Need help to count number of rows and display in file

my scenario is IDOC to File......i am using XSLT mapping and using FCC parameters to convert the flat file.
now new requirement is i need to count number of rows and add count value last of the file.
Please let me know how to do it,
thanks in advance for your help.

thanks again, one more Q.
in XSLT mapping i have written for loop for complete structure.
example : <Details>
in XSLT mapping
                     <xsl:for-each select="ZMATMAS_01/IDOC/E1MARAM">
if i add the field at target side....then i will come under details node and it will be repeated.
how to declare in XSLT mapping.

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    import java.util.Observable;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public abstract class AbstractWordCounter extends Observable
         /** Amount of time required to count words in the most recently read file. */
         protected long readTime;
         /** DELIMETERS used in this WordCounter */
         protected String DELIMETERS;
         /** By default, any AbstractWordCounter will have is delimeters set to any non-letter ASCII character */
         public AbstractWordCounter()
              this.readTime = -1;
              DELIMETERS = "";
              // Add any non-letter ASCII character to the list of tokens.
              for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                   if( !Character.isLetter( (char)i  ) )
                        DELIMETERS += Character.toString( (char)i);
         /** Get the delimeters used in this WordCounter */
         public String getDelimeters()
              return DELIMETERS;
         /** Change the delimeters used in this WordCounter
          * @param newDelimeters the new delimeters to be used
         public void setDelimeters(String newDelimeters)
              DELIMETERS = newDelimeters;
          *@return    The number of unique words in this WordCountItem object
         public abstract int getSize();
         /** @return  The total number of words counted by this WordCounter */
         public abstract int getTotalNumWords();
         /** Add a String to this WordCounter
          * @param s the String s is converted to lower-case.  If the lower-case String is already in the list, it's count is
          *        incremented.  Otherwise it is added to the list and its count is set to 1.
         public abstract void add(String s);
          * Get the ith WordCountItem
          *@param  i  must be between 0 and size - 1 (inclusive)
          *@return    The WordCountItem stored at the ith location
         public abstract WordCountItem getWordCountItem(int i);
          *  Clear this WordCounter.  After this method runs, this.size == 0.
         public abstract void clearCount();
         /** @return The amount of time (in milliseconds) that was required to read the most recent file */
         public long getReadTime()
              return this.readTime;
          *  Reads the file.  Converts each word in the file to lower case and adds it to this
          *  AbstractWordCounter.  The AbstractWordCounter is cleared before reading the new file.
          *  The time required to read the file and count the words is recorded.
          *@param  fileName  file to be opened.
          *@throws FileNotFoundException
         public final void readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
              // Clear this AbstractWordCounter.  Open the file and count the words in the file.
    }Then the time I have come up so far is in the class that extends the abstract class above and the code is as:
    public long getReadTime()
              return this.readTime;
         }and I have a hard time to actually display this in a JTextField as it says non-static cannot be applied to a static content and if I change the method into static, another error of overiding the abstract occurs...
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    would someone could point me the right direction for this problem... Thanks in advance


