Need to prevent user input....

Okay, I have a textbox that I only want numbers entered into. However, I don't know how to stop the key events from putting letters in. I have the event in place, but how do I tell it to "Not put something in the box" if it's a letter?

Okay, I have a textbox that I only want numbers
entered into. However, I don't know how to stop the
key events from putting letters in. I have the event
in place, but how do I tell it to "Not put something
in the box" if it's a letter?my answer is add a keyListener to the text field
and using the 'keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)' method
first find out what character/number has been pressed
if a character has been pressed then generate your
own keyEvent i.e KeyEvent.CANCEL
this keyevent will clear the last input which u have given from
the keyboard

Similar Messages

  • Help needed, Createing Dynamic User input

    I am attempting to create some dynamic user input by "predicting" what the user requires in a text box.
    For example if the user enters "Smi" I have a select list pop up which gives the user all options that begin with "Smi".
    I am able to achieve the popups but the interface is quite jerky and not terribly responsive I am trying to solve this by using a thread which starts and stops when new input is received but it is still not quite right.
    The program uses a Sorted TreeSet to hold the data (I thought this would give me a quick search time) and a simple interface at this stage.
    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance :P
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
       /** This program represents part of a larger user interface for allowing the
       user to select data from a file or database.
       When the program starts up, it will read in data from a given file, and hold
       it in some type of container allowing rapid access.
       The user may then type in the first few letters of the surname of a person,
       and this program should immediately present in a popup dialog the names which
       match.  The user will be able to click on one of the names in the popup and
       that will cause all data about that person to be displayed in the JTextArea
       at the bottom of the window.
       This program requires the FormLayout.class, FormLayout$Placement.class, and
       FormLayout$Constraint.class files in the same directory
       (folder) or in its classpath.  These is provided separately.
    class PartMatch extends JFrame implements Runnable
                        /** Close down the program. */
       JButton quitbtn;
                        /** Field for the surname. */
       JTextField namefld;
                        /** Full details of the person(s). */
       JTextArea  results;
                        /** Popup dialog to display the names and addresses which
                        match the leading characters given in namefld. */
       Chooser matches;
                      /** Default background color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defBackground = new Color(0xD0C0C0);
                      /** Default foreground color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defForeground = new Color(0x000000);
                      /** Default background color for a field */
       final static  Color            fldBackground = new Color(0xFFFFFF);
                      /** Default background color for a button */
       final static  Color            btnBackground = new Color(0xF0E0E0);
       final static  Color            dkBackground = new Color(0xB0A0A0);
                      /** Larger font */
       final static  Font bold = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 30);
       TreeSet members;
       String input;
       String[] found;
       public static void main(String arg[])
          PartMatch trial = new PartMatch(arg);
       public PartMatch( String [] arg )
          super("Part Match");
          Container cpane = getContentPane();
          FormLayout form = new FormLayout(cpane);
          JLabel lab1 = new JLabel("Fetch details") ;
          lab1.setFont( bold );
          form.setTopAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          JLabel lab2 = new JLabel("Surname: ") ;
          form.setTopRelative( lab2, lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAlign( lab2, lab1 );
          namefld = new JTextField( 30 );
          form.setBottomAlign( namefld, lab2 );
          form.setLeftRelative( namefld, lab2, 4 );
          namefld.addCaretListener( new CaretListener()
             public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
          quitbtn = new JButton( "Quit" );
          quitbtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          form.setBottomAlign( quitbtn, namefld );
          form.setLeftRelative( quitbtn, namefld, 15 );
          results = new JTextArea( 10,50 );
          JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( results,
                                     JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
          form.setTopRelative( jsp, lab2, 6 );
          form.setLeftAlign( jsp, lab2 );
          form.setBottomAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( quitbtn, 5 );
          matches = new Chooser( this );
          if (arg.length > 0) init(arg[0]);
          else init("triathlon.txt"); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Place the default filename here
          /** Called once only, at the end of the constructor, to read the data
            * from the membership file.
       public void init( String fname )
          members = new TreeSet();
           try {
               FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File (fname));
               Scanner scan = new Scanner(fr);
               trimember cmem;
               String cLine, eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob, tel ,addr,
                   cLine = scan.nextLine();
                   Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(cLine);
                   eTag =;
