Need help to find image size box

I am a novice, I need to find the image size box on illistrator but not able to so please explaine how to find it on the page.  Thanks

You may also be talking about the "Info" window. To open it, go to Window > Info or hit command+F8. It will show you the dimensions of the bounding box containing whatever object you have selected.
Please let us know if we can help you further.

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  • Need help with finding picture size

    ok here is  my problem i have this sphere and it works great except when you click the thumbnails to display the picture, depending on the size of the picture, the pictures can get pushed to far over, and i understand why. the x and y coord never change. now my idea is to get the size of picture and use that to adjust the x-coord accordingly. my question is. how do i get the picture size? if i can. do the pictures have to be in the fla?
    heres code:
    The radius of the sphere, 'rad'. You can change it if you wish
    especially if you use thumbnails of a different size than our thumbnails.
    var rad:Number=380;
    The position of 'board' that will be defined later. 'board' is the main
    container containing the sphere and the black background
    that reponds to mouse actions.
    var posX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
    var posY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;
    The size of thumbnails. Change the values to reflect the size of your
    var thumbWidth:Number=70;
    var thumbHeight:Number=53;
    The thumbnail images have been imported to the Library and linked to AS3
    under the names 'Small1', 'Small2',....,'Small46'. The corresponding
    Bitmap objects will be stored in the array 'thumbsArray'.
    var thumbsArray:Array=[];
    The addresses of the images corresponding to the thumbnails are stored
    in 'picsArray'. The images will be loaded at runtime when the user
    clicks on each thumbnail.
    var picsArray:Array=[];
    The Bitmap object corresponding to each thumbnail will be placed
    in a Sprite, holdersArray[i][j], as its child. We have to do this
    to make thumbnails responsive to mouse clicks.
    var holdersArray:Array=[];
    In order to depth-sort images on the sphere, we will need to keep
    track of their midpoints and the position of each midpoint in 3D.
    The midpoints will be stored in 'midsArray'.
    var midsArray:Array=[];
    The only part of our spherical menu that is hard-wired (and a bit harder
    to customize) is the number of thumbnails and their placement on the sphere.
    We have 46 thumbnails placed along 7 horizontal 'circles' on the sphere.
    The 'jLen' vector describes the number of thumbnails on each circle.
    The first 'circle' is the north pole and contains 1 image; the second
    is the circle corresponding to the vertical angle of 30 degrees
    from the negative y axis. That circle contains 6 images. The next one,
    at 60 degree of vertical displacement contains 10 images;
    the one after that, at 90 degrees from the negative y axis, is the equador
    of the sphere and contains 12 images. Past that, we go symmetrically:
    10, 6, and 1 image at the south pole.
    All our arrays are organized to reflect that placement of thumbnails.
    For example, thumbsArray is an array of arrays, thumbsArray[i], where
    i corresponds to the number of each circle. thumbsArray[i][j] is the
    j-th image on the i-th of the seven circles.
    var jLen:Vector.<Number>=new Vector.<Number>();
    We use the almost standard parametrization of a sphere:
    phi is the vertical angle measured from the vertical axis
    pointing upwards (in Flash's coordinate system this is the negative
    y-axis), theta is the horizontal angle measured from the
    horizontal axis pointing away from the screen; that is,
    the negative z-axis. phi changes from 0 to 90 degrees,
    theta from 0 to 360 degrees. For each circle, phi is constant:
    0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. 'thetaStep' contains the angular
    distances between thumbnails on each circle. Except
    for the north and the south pole, for each circle
    the angular distance between thumbnails equals to 360 divided
    by the number of thumbnails on the circle.
    var thetaStep:Vector.<Number>=new Vector.<Number>();
    //The vertical angle between circles.
    var phiStep:Number=30;
    To make images tangent to the sphere, we need to tilt them
    vertically and horizontally. Horizontal tilt is always
    equal to the theta angle of the midpoint
    of the image and changes along each circle;
    the vertical tilt is based on the values
    of phi and is constant for each circle of thumbnails.
    var phiTilt:Vector.<Number>=new Vector.<Number>();
    //The next four variables are related to auto-rotation
    //and rotation by the user.
