Needed alert via mail of successfull/failed bkg jobs

Dear All,
Can you pl help or need steps in configuring alerts on failed jobs or output of that jobs via emails.
I searched and got following reply but dont understand 2nd steps from that.
1. Created Sapconnect Method in RZ21
2. Created Auto-Reaction Method to notify via EMAIL
I. Create a User to Send the Alerts
i. Created a user in 000 of ECD,
ii. User type ??? Dialog
iii. Communication method ??? E-mail
iv. Email address
v. Profiles ??? SAP_ALL , SAP_NEW
Thanks in advance.

same question in different forum:
Re: I got a requirement like whenever batch job was failed,by the time fail

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    yes, it is a little bit different. This is the issue.....  
    But I am not sure if your links will help:
    1) /people/
    is about a different solution. I do not need to count the number of lines of the source message.
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    My issue is:
    Message line (0...unbound) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    .    ResultLine   (1..1)
    =>   ResultLine1
           ResultLine........          => into UDF to an element  (1..1) in one mapping operation.
    So that all "ResultLine"s are included.
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    So I am not sure how to use this thread for my issue.
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    too is about the nice little button for Java Section that is no longer existing on PI 7.1 screen for mappings.  
    So my issue is: How to replace the Java section function with global variables in PI 7.1?
    Best regards

  • Problem with alerts via mail

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    Hi Christian,
                       First check the Alert configuration in RWB and check  there the interface name and the error location is correct and also check the Alert Inbox whether you are getting any messages.Then check in ABAP stack SU01 the mail address (Recipients in ALRTCATDEF t-code).
    - In case you are getting any messages in RWB's Alert inbox and not to your email address, then check the given email address  in SU01.
    - If you are not getting any messages in the RWB's Alert inbox then check your Alert rule configuration.

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    Hi Anand,
    Go thru this link for establising a HTTP Connection to the external mail server
    >><i>where do I do I maintain the e-mail address to which theses alerts to be forwarded</i>
    <b>The steps are as follows</b>:
    1)Select the Alert Category and Check the “Additional configurations” and execute it.
    2)In the pop-up window,
    Under <b>Fixed recipients</b>, give the name of a <b>Fixed Recipient User</b>(the user shd present in su01).
    3)And press the Create Alert Button
    The e-mail address of the fixed recipients is taken from SU01 (User Management).Plz chk the email id is present there for the recieptents.
    Hope it helps.
    Arpit Seth

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    Hi there
    I'll pass your details to our Russian team and they'll contact you to assist further.
    Kind regards

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    I have smartform with the company logo uloaded. I have requirement to send the smartform with logo output via mail .
    Points will be rewarded....

    1. check if are getting the logo in the print preview, ifso
    2. use the following piece of code to send the mail (by converting otf to pdf)
    *For sending email
      i_otf type  standard table of itcoo ,"OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      i_tline type table of tline with header line,
      i_receivers type standard table of somlreci1 ,
      i_record type table of solisti1 initial size 0 with header line,
    Objects to send mail.
      i_objpack type table of sopcklsti1 initial size 0 with header line,
      i_objtxt type table of solisti1 initial size 0 with header line,
      i_objbin type table of solisti1 initial size 0 with header line,
      i_reclist type table of somlreci1 initial size 0 with header line,
    Work Area declarations
      wa_objhead type soli_tab,
      w_ctrlop type ssfctrlop,
      w_compop type ssfcompop,
      w_return type ssfcrescl,
      wa_doc_chng type sodocchgi1,
      wa_buffer type string, "To convert from 132 to 255
    Variables declarations
      v_len_in like sood-objlen,
      v_lines_txt type i,
      v_lines_bin type i.
      clear v_len_in.
      i_otf[] = w_return-otfdata[].
      clear v_len_in.
      call function 'CONVERT_OTF'
          format                = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth         = 132
          bin_filesize          = v_len_in
          otf                   = i_otf
          lines                 = i_tline
          err_max_linewidth     = 1
          err_format            = 2
          err_conv_not_possible = 3
          others                = 4.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
        loop at i_tline.
          translate i_tline using '~'.
          concatenate wa_buffer i_tline into wa_buffer.
        translate wa_buffer using '~'.
          i_record = wa_buffer.
          append i_record.
          shift wa_buffer left by 255 places.
          if wa_buffer is initial.
        refresh: i_reclist,
        clear wa_objhead.
        i_objbin[] = i_record[].
    Create Message Body Title and Description
        i_objtxt = 'PFA are the Service Entry Sheet details.'.
        append i_objtxt.
        append initial line to i_objtxt.
        describe table i_objtxt lines v_lines_txt.
        read table i_objtxt index v_lines_txt.
        wa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'Service Entry Sheet '.
        wa_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
        wa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
        wa_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
        concatenate 'Service Entry Sheet' nast-objky(10) into wa_doc_chng-obj_descr separated by space.
    Main Text
        clear i_objpack-transf_bin.
        i_objpack-head_start = 1.
        i_objpack-head_num = 0.
        i_objpack-body_start = 1.
        i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_txt.
        i_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
        append i_objpack.
    Attachment (pdf-Attachment)
        i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
        i_objpack-head_start = 1.
        i_objpack-head_num = 0.
        i_objpack-body_start = 1.
        describe table i_objbin lines v_lines_bin.
        read table i_objbin index v_lines_bin.
        i_objpack-doc_size = v_lines_bin * 255 .
        i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_bin.
        i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
        i_objpack-obj_name = 'smart'.
        i_objpack-obj_descr = 'Service Entry Sheet '.
        append i_objpack.
    Get email id .
                  clear i_reclist.
                  i_reclist-receiver = '[email protected]'. "email address
                  i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
                  append i_reclist.
        if i_reclist[] is not initial.
          call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'
              document_data              = wa_doc_chng
              put_in_outbox              = 'X'
              commit_work                = 'X'
              packing_list               = i_objpack
              object_header              = wa_objhead
              contents_bin               = i_objbin
              contents_txt               = i_objtxt
              receivers                  = i_reclist
              too_many_receivers         = 1
              document_not_sent          = 2
              document_type_not_exist    = 3
              operation_no_authorization = 4
              parameter_error            = 5
              x_error                    = 6
              enqueue_error              = 7
              others                     = 8.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
       Error When Sending the File
            retcode = sy-subrc.
            perform protocol_update1 .
       Error When generating the File
        retcode = sy-subrc.
        "perform protocol_update .
    Reward if u find it useful
    Arun T

