Need help with some Coldfusion data structures

I need to keep some sort of a list that contains a page, and then that page will have associated with it values.  So,
if I have page 1, I may have values 240, 245, 300.  Then, on to page 2, and I will have say, 344, 29, etc.
So, what I will have is something that "could maybe" be a 2 dimensional array where one of the elements is a list?
Or, do I set up a struct say, page.number and page.value list, and put that struct in an array?
Plus, the fun part is I have to save this bad boy in session.  I've been looking around the web for some examples, no
luck.  So, to reiterate:
I have a page number that has to be associated with a list.  That entire structure needs to be in an array or list of
some sort, and stored in session.
Thanks in advance!

Really Google did not show anything like:
<cfset session.pageAry = [
     {page="pageOne", numList="240,245,300"},
     {page="pageTwo", numList="344,29"}]>
<cfdump var="#session.pageAry#">
<cfset session.pageAry = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset arrayAppend(session.pageAry, strutNew())>
<cfset session.pageAry[1].page = "pageOne">
<cfset session.pageAry[1].numList = "240,245,300">
<cfset arrayAppend(session.pageAry, strutNew())>
<cfset session.pageAry[2].page = "pageTwo">
<cfset session.pageAry[2].numList = "344,29">
The <cfscript> version of these examples.

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    I'm trying to write code for the addIterative method below.
    My problem is that I also need to search the list or node to see if the word exists.
    The method add(word,line,position,iterative) validates the parameters; and, in order to update the tree and/or any relevant linked-list, calls either the incomplete method addIterative(word,line,position) or the incomplete method addRecursive(word,line,position). Note the following: if the word is not contained currently in the tree, then all of the (word,line,position) triplet needs to be added to the data structure; otherwise, only the (line,position) pair needs to be added to the data structure. The result must be the same regardless of the algorithmic strategy employed.
    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, new to java, and very lost.
    * Write a description of class Tree091 here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    class Tree091 /*(i.e., WordTree)*/
    { private char[] word=null;
    private List091 list=null;
    private Tree091 precursor=null; /*(i.e., leftSubTree)*/
    private Tree091 successor=null; /*(i.e., rightSubTree)*/
    public Tree091(char[] word,
    List091 list,
    Tree091 precursor, /*(i.e., lexicographically < word)*/
    Tree091 successor) /*(i.e., lexicographically > word)*/
    { if (word==null) return;
    if (word.length<1) return;
    if (list==null) return;
    public void add(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position,
    boolean iterative)
    { if (word==null) return;
    if (word.length<1) return;
    if (line<0) return;
    if (position<0) return;
    if (iterative)
    private void addIterative(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position)
    /* something goes here*/
    private void addRecursive(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position)
    /* something goes here*/
    private int compare(char[] array1,
    char[] array2)
    { if (array1==null) return -2;
    if (array2==null) return -2;
    int length1=array1.length;
    if (length1==0) return -2;
    int length2=array2.length;
    if (length2==0) return -2;
    int minLength=length1<length2?length1:length2;
    for (int i=0; i<minLength; i++)
    { if (array1[i]<array2) return -1;
    if (array1[i]>array2[i]) return 1;
    return length1==length2 ? 0 : length1<length2 ? -1 : 1;
    public boolean contained(char[] word)
    { int compare=compare(this.word,word);
    if (compare==1&&this.precursor!=null)
    return this.precursor.contained(word);
    if (compare==0) return true;
    if (compare==-1&&this.successor!=null)
    return this.successor.contained(word);
    return false;
    public int listNodeCount(boolean iterative)
    /* something goes here*/
    return 24;
    public int maximumWordLength(int currentLength)
    /* something goes here*/
    return 25;
    public String toString()
    { String string="";
    if (this.precursor!=null) string+=this.precursor;
    string+="\""+(new String(this.word))+"\""+this.list;
    if (this.successor!=null) string+=this.successor;
    return string;
    public int treeNodeCount()
    /* something goes here*/
    return 26;
    public String wordArray(int length)
    /* something goes here*/
    return "hey hey wordarray";

