Need Help on powershell Script to send mails in different languages

Hello, Just wanted to use the script below to remind users of password expiry date (I got it from internet New-Passwordreminder.ps1). We have companies in many countries, so the email should be in the language of that country. So since our users are in different
OU's according to countries, I thought some one could help me edit this script and say if the user is in AB ou then email in english will be sent, if in BC ou then the email will be in Russian....So in the script I will have all the languages I need
to have written.
  Notifies users that their password is about to expire.
    Let's users know their password will soon expire. Details the steps needed to change their password, and advises on what the password policy requires. Accounts for both standard Default Domain Policy based password policy and the fine grain
password policy available in 2008 domains.
    Version            : v2.6 - See changelog at
    Wish list      : Better detection of Exchange server
              : Set $DaysToWarn automatically based on Default Domain GPO setting
              : Description for scheduled task
              : Verify it's running on R2, as apparently only R2 has the AD commands?
              : Determine password policy settings for FGPP users
              : better logging
    Rights Required   : local admin on server it's running on
    Sched Task Req'd  : Yes - install mode will automatically create scheduled task
    Lync Version    : N/A
    Exchange Version  : 2007 or later
    Author           : M. Ali (original AD query), Pat Richard, Exchange MVP
    Email/Blog/Twitter :
[email protected] @patrichard
    Dedicated Post   :
    Disclaimer       : You running this script means you won't blame me if this breaks your stuff.
    Info Stolen from   : (original)
              : (date)
            : (calculating time)
            : (password decryption)
            : (determine per user fine grained password settings)
  None. You cannot pipe objects to this script
  Runs the script in demo mode. No emails are sent to the user(s), and onscreen output includes those who are expiring soon.
  Sends a sample email to the user specified. Usefull for testing how the reminder email looks.
.PARAMETER PreviewUser
  User name of user to send the preview email message to.
  Create the scheduled task to run the script daily. It does NOT create the required Exchange receive connector.
  Searches Active Directory for users who have passwords expiring soon, and emails them a reminder with instructions on how to change their password.
  .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -demo
  Searches Active Directory for users who have passwords expiring soon, and lists those users on the screen, along with days till expiration and policy setting
  .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -Preview -PreviewUser [username]
  Sends the HTML formatted email of the user specified via -PreviewUser. This is used to see what the HTML email will look like to the users.
  .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -install
  Creates the scheduled task for the script to run everyday at 6am. It will prompt for the password for the currently logged on user. It does NOT create the required Exchange receive connector.
#Requires -Version 2.0
[cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
 [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
 [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
 [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
 [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
Write-Verbose "Setting variables"
[string]$Company = "Contoso Ltd"
[string]$OwaUrl = ""
[string]$PSEmailServer = ""
[string]$EmailFrom = "Help Desk <[email protected]>"
[string]$HelpDeskPhone = "(586) 555-1010"
[string]$HelpDeskURL = ""
[string]$TranscriptFilename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + " " + $env:ComputerName + " {0:yyyy-MM-dd hh-mmtt}.log" -f (Get-Date)
[int]$global:UsersNotified = 0
[int]$DaysToWarn = 14
[string]$ImagePath = ""
[string]$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
[string]$ScriptPathAndName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
[string]$DateFormat = "d"
if ($PreviewUser){
 $Preview = $true
Write-Verbose "Defining functions"
function Set-ModuleStatus {
 [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
 param (
  [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "No module name specified!")]
 if(!(Get-Module -name "$name")) {
  if(Get-Module -ListAvailable | ? {$ -eq "$name"}) {
   Import-Module -Name "$name"
   # module was imported
   return $true
  } else {
   # module was not available (Windows feature isn't installed)
   return $false
 }else {
  # module was already imported
  return $true
