Update with a select statement

hi experts,
I need some help again.. :)
I have an insert query here with a select statement.. Juz wondering how to do it in update?
insert into newsmail_recipient
        select newsmail_recipientid_seq.nextval
          , liste
          , 1
          , sysdate
          , sysdate
          , null
          , null
          , ru.nf_userid
          , null
        from roleuser ru, unit u, userinfo ui
        where u.ip_unitid = ru.nf_unitid
        and u.ip_unitid = unit_id
        and ui.ip_userid = ru.nf_userid
        and ui.nf_statusid = 1
        and n_internal = 0
        and ui.ip_userid not in (select user_id
                                   from newsmail_recipient
                                  where user_id = ui.ip_userid
                                    and nf_listid = liste
                                    and nf_statusid = 1);let me know your thoughts.

924864 wrote:
... I have an insert query here with a select statement.. Juz wondering how to do it in update?How to do what, exactly?
MERGE can UPDATE existing rows, and INSERT new rows at the same time. In a MERGE statement, you give a table or a sub-query in the USING clause, and define how rows from that result set match rows in your destination table. If rows match, then you can UPDATE the matching row with values from the sub-query.
Very often, MERGE is easier to use, and perhaps more efficient, than UPDATE just for changing existing rows. That is, while MERGE can do both INSERT and UPDATE, it doesn't have to . You can tell MERGE just to do one or the other if you wish.
I hope this answers your question.
If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
Since you're asking about a DML statement, such as UPDATE, the sample data will be the contents of the table(s) before the DML, and the results will be state of the changed table(s) when everything is finished.
Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

Similar Messages

  • Smart scan not working with Insert Select statements

    We have observed that smart scan is not working with insert select statements but works when select statements are execute alone.
    Can you please help us to explain this behavior?

    There is a specific exadata forum - you would do better to post the question there: Exadata
    I can't give you a definitive answer, but it's possible that this is simply a known limitation similar to the way that "Create table as select" won't run the select statement the same way as the basic select if it involves a distributed query.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Quick help with a select statement...

    Hello all,
    I will try to lay this out as simply as possible.  I have the following table in my code:
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_table,
        vbeln TYPE likp-vbeln,
        lfdat TYPE likp-lfdat,
        lfart TYPE likp-lfart,
        wadat_ist TYPE likp-wadat_ist,
        vstel TYPE likp-vstel,
        route TYPE likp-route,
        vsbed TYPE likp-vsbed,
        inco1 TYPE likp-inco1,
        inco2 TYPE likp-inco2,
        kunnr TYPE likp-kunnr,
        kunag TYPE likp-kunag,
        brgew TYPE lips-brgew,
        matnr TYPE lips-matnr,
        arktx TYPE lips-arktx,
        meins TYPE lips-meins,
        lgmng TYPE lips-lgmng,
        vgbel TYPE lips-vgbel,
        name2 TYPE adrc-name2,
        street TYPE adrc-street,
        city1 TYPE adrc-city1,
        region TYPE adrc-region,
        post_code1 TYPE adrc-post_code1,
        lifnr  TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
        name1 TYPE adrc-name1,
        so_vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
        erdat TYPE vbak-erdat,
      END OF ty_table.
    DATA: it_table TYPE TABLE OF ty_table.
    I then run through a select statement as follows:
    * Get data from LIKP and LIPS.
      SELECT a~vbeln a~lfdat a~lfart a~wadat_ist a~vstel a~route a~vsbed b~brgew a~inco1 a~inco2 a~kunnr a~kunag
               b~matnr b~meins b~lgmng b~vgbel b~arktx INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_table
               FROM likp AS a
                INNER JOIN lips AS b ON b~vbeln = a~vbeln
                WHERE a~vstel IN so_vstel
                AND a~wadat_ist IN so_wadat
                AND b~mtart IN so_mtart.
    That works fine.  The next statement, in the report, is the following select.  When this next select runs it clears all of the fields except for vbeln and erdat.  I want c~vbeln to go into it_table-so_vbeln.  Now it is going into it_table-vbeln.
    * Get Sales order info from VBAK
      SELECT c~vbeln c~erdat INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_table
          FROM lips AS a
            INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON b~vbeln = a~vgbel
            AND b~posnr = a~vgpos
              INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON c~vbeln = b~vbeln
              FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table
                WHERE a~vgbel = it_table-vgbel.
    I then tried to write the select statement by takign out "into corresponding fields" like the following but it gives my a syntax error on (it_table-so_vbeln , it_table-erdat).
    * Get Sales order info from VBAK
      SELECT c~vbeln c~erdat INTO (it_table-so_vbeln , it_table-erdat)
        FROM lips AS a
          INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON b~vbeln = a~vgbel
          AND b~posnr = a~vgpos
            INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON c~vbeln = b~vbeln
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table
              WHERE a~vgbel = it_table-vgbel.
    Is there a way to write the second select (the select that is pulling data from VBAK) so that it will not clear the other entries in the table?  Also, is there a way to combine the two selects into one join? 