    var autoOn:Boolean=true;
    var manualOn:Boolean=false;
    var prevX:Number;
    var prevY:Number;
    //The amount of perpective distortion. Higher values give more distortion.
    //Values have to be between 0 and 180 as they correspond to the view angle.
    //We define and position the container 'board'.
    var board:Sprite=new Sprite();
    //We call the function that draws the border and the background
    //of 'board'.
    //Settings for our dynamic text boxes present on the Stage.
    When the user double-clicks on a thumbnail, the corresponding image
    will be loaded into 'loader' - an instance of the Loader class.
    'loader' is a child of the Sprite, 'photoHolder', which is a child
    of the MainTimeline.
    var photoHolder:Sprite=new Sprite();
    var loader:Loader=new Loader();
    We will literally 'build' a shere of thumbnails by positioning
    them in a Sprite called 'spSphere'. The moment we assign
    any of the 3D properties to 'spSphere', for example a value for the z coordinate,
    spSphere becomes a 3D container. That means we can place elements in it
    in 3D. We will also be able to apply 3D methods to 'spSphere', e.g. rotations.
    When 'spSphere' becomes a 3D display object, it has transfrom.matrix3D property.
    The latter property holds all the information about the current 3D state
    of 'spSphere'.
    var spSphere:Sprite=new Sprite();
    //We move 'spSphere' backwards to avoid distortion of the front thumbnails.
    //You can experiment with different values for the z coordinate.
    //We call several functions defined later in the script.
    //They names tell it all.
    spSphere.filters=[new GlowFilter(0x666666,1.0,6.0,6.0,2)];
    //The function that draws the black rectangle behind our sphere.
    //You can change the values below to change the size and the color
    //of the background. Those values do not affect the sphere itself.
    function drawBoard():void {
, 0);
    //We add all the necassary listeners. They are self-explanatory.
    //Note that holdersArray[i][j] is the Sprite that contains the
    //j-th thumbnail on the i-th circle.
    function setUpListeners():void {
              var i:int;
              var j:int;
    The functions that are executed in response to events to which we listen.
    The next one runs when a loaded picture is clicked.
    function holderClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    'picClicked' is executed when any of the thumbnails is double-clicked.
    Note that in the function 'buildSphere' below, we assigned names to
    all holders, holderArray[i][j]. We need those names now to know
    which thumbnail was clicked and which image to load.
    function picClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
        var targName:String="Double Click Image To View";
        var i:int;
        var j:int;;
        loader.load(new URLRequest(picsArray[i][j]));
    function loadingError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
        loadBox.text="There has been an error loading the image. The server may be busy. Refresh the page and try again.";
    function doneLoad(e:Event):void {
        infoBox.text="Click the image to close it.";
    //Listeners responsible for mouse rotations and auto-rotation.
    function autoRotate(e:Event):void {
             if(autoOn && !manualOn){
    function boardOut(e:MouseEvent):void {
    function boardDown(e:MouseEvent):void {           
    function boardUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
         function boardMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
                    var locX:Number=prevX;
                    var locY:Number=prevY;
                    if(!autoOn && manualOn){
    The function setUpPics populates the arrays thumbsArray and picsArray.
    Note the organization of thumbnails by circles on which they reside:
    thumbsArray[0] - the north pole, thumbsArray[1] thumbnails of the first circle
    down from the north pole, etc. 'picsArray' is organized similarly.
    You can, of course, subsitute your own images, use thumbnails of
    dimensions different from ours. Changing the number of thumbnails and their organization
    would, however, require rewritting the script a bit.
    function setUpPics():void {
        thumbsArray[0]=[new Bitmap(new Small1(70,46))];
        thumbsArray[1]=[new Bitmap(new Small2(70,105)),new Bitmap(new Small3(70,105)),new Bitmap(new Small4(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small5(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small6(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small7(70,53))];