  • How to send alert when receiver JMS adapter fails? Please help!

    Hi experts,
       I have the following Asynchronous scenario:
       SAP R/3 -
       I am sending IDOC from a given SAP R/3 system to XI. XI then sends the same to BizTalk via JMS adapter. In SXMB_MONI the message is successfully processed as it shows checked flag. But if I see the JMS communication channel status in runtime workbench then there it shows error saying JMS queue user id or password not found.
    How to send this JMS adapter error as alert?
    I also tried configuring alert rule in runtime workbench but still it does not trigger any error.
    I have also verified the alert category and everything is fine with that.
    What could be the problem? How can I send an alert when an Async adapter fails?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi! GOPAL,
    Once make sure whther all the below mentioned steps are configured correctly or not ok
    1: First make sure whether you are working on SAP XI or PI 7.1
               a) If XI you need to create Alerts (ALert Category) in CCMS ABAP stack in the
                        Tcode. ALRTCATDEF
               b) Open the alert category/classification definition environment (transaction ALRTCATDEF).
         ensure you are in change mode.
               c) In the group box with the alert classifications, right-click All classifications to open the   
                    context menu, and choose Create.
               d) Under Classification, enter a name for the classification.
               e) Under Description, enter a description of the classification.
               f)  Save your entries.
               g) Then go to RWB-->Go to ALERT Configuation and ADD the RULES to your alert category gor 
         which created there in the abap stack.
    Note Suppose if you want those ALERTS to come to your MAIL then again go to ABAP STACK and go to Tcode.  ALRTCATDEF and select your alert category press FIxed Recepients and there give your SAP XI ID's then  u can see those alerts in RWB-->ALERT INBOX
    Suppoe if you want those to mail then ask the basis team to link your company mail or personal mail ID to your SAP ID.
    2. Supppose if you are working on PI 7.1 Server.
         Only difference is creating Alert Category...Here you can create your ALERT Classification I mean   
         alert caltegory in the ESR (Enterprise Service Repository )
         Software Component >S CVersion>NameSpace-->Alert Category.
         You can configure how u configure there in abap stack such as long and short text every thing 
          except Fixed Receipients you need to give that recepients there only in ABAP STACK.
          what ever ALERT CATEGORY you are creating will reflect there in the ABAP STACK
         even you can Use these alerts Category in BPM --> CONTROL STEP -->Configure here in this step
    You can also reach alerts like this.
    NOTE  Most Important point is You can also view your mails or Alerts in the T Code:: SOST.
    Amar Srinivas ELi

  • Configuration of Alerts via SMS

    I want to configure database alerts via SMS, please tell me what should i do, utlities needed for SMS has been already installed, i just want to configure the alerts.
    My database is Oracle 10g
    OS version - Sun Solaris 10

    Oracle 10g R2/R1 does not support sending SMS.
    So buy an mobile handset having email facility and configure it to
    receive mails.

