Need to rebuild cluster

Hi All,
I have a two node RAC database with ASM. Recently something went wrong at mountpoint in one node and linux team could not recover data. The database is running fine on the surviving node.
I have lost all the cluster software, oracle database software everything.
Here is what i am planning.
- Clone the cluster using below document from the surviving node.
- Install database software.
- Delete the node from cluster(old)
- Add new node to the cluster.
PLease suggest if there is any better way to do this.
Also is there any threat to surviving node? I need to take it down to take the backup, just worried what if it doesnt come up with relation to the node which is down.

Hi Arun,
please take a look at MOS Notes:
How to Add Node/Instance or Remove Node/Instance in 10gR2, 11gR1 and 11gR2 Oracle Clusterware and RAC (Doc ID 1332451.1)
How to remove/delete a node from Grid Infrastructure Clusterware when the node has failed (Doc ID 1262925.1)
There are some really good solutions for your problem.

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    A podcast feed is a plain text file containing various tags: you can see an example on my page at
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    929941 wrote:
    I have partition very huge tables, by using rage partition method. After that few queries taking more time than before. Does the old indexes needs to rebuild?
    ThanksWhat do you think?
    By the way, how did you partition existing tables? Did you use dbms_redefinition, or did you use CTAS, or some other method?
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    this info is being passed to one procedure which will insert the reqd details into one table.
    Hence,procedure abc (p_input_id number,p_input_string varchar2) will be 2 input parameters.
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    Logic that i've used is :Find the sub-strings coming in between '&' and concat them with chr(38) which will give a '&'.
    My Code :
    SQL> declare
    2 lv_count number;
    3 i number:=1;
    4 lv_len_str number;
    5 lv_great number:=0;
    6 lv_set_first varchar(1000):=null;
    7 lv_set_curr varchar2(1000):=null;
    8 lv_prev varchar2(1000):=null;
    9 lv_set varchar2(1000):=null;
    10 begin
    11 select length(col2) into lv_len_str from abc where col1=5;
    12 for a in 1..lv_len_str
    13 loop
    14 select instr(col2,'&',1,i) into lv_count from abc where col1=5;
    15 exit when nvl(lv_count,0)=0;
    16 i:=i+1;
    17 end loop;
    18 lv_great:=(i-1);
    19 --dbms_output.put_line ('Highest occurrance : '||lv_great);
    20 i:=1;
    21 select substr(col2,1,instr(col2,'&',1,1)-1) into lv_set from abc where col1=5;
    22 dbms_output.put_line ('First Set : '||lv_set);
    23 lv_set_first:=lv_set||chr(38);
    24 i:=1;
    25 for a in 1..lv_great
    26 loop
    27 dbms_output.put_line ('Value of i here : '||i);
    28 select substr(col2,instr(col2,'&',1,i)+1,(instr(col2,'&',1,i+1)-instr(col2,'&',1,i)-1)) into lv_set_curr from abc where col1=5;
    29 -- dbms_output.put_line (lv_set);
    30 i:=i+1;
    31 lv_prev:=lv_set_first;
    32 lv_set:=lv_prev||chr(38)||lv_set_curr;
    33 dbms_output.put_line (lv_set);
    34 exit when i>lv_great;
    35 end loop;
    36 --dbms_output.put_line ('Overall set : '||lv_set);
    37 end;
    38 /
    First Set : filename=oracle.exe
    Value of i here : 1
    Value of i here : 2
    Value of i here : 3
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Desired Output :
    filename=oracle.exe&filename2=123455&filename3=23456&filename4=test which is not happening.

    Procedure abc (p_input_id number,p_input_string varchar2) will be 2 input parameters.
    Input_id will be 1,2,3,4,etc
    Input_string will be in the format on ('#' is parser.. sort of delimiter)
    Here 'abc' correspond to 'filename=oracle.exe&filename2=123455&filename3=23456&filename4=test'
    'bcd' correspond to 'filename=oracle10g.exe&filename2=12345&filename3=23456'
    'cde' correspond to ''
    'def' correspond to 'filename=c12kprp-boot-mz.120-33.S1.bin&filename2=278725201&filename3=null'
    so on and so forth ...
    Here is a table abc (col1 number,col2 varchar2(100)) which will store the values.
    Now i want the result of procedure to store values find values between '#' and insert them with value of input_id
    input_id : 1
    input_string : filename=oracle.exe&filename2=123455&filename3=23456&filename4=test#filename=oracle10g.exe&filename2=12345&filename3=23456#filename=c12kprp-boot-mz.120-33.S1.bin&filename2=278725201&filename3=null
    So the table abc would contain values filename=oracle.exe&filename2=123455&filename3=23456&filename4=test,
    against value of 1 in the table.
    Now,if suppose, user happens to pass 4 strings for input_id which is 2,which can be
    filename=c12kprp-boot-mz.120-33.S1.bin&filename2=278725201&, so all these strings separeted by # would be stored against value of 2 in table abc.
    Let me know if you need any thing.