    ok, wow, that was intense, my brain hurts!!!!
    And now I've got to go do a graduate program test, argh!!!
    A problem I keep getting is trying to figure out what my lecturer is doing in the start of the Tree091 class,
    that is, I can see that he is constructing the list and tree but it appears that he is doing it all at the same time, and I'm getting confused with what actually gets inserted into the list, and do we insert the word, line and position, or just the line and position?
    Also, I didnt use a 'while loop', I'm not sure how, but I found a 'for loop' in the text book, what do you think of it? Is it ok for now?
    And I'm getting an error at this line:
    Tree091 ins = new Tree091(char[] word); // getting error '.class' expected here
    any ideas?
    heres what I've got so far:
    private void addIterative(Comparable char[] word,int line, int position){
    // Insert char[] word into the this BST     
         int direction = 0;     
         Tree091 parent = null, curr = root;
         for (;;) {     
              if (curr == null) {
                   Tree091 ins = new Tree091(char[] word); // getting error '.class' expected here
                   // word found so we call insertList method
                   insertList091(line, position, List091 precursor);
                   if (root) == null)
                        root = ins;
                   else if (direction < 0)     
                        parent.left = ins;
                   else // direction > 0
                        parent.right = ins;
              direction = elem.compareTo(curr.element);
              if (direction == 0)
              parent = curr;
              if (direction < 0)
                   curr = curr.left;
              else // direction > 0
                   curr = curr.right;
    }And heres an attempt at the insertList method
    private void insertList(char[] word, int line, int position, List091 precursor){
    // Insert line and position at a given point in this List091, either after the node
    // precursor, or before the first node if precursor is null
    // Looking at assignment question we may need a double linked list
         List091 ins = new List091 (char[] word, line, position, null);
         if precursor == null) { //insert before first node (if any).
              ins.successor = first;
              first = ins;
         } else {
              ins.successor = precursor.successor;
              precursor.successor = ins;
    }How far off am I Joachim?
    ps. heres the tree091 class again:
    class Tree091 /*(i.e., WordTree)*/
    { private char[] word=null;
      private List091 list=null;
      private Tree091 precursor=null; /*(i.e., leftSubTree)*/
      private Tree091 successor=null; /*(i.e., rightSubTree)*/
      public Tree091(char[] word,
                     List091 list,
                     Tree091 precursor, /*(i.e., lexicographically < word)*/
                     Tree091 successor) /*(i.e., lexicographically > word)*/
      { if (word==null) return;
        if (word.length<1) return;
        if (list==null) return;
      public void add(char[] word,
                      int line,
                      int position,
                      boolean iterative)
      { if (word==null) return;
        if (word.length<1) return;
        if (line<0) return;
        if (position<0) return;
        if (iterative)
      private void addIterative(char[] word,
                                int line,
                                int position)
        /* students to complete */
      private void addRecursive(char[] word,
                                int line,
                                int position)
         /* students to complete */
      private int compare(char[] array1,
                          char[] array2)
      { if (array1==null) return -2;
        if (array2==null) return -2;
        int length1=array1.length;
        if (length1==0) return -2;
        int length2=array2.length;
        if (length2==0) return -2;
        int minLength=length1<length2?length1:length2;
        for (int i=0; i<minLength; i++)
        { if (array1<array2[i]) return -1;
    if (array1[i]>array2[i]) return 1;
    return length1==length2 ? 0 : length1<length2 ? -1 : 1;
    public boolean contained(char[] word)
    { int compare=compare(this.word,word);
    if (compare==1&&this.precursor!=null)
    return this.precursor.contained(word);
    if (compare==0) return true;
    if (compare==-1&&this.successor!=null)
    return this.successor.contained(word);
    return false;
    public int listNodeCount(boolean iterative)
    /* students to complete */
    public int maximumWordLength(int currentLength)
    /* students to complete */
    public String toString()
    { String string="";
    if (this.precursor!=null) string+=this.precursor;
    string+="\""+(new String(this.word))+"\""+this.list;
    if (this.successor!=null) string+=this.successor;
    return string;
    public int treeNodeCount()
    /* students to complete */
    public String wordArray(int length)
    /* students to complete */
    Edited by: allergy01 on Apr 25, 2009 9:19 PM
    Edited by: allergy01 on Apr 25, 2009 9:20 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • [8i] Need help with some workday calculations

    At the beginning of the month, I got help with a workday calculation in: [8i] Help with function with parameters (for workday calculation)
    Now, as it turns out, I was able to locate a function in the database that does what I want, however, it is much slower to use the function than to join two copies of the CALN table (Please see referenced thread for details. I can copy them to this thread if necessary.) I need to verify that the pre-existing function has 'DETERMINISTIC' in it, as I would guess that if it doesn't, it would be much slower than it could be.
    But now, I've come across a situation where I have to do multiple workday calculations in the same query--enough that I have to join 6 copies of my CALN table. I can't imagine that is at all efficient. I believe it was Frank K. who said (in the original thread) that if the function was slow, I should consider alternatives. Can anyone help me identify some of those alternatives? I'm definitely at that point now. (This query is one I'm using as the base for a report in Oracle BI, and let's just say it doesn't like my query, even though my syntax appears to be correct, and I would guess that joining 6 copies of one table is at least partly to blame for this).
    Note: I'm working with Oracle 8i

