Need help in using

I need to upload a file into an Oracle table into a Blob column. The file name along with the file contents are all in one BLOB column.
Once that is done I need to read from the file and extract the file contents and load it into a staging table.
File being uploaded is a *.CSV* file.
E.g. Of the .CSV file is: ABC.csv file and its contents will look like:
3,Bye, Rahul
Therefore the table containing the BLOB column will contain:
File Creation_date
ABC.csv 09/11/2009
How can I read a file from the BLOB column and upload into a staging table?
Final Staging table should look like:
Record Number Greet Name
1 Hello Nisha
2 Hi Ravi
3 Bye Rahul
I think I am suppose to use, but I am not really sure how to use it. If there is any script, kindly mail me the same.

Check this example (test) and see if it can be any help. I have utl_file and sqlldr
First Method -- I loaded alert.log successfully and you can imagine how big this file can be (5MB in my test case)
create table t1clob
( clob_text clob);
   clob_data   CLOB;
   clob_file   BFILE;
   INSERT INTO t1clob
   RETURNING clob_text INTO clob_data;
   clob_file   := BFILENAME ('DIR', ABC.csv');
   DBMS_LOB.fileopen (clob_file);
   DBMS_LOB.loadfromfile (clob_data,
                          DBMS_LOB.getlength (clob_file)
   DBMS_LOB.fileclose (clob_file);
END;Second Method: Use of Sqlldr
Example of controlfile
INFILE alert.log "STR '|\n'"
REPLACE INTO  table t1clob
   clob_text char(30000000)
)Hope this helps.