} # end function Set-ModuleStatus
function Remove-ScriptVariables { 
 [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
 $result = Get-Content $path | 
 ForEach { if ( $_ -match '(\$.*?)\s*=') {     
   $matches[1]  | ? { $_ -notlike '*.*' -and $_ -notmatch 'result' -and $_ -notmatch 'env:'} 
 ForEach ($v in ($result | Sort-Object | Get-Unique)){  
  Remove-Variable ($v.replace("$","")) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # end function Get-ScriptVariables
function Install {
 [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
 Write-Host "Creating scheduled task `"$ScriptName`"..."
 $TaskPassword = Read-Host "Please enter the password for $env:UserDomain\$env:UserName" -AsSecureString
 $TaskPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($TaskPassword))
 # need to fix the issue with spaces in the path
 schtasks /create /tn $ScriptName /tr "$env:windir\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile '$env:ExchangeInstallPath\Bin\exshell.psc1' -command $ScriptPathAndName" /sc Daily /st 06:00 /ru $env:UserDomain\$env:UserName /rp
$TaskPassword | Out-Null
 if (!($error)){
  Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor green
  Write-Host "failed!" -ForegroundColor red
} # end function Install
function Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate {
 [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
 Param (
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Identity of the Account")]
  Write-Verbose "Getting the user info for $accountIdentity"
  $accountObj = Get-ADUser $accountIdentity -properties PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordLastSet, name, mail
  # Make sure the password is not expired, and the account is not set to never expire
    Write-Verbose "verifying that the password is not expired, and the user is not set to PasswordNeverExpires"
    if (((!($accountObj.PasswordExpired)) -and (!($accountObj.PasswordNeverExpires))) -or ($PreviewUser)) {
     Write-Verbose "Verifying if the date the password was last set is available"
     $passwordSetDate = $accountObj.PasswordLastSet      
      if ($passwordSetDate -ne $null) {
       $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $null
        # see if we're at Windows2008 domain functional level, which supports granular password policies
        Write-Verbose "Determining domain functional level"
        if ($global:dfl -ge 4) { # 2008 Domain functional level
          $accountFGPP = Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy $accountObj
          if ($accountFGPP -ne $null) {
           $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $accountFGPP.MaxPasswordAge
     } else {
      $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
    } else { # 2003 or ealier Domain Functional Level
     $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
    if ($maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan -eq $null -or $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds -ne 0) {
     $DaysTillExpire = [math]::round(((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End ($passwordSetDate + $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan)).TotalDays),0)
     if ($preview){$DaysTillExpire = 1}
     if ($DaysTillExpire -le $DaysToWarn){
      Write-Verbose "User should receive email"
      $PolicyDays = [math]::round((($maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan).TotalDays),0)
      if ($demo) {Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f $accountObj.Name, $DaysTillExpire, $PolicyDays)}
            # start assembling email to user here
      $EmailName = $accountObj.Name      
      $DateofExpiration = (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysTillExpire)
      $DateofExpiration = (Get-Date($DateofExpiration) -f $DateFormat)      
Write-Verbose "Assembling email message"      
[string]$emailbody = @"
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
 <table id="email" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655" align="center">
   <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="46" height="28" align="absMiddle">
if ($HelpDeskURL){     
$emailbody += @" 
   <font style="font-size: 10px; color: #000000; line-height: 16px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">If this e-mail does not appear properly, please <a href="$HelpDeskURL" style="font-weight:
bold; font-size: 10px; color: #cc0000; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: underline">click here</a>.</font>
$emailbody += @"   
if ($HelpDeskURL){  
$emailbody += @"
   <td height="121" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href="$HelpDeskURL"><img src="$ImagePath/header.gif" border="0" alt="Description: $ImagePath/header.gif"
width="655" height="121"></a></td>
$emailbody += @" 
