Need the screw model and number

I am needing to get replacement screws for the above referenced laptop.  My laptop is missing the two screws at the back of the laptop securing the base to the remainder of the device.  I have seen so many different "screw kits" but would like the precise part number from someone so i can ensure I order the proper product.  Thanks in advance for any help on this one.

Well, first of all if those screws have come loose there is a reason for it and it is likely to be the screen hinges. So just replacing the screws is not likely to do much and in fact the screwholes are very likely stripped. Having said that, this is the description of the case screws including the two you are asking about:
seven Phillips PM2.5×5.5 screws (2) in the that secure the base enclosure to the computer.
 Here is a bag of 50 for sale on
They mention a seller or manufacturer called which might be worth trying to find to see if you can buy a smaller portion of them. 

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    please have a look there:
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    <Edited by Host>

    Your friend will have to remember or find his account id and password, without them he won't be able to re-activate the iPad.
    Does he have any of the account's downloads in his computer's iTunes library : Recovering a forgotten iTunes Store account name.
    Or has he tried finding it via : Apple ID: How to find your Apple ID.
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    As you can see in this link the part is longer manufactured and it does not have a replacement.
    In terms of functionality, you can try using the component PLL_VIRTUAL in Multisim to replace it in a high level simulation or create a new component of a replacement that you have the SPICE model of.
    Let me know if you need any help.
    Mahmoud W
    National Instruments

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    As you can see in this link the part is longer manufactured and it does not have a replacement.
    In terms of functionality, you can try using the component PLL_VIRTUAL in Multisim to replace it in a high level simulation or create a new component of a replacement that you have the SPICE model of.
    Let me know if you need any help.
    Mahmoud W
    National Instruments

  • Could you check our source? (To determine the PR type and number range)

    We use SRM Server5.5 with Classic Scenario.
    We will use the BADI BBP_SC_TRANSFER_BE to determine the PR type and number range according to your recommend.
    We have two PR type in R/3.
    1) KGPR
    2) KTR1
    As you know that shopping cart has no type. So we add customer field to mapping to R/3 PR type and this field has two values.
    1)     PR01: mapping to KGPR
    2)     PR02: mapping to KTR1
    We will use the method GROUP_RQ to determine the PR type.
    If customer field is PR01, PR type is determined KGPR
    If customer field is PR002, PR type is determined KTR1.
    To determine the PR number range, we will use the method GET_NUMBER_OR_RANGE.
    If PR type is KGPR, Choose the No key 12
    If PR type is KTR1, Choose the No key 16.
    Configuration step:
    1.     Maintain the PR number range in SRM.
    No key: 12  (for KGPR) internal NR
    No range: 2520000000 – 2529000000
    No key: 16 (for KTR1) internal NR
    No range: 2560000000 – 2569000000
    2.     Maintain the PR number range in R/3
    No key: 12  (for KGPR) Ext NR
    No range: 2520000000 – 2529000000
    No key: 16 (for KTR1) Ext NR
    No range: 2560000000 – 2569000000
    3.     Assign the PR number range to PR type in R/3
    KGPR – 12 (EXT)
    KTR1 – 16 (EXT)
    4.     Maintain the attribute in SRM
    Document type in R/3
          Add KGPR and KTR1
    We developed this logic, but it’s not working.
    LOOP AT ct_proc_item INTO ls_proc_item “ Where is no date in ct_proc_item:
    We can not find out the reason.
    Could you check our source?
    METHOD if_ex_bbp_sc_transfer_be~group_rq.
           ls_proc_item           TYPE bbps_procurement,
           lv_number_int          TYPE bbp_item_no,
           ls_item                TYPE bbp_pds_transfer_item,
           lv_group_counter       TYPE numc5,
          lc_on(1)               VALUE 'X'.
      SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen.
      CLEAR: lv_group_counter.
    LOOP AT ct_proc_item INTO ls_proc_item  
    where obj_to_gen eq iv_object_to_generate.
    get item data which includes customer fields
        MOVE ls_proc_item-preq_item TO lv_number_int. " convert
        READ TABLE it_item INTO ls_item WITH KEY number_int = lv_number_int.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          IF ls_item-pr_type EQ 'PR01'.
            ls_proc_item-doc_type = 'KGRP'.
          ELSEIF ls_item-pr_type EQ 'PR02'.
            ls_proc_item-doc_type = 'KTR1'.
          ENDIF. " lv_cust_field
          lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
          ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
          MODIFY ct_proc_item FROM ls_proc_item
                 TRANSPORTING group_1.
        ENDIF.  " sy-subrc
      cv_method_active = lc_on.
      if is_item-pr_type = 'PR01'.
         CV_NUMBER_RANGE = '12'.
         CV_NUMBER = '2520000000'.
      elseif is_item-pr_type = 'PR02'.
         CV_NUMBER_RANGE = '16'.
         CV_NUMBER = '2560000000'.
      endif. " is_proc_item / is_item
    Thank you
    Best Regard