  • Cannot share any docs in pages via mail

    It seems I'm not the only one with a similar problem. As of this lunchtime I can no longer share a doc in pages (via drop down menue, share, email, pdf for example). Mail is still the default programme; all other parameters are exactly as they were this morning.
    Is there a quicker way than exporting, that creates a new document and I really don't want to have most of my docs in pages AND word AND pdf, depending who I send them to. My Os is SL 10.6.8.
    How do I get the sharing function to work again? Any help greatly appreciated!

    In Yosemite, Pages '09 v4.3 has dropped functionality for the Share menu ▸ Send via Mail. You will need to export to disk, and then drag/drop into Mail.
    You should be running Pages v5.5.2 (current) on Yosemite. Otherwise, update from the App Store. Whether from the Share menu, or the Toolbar Share icon, I have not experienced Send a Copy ▸ Mail failing to export and attach documents to Mail.

  • Gmail no longer working via Mail in Mountain Lion

    Not sure what the problem is, but can only imagine ML is in some way involved.
    Gmail stopped working via mail (not immediately after upgrade to ML, but a few days later).
    First, kept asking for PW, which it decalred to be invalid. I tried restarting, to no avail. All was working fine via mail on iPad 2 and iPhone 4, plus no problem logging into web version of gmail.
    I decided to try deleting the whole gmail account on the MBP, closing mail, and restarting, but this has now resulted in me not being allowed to set up my gmail acocunt at all, since (via SysPref) I am told the gmail username/PW is invalid, so my MBP is now completely incapable of accessing any of the family of services from gmail (incl gCal etc.). But all remains aOK via iOS / gmail via web.
    Can anyone suggest a fix? I've looked around the various discussions and although some people say they are having need to try gamil tweaks now, with Mail, none of the solutions I saw seem to work for my case.
    I am using the correct gmail address (i.e. there's no conflice re @googlemail vs @gmail) - this seemed to have been a problem for some people, but not in this case.

    Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages

  • How to Send Appointment via mail adapter

    Hi Guys,
         I need to send the appointment and vTodo via mail adapter, any way i need to develop a mail adapter module. Till now i have finished this part,and i can send normal mail even normal mail with attachment. But i don't know how to send appointment via mail adapter.
    This is payload content of appointment which got from Exchange server to gmail:
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    When: 2007=C4=EA6=D4=C227=C8=D5=D0=C7=C6=DA=C8=FD 3:30 =CF=C2=CE=E7-4:00 = =CF=C2=CE=E7 (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi.
    Where: China
    This is calendar content
    Content-class: urn:content-classes:calendarmessage
    Content-Type: text/calendar;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    PRODID:Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange
    TZID:(GMT+01.00) Sarajevo/Warsaw/Zagreb
    DTSTART;TZID="(GMT+01.00) Sarajevo/Warsaw/Zagreb":20070112T140000
    SUMMARY:This is calendar test
    DTEND;TZID="(GMT+01.00) Sarajevo/Warsaw/Zagreb":20070112T160000
    DESCRIPTION:This is calendar content\N
    My question is
      1. How to generate this kind of payload in mail adapter module?
      2. It is possible to send appointment via mail adapter?
    Following i can get from other system, even using mail package check or not using mail package check.
    PRODID:Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange
    TZID:(GMT+08.00) Kuala Lumpur/Singapore
    DTSTART;TZID="(GMT+08.00) Kuala Lumpur/Singapore":20070608T110000
    SUMMARY:This is meeting request with attachment
    LOCATION:India labs
    DTEND;TZID="(GMT+08.00) Kuala Lumpur/Singapore":20070608T113000
    DESCRIPTION:This is content!  &#60;&#60;shanghai.txt&#62;&#62; \N
    Thanks & regards

    have a look at this
    You can use Java/ABAP proxies to do this job for you..
    Java Proxy >> will read the mail(with the attachments) with the help of Java APIs and send the message into XI ABAP Proxy >> for this you will have to first convert the attachment into a message and then you can proceed in the regular fashion.
    Not all adapters can process attachments, I'm not sure why you are having trouble with using module processor in the mail adapter. Just check if the service pack that you are using supports this feature.
    If you are on WAS 6.10 and above you can achieve this and there is an excellent weblog by Thomas Jung on this topic at
    reading Pdf Through mail easly done with Java Proxy, which will read the mail(with the attachments) with Java APIs and send the message into XI and then map with the Target ABAP proxy structure .

  • How can I send a PDF via mail without it becoming an attached file?

    Hi All!
    I need to know how I am able to send a PDF file via mail, without it becoming an attached file. This means when the receiver opens the mail, he automatically sees the PDF without first having to read the normal mail text and scroll down to open the attached PDF file. Just like a spam newsletter
    Also I want to know - I want some illustrations in