    Following is the entire report, if that makes it easier:
    *& Report  Z_TRANS_EVAL
    REPORT  z_trans_eval.
    TABLES: likp, lips, adrc, vbpa.
    TYPE-POOLS: truxs.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_table,
        vbeln TYPE likp-vbeln,
        lfdat TYPE likp-lfdat,
        lfart TYPE likp-lfart,
        wadat_ist TYPE likp-wadat_ist,
        vstel TYPE likp-vstel,
        route TYPE likp-route,
        vsbed TYPE likp-vsbed,
        inco1 TYPE likp-inco1,
        inco2 TYPE likp-inco2,
        kunnr TYPE likp-kunnr,
        kunag TYPE likp-kunag,
        brgew TYPE lips-brgew,
        matnr TYPE lips-matnr,
        arktx TYPE lips-arktx,
        meins TYPE lips-meins,
        lgmng TYPE lips-lgmng,
        vgbel TYPE lips-vgbel,
        name2 TYPE adrc-name2,
        street TYPE adrc-street,
        city1 TYPE adrc-city1,
        region TYPE adrc-region,
        post_code1 TYPE adrc-post_code1,
        lifnr  TYPE lfa1-lifnr,
        name1 TYPE adrc-name1,
        so_vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
        erdat TYPE vbak-erdat,
      END OF ty_table.
    DATA: it_table TYPE TABLE OF ty_table,
          wa_table LIKE LINE OF it_table,
          it_table_csv TYPE truxs_t_text_data.
    DATA : lv_tabix LIKE sy-tabix.
    DATA temp_string TYPE string.
    DATA w_adrnr TYPE vbpa-adrnr.
    DATA: w_adrnr_sp TYPE vbpa-adrnr.
    * Selction criteria
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_vstel FOR likp-vstel,
                    so_wadat FOR likp-wadat_ist,
                    so_mtart FOR lips-mtart.
    * CSV output filename
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT (16) text-002 FOR FIELD p_file.
    PARAMETERS: p_file(30) TYPE c.
    * Get data from LIKP and LIPS.
      SELECT a~vbeln a~lfdat a~lfart a~wadat_ist a~vstel a~route a~vsbed b~brgew a~inco1 a~inco2 a~kunnr a~kunag
               b~matnr b~meins b~lgmng b~vgbel b~arktx INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_table
               FROM likp AS a
                INNER JOIN lips AS b ON b~vbeln = a~vbeln
                WHERE a~vstel IN so_vstel
                AND a~wadat_ist IN so_wadat
                AND b~mtart IN so_mtart.
    * Get Sales order info from VBAK
      SELECT c~vbeln c~erdat INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_table
          FROM lips AS a
            INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON b~vbeln = a~vgbel
            AND b~posnr = a~vgpos
              INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON c~vbeln = b~vbeln
              FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table
                WHERE a~vgbel = it_table-vgbel.
    * Get internal address number for ship to party
      LOOP AT it_table INTO wa_table.
        lv_tabix = sy-tabix.    "update counter.
        SELECT SINGLE adrnr FROM vbpa INTO w_adrnr WHERE
        vbeln = wa_table-vgbel
        AND parvw = 'WE'.
        SELECT SINGLE lifnr FROM vbpa INTO wa_table-lifnr WHERE
          vbeln = wa_table-vbeln
          AND parvw = 'SP'
          AND  posnr = '000000'.
        SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM lfa1 INTO wa_table-name1 WHERE
          lifnr = wa_table-lifnr.
    * Get address data from VBPA
        SELECT city1 region post_code1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_table
        FROM adrc WHERE
        addrnumber = w_adrnr.
    * Update the internal table
        MODIFY  it_table INDEX lv_tabix FROM wa_table.
    * Call correct display procedure(s).
      IF p_file <> ''.
    * Save a CSV file
        PERFORM display_csv.
    *Display in ALV
        PERFORM display_alv.
    *&      Form  display_alv
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM display_alv .
      DATA: gr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
            gr_func TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions,
            gr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
            gr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
            gr_error TYPE REF TO cx_salv_error.
          CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
              r_salv_table = gr_alv
              t_table      = it_table.
        CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO gr_error.
      gr_func = gr_alv->get_functions( ).
      gr_func->set_all( abap_true ).
      gr_alv->display( ).
    ENDFORM.                    " display_alv
    *&      Form  display_csv
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM display_csv .
      DATA: w_filename TYPE string.
      CONCATENATE p_file temp_string INTO w_filename.
          i_field_seperator    = ';'
          i_tab_sap_data       = it_table
          i_tab_converted_data = it_table_csv
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          filename = w_filename
          data_tab = it_table_csv
          OTHERS   = 1.
      PERFORM display_alv.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_csv

  • Batch updates with callable/prepared statement?

    The document http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs70/oracle/advanced.html#1158797 states
    that "Using Batch updates with the callableStatement or preparedStatement is
    not supported". What does that actually mean? We have used both callable and prepared
    statements with the batch update in our current project (with the Oracle 817 db).
    It seems to run ok anyway.

    So the documentation should state that batch updates do not work ok in old versions
    of JDriver for Oracle, BUT work correctly with newer version. Additionally, batch
    updates work ok when used with Oracle supplied jdbc-drivers?
    "Stephen Felts" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Support for addBatch and executeBatch in the WLS Jdriver for Oracle was
    added in 7.0SP2.
    It was not available in 6.X or 7.0 or 7.0SP1.
    "Janne" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:3edb0cdc$[email protected]..
    The document http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs70/oracle/advanced.html#1158797
    that "Using Batch updates with the callableStatement or preparedStatementis
    not supported". What does that actually mean? We have used both callableand prepared
    statements with the batch update in our current project (with the Oracle817 db).
    It seems to run ok anyway.

  • Short dump with a select statement

    I have the following select statement (I have also inluded my data statement(s)) and I get a short dump.  The error is as follows:
    <b>What happened?                                                                 
        Error in ABAP application program.                                                                               
    The current ABAP program "ZPARTNER" had to be terminated because one of the
        statements could not be executed.                                                                               
    This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.                                                                               
    Following a SELECT statement, the data read could not be placed in AN      
        the output area.                                                           
        A conversion may have been intended that is not supported by the           
        system, or the output area may be too small.                                                                               
    Error analysis                                                                 
        An exception occurred. This exception will be dealt with in more detail    
        below. The exception, assigned to the class 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB', was not   
         caught, which                                                             
         led to a runtime error. The reason for this exception is:                 
        The data read during a SELECT access could not be inserted into the        
        target field.                                                              
        Either conversion is not supported for the target field's type or the      
        target field is too short to accept the value or the data are not in a     
        form that the target field can accept          </b>                            
    it_adrc TYPE TABLE OF adrc,
          wa_adrc LIKE LINE OF it_adrc,
    SELECT addrnumber name1 street city1 region post_code1 tel_number
      FROM adrc INTO TABLE it_adrc
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_detail
      WHERE addrnumber = it_detail-adrnr.

    If you only need the fields mentioned in the select query, then follow this:
         NAME1        LIKE ADRC-NAME1,
         STREET        LIKE ADRC-STREET,
         CITY        LIKE ADRC-CITY,
         REGION        LIKE ADRC-REGION,
           END OF ADRC_TYPE,
    SELECT addrnumber name1 street city1 region post_code1 tel_number
      FROM adrc INTO TABLE it_adrc
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_detail
      WHERE addrnumber = it_detail-adrnr.

  • CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS error with dynamic SELECT statement

    Hello Gurus,
    We have a dynamic SELECT statement in our BW Update Rules where the the Selection Fields are populated at run-time and so are the look-up target and also the WHERE clause. The code basically looks like below:
              SELECT (lt_select_flds)
                FROM (lf_tab_name)
                INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <lt_data_tab>
                FOR ALL ENTRIES IN <lt_source_data>
                WHERE (lf_where).
    In this instance, we are selecting 5 fields from Customer Master Data and the WHERE condition for this instance of the run is as below:
    WHERE: DIVISION = <lt_source_data>-DIVISION AND DISTR_CHAN = <lt_source_data>-DISTR_CHAN AND SALESORG = <lt_source_data>-SALESORG AND CUST_SALES = <lt_source_data>-SOLD_TO AND OBJVERS = 'A'
    This code was working fine till we were in BW 3.5 and is causing issues after we moved to BW 7.31 recently. Ever since, when we execute our data load, we get the CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS. THE ERROR TEXT SAYS 'Unable to interpret '<LT_SOURCE_data>-DOC_NUMBER'.
    Can you pleasesuggest what can we do to this code to get is working correctly ? What has changed in ABAP Objects that has been introduced from BI 7.0 that could be causing this issue?
    Would appreciate any help we can get here.

    Please try this.
    data: lv_where type string.
    concatenate 'vbeln' 'in' 'r_vbeln' into lv_where separated by space.
    select *from table into itab where (lv_where).
    Also please check this sample code.
    WRITE 'hello'.
    Ferry Lianto

  • Put prepended "WITH" into Select statement possible?

    Assume I have a SQL statement like:
    with t1 as (select ......),
    t2 as (select ......)
    Select .... From t1, t2 Where ....;
    Can I merge somehow the prepended "with" term into the actual select statement?
    As far as I remember there is an equivalent statement syntax like:
    Select .... from t1 as (select ....), t2 as (select ....) where ....;
    but this does not work.

    It will be like
    Select ....
    From ( select .. From ...) t1
    ,( select .. From ...) t2
    WHERE ...

  • Help needed with a SELECT statement. How can I make it run faster?

    not sure if my brain is just too tired but I can't seem to crack this problem today.
    Here is my scenario.
    I have 2 tables
    TABLE1 (searchId INTEGER, routeId INTEGER);
    TABLE2 (routeId INTEGER, cityId INTEGER);
    There are indexes on all 4 columns.
    (routeId on TABLE1 is a primary key).
    In the data I am using, a given search has more than 500 routes, each route has between 10 and 300 cities among more than 4000 possible different cities.
    Now, what I want to create is the list of route couple, within a certain search, that do not have a single city in common.
    That list should populate a table with the following structure
    TABLE3 (searchId INTEGER, routeId1 INTEGER, routeId2 INTEGER)
    Here is the fastest select statement I have found so far.
    SELECT :searchId, t1.routeId, t2.routeId FROM table1 t1, table1 t2
    WHERE t1.searchId=:searchId AND t2.searchId=:searchId
    AND t1.routeId>t2.routeId
    SELECT cityId FROM table2
    WHERE routeId=t1.routeId
    SELECT cityId FROM table2
    WHERE routeId=t2.routeId);
    But it still seem really slow to me.
    Any suggestion for an improved version is welcome.
    Title was edited by:

    I originaly posted this thread because I tought I was missing something "obvious" that would perform better that would make my SELECT statement perform better.
    So I did not want to go as deep as using TKPROOF yet.
    Here is the statistics I gets on my statement.
      1   SELECT t1.searchId,t1.routeId, t2.routeId id2
      2      FROM table1 t1, table1 t2
      3     WHERE t1.searchid=t2.searchid
      4      AND t1.searchId=91
      5      AND t1.routeId>t2.routeId
      6      AND NOT EXISTS (
      7             SELECT cityId FROM table2
      8              WHERE routeId=t1.routeId
      9             INTERSECT
    10             SELECT cityId FROM table2
    11*            WHERE routeId=t2.routeId)
    SQL> /
    43302 rows.
    Tidsåtgång: 00:01:55.02
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=9 Card=1 Bytes=14)         
       1    0   FILTER                                                             
       2    1     TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'table1' (TABLE) (Cost=1 Card=1 Bytes=7)                                                
       3    2       NESTED LOOPS (Cost=3 Card=1 Bytes=14)                          
       4    3         TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'table1' (TABLE) (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=7)
       5    4           INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'table1_IDX1' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=1)                                                    
       6    3         INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'table1_IDX1' (INDEX) (Cost=0 Card=1)                                                      
       7    1     INTERSECTION                                                     
       8    7       SORT (UNIQUE) (Cost=3 Card=108 Bytes=864)                      
       9    8         TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'table2' (TABLE) (Cost=2 Card=108 Bytes=864)                                 
      10    9           INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'table2_IDX1' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=108)                                               
      11    7       SORT (UNIQUE) (Cost=3 Card=108 Bytes=864)                      
      12   11         TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'table2' (TABLE) (Cost=2 Card=108 Bytes=864)                                 
      13   12           INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'table2_IDX1' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=108)                                               
              1  recursive calls                                                   
              0  db block gets                                                     
        2872765  consistent gets                                                   
              0  physical reads                                                    
            812  redo size                                                         
         964172  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client                                  
          32245  bytes received via SQL*Net from client                            
           2888  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client                                 
         860256  sorts (memory)                                                    
              0  sorts (disk)                                                      
          43302  rows processed  Looks like a big number of consistent gets! Any idea how to improve on that?

  • Need to write with single select statement

    X    10000    M
    X    9000    F
    Y    8000    M
    Y    7000    M
    Z    6000    F
    Z    5000    F
    A    4000    M
    A    4000    F
    1) How to write a query that displays the name that exist in both male and female gender. using single select statement
    I tried this one
    It worked fine
    But when i converted to single select statement it didn't work . You can find the query below. can i rewrite in any possible ways(using single select statement).
    Select name from table_name where gender='M' and gender='F'
    thanks in advance

    If a Name does not exist with same gender
    Name     Gender
    X              M
    X              M    
    if above sceniorio not exist in ur data than following query will work
    select name from table_name
    group by name
    having count(name) > 1