    Please find some suitable sample code, which might help you out.
    *   '1' Reservation
    *   '2' Purchase Requsition (BANF)
    *   '3' Purchase Order
    *   '4' Customer Object
    * 1. current item data are in structures
    *    - IS_ITEM shopping cart item data including Customer Fields
    *    - IS_PROC backend relevant item purchasing data
    * 2. accounting data in tables
    *    - IT_ACCOUNT all shopping cart account. data with Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ACCOUNT backend relevant accounting data for current item
    *  - key criteria between this tables are
    *    - it_proc_account-preq_item
    *                     -serial_no (numc 2)
    *    - guid from is_item
    *    - it_account-p_guid
    *                -accno(numc 4)
    * A) example to use current item data + item customer fields
    *  if is_proc_item-DOC_TYPE = 'ABCD' AND
    *     is_item-<field of CI_BBP_ITEM> = .
    * set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *  endif. " is_proc_item / is_item
    * B) example to use only proc_account no accounting customer fields
    *     ls_proc_account   type bbp_bapipogna.
    *  loop at it_proc_account
    *            into ls_proc_account.
    *    if ls_proc_account-BUS_AREA = '9988'.
    ** set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *     endif. " ls_proc_account
    *  endloop.
    * C) example to use only accounting customer fields, no other accounting
    *     ls_account        type bbp_pds_acc.
    *  loop at it_account
    *            into ls_account
    *            where p_guid = is_item-guid.
    *    if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    ** set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *   endif. " ls_account
    *  endloop.
    * D) example to use proc_account + customer fields for accounting
    *     lv_serial_no      type bbp_bapipogna-serial_no,  " sequence num 2
    *     lv_acc_no         type bbp_pds_acc-acc_no,       " sequence num 4
    *     ls_proc_account   type bbp_bapipogna,
    *     ls_account        type bbp_pds_acc.
    *  loop at it_proc_account
    *            into ls_proc_account.
    *    move ls_proc_account-serial_no to lv_acc_no.
    *    read table it_account
    *         into ls_account
    *         with key p_guid = is_item-guid
    *                  acc_no = lv_acc_no.
    *    if sy-subrc = 0.
    **     if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    ** set own number range
    **  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    **  CV_NUMBER = .
    **      endif. " ls_account
    *    endif. " sy-subrc
    *  endloop.
    * 1. current item data are in structures
    *    - IT_ITEM all shopping cart item data including Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ITEM backend relevant item data of current log.system
    *    key criteria between this tables are:
    *    - IT_ITEM-NUMBER_INT (numc 10)
    *    - IT_PROC_ITEM       (numc  5)
    * 2. accounting data in tables
    *    - IT_ACCOUNT all shopping cart account. data incl. Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ACCOUNT backend relevant accounting data for current item
    *  - key criteria between this tables are
    *    - it_proc_account-preq_item (numc 5)
    *                     -serial_no (numc 2)
    *    - is_item-guid
    *             -number_int (numc 10)
    *    - it_account-p_guid
    *                -accno(numc 4)
          lc_on(1)               VALUE 'X'.
    * A) example to use only proc_item with NO customer fields
    *         group requisitions by backend document type
    *data: lv_doc_type            TYPE esart,
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lv_group_counter       type numc5.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_doc_type.
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen doc_type.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** new group criteria?
    *      if lv_doc_type ne ls_proc_item-doc_type.     " backend doc.type
    *        lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *        lv_doc_type      = ls_proc_item-doc_type.       " save criteria
    *      endif.
    *      ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *      modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *             transporting group_1.
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * B) example to use item customer fields
    * data:
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lv_cust_field          type <field of ci_bbp_item>.
    *      lv_number_int          type BBP_ITEM_NO,
    *      ls_item                type BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ITEM.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_cust_field .
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** get item data which includes customer fields
    *      move ls_proc_item-preq_item to lv_number_int. " convert
    *      read table it_item
    *           into ls_item
    *           with key number_int = lv_number_int.
    *      if sy-subrc = 0.
    **       new group criteria?
    *        if lv_cust_field ne 'XYZ'.
    *         lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *         lv_cust_field = ls_item-<field of ci_bbp_item>."save criteria
    *        endif. " lv_cust_field
    *        ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *        modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *               transporting group_1.
    *      endif.  " sy-subrc
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * C) example to use accounting data with customer fields
    *            group requisitions by backend document type
    *data: lv_doc_type            TYPE esart,
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lt_account             type BBPT_PD_ACC,
    *      ls_account             type bbp_pds_acc,
    *      ls_item                type BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ITEM,
    *      lv_number_int          type BBP_ITEM_NO,
    *      lv_account_flag        type c,
    *      lv_group_counter       type numc5.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_doc_type.
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen doc_type.
    *    lt_account[] = it_account[].
    *    SORT lt_account BY p_guid acc_no.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** get accounting customer fields for this item
    *    clear lv_account_flag.
    ** ..first get item guid
    *    move ls_proc_item-preq_item to lv_number_int.
    *    read table it_item
    *         into ls_item
    *         with key number_int = lv_number_int.
    *    if sy-subrc = 0.
    *      loop at lt_account
    *           into ls_account
    *           where p_guid = ls_item-guid.
    *        if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    *           lv_account_flag = lc_on.
    *        endif.
    *      endloop.
    *    endif. " sy-subrc it_item
    ** new group criteria?
    *      if lv_doc_type ne ls_proc_item-doc_type OR     " backend doc.type
    *         lv_account_flag = lc_on.                    " accounting
    *        lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *        lv_doc_type      = ls_proc_item-doc_type.       " save criteria
    *      endif.
    *      ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *      modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *             transporting group_1.
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * !!!! set flag that BADI was processed
    * .. ==> no SAP Standard grouping will be processed
        cv_method_active = lc_on.
    Hope this will help.
    Please reward suitable points, incase it suits your requirements.
    - Atul