                   memberNo =;
                   first =;
                   last =;
                   gender =;
                   yob =;
                   tel =;
                   addr =;
                   club =;
                   cmem = new trimember(eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob,
                           tel, addr, club);
           catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
               results.append("Sorry can't find the input file\n");
               results.append("Please check file name and location and try again");
          /** Called every time there is a change in the contents of the text field
            * namefld.  It will first clear the text area.  It then needs to search
            * through the container of data to find all records where the surname
            * starts with the characters that have been typed.  The names and
            * addresses need to be set up as strings and placed in
            * an array of Strings.  This can be placed in the "matches" window and
            * displayed for the user, inviting one to be selected.
            * <p>
            * The performance of this is very important.  If necessary, it may be
            * necessary to run as a separate thread so that the user interface is
            * not delayed.  It is essential that the user be able to type letters at a
            * reasonable speed and not have the keystroke processing held up by
            * previous text.
       public void showMatches( )
                // First clear the text area
                // Determine the leading characters of the surname that is wanted
                input = namefld.getText();
                // Locate the data for this name, and display each matching item
                //  in the JTextArea ...
                // Example of how to set the data in the popup dialog
          matches.pack();   // resize the popup
                // set the location of the popup if it is not currently visible
          if ( ! matches.isVisible())
             Dimension sz = matches.getSize();
             Point mouse = getMousePosition();
             Point framepos = getLocation();
             int x=0, y=0;
             if (mouse == null)
                Point pt = results.getLocation();
                x = pt.x + 20 + framepos.x;
                y = pt.y + 20 + framepos.y;
                x = mouse.x - 2 + framepos.x;
                y = mouse.y - 2 + framepos.y;
          /** Perform any final processing before closing down.
       public void quitProcessing( )
          // Any closing work.  Then
        public void run()
            ArrayList<String> foundit = new ArrayList<String>();
            if(input != null)
            Iterator it = members.iterator();
               trimember test = (trimember);
               if (test.last.startsWith(input))
                   foundit.add(test.last +", "+ test.first);
            found = new String[foundit.size()];
            for(int i=0; i<foundit.size();i++)
                found[i] = foundit.get(i);
         /** A window for displaying names and addresses from the data set which
          match the leading characters in namefld.
          This will automatically pop down if the user moves the mouse out of the
          It needs code added to it to respond to the user clicking on an item in
          the displayed list. */
       class Chooser extends JWindow
                /** To display a set of names and addresses that match the leading
                characters of the namefld text field. */
          public JList list = new JList();
          Chooser( JFrame parent )
             super( parent );
             Container cpane = getContentPane();
             cpane.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
                public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
             list.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener()
                public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
                   // First clear the text area
                   String in = (String) list.getSelectedValue();
                   System.out.println("Selected Value was : "+in);
                   String[] inlf = in.split(", ");
                   System.out.println("inlf[0]:"+inlf[0]+" inlf[1]:"+inlf[1]);
                   results.append("Surname \tFirst \teTag \tMemberNo \tSex \tYOB " +
                           "\tTel \tAddress \t\t\tClub\n");
                   Iterator it = members.iterator();
                       trimember test = (trimember);
                       if (test.last.equals(inlf[0])&&test.first.equals(inlf[1]))
          public class trimember implements Comparable
           String eTag;
           public String memberNo;
           public String first;
           public String last;
           String gender;
           String yob;
           String tel;
           String addr;
           String club;
           public trimember(String eT, String me, String fi, String la,
                   String ge, String yo, String te, String ad, String cl)
               eTag = eT;
               memberNo = me;
               first = fi;
               last = la;
               gender = ge;
               yob = yo;
               tel = te;
               addr = ad;
               club = cl;         
           //To String method to output string of details
           public String toString()
               return last + "\t" + first + "\t" + eTag + "\t" +
                       memberNo + "\t" + gender + "\t" + yob + "\t"+ tel + "\t" +
                       addr + "\t" + club;
           //Compare and sort on Last name
           public int compareTo(Object o)
               trimember com = (trimember) o;
               int lastCmp = last.compareTo(com.last);
               int firstCmp = first.compareTo(com.first);
               int memCmp = memberNo.compareTo(com.memberNo);
               if (lastCmp == 0 && firstCmp !=0)return firstCmp;
               else if (lastCmp==0&&firstCmp==0)return memCmp;
               else return lastCmp;