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    I wish to add a few words to Jerrold responce.
    gjf12 wrote:
    How do I set the number of rows and columns of a table, say 2348 rows by 3 columns?
    Then how do I quickly select the last row?
    Also, if I enter a formula in row 1 column 2, how do I quickly copy that formula down to row 1435, or to the end of the column? Dragging seems slow and awkward.
    The process that you describe is inefficient.
    The efficient one is :
    create a table
    enter the formulas in a single row
    delete the rows below.
    Now, each newly inserted row will contain the formulas.
    From my point of view, it's when this is done that it will be interesting to apply a script adding rows.
    Here is a script inserting rows.
    --[SCRIPT insertRows]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : insertRows.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Sélectionner une cellule au-dessous de laquelle vous voulez insérer des lignes.
    menu Scripts > Numbers > insertRows
    Le script vous demande le nombre de lignes désiré puit insère celles-ci.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as a Script: insertRows.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select a cell below which you want to insert rows.
    menu Scripts > Numbers > insertRows
    The script ask you the number of rows to insert then it does the required insertion.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Save this script as a … Script in the "Folder Actions Scripts" folder
    <startupVolume>:Library:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    on run
    set defaultValue to 100
    if my parleAnglais() then
    set myInteger to my askAnumber("Insert how many rows ?", defaultValue, "i")
    set myInteger to my askAnumber("Combien de lignes voulez-vous insérer ?", defaultValue, "i")
    end if
    set {dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
    repeat myInteger times
    add row below row rowNum2
    end repeat
    end tell
    end run
    on getSelParams()
    local r_Name, t_Name, s_Name, d_Name, col_Num1, row_Num1, col_Num2, row_Num2
    set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    if r_Name is missing value then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "No selected cells"
    error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
    end if
    end if
    set two_Names to my decoupe(r_Name, ":")
    set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(item 1 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
    if item 2 of two_Names = item 1 of two_Names then
    set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
    set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to my decipher(item 2 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
    end if
    return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
    end getSelParams
    set {rowNumber, columnNumber} to my decipher(cellRef,docName,sheetName,tableName)
    apply to named row or named column !
    on decipher(n, d, s, t)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to return {address of row of cell n, address of column of cell n}
    end decipher
    set { d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    on getSelection()
    local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of tables
    if x > 0 then
    repeat with y from 1 to x
    (selection range of table y) as text
    on error errMsg number errNum
    set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
    end try
    end repeat -- y
    end if -- x>0
    end tell -- sheet
    end repeat -- i
    end tell -- document
    return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
    end getSelection
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    Asks for an entry and checks that it is an floating number
    set myInteger to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "i")
    set myFloating to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "f")
    on askAnumber(lPrompt, lDefault, ForI)
    local lPrompt, lDefault, n
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if ForI is "f" then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be a floating number." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre décimal." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be an integer." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre entier." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- ForI…
    end tell -- application
    Here if the first entry was not of the wanted class
    second attempt *)
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if ForI is "f" then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- ForI…
    end tell -- application
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The value you entered was not numerical !" & return & "Goodbye !"
    error "La valeur saisie n’est pas numérique !" & return & "Au revoir !"
    end if
    end askAnumber
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 13 janvier 2010 12:43:34

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    is there any other way

    Also posted and answered here
    how to count number of rows in table
    count(*) will be the fastest way. It is only slow if the table has a vast number of rows, in which case why do you need to know the tables has 73552436467721 rows and not 73552436467737 rows. It doesn't seem to be much use. Either that or you are counting them a lot, which again seems rather pointless.

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    WHERE el.batch_nbr = eb.batch_nbr
    AND eb.status IN ('SUSPENDED' ,'BALANCED' )
    AND (eb.user_status = 'CLOSED'
    OR eb.user_status IS NULL)
    AND TO_CHAR(capture_date,'YYYYMMDD') >= sysdate - 60
    AND nvl(do_not_remit, 0) <> 0
    SELECT count(el.batch_nbr)
    FROM edc_log_test el,
    edc_batch_test eb
    WHERE el.batch_nbr = eb.batch_nbr
    AND eb.status IN ('SUSPENDED')
    AND eb.user_status IN ('NEW', 'OPEN')
    AND TO_CHAR(capture_date,'YYYYMMDD') >= sysdate - 365
    AND nvl(do_not_remit, 0) <> 0

    SQL> select count(1) from test_table;
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p21);
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p22);
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p23);
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p23) where test_id=994;
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p23) where test_id=993;
    SQL> select count(1) from test_table partition(sys_p23) where test_id between 900 and 1000;

  • Count number of rows in table

    1. How can you through ABAP and select statements count the number of rows in one table?
    2. I want to read all rows from one table to an internal table. Can this be done dynamically or do I first have to count the number of rows in the table and then declare an internal table with the number of rows counted.