   <td height="121" align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="$ImagePath/header.gif" border="0" alt="Description: $ImagePath/header.gif" width="655" height="121"></td>
$emailbody += @"
    <table id="body" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td width="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#a8a9ad"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer50.gif" width="1"
      <td><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="46" height="106"></td>
      <td id="text" width="572" align="left" valign="top" style="font-size: 12px; color: #000000; line-height: 17px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
if ($DaysTillExpire -le 1){
 $emailbody += @"
  <div align='center'>
   <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='width:510px; background-color: white; border: 0px;'>
     <td align='right'><img width='36' height='28' src='$ImagePath/image001b.gif' alt='Description: $ImagePath/image001b.gif'></td> 
     <td style="font-family: verdana; background: #E12C10; text-align: center; padding: 0px; font-size: 9.0pt; color: white">ALERT: You must change your password today or you will be locked out!</td>  
     <td align='left'><img border='0' width='14' height='28' src='$ImagePath/image005b.gif' alt='Description: $ImagePath/image005b.gif'></td>
$emailbody += @"
   <p style="font-weight: bold">Hello, $EmailName,</p>
   <p>It's change time again! Your $company password expires in <span style="background-color: red; color: white; font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;$DaysTillExpire&nbsp;</span> day(s), on $DateofExpiration.</p>
   <p>Please use one of the methods below to update your password:</p>
    <li>$company office computers and Terminal Server users: You may update your password on your computer by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and selecting 'Change Password' from the available options. If you use a $company laptop in addition
to a desktop PC, be sure and read #3 below.</li>
    <li>Remote Outlook Client, Mac, and/or Outlook Web App users: If you only access our email system, please use the following method to easily change your password:</li>
     <li>Log into <a href="$owaurl">Outlook Web App</a> using Internet Explorer (PC) or Safari or Firefox (Mac).</li>
     <li>Click on the Options button in the upper right corner of the page.</li>  
     <li>Select the &quot;Change Password&quot; link to change your password.</li>
     <li>Enter your current password, then your new password twice, and click Save</li>
     <li><span style="font-weight: bold">NOTE:</span> You will now need to use your new password when logging into Outlook Web App, Outlook 2010, SharePoint, Windows Mobile (ActiveSync) devices, etc. Blackberry
Enterprise Users (BES) will not need to update their password. Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) users will be required to use their new password on their device.</li>
    <li>$company issued laptops: If you have been issued a $company laptop, you must be in a corporate office and directly connected to the company network to change your password. If you also use a desktop PC in the office, you must
remember to always update your domain password on the laptop first. Your desktop will automatically use the new password.</li>
     <li>Log in on laptop</li>
     <li>Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and select 'Change Password' from the available options.</li>
     <li>Make sure your workstation (if you have one) has been logged off any previous sessions so as to not cause conflict with your new password.</li>
   <p>Think you've got a complex password? Run it through the <a href="The">">The Password Meter</a></p>
   <p>Think your password couldn't easily be hacked? See how long it would take: <a href="How">">How Secure Is My Password</a></p>
   <p>Remember, if you do not change your password before it expires on $DateofExpiration, you will be locked out of all $company Computer Systems until an Administrator unlocks your account.</p>
   <p>If you are traveling or will not be able to bring your laptop into the office before your password expires, please call the number below for additional instructions.</p>
   <p>You will continue to receive these emails daily until the password is changed or expires.</p>
   <p>Thank you,<br />
   The $company Help Desk<br />
if ($accountFGPP -eq $null){
 $emailbody += @"
   <table style="background-color: #dedede; border: 1px solid black">
     <td style="font-size: 12px; color: #000000; line-height: 17px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>$company Password Policy</b>
       <li>Your password must have a minimum of a $MinPasswordLength characters.</li>
       <li>You may not use a previous password.</li>
       <li>Your password must not contain parts of your first, last, or logon name.</li>