    Please don't cross-post. It is considered very rude to do that here:

  • Help needed, Providing Dynamic User input

    I am attempting to create some dynamic user input by "predicting" what the user requires in a text box.
    For example if the user enters "Smi" I have a select list pop up which gives the user all options that begin with "Smi".
    I am able to achieve the popups but the interface is quite jerky and not terribly responsive I am trying to solve this by using a thread which starts and stops when new input is received but it is still not quite right.
    The program uses a Sorted TreeSet to hold the data (I thought this would give me a quick search time) and a simple interface at this stage.
    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance :P
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
       /** This program represents part of a larger user interface for allowing the
       user to select data from a file or database.
       When the program starts up, it will read in data from a given file, and hold
       it in some type of container allowing rapid access.
       The user may then type in the first few letters of the surname of a person,
       and this program should immediately present in a popup dialog the names which
       match.  The user will be able to click on one of the names in the popup and
       that will cause all data about that person to be displayed in the JTextArea
       at the bottom of the window.
       This program requires the FormLayout.class, FormLayout$Placement.class, and
       FormLayout$Constraint.class files in the same directory
       (folder) or in its classpath.  These is provided separately.
    class PartMatch extends JFrame implements Runnable
                        /** Close down the program. */
       JButton quitbtn;
                        /** Field for the surname. */
       JTextField namefld;
                        /** Full details of the person(s). */
       JTextArea  results;
                        /** Popup dialog to display the names and addresses which
                        match the leading characters given in namefld. */
       Chooser matches;
                      /** Default background color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defBackground = new Color(0xD0C0C0);
                      /** Default foreground color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defForeground = new Color(0x000000);
                      /** Default background color for a field */
       final static  Color            fldBackground = new Color(0xFFFFFF);
                      /** Default background color for a button */
       final static  Color            btnBackground = new Color(0xF0E0E0);
       final static  Color            dkBackground = new Color(0xB0A0A0);
                      /** Larger font */
       final static  Font bold = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 30);
       TreeSet members;
       String input;
       String[] found;
       public static void main(String arg[])
          PartMatch trial = new PartMatch(arg);
       public PartMatch( String [] arg )
          super("Part Match");
          Container cpane = getContentPane();
          FormLayout form = new FormLayout(cpane);
          JLabel lab1 = new JLabel("Fetch details") ;
          lab1.setFont( bold );
          form.setTopAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          JLabel lab2 = new JLabel("Surname: ") ;
          form.setTopRelative( lab2, lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAlign( lab2, lab1 );
          namefld = new JTextField( 30 );
          form.setBottomAlign( namefld, lab2 );
          form.setLeftRelative( namefld, lab2, 4 );
          namefld.addCaretListener( new CaretListener()
             public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
          quitbtn = new JButton( "Quit" );
          quitbtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          form.setBottomAlign( quitbtn, namefld );
          form.setLeftRelative( quitbtn, namefld, 15 );
          results = new JTextArea( 10,50 );
          JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( results,
                                     JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
          form.setTopRelative( jsp, lab2, 6 );
          form.setLeftAlign( jsp, lab2 );
          form.setBottomAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( quitbtn, 5 );
          matches = new Chooser( this );
          if (arg.length > 0) init(arg[0]);
          else init("triathlon.txt"); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Place the default filename here
          /** Called once only, at the end of the constructor, to read the data
            * from the membership file.
       public void init( String fname )
          members = new TreeSet();
           try {
               FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File (fname));
               Scanner scan = new Scanner(fr);
               trimember cmem;
               String cLine, eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob, tel ,addr,
                   cLine = scan.nextLine();
                   Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(cLine);
                   eTag =;
                   memberNo =;
                   first =;
                   last =;
                   gender =;
                   yob =;
                   tel =;
                   addr =;
                   club =;
                   cmem = new trimember(eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob,
                           tel, addr, club);
           catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