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    I have supplied the necessary details and yet the FM won't push through.
    If possible, please post sample codes.
    Below is my sample code:
    REPORT  zmm_materialupload.
    $$    TYPES
    $$    INTERNAL TABLES (custom structure
    $$    RANGES
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR mara-matnr.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_mtart FOR mara-mtart.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_mbrsh FOR mara-mbrsh DEFAULT 'P'.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR marc-werks DEFAULT '1000' OBLIGATORY.
    PARAMETERS: p_path  LIKE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT 'C:\Documents and Settings\training_11\Desktop\Book4 (2ITEMS).txt' OBLIGATORY.
          field_name = 'P_FNAME'
          file_name  = p_path.
      PERFORM check_input.
      PERFORM get_file.
      PERFORM filter_input.
    PERFORM populate_tabs.
      PERFORM bapi_mat.
    $$    FORMS
    FORM bapi_mat.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
            material_type    = wa_tab-mtart
            industry_sector  = wa_tab-mbrsh
            required_numbers = 1
            material_number  = it_matnr.
      LOOP AT it_matnr INTO wa_matnr.
        READ TABLE it_tab INTO wa_tab INDEX sy-tabix.
        wa_tab-matnr = wa_matnr-material.
        MODIFY it_tab FROM wa_tab INDEX sy-tabix.
      PERFORM populate_tabs.
         headdata                   = it_headdata
        clientdata                 = it_clientdata
        clientdatax                = it_clientdatax
        plantdata                  = it_plantdata
        plantdatax                 = it_plantdatax
        FORECASTPARAMETERS         =
        PLANNINGDATA               =
        PLANNINGDATAX              =
        valuationdata              = it_valuationdata
        valuationdatax             = it_valuationdatax
        SALESDATA                  =
        SALESDATAX                 =
        STORAGETYPEDATA            =
        STORAGETYPEDATAX           =
        flag_online                = ' '
        flag_cad_call              = ' '
        NO_DEQUEUE                 = ' '
        NO_ROLLBACK_WORK           = ' '
         return                     = it_return
         materialdescription        = it_materialdescription
         unitsofmeasure             = it_unitsofmeasure
         unitsofmeasurex            = it_unitsofmeasurex
         internationalartnos        = it_internationalartnos
         materiallongtext           = it_materiallongtext
         taxclassifications         = it_taxclassifications
         returnmessages             = it_returnmessages
        PRTDATA                    =
        PRTDATAX                   =
        EXTENSIONIN                =
        EXTENSIONINX               =
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wait   = 'X'
          return = it_return.
    ENDFORM.                    "bapi_mat
    *&      Form  GET_FILE
    FORM get_file.
          text = 'Getting data from file...'.
      MOVE: p_path TO gv_file.
          filename                = gv_file
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          has_field_separator     = 'X'
          read_by_line            = 'X'
          data_tab                = it_tab
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    "GET_FILE
    *&      Form  check_input
    FORM check_input.
    Material Type
      IF s_mtart-low IS INITIAL AND s_mtart-high IS INITIAL.
       s_mtart = 'IEQ'.
       s_mtart-low = 'ABF'.        "Waste
       s_mtart-high = 'ZTRD'.      "Stock Items
       APPEND s_mtart.
      IF s_mtart-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_mtart-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_mtart-low TO s_mtart-high.
    Industry Sector
      IF s_mbrsh-low IS INITIAL AND s_mbrsh-high IS INITIAL.
       s_mbrsh = 'IEQ'.
       SELECT mbrsh
       FROM mara
       INTO TABLE it_mbrsh.
       s_mbrsh-low = wa_mbrsh-mbrsh.
       LOOP AT it_mbrsh INTO wa_mbrsh.
         s_mbrsh-high = wa_mbrsh-mbrsh.
       APPEND s_mbrsh.
      IF s_mbrsh-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_mbrsh-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_mbrsh-low TO s_mbrsh-high.
      IF s_werks-low IS INITIAL AND s_werks-high IS INITIAL.
        s_werks = 'IEQ'.
        s_werks-low = '1000'.
        s_werks-high = '2000'.
      IF s_werks-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_werks-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_werks-low TO s_werks-high.
    Storage Location
      IF s_lgort-low IS NOT INITIAL AND s_lgort-high IS INITIAL.
        MOVE: s_lgort-low TO s_lgort-high.
    ENDFORM.                    "check_input
    *&      Form  Filter_input
    FORM filter_input.
      SORT it_tab BY matnr mtart mbrsh werks lgort.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
       IF wa_tab-mtart NOT IN s_mtart.
         DELETE it_tab WHERE mtart NOT IN s_mtart.
       IF wa_tab-mbrsh NOT IN s_mbrsh.
         DELETE it_tab WHERE mbrsh NOT IN s_mbrsh.
        IF wa_tab-werks NOT IN s_werks.
          DELETE it_tab WHERE werks NOT IN s_werks.
        IF wa_tab-lgort NOT IN s_lgort.
          DELETE it_tab WHERE lgort NOT IN s_lgort.
    ENDFORM.                    "Filter_input
    *&      Form  populate_tabs
    FORM    populate_tabs.
      LOOP AT it_tab INTO wa_tab.
        MOVE: wa_tab-matnr TO wa_headdata-material,
              wa_tab-mbrsh TO wa_headdata-ind_sector,
              wa_tab-mtart TO wa_headdata-matl_type,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-basic_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-sales_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-purchase_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-mrp_view,
                       'X' TO wa_headdata-account_view.
             wa_tab-matkl TO wa_clientdata-matl_group,
             wa_tab-meins TO wa_clientdata-base_uom,
             wa_tab-groes TO wa_clientdata-size_dim,
             wa_tab-gewei TO wa_clientdata-unit_of_wt,
             wa_tab-ntgew TO wa_clientdata-net_weight,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-matl_group,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-base_uom,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdata-size_dim,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-unit_of_wt,
                      'X' TO wa_clientdatax-net_weight,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_plantdata-plant,
             wa_tab-ekgrp TO wa_plantdata-pur_group,
             wa_tab-prctr TO wa_plantdata-profit_ctr,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_plantdatax-plant,
                      'X' TO wa_plantdatax-pur_group,
                      'X' TO wa_plantdatax-profit_ctr,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_valuationdata-val_area,
             wa_tab-bklas TO wa_valuationdata-val_class,
             wa_tab-peinh TO wa_valuationdata-price_unit,
             wa_tab-verpr TO wa_valuationdata-moving_pr,
             wa_tab-stprs TO wa_valuationdata-std_price,
             wa_tab-xlifo TO wa_valuationdata-lifo_fifo,
             wa_tab-werks TO wa_valuationdatax-val_area,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-val_class,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-price_unit,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-moving_pr,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-std_price,
                      'X' TO wa_valuationdatax-lifo_fifo.
        APPEND wa_headdata TO it_headdata.
       APPEND wa_clientdata TO it_clientdata.
       APPEND wa_plantdata TO it_plantdata.
       APPEND wa_valuationdata TO it_valuationdata.
       MODIFY it_tab FROM wa_tab TRANSPORTING matnr.
    ENDFORM.                    "populate_tabs

