Need help in speeding up an insert.

I am looking for ideas to speed up the following insert. It is reading a 6,500,000 row tables and is inserting 1,000,000 summed records into an empty table. The insert takes about 7 minutes, I would like to get it much faster. I have tried doing Direct Path /*+ APPEND */, and set the crbal_allCusts table to nologging and it made no difference in the time it took (It actually ran a little bit slower. I tried parallel query and it wasn't any faster. I might just have to accept that it is slow, but any ideas would be appreciated. I wouldn't write the package this way, but I inherited the code and need to speed it up, without re-writing the entire package.
CREATE TABLE crbal_allCusts
cust_cd VARCHAR2(10),
srt_cd VARCHAR2(3),
balance NUMBER(13,2),
procFlag VARCHAR2(1)
INSERT INTO crbal_allCusts
SELECT a.cust_cd, NULL,
SUM (decode (b.dc_cd, 'D', a.amt, -a.amt)) balance,
FROM ar_trn_tp b, ar_trn a
WHERE b.trn_tp_cd=a.trn_tp_cd
AND a.stat_cd IN ('P','T')
AND a.ar_tp ='O'
AND a.co_cd = 'RAY'
GROUP BY a.cust_cd;
CREATE INDEX crall_idx ON crbal_allCusts (cust_cd);
..... processing using new table.

rem $Header: utlxplan.sql big_dev/0 11-aug-95.14:02:45 achaudhr Exp $ xplainpl.sql
Rem Copyright (c) 1988, 1995, 1996, 1998 by Oracle Corporation
Rem     mzait      02/19/98 -  add distribution method column
Rem     ddas       05/17/96 -  change search_columns to number
Rem     achaudhr   07/23/95 -  PTI: Add columns partition_{start, stop, id}
Rem     glumpkin   08/25/94 -  new optimizer fields
Rem     jcohen     11/05/93 -  merge changes from branch 1.1.710.1 - 9/24
Rem     jcohen     09/24/93 - #163783 add optimizer column
Rem     glumpkin   10/25/92 -  Renamed from XPLAINPL.SQL
Rem     jcohen     05/22/92 - #79645 - set node width to 128 (M_XDBI in gendef)
Rem     rlim       04/29/91 -         change char to varchar2
Rem   Peeler     10/19/88 - Creation
Rem This is the format for the table that is used by the EXPLAIN PLAN
Rem statement.  The explain statement requires the presence of this
Rem table in order to store the descriptions of the row sources.
create table PLAN_TABLE (
        statement_id    varchar2(30),
        timestamp       date,
        remarks         varchar2(80),
        operation       varchar2(30),
        options         varchar2(30),
        object_node     varchar2(128),
        object_owner    varchar2(30),
        object_name     varchar2(30),
        object_instance numeric,
        object_type     varchar2(30),
        optimizer       varchar2(255),
        search_columns  number,
        id              numeric,
        parent_id       numeric,
        position        numeric,
        cost            numeric,
        cardinality     numeric,
        bytes           numeric,
        other_tag       varchar2(255),
        partition_start varchar2(255),
        partition_stop  varchar2(255),
        partition_id    numeric,
        other           long,
        distribution    varchar2(30));

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    If all you want to do is simply slow down or speed up a clip, use the Speed/Duration settings--it's probably the simplest way to induce a speed change. This is a constant speed change, which you can also do with Time Remapping--which is what I think you've been doing.
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    Hi jackiejunque,
    Welcome to the wonderful world of Smartphones! We do offer in-store or online Smartphone Workshops to help customers get acclimated with their devices.  Additionally, here are the steps on how to add or remove speed dials:
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    Remove Speed dial
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    Tap Menu
    Tap Speed dial settings
    Tap Menu
    Tap Remove
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    I hope this information is helpful as you begin to explore your new device.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
    Thank you,

