What is a good e-reader and not to expense

If you are simply looking for an ereader for only reading purposes, I chose the Kindle with special offers. The special offers aren't extremely protruding and there are some offers that are amazing. The reason I first got the KwSO is that they had a offer for 20% off any big screen TV on amazon. So I bought it for $100 and saved $300 due to the offer. Since then I have gotten 3 $20 or $10 amazon GCs for 50% off, a few odds and ends (like a low end patio set for $200 off, a kindle cover for over 50% off etc)
Although I love my KwSO, I would tell you to spend the extra $100 ($200 total) and buy a Kindle Fire. You get the same eReader possibilities, but you also get a web browser, streaming capabilities and access to games which is all far worth the $100 to me. It will have decreased battery life though over the KwSO.

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    If you need the drive to be able to boot those Macs, you'll need FireWire connectivity. If you ned to use a system optical disk to upgrade or re-install the OS. or repair your hard drive, you must boot from the optical drive. If either computer's built-in optical drive has failed, or does not support reading DVDs, you'l need to boot from an external sooner or later.
    If all you need is a burner, then USB opticals are cheaper and should work fine.
    This firm tests all their stuff for Mac compatibility: =6866&Ntt=external+optical

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    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Good point Keith. 
    I have no experience of this model but this one from OWC (a company who get very good press on these boards) promises iDVD 5 and 6 support. It's somewhat cheaper than the Lacie in the Apple store but doesn't have Lightscribe.


    I have a Clip+ and a Fuze+, but both are old and the battery will not hold a charge for very long.  I've been considering the Clip Sport.  I love  the interface of my old Fuze+...the way all your music (internal and external drives) all show up on one list.  I also saw on that for the Clip Sport the higest SDHC card recommended for mp3 is 8GB.  I can live with that, I guess.  Does anyone find it inconvenient to go back and forth from the internal drive to the card when selecting music to play or for making a playlist? I'd really like to get a Clip Zip, but I found an grossly overpriced refurb on ebay. Does anyone know where I can find a reasonably priced Clip Zip?  I'll be looking forward to hearing from users RE recommendations for a new player.  Thanks in advance.

    "I'd really like to get a Clip Zip, but I found an grossly overpriced refurb on ebay." Refurb Clip Zip 4GB players are priced at $30 on Ebay. Yes, new ones are a bit expensive. At less than half the price of a new one though, imo the refurbs are worth the risk, especially if you buy two of them. As for the Clip Sport, it has a limit of 2,000 songs for each of the internal memory and the card memory. I use 256 kbps mp3 for my music. It took around 14GB for me to reach the 2,000 song limit, so I use a 16GB card in my Clip Sport. A 16GB card holds around 14.6GB or so of files. The Sport can't combine songs from internal and card memory into a single playlist. I also have Clip+ and Clip Zip players which I have put Rockbox on. Rockbox is a free alternative firmware (operating system) which is available for the Clip+, Clip Zip, Fuze, and Fuze+, but not the Clip Sport or Clip Jam. Rockbox enables many additional features, and has a huge song database. Some format 128GB micro SDXC card  as FAT 32, fill it with songs, and use it in a Rockboxed Clip+ or  Rockboxed Clip Zip. The Clip Sport is okay if you don't have a large number of songs you want on the player. Some might buy a 4GB one for example, and use the internal storage for classical music and podcasts, and have a 16GB or 32GB card in it for rock music. If you are okay with 2,000 or fewer songs on a player, then the Clip Sport would be good for you. Yes, you could put around another 1,000 songs in internal memory at 256 kbps if you get an 8GB Sport, but then you couldn't integrate those together in a playlist with songs on the card. Depending on the average length of your songs, you might need a 32GB card to reach the 2,000 song limit, especially if your songs are at 320kbps mp3. Also keep in mind that Sandisk players(except for those that support Rockbox and have Rockbox installed on them) have trouble with cards faster than class 4, so using a Sandisk class 4 micro SDHC card is advise for maximum compatability. Some 32GB cards by other makers might cause problems in Sandisk players even if they are class 4 or slower. 