    check the below example.
    REPORT z34332_bdc_create_material .
    data: la_headdata type BAPIMATHEAD,
    la_clientdata type BAPI_MARA,
    la_return type BAPIRET2.
    data: i_materialdescription type table of BAPI_MAKT,
    wa_materialdescription like line of i_materialdescription.
    la_headdata-MATERIAL = '000000000000000004'.
    la_headdata-IND_SECTOR = 'M'.
    la_headdata-MATL_TYPE = 'FERT'.
    la_clientdata-BASE_UOM = 'FT3'.
    la_clientdata-MATL_GROUP = '01'.
    wa_materialdescription = 'TEST'.
    append wa_materialdescription to i_materialdescription.
    clear: wa_materialdescription.
    headdata = la_headdata
    CLIENTDATA = la_clientdata
    FLAG_ONLINE = ' '
    FLAG_CAD_CALL = ' '
    RETURN = la_return
    MATERIALDESCRIPTION = i_materialdescription
    write: la_return-TYPE, ',', la_return-MESSAGE.
    clear: la_headdata, la_return, la_clientdata, la_clientdatax.

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    ray nist
    In a message dated 6/11/2013 9:27:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re: i  need help with adobe iv reader.
    created by Pat Willener (  in 
    Adobe Reader - View the full  discussion

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    Moderator's Note: Post was moved and changed the title into a subject-related title. This is to keep the forum organized and let other forum users easily see and respond to this post.

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    I have a condition where i want to validate total_pass=total_fail and
    I want to use the sleep function in a pl/sql where i want to wait for 2 minutes ie.checking
    whether total_pass=total_fail based upon class_id .
    I have the data in the table as:
    1 10 10
    2 5 4
    3 6 6
    4 7 5
    Any help will be needful for me

    I'm not quite sure what you are lookg for here, but whatever it is, your code as posted won't do it. You will never break out of the WHILE r_Class.Tot_Pass = r_Class.Tot_Fail loop, since these values will never change because you never get the next record form the cursor.
    From your original data, it looks like your cursor will return multiple rows which implies to me that you want to fetch the first row from the cursor, check if tot_pass = tot_fail, if they are equal, sleep for two minutes then get the next row. This does not make sense to me. Once the select in the cursor is executed, the data it returns will not change due to Oracle's read consistency model, so there seems to me no point in the sleep.
    The other alternative I can see is that you want to check all the returned rows, and if tot_pass = tot_fail for one of the rows (or possibly for all of the rows), then you want to sleep and try again.
    If you can explain in words what it is you are trying to accomplish, someone will be able to point you to a solution.

  • New User,need help, charging, using, everythi

    I recently bought a Zen V Plus and have no tech savy so need help. I've checked with support but don't get th answers I need so thought someone here could help. Here are my questions.
    1. Is there anything else that can be used as a charger besides a Zen product. I have several cell phone chargers both for house and can, can any of these be used? need to save money
    2. Can the Zen be used while charging? All I get is the docked message and nothing else?
    3. I use my player mainly for audio books and the battery doesn't hold for a whole book so I have to charge but when I do the book goes? back to the first part instead of holding my place. I do I hold my place?
    Anybody that can give me simple clear answers please help. Because of my age I have trouble reading and the player allows me to enjoy books but I have trouble understanding how to make it work. Don't laugh but my 3 year old grandson would probably have better luck with getting it to work.
    Thanks for any help provided

    First, no three year old will do better than you can with the player. That said, spend some time reading the tutorials listed under support at the top of this page, and use the search in this forum to find everything you can about the Zen V Plus.
    When I shut down my Zen V plus, while reading my current audiobook, I just hit the pause button and then pull down the slide button on the left for "shutting down". Some of my books seem to do better with just a shut down instead of pause first. I have found that the bookmark feature is more trouble than it is worth. I use audiobooks from NetLibrary and Overdri've and a few extra from a forum on audiobooks. It seems that they all work differently when shutting down and holding a place.
    Anyway, spend some time trying different methods of bookmarking. The Zen V Plus is fairly forgiving player.
    Best Wishes.
    One more thought for recharging your battery. Try Amazon or eBay for a recharger, if you can't afford the Creative charger, but remember that you can fry the player if you use the wrong one and the warranty doesn't cover that damage. The easiest and cheapest way to recharge is to use the computer.

