Need image to update with JComboBox selection

hello, i have code here that loads an image from a JFileChooser dialog when "Add Image" is clicked, the images name and path is stored in a JComboBox, and the image name is displayed. As more images are added to the JComboBox, I would like to be able to have the picture displayed in concurrence with whatever image is selected from the comboBox. For instance, if Jessica.jpg is selected in the JComboBox, i need Jessica.jpg to be loaded into imagePanel. Here is the code. The problem lies within the JComboBox's "itemStateChanged" I believe... This is what must be used (i think) to update the pictures in the imagePanel when the combobox is manipulated....
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class MyDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener, WindowListener, ItemListener
     ReminderClass dataRec;
     ReminderClass originalDataRec;
     Image im;
     MediaTracker mt;
     Toolkit tk;
     JFileChooser imageDialog;
     File f;
     String[] comboBoxList;
     String fileName;
     String filePathName;
     DataManager dataManager;
     JPanel mainPanel1;
     JPanel mainPanel2;
     JPanel mainPanel3;
     JPanel buttonPanel;
     JPanel radioPanel;
     MyImageJPanel imagePanel;
     JScrollPane scrollPane1;
     JScrollPane scrollPane2;
     JRadioButton pendingButton;
     JRadioButton documentationButton;
     JRadioButton completedButton;
     JRadioButton failedButton;
     JRadioButton cancelledButton;
     ButtonGroup radioGroup;
     JComboBox imageComboBox;
     JComboBox category;
     JTextArea description;
     JTextArea message;
     JLabel descriptionLabel;
     JLabel messageLabel;
     JLabel fileNameLabel;
     JLabel categoryLabel;
     JLabel selectedFile;
     GregorianCalendar dueDateTime;
     GregorianCalendar reminderInterval;
     GregorianCalendar terminatedDateTime;
     JButton saveCont;
     JButton cancel;
     JButton addImage;
     JButton saveExit;
     JLabel dueDate;
     JLabel intervalDate;
     JLabel terminatedDate;
     JTextField dueDateField;
     JTextField intervalDateField;
     JTextField terminatedDateField;
     int choice;
     int newIndex;
     public MyDialog(DataManager aDataManager)
     {//add new Reminder to list d-box
          Container cp;
          dataManager = aDataManager;
          dataRec = new ReminderClass();
          imageComboBox = new JComboBox();
          imagePanel = new MyImageJPanel();
          imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));
          mainPanel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
          mainPanel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
          mainPanel3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7,2));
          radioPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,1));
          buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
          saveCont = new JButton ("Save & Continue");
          saveExit = new JButton ("Save & Exit");
          addImage = new JButton ("Add Image(s)");
          cancel = new JButton ("Cancel");
          description = new JTextArea("         ");
          scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(description);
          message = new JTextArea("          ");
          scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
          comboBoxList = CategoryConversion.categories;
          category = new JComboBox(comboBoxList);
          scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
          descriptionLabel = new JLabel("Description: ");
          messageLabel = new JLabel("Message: ");
          selectedFile = new JLabel("Selected File(s): ");
          fileNameLabel = new JLabel();
          categoryLabel = new JLabel("Category: ");
          dueDate = new JLabel("Due date: ");
          intervalDate = new JLabel ("Interval date: ");
          terminatedDate = new JLabel ("Terminated date: ");
          dueDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          intervalDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          terminatedDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          pendingButton = new JRadioButton("Pending?");
          documentationButton = new JRadioButton("Documentation?");
          completedButton = new JRadioButton("Completed?");
          failedButton = new JRadioButton("Failed?");
          cancelledButton = new JRadioButton("Cancelled?");
          radioGroup = new ButtonGroup();
          mainPanel1.add(mainPanel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          mainPanel2.add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
          mainPanel2.add(mainPanel3, BorderLayout.WEST);
          mainPanel1.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          mainPanel2.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          description.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DESCRIPTION_FIELD));
          message.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.MESSAGE_FIELD));
          //dueDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
          //intervalDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD));
          //terminatedDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
          cp = getContentPane();
          originalDataRec = (ReminderClass)dataRec.clone();
     public MyDialog(int index, DataManager aDataManager, ReminderClass newDataRec)
     {//edit an existing reminder dialog
          Container cp;
          dataManager = aDataManager;
          index = newIndex;
          dataRec = newDataRec;
          imageComboBox = new JComboBox();
          imagePanel = new MyImageJPanel();
          imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));
          mainPanel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
          mainPanel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
          mainPanel3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7,2));
          radioPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,1));
          buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
          saveCont = new JButton ("Save & Continue");
          saveExit = new JButton ("Save & Exit");
          addImage = new JButton ("Add Image(s)");
          cancel = new JButton ("Cancel");