  • Need image to update with JComboBox selection

    hello, i have code here that loads an image from a JFileChooser dialog when "Add Image" is clicked, the images name and path is stored in a JComboBox, and the image name is displayed. As more images are added to the JComboBox, I would like to be able to have the picture displayed in concurrence with whatever image is selected from the comboBox. For instance, if Jessica.jpg is selected in the JComboBox, i need Jessica.jpg to be loaded into imagePanel. Here is the code. The problem lies within the JComboBox's "itemStateChanged" I believe... This is what must be used (i think) to update the pictures in the imagePanel when the combobox is manipulated....
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class MyDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener, WindowListener, ItemListener
         ReminderClass dataRec;
         ReminderClass originalDataRec;
         Image im;
         MediaTracker mt;
         Toolkit tk;
         JFileChooser imageDialog;
         File f;
         String[] comboBoxList;
         String fileName;
         String filePathName;
         DataManager dataManager;
         JPanel mainPanel1;
         JPanel mainPanel2;
         JPanel mainPanel3;
         JPanel buttonPanel;
         JPanel radioPanel;
         MyImageJPanel imagePanel;
         JScrollPane scrollPane1;
         JScrollPane scrollPane2;
         JRadioButton pendingButton;
         JRadioButton documentationButton;
         JRadioButton completedButton;
         JRadioButton failedButton;
         JRadioButton cancelledButton;
         ButtonGroup radioGroup;
         JComboBox imageComboBox;
         JComboBox category;
         JTextArea description;
         JTextArea message;
         JLabel descriptionLabel;
         JLabel messageLabel;
         JLabel fileNameLabel;
         JLabel categoryLabel;
         JLabel selectedFile;
         GregorianCalendar dueDateTime;
         GregorianCalendar reminderInterval;
         GregorianCalendar terminatedDateTime;
         JButton saveCont;
         JButton cancel;
         JButton addImage;
         JButton saveExit;
         JLabel dueDate;
         JLabel intervalDate;
         JLabel terminatedDate;
         JTextField dueDateField;
         JTextField intervalDateField;
         JTextField terminatedDateField;
         int choice;
         int newIndex;
         public MyDialog(DataManager aDataManager)
         {//add new Reminder to list d-box
              Container cp;
              dataManager = aDataManager;
              dataRec = new ReminderClass();
              imageComboBox = new JComboBox();
              imagePanel = new MyImageJPanel();
              imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));
              mainPanel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              mainPanel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              mainPanel3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7,2));
              radioPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,1));
              buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
              saveCont = new JButton ("Save & Continue");
              saveExit = new JButton ("Save & Exit");
              addImage = new JButton ("Add Image(s)");
              cancel = new JButton ("Cancel");
              description = new JTextArea("         ");
              scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(description);
              message = new JTextArea("          ");
              scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
              comboBoxList = CategoryConversion.categories;
              category = new JComboBox(comboBoxList);
              scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
              descriptionLabel = new JLabel("Description: ");
              messageLabel = new JLabel("Message: ");
              selectedFile = new JLabel("Selected File(s): ");
              fileNameLabel = new JLabel();
              categoryLabel = new JLabel("Category: ");
              dueDate = new JLabel("Due date: ");
              intervalDate = new JLabel ("Interval date: ");
              terminatedDate = new JLabel ("Terminated date: ");
              dueDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              intervalDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              terminatedDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              pendingButton = new JRadioButton("Pending?");
              documentationButton = new JRadioButton("Documentation?");
              completedButton = new JRadioButton("Completed?");
              failedButton = new JRadioButton("Failed?");
              cancelledButton = new JRadioButton("Cancelled?");
              radioGroup = new ButtonGroup();
              mainPanel1.add(mainPanel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainPanel2.add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainPanel2.add(mainPanel3, BorderLayout.WEST);
              mainPanel1.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainPanel2.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              description.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DESCRIPTION_FIELD));
              message.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.MESSAGE_FIELD));
              //dueDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
              //intervalDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD));
              //terminatedDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
              cp = getContentPane();
              originalDataRec = (ReminderClass)dataRec.clone();
         public MyDialog(int index, DataManager aDataManager, ReminderClass newDataRec)
         {//edit an existing reminder dialog
              Container cp;
              dataManager = aDataManager;
              index = newIndex;
              dataRec = newDataRec;
              imageComboBox = new JComboBox();
              imagePanel = new MyImageJPanel();
              imagePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));
              mainPanel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              mainPanel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              mainPanel3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7,2));
              radioPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,1));
              buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
              saveCont = new JButton ("Save & Continue");
              saveExit = new JButton ("Save & Exit");
              addImage = new JButton ("Add Image(s)");
              cancel = new JButton ("Cancel");
              description = new JTextArea("         ");
              scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(description);
              message = new JTextArea("          ");
              scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
              comboBoxList = CategoryConversion.categories;
              category = new JComboBox(comboBoxList);
              scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(message);
              descriptionLabel = new JLabel("Description: ");
              messageLabel = new JLabel("Message: ");
              selectedFile = new JLabel("Selected File(s): ");
              fileNameLabel = new JLabel();
              categoryLabel = new JLabel("Category: ");
              dueDate = new JLabel("Due date: ");
              intervalDate = new JLabel ("Interval date: ");
              terminatedDate = new JLabel ("Terminated date: ");
              dueDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              intervalDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              terminatedDateField = new JTextField("   ");
              pendingButton = new JRadioButton("Pending?");
              documentationButton = new JRadioButton("Documentation?");
              completedButton = new JRadioButton("Completed?");
              failedButton = new JRadioButton("Failed?");
              cancelledButton = new JRadioButton("Cancelled?");
              radioGroup = new ButtonGroup();
              mainPanel1.add(mainPanel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainPanel2.add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainPanel2.add(mainPanel3, BorderLayout.WEST);
              mainPanel1.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainPanel2.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              description.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DESCRIPTION_FIELD));
              message.setInputVerifier(new MyTextAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.MESSAGE_FIELD));
              //dueDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
              //intervalDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD));
              //terminatedDateField.setInputVerifier(new MyDateAreaVerifier(dataRec, ReminderClass.TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD));
              cp = getContentPane();
              originalDataRec = (ReminderClass)dataRec.clone();
         void setupMainFrameAdd()
              tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
              Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
              setSize(d.width/3, d.height/4);
              setLocation(d.width/3, d.height/3);
              setTitle("Reminder Add New");
         }//end of setupMainFrame
         void setupMainFrameEdit()
              tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
              Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
              setSize(d.width/3, d.height/4);
              setLocation(d.width/3, d.height/3);
              setTitle("Edit Existing Reminder");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              JOptionPane optionPane;
              String temp = new String();
              if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCEL"))
                   if(dataRec.compareTo(originalDataRec) != 0)
                        choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Are you sure you wish to exit without first saving data?","Are you sure you wish to\n" + "exit without first saving data?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                        if(choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                             for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCEL2"))
                   if (dataRec.compareTo(originalDataRec) != 0)
                        choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Are you sure you wish to\n" + "exit without first saving data?");
                        if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("ADDIMAGE"))
                   filePathName = new String();
                   fileName = new String();
                   imageDialog = new JFileChooser();
                   f = imageDialog.getSelectedFile();
                   tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                   fileName = f.getName();
                   filePathName = f.getPath();
                   im = tk.getImage(filePathName);
                        mt = new MediaTracker(this);
                        mt.addImage(im, 432);
                   catch(InterruptedException ie)
                   imagePanel.refreshImage(im , 50, 50);
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVECONT"))
                   for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
                   temp = dueDateField.getText();
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVECONT2"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVEEXIT"))
                   for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
                   //save new data to list, and exit back to main prog.
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SAVEEXIT2"))
                   for (int n = 0; n<imageComboBox.getItemCount(); n++)
                   dataManager.replace(newIndex, (ReminderClass)(dataRec.clone()));
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("PENDING"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("DOCUMENTATION"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("COMPLETED"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("FAILED"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("CANCELLED"))
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
               JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
               int categorySelection;
               if(cb == category)
                 categorySelection = cb.getSelectedIndex();
               if (cb == imageComboBox)
                       tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                        fileName = dataRec.getImageFileName();
                        filePathName = f.getPath();
                        im = tk.getImage(filePathName);
                             mt = new MediaTracker(this);
                             mt.addImage(im, 432);
                             imagePanel.refreshImage(im , 50, 50);
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