    OK, I finally have some sample data... I tried to make it thorough. I've included data in the CALN table YTD + tomorrow, so that any workday calculations using SYSDATE will work.
    (     clndr_dt     DATE          NOT NULL
    ,     clndr_yr     NUMBER
    ,     shop_day     NUMBER
    ,     shop_dt          DATE
    ,     shop_wk          NUMBER
    ,     shop_yr          NUMBER
    ,     shop_days     NUMBER
    ,     clndr_days     NUMBER
         CONSTRAINT caln_pk PRIMARY KEY (clndr_dt)
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('12/23/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),2009,247,To_Date('12/23/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2009,7631,10950);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('12/23/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),52,2009,7631,10959);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/02/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('12/23/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),52,2009,7631,10960);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('12/23/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7631,10961);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,1,To_Date('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7632,10962);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,2,To_Date('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7633,10963);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/06/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,3,To_Date('01/06/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7634,10964);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/07/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,4,To_Date('01/07/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7635,10965);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,5,To_Date('01/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7636,10966);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/09/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,7636,10967);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/10/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7636,10968);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,6,To_Date('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7637,10969);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,7,To_Date('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7638,10970);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/13/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,8,To_Date('01/13/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7639,10971);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/14/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,9,To_Date('01/14/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7640,10972);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,10,To_Date('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7641,10973);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/16/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,2010,7641,10974);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/17/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7641,10975);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,11,To_Date('01/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7642,10976);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,12,To_Date('01/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7643,10977);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/20/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,13,To_Date('01/20/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7644,10978);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/21/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,14,To_Date('01/21/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7645,10979);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,15,To_Date('01/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7646,10980);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3,2010,7646,10981);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/24/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7646,10982);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/25/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,16,To_Date('01/25/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7647,10983);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,17,To_Date('01/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7648,10984);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/27/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,18,To_Date('01/27/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7649,10985);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/28/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,19,To_Date('01/28/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7650,10986);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/29/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,20,To_Date('01/29/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7651,10987);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/30/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/29/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,2010,7651,10988);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/31/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('01/29/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7651,10989);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,21,To_Date('02/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7652,10990);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/02/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,22,To_Date('02/02/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7653,10991);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,23,To_Date('02/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7654,10992);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,24,To_Date('02/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7655,10993);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,25,To_Date('02/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7656,10994);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/06/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('02/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5,2010,7656,10995);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/07/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('02/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7656,10996);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,26,To_Date('02/08/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7657,10997);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/09/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,27,To_Date('02/09/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7658,10998);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/10/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,28,To_Date('02/10/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7659,10999);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,29,To_Date('02/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7660,11000);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,30,To_Date('02/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7661,11001);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/13/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('02/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),6,2010,7661,11002);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/14/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('02/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7661,11003);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,31,To_Date('02/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7662,11004);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/16/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,32,To_Date('02/16/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7663,11005);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/17/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,33,To_Date('02/17/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7664,11006);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,34,To_Date('02/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7665,11007);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,35,To_Date('02/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7666,11008);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('02/20/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,To_Date('02/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),7,2010,7666,11009);
    (     ord_nbr          NUMBER          NOT NULL
    ,     sub_nbr          NUMBER          NOT NULL
    ,     ord_stat     VARCHAR2(2)
    ,     ord_qty          NUMBER
    ,     part_nbr     VARCHAR2(5)
         CONSTRAINT ords_pk PRIMARY KEY (ord_nbr, sub_nbr)
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (1,1,'CL',10,'PART1');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (1,2,'CL',5,'PART1');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (25,1,'CL',15,'PART2');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (14,1,'OP',12,'PART3');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (33,1,'CL',25,'PART1');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (33,2,'CL',15,'PART1');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (33,3,'OP',10,'PART1');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (7,1,'PL',18,'PART2');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (96,1,'PL',10,'PART3');
    INSERT INTO     ords
    VALUES (31,1,'CL',20,'PART2');
    (     ord_nbr          NUMBER          NOT NULL
    ,     sub_nbr          NUMBER          NOT NULL
    ,     op_nbr          VARCHAR2(4)     NOT NULL
    ,     mach_id          VARCHAR2(4)
    ,     oper_stat     VARCHAR2(2)
    ,     plan_start_dt     DATE
    ,     plsu          NUMBER
    ,     plrn          NUMBER
         CONSTRAINT ords_pk PRIMARY KEY (ord_nbr, sub_nbr, op_nbr)
    -- NOTE:
    -- for the orders with a status of 'CL' or 'PL' in the 'ords' table, I'm not bothering to put
    -- in more than two operations (though in reality more would be there) since they should be
    -- ignored in the final result anyway
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (1,1,'0010','123A','CL',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (1,1,'0015','259B','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.15);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (1,2,'0010','123A','CP',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (1,2,'0015','259B','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.15);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (25,1,'0005','123A','CP',TO_DATE('01/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.25);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (25,1,'0030','110C','CL',TO_DATE('01/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0010','127A','CP',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.25);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0025','110C','CL',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0040','050C','CP',TO_DATE('01/13/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.3,0.15);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0050','220B','WK',TO_DATE('01/14/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),4,0.25);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0065','242B','AV',TO_DATE('01/18/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.5,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0067','150G','NA',TO_DATE('01/19/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (14,1,'0100','250G','NA',TO_DATE('01/20/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2.1,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,1,'0010','123A','CL',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.9,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,1,'0015','259B','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,2,'0010','123A','CL',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.9,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,2,'0015','259B','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,3,'0010','123A','CL',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.9,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,3,'0015','259B','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,3,'0020','220B','NA',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.7,0.15);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,3,'0030','150G','NA',TO_DATE('01/13/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.3,0.05);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (33,3,'0055','150G','NA',TO_DATE('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2.1.,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (7,1,'0005','123A','NA',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (7,1,'0030','110C','NA',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.15);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (96,1,'0010','127A','NA',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2,0.25);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (96,1,'0025','110C','NA',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (31,1,'0005','123A','CL',TO_DATE('01/11/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1.9,0.2);
    INSERT INTO     oops
    VALUES (31,1,'0030','110C','CP',TO_DATE('01/12/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,0.1);
    (     mach_id          VARCHAR2(4)     NOT NULL
    ,     desc_short     VARCHAR2(9)     
    ,     group          VARCHAR2(7)
         CONSTRAINT ords_pk PRIMARY KEY (mach_id)
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('123A','desc here','GROUPH1');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('259B','desc here','GROUPH2');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('110C','desc here','GROUPJ1');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('050C','desc here','GROUPK2');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('220B','desc here','GROUPH2');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('242B','desc here','GROUPH2');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('150G','desc here','GROUPL1');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('250G','desc here','GROUPL2');
    INSERT INTO     mach
    VALUES     ('242B','desc here','GROUPH2');