          description = new JTextArea("         ");
          scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(description);
          message = new JTextArea("          ");
          scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
          comboBoxList = CategoryConversion.categories;
          category = new JComboBox(comboBoxList);
          scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
          descriptionLabel = new JLabel("Description: ");
          messageLabel = new JLabel("Message: ");
          selectedFile = new JLabel("Selected File(s): ");
          fileNameLabel = new JLabel();
          categoryLabel = new JLabel("Category: ");
          dueDate = new JLabel("Due date: ");
          intervalDate = new JLabel ("Interval date: ");
          terminatedDate = new JLabel ("Terminated date: ");
          dueDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          intervalDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          terminatedDateField = new JTextField("   ");
          pendingButton = new JRadioButton("Pending?");
          documentationButton = new JRadioButton("Documentation?");
          completedButton = new JRadioButton("Completed?");
          failedButton = new JRadioButton("Failed?");
          cancelledButton = new JRadioButton("Cancelled?");
          radioGroup = new ButtonGroup();
          mainPanel1.add(mainPanel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          mainPanel2.add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
          mainPanel2.add(mainPanel3, BorderLayout.WEST);
          mainPanel1.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          mainPanel2.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          description.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DESCRIPTION_FIELD));
          message.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.MESSAGE_FIELD));
          //dueDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
          //intervalDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD));
          //terminatedDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
          cp = getContentPane();
          originalDataRec = (ReminderClass)dataRec.clone();
     void setupMainFrameAdd()
          tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
          Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
          setSize(d.width/3, d.height/4);
          setLocation(d.width/3, d.height/3);
          setTitle("Reminder Add New");
     }//end of setupMainFrame
     void setupMainFrameEdit()
          tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
          Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
          setSize(d.width/3, d.height/4);
          setLocation(d.width/3, d.height/3);
          setTitle("Edit Existing Reminder");
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          JOptionPane optionPane;
          String temp = new String();
          if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCEL"))
               if(dataRec.compareTo(originalDataRec) != 0)
                    choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Are you sure you wish to exit without first saving data?","Are you sure you wish to\n" + "exit without first saving data?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                    if(choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                         for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCEL2"))
               if (dataRec.compareTo(originalDataRec) != 0)
                    choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Are you sure you wish to\n" + "exit without first saving data?");
                    if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("ADDIMAGE"))
               filePathName = new String();
               fileName = new String();
               imageDialog = new JFileChooser();
               f = imageDialog.getSelectedFile();
               tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
               fileName = f.getName();
               filePathName = f.getPath();
               im = tk.getImage(filePathName);
                    mt = new MediaTracker(this);
                    mt.addImage(im, 432);
               catch(InterruptedException ie)
               imagePanel.refreshImage(im , 50, 50);
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVECONT"))
               for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
               temp = dueDateField.getText();
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVECONT2"))
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVEEXIT"))
               for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
               //save new data to list, and exit back to main prog.
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVEEXIT2"))
               for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
               dataManager.replace(newIndex, (ReminderClass)(dataRec.clone()));
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("PENDING"))
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("DOCUMENTATION"))
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("COMPLETED"))
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("FAILED"))
          else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCELLED"))
     public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
           JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
           int categorySelection;
           if(cb == category)
             categorySelection = cb.getSelectedIndex();
           if (cb == imageComboBox)
                   tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                    fileName = dataRec.getImageFileName();
                    filePathName = f.getPath();
                    im = tk.getImage(filePathName);
                         mt = new MediaTracker(this);
                         mt.addImage(im, 432);
                         imagePanel.refreshImage(im , 50, 50);
                    catch(InterruptedException ie)
     public void fillInData(ReminderClass d)
     public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
          //no action to take
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