               results.append("Sorry can't find the input file\n");
               results.append("Please check file name and location and try again");
          /** Called every time there is a change in the contents of the text field
            * namefld.  It will first clear the text area.  It then needs to search
            * through the container of data to find all records where the surname
            * starts with the characters that have been typed.  The names and
            * addresses need to be set up as strings and placed in
            * an array of Strings.  This can be placed in the "matches" window and
            * displayed for the user, inviting one to be selected.
            * <p>
            * The performance of this is very important.  If necessary, it may be
            * necessary to run as a separate thread so that the user interface is
            * not delayed.  It is essential that the user be able to type letters at a
            * reasonable speed and not have the keystroke processing held up by
            * previous text.
       public void showMatches( )
                // First clear the text area
                // Determine the leading characters of the surname that is wanted
                input = namefld.getText();
                // Locate the data for this name, and display each matching item
                //  in the JTextArea ...
                // Example of how to set the data in the popup dialog
          matches.pack();   // resize the popup
                // set the location of the popup if it is not currently visible
          if ( ! matches.isVisible())
             Dimension sz = matches.getSize();
             Point mouse = getMousePosition();
             Point framepos = getLocation();
             int x=0, y=0;
             if (mouse == null)
                Point pt = results.getLocation();
                x = pt.x + 20 + framepos.x;
                y = pt.y + 20 + framepos.y;
                x = mouse.x - 2 + framepos.x;
                y = mouse.y - 2 + framepos.y;
          /** Perform any final processing before closing down.
       public void quitProcessing( )
          // Any closing work.  Then
        public void run()
            ArrayList<String> foundit = new ArrayList<String>();
            if(input != null)
            Iterator it = members.iterator();
               trimember test = (trimember);
               if (test.last.startsWith(input))
                   foundit.add(test.last +", "+ test.first);
            found = new String[foundit.size()];
            for(int i=0; i<foundit.size();i++)
                found[i] = foundit.get(i);
         /** A window for displaying names and addresses from the data set which
          match the leading characters in namefld.
          This will automatically pop down if the user moves the mouse out of the
          It needs code added to it to respond to the user clicking on an item in
          the displayed list. */
       class Chooser extends JWindow
                /** To display a set of names and addresses that match the leading
                characters of the namefld text field. */
          public JList list = new JList();
          Chooser( JFrame parent )
             super( parent );
             Container cpane = getContentPane();
             cpane.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
                public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
             list.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener()
                public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
                   // First clear the text area
                   String in = (String) list.getSelectedValue();
                   System.out.println("Selected Value was : "+in);
                   String[] inlf = in.split(", ");
                   System.out.println("inlf[0]:"+inlf[0]+" inlf[1]:"+inlf[1]);
                   results.append("Surname \tFirst \teTag \tMemberNo \tSex \tYOB " +
                           "\tTel \tAddress \t\t\tClub\n");
                   Iterator it = members.iterator();
                       trimember test = (trimember);
                       if (test.last.equals(inlf[0])&&test.first.equals(inlf[1]))
          public class trimember implements Comparable
           String eTag;
           public String memberNo;
           public String first;
           public String last;
           String gender;
           String yob;
           String tel;
           String addr;
           String club;
           public trimember(String eT, String me, String fi, String la,
                   String ge, String yo, String te, String ad, String cl)
               eTag = eT;
               memberNo = me;
               first = fi;
               last = la;
               gender = ge;
               yob = yo;
               tel = te;
               addr = ad;
               club = cl;         
           //To String method to output string of details
           public String toString()
               return last + "\t" + first + "\t" + eTag + "\t" +
                       memberNo + "\t" + gender + "\t" + yob + "\t"+ tel + "\t" +
                       addr + "\t" + club;
           //Compare and sort on Last name
           public int compareTo(Object o)
               trimember com = (trimember) o;
               int lastCmp = last.compareTo(com.last);
               int firstCmp = first.compareTo(com.first);
               int memCmp = memberNo.compareTo(com.memberNo);
               if (lastCmp == 0 && firstCmp !=0)return firstCmp;
               else if (lastCmp==0&&firstCmp==0)return memCmp;
               else return lastCmp;
    }Edited by: Roger on Nov 3, 2007 11:50 AM