  • Need help with loading master data from R/3 to BI 7.0.

           First i thank everybody who took efforts to answer for my posting, i really am learning this new version with your helps. I really appreciate  it.
    Could any one help me with a step by step process to load master data from R/3 to BI 7.0. Please don't send
    will assign points .
    With Thanks,
    Ranjani R

        Thanks for the answers. I tried loading it yesterday, i had lot of confusions.
      What should i do to load a master data from a R/3 to BI7.0.
    1. Created a Info object named (EKKO_mas) with some attributes (ernam, ekorg, lifnr).
    2. Go to info provider and right clicked on info area and selected insert char as data target. (Please correct if i am wrong).
    3. Login to R/3, go to sbiw generic data source created one with a view/table as EKKO and map the application compound and select the needed fields by checking the checkbox. (please correct if wrong).
    4. Go to source system tab and replicate data source. ( Please correct if i am wrong)
    Then what should i do.
    guessing steps:
    4. Create a Data source, in BI 7.0 . In that as i am not using flat file, should i select "application server" instead of "local workstation" . In field tab i specified all the fields given in Info object. ( Will there be anything else i should do or change in this tab)
    5. Load data in PSA. ( will the data from R/3 i selected loaded in PSA without any problem)
    6. Create transformation , save and activate.
    7. Create DTP save and activate , click execute.
    By doing the above given step will i be able to load the master data from R/3 to BI 7.0 data target (IO) .  Please help me if something is wrong with my steps.
    *will assign points.

  • I need help with some character replacement

    I have a package that calls another package to determine if there are any of 4 values (&,<,>,") and I want to replace the value in the package with the proper value for HTML. If I can get the & figured out I can handle the rest, I just need help getting past this part. I consider myself a novice at PL/SQL so any input is welcome. The package body gives me this message on compile:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    I'm stuck on how to do the actual replace within the package. The code for the replace block is below: using a package and procedure in the package body. I'm using TOAD 9.x on 10gR2.
    I have a feeling the the assignment of the := is having a problem but I'm not sure. This is all part of a larger chunk of code I've written to dynamically create audit triggers (before and after) for my data tables and it writes out to the audit in xml on a row by row basis. The XML insert is failing on on the 4 special characters that need to be converted to their HTML proper use.
    CREATE OR REPLACE package pkg_audit_xml
    procedure change_illegal_char
    (p_new_val in varchar2,
    p_old_val in varchar2,
    p_has_changed in out boolean);
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body pkg_audit_xml
    procedure change_illegal_char
    (p_new_val in varchar2,
    p_old_val in varchar2,
    p_has_changed in out boolean)
    v_temp clob;
    if ( nvl(p_new_val, ' ') <> nvl(p_old_val, ' ') ) then
    p_has_changed := true;
    p_old_val := replace(p_old_val,'&','&amp;');
    p_new_val := replace(p_new_val,'&','&amp;');
    end if;
    end pkg_audit_xml;

