioButton)
                   amountField.setText ("");
                       paymentField.setText ("");
                   //if user chooses to select from a preset mortgage, rate and term fields are inactive
                   if (source == selectRadioButton)
                           rateField.setEnabled (false);
                           termField.setText ("");
           }//end of action performed method
           //combo box method
            public void ComboBox()
                   String[] LoanArray = {" 7 years at 5.35 %", " 15 years at 5.50 %", " 30 years at 5.75 %"};
                   for (int i = 0; i < LoanArray.length; i++)
    }//end combo box method
    //calculation method
         void Calculate()
              //resets fields
              //calculation variables
              NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
              //declare input stream object
              InputStream istream;
              //create a file object to refer to the outside file
              File interestData = new File("InterestFile.dat");
              //assign instream to the new file object
              istream = new FileInputStream(interestData);
                   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(interestData));
                   String line = "";
                   while((line = in.readLine()) != null)
                   String fileData = sb.toString();
                   String[] splitData = fileData.split(", ");
                   double [] yearlyInterestArray = new double[splitData.length()];
                   for(int j = 0; j < splitData.length(); j++)
                        yearlyInterestArray[j] = new Double(splitData[j]).doubleValue();
              catch (IOException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "File does not exist." + e.getMessage());
              int [] termArray = {7, 15, 30}; //array of years
              double [] yearlyInterestArray = { 5.35, 5.5, 5.75}; //array of interest
              int totalMonths = 0; //total months
              double Loan = 0.0; //amount of loan
              double MonthlyInterest = 0.0; //monthly interest rate
              double Payment = 0.0; //calculate payment
    double monthlyPayment = 0.0; //calculate monthly payment
    double Interest = 0.0; //variable for Interest Array input
    int Term = 0; //variable for Term Array input
    double NewMonthlyInterest = 0.0; //new interest amount
    double NewLoan = 0.0; //new loan amount
    double Reduction = 0.0; //principle reduction
    //validate input
         Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid Entry. Please enter valid loan amount.", "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
    //resets input fields after error message
    amountField.requestFocusInWindow ();
              //if select button is chosen
              if (selectRadioButton.isSelected())
                   int index = comboBox.getSelectedIndex ();
                   Term = termArray[index];
                   Interest = yearlyInterestArray[index];
              //if user chooses to enter mortgage information
                   if (enterRadioButton.isSelected())
              //validates input
                   Term = Integer.parseInt(termField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid term length in years.", "Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
         //clears fields after error message
         Interest = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid rate (without percent symbol).","Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
         //clears fields after error message
              //perform calculations
              if (Loan > 0)
                   Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText ());
                   MonthlyInterest = (Interest / 12)/100;
                   totalMonths = Term * 12;
                   monthlyPayment = Loan * MonthlyInterest *(Math.pow ((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)/(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)-1));
    paymentField.setText("" + currency.format(monthlyPayment));
    //send information to amortization text area
    amortTextArea.append(" Amount\t");
                   NewLoan = Loan;
                   for (int i = 1; i <= totalMonths; i++)
         NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan;
         Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest;
         NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction;
         amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t");
         amortTextArea.append (" " + currency.format(monthlyPayment) + "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewMonthlyInterest)+ "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(Reduction) + "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewLoan) + "\n");
    //resets fields if loan amount is less than zero
    if((Loan <= 0 || Term <= 0 || Interest <= 0))
         }//end calcualtion method
    //clear method
    void Clear()
    }//end of clear method
    //main method
    public static void main(String args[])
    Workshop5 f = new Workshop5();
    f.setTitle("Carol's Mortgage Calculator");
    }//end of main method
    //exit method
    void Exit()
    }//end of exit method
    }//program end

  • Need Help with MemoSaver2 with pop up and reverse method

    I am working on this program and need help bad. I cant get the pop up work. I know I have the JOption method wrong and I also need my reverse button to print in reverse. I keep getting errors with these portions.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class MemoSaver2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    public static final int WIDTH = 700;
    public static final int HEIGHT = 300;
    public static final int LINES = 10;
    public static final int CHAR_PER_LINE = 40;
    private JTextArea theText;
    private String memo1 = "No Memo 1.";
    private String memo2 = "No Memo 2.";
         private String memo3 = "No Memo 3.";
         private String reverse = "Reverse";
    public MemoSaver2()
    setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    WindowDestroyer listener = new WindowDestroyer();
    setTitle("Memo Saver 2");
    Container contentPane = getContentPane();
    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
    JButton memo1Button = new JButton("Save Memo 1");
    JButton memo2Button = new JButton("Save Memo 2");
    JButton clearButton = new JButton("Clear");
    JButton get1Button = new JButton("Get Memo 1");
    JButton get2Button = new JButton("Get Memo 2");
    JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
              JButton reverseButton = new JButton("Reverse");
              JButton myNameButton = new JButton("My Name");
              JButton myInfoButton = new JButton("My Info");
    contentPane.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();
    theText = new JTextArea(LINES, CHAR_PER_LINE);
    contentPane.add(textPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
    if (actionCommand.equals("Save Memo 1"))
    memo1 = theText.getText();
    theText.setText("Memo 1 saved.");
    else if (actionCommand.equals("Save Memo 2"))
    memo2 = theText.getText();
    theText.setText("Memo 2 saved.");
    else if (actionCommand.equals("Clear"))
    else if (actionCommand.equals("Get Memo 1"))
    else if (actionCommand.equals("Get Memo 2"))
    else if (actionCommand.equals("Exit"))
              else if(actionCommand.equals(" Get reverse"))
                   memo3 = theText.getText();
              else if(actionCommand.equals("Get My Name"))
                        String memo4;
                        String=JOption.showInputDialog("Kim Clark");
                        /*theText = theText.getText();*/
              else if(actionCommand.equals("My Info"))
                   theText.setText("Kim Clark [email protected]");
    theText.setText("Error in memo interface");
    private String reverse(String reverseMe);
              StringBufffer sb = new StringBuffer(reverseMe);
              return sb.reverse().toString();
         public static void main(String[] args)
    MemoSaver2 guiMemo = new MemoSaver2();
         public class WindowDestroyer extends WindowAdapter
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

    ... I keep getting errors with these portions.Darn, that's a shame. Good luck with that. In the meantime, you might want to consider asking specific questions other than just plopping your code here and sitting idly hoping someone just fixes it for you.

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    Hey Everyone. I would like some advice from someone on how to maximize my network. I have Verizon Fios. I have there Modem/Wireless Router. As well as a time capsule and a airport express. I have the time capsule set to be its own wireless network co

  • Finder Window Info missing

    the information on the bottom of the Finder window is not being shown in 10.7 I always had the available disk space showing. Anyone know how to get this back?