       <li>Your password must be changed every $PolicyDays days.</li>
if ($PasswordComplexity){
 Write-Verbose "Password complexity"
 $emailbody += @"
       <li>Your password requires a minimum of two of the following three categories:</li>
        <li>1 upper case character (A-Z)</li>
        <li>1 lower case character (a-z)</li>
        <li>1 numeric character (0-9)</li>        
$emailbody += @"
       <li>You may not reuse any of your last $PasswordHistory passwords</li>
$emailbody += @"        
       <td width="49" align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="" width="49" height="50"></td>
       <td width="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#a8a9ad"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer50.gif" width="1"
     <table id="footer" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655">
       <td><img src="$ImagePath/footer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/footer.gif" width="655" height="81"></td>
     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655" align="center">
       <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="36" height="1"></td>
       <td align="middle" valign="top"><font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#000000"><p>This email was sent by an automated process.
if ($HelpDeskURL){
$emailbody += @"               
       If you would like to comment on it, please visit <a href="$HelpDeskURL"><font color="#ff0000"><u>click here</u></font></a>
$emailbody += @"               
        </p><p style="color: #009900;"><font face="Webdings" size="4">P</font> Please consider the environment before printing this email.</p></font>
       <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="36" height="1"></td>
      if (!($demo)){
       $emailto = $accountObj.mail
       if ($emailto){
        Write-Verbose "Sending demo message to $emailto"
        Send-MailMessage -To $emailto -Subject "Your password expires in $DaysTillExpire day(s)" -Body $emailbody -From $EmailFrom -Priority High -BodyAsHtml
        Write-Verbose "Can not email this user. Email address is blank"
} # end function Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate
if ($install){
 Write-Verbose "Install mode"
Write-Verbose "Checking for ActiveDirectory module"
if ((Set-ModuleStatus ActiveDirectory) -eq $false){
 Write-Host "Installing the Active Directory module..." -ForegroundColor yellow
 Set-ModuleStatus ServerManager
 Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
 if ($error){
  Write-Host "Active Directory module could not be installed. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor red;
  if ($transcript){Stop-Transcript}
Write-Verbose "Getting Domain functional level"
$global:dfl = (Get-AdDomain).DomainMode
# Get-ADUser -filter * -properties PasswordLastSet,EmailAddress,GivenName -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=test" |foreach {
if (!($PreviewUser)){
 if ($ou){
  Write-Verbose "Filtering users to $ou"
  $users = Get-AdUser -filter * -SearchScope subtree -SearchBase $ou -ResultSetSize $null
  $users = Get-AdUser -filter * -ResultSetSize $null
 Write-Verbose "Preview mode"
 $users = Get-AdUser $PreviewUser
if ($demo){
 Write-Verbose "Demo mode"
 # $WhatIfPreference = $true
 Write-Host "`n"
 Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f "User", "Expires", "Policy") -ForegroundColor cyan
 Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f "========================", "=======", "===========") -ForegroundColor cyan
Write-Verbose "Setting event log configuration"
$evt = new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application")
$evt.Source = $ScriptName
$infoevent = [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information
$EventLogText = "Beginning processing"
Write-Verbose "Getting password policy configuration"
$DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy = Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy
[int]$MinPasswordLength = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.MinPasswordLength
# this needs to look for FGPP, and then default to this if it doesn't exist
[bool]$PasswordComplexity = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.ComplexityEnabled
[int]$PasswordHistory = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.PasswordHistoryCount
ForEach ($user in $users){
 Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate $user.samaccountname
Write-Verbose "Writing summary event log entry"
$EventLogText = "Finished processing $global:UsersNotified account(s). `n`nFor more information about this script, run Get-Help .\$ScriptName. See the blog post at"
# $WhatIfPreference = $false
# Remove-ScriptVariables -path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Remove-ScriptVariables -path $ScriptPathAndName