    SQL> create or replace procedure aa_test(a_old_val IN varchar2) as
      2  begin
      3   a_old_val := substr(a_old_val,1,4);
      4   dbms_output.put_line(a_old_val);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    Errors for PROCEDURE AA_TEST:
    3/2      PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    3/2      PLS-00363: expression 'A_OLD_VAL' cannot be used as an assignment

  • I need Help with Some CSS

    I am in the process of making a new template for my site.
    I can't really provide any code and here's why, I need help finding the code that I need to change. The new template is actually being designed here.
    If you scroll over the home link you will find a sub-menu pops up, if you scroll over the menu items they get bigger and come 'at" you, if you hover over sub-2 and then hover over sub-3 you will notice there is a wild transition effect, I need to know how to get rid of those, it is a different CSS code from another template link to my site. I can't find out how, if somebody could please help me out it would be wonderful. Thank you a whole bunch in advance.

    Your menu moves for a couple of reasons first, you have a border in the hover, which is going to move all of the text.  You can get rid of the border in the hover or add a border of the same size/style in the active.
    The second reason it appears you have some paddng in the hover that moves the text.
    Find those and you can solve the issue.

  • Need help with sql query dates

    I have a sql query where i need to extract some info between given dates. The where clause of this query is as follows:
    When i execute the query in toad, i can view the data but not the execution plan.It gives an error ORA-00932-Inconsistent Datatypes.
    But when i remove (+1) from :P_DATE_TO, i can c the execution plan and data. Will the data be different from the previous one.
    Please suggest how to rewrite the query.

    Can you please give it a try?
    AND CPD_VOUCHER_DATE < (to_date(:P_DATE_TO)+1) Regards

  • Need help with some simple N900 confusions/problem...

    Hi All
    Just got a UK N900 rx-51_2009se_2.2009.51-1.203.2_pr_203 and I'm rather struggling with some things:
    MMS; didnt get any operator settings for MMS, and can't find any way of creating an MMS. Can someone enlighten me?
    Can this thing not be used in portrait mode other than for the phone dial pad?
    When connecting to e.g. the wireless network they have in the pub, it wants me to push a button on the router, or type a pin into the router - why can't we just have the old fashioned way of "ask the pub staff what the key is, they tell me, and i type it in" - how do I enter the wpa key as a word without this pin/button pushing nonsense?
    How can I type my SMS etc with a 3x3 key pad (like a phone) - I really don't like qwerty on phones.. I'm after a portrait mode, can-be-operated-with-just-a-thumb, 3x3 button layout with predictive text (i.e. like every phone in the history of the world) - how do I do that?
    I can't find any form of Switch app (to copy contacts and messages off my old device) - how do we do this painlessly?
    How do I make the phone forget all the badly spelled words the previous owner seems to have entered?
    Can the thing that organises the main screen snap the icons to a larger grid or must I mess around nudging with the stylus till they line up? (They tend to jump out of line just as I remove the stylus from the screen)
    I'm sure I'll have more questions later..

    Answers to my own Qs for the benefits of others:
    MMS; didnt get any operator settings for MMS, and can't find any way of creating an MMS. Can someone enlighten me?
    No, use fMMS but be aware it's very beta, only allows picture sending with very rudimentary settings and you must change APN manually
    Can this thing not be used in portrait mode other than for the phone dial pad?
    No, apps have to be portrait specific and only dial pad and the browser (experimental) know of it
    When connecting to e.g. the wireless network they have in the pub, it wants me to push a button on the router, or type a pin into the router - why can't we just have the old fashioned way of "ask the pub staff what the key is, they tell me, and i type it in" - how do I enter the wpa key as a word without this pin/button pushing nonsense?
    No - a WONTFIX bug. Configure the connection manually in settings instead and you can type the key
    How can I type my SMS etc with a 3x3 key pad (like a phone) - I really don't like qwerty on phones.. I'm after a portrait mode, can-be-operated-with-just-a-thumb, 3x3 button layout with predictive text (i.e. like every phone in the history of the world) - how do I do that?
    No can do until someone on the maemo team etc creates an on screen keyboard that functions in this way
    I can't find any form of Switch app (to copy contacts and messages off my old device) - how do we do this painlessly?
    No. Transfer and Sync in Settings can retrieve only what Nokia Content Copier can (contacts, calendar, notes) but it's slightly more painless
    How do I make the phone forget all the badly spelled words the previous owner seems to have entered?
    Delete the .xxx.dictionary files from /home/user/.osso/dictionaries dir. May need to be root for this, see sites for info on adding repositories, installing rootsh etc
    Can the thing that organises the main screen snap the icons to a larger grid or must I mess around nudging with the stylus till they line up? (They tend to jump out of line just as I remove the stylus from the screen)