         public void fillInData(ReminderClass d)
         public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
              //no action to take
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
              JOptionPane j = new JOptionPane("Are you sure you wish to exit \n" + "without saving data first?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);;
         public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
    //          no action to take
         public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
    //          no action to take
         public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
    //          no action to take
         public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
    //          no action to take
         public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
    //          no action to take
    }Here is the main "ReminderClass" with all methods and accessors/mutators....
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    //search for Java Thumb Wheel under Google.
    public class ReminderClass extends Object implements Cloneable, Comparable
          private int category;
          private String description;
          private String message;
          private GregorianCalendar dueDateTime;
         private GregorianCalendar reminderInterval;
          private GregorianCalendar terminatedDateTime;
          private int displayStyle;
          private int compareKey;
          private String status;
          String[] imagePathArray;
          String[] imageArray;
          String imageFileName;
          int numImages;
          public final static int CATEGORY_FIELD = 1;
          public final static int DESCRIPTION_FIELD = 2;
          public final static int MESSAGE_FIELD = 3;
          public final static int DUE_DATE_TIME_FIELD = 4;
          public final static int REMINDER_INTERVAL_FIELD =5;
          public final static int TERMINATED_DATE_TIME_FIELD = 6;
          public final static int DISPLAY_STYLE_FIELD = 7;
          public final static int COMPARE_KEY_FIELD = 8;
          public final static int STATUS_FIELD = 9;
          static boolean showDescription = false;
          static boolean showDate = false;
          static boolean showCategory = false;
          static boolean showMessage = false;
          static boolean showDueDateTime = false;
          static boolean showReminderInterval = false;
          static boolean showTerminatedDateTime = false;
          static boolean showImageName = false;
          static boolean showStatus = false;
          //******************REMINDER CLASS DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR***************
               numImages = 0;
               imageArray = new String[20];
               imagePathArray = new String[20];
               imageFileName = "";
               category = -1;
               description = "";
               message = "";
               dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
               reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar();
               terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
               displayStyle = -1;
               compareKey = -1;
         //     *****************REMINDER CLASS INITIALIZER CONSTRUCTOR*************
          ReminderClass(int initCategory, String initDescription, GregorianCalendar initDueDateTime, String[] initImagePathArray, String[] initImageArray, String initImageFileName,
                    GregorianCalendar initReminderInterval, GregorianCalendar initTerminatedDateTime, String initMessage, String initStatus,
                     int initCompareKey, int initDisplayStyle)
               imagePathArray = new String[20];
               imageArray = new String[20];
               for (int n = 0; n<initImageArray.length; n++)
                    imageArray[n] = initImageArray[n];
               for (int n = 0; n<initImagePathArray.length; n++)
                    imagePathArray[n] = initImagePathArray[n];
                    imageFileName = initImageFileName;
                     category = initCategory;
                     description = initDescription;
                     dueDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)initDueDateTime.clone();
                     reminderInterval = (GregorianCalendar)initReminderInterval.clone();
                     terminatedDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)initTerminatedDateTime.clone();
                     message = initMessage;
                     status = initStatus;
                     compareKey = initCompareKey;
                     displayStyle = initDisplayStyle;
               //*********************LOAD DATA FROM FILE WITH CONSTRUCTOR*****************************
            public ReminderClass(DataInputStream dataInStream) throws IOException
                           imageFileName = dataInStream.readUTF();
                       category = dataInStream.readInt();
                       description = dataInStream.readUTF();
                       message = dataInStream.readUTF();
                       dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt());
                       reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt()); 
                       terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt(), dataInStream.readInt());
                       displayStyle = dataInStream.readInt();
                       compareKey = dataInStream.readInt();
                       status = dataInStream.readUTF();
             //********************SAVE DATA TO FILE***************************
             public void write(DataOutputStream dataOutStream) throws IOException
             public void clearFields()
                   numImages = 0;
                   imageFileName = "";
                   category = -1;
                    description = "";
                    message = "";
                    dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
                    reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar();
                    terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar();
                    displayStyle = -1;
                    status = "";
                    compareKey = -1;
               //************* OVERRIDE clone METHOD***********************
               public Object clone() 
                         ReminderClass c = new ReminderClass();
                              c = ((ReminderClass)super.clone());
                              c.imageFileName = (String)imageFileName;
                              c.category = (int)category;
                              c.description = (String)description;
                              c.message = (String)message;
                              c.status = (String)status;
                              c.compareKey = (int)compareKey;
                              c.displayStyle = (int)displayStyle;
                              c.dueDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)(dueDateTime.clone());
                              c.reminderInterval = (GregorianCalendar)(reminderInterval.clone());
                              c.terminatedDateTime = (GregorianCalendar)(terminatedDateTime.clone());
                         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                              System.out.println("Fatal Error: " + e.getMessage());
                         return c;
          //**************** OVERRIDE toString METHOD*************************
          public String toString()
               String s = new String();
               s =  description;
              if (showCategory)
                    s = s + "," + CategoryConversion.categories[category];
              if (showImageName)
                   s = s + "," + "'" + imageFileName + "'";
              if (showMessage)
                    s = s + "," + message;
              if (showStatus)
                   s = s + "," + status;
              if (showDueDateTime)
                    s = s + ", " + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                    s = s + "  " + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                    s = s + ":" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                    s = s + ":" + dueDateTime.get(Calendar.SECOND);
              if (showReminderInterval)
                    s = s + ", " + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                    s = s + "  " + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                    s = s + ":" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                    s = s + ":" + reminderInterval.get(Calendar.SECOND);
              if (showTerminatedDateTime)
                    s = s + ", " + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                    s = s + "/" +terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                    s = s + "  " + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                    s = s + ":" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                    s = s + ":" + terminatedDateTime.get(Calendar.SECOND);
               return s;
          //******************COMPARE TO OBJECT*********************************
          public int compareTo(Object r)
               ReminderClass x;
               x = (ReminderClass)r;
               if (
                   (x.getCategory() == this.category)
               && (x.getDescription().equals(this.description))
               && (x.getMessage().equals(this.message))
               && (x.getImageFileName().equals(this.imageFileName))
               && (x.getDueDateTime().equals(this.dueDateTime))
               && (x.getReminderInterval().equals(this.reminderInterval))
               && (x.getTerminatedDateTime().equals(this.terminatedDateTime))
              return 0;
              return 1;
          public void setDisplayStyle(int newDisplayStyle)
               displayStyle = newDisplayStyle;
          public int getDisplayStyle()
               return displayStyle;
          public int getCompareKey()
               return compareKey;
          public void setCompareKey(int newCompareKey)
               compareKey = newCompareKey;
          public int getCategory()
               return category;
          public void setImageFileName(String newFileName)
               imageFileName = newFileName;
          public String getImageFileName()
               return imageFileName;
          public void setCategory(int newCategory)
               category = newCategory;
          public String getDescription()
               return description;
          public void setDescription(String newDescription)
               description = newDescription;
          public void setImageArray(String[] array)
               imageArray = new String[20];
               for (int n = 0; n<array.length; n++)
                    imageArray[n] = array[n];
          public void setImagePathArray(String[] array)
               imagePathArray = new String[20];
               for (int n = 0; n<array.length; n++)
                    imagePathArray[n] = array[n];
          public String getImagePathArray(int index)
               return imagePathArray[index];
          public void populateComboBox(JComboBox jcb)
               for (int n = 0; n<numImages; n++)
          public void addImageToArray(String s)
               imageArray[numImages] = s;
          public String getMessage()
               return message;
          public void setMessage(String newMessage)
               message = newMessage;     
          public GregorianCalendar getDueDateTime()
               return dueDateTime;
          public void setDueDateTime(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
                    int newSecs)
              dueDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);           
          public GregorianCalendar getReminderInterval()
               return reminderInterval;
          public void setReminderInterval(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
                   int newSecs)
               reminderInterval = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);
          public GregorianCalendar getTerminatedDateTime()
               return terminatedDateTime;
          public void setTerminatedDateTime(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay, int newHours, int newMins,
                   int newSecs)
              terminatedDateTime = new GregorianCalendar(newYear, newMonth, newDay, newHours, newMins, newSecs);      
          public String getStatus()
               return status;
          public void setStatus(String selection)
               status = selection;
          static public void setShowDate(boolean state)
               showDate = state;
          static public boolean getShowDate()
               return showDate;
          static public void setShowCategory(boolean state)
               showCategory = state;
          static public boolean getShowCategory()
               return showCategory;
          static public void setShowImageName(boolean state)
               showImageName = state;