    Please don't cross-post. It is considered very rude to do that here:

  • How to prevent user from entering zero hours in Timecard

    We have a need to prevent user to enter/submit zero hours in timecard. The case right now is user will be able to enter:
    Hours Type M T W T F
    Vacation 0 8 0 0 0'
    and when we run BEE transfer process it created absences with zero hour duration for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
    We try to prevent absences to be created with zero hours or user to be able to enter zero hours in timecard.
    Please help.

    you can refer following example
    ========= formula ===============
    Initialise Variables which can be null
    default for db_pre_period_start is ' '
    default for db_pre_period_end is ' '
    default for db_post_period_start is ' '
    default for db_post_period_end is ' '
    default for db_ref_period_start is ' '
    default for db_ref_period_end is ' '
    INPUTS ARE resource_id (number)
    , submission_date (text)
    , period (number)
    , period_maximum (number)
    , reference_period (number)
    , db_pre_period_start (text)
    , db_pre_period_end (text)
    , db_post_period_start (text)
    , db_post_period_end (text)
    , db_ref_period_start (text)
    , db_ref_period_end (text)
    , duration_in_days (number)
    , timecard_hrs (number)
    l_return = otl_24_hours_check()
    IF l_return > 0 THEN
         ( rule_status = 'E'
         message1 = 'DAILY_MAX_LIMIT' )
    RETURN rule_status, message1
    ============= database package ==============
    FUNCTION otl_24_hours_check
    j NUMBER := 0;
    e_count NUMBER := 0;
    tc_blocks Hxc_Self_Service_Time_Deposit.timecard_info;
    tc_blocks := Hxc_Self_Service_Time_Deposit.get_building_blocks;
    j := tc_blocks.FIRST;
    IF tc_blocks(j).scope = 'DETAIL' THEN
    IF to_number(tc_blocks(j).measure) > 24 then
    e_count := e_count + 1;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    j := tc_blocks.NEXT(j);
    RETURN e_count;
    above formula checks if a person entered more than 24 hours in a day

  • Sharepoint 2010: prevent users from editing a list in the datasheet view

    I have a sharepoint 2010 list that I need to prevent users to edit from the datasheet view. This is because I have edited the add item form on sharepoint designer and included some custom code. Moreover, I need to allow the users to view the list in datasheet
    view to make use of the datasheet custom filter view feature which is not available in the standard view. So I need users to access the datasheet view of the list in read mode only but be able to edit the list in standard view only. Is this possible? How?