  • Need help with some JS installing Bumpbox 2.0

    I am trying to add a lightbox effect to a pdf on my website, I found a Javascript plugin at that looks like it should do the trick, but I am having trouble getting it to work.
    To narrow down the problem I created a test.html file that I stuck in the root directory of the folder I downloaded from their site (so I am working locally off my desktop at this point)
    My code is as follows... I feel like I am missing something super obvious, does anyone see it? (do I need to define the .bump class in the css file?)
    Thank you in advance for the much needed help!
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
          <a href="" class="bump" rel="800-350">PDF File &raquo;</a><br />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/mootools.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bumpbox-2.0.1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"> doBump( '.bump',750, 500, '111', '900', '0.8', 5, 1 ,'333', 15,'000', 4,
                     'top left',
                     'repeat-x' ); </script>

    These paths won't work because they point to files on your local hard drive.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="file:///Macintosh HD/Users/Robert/Downloads/bumpbox Folder copy/js/mootools.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="file:///Macintosh HD/Users/Robert/Downloads/bumpbox Folder copy/js/bumpbox-2.0.1.js"></script>
    Are you working within a properly defined local site?
    Did you save those javascript files to the js folder in your local site root?
    Correct path to scripts for this test page should look like this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/mootools.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/bumpbox-2.0.1.js"></script>
    PS.  Do not add spaces to folder or file names.  It can create problems for web files.
    Nancy O.

  • NEED HELP WITH TRANSFERRING P2 data from the HVX camera to FCP!!!

    Hey guys...
    Need some emergency help here... I'm trying to transfer my data from the P2 card on the HVX camera to my FCP6. I plugged in my 1394 firewire cable into the deck and followed the directions but the computer is not recognizing the HVX camera. PLEASE HELP!!!

    They come with the camera on the Installer CD. OR....

  • I'm new to flash and need help with some controls

    I'm builidng a site that has a portfiolio of work to display.
    When the visitor arrives at the portfolio page he (or she) is
    faced with a split panel. The right panel displays a summary of a
    client and the work. The left panel displays the work examples
    attributed to that client. By clicking forward and backward arrows
    in the right panel, the visitor can call the summaries of the
    different clients. Landing on a client page 'opens' a separate swf,
    called using loader component, that contains the portfolio of that
    client's work into the left panel
    1. I want forward and backward arrows located on the main
    movie in the left panel to control the progress of the loaded swf,
    rather than using forward and backward arrows on the loaded swf.
    2. I want to prevent the forward and backward arrows in both
    panels from clicking beyond frames in the Portfolio area of the
    3. I want the backward arrow to be innactive on the first
    frame, and the forward arrow to be innactive on the last frame.
    I have no problems making the arrows work on the main movie
    controlling the client summaries. What I don't know how to do is
    make them control the movement of the loaded swf, or #2 and #3.
    Any help will be greatefully appreciated. Thanks in advance,

    "Art Lazaar" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Tralfaz,
    > Thanks for your response. I must be missing something
    very simple here, but I
    > can't make this work no matter what I do. Let me see if
    I understand some of it:
    > On my main movie I put the fwd_btn and rew_butn I put these on the
    > actual buttons, or in an actions time line? When I put
    them on the buttons, I
    > get an error report saying they need to be in an 'on'
    event handler. I thought
    > that's what 'onRelease' was.
    > On my loaded movie, I place the 'one.swf' code. I'm not
    sure what you mean by
    > placing the code inside a loop, I don't seem to be able
    to find a reference to
    > using 'loop' anywhere. When I use an 'onEnterFrame', I
    presume I do that with
    > onEventClip(enterFrame). When I do that, if I run the
    'one.swf' by itself, i
    > get an error report saying onEeventClip is for movies
    only. But there's no
    > error report when it loads from the main movie. What
    happens tho' is it loops
    > continuously, even if there are stops() in it.
    > Boy, am I confused ;)
    > I am really baffled by this seemingly simple little
    task. Your help is
    > gratefully appreciated.
    > Art
    Hi Art,
    There are different coding methods, depending on where you
    put code..
    1) Frame code
    Click on a frame of the timeline to enter frame code
    2) Attached code for movieclips and buttons
    Click once on a movieclip or a button then enter attached
    To make an onEnterFrame event for a movieclip, first chose
    either frame code or attached code method. I personally rarely ever
    attached code because it hides code in places that can be
    hard to find. Almost all my coding is frame code, but it's a
    Frame code method to make an onEnterFrame for the main
    // put this code into a frame on the main timeline
    this.onEnterFrame = function()
    // do something once per frame at the frame rate
    checkMyButtons(); // once per frame we will check on the
    button status
    Attached Code method to attach an onEnterFrame event to a
    // click once on the movieclip (don't dbl click it .. stay at
    the root timeline level)
    // do something once per frame at the frame rate
    Those two types of code are not interchangeable. One type
    must be entered into a frame and the other style must be attached
    to a
    movieclip or you will get errors.
    Then there is the DOT syntax way to write frame code that is
    equivalent to attaching code..
    myMovieClip.onRelease = function()
    myMovieClip.onPress = function()
    myMovieClip.onDragOut = function()
    trace("drag out");