    You don't really expect us to read through 300 lines of code do you?
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url http://homepage1.nifty.com/algafield/sscce.html]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url http://forum.java.sun.com/help.jspa?sec=formatting]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.
    In the meantime I suggest you read the Swing tutorial on [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/combobox.html]How to Use Combo Boxes for a working example that does exactly what you want.

  • IC won't update with simple ABAP statements

    I am trying to analyze an update rule. The standard rule has all the IF and ELSE statements, so I took them out. I then put only theses statement
          RETURNCODE = 0.
      ABORT = 0.
    For some reason the IC will not update. I check the PSA and RSA3, and there are values for this field DLV_QTY.
    What else should I do to check why the IC wouldn't update?

    in the request monitor, select a datapackage, right click on it and select simulate update. In the following popup you can select what to debug, UR or TR as well as the no. of records to be used for debugging.
    Just Try by Hard Coding in your Update Routine with BREAK-POINT.
    1. Find the Activated Program which you can in the Update rules -> Extras -> Activated Program will give you the activated program. Go to SE38 and display the program and place a soft break-point in the program from where you want to Debug.
    2. Go to the monitor, load the data using the psa. Once Loaded go into the details tab of the monitor (Right Hand Side) and right click on the Datapackage and click on Simulate update.
    3. In the new screen, click on the update rules and activate debugging in update rules and click on simulation which ill take u into the program press F8 until u get the Break-point which you would have placed.
    There are two methods of debugging update routines.
    1. Debugging with Soft break point
    2. Debugging with Hard break points
    1. If you are in production envirnoment and client is not modifiable, it is not possible to hard code 'Break-Point' statement in the update routine. So you need to load data in PSA and from monitor need to go to processing of data package and then you can select routine which is to be debugged from the debuge window 'overview' tab.
    2. Debugging with Hard break points is insertion of break-point statement in the code prior to the statement where debugging is to be started. Rest procedure remains same as explain above.
    It is important to remove break point statement once debugging is over . Else it will give short dumps while loading data in foreground.

  • Update using a select statement How to?