  • Need recommendation for hardware and software

    Hi all,
    I am doing a project related to current control.
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    I want to use LabView to program, since it doesn't cost a lot of time. I saw there is LabView RT LabView FPGA, etc. I am confused whether all of these are just diffrent function for LabView or different software. Which one I should use?
    For hardware, I have no idea what is compactible with LabVeiw. What I should use?
    I am totally new to this. I'll appreciate a lot if anyone can give suggestions.

    I would recommend having a look at the C-Series Modules. You can then either use the USB Single Module Carrier, Wi-Fi Single Module Carrier, the CompactDAQ platform or the CompactRIO platform. Here is a page that gives a detailed explanation:
    C Series Hardware
    For your application, you will definitely need LabVIEW. If you decide to go with the cRIO platform, then you will need LabVIEW RT. If you have any questions after reading through, please ask.
    Adnan Zafar
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Coleman Technologies

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    Basic Backup
    Get an external drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Synk Pro
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore.  Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.
    Although you can buy a complete external drive system, you can also put one together if you are so inclined.  It's relatively easy and only requires a Phillips head screwdriver (typically.)  You can purchase hard drives separately.  This gives you an opportunity to shop for the best prices on a hard drive of your choice.  Reliable brands include Seagate, Hitachi, Western Digital, Toshiba, and Fujitsu.  You can find reviews and benchmarks on many drives at Storage Review.
    Enclosures for FireWire and USB are readily available.  You can find only FireWire enclosures, only USB enclosures, and enclosures that feature multiple ports.  I would stress getting enclosures that use the Oxford chipsets especially for Firewire drives (911, 921, 922, for example.)  You can find enclosures at places such as;
    Cool Drives
    Firewire Direct
    California Drives
    All you need do is remove a case cover, mount the hard drive in the enclosure and connect the cables, then re-attach the case cover.  Usually the only tool required is a small or medium Phillips screwdriver.

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    Thanks for the link but this did not meet our requirement and I hope that
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    Thanks again,

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    Video transfer services in this area are outrageously expensive.
    Doug Rheinheimer
    IMac 1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    While that's a great price, these are my trusted guys; along with B&H Photo in NYC.
    Bought my new camera from this week. Sweet digicam. Of course Dell Home has it cheaper today But I like those guys at Onecall.
    G4 DP 1.25 GHz 2GB RAM 4 Drives 770GB Mac OS X (10.4.6) 2 SuperDrives (SL 8X & DL 16X)

  • Need recommendation for bootable External HD for CCC

    Hi !  I recently came to the forums to get info on how to effectively back up my mid-2010 MBP 500 Gb because according to Disk Utility I need to reformat my HD  
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    Any suggestions for an External HD that I can use?  (also, I was thinking 1 TB was a decent size to get)?
    Thanks so much for your help ! 