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    i have the appleipdmini but need help with iphoto, also how to move the cursor forward to delete error

    There is some help for the iPhoto app on this page :
    In terms of moving the cursor, you can use your find on the screen to reposition the insertion point - press and hold on the screen and after a second or so you should get a amgnifying symbol allowing you to position the insertion point. You can then delete backwards (there isn't a forward delete).

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    Hello again:
    I don't mean to step on any toes here but it seems that the root of the problem is being ignored. I offered before that the problems you are experiencing are due to inconsistencies in the Windows registry. While I could speculate on the various methods of how this came to be, I don't have that kind of time nor is there a need. More than likely it is some type of malware that has infected the system but that should be explored on more suited forums such as or The way I see it, you have a few paths you can take, all of which will lead you to the same place: no more error 1606 and a functional Reader:
    Option 1: Run the Windows Live OneCare free safety scanner to resolve any broken registry links it can find.
    Option 2: Manually fix the "broken" registry entries in the Windows registry. While I understand Pat's hesitation to do so, the truth of the matter is it will resolve the immediate issue. Once the APPDATA path is corrected, you should then be able to install Reader.
    Option 3: Restore Windows to a previous date using System Restore located in Help & Support of the Start menu.
    Option 4: [SLEDGE HAMMER] Reinstall Windows over the top of the current installation (NO FORMAT). Use this option only if you have no other recourse. The potential to lose all personal data and settings is high if this option is not performed correctly. If this option is chosen, be certain to use a "setup" profile (username) different than your current username. If you only have a manufacturer's system restore disk rather than a Windows CD/DVD, you may not have the option NOT to format which WILL result in the loss of personal data. This option should only be performed by someone who has previous knowledge of such or is willing to learn even at the expense of data loss/time/effort.
    I HIGHLY recommend that any and all personal data is backed up to an external location such as a USB key, CD/DVD, or external hard drive prior to performing option 2 or 4 above. If you would like any of the options explained in greater detail, feel free to ask and I will oblige.
    Best of success!

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    hello i need help.
    i have one db table (table_1):
    nad the second table that depends from the tale 1:
    id_1 is the field that join the table 2 with the table 1.
    can anybody helps me to implemet this relationship into the xml files and into the java class?
    into the java class for the second table i have:
    public abstract long getId_1();
    public abstract void setId_1(long Id_1);
    public abstract long getId_2();
    public abstract void setId_2(long Id_2);
    public abstract String getField();
    public abstract void setField(String field);
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    SRM doesn't use kind of "cockpit" LO-like in ECC.
    Overall picture:
    If you setup data flows accordign Business Content of SRM:
    Then just perform an init load and schedule the deltas.

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    I have Iconia Tab A500 running 3.0, need help updating, I downloaded all updaes list in the acer supprt, all versions, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 4.something, I read on the acer support somewhere I can use a microsd card to update my device, because acer no longer provides automatically, when i try it says "poor network connection, move to anthoer location.", Do I need to update all the listed updates, or can i only update, using the 4. 0? to get the last known update. I also downloaded, "Documents, Apllications, Drivers, Patches, and O.S..... How do i intsall all these updates, I think am running the very lowest version available, Please Help me... Thank you in advance.

    the update listed on the acer website, that mentions the a500 update is 'kernal source code (for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich) it's 96.7MB's released 2012/05/08' is that the right one i need? There is also a list of 3 O.S updates, released in 2014/09/05, 391.5MB's, 394.3MB's, and 391.5MB's large, what are those updates, I clicked the model and followed the directions that the acer website asks, and i ended with a list of update released in 2014/09/05, and a Document update released in 2014/12/17, 112.7KB's large,  list of updates reased in 2014/.... and in the Android 4.0 culumn, there is an update that says O.S update released in 2014/09/05, 434.2MB's large, and a Patch Update, that was released in 2013/03/21, what are these updates? listedin the aver website... 