    I have a table of customer records that has a unique customer number.
    I have another table that has multiple entries for each customer record number reflecting updates over time.
    Each time a change is made a new record is inserted and a change date field is set to the current date.
    I want to get the oldest change date inserted into a field in the master Customer table.
    I have attempted a number of different queries. i was wondering if someone might be able to point to my failings.
    This query gets the value that i want.
    select BI_ACCT_CODE, min(bi_date_chng) from gen_bitaccttable group by BI_ACCT_CODE
    61638538     29/JUL/04
    61638547     29/MAY/04
    61638556     30/JUL/04
    61638565     29/OCT/11
    61638574     29/JUL/05
    61638583     29/JUL/89
    61638592     29/JUL/05
    61638609     29/JUL/06
    BI_ACCT_CODE is the customer number that exists in both tables.
    This is the current state of my query.
    update CDM_CUSTOMER
    set CUS_REGISTRATIONDATE =( select BI_ACCT_CODE ,min(bi_date_chng) from gen_bitaccttable
    group by BI_ACCT_CODE where gen_bitaccttable.BI_ACCT_CODE = CDM_CUSTOMER.CUS_SEQNO);
    This complains with the following error.
    Error starting at line 147 in command:
    update CDM_CUSTOMER set CUS_REGISTRATIONDATE =( select BI_ACCT_CODE, min(bi_date_chng) from gen_bitaccttable group by BI_ACCT_CODE where gen_bitaccttable.BI_ACCT_CODE = CDM_CUSTOMER.CUS_SEQNO)
    Error at Command Line:147 Column:118
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"

    Thanks for responding.
    I modified it to:
    update CDM_CUSTOMER set CUS_REGISTRATIONDATE =( select min(bi_date_chng) from gen_bitaccttable group by BI_ACCT_CODE where gen_bitaccttable.BI_ACCT_CODE = CDM_CUSTOMER.CUS_SEQNO)
    This still gives the error.
    Error starting at line 153 in command:
    update CDM_CUSTOMER set CUS_REGISTRATIONDATE =( select min(bi_date_chng) from gen_bitaccttable group by BI_ACCT_CODE where gen_bitaccttable.BI_ACCT_CODE = CDM_CUSTOMER.CUS_SEQNO)
    Error at Command Line:153 Column:118
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"

  • Problem with my select statement

    Dear buddies,
    Really seeking someone to guide me in this sql issue.
    Here is the scenario.
    - should check for the number of prospects(to be customers) downloaded from a file for every dealer based on the
    description about columns shown
    1st column, region
    2nd column, dealer code
    3rd column, number of prospect received
    4th column, the percentage of conversion
    5th column, i must order by the 4th column and select the top 20 percentage and take its average.
    sample data
    region dealer_code no. of no of % of % of Comparing with
    prospect prospect prospect Top 20 top 20 conversion
    received converted conversion Conversion
    A     dealer 1     150     50     33%     56%     Red
         dealer 2     100     40     40%     56%     Red
         dealer 3     120     60     50%     56%     Red
              130     70     54%     56%     Red
              200     20     10%     56%     Red
    B          140     60     43%     56%     Red
              110     60     55%     56%     Red
              100     60     60%     56%     Green
              130     69     53%     56%     Red
              140     75     54%     56%     Red
    D          110     40     36%     56%     Red
              100     30     30%     56%     Red
              140     74     53%     56%     Red
              100     70     70%     56%     Green
              110     65     59%     56%     Green
    E          130     85     65%     56%     Green
              150     65     43%     56%     Red
              150     70     47%     56%     Red
              160     95     59%     56%     Green
              170     100     59%     56%     Green
    F          200     150     75%     56%     Green
              100     65     65%     56%     Green
              120     40     33%     56%     Red
              140     80     57%     56%     Green
              150     85     57%     56%     Green
    Legend (for the sample data)
    when % of prospect conversion > % of top 20 conversion, then green
    when % of prospect conversion = % of top 20 conversion, then yellow
    when % of prospect conversion < % of top 20 conversion, then red
    i have a few more columns after this, but if i know how to fix these columns, i can manage them too.
    here is my sql
    select a.dealer_region,
             count(b.id) as  "No of Prospect Received",
             COUNT (case when b.id in (select d.id
                                                   from contact_details d
                                                   where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                   and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                                then b.id end) "No of Prospect Converted to Booking",
           (COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                                    from contact_details d
                                                    where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                    and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                                then b.id end)
                         / (count(b.id))*100 || '%')"%of Prospect Conversion" ,    
           ((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                                     from contact_details d
                                                     where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                     and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                                     and rownum <20)
                                then b.id end)
                                                       /20 )* 100 || '%')"% Top 20 Conversion",  
                                    /*(avg((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                                                                       from contact_details d
                                                                                       where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                                                       and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                                                                   then b.id end)
                                                                                    / (count(b.id))*100 || '%'))
            (case when((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='04'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <20)
                       then b.id end)
                                / 20 )* 100) > ((count(case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                                                                                                       from contact_details d
                                                                                                                       where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                                                                                      and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                                                                                                      and rownum <20)
                                                                                                   then b.id end)
                                                                                                                       / 20 )* 100)
                            then 'Green'     
              when((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                                                from contact_details d
                                                                where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                                and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                                                and rownum <20)
                                           then b.id end)
                                                     / 20 )* 100) = ((count(case when b.id in (select d.id
                                                                                                                                         from contact_details d
                                                                                                                               where d.contact_result ='04'
                                                                                                                      and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                                                                                                                             and rownum <5)
                                                                                                                  then b.id end)
                                                                                                                           / 20 )* 100)
           then 'Yellow'
            end) "Comparison with Top 20 Convers",
    /* i can handle this part if the sql given above  is solved */
            COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                        then b.id end) "#of Lead ConvertedC",
           (COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                       then b.id end)
               / (count(b.id))*100 || '%')"%of Lead ConversionC",
           ((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <21)
                       then b.id end)
               / 20 )* 100 || '%')"% Top 20 ConversionC",
          /*  (avg((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='04'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code)
                       then b.id end)
               / (count(b.id))*100 || '%'))
            (case when((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <21)
                       then b.id end)
               / 20 )* 100) > ((count(case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <21)
                                               then b.id end)
                                               / 20 )* 100)
           then 'Green'    
           when((COUNT (case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <21)
                       then b.id end)
               / 20 )* 100) = ((count(case when  b.id in (select d.id
                                               from contact_details d
                                               where d.contact_result ='05'
                                               and d.dealer_code = c.dealer_code
                                               and rownum <21)
                                               then b.id end)
                                               / 20 )* 100)
           then 'Yellow'
            end) "Comparison with Top 20 ConverC"                                                                              
    from dealers a, prospect_list b, files c, marketing_details e, customer f
    where b.file_id = c.file_uid
    and c.dealer_code = a.dealer_code
    and b.id = e.id
    and e.id = f.id
    group by a.dealer_region, a.dealer_code; hope someone can help me out.
    i actually can change the count(d.dealer_code) to 20 and solve the problem but what if they are less than 20 dealers in the table?
    because the table will be refreshed every morning with new data and the unnecessary one will be removed.
    it works fine now when i divide it by 20.
    pls advice
    Edited by: user645399 on Jul 1, 2009 7:49 PM
    Edited by: user645399 on Jul 1, 2009 7:56 PM
    Edited by: user645399 on Jul 1, 2009 8:14 PM
    Edited by: user645399 on Jul 1, 2009 10:20 PM

