Need OLE Execution

I would like to know if a VI "OLE Execution" was included in Labview versions 4 and below. If there was, what has it been replaced with?
I would be really grateful if someone could provide me with this small piece of information. Thank you very much.

Elle - 
Being able to access the vi palette from LabVIEW versions prior to 4 would be a near astronomical task.  What are you trying to do with this information?  If you are looking to upgrade from an older version of LabVIEW please reference my note below:  
LabVIEW 6.0 and later no longer contain the OLE VIs previously located in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\Network\ole.llb. Instead of OLE VIs, use the ActiveX Automation nodes located on the Functions»Communication»ActiveX palette.
National Instruments
Ben N.
Applications Engineering

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    Seems that you are working with microsoft files.
    Maybe you are using deprecated functions like WS_EXCEL

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    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

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    Hello razvan.ioachim,
    I think I might have more suggestions for you. Did you try to open the profiler from Start > Programs > ... etc? Did you try to redirect the profiler output to a file?
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    Best regards,
    =Nelu F. || National Instruments.

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    Do you mean that you want all 7 dates together on 1 row?
    Here's one way:
                              , 'DD-Mon-YYYY'
                    ) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY LEVEL)    AS txt
    FROM    dual
    This is an example of String Aggregation, that is, taking a column on multiple rows, and concatenating all the values (however many htere happen to be) into 1 big string column 1 row.
    Like everything else, exactly how to do it depends on your Oracle version.
    For more on String Aggregation, including differetn techniques for different versions, see
    Message was edited by: FrankKulash
    Sorry, I mis-read the question.

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    since MySQL is a completly different system, the functions to connect and access are also completely different.
    Oracle doesn't use fields, which are incrementet by "auto_increment". In a Oracle DB, you will instead use a Sequence and a Trigger for this:
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    -- Creating the Trigger, to use the Sequence:
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    select SEQ_KATALOG_KAID.nextval into :NEW."KAID" from dual;
    end if;
    end if;
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    Instead of using mysql_real_escape_string(), I think you have to test every single input, before using it as a value within your SQL statements.
    Greetings from Hamburg

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