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    if an extension worked in Firefox 4.0, it should be working in Firefox 5.0 as well.
    * [ Firefox 5 Compatibility Bump]
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    For those that really need an earlier version of Firefox [ releases] or for [ Firefox 3].
    * releases
    When reinstalling Firefox from a download, Firefox must be down once the installation starts. When the installation finishes, don't let the install start firefox for you. Instead end the install and start Firefox in your normal manner, thus preventing creating a new profile which does not have your bookmarks cookies, etc (but your old profile would still be around and would).

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    Try placing in DFU mode and then restoreing.
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

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    Need the most performance and scalable way to "trigger" JavaEE application code running on WLS from PLSQL code.
    There are some thirdparty JavaEE application running on WLS that we need to invoke from PLSQL code. I have looked at couple of options:
    Option 1)
    Use oracle db callouts(http call etc.) but it seems the connection to WLS will not be maintained across database-sessions and so every call from different plsql database-session will make fresh TCP/IP connection. Usually fresh socket connection setup is expensive and can become a bottleneck.
    Option 2)
    Use AQ in the database from PLSQL and have a MDB in WLS to invoke the java code. The problem here is how do I simulate the Request/Reply pattern using the AQ API from PLSQL. The PLSQL code needs to wait until the JavaEE code completes as it needs some result back from JavaEE app. AQ also does not have true temporary queues so I am not sure how it will work with concurrent user/sessions.
    Option 3)
    Use Java in the database, we have tried this but for our usecase it is too expensive resource wise and is not meeting our performance needs.
    Performance is the triggering mechanism is of highest interest to us.
    Any suggestions/pointers is greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Prantor on Nov 8, 2010 10:37 PM

    Perhaps you would benefit from viewing the problem differently.
    In some/many/most cases the application server (WLS) invokes procedure residing in the DB server.
    Place the control for the desired results in the application code running on the WLS.

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    saman666 wrote:
    the guy i bought the iphone is not available and i can not find him
    Then you have wasted your money.

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    why when I press the command button and number two, yahoo comes up instead of the ‘at’ key? how can I fix the command shortcuts? help me please.

    try pressing the shift and 2 key to get the @ symbol.
    if that doesn't work for you - go to system preferences - keyboard and change it there.
    good luck

  • How do I read the camera model and manufacturer from IMAQ in LabVIEW?