    probably should be making a bootable clone of my HD
    Bootable clone is very important to have, and MUCH more useful than time machine in general.
    Forget about CCC,  Superduper does the same thing for FREE.  Download the APP SuperDuper (most use it).
    Some advantages of a cloned HD:
    In case of an internal HD crash and failure, there is absolutely nothing quicker to getting back to 100% operation than having a HD clone handy to either boot from, or within 20 mins. installing and removing the bad HD. Nothing to install software-wise, and a speedy immediate return to your computer use and productivity.
    If you do an option key startup at boot you can directly boot to your cloned drive externally and operate from same like normal.
    Sandboxing: With the help of the Cloned Drive, you can perform sandboxing, or the testing of new software, their updates and applications before they are installed on your Mac system. Moreover, if there are issues with the system, you can troubleshoot them by booting off the Clone. Many people test new APPS or experiment with a secondary clone and never worry about a failure or serious issue since the internal HD is untouched and the secondary clone can be wiped afterwards if any major issue occurs in testing. This is an invaluable tool in many instances.
    If you sell you computer for purchase of a new one, you can take the clone you have on hand and install same or clone it to the new internal drive of your new Mac.
    As it turns out one of the huge positive benefits of a clone is that people were seeing faster HD speeds; with APPS booting up from the clone than they had seen with the internal HD. The cloning applications in cloning the drive defragments the data to the clone and remove the “holes” in the cloning process.
    With a small portable HD clone you can take your ‘computer’ anywhere to most any other current Mac and boot from your HD clone and have your entire system and its data immediately there for use. In case one is across the world and their macbook gets stolen, or damaged, with another Mac you can be up and 100% in the time it takes to boot to the new or borrowed Mac!
    You can clone from your external clone to the internal HD/SSD in case of corruption.
    The best thing that can be said, ideally, when your HD crashes with all its data is “so what, I’ve got a clone right here” and you can return to normal operation within seconds (by booting from the clone) or minutes (by swapping drives).
    In separating out your system hub (OS) and your data hub, and storing them separately, is if you make only periodic clones (every month or so), and have a HD crash, the worst case outcome is that what is lost on your clone are some bookmarks and preferences since your data hub containing your vital files is constantly archived separately as it should be.
    Disadvantages of a cloned HD:
    A HD clone takes a rather long time to update since it checks all files for changes.
    Ideally you would erase and create a new clone of your updated system every 2 weeks or month, which would therefore leave a gap in data integrity and OS files and system changes.
    Autonomous constant data hub archiving fills this downside “gap” of HD clones, wherein which the worst that would be lost is a 2 week or one month window of application updates, or system changes irrelevant to your vital data.
    best options for the price, and high quality HD:
    Quality 1TB drives are $50 per TB on 3.5" or  $65 per TB on 2.5"
    Perfect 1TB for $68 1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379452568&sr=8-1&keywords=1tb+toshiba
    Nice 500gig for $50. ultraslim and perfect r_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1377642728&sr=1-1&keywords=toshiba+slim+500gb
    2.5" USB portable High quality BEST FOR THE COST, Toshiba "tiny giant" 2TB drive (have several of them, LOT of storage in a SMALL package)    $117 /ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1379182740&sr=1-4&keywords=2tb+toshiba
    *This one is the BEST portable  external HD available that money can buy:
    HGST Touro Mobile 1TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive  
    $88 _1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1383238934&sr=8-1&keywords=HGST+Touro+Mobile+Pro+1TB+USB+3.0+72 00+RPM
    Most storage experts agree on the Hitachi 2.5"
    macjack My Swamp 
    It's usually not the WD drive
    If you're handy you can "roll your own" with a bare drive and an enclosure
    Its never the WD mechanical HD itself.      None of those posts on "data corrupted .....Mavericks...HD RAID arrays"  has any issue with the mechanical HD from WD
    (that being said WD quality is the worst and I refuse to buy them).
    Ill let you know when I find a HD enclosure that is worth more than 50 cents  and/or is reliable.
    (actually this one IS reliable: -External-Enclosure-/321085534744?pt=US_Drive_Enclosures_Docks&hash=item4ac23072 18  )

  • Need recommendations for CHEAP VPS hosting which support ARchlinux?

    I want to get a VPS hosting for less than $5/mo which supports Archlinux.
    This VPS is purely  for my personal usage. So, no need for large memory and allowed transfer.
    Any recommendations?