        thumbsArray[2]=[new Bitmap(new Small8(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small9(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small10(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small11(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small12(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small13(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small14(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small15(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small16(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small17(70,53))];
        picsArray[2]=["pic8.jpg","pic9.jpg","pic10.jpg","pic11.jpg","pic12.jpg","pic13.jpg","pic1 4.jpg","pic15.jpg","pic16.jpg","pic17.jpg"];
        thumbsArray[3]=[new Bitmap(new Small18(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small19(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small20(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small21(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small22(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small23(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small24(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small25(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small26(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small27(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small28(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small29(70,53))];
        picsArray[3]=["pic18.jpg","pic19.jpg","pic20.jpg","pic21.jpg","pic22.jpg","pic23.jpg","pi c24.jpg","pic25.jpg","pic26.jpg","pic27.jpg","pic28.jpg","pic29.jpg"];
        thumbsArray[4]=[new Bitmap(new Small30(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small31(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small32(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small33(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small34(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small35(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small36(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small37(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small38(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small39(70,53))];
        picsArray[4]=["pic30.jpg","pic31.jpg","pic32.jpg","pic33.jpg","pic34.jpg","pic35.jpg","pi c36.jpg","pic37.jpg","pic38.jpg","pic39.jpg"];
        thumbsArray[5]=[new Bitmap(new Small40(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small41(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small42(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small43(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small44(70,53)),new Bitmap(new Small45(70,53))];
        thumbsArray[6]=[new Bitmap(new Small46(70,53))];
    In the next function we actually create a 3D sphere of thumbnails by positioning
    them in 3D within spSphere. Note the center of the sphere is at (0,0,0) of
    spSphere. It might be worth recalling that with our interpretation of
    phi and theta each point P=(x,y,z) on the sphere corresponding to given values
    of phi and theta is given by:
    x = rad * sin(phi) * sin(theta),
    y = -rad * cos(phi),
    z = -rad * sin(phi) * cos(theta).
    Within the function, we populate 'holdersArray' and 'midsArray'. We assign thumbnails
    to holdersArray elements, position holdersArray elements, tilt them, give them names.
    We literally build our sphere.
    function buildSphere():void {
        var i:int;
        var j:int;
        var tStep:Number;
        var pStep:Number=phiStep*Math.PI/180;
                midsArray[i][j]=new Vector3D(rad*Math.sin(i*pStep)*Math.sin(j*tStep),-rad*Math.cos(i*pStep),-rad*Math.sin(i*p Step)*Math.cos(j*tStep));
                holdersArray[i][j]=new Sprite();
    'zSortPics' depth-sorts all thumbnails corresponding to each view of
    the sphere. It sorts thumbnails by removing them (or more precisely
    their holders, holdersArray[i][j], as children of spSphere and then reassigning
    them based on the z-coordinates of their midpoints.
    function zSortPics():void {
        var distArray:Array=[];
        var dist:Number;
        var i:int;
        var j:int;
        var k:int;
        var curMatrix:Matrix3D;
        var curMid:Vector3D;
              holdersArray[distArray[k][1]][distArray[k][2]].alpha=Math.max(k/(distArray.length-1),0.5) ;
    function byDist(v:Array,w:Array):Number {
         if (v[0]>w[0]){
            return -1;
          } else if (v[0]<w[0]){
            return 1;
           } else {
            return 0;
    The function that rotates the sphere in response to the user moving the mouse.
    Note we are setting the z coordinate to 0 before rotation. Otherwise,
    the non-zero translation coefficients produce undesirable effects.
    Note also that we do not use this function in 'autoRotate'. That is because
    when the sphere auto-rotates we want it to revolve about is pole-to-pole
    axis. That means prepending rather than appending rotation.
    See the function 'autoRotate' above.
    function rotateSphere(rotx:Number,roty:Number,rotz:Number):void {