    No you don't have to count number of rows first, Internal table size will increase dynamically. you have to declare this with initial size like this.
    <b>data: itab type standard table of bkpf initial size 0.
    SELECT * FROM bkpf into table itab.</b>
    All values from bkpf will be inserted into table internal table itab.

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    Need help to share Number/Pages file visa Mail option. Cannot do with iPad Air

    Oh, okay. After selecting the format I want to send, it says "creating... ". Then irrespective of the format I choose the message e.g. "creating spreadsheet" disappears, and so does the choice window (where I earlier chose Mail). I am taken back to the Numbers (or Page) where I had started from. Diavonex's note indicated that after "creating ... " stage I should be taken to an option where I can type in email address where I want to  send the  file, if I want to copy it to another address etc. I cannot arrive at that page - no matter whether I am working with Pages or Number, or which format I choose for the file to share !
    I will try to close as you have suggested and try. However, I have switched on and off several times by now, but nothing changed!
    Will look forward to any ideas to solve this !!!
    Thanks much!

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    SELECT t.table_name AS "Table Name",
    t.num_rows AS "Rows",
    t.avg_row_len AS "Avg Row Len",
    Trunc((t.blocks * p.value)/1024) AS "Size KB",
    t.last_analyzed AS "Last Analyzed"
    FROM dba_tables t,
    v$parameter p
    WHERE t.owner = Decode(Upper('&1'), 'ALL', t.owner, Upper('&1'))
    AND = 'db_block_size'
    ORDER by 4 desc nulls last;
    ## Gather schema stats
    ## Gather a particular table stats of a schema
    Hope this will work.
    Asif Kabir
    -- Mark the answer as correct/helpful

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    I'm looking for another solution as For...Each loop in case of large arrays.

    Hi Petri,
    See a attached txt file for obtaining two arrays with upper and lower index values
    Ray Farmer
    Get2DArrayIndex.txt ‏2 KB

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    There is no other way than to plug into a computer to restore the phone. You can use another computer to do so, but in case you did not back up to iCloud your data and settings will be gone.
    Follow this article to connect in recovery mode:
    iOS: Unable to update or restore

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    OK. That means the default display lange of the OS is Thai. That is what was purchased. 
    You can try downloading  and using the  language appropriate LIPS (language interface package software) from Microsoft to change the  display language.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    As your notebook is a business class machine, security is more stringent - the password is stored in non-volatile memory and there are no 'backdoor' passwords.  Your best option would be to contact HP regarding this.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Try this fix discovered by User photosb189:
    From Finder, hold down the option key on your keyboard and click on the Go menu at the top of the screen
    Select Library from the drop down menu
    Then navigate to Application Support > iLifeAssetManagement > assets
    Right click on the 'sub' folder and choose Compress
    Drag the resulting zip file to your Desktop (as a backup)
    Go to your System Preferences and choose iCloud
    Turn OFF the iCloud Photos option
    Go back to Library > Application Support and DELETE the iLifeAssetManagement folder
    Now, in System Preferences, turn the iCloud Photos option ON
    iPhoto should now be able to launch. Give it enough time to re-download your Photo Stream content. if you are missing any of your My Photo Stream photos (more than 30 days old), unzip the sub folder on your desktop and drag that into iPhoto.

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    I followed the knowledge document from iphone.
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    You can't access an Exchange account via ActiveSync with the Address Book and iCal on your Mac.
    You can access a MM account with Outlook on your PC at work and keep your MM email account server stored mailboxes synced between your PC at work, your iPhone, and the MM "cloud". Not sure about syncing MM contact info and calendar events with Outlook at the same time with an Exchange account.
    This will not provide for syncing your Exchange account contact info and calendar events with the Addresss Book and iCal on your Mac because the accounts are separate.
    You can access an Exchange account and a MM account at the same time with the iPhone's mail client, and sync contact info and calendar events over the air with both accounts at the same time. You can view combined contact info or separately for each account, and the same for calendar events.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X

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