    Maybe this helps...I found some users having the problem that the list WAS read only in datasheet view...this is a list of reasons why this could happen:
    Certain columns, such as Created By and Modified, are always read-only. Values for these columns are entered automatically.
    The changes you made to the selected row or column have been submitted to the server. If there is no conflict or error, you will be able to edit the row or column after the changes have been saved.
    There is an unresolved conflict or error in the selected row or column. Resolve the conflict or error before attempting to edit the selected row or column.
    The list is set up to require content approval, and you are viewing the list in the All Items view.
    In the My Submissions view of a list that requires content approval, the
    Approval Status and Comment column are read-only. Only a user with Manage Lists right can edit these two columns.
    Attachments are read-only in a list that requires content approval. You cannot view or edit attachments in any of the views.
    The document in the current row has been checked out by a user. You cannot edit the columns in the row until the user checks the document in.
    You do not have permission to edit the column or row. Contact the list author for more information.
    (from the help)
    You could also check:
    Reverse engineer and you may have a solution? ;-)
    hr class="sig">Thomas Balkeståhl - Technical Specialist - SharePoint

  • Batch Updating a UDF based on user input.

    I have been asked to come up with a way to update several PO's with a update.
    We have several PO that come in on 1 container, the Container NO (UDF) is updated per PO
    Then several weeks later the Rev. Delivery Date (UDF) needs updated.
    Is there a way to update all PO's with the same container no with the new date.
    SET OPOR.U_RevDelivery = '[%0]'
    WHERE U_ContRefNo = '[%1]'
    Both the Delivery date needs to be user input and the Container No needs to be input by the user.
    Craig S.

    Update is not not allowed you may taking a risk of losing SAP Support.
    What you can do is to query then manually edit the result of the query
    by clicking each DocNum and update U_RevDelivery manually.
    This is the safest thing to do or you can try this using SDK.
    The query:
    Select T0.DocNum, T0.U_RevDelivery FROM OPOR T0
    WHERE U_ContRefNo = '%0'

  • How to prevent user from creating jobs

    we need to prevent user from creating jobs on a dev enviorement. It's a database standard on linux 64bits.
    Their schema has only connect and resource roles. Is there a way to prevent them from creating jobs? In 11g it's the CREATE JOB permission, but in 10g i'm not sure how can i do this.
    Thanks for any ideas!

    On 10g it's probably the CREATE JOB as well.
    Alternatively you could:
    alter system set job_queue_processes=0

  • User Input With SQL?

    I need to create a query that uses user input as part of the query.
    SELECT * FROM item
    WHERE designer = 'Gucci';
    The 'Gucci' part of the query needs to be user input every time the query is ran... Can you help?
    I've tryed the following, but it does not work....
    SELECT * FROM Item
    WHERE Designer like '&& Designer';
    All help appreciated, thanks.

    Try this and if you don't want to specify single quote then at the prompt user have to enter like 'Gucci'. And with the following statement user just have to enter Gucci at the prompt
    SELECT * FROM Item
    WHERE Designer like ('&Designer');Regards

  • Preventing users to create move in/out in special dates

    I need to prevent users from creating move out or move in, in special dates, for example: in the dates of schedule list of meter reading units.
    How can I do that? any Idea? I will appreciate any help.
    Thanks alot,

    You can try to find out some user exit (SMOD, CMOD) for Move-In Process.
    EC500001 IS-U: move-in: determ. of security deposit amount and reason
    EC500002 IS-U: move-in: data environment check upon entry
    ECSBT001 User-Defined Messages in Information Log
    ECSBTI01 IS-U: move-in: determination of application form
    ECSBTI02 IS-U: move-in: determination of budget billing amount
    ECSBTI03 IS-U move-in: customer-defined checks
    ECSBTI04 IS-U: move-in: determination of transfer contract
    ECSBTIO1 Default value for field for move-in/out (EC60)
    ECSBTMR1 Preassign indicator for creating service notification/order
    ECSBTO01 IS-U: move-out: determine default values
    ECSBTO02 IS-U Move-Out: User-Defined Checks
    And there prepare your functionality.