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    Hi welcometo the forum
    You appear to have a stable connection however your connection speed is low for your line attenuation are you connected to the master socket ? Or an extension if you can connect to the test socket Located at the rear of the removable front plate of the master socket and recheck the hub stats and speedtest this wil eliminate any faults with your internal wiring also are you connecting the hub to your pc by wireless or ethernet cable if wireless could you try connecting by cable and again post the speed test results this will eliminate any speed losses due to wireless interference Please try these first then we can advise further
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    it says "audio code missing" and won't play
    My guess would be that that message should read "Audio CODEC." This is an encoding/decoding plug-in for your player. I do not remember exactly which file format and CODEC's (Audio and Video) Curt's tutorials use, but will go check now. For Curt's site, you do NOT need to subscribe to anything. On Muvipix, you can just sign-up, and then buy various things, or can subscribe and download EVERYTHING. Years ago, I did the "math," and instantly subscribed.
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    Heck, when answering PrE questions, I normally have to have that program open on my computer, just to check out my memory. The two Premieres are similar, though different enough to keep me on my toes!
    I'll be back with the data on Curt's tutorials.
    In the meantime, you might also want to get two additional players, VLC Player and MediaPlayer Classic. Both are freeware, and contain most common CODEC's, so they play AV files natively, where Windows Media Player and QuickTime will often struggle with additional CODEC's.
    Back in a minute,

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    If your goal is to extend the wireless range of your Linksys router with the new 802.11n AirPort Express Base Station (AXn), then the two router must be configured for a Wireless Distribution System (WDS). Fortunately, your Linksys router is one of the very few that are WDS-compatible with the AirPorts.
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    o Apple Discussions: Topic : How to extend your Linksys WRT54G with AE
    o Apple Discussions: Topic : kair: Linksys WRT54G and WDS
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    beloew is my package:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE "test_record2" as
    type V_testre is record (
    Type T_userInfo is table of user_Access %rowtype
    index by binary_integer;
    procedure get_info(userid in number);
    function P_GetProfile(userid in number) return T_userInfo;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY "test_record2" as
    procedure get_info(userid in number) as
    get_access T_userInfo;
    v_userid number;
    get_access := P_GetProfile(v_userid);
    --How to get the values from get_access to do the insert.
    --Need help here!!!
    --insert into test_access values get_access
    -- test table
    function P_GetProfile(userid in number) return T_userInfo is
    profile_info T_userInfo;
    CURSOR c1 IS
              select * from user_Access          
    where USER_ID = userid;
         OPEN c1;
         FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO profile_info;
         return profile_info;
    --create the table
    CREATE TABLE user_access (user_id NUMBER, m_id NUMBER, n_id NUMBER);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (1, 11, 111);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (1, 22, 222);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (1, 33, 333);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (2, 11, 111);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (2, 22, 222);
    INSERT INTO user_access VALUES (2, 33, 333);

    CALL is not valid PL/SQL. (In fact, it's only valid in OLAP).
    You want either...
    /...or (in SQL*Plus)....
    EXEC test_record2.get_info(1)I commend the documentation to you.
    Cheers, APC

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    with t1 as(
    select a.budat,a.monat as period,b.vtweg,
    c.gjahr,c.buzei,c.shkzg,c.hkont, c.prctr,
    from ldw_v1.BKPF a,ldw_v1.vbrk b, ldw_v1.bseg c
    where a.AWTYP='VBRK' and a.BLART='RV' and a.BUKRS='8431' and a.awkey=b.vbeln
    and a.bukrs=c.bukrs and a.belnr=c.belnr and a.gjahr=c.gjahr and c.koart='D'
    and c.ktosl is null and c.gsber='4466' and a.gjahr>='2011' and b.vtweg='01'
    ,t2 as(
    select a.BUKRS,a.BELNR, a.GJAHR,t1.vtweg,t1.budat,t1.monat from t1, ldw_v1.bkpf a
    where t1.zuonr=a.xblnr and a.blart='WL' and bukrs='8431'
    ,tcogs as (
    select t2.budat,t2.monat,t2.vtweg, bseg.gjahr,bseg.hkont,bseg.prctr,
    sum(bseg.wrbtr) as COGS,bseg.matnr,bseg.kunnr,sum(bseg.menge) as QUANTITY
    from t2, ldw_v1.bseg
    where t2.bukrs=bseg.bukrs and t2.belnr=bseg.BELNR and t2.gjahr=bseg.gjahr and BSEG.KOART='S'
    group by t2.budat,t2.monat,t2.vtweg, bseg.gjahr,bseg.hkont,bseg.prctr,
    ,t3 as
    select a.budat,a.monat,b.vtweg,
    c.gjahr,c.buzei,c.shkzg,c.hkont, c.prctr,
    case when c.shkzg='S' then c.wrbtr*(-1)
    else c.wrbtr end as NTS,
    c.menge*(-1) as Quantity
    from ldw_v1.BKPF a,ldw_v1.vbrk b, ldw_v1.bseg c
    where a.AWTYP='VBRK' and a.BLART='RV' and a.BUKRS='8431' and a.awkey=b.vbeln
    and a.bukrs=c.bukrs and a.belnr=c.belnr and a.gjahr=c.gjahr and c.koart='S'
    and c.ktosl is null and c.gsber='4466' and a.gjahr>='2011' and b.vtweg='01'
    ,trevenue as (
    select t3.budat,t3.monat,t3.vtweg, t3.gjahr,t3.hkont,t3.prctr,
    sum(t3.NTS) as NTS,t3.matnr,t3.kunnr,sum(t3.QUANTITY) as QUANTITY
    from t3
    group by t3.budat,t3.monat,t3.vtweg, t3.gjahr,t3.hkont,t3.prctr,t3.matnr,t3.kunnr
    select NVL(tr.budat,tc.budat) as budat,
    NVL(tr.monat,tc.monat) as monat,
    NVL(tr.vtweg,tc.vtweg) as vtweg,
    NVL(tr.gjahr, tc.gjahr) as gjahr,
    tr.hkont as NTS_hkont,
    tc.hkont as COGS_hkont,
    NVL(tr.prctr,tc.prctr) as prctr,
    NVL(tr.MATNR, tc.MATNR) as matnr,
    NVL(tr.kunnr, tc.kunnr) as kunnr,
    NVL(tr.Quantity, tc.Quantity) as Quantity,
    tr.NTS as NTS,
    tc.COGS as COGS
    from trevenue TR full outer join tcogs TC
    Edited by: user13566113 on 25.03.2011 5:26