          JOptionPane j = new JOptionPane("Are you sure you wish to exit \n" + "without saving data first?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);;
     public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
//          no action to take
     public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
//          no action to take
     public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
//          no action to take
     public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
//          no action to take
     public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
//          no action to take
}Here is the main "ReminderClass" with all methods and accessors/mutators....
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
//search for Java Thumb Wheel under Google.
public class ReminderClass extends Object implements Cloneable, Comparable
      private int category;
      private String description;
      private String message;
      private GregorianCalendar dueDateTime;
     private GregorianCalendar reminderInterval;
      private GregorianCalendar terminatedDateTime;
      private int displayStyle;
      private int compareKey;
      private String status;
      String[] imagePathArray;
      String[] imageArray;
      String imageFileName;
      int numImages;
      public final static int CATEGORY_FIELD = 1;
      public final static int DESCRIPTION_FIELD = 2;
      public final static int MESSAGE_FIELD = 3;
      public final static int DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD = 4;
      public final static int REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD =5;
      public final static int TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD = 6;
      public final static int DISPLAY_STYLE_FIELD = 7;
      public final static int COMPARE_KEY_FIELD = 8;
      public final static int STATUS_FIELD = 9;
      static boolean showDescription = false;
      static boolean showDate = false;
      static boolean showCategory = false;
      static boolean showMessage = false;
      static boolean showDueDateTime = false;
      static boolean showReminderInterval = false;
      static boolean showTerminatedDateTime = false;
      static boolean showImageName = false;
      static boolean showStatus = false;
      //******************REMINDER CLASS DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR***************
           numImages = 0;
           imageArray = new String[20];
           imagePathArray = new String[20];
           imageFileName = "";
           category = -1;
           description = "";
           message = "";
           dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
           reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar();
           terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
           displayStyle = -1;
           compareKey = -1;
     //     *****************REMINDER CLASS INITIALIZER CONSTRUCTOR*************
      ReminderClass(int initCategory, String initDescription, GregorianCalendar initDueDateTime, String[] initImagePathArray, String[] initImageArray, String initImageFileName,
                GregorianCalendar initReminderInterval, GregorianCalendar initTerminatedDateTime, String initMessage, String initStatus,
                 int initCompareKey, int initDisplayStyle)
           imagePathArray = new String[20];
           imageArray = new String[20];
           for (int n = 0; n<initImageArray.length; n++)
                imageArray[n] = initImageArray[n];
           for (int n = 0; n<initImagePathArray.length; n++)
                imagePathArray[n] = initImagePathArray[n];
                imageFileName = initImageFileName;
                 category = initCategory;
                 description = initDescription;
                 dueDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)initDueDateTime.clone();
                 reminderInterval = (GregorianCalendar)initReminderInterval.clone();
                 terminatedDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)initTerminatedDateTime.clone();
                 message = initMessage;
                 status = initStatus;
                 compareKey = initCompareKey;
                 displayStyle = initDisplayStyle;
           //*********************LOAD DATA FROM FILE WITH CONSTRUCTOR*****************************
        public ReminderClass(DataInputStream dataInStream) throws IOException
                       imageFileName = dataInStream.readUTF();
                   category = dataInStream.readInt();
                   description = dataInStream.readUTF();
                   message = dataInStream.readUTF();
                   dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt());
                   reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt()); 
                   terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt());
                   displayStyle = dataInStream.readInt();
                   compareKey = dataInStream.readInt();
                   status = dataInStream.readUTF();
         //********************SAVE DATA TO FILE***************************
         public void write(DataOutputStream dataOutStream) throws IOException
         public void clearFields()
               numImages = 0;
               imageFileName = "";
               category = -1;
                description = "";
                message = "";
                dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
                reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar();
                terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
                displayStyle = -1;
                status = "";
                compareKey = -1;
           //************* OVERRIDE clone METHOD***********************
           public Object clone() 
                     ReminderClass c = new ReminderClass();
                          c = ((ReminderClass)super.clone());
                          c.imageFileName = (String)imageFileName;
                          c.category = (int)category;
                          c.description = (String)description;
                          c.message = (String)message;
                          c.status = (String)status;