Hi petro_jemes,
Just a little claritification, you need to add the value to the variable "[string]$ou", and also change the language in the variable "$emailbody" in the function "Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate".
I hope this helps.

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    you need to put a check on the send-mailmessage if no ping fails then exit else send the email with message.
    also try this script, performing the the same thing but more granular way
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

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    If you turn on session debugging, you'll get a clue as to what you're
    doing wrong, but I'll save you the trouble. Your error is here:
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth",true);That should be:
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    BTW, you don't need all that socket factory stuff. See the JavaMail FAQ for a
    simpler approach.

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                                  set A3 to (button returned of the result)
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      #-----------Question 4--------
                                            display dialog "_______ was
    a famous American Enlightenment figure." buttons {"Ben Franklin", "George Washington", "Jesus"}
                                            set A4 to (button returned of the result)
                                            if A4 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 5-------
                                                      display dialog "______ ownership gave colonists political rights as well as prosperity." buttons {"Land", "Dog", "Slave"}
                                                      set A5 to (button returned of the result)
                                                      if A5 is "Land" then
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 6--------
                                                                display dialog "The first step toward guaranteeing these rights came in 1215. That
    year, a group of English noblemen forced King John to accept the…" buttons {"Declaration of Independence", "Magna Carta", "Constitution"}
                                                                set A6 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                if A6 is "Magna Carta" then
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #----------Question 7--------
                                                                          display dialog "England's cheif lawmaking body was" buttons {"the Senate", "Parliament", "King George"}
                                                                          set A7 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                          if A7 is "Parliament" then
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 8-----
                                                                                    display dialog "Pariliament decided to overthrow _______ for not respecting their rights" buttons {"King James II", "King George", "King Elizabeth"}
                                                                                    set A8 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                    if A8 is "King James II" then
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 9------
                                                                                              display dialog "Parliament named ___ and ___ as England's new monarchs in something called ____." buttons {"William/Mary/Glorius Revolution", "Adam/Eve/Great Awakening", "Johhny/Mr.Laphalm/Burning of the hand ceremony"}
                                                                                              set A9 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                              if A9 is "William/Mary/Glorius Revolution" then
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 10-----
                                                                                                        display dialog "After accepting the throne William and Mary agreed in 1689 to uphold the English Bill of _____." buttons {"Money", "Colonies", "Rights"}
                                                                                                        set A10 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                        if A10 is "Rights" then
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                  do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 11------
                                                                                                                  display dialog "By the late 1600s French explorers had claimed the ___ River Valey" buttons {"Mississippi", "Ohio", "Hudson"}
                                                                                                                  set A11 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                  if A11 is "Ohio" then
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                            do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #------Question 12---------
                                                                                                                            display dialog "______ was sent to ask the French to leave 'English Land'." buttons {"Johhny Tremain", "George Washington", "Paul Revere"}
                                                                                                                            set A12 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                            if A12 is "George Washington" then
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                      do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #---------Question 13-------
                                                                                                                                      display dialog "_____ proposed the Albany Plan of Union" buttons {"George Washingon", "Ben Franklin", "John Hancock"}
                                                                                                                                      set A13 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                      if A13 is "Ben Franklin" then
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #--------Question 14------
                                                                                                                                                display dialog "The __________ declared that England owned all of North America east of the Mississippi" buttons {"Proclomation of England", "Treaty of Paris", "Pontiac Treaty"}
                                                                                                                                                set A14 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                if A14 is "" then
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                          do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
      #-------Question 15-------
                                                                                                                                                          display dialog "Braddock was sent to New England so he could ______" buttons {"Command an attack against French", "Scalp the French", "Kill the colonists"}
                                                                                                                                                          set A15 to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                          if A15 is "Command an attack against French" then
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
                                                                                                                                                                    display dialog "____ is the name of the teacher who runs this class." buttons {"Mr.White", "Mr.John", "Paul Revere"} default button 1
                                                                                                                                                                    set LOOL to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                    if LOOL is "Mr.White" then
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v samantha Congratulations…you…have…common…sense"
                                                                                                                                                                              do shell script "say -v alex Do…you…have…eyes?"
                                                                                                                                                                              display dialog "I hope you enjoyed the quiz!" buttons {"I did!", "It was horrible"}
                                                                                                                                                                              set endmenu to (button returned of the result)
                                                                                                                                                                              if endmenu is "I did!" then
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v samantha Your awesome"
                                                                                                                                                                                        do shell script "say -v alex Go outside and run a lap"
                                                                                                                                                                              end if
                                                                                                                                                                    end if
                                                                                                                                                          end if
                                                                                                                                                end if
                                                                                                                                      end if
                                                                                                                            end if
                                                                                                                  end if
                                                                                                        end if
                                                                                              end if
                                                                                    end if
                                                                          end if
                                                                end if
                                                      end if
                                            end if
                                  end if
                        end if
              end if
    end if