    I won't be searching thru all that code to try to find something relevant to your post, but if you are using a Loader to load the images, you can get the width and height as soon as the loading is complete using the loader object (loader.width, loader.height).  You just need to wait until loading is complete, so you'll need a listener for that if you don't have one already.

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    I have some photos that I won't be enlarging/editing (just want to keep them in catalog) that are large MB size files. I want to reduce the size of these photos and still see them large on the screen. Can anyone tell me what resolution I should enter to do that?
    For example what ratio would I enter for this photo:
    I have a photo that is 3.55 MB (JPG), PSE8 says my file is 55.556 inches x 41.667 inches at 72 dpi.
    When I open the resize Image option it says my pixel dimensions are 34.3M showing the width at 4000 and the Height at 3000
    This photo is one that I don't plan to edit - I just want to keep in my catalog at a smaller size for screen viewing. When I have tried to reduce the size it shows up small on the screen (at 100%).Or chosing smaller inches still keeps the file in large MB size.
    Why is it you can send an email in KB sizes that show up full screen but I can't get this reduced and it show up even be that big when it still says MB size?
    I hope this makes sense, I am new to PSE8 and not sure if I explained this well enough.
    I appreciate any help!,
    Thank you,

    At the bottom of the screen, turn on Resample Image. Then enter a size in pixels for the longer of the two sides (figure this based on your monitor's pixel dimensions).
    I wouldn't do this to an original unless you have a copy elsewhere.

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    need help for finding objects impacted by size change
    for xxx infoobject, due to some requirements, the size to be changed from
    char(4) to char(10), in the source database tables as well as adjustment
    to be done in BI side.
    this infoobject xxx is nav attribute of YYY as well as for WWW
    infoobjects. and xxx is loaded from infopkg for www infoobject load.
    now that i have to prepare an impact analysis doc for BI side.
    pls help me with what all could be impacted and what to be done as a
    solution to implement the size change.
    where used list for xxx infoobject - relveals these object types :
    tranfer rules,
    attribute of characteristic,
    nav attribute,
    ref infoobject,
    in queries,
    in variables

    Hi Swetha,
    You will have to manually make the table adjustments in all the systems using SE14 trans since the changes done using SE14 cannot be collected in any TR.
    How to adjust tables :
    Enter the table name in SE14. For ex for any Z master data(Say ZABCD), master data table name would be /BIC/PZABCD, text table would be /BIC/TZABCD. Similarly any DSO(say ZXYZ) table name would be /BIC/AZXYZ00 etc.
    Just enter the table name in SE14 trans --> Edit --> Select the radio button "Save Data" --> Click on Activate & adjust database table.
    NOTE : Be very careful in using SE14 trans since there is possibility that the backend table could be deleted.
    How to collect the changes in TR:
    You can collect only the changes made to the IO --> When you activate, it will ask you for the TR --> Enter the correct package name & create a new TR. If it doesn't prompt you for TR, just goto Extras --> Write transport request from the IO properties Menu screen. Once these IO changes are moved successfully, then the above proceduce can be followed using SE14 trans.
    Hope it helps!

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    Any para style leading is more than 2 points of my font size, I need the alert message "Its more than 2 points for your font size". For instance my para font size is 10 here my leading should be 12 points rather than its 14 points, I need the alert message.
    Is this possible by script?

    Hi Hasvi,
    Try this.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var texts = doc.stories.everyItem().textStyleRanges.everyItem().getElements();
    var pstyle = "Following paragraph styles have more leadings:\r\r";
    for(var i=0;i<texts.length;i++)
        var ps = texts[i].pointSize;
        if(texts[i].leading > ps + 2)
            pstyle += texts[i];
    If it is correct than mark the answer as correct and don't mark your question as correct answer.

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    ColonelONeill is correct.
    The Yoga 2 Pro does not have a digitizer, so a capacitative stylus, which mimics a fingertip, is what you'd need.
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    I am not a Lenovo employee.

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    What file format did you export it to?

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    We only have 1 single domain, 1 domain forest, no subdomains, only alias. I had replied to the other post as well. But I am happy to paste it here in case anyone want to read it.
    So, after a few months of testing, capture and sending logs back and forth to Apple Engineers, we found out there is a setting in AD, under User Account that prevent us to log into AD from Mountain Lion. If you would go to your AD server, open up a user account properties, then go to Account tab, the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" option is checked. As soon as I uncheck that option, immediately I was able to log into AD on the Mac client. Apple engineers copied all my AD settings and setup a test environment on their end and match exact mine AD environment. They was able to reproduce this issue.
    The bad part about this is... our environment required the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" is checked in AD, in order for our users to login into some of our Unix and Linux services. Which mean that it is impossible for us to remove that check mark because most, if not all of them some way or another require to login into applications that run on Unix and Linux. Apple is working to see if they can come up with a fix. Apparently, no one has report this issue except us. I believe most of you out there don't have that check mark checked in your environment... Anyone out there have any suggestion to by pass or have a work around for this?