                          c.compareKey = (int)compareKey;
                          c.displayStyle = (int)displayStyle;
                          c.dueDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)(dueDateTime.clone());
                          c.reminderInterval = (GregorianCalendar)(reminderInterval.clone());
                          c.terminatedDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)(terminatedDateTime.clone());
                     catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                          System.out.println("Fatal Error: " + e.getMessage());
                     return c;
      //**************** OVERRIDE toString METHOD*************************
      public String toString()
           String s = new String();
           s =  description;
          if (showCategory)
                s = s + "," + CategoryConversion.categories[category];
          if (showImageName)
               s = s + "," + "'" + imageFileName + "'";
          if (showMessage)
                s = s + "," + message;
          if (showStatus)
               s = s + "," + status;
          if (showDueDateTime)
                s = s + ", " + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                s = s + "/" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                s = s + "/" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                s = s + "  " + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                s = s + ":" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                s = s + ":" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.SECOND);
          if (showReminderInterval)
                s = s + ", " + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                s = s + "/" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                s = s + "/" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                s = s + "  " + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                s = s + ":" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                s = s + ":" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.SECOND);
          if (showTerminatedDateTime)
                s = s + ", " + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                s = s + "/" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                s = s + "/" +terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                s = s + "  " + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                s = s + ":" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                s = s + ":" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.SECOND);
           return s;
      //******************COMPARE TO OBJECT*********************************
      public int compareTo(Object r)
           ReminderClass x;
           x = (ReminderClass)r;
           if (
               (x.getCategory() == this.category)
           && (x.getDescription().equals(this.description))
           && (x.getMessage().equals(this.message))
           && (x.getImageFileName().equals(this.imageFileName))
           && (x.getDueDateTime().equals(this.dueDateTime))
           && (x.getReminderInterval().equals(this.reminderInterval))
           && (x.getTerminatedDateTime().equals(this.terminatedDateTime))
          return 0;
          return 1;
      public void setDisplayStyle(int newDisplayStyle)
           displayStyle = newDisplayStyle;
      public int getDisplayStyle()
           return displayStyle;
      public int getCompareKey()
           return compareKey;
      public void setCompareKey(int newCompareKey)
           compareKey = newCompareKey;
      public int getCategory()
           return category;
      public void setImageFileName(String newFileName)
           imageFileName = newFileName;
      public String getImageFileName()
           return imageFileName;
      public void setCategory(int newCategory)
           category = newCategory;
      public String getDescription()
           return description;
      public void setDescription(String newDescription)
           description = newDescription;
      public void setImageArray(String[] array)
           imageArray = new String[20];
           for (int n = 0; n<array.length; n++)
                imageArray[n] = array[n];
      public void setImagePathArray(String[] array)
           imagePathArray = new String[20];
           for (int n = 0; n<array.length; n++)
                imagePathArray[n] = array[n];
      public String getImagePathArray(int index)
           return imagePathArray[index];
      public void populateComboBox(JComboBox jcb)
           for (int n = 0; n<numImages; n++)
      public void addImageToArray(String s)
           imageArray[numImages] = s;
      public String getMessage()
           return message;
      public void setMessage(String newMessage)
           message = newMessage;     
      public GregorianCalendar getDueDateTime()
           return dueDateTime;
      public void setDueDateTime(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
                int newSecs)
          dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);           
      public GregorianCalendar getReminderInterval()
           return reminderInterval;
      public void setReminderInterval(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
               int newSecs)
           reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);
      public GregorianCalendar getTerminatedDateTime()
           return terminatedDateTime;
      public void setTerminatedDateTime(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
               int newSecs)
          terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);      
      public String getStatus()
           return status;
      public void setStatus(String selection)
           status = selection;
      static public void setShowDate(boolean state)
           showDate = state;
      static public boolean getShowDate()
           return showDate;
      static public void setShowCategory(boolean state)
           showCategory = state;
      static public boolean getShowCategory()
           return showCategory;
      static public void setShowImageName(boolean state)
           showImageName = state;