    Use code such as:
    display dialog "Around age 11, many boys left their fathers to become…" buttons {"Scholars", "Warriors", "Apprentices"}
    set A1 to (button returned of the result)
    if A1 is "Apprentices" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if
    #----------Question 2--------
    display dialog "Most children were taught to read so that they could understand the…" buttons {"Music of Mozart", "Bible", "art of cooking"}
    set A2 to (button returned of the result)
    if A2 is "Bible" then
    do shell script "say -v samantha Correct Answer"
    do shell script "say -v samantha Wrong Answer"
    end if

  • Need help in creating script for "Task Schedule" in Oracle E-Bussiness Suit

    I need some urgent help regarding the scripting of Oracle E-Business Suite application. I am new towards working on Oracle Applications. I have been using LoadRunner 11.0 and protocol oracle applications 11i for the scripting of the application. The problem is as follows:
    Scenario- Schedule an incident to a resource.
    1) Log in to the application.
    2) Open Oracle Forms Page.
    3) Enter the details of the incident number.
    4) Right click on the incident number and then select “schedule” option.
    5) Check / Select the resource listed in the new form.
    6) Click on “schedule” Button.
    7) Exit the oracle forms.
    8) Logout from the application.
    I have recorded the scenario but when I try to run the script, it fails after completing the 4th step from the scenario mentioned above. I have done all the required co-relations..
    Another issue that I have noticed in the scipt is that it records a lot of requests to the AppsTCFServer.
    When I check the Tree View of the script, I have found that there are around 25 requests to the AppsTCFServer recorded in the script. In the header of these requests a TCF Start/Session number gets generated randomly. This number stays the same in few AppsTCFServer request headers and then a new number gets generated and the cycle continues.
    However LoadRunner does not generate this number by itself during replay. I cannot find this number in any previous responses.
    In the last few days, I have tried my hands on Oracle Openscript tool to record the above scenario, but still I am getting the same problem, i.e instead of getting the correct response from the server for the AppsTCFServer requests, I am getting the message "X-session 7098.... not found - aborting ".
    I get this message whether I use LoadRunner tool or the OpenScript tool.
    Please help me solve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Soumya Mukherjee

    This isn't much of a "code-sharing" site but a "knowledge-sharing" site.  Code posted me may be from a questioner who has a problem / issue / error with his code.   But we don't generally see people writing entire scripts as responses to such questions as yours.  There may be other sites where you can get coding done "for free".
    What you could do is to write some of the code and test it and, if and when it fails / errors, post it for members to make suggestions.
    But the expectation here is for you to write your own code.
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Need help with a script applied by GPO