    Without seeing what you tried it is hard to say what you did wrong, but this is how it would work
    SQL> create table t ( n number );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t
      2  with test_data as
      3    (select 1 x from dual union all
      4     select 2 x from dual union all
      5     select 3 x from dual union all
      6     select 4 x from dual)
      7  select x from test_data;
    4 rows created.

  • I need help in getting VZ to fix my DSL speed - they refused to fix it two times

    I live in E. Boston and opened a trouble ticket on 8-26-13 for slow internet speed. Ticket number was {edited for privacy}Agreement was made for a tech to arrive on the 28th between 1 and 5 PM. Somebody showed at my door on the 28th at 11:15AM. He immediately said that he had already done some outside checking and there was a problem outside of my home. I showed him my slow connection speed and he left saying he would be back later. I saw him on poles around my home and he called later saying he needed help from his office and would let me know the status by 3PM or so. I never heard from him again. I continued to check the ticket status and it was open.
    On Friday, Aug. 30th, about 9:15AM, I received a call from a VZ telephone tech named Rich. He again did some outside checking and came into my home. I showed him my slow internet speed and he went back outside after telling me that he had no test equipment but he would go back outside to see what he could do and call his manager since he was not a VZ internet tech. He came back a little later and told me that he did all that he could do and asked me to run my tests again. I did so in front of the tech and the speed was at least 30% slower than it is supposed to be. The VZ telephone tech said he would call for help from his office to send a tech with proper test equipment and he left. A number of hours passed and the VZ telephone tech called and told me HIS MANAGER TOLD HIM TO CLOSE THE TICKET AND TO SEND THE MANAGER THE INFORMATION.
    I immediately asked for and got the name and office of the manager that did this and I have it. I will hold off posting it for a couple of days but then I will let everyone know how this Verizon manager performs as well as who he is. I wonder how his superiors will like that?
    Does anyone have any suggestions who in Verizon cares enough to get my problem resolved? I have already filed a complaint with the AGO today. Verizon does this to keep their numbers from being respective of what they really are as well as knowing that customers do not want to again walk through all of the crap in opening a trouble ticket in India. I have been in telecom for 45 years and this is just disgraceful. It is about time VZ developed some integrity.