You don't really expect us to read through 300 lines of code do you?
If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.
In the meantime I suggest you read the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Combo Boxes for a working example that does exactly what you want.

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            select newsmail_recipientid_seq.nextval
              , liste
              , 1
              , sysdate
              , sysdate
              , null
              , null
              , ru.nf_userid
              , null
            from roleuser ru, unit u, userinfo ui
            where u.ip_unitid = ru.nf_unitid
            and u.ip_unitid = unit_id
            and ui.ip_userid = ru.nf_userid
            and ui.nf_statusid = 1
            and n_internal = 0
            and ui.ip_userid not in (select user_id
                                       from newsmail_recipient
                                      where user_id = ui.ip_userid
                                        and nf_listid = liste
                                        and nf_statusid = 1);let me know your thoughts.

    924864 wrote:
    ... I have an insert query here with a select statement.. Juz wondering how to do it in update?How to do what, exactly?
    MERGE can UPDATE existing rows, and INSERT new rows at the same time. In a MERGE statement, you give a table or a sub-query in the USING clause, and define how rows from that result set match rows in your destination table. If rows match, then you can UPDATE the matching row with values from the sub-query.
    Very often, MERGE is easier to use, and perhaps more efficient, than UPDATE just for changing existing rows. That is, while MERGE can do both INSERT and UPDATE, it doesn't have to . You can tell MERGE just to do one or the other if you wish.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Since you're asking about a DML statement, such as UPDATE, the sample data will be the contents of the table(s) before the DML, and the results will be state of the changed table(s) when everything is finished.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • How do I turn off preview of hidden areas when dragging an image in frame with Direct Select Tool?

    CS5, Not sure how to word this...
    In previous version of ID, if I had a graphic in a frame, I could drag the image around inside that frame with the Direct Selection Tool.  I can still do this with CS5 but it seems to want to show the entire image in a ghosting way that is outside of the frame.  Is there a way to turn this preview type look off like it was in previous versions?  I feel like its slowing my computer down bigtime because I am dealing with a large image.  Everytime I click to drag it, everything slows to a crawl and unusable.

    Go to the Prefernces and set Live Screen Drawing to Delayed.

  • Flash-based Games Appear as White pages after Chrome Update with Adobe selected as the plugin

    Chrome auto-updated today and since then most of the Flash games load to a white screen.  I always have the Macromedia/Adobe Flash plugin enabled and Pepper Flash disabled, but I'm finding the only way I can display any flash-related games is to disable the Adobe and enable PepperFlash.  The games load, I can hear them, and in some cases the cursor changes to the theme for that game, but the screen will remain white.   Once this started I updated Adobe the latest one, as there must have been a recent release...same problem.   If I have the Macromedia/Adobe Flash Plugin enabled I need to click to any other open tab and then click back again and then scroll slightly and the video will be there immediately.  If I disable Macromedia/Adobe Flash and enable PepperFlash the games display the video with no problem.   These are the exact pages that were working just fine with the Macromedia/Adobe plugin enabled immediately before allowing the Chrome to auto-update.
    Also, when I go to the Adobe site to test the versions it displays the correct revision for the version that's enabled at the time, for pepperflash and 12.0.0,43 for Adobe, but even when the Adobe is the only one enabled and I have closed and reopened the Chrome browser before testing, the site tells me I have the Adobe Flash disabled while still giving the correct version.
    I tried Ingognito mode and it did seem to work, but the only extension I have is AdBlock, which gave me no problems prior.  I disabled AdBlock and tried running the games with Adobe enabled again in normal mode...same problem. 
    Cleared the cache, flash cache...
    All just started immediately after the chrome update. 
    Is anyone else using the same version of Chrome experiencing similar issues with the Macromedia/Adobe flash player enabled?
    Chrome version 32.0.1700.76 m

    Update Firefox to the current version which is 9.0.1
    Here's a list of bug fixes in the latest version which may include yours:

  • Register need to be updated with reference to Credit memo

    Dear Sir,
    we have scenario of sales return.
    we created return excisable sales order with the reference to Commercial invoice and we have done the PGR and created Credit memo,
    Could you please let me whether we need to create return excise invoice with the reference to the credit memo?
    if we dont want to create return excise invoice then how can we receive the excise duty amount which we have paid to excise department and our client has requirement to update the D3 excise register while doing credit memo.
    Thanks & Best Regards
    Shibu Chandran

    Hi Shibu
    Please check the link which may be helpful to you
    Excise Returns
    Customer sales return - excise inv creation issue

  • To update the JComboBox selection

    I have JTable and JComboBox on a Frame. I got data into table and combo box from database. Now I want to change the combo box value depending on a JTable's row selection. I'm calling jComboBox1.getSelectedItem() , but there's changes in the JComboBox .
    Please help, if you know how