    I need to automate WebFeed insertion for Remote App Users at user logon.
    RDS 2012 R2 in place. Remote Apps are provided to W7 clients.
    Currently, WebFeed link must be inserted manually in each user's Control Panel\RemoteApp and Desktop Connections. There
    is no straight forward way from Microsoft.
    But there is a script and instruction I found on web...
    I followed the instruction... Created GPO. GPO applies to user but nothing happens.
    Can somebody check the script and the instruction that I could wrongly applied.
    In instruction there is no word about changing something in the script but only wcx file that the script should
    The script is below and here is my .wcx file:
    <?xml version="1.0? encoding="utf-8? standalone="yes"?>
    <workspace name="Enterprise Remote Access" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="">
    <defaultFeed url="https://my_webserver_real_FQDN/rdweb/Feed/webfeed.aspx" />
    I changed the quotes to vertical (") from (”) that
    were in my wcx when copied the lines from web.
    Still not works.
    checked Application log, PowerShell and RemoteApp in eventviewer under user session
    Everything is clean.
    Were I can check the script execution log?
    When the user with applied script logs in, the icon of Remote
    connection appears for 10 seconds on the task bar and disappears.
    Looks like it's trying...
    Check please if the script really should not be touched and provide some troubleshooting
    the link:
    Windows 7 clients are out of luck here. If you really want to use GPO to deploy
    RemoteApps to Windows 7 clients, then you have to jump through a few
    Create a new GPO and under User ConfigurationPoliciesWindows
    SettingsScripts, double click Logon and click the
    Show Files
    button. This will open an explorer window where you can copy files that will be
    saved within this GPO. Download the
    Install-RADCConnection.ps1 script from the TechNet gallery and
    save it there. Also create a new Text file named something like feed.wcx,
    open it in Notepad and paste in the following three lines of text:
    version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
    name=”Enterprise Remote Access” xmlns=””xmlnss=””>
    Now select the PowerShell Scripts tab and
    click the Add button.
    Click Browse and select the .ps1 file and
    for the parameters enter the name of the wcx file. Click OK twice and you are
    ready to scope that policy to a set of users.   
    Installs a connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connections.
    This script uses a RemoteApp and Desktop Connections bootstrap file(a .wcx file) to set up a connection in Windows 7 workstation. No user interaction is required.It sets up a connection only for the current user. Always run the script in the user's session.
    The necessary credentials must be available either as domain credentials or as cached credentials on the local machine. (You can use Cmdkey.exe to cache the credentials.)
    Error status information is saved in event log: (Applications and Services\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteApp and Desktop Connections).
    .Parameter WCXPath
    Specifies the path to the .wcx file
    PS C:\> Install-RADCConnection.ps1 c:\test1\work_apps.wcx
    Installs the connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connections using information
    in the specified .wcx file.
    function CheckForConnection
    Param (
    [string] $connectionKey = ""
    [bool] $found = $false
    foreach ($connectionKey in get-item 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Workspaces\Feeds\*' 2> $null)
    if ( ($connectionKey | Get-ItemProperty -Name URL).URL -eq $URL)
    $found = $true
    return $found
    # Process the bootstrap file
    [string] $wcxExpanded = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($WCXPath)
    [object[]] $wcxPathResults = @(Get-Item $wcxExpanded 2> $null)
    if ($wcxPathResults.Count -eq 0)
    Write-Host @"
    The .wcx file could not be found.
    if ($wcxPathResults.Count -gt 1)
    Write-Host @"
    Please specify a single .wcx file.
    [string] $wcxFile = $wcxPathResults[0].FullName
    [xml] $wcxXml = [string]::Join("", (Get-Content -LiteralPath $wcxFile))
    [string] $connectionUrl = $wcxXml.workspace.defaultFeed.url
    if (-not $connectionUrl)
    Write-Host @"
    The .wcx file is not valid.
    if ((CheckForConnection $connectionUrl))
    Write-Host @"
    The connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connections already exists.
    Start-Process -FilePath rundll32.exe -ArgumentList 'tsworkspace,WorkspaceSilentSetup',$wcxFile -NoNewWindow -Wait
    # check for the Connection in the registry
    if ((CheckForConnection $connectionUrl))
    Write-Host @"
    Connection setup succeeded.
    Write-Host @"
    Connection setup failed.
    Consult the event log for failure information:
    (Applications and Services\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteApp and Desktop Connections).
    --- When you hit a wrong note its the next note that makes it good or bad. --- Miles Davis

    Use GPP for this. Do not use a script.  Post your issues in the GP forum.
    You should also visit the RDS forum to get information on how to distribute remote app links.

  • Need help with Java Script to perform a calculation in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 form

    I have a form (test) that I am creating in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.
    I need help creating custom Java Script so I can get the desired answer.
    1) There are several questions in each group that require a numerical answer between 0-4
    2) There is a total field set up to sum the answers from all above questions
    3) The final "score" takes the answer from Step 2 above and divides by the total possible answer
    Any help on what Java Script I need to complete this would be greatly appreciated!
    I've attached a "spreadsheet" that shows it in more detail as well as what formulas I used in Excel to get the desired end result.
    Thanks in advance.

    Have you tried the "The field is the average of:"?

  • Need some Guide regarding Configuration of Sender Mail Adapters....