    1) SecureDragon:
    I haven't tried them out yet.  Great prices and good reputation. Reviews: … re-dragon/ … ksonville/
    (Very quick response time. I consider them a hidden gem.)
    The problem with ArchLinux on IntoVPS is specific to ArchLinux and initscripts. You should still be able to send commands using:
    ssh me@server "mkdir something && mount it"
    A temporary solution:
    The permanent solution is:
    When you do "pacman -Syyu", you have to make sure to update the initscripts: "pacman -Syu initscripts". Sometimes, pacman saves them as .pacnew files.  The "/etc/rc.sysinit.pacnew" and "/etc/inittab.pacnew" contains the commands to setup the /dev/pts mount that will allow you back in with ssh.  Those should be safe to rename it as the original unless you customized them. Just keep a backup of the original, in case anything goes wrong.  (If you don't see "/etc/inittab.pacnew", then it was installed automatically.)
    Don't replace the "/etc/rc.conf". I know that one should *not* be replaced with the newer version.  It was custom built for your machine.  You should look at it and get familiar still look at it and compare it with the .pacnew version to see if you should include any new lines/commands.
    Then reboot the machine.
    More info. on .pacnew files: … ng_Started
    (I would also like to recommend IntoVPS.  They and Linode are my two favorite choices.  If you want lower prices, other budget VPS sometimes add ArchLinux to their offerings if you request it. )
    Last edited by da99 (2011-09-02 14:46:21)

  • Need Recommendation for External Mic for Skype for Macbook

    I just switched to the Macbook from a Dell Latitude D600.
    So far I love the Macbook but one minor problem I can't solve is that when I am on Skype calls, the person I am calling complains that there is now a strong echo.
    I don't use a headset, and prefer not to. The built in speakers and mic on the D600 work very well as a speakerphone.
    I'm guessing the problem on the Macbook is the placement of the speakers re the mic. Basically the speakers are firing backwards toward the microphone. On the Dell the speakers fire forward from below the palmrests and the mic is closer to the screen, so there's less feedback.
    So can anyone recommend a small microphone I can plug into the microphone port (or do I have to plug into USB since this port is line-level, I've heard?) so the mic is not picking up the sound from the speakers so directly?
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1st gen. iPod Mini 4Gb

    I had the same issue on my PowerBook G4 - the microphone line in is "line level" and most microphones put out "mic level". I purchased the Griffin "iMic" which is a mic level pre-amp through the USB port. This took care of the issue.
    My newer MacBook Pro doesn't seem to have this issue, the headset I plug directly into the mic jack works.
    I'm now having the issue of needing a speakerphone for Skype (which of course the mic/speakers in the laptop would work without the echo issue). Polycom makes a USB speakerphone for Skype, although comments on Amazon say it doesn't work well with OS X (gain issue on mic, humorously). I see some competing products - anyone have experience with Skype speakerphones and OS X?
    iMac G5 20 inch, MacBook Pro 15 inch   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Palm Treo 700P

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    This is really tough.
    The reason, all major Manufactures have good products.
    Lacie, Maxtor, I-Omega.
    I suggest you check each of there sites to meet your criteria.
    Good Luck...Don

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    I am doing a project related to current control.
    The purpose is to keep the current at constant. So I measure the current and get the value; and send a analog signal to tell our machine to discharge or to charge in order to keep the current at constant. I need to write the program to give analog signal to machine based on the current input.
    Also, the machine can communicate with user. User can monitor the machine operation statuse and current level, etc.
    I want to use LabView to program, since it doesn't cost a lot of time. I saw there is LabView RT LabView FPGA, etc. I am confused whether all of these are just diffrent function for LabView or different software. Which one I should use?
    For hardware, I have no idea what is compactible with LabVeiw. What I should use?
    I am totally new to this. I'll appreciate a lot if anyone can give suggestions.

    Depending on your budget, operating constraints, timeframe and the transducers you're using a wide variety of equipment might suit your needs. I'd suggest calling the sales department. From, follow the Contact NI link in the top right corner of the screen. From there you can find information about getting in contact with sales. They help spec out systems all the time.
    Verne D. // LabVIEW & SignalExpress Product Support Engineer // National Instruments

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    ATI Radeon HD 4870 (Despite what Apple says, it will work in any Mac Pro.)
    I'm assuming a change involves no more than extracting the old card, inserting a new one.
    and connect the two power cables (supplied with the card).
    And running an install for it. Right?
    No software install is needed. The drivers are in the current OSX.

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