    I mean I just want to know how can I request the selection of the combo box

  • Need a little help with antenna selection for a COW

    Hello fella's...
    Ok, so I've gotten myself a little confused here and would like some recommendations.  We are ordering new COWs (Computer On Wheels) for the hospital and they will be using an Intel 6205 Wireless Chip which is a/b/g/n 2x2.  The two new floors these devices will be going on will be our first internal hospital entry into 802.11n which I force the clients to run in the 5ghz range for N.   Previous to this, all of my cows are G clients and use a 2.2dbi rubber duck for 2.4ghz.   I will be using 1142 AP's, if not 3502 and no I have not performed a survey yet as the floor is still in early construction, but equipment is required to be ordered now.  I can tell you that I will be surveying for a voice grade.  I suppose my confusion comes from what is the best antenna (obvious open ended question) for this card, being it has two connectors for the 2x2.  Again, typically I would use a 2.2 dbi rubber duck for either 2 GHz or dual band 2/5 GHz.  Is dual rubber ducks at 6inch spacing (half wavelength met on 2.4 GHz fall back) suffecient or are there other factors involved with the N.

    I guess I'm under the impression that if you put a dual band antenna on a device, regardless wether it's a 2.4 radio or 5GHz radio, that the antenna would work, as it's well, dual band.  Am I wrong in that assumption leolaohoo?
    I have heard back from wyse today with a little information on their provided antenna, but no radiation pattern.  This antenna would be referred to as the 'rubber duckie' style 'dipole'.  I'm not really having much of a choice as it stands now, as I am limited on space(height) to place the antenna and time (chinese new year for manufacturer).  However, one other question. I note that the 1142 and 3502's are horizontally polarized and this omni is vertically polarized.  With my limited understanding of antenna's, that's not a good thing... what is the typical associated 'cost' of a vertical to a horizontal?
    •1.      Electrical Properties
    1.1 Frequency                             2.4GHz ~ 2.5GHz ;4.9GHz~5.825GHz
    1.2Impedance……………………50 Nominal
    1.3 VSWR …………………………1.92 :1Max.
    1.4 Return Loss……………………-10 dB Max.
    1.5 Radiation………………………Omni-directional
    1.6 Gain(peak)………….………… [email protected]~2.5GHz
    [email protected]~5.825GHz
    1.7 Polarization……………………Linear; Vertical
    1.8 Admitted Power………………1W
    1.9 Cable……………………………RG-178 Coaxial Cable
    1.10 Connector…...…………………SMA Plug Reverse
    2. Physical Properties :
    2.1 Antenna Body……………. ……TPE
    2.2 Antenna Base……………. ……PC
    2.3 Antenna Base……………. ……PBT
    2.4 Operating Temp. ………………-10 ~ +60
    2.5 Storage Temp. …………………-10 ~ +70
    2.6 Color …………………………Black

  • Wrong exchange rates entered and documents posted need to be updated

    Hi Friends,
    We have a situation where wrong exchange rates were entered at the end of month and lots of documents were posted with the wrong exchange rates. All these documents need to be updated with the correct exchange rate. But system will not allow changing the exchange rate in already posted documents. One option is to do mass reversal of all the documents posted, change exchange rates to correct rates and then repost all the documents with the correct exchange rate. Is there any other better option or SAP Program available to update exchange rates in all these documents instead of doing reversal and reposting?
    Thanks and regards,

    You can do foreign currency valuation (for Vendors/ Customer/ GL balances) through TCODE: F.05 or FAGL_FC_VAL. This will ensure that as at the period end, your open items are currectly valuated. This will post the exchange difference to P&L & B/s and  will automatically give you the correct picture as at the period end.
    If there are lot of entries posted then Foreign Currency Valuation will be a good option. This will save lot of time in reversing and reposting all the incorrect entries.

  • Update with Outer Join

    Is it possible to do an update that involves an outer join on the table being updated?
    Here's what I mean - currently, I have something like:
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET col_1 =
    SELECT t2.col_2
    FROM table_2 t2
    WHERE t2.t1_key = t1.t1_key
    SELECT t2.*
    FROM table_2 t2
    WHERE t2.t1_key = t1.t1_key
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET col_1 = 0
    SELECT t2.*
    FROM table_2 t2
    WHERE t2.t1_key = t1.t1_key
    Yes, I could do set all of the table_1.col_1 values = 0 first, and then do the first update, but it is inefficient given the number of records in the table that would be updated twice.
    Is there a way of combining these two updates into a single update statement?