    Hellow All Members,
      Can anybody refer me to some blogs other than SAP's own help which talks about use and configuration of sender mail adapters...
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Sugata,
    These links i guess should help you understand clearly as to how to configure your sender mail adapter.
    <a href="">Configuring the Sender Mail Adapter</a>
    <a href="/people/prasad.ulagappan2/blog/2005/06/07/mail-adapter-scenarios-150-sap-exchange-infrastructure Adapter scenarios – SAP Exchange Infrastructure</a>
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/03/07/mail-adapter-xi--how-to-implement-dynamic-mail-address Adapter (XI) - how to implement dynamic mail address</a>
    Also refer these links:
    Also please go through these notes:
    xi 3.0 mail adapter with pop3 user authentication problem
    XI 3.0 Mail Adapter for POP3 may not report some errors
    Just an additional info <b>"sender mail adapter is to convert e-mails to XI messages"</b>

  • Need help in twitter script

    Exactly I find this beautiful script to twitter in shell with curl but the problem it ouputs the result but I don't really like that . I want it works silence, just update, no output needed.
    I'm new to shell scripting, I need help from you mates . This is the one :
    twit ( ) {
    curl -u usr:pass -d status="$*"
    Last edited by nXqd (2010-08-04 05:27:44)

    twit ( ) {
    curl -u usr:pass -d status="$*" > /dev/null 2>&1 … l-21-mean/

  • Need help in Java Script

    i Need some help in Java Script,
    am using the following code :
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var newwindow;
    function poptastic(url),'name','height=300,width=400,left=100, top=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes');
    if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
    else {newwindow.close()}
    //     if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
    In HTML,
    thWorld Environment
    Day, June 5<sup>th</sup>,2005
    Am using onmouseover event, so that when my mouse in on the link, popup is opened....and when my mouse is out of the link, the new window should b closed....
    but according to the above code, the new window is opened but have to close it manually....
    Is there any other way to close the popup when my mouse is out of the link

    This is not really a good way to make friends. With the cross posting and the posting in a wrong forum anyway thing you have going.
    Please kindly take your question to an appropriate JavaScript forum.
    Have a happy day.
    Cross post from

  • I need help modifying a script in IPCC

    I am running UCCX Premium 5.0(2)SR02_Build045. I have a script in place, but need to modify it. Basically a call comes into my main menu and gets distributed to a contact service queue. If no agents are available the call is queued and the caller is prompted to leave a voicemail after 2 mins. If the caller continues to hold they will stay in queue. I need to modify the script so that all callers are dequeued after 15mins. The call can be terminated or routed back to my operator (0). Any help appreciated I am a scripting newbie!
    By the red arrow is the QueueTransfersLoop. I need to modify this loop to terminate after 15mins.

    Hi Chris,
    You need to drop the get reporting statistic step in some place of the queue loop, in the get reporting statistic step properties you have to choose for the Report Object parameter the one that says "CSQ IPCC Express", in the Field parameter you have to choose "Current Wait Duration", the Row Identifier is a string variable that has the value of the CSQ name and finally Result Statistic is an integer variable that you have to set to 0.
    After that you need an if statement, in that step you have to compare the value of the Integer variable with some value, in this case the 15mins that you need (you have to compare the values in seconds). It's better to compare the value with a ".equals()" and also with a ">="  because it could be that the call has being queued a little bit more than 15 mins.
    Check the screenshot, that works for me.

  • Help! I can't send mail, but I can recieve

    Help! I cannot send mail from the mac Mail program or my other school mail program, but I can recieve mail. I called my school computer support center and they could not figure out anything that could be wrong. What should I do? What could possibly be wrong?
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    Hello Briana.
    Were you able to send mail with your school email account and SMTP server previously?
    Are you connected to the internet in a school dorm with an internet access provided by your school or do you live in an apartment or house?
    Who is your ISP used for connecting to the internet?

  • Need help with iMac intel desktop - Mac mail consistently going OFFLINE

    I need help with Mac mail - it is frequently going "offline" and requesting me to "take all accounts online". My internet is working. It's been checked, checked and checked. Sometimes it just takes a reboot of the system and the modem to kick it in and make the little triangle symbol go away, but should I have to reboot daily? I have the Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 installed. Is there a bug here or am I supposed to upgrade to Mavericks? Any help is most appreciated.

    For me this is an issue caused by my email service provider.  When they are slow to respond or to accept the password Mail takes that as a password rejection, and prompts me to reenter password, and eventually goes offline.

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