    Hope this helps. First rank all the rows. Then find the average for the top3 using CASE statement
    LPALANI@l11gr2>select ename, sal, dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) dr,
      2  avg(sal) over() avg_sal_all
      3  from scott.emp;
    ENAME                   SAL               DR      AVG_SAL_ALL
    KING                  5,000                1            2,073
    FORD                  3,000                2            2,073
    SCOTT                 3,000                2            2,073
    JONES                 2,975                3            2,073
    BLAKE                 2,850                4            2,073
    CLARK                 2,450                5            2,073
    ALLEN                 1,600                6            2,073
    TURNER                1,500                7            2,073
    MILLER                1,300                8            2,073
    WARD                  1,250                9            2,073
    MARTIN                1,250                9            2,073
    ADAMS                 1,100               10            2,073
    JAMES                   950               11            2,073
    SMITH                   800               12            2,073
    14 rows selected.
    LPALANI@l11gr2>select ename, sal,
      2  avg(case when dr <=3 then sal end) over () avg_sal_top,
      3  count(case when dr <=3 then 1 end) over() cnt_of_top3_earners,
      4  avg_sal_all,
      5  dr
      6  from (select ename, sal, dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) dr, avg(sal) over() avg_sal_all from scott.emp);
    ENAME                   SAL      AVG_SAL_TOP CNT_OF_TOP3_EARNERS      AVG_SAL_ALL               DR
    KING                  5,000            3,494                   4            2,073                1
    FORD                  3,000            3,494                   4            2,073                2
    SCOTT                 3,000            3,494                   4            2,073                2
    JONES                 2,975            3,494                   4            2,073                3
    BLAKE                 2,850            3,494                   4            2,073                4
    CLARK                 2,450            3,494                   4            2,073                5
    ALLEN                 1,600            3,494                   4            2,073                6
    TURNER                1,500            3,494                   4            2,073                7
    MILLER                1,300            3,494                   4            2,073                8
    WARD                  1,250            3,494                   4            2,073                9
    MARTIN                1,250            3,494                   4            2,073                9
    ADAMS                 1,100            3,494                   4            2,073               10
    JAMES                   950            3,494                   4            2,073               11
    SMITH                   800            3,494                   4            2,073               12

  • Pl/sql function body returning SQL query - if with in select statement

    hello all,
    I have a condition where when summary field is checked alone we have show that column for the users in the report. Is IF statement possible for this case ? I have given the code below.. is it possible to write something like below or is there any other way to do it ?
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.CASENUMBER as CASENUMBER,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.OPENDATE as OPENDATE,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.ESTCOMPLETE as TARGETDATE,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.STATUS as STATUS,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.CASECODE as CASECODE,';
    v_sql := V_sql ||' TBLCASES.FAIR_HOTLINE as FAIRHotline,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.NYSIG as NYSIGCase,';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.REGION as Region,';
    v_sql := v_sql||' TBLCASES.SUMMARY as SUMMARY,';
    END IF ;
    v_sql := v_sql ||' TBLCASES.PROGAREA as PROGArea ';
    v_sql := v_sql ||' from TBLCASES where 1=1';

    Hi Lucy,
    You are adding and removing a column from a report so it may help to have the extra on the end of the query.
    Do you get an error? If so paste it in...
    BUT - this I would put a condition on the column where ':P44_INCLUDE_SUMMARY_FIELD is not null '
    Under he report's "Column Attributes" Select the column edit icon and it has a "Condition" breadcrumb.
    Select "Value of Item in Expression 1 is Not Null" and put P44_INCLUDE_SUMMARY_FIELD in Expression 1 text area.
    And I make it more readable like this when I do dynamic SQL:
    END IF ;
    TBLCASES.REGION as Region,
    'from TBLCASES where 1=1; ';
    Hope it helps,

  • Can I query with a select statement in the from statement

    I'm working with an application that creates a MASTERTABLE that keeps track of DATATABLEs as it creates them. These data tables are only allowed to be so big, so the data tables are time stamped. What I need to do is to be able to query the MASTERTABLE to find out what the latest datatable is and then query the specific datatable.
    I've tried
    select count(*) from (select max(timestamp) from mastertable)
    and it always comes back with a count of 1.
    Is this possible, or is there a better way?

    Well, I'm trying to understand... and if I understand, then you need something dynamic. I did create the following example, of course not exactly as yours (I don't have your data). Each employee has a table with his name, containing the sal history, and I want to query that table starting from actual sal :
    SCOTT@db102 SQL> select ename from emp where sal= 3000;
    SCOTT@db102 SQL> select * from scott;
    SAL_DATE         SAL
    01-JAN-85       2500
    01-JAN-95       2750
    01-JAN-05       3000
    SCOTT@db102 SQL> set serveroutput on
    SCOTT@db102 SQL> declare
      2     v_rc    sys_refcursor;
      3     tname   varchar2(30);
      4     v_date  date;
      5     v_sal   number;
      6  begin
      7     select max(ename) into tname
      8     from emp
      9     where sal = 3000;
    10     open v_rc for 'select * from '||tname;
    11     loop
    12             fetch v_rc into v_date,v_sal;
    13             exit when v_rc%notfound;
    14             dbms_output.put_line(v_date||' '||v_sal);
    15     end loop;
    16* end;
    SCOTT@db102 SQL> /
    01-JAN-85 2500
    01-JAN-95 2750
    01-JAN-05 3000
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@db102 SQL>                                                                          

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