    You could simply use your first update and omit the WHERE EXISTS clause since you want to update all the rows in table_1 anyway.
    If the subquery finds a match, it will update with the selected value. Normally, a non-match would set the column to a null but you can solve that with NVL:
    SQL> select * from table_1;
                  T1_KEY                COL_1
                       1                    1
                       2                    1
                       3                    1
                       4                    1
                       5                    1
                       6                    1
                       7                    1
                       8                    1
                       9                    1
    9 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from table_2;
                  T2_KEY                COL_2
                       1                    9
                       3                    9
                       5                    9
    SQL> UPDATE table_1 t1
      2  SET    col_1 = nvl (
      3                       (SELECT t2.col_2
      4                        FROM   table_2 t2
      5                        WHERE  t2.t2_key = t1.t1_key
      6                       ),0
      7                     )
      8  ;
    9 rows updated.
    SQL> select * from table_1;
                  T1_KEY                COL_1
                       1                    9
                       2                    0
                       3                    9
                       4                    0
                       5                    9
                       6                    0
                       7                    0
                       8                    0
                       9                    0
    9 rows selected.

  • Knowing if links need to be updated w/o opening .indd

    I have Manuals & Catalogs that have a lot of links that are updated all the time. I was needing to see if there is a way to see if the links in the .indd file needed to be updated with out having to open the .indd file and looking at the links box.

    short answer - no
    long answer - yes ;)
    you need to make list with date&time of links before you last saved your INDD file
    if you will have that list - you can check current date&time of these files
    one of these script will give you that list:
    more advanced tool - PhotoManager (almost finished for CS3):

  • JTable... needs to be updated....

    I am using a JTable in my application....
    Now I need to update a JTable...
    The Operation I need to preform are
    1). Add new row to the table..
    2). manipulate a cell value based on the rows first column value..
    I want to search for the first column names and if it matches with another
    value then that rows 3rd cell needs to be updated with new value....
    How to do it...
    I am using a abstract table model...and the code in given below...
    If I can get some sample code along with some suggestion, It will be helpful.
    TableModel ProTypTabMod = new AbstractTableModel(){
    public int getColumnCount(){return ColumnNames.length; }
    public int getRowCount(){return DataValues.length;}
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){return DataValues[row][col]; }
    public String getColumnName(int col){return ColumnNames[col];}
    public Class getColumnClass(int col) {return getValueAt(0,col).getClass();}
    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int col){DataValues[row][col] = (String)aValue; }
    ProTypeTable = new JTable(ProTypTabMod);
    TableColumn tc = null;
    for(int i=1;i<5;i++){
    tc = ProTypeTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
    tc.setCellRenderer(new SummColorRenderer());
    /////////////////public void createColumn() {
    ColumnNames = new String[5];
    ColumnNames[0] = "Process Type";
    //ColumnNames[1] = "Started Time";
    ColumnNames[1] = "OK";
    ColumnNames[2] = "On Hold";
    ColumnNames[3] = "Late";
    ColumnNames[4] = "Exceptions";
    ////////////////////////// public void createData(String[][] ContrInfo){        
    DataValues = ContrInfo;
    /////////////////////////// based on process type I want to change the values of Ok, OnHold, Late, Exceptions....

    use DefaultTableModel with Vectors for Data and Columns.
    Vectors rows=new Vector();
    Vector columns= new Vector();
    Vector temp=new Vector();
    DefaultTableModel tabModel=new DefaultTableModel();
    table=new JTable(tabModel);as you go on adding values in rows vector using temp vector
    you will find rows are getting added in JTable. Simillarly you can delete
    the row by removing element from rows vector.
    you can implement TableModel listener to find out changes.

  • Flash Player Prompting to Update with Auto Updates Disabled

    My scenario:
    Windows 7 x64
    Flash Player 11.7
    mms.cfg located in C:\Windows\Syswow64\Macromed\Flash
    mms.cfg settings:
    I opened the Flash Player Settings Manager and under Advanced tab, verified "Never check for updates" is enabled.
    I have both Standard and Administrative users receiving the following warning to update Flash player. Again, I have verified the settings are correct and auto update is showing as disabled.