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    Hi All,
    I need help in finding the number of occurrences of a pattern in a table's column's data.
    Consider sample data - one row's column from a table:
    My requirement is:
    I should get the count of S's which are immediately preceded by A or P.
    for the above data i should get count as 3+2+1=6 (S-S-S-A, S-S-P, S-A)
    The pattern data is stored as VARCHAR2 type.
    Thanks in advance,
    Girish G
    Edited by: Girish G on Jul 21, 2011 11:22 PM

    I am sure there exists a better way then this one:
    SQL> with dt as
      2  (select 'S-S-S-A-S-S-P-S-S-B-S-A-P-S-S-C' str from dual)
      3  SELECT SUM(Regexp_count(Regexp_substr(str, '(S\-?)+(A|P)+', 1,
      4                                     Regexp_count(str, '(S\-?)+(A|P)+') - (
      5                                                  LEVEL - 1 )), 'S')) len
      6  FROM   dt
      7  CONNECT BY LEVEL <= Regexp_count(str, '(S\-?)+(A|P)+')
      8  /

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    Need help in finding mpeg2 component number to unlock key so I can burn dvd?? I have premiere elements 3.0

    I cannot comment on PrE 3, as I did not start until PrE 4. With the latter, when one went to use one of the modules, they were automatically "registered." Based on comments in the Help file, I asked pretty much this same question, back then. All was done automatically, in PrE 4.
    Maybe those, familiar with PrE 3, can be of help to you.
    Good luck,

  • Need help for finding oracle payables tables

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    All the tables having this combination are either very old tables which are not used anymore or doesnt give the required data. Please let me know where am i going wrong. Once i get the required tables, i need to join the tables to get the required data with the imp fields. Also, the values of WFAPPROVAL_STATUS are not very clear to me. I need values for it as APPROVED, REJECTED AND INITIATED.

    Hi Swetha,
    You will have to manually make the table adjustments in all the systems using SE14 trans since the changes done using SE14 cannot be collected in any TR.
    How to adjust tables :
    Enter the table name in SE14. For ex for any Z master data(Say ZABCD), master data table name would be /BIC/PZABCD, text table would be /BIC/TZABCD. Similarly any DSO(say ZXYZ) table name would be /BIC/AZXYZ00 etc.
    Just enter the table name in SE14 trans --> Edit --> Select the radio button "Save Data" --> Click on Activate & adjust database table.
    NOTE : Be very careful in using SE14 trans since there is possibility that the backend table could be deleted.
    How to collect the changes in TR:
    You can collect only the changes made to the IO --> When you activate, it will ask you for the TR --> Enter the correct package name & create a new TR. If it doesn't prompt you for TR, just goto Extras --> Write transport request from the IO properties Menu screen. Once these IO changes are moved successfully, then the above proceduce can be followed using SE14 trans.
    Hope it helps!

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    Message was edited by: chevycamer427 b9e
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    You cannot change the email font. You can make it bold, italics and underline the type, but Helvetica is your only choice in the mail app.
    In the notes app you have 3 choice Noteworthy, Helvetica and Marker Felt. The font can be changed in Settings>Notes>Font.
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    I hope this info is useful to others.

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    I've double checked my codes but can't seem to find the solution to the problem. 1151: A conflict exists with definition i in namespace internal this keeps coming up and I don't know how to get around it. It's meant for this bit of code: for (var i:

  • None of the ports are working

    The headphone jack is not working, I will plug it in and the music will continue to come from the speakers. The USB port charges the tablet, but it won't connect the tablet to the computer. Ever since I updated there was a sd card error that kept pop