  • I need help with some technical YouTube Settings, third party tools page

    How can I add ios mobile Safari, back to my google + third-party tools page?  I updated my ipad 2 to ios7 and could no longer upload videos to youtube for my blog.  YouTube had been saying unrecognized file type because it's not longer compatible with ios mobile photos app.
    I went into settings via the google/youtube help files and removed some old stuff from the third party apps, like blogger-an inactive blog and obviously deleted the ios moblie too that was right underneath blogger.  tried jumping through their hoops, add a phone number, verify your account, lengthen your video time, add 2 step verification (which was horrible and I went  back in and removed it), add a password for ipad, etc.  
    They (youtube/google??) have been working on stuff because there is all kinds of new things the second day I tried to figure this out via their help/redirect links.  ios mobile was there before and now it's gone, even though I did not choose/select it.  But I have noticed that the ipad screen is much more sensitive than it was before the ios7 update.  I don't even have to touch the screen for some things, it accepts and goes on it's own while my finger is hovering over the screen. 

    The Title of my post, should really be....I have ipad2 with ios7.0.3 and Safari, I can't upload videos to YouTube because of Google? or ios7?
    It's now November 1st.  LOL  53 folks have read my problem and it only gets better.  I pleaded with Google/YouTube via Feedback form (because they are one and the same now) to please add ios mobile back to Google 3rd party apps and after checking every single day, someone finally added it back for me.  Yay!  Then I asked if I needed to "revoke" Google+ in the 3rd party apps because some of the help files suggested Google+ is attached to your YouTube channel and might affect uploading of videos?  For the life of me, I could not figure out how to get it off my YouTube channel.  And the help files didn't take me to a place to change it.  Upon checking 3rd party apps, I could no longer find the page they were on, and the Google+ app icon now goes no where. 
    Hey, but there are new menus with all kinds of statistics now about your account, like how many subscribers you have, what the average number of minutes people watch your videos,etc.  Hmm... so I tried uploading a video and it worked.  I got the message that ios7.0.3 with bug fixes was available a few days ago and updated to that.  I'm back to, no longer upload videos, yesterday it was still freezing on the upload screen, where you add the title of your video and all of the specs, it appears to be half uploaded with a solid blue bar half way and goes no where.  I have to close the app after an hour or more.  I have rebooted a couple of times every day.  Today it says, we could not upload your video, we did not recognize the format of this file.  And when I go to YouTube and can see all of my videos, my subscriptions, I can not remove the videos that tried to upload, they are blank gray squares.  A few days ago I could edit them out.  I guess they are still working on it.   These are the same self recorded videos, that I have been uploading for a year, same ipad.  I have sent feedback to Google/YouTube once again. 
    I'm completely at their mercy.  I have yahoo mail, so I can't send my videos via email, even though my channel has a special email address to send videos to for upload.  Yahoo will not send a video more than a minute or so.  I created an AT&amp;T email address today, and it's the same there, will not send a 15 minute video.  The upload link on YouTube no longer works, there on the same page with your special email address to mail your videos in, even though there is no email that supports a 15 minute video.  My husband suggested video compressing program.  I have not tried to upload from a PC, I do have icloud, so that may be my next route.  Other forums say they/Google/YouTube are fully aware of it and are working on it.  Still 30+ days in...
    It's a shame these companies can't work together, it's a shame that there is no answer, because we all have these devices we spent hundreds of dollars on and want them to work.  I have been searching the web for 30+ days and no one knows the answer.  Hard to believe I'm the only person having this ipad issue. 