  • Using "User Input" in "Collect Payments"  instead of "Fixed Amount"

    I've enabled "Collect Payments" on my form and I need to allow "User Input" instead of "Fixed Amount". I'm stuck... How do I do this?

    Thanks Josh. I Appreciate it.
    I did figure it out about 10 mins after I posted the question but thanks again man
    Tom Ruley
    Founder and President
    The National Remember Our Troops Campaign, Inc.
    P O Box 34093
    Baltimore, Maryland 21221
         Email:  [email protected]
        Phone:  410-687-3568
            Fax:  443-596-0730
    Please remember our troops, our veterans and our military families.  Try to do something... anything... to honor their service and sacrifice

  • Need Help waiting for user input.

    I've got a simple card game, which I've pretty much made all with swing. I have a JTextField and a JButton. I want the user to input a number into the textfield and the click the button which fires the action listener. This then takes the text and reads it and set a boolean hasBid to true. I don't want to program to continue until this has happened so I made an empty while(!hasBid) loop. The first time through, the program starts and stop until the user inputs something and click the button. The second time through, however, the whole window freezes. For somereason object aren't even being displayed which are displayed before this while loop. Without the while loop, everything runs fine, but the program won't stop to wait for input.
    So, my question pretty much is how can I get the program to stop for user input in a function which will be called multiple times. I don't want to use a JOptionPane or anyother pop-up box. If my way won't work, I'd really like to know of another way. Thanks for any help!

    you simply need to separate the functionality of your input object and the card game into two threads. as sanbingo said, running in a while loop prevents your GUI from even drawing its components.
    Remember: AWT/Swing is an event driven interface! so only events can/should cause some action to happen.
    i'd properly implement an event listener which is fired when the input is received. the listener is your game class which upon receipt of the event starts playing. when its done, its done, ie doesn't do anything until it receives an new event from your input object.

  • I need to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the application pages

    I have created an application in jsp and servlets. It has several pages like manager, supervisor accountant. I need to prevent unauthorised users from accessing these pages. In other words I need to implement a filter. Anyone who types a url other than that of the login page needs to be blocked. However I am not able to conceptualize the code that is going to be inside the doFilter() method. Please help

    I admit that there were some mistakes in the previous posting. I have corrected the mistakes and now there is going to be no compile time error. However when i put in the login id and the password it is redirecting me to the login page. I think that the front end jsp is directing the control to the controller servlet. But as "YOU" have pointed out in your previous post,
    "by default requestDispatcher.forward(...) does not pass through the filter change. If the user requests the login page from their browser however, then they will still get the error message, which may not be appropriate."
    I feel we need to somehow make the code pass through the requestDispatcher.forward(...) method of the servlet.
    I am again posting the corrected code.
    package com;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class SecurityFilter implements Filter
      public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws   ServletException, IOException
      HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request;
      HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse)response;
      String X = req.getRequestURI();
         //writing code for passing through the filter
         final class MyGenericFilter implements javax.servlet.Filter
          public FilterConfig filterConfig;
          public void doFilter( final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws, javax.servlet.ServletException
          public void init(final FilterConfig filterConfig)
          this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
          public void destroy()
       HttpSession session = req.getSession();
       String username = (String)session.getAttribute("username");
         request.setAttribute("Error","Session has ended. Please login");
         RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("Login.jsp");
         RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("X");
    public void init(final FilterConfig filterConfig)throws ServletException
          public void destroy()
      Edited by: pksingh79 on Aug 12, 2008 5:23 AM

  • Need help creating script to clear data with user inputs

    Hi experts.
    I need to create a script to clear data in a DEV system from a particular junction.
    Basically, I need the user to enter a CATEGORY, ENTITY and TIME which will then be used to delete all data in a particular table which meetes those criteria.
    I tried to write it in SSIS, but can't get a user input box.
    Also, Stored Procedures are not designed to open input boxes for these entries.
    Therefore, is there a way to do this in BPC script logic?
    I believe that I might be able to write either a Stored Procedure or DTSX package and then pass data from BPC Run Package?
    If this is correct, how would I go about it?
    Also, would it be possible to read the DISTINCT entries for Category, Time and Entity and present as a dropdown list?  (It doesn't matter too much if not, a manual entry would have to do).
    I will admit that I have no experience of script logc, so any docments and/or pointers would be appreciated.