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    form get_f110_parm .
      f110id-laufd   = p_laufd.
      f110id-laufi   = p_laufi.
      f110versionpar = space.
      clear:   buktab, fkttab, slktab, sldtab, trctab, usrtab,
               faetab, jobtab, f110v, f110c,  trcopt, f110versionpar.
      import buktab fkttab slktab sldtab trctab usrtab
             faetab jobtab f110c trcopt f110versionpar
             from database rfdt(fb) id f110id
             accepting padding.
    endform.                    " GET_F110_PARM
    I can fill F110c, trcopt and f110versionpar by this program. But there is no entry in table like fkttab, usrtab.
    Is there any authorization need for read cluster table??
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Amy Xie on Dec 21, 2010 10:41 AM

    After you run your code, check transaction SU53 to see if any authorization check failed.

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      In the search link I gave above: b43-firmware-latest is for kernel 3.2+ and b43-firmware is for <3.2.  That is the, ahem, AUR search link good sir.   If someone is using b43-firmware however, they may not catch that they need to remove that and migrate to b43-firmware-latest when kernel 3.2 hits.
    I actually have a Broadcom 4311 in my laptop.  I never use it and use a wired connection instead simply because no driver I've tried has been stable enough - mostly frequent disconnects/non-responsive - so when 3.2 hits I may just try it again with b43-firmware-latest and see if it's better!

  • Do I need to rebuild my menu?

    I'm using photoshop to make my menu splash screens. I've successfully built my .psd file with all the buttons and highlights then imported it as a menu into Encore where all the links show properly but after building a DVD and watching it on a monitor I've made a few changes to the .psd file but they don't show up right away in Encore.
    Do I need to delete the menu from the project panel of Encore, import it again and rebuild my project or is there a way to refresh or re-import without having to rebuild the entire project by hand?
    Thanks in advance,

    Following Stanley's steps, I'd like to add one more thing. Sometimes, the Save (Ctrl-s) in Photoshop does not update the Menu back in Encore. This happens sometimes, but every now and then there is a glitch. Through testing, when this glitch occurs, I'vd found that doing 3 Ctrl-s Save's forces Encore to update. Now, I've developed a workflow habit of doing the first Ctrl-s, when I am done, and my Button Layer Sets are still open in the Layers Palette. I close each Button Layer Set (little ▼ in the circle left-hand side of the Layer Set's name) and hit Ctrl-s after each one. Finally, when all Button Layer Sets are closed, I hit Ctrl-s one more time.
    Do not know why < 3 doesn't do the trick, but 3+ has always worked for me. Now, I do it out of habit for all PS edited Menus. For me, it does not seem to matter if the PSD is still Open in PS, or has been closed.
    Caveat: since you are really working with a linked proxey of the .PSD in PS, do not do Save_As, or Save_As_a_Copy, unless you want to unlink the .PSD from Encore and actually Save it elsewhere. That link is very important. If you break it, you WILL need to Import your newly Save_As .PSD into Encore to use it. When I'm using Menus as stills in Motion, say for a Play First transition AV to the real Menu, I'll do all the Ctrl-s Saves, first, and then do a Save_As (with Sub-picture Highlights as I need them) and then Import that new still into PrPro to create my AV. I do the same for creating Button Transitions (AV files).
    More than you asked for, but I thought you might benefit from a few more tips on editing a Menu in PS from Encore. Very powerful tool.

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    Go to Solution.
    Button Pressed.jpg ‏127 KB
    Buttons Pressed No Cluster.jpg ‏189 KB

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    Button Pressed 2.jpg ‏115 KB

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