Need something to replace Nero 7 Ultra

Pretty much straight forward. Nero 7 is starting to show it's age, and as much as I love the suite, it's time to move on to something that supports BluRays.
My Cyberlink disc that came with my LG BR drive is no longer working, so I'm looking for an all encompassing solution for playing BluRay/DVD, burning/copying DVD's, possibly ripping/re-encoding BluRay/DVD movies for backup.
What would you guys suggest? I checked into Nero 9/10 on the Egg site, and it has absoutely horrid reviews(And "egg"ers are pretty accurate most of the time).
My system can handle anything I throw at it, so I think it's time for a more powerful burning/media suite.
Open to ideas
If you like my post, or solution to your issue/question, go ahead and click on the little star by my name and/or accept the post as the Solution. It makes me happy.
I'm NOT an employee of Best Buy, or Geek Squad, though I did work as an Agent for a year 5 years ago. None of my posts are to be taken as the official stance that Best Buy will take on your situation. My advice is just that, advice.
Unfortunately, that's the bad luck of any electronic, there's going to be bad Apples... wait that's a horrible pun.

Or I could just acquire them some other way. LOL.
I just tried Cyberlink's newest vesion, I like it, but the video artifacted for a few seconds here and there, though, I was watching Avatar which is a brand new disc, so, who knows.
Also just did a trial of Nero 10. I'm not impressed, the "full" trial does not support BD.
If you like my post, or solution to your issue/question, go ahead and click on the little star by my name and/or accept the post as the Solution. It makes me happy.
I'm NOT an employee of Best Buy, or Geek Squad, though I did work as an Agent for a year 5 years ago. None of my posts are to be taken as the official stance that Best Buy will take on your situation. My advice is just that, advice.
Unfortunately, that's the bad luck of any electronic, there's going to be bad Apples... wait that's a horrible pun.

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    here's my 2 cents on this: there should be 2 sata ports on your logic boards. However, getting to them is a pain in the rear. If you want to try that way, by all means do so. However, you can get a Sata to Pata bridge board which attaches to the rear of the Sata drive and lets it be used without having to try to find the sata connectors.  That way you can use more modern drives.  I bought something from MCE and it worked just fine (it's a blu-ray, btw). Installation was a snap.  My original CD/DVD drive failed and I didn't want to mess around trying to find a replacement ATAPI (or PATA) drive. The only real caveats I have to tell you are: If you want to play and view Blu-Ray discs in your MacPro tower, you'll have to buy a 2nd party blu ray player. Same with burning Blu-ray discs. You'll have to buy some kind of upgrade to Toast if that's what you used to burn stuff before.  however, if all you want to do is burn standard CD's and DVD's then it'll work just fine. the pioneer may have issues with sleeping, but I can't confirm this for sure either way
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    Best Regards,

    Hi Harish,
                       I too could not find any replacement for SET_AUTHORITY
    Obsolete Modules can be used in newer versions, but it is not supported by SAP in case of any technical issues.If you still need a replacement, you can replace it by the source code in the FM SET_AUTHORITY itself and modify according to your needs.
    Below is the source code of FM SET_AUTHORITY, so you can modify it according to your requirement.
      DATA: l_actvt  TYPE tact-actvt,
            l_hier   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sethier WITH HEADER LINE.
      CASE action.
        WHEN 'A    '.
          l_actvt = activity-add.
        WHEN 'C    '.
          l_actvt = activity-modify.
        WHEN 'D    '.
          l_actvt = activity-display.
        WHEN 'E    '.
          l_actvt = activity-delete.
        WHEN 'UD   '.
          l_actvt = activity-display.
                no_descriptions  = 'X'
                no_rw_info       = 'X'
                setid            = set
                tabname          = table
                root_header_only = 'X'
                set_hierarchy    = l_hier
                OTHERS           = 0.
      READ TABLE l_hier INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CLEAR l_hier.
        l_hier-shortname = set.
                actvt  = l_actvt
                authgr = l_hier-authgr
                OTHERS = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CASE action.
          WHEN 'A    '.
            MESSAGE e827 WITH l_hier-shortname RAISING no_authority.
          WHEN 'C    '.
            MESSAGE e828 WITH l_hier-shortname RAISING no_authority.
          WHEN 'D    '.
            MESSAGE e829 WITH l_hier-shortname RAISING no_authority.
          WHEN 'E    '.
            MESSAGE e830 WITH l_hier-shortname RAISING no_authority.
          WHEN 'UD   '.
            MESSAGE e831 WITH l_hier-shortname RAISING no_authority.
    If you need help in replacing in the above source code, please post your code here so that I can help you in modifying accordingly.

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    To get fast wireless without buying more than one thing, consider this:
    It goes in an available PCI slot
    There are USB solutions also. However, all PowerMac G4 towers had only slower USB 1.1 ports, so any USB wireless adaptor can only run at about wireless 'B" speeds (slow) unless you also install a PCI USB 2.0 adaptor card. Doing that would allow a USB wireless adaptor to run at its maximum rated speed. These items working together would accomplish that:
    USB wireless "dongle:"
    Newer Technology MAXPower 802.11n/g/b USB Adapter + Plug and play direct or with extension cradle
    USB PCI adaptor: 000&N=7069&Ntt=USB+PCI
    Each approach has its advantages. The PCI wireless card is a one-piece solution that takes up no desk space. The USB2 card+USB2 Dongle gives you more fast ports for transferring date from other external USB devices (primarily cameras and external hard drives) at hugely faster rates than can the original ports. I have a USB 2 PCI card in my G4 tower strictly for transferring images from my digital SLR camera in a timely manner.

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    - A data recovery company
    How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
    Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official
    iPod recovery software to restore lost music files 
    -iPod touch Deleted Photo Recovery Tips You Should Know

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    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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    They will send you a refurbished one rest assured.  Here's how to beat them at their game.
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    Hi Janice,
    What version of Mac OS are you using?
    Adobe does not recommend migrating the software from one disk to the other.
    Please run the setup file for Acrobat and reinstall the software. You might want to delete the existing version of Acrobat installed before reinstalling it.

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    Well that's only a possibility, not likely. I'll stick with Mac as much as I can, which I imagine will mostly be ok. If I have to, I'll use their computers in class and do PC homework assignments from home on my more powerful iMac. The only thing I really thought about before buying it was its portability and the fact that I won't be using it for actual programming jobs after school. This is merely to get me through school.

  • Error: Ink Needs to be Replaced - HP Officejet 4635

    Hello! I've been having some issues with my HP Officejet 4635. I just enrolled with HP Instant Ink and recieved the two cartridges. The black cartridge is the only one working. The printer keeps saying that the color cartridge must be replaced. Before I enrolled with HP Instant Ink, I was using HP genuine cartridges and do use another older HP printer.I have tried *everything* in the help FAQs: wiping the electrical contacts as instructed, restarting the printer by unplugging the power cords, re-inserting the cartridge, etc. So please spare me those instructions again, ugh. I also checked for driver updates and such. I'm going to guess that the electrical contacts in the printer are damaged? The error says the cartridge needs to be replaced. Is there a way to hack or bypass this because the color catridge is brand new. Please help and thank you. 

    Thanks -  I chatted online with HP and that is exactly what they had me try but still had no luck so they seem to think it is a defective cartridge and are sending a new one.  I don't think that it is the cartridge but maybe in the compartment where the cartridge goes.  Unfortunately it is really hard to get your finger in there to clean.  I put in a new hp cartridge yesterday and for the time being it is working.  If it happens again I guess I will figure a better way to clean in the unit.

Maybe you are looking for