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • Need Help in Inserting first ever record

    I need help in inserting my first ever record from an OAF page.
    I've created an AM 'MasterAM', added 'MasterVO' to it. Created a Page CreatePG which has a submit button, id = Apply
    Below is processRequest of CreateCo
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (!pageContext.isFormSubmission()) {
    am.invokeMethod("createRecord", null);
    and below is processFormRequest
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Apply") != null)
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("MasterVO1");
    Below are 'createRecord' and 'apply' in MasterAMImpl
    public void createRecord(){
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getMasterVO1();
    if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution()) {
    Row row = vo.createRow();
    public void apply() {
    When I run the page, it opens and I try to enter some data and press Apply. it does not insert into the table.
    Could anyone help me out.
    My jdeveloper version is

    I am facing the same issue.
    rows get inserted into the tbale, but only whol columns have the data.
    all the attributes are correctly mapped to view instance and view attribute.
    My VO has 1 EO and , i have joined another table to get desctriptions of the field.
    could that be the problem ?
    ex :
    select item , desc
    from t , master
    where t.cola=master.colb
    table t is the custom table I want the data to go in. but only who columns appear after commiting.
    any clues ?

  • Print insert result to a printer in TSQL trigger after insert - Need help.

    I am trying to print a record to a printer whenever a new record is inserted into a table called PrintTickets, using TSQL trigger for insert. 
    Is it possible to print a new inserted record to a printer?
    Here is the trigger tsql statement: 
    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[PrintDeal]
    ON [dbo].[PrintTickets]
    declare @Id numeric(18,0)
    ,@DealId char(15)
    ,@ValueDatePeriod1Currency1 datetime
    ,@Bank1Name char(56)
    ,@Currency1 char(3)
    ,@Currency2 char(3)
    ,@PaymentInstructionP1C1 char(80)
    ,@DealerId char(6)
    ,@DealVolumeCurrency1 float
    ,@CalVolumeP1C2 float
    ,@ExchangeRatePeriod1 float
    declare @tmp table
    Id numeric(18,0)
    ,DealId char(15)
    ,ValueDatePeriod1Currency1 datetime
    ,Bank1Name char(56)
    ,Currency1 char(3)
    ,Currency2 char(3)
    ,PaymentInstructionP1C1 char(80)
    ,DealerId char(6)
    ,DealVolumeCurrency1 float
    ,CalVolumeP1C2 float
    ,ExchangeRatePeriod1 float
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Insert statements for trigger here
    insert @tmp
    , DealId
    , ValueDatePeriod1Currency1
    , Bank1Name
    , Currency1
    , Currency2
    , PaymentInstructionP1C1
    , DealerId
    , DealVolumeCurrency1
    , CalVolumeP1C2
    , ExchangeRatePeriod1
    FROM dbo.PrintTickets
    select @Id=Id
    from @tmp
    -- Code to print to a physical printer if possible
    The table is called PrintTickets and it contains the following columns: 
    Id numeric(18,0)
    ,DealId char(15)
    ,ValueDatePeriod1Currency1 datetime
    ,Bank1Name char(56)
    ,Currency1 char(3)
    ,Currency2 char(3)
    ,PaymentInstructionP1C1 char(80)
    ,DealerId char(6)
    ,DealVolumeCurrency1 float
    ,CalVolumeP1C2 float
    ,ExchangeRatePeriod1 float
    The dummy records that I am inserting for testing the results in csv format:
    696,XXX#33111 ,2014-03-04 00:00:00.000,HSBC ,USD,EUR,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,MAT ,342342,87987,0.3123
    697,XXX#33113 ,2014-03-04 00:00:00.000,USB ,EUR,USD,9999999999999999999999,ZXY,2334243,32213,0.3245
    698,XXX#33114 ,2014-03-03 00:00:00.000,SWISS BANK ,CHF,USD,99999999999999900000,XYZ ,32423424,342,0.83432
    699,XXX#33115 ,2014-03-03 00:00:00.000,UK BANK ,USD,PND,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,ABC,9809808,0,0.0349
    700,XXX#33116 ,2014-03-04 00:00:00.000,USCF BANK ,XXX,XXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,ABC,89798797,756756,0.734
    I appreciate any help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Is it possible to print a new inserted record to a printer?
    From SQL Server?
    The task of SQL Server is to manage large of data effciently. It is not a general programming environment. It could possibly be done with a CLR procedure that that talks to the printer, but it is not the correct solution.
    A possible design could be to post a message on a Service Broker queue, and then the printing server would poll the queue and print the ticket.
    By the way, there are more flaws in your trigger. To find the inserted rows, you need to query the virtual table "inserted" which holds a copy of these rows. Furthermore, since a trigger fires once per statement, the trigger must handle the fact
    that multiple rows are inserted.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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