    Unfortunately, it's difficult to troubleshoot this issue after the fact due to how the auto-update notification is triggered.  If auto-updates are disabled in the mms.cfg file the update notification should not display, however, there is an edge case scenario that could result in the update notification displaying.
    First, to clarify some comments regarding the update settings in the mms.cfg file:
    The default update settings are:
    AutoUpdateDisable=0 (notification update is enabled)
    SilentAutoUpdateEnable=0 (silent auto-update is disabled)
    Silent auto-update is an opt-in option, it is not the default setting.  When installing using the EXE installer if the system is not already opted into silent auto-update the user will be prompted to select an update option and the mms.cfg file will be updated with this selection.  The MSI installer does not write to the mms.cfg file, therefore, it does not prompt the user to select an update option.  When Flash Player is installed using the MSI installer Flash Player simply honors whatever settings are already present in the mms.cfg file.
    SilentAutoUpdateEnable=1 enables silent auto-update ONLY if AutoUpdateDisable=0 is set.
    AutoUpdateDisable=1 disables notification AND silent auto-updates
    As of Flash Player 11.5, uninstalling Flash Player using the standalone uninstaller will reset the update options to the default setting (documented on page 8 of the Flash Player Administrator's Guide):
    AutoUpdateDisable=0 (notification update is enabled)
    SilentAutoUpdateEnable=0 (silent auto-update is disabled)
    If your Flash Player deployment process is to first uninstall the Flash Player using the standalone uninstaller and then install Flash Player using the MSI installer the system will be configured for notification updates since this is the default setting.  In this case you must re-deploy the custom mms.cfg file to disable updates at the same time Flash Player is installed using the MSI installer (e.g. uninstall, install using MSI, deploy custom mms.cfg file disabling updates).  If the custom mms.cfg file disabling updates is not re-deployed at installation time it is possible for Flash Player to detect an update is available resulting in the upate notification displaying.
    Regarding 'loud' releases, if you rely on silent auto-updates to update Flash Player within your organization, and want to avoid the update notification associated with a 'loud' release, you can host the updates on an internal server.  Details on how to do this are on page 19 of the Flash Player Administrator's Guide.
    This functionality is tested extensively and we have not been able to reproduce the update notification displaying when updates are disabled.  Nonetheless, I will try using the various Flash Player versions mentioned in this thread.

  • I have a column where I have implemented writeback, its working fine. On top of this I need to show 0 as No and 1 as yes in our report, that is also done. Now I want to enter Yes in a column where it was no and I want database table to get update with 1.

    I have a column where I have implemented writeback, its working fine. On top of this I need to show 0 as No and 1 as yes in our report, that is also done. Now I want to enter Yes in a column where it was no and I want database table to get update with 1. I am not sure how to do it. SOmeone please help me out.

    Hi ,
    In your write back XML  try the below  query insert
    INSERT INTO TABLE_XYZ (attribute1)  values (SELECT CASE  WHEN @{C1}=’Yes’ then 1 when @{C1}=’No’ then 0 else null end from dual)

Maybe you are looking for

  • Failed to read wsdl file from url

    Hi all, I am struggling with WL 9.2, consuming a WSRP enabled portlet at the following point: Having created a proxy portlet, refering to the WSDL of the WSRP producer, I did successfully deploy the portal. When accessing the portal and consuming the

  • What is the best resolution (1080, 720?) video and the best sound (PCM/AAC, bit, and kHz) that I can burn onto a DVD after creating in iMovie?

    I have a Zoom HD Q3 video camera that also records good sound.  An Apple Genius once told me that a DVD can only reproduce a certain level of quality in video and sound just like a CD can only produce a certain level of sound quality.  For instance y

  • Change JVM

    Hello, I'm running Oracle AS 10.1.2 and I would like to change the JVM in which OC4J runs to a different JVM that came with the AS. How should I do this? Thanks. Luiz.

  • UCCX 10.0 Finesse Supervisor Calls in Queue

    I hope I'm missing something because this seems too easy.  How does the Supervisor see how many calls are waiting in queue in real time using Finesse?  I tried to use the Queue Gadget URL but I'm thinking this is only for UCCE and not UCCX. Thanks, D

  • Published Captivate 2 Files in WebCT

    I recently started using Captivate 2 and it does not seem to Publish to Flash and work in WebCT as well as the previous version that I used. I choose "Export HTML" on the Publishing screen and click on the Flash icon and it creates the following 4 fi