    Hello All,
    I have a machine vision application for automated test. I am required to save the image for each test for quality purposes. Since LabVIEW interfaces the CameraLink camera thru the IMAQ driver, various cameras can be used without changing the LabVIEW application. I need to store the basic configuration information, including camera model and manufacturer, with the image. I am able to read some parameters from IMAQ (like bit allocation and shutter speed) using the Read Attribute VI, but unable to read model and manufacturer.
    Does anyone know how to read camera make/model from IMAQ in LabVIEW?

    With this VI, any camera attribute that you can see and set in MAX, you should be able to see and set in LabVIEW.  These are attributes that are defined in you camera file.  Since Model/Make is not an "attribute" that you necessarily set, it is not included in your attributes tab in MAX.
    If your camera file included a model attribute, then it would show up in MAX under attributes and you would be able to read it using the above-mentioned VI.  The only thing I can suggest is perhaps use some File I/O instead of IMAQ VI's and read your camera file, if the ones you have are consistent in structure.
    Hope this helps!
    Tejinder Gill
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Visit for step-by-step help in setting up your system.

  • Need help choosing models and upgrades

    Hi guys,
    Basically I am stuck on a air few things with deciding what models along with upgrades to get. I am stuck between getting the MBP 15 inch 2.6GHz or the Retina 15 inch 2.3GHz. For starters I would say I want to use the MBP for general stuff like office and more complex programs like SSPS, surfing the net downloading movies and music and playing games like Rome total War amongst many other games etc. However, I think I have read the Retina display does not even work with all games?
    Due to the relative low price I'm sure I will upgrade to 16 GB worth of RAM  If get the Retina MBP as you can't upgrade them further down the line (*****). I beleive with the Retina MBP there is no disk drive, so i can't directly insert DVD's or Burn files onto disks etc, but this can be overcome by buying the Apple USB Super Drive, am I correct?
    The Retina display only has 256 GB flash storage and that is kinda of low, will it more then enough for what I want to use the MBP for? What would that flash storage not be enough for?
    If I get the normal 15 inch 2.6Hz MBP then I will upgrade the screen Hi-res glossy widescreen display as I like to play games and watch movies. Is it worth upgrading the hardrive the improve seed, efficientcy and power performance?
    Overall what model would you say best suites my needs thanks?

    Actually I have been doing further research and I personally would either go with the 2.6GHz NON RETINA MBP or cough up the cash and go all out on a 2.6GHz RETINA MBP and upgrade the RAM to 16GB  and upgrade to 768GB Flash storage, I am a student as well so will get a discount which will help.
    My fears are that if I get the Retina model I will not be able to upgrade it even further, I want to keep the computer for at least a good 5 years, during those 5 to 8 years will the current upgrades be enough to keep up with the top games and programs etc? Also I have read that repairing the Retina display model is very diffcult  and it can malfunction commonly, so I am guessing I should get apple care on top of it just to be sure with this particular model?
    I am assuming that they they will bring out the new models out next year and all the chinks and bugs of the current Retina model will be fixed so to speak, of which I have read there is a few... Would it be worth buying the NON RETINA MBP and then selling and upgrading to an improved RETINA MBP model next year?
    Finally if i back up my files on a hardrive would I have to use the USP SUPER DRIVE to install files onto the RETINA MBP or can i directly do this without the USP SUPERDRIVE?

  • I have two cameras of the same model and want to separate out the photos taken on each one. Is this possible?

    I have a Canon and my husband has a Canon, and they are the same model (mistake!)
    I imported his photos into my library (I'm the keeper of the photos), and now I want to seperate out his photos from mine.
    To make matters worse, the dates are the same (since we travel together) and the file numbers overlap (because the world is out to get us).
    They are thoroughly intermingled, but I'm hoping there is a super geeky way to seperate them.

    Try to separate the photos by "import session".
    Assuming you can recognize some of the photos you took - perhaps there are some photos showing your husband and some photos showing you - these photos will tell you the import session. All photos you import into the library will be assigned an import session metadata tag, so his photos should have all the same import session tag.
    To show this thag, set the Info panel in the Inspector to "Edit" and add it to your current Metadata view.
    Once you found the Import Session for your husband's photos, create a smart album based on this meta data tag.
    When I import my husband's photos in my library, I use a metadata preset on import, that will assign automatically a keyword, set his copyright, and adds a color code. So I can see at a glance, which photos are my photos and which are his.

Maybe you are looking for