  • Need help for using DPS

    Hi All - I am new to DPS and have few questions to clarify.
    I know DPS is Adobe tool for publishing digital content magazines to Tablet devices. What I want to know is – Is DPS is a desktop version of tool and can be installed like I did with CQ5.5 on my local machine?
    I have requirement to do the integration between CQ(AEM) and DPS. I found some materials on Adobe site for integrating AEM5.6 (via Media Publisher) to DPS. I do see similar options in AEM5.5 under Tools > Cloud Services  > Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. I did created a connection configuration using an Adobe Id. Now my questions are –In CQ 5.5. when I click the “Go to Adobe Digital Publishing Suite” (on
                   Cloud Services  > Adobe Digital Publishing Suite page ) I go to the Adobe online                site Is this the actual DPS ?
    On this above DPS online tool, Why the options “DPS App Builder For Mac, Analytics, Account Administration and Notifications” are disabled?
    I tried to publish the sample Folio and Article from CQ Publication page http://localhost:4502/publishingadmin#/content/publications/geometrixx-media/geometrixx-un limited/2013/january but it gave some error and I don’t see them to be pushed to DPS Folio Producer folder on What I am doing wrong here?
    I have CQ5.5 and what I can do with CQ available functionality in “Publication” (like Folio, Article)? Can I create a full magazine and publish it to DPS ?
    If yes how can I see the published content on desktop without using InDesign CS6 DPS tools (Adobe Content Viewer)? (I don’t have tablet device for testing)?
    Many Thanks for your help!!

    You can use Memory leak scenarios view in JavaProfiler for finding probable leaks in your application. Check out the Scenario view. You can run a scenario for your application, and it will show you all the instances that were allocated during scenario but were not garbage collected. You can then take Heap Snapshot and checkout all the objects that are reported as probable leak in your application. You can check out Incoming references of the concerned objects and check out what is holding back the instances from getting garbage collected.
    I am unable to understand the other part of your question regarding not being able to get the URL matched after running the Java Profiler. Can you provide more details on that? Do you mean you are not able to browse to your application while JavaProfiler is running? Please provide details like which AppServer are you running, and was the server started completely from JavaProfiler before you tried accessing your application. If not please wait for server startup to complete before trying to access your application through browser.
    For any furthur queries contact [email protected] From my personal experience I can assure you that the support team at AppPerfect is simply superb. You will get response to your queries almost immediately.
    Hope this helps.

  • Need help with using Solaris FLAR across disparate platforms

    I need help with what needs to be done to use solaris Flash for disaster recovery between the disparate Server platforms listed below.
    I am concerned about the platform specific files that would be missing?
    Note: All our servers are installed with the SUNWCprog cluster through Custom jumpstart and We use disksuite for mirroring the operating system drives.
    Primary Server     Recovery Server
    Sun Fire 6800     Sun Fire E2900
    Sun Fire E2900     Sun Fire 6800
    Sun Fire-880     Sun Fire-V440
    Sun Fire-V440     Sun Fire-880
    Sun Fire 4800     Sun Fire-880
    Sun Fire-V890     Sun Fire 4800          

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    Ok so basically when I go to a free app I try to re install it says to confirm or verify and when I click on it it takes me to my credit card and when I type in the right info and I have money in my account it declined me and then tells me to try again later after I've tried like 10 times its really frustrating and confusing and I need help please reply on what im supposed to do please it even does this for when I try to update apps aswell

    I have created an apple id with a credit card.  When I download a free app, I am asked for my apple id password. I am not asked for a credit card.  There is a setting for login out of your apple id.  Perhaps you should log out. So things get reset.
    you can create an apple id without a credit card.
    Create an iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store account without a credit card or other payment method - Apple Suppor…

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  • After "upgrading" to v 7...

    entire folders from my library disappeared. the track names still showed up in my library, but when i try to play them, it puts an exclamation mark next to the song, and tells me it can't locate the original file. does anybody know what happened, and

  • Epub tables in Indesign

    I want to use Indesign to create tables used in epub. However, I don't want the rules around the table when it is created. If I use tabulation without the 'tables' facility I don't get proper alignment in epub. Can anyone help? Thanks, Art

  • IDOC-XI-JDBC: mapping error

    Hi sap gurus...         I had a problem in IDOC mapping to JDBC. If any body have mapping template or any blog.. related to MATMAS.. please help me.. I don't know how to map the idoc structure to JDBC structure.. points will be given immediately.. Ku

  • Non-Printing Elements in Acrobat

    Not sure if I should post this here or in a general Adobe forum, so I apologize if this is off-topic. I have a page in a multi-page PDF that is a printable form. On this form I've added two navigation "buttons" (boxes created in InDesign) at the bott

  • Firefox 4 crashes every time on typing in textarea with certain conditions

    i'm typing into any textarea. to get crash, i # 1) type any strings into # 2)i need some line, not first, not last and empty # 3)typing into it, i will always crash i noticed it from somewhere about b10, and it's still on latest PPA builds. *in parti