  • I need help with some simple code! Please read!

    hi everyone.
    I'm having problems with a piece of code, and i'd be extremely greatful if somebody could give me a hand with it. I'm totally new to java and have to make a program for my university degree, but i'm finding it extremely difficult, mainly due to my total lack of apptitude for this type of thing. I know this is easy stuff, but the books I have are no use so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I have to write a program which uses two class files. I want one with the code to produce a simple button, and one to invoke it several times at different locations. I decided to write the program as one class file at first, and thought i'd be able to split it up at later. The program works fine when it is one class file. My book said that to split the two classes up, all i needed to do was change the second class to public, although this seems to not work at all. I'm at my wits end on this, and if anyone could correct my code I'd be eternally greatful.
    Here is the first class... (sorry about the lack of indentation)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Phone extends Applet {
    private Image image;
    public void init() {
    image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "phone.jpg");}
    public void paint (Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 700, 530, this);
    PhoneButton myButton;
    myButton = new PhoneButton(20,20);
    This is the second class....
    public class PhoneButton {
    private Button butt;
    public PhoneButton(int a, int b, int c){
    butt = new Button();
    My compiler generates errors relating to Button, but i can't do anything to please it.
    Also, could anyone give me some pointers on how to add a different number or symbol to each button. That is what I added int c for, but i couldn't get it to work.
    Cheers in advance.
    Michael Morgan

    I found that there are 5 error in your code.
    1. You should import the "java.awt" package to the
    2. The PhoneButton is not a kind of Component. You cannot not add it to the Phone class
    3. the myButton = new PhoneButton(20, 20) does not provide enough parameters to create PhoneButton
    4. You cannot add a Button to a PhoneButton. Becaue the PhoneButton is not a kind of Container
    Fixed code:
    import java.awt.*;
    public class PhoneButton extends Button {
    public PhoneButton(int a, int b, int c){
         setBounds(a, b, 20, 20);
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Phone extends Applet {
    private Image image;
    public void init() {
    image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "phone.jpg");}
    public void paint (Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 700, 530, this);
    PhoneButton myButton;
    myButton = new PhoneButton(20,20, 1);
    Visual Paradigm for UML - Full Features UML CASE tool

  • Hard problem. need help with contact file (data.syncdb)

    hello everyone. i lost my iphone. i have the data.syncdb file.
    how can i view this?
    if i cannot view it can i send it to someone and they can replace their file on a old iphone (if someone has one) or touch? then they can see the contacts and email them to me? i would paypal you some $$ to help me out. i dont have much just need the contacts bad.
    any help would be great.


  • New to Flash AS3, Need help with some weird issues, have .fla link attached...

    Basically, the buttons are not visible when siteplan_mc is replayeed after floorplan closes, but they still work. Most things are only working on double click for soe reason, tho I have them to function on click. and the back button only woorks on unit 1 floorplan, tho the code it the same for all floorplans. I have a feeling it has something to do with levels... but I really have no idea... hopefully someone can help!
    thanks in advance,

    There are at least two things you're doing wrong. You can't go to a frame where something exists for the first time, and immediately do something to it. Like in your playunit functios for example:
    unit1_mc.alpha = 1
    unit1_mc hasn't yet drawn itself on stage to have its alpha set, and so there's an error. That is something that was improved in Flash 10, so if you had set the Flash to publish for Flash 10 and not Flash 9, then the floor plans and the back buttons appears ok. It would sometimes work with double clicks because by the second time you clicked, the movieclip now existed. You might be able to do what you want by having all of the room units on frame 1 of the siteplan_mc, and then set their visible to true or false as you need them, instead of doing the gotoAndStop().
    The other problem is that you're trying to set listeners on the Back buttons that don't yet exist. Wait until you're on the frame where the buttons exists, and then set its listener for the mouse click.
    Other things you're doing could be improved too, but really you might want to get together with someone who has done more AS3, to help you become more familiar with how it works.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Purchase order scenario ------Pls clarify about the scenarios in SAP

    Hi MM Gurus all, pls clarify the following: 1.Purchase Order given to a vendor & material received from multiple vendors i.e. B or C or D with payment to A. 2.Purchase order to  vendor A & B vendor & other vendoru2019s material received from either A

  • Has anyone come up with a way to stop Earpods falling out?

    Apparently (according to the Ad) these Earpods are actually designed for all ears. Though they sound pretty good, actually comparable to my old Bose IE2 headphones, sadly, they just fall out. One ear is worse than the other but essentially unusable.

  • Remembering which tabbed panel I left

    I have a web page that uses several Spry tabbed panels to display different sub-sets of volunteers who have applied to volunteer at an airshow. Alongside each volunteer is a link to a page that allows an administrator to edit the volunteer informatio

  • Is it possible to inspect lot if inspection lot is rejected at quality end?

    If inspection lot is rejected by quality team can RR /UD be done again for same lot if there are no long term MIC's. If yes How and if NO where does the material goes? Edited by: Trident India on Dec 4, 2010 8:11 AM

  • Problem with manifest

    Well i am using netbeans for a project of mine! I have finished most of it but when i built my project to create a JAR file , the JAR file is created but no manifest. i tried to create a jar from command line but stil the same problem! Any ideas?