    Thank Karthik, but I can't use the clear for this job.
    Specifically, I need this to delete from the LCK tables whenever data gets stuck, so if anyone can tell me the format to use, I'd be extremely grateful
    (And I appreciate that this is not recommended, but it's a DEV system and we need a way to clear these locks quickly when they occur)
    Edited by: Pie Eyed on Oct 1, 2011 2:54 PM

  • Need HELP with JTree created by user input

    I have been trying to create code that takes a user input string
    ex: a:b,c;b:g,h,j;g:k,m;b:u
    note: (the above string is then stored into a string array such in the format a:bc;b:ghj;g:km;b:u after it is verified that the hierarchy order is correct)
    The string is read in such that the any value before the : is a parent and its childern continue until a ; is found. Anyway verifying the sting I have accomplished and I have been able to input the string into a modified binary tree as long as there are only 2 childern per parent and graphically represents its structure of hierarchy. The problem is that each parent can have more the two childern.
    I have been working with the BTree class and find its output similar to what I am wanting which would represent a hierarchy of objects (files, employees, etc...) anyway I have been stumped as to how to get the above string into a format that can then create the correct JTree output without hard code.
    If any one has any suggestions on how to turn the data, in the string array into a usable format to create the correct JTree output, I would greatly appreciate it.
    In the above example the string array, a:bc;b:ghj;g:km;b:u would have a desired ouput of

    I have been trying to create code that takes a user input string
    ex: a:b,c;b:g,h,j;g:k,m;b:u
    note: (the above string is then stored into a string array such in the format a:bc;b:ghj;g:km;b:u after it is verified that the hierarchy order is correct)
    The string is read in such that the any value before the : is a parent and its childern continue until a ; is found. Anyway verifying the sting I have accomplished and I have been able to input the string into a modified binary tree as long as there are only 2 childern per parent and graphically represents its structure of hierarchy. The problem is that each parent can have more the two childern.
    I have been working with the BTree class and find its output similar to what I am wanting which would represent a hierarchy of objects (files, employees, etc...) anyway I have been stumped as to how to get the above string into a format that can then create the correct JTree output without hard code.
    If any one has any suggestions on how to turn the data, in the string array into a usable format to create the correct JTree output, I would greatly appreciate it.
    In the above example the string array, a:bc;b:ghj;g:km;b:u would have a desired ouput of

  • Need User input pop-up in powershell when its run as a background process of an Application

    I have created a powershell script which requires two parameters to be passed onto it for getting executed. This script is called by an application and runs it in background (no console /  window). During this process the application is unable to complete
    the execution of the script due to the missing user inputs (no popup comes for entering parameters by even after using read-host/[system.console]::Read()). 
    The powershell.exe process can only be seen in task manager.
    Is there a way in which my script will create a pop up and ask for the parameter values?
    Sushruta Banerjee

    I have created a powershell script which requires two parameters to be passed onto it for getting executed. This script is called by an application and runs it in background (no console /  window). During this process the application is unable to complete
    the execution of the script due to the missing user inputs (no popup comes for entering parameters by even after using read-host/[system.console]::Read()). 
    The powershell.exe process can only be seen in task manager.
    Is there a way in which my script will create a pop up and ask for the parameter values?
    Sushruta Banerjee
    Note that a process that runs with hidden windows will have all of its child process windows hidden. Any popup you add to the script will behidden.  There is nothing you can do about that.  This is by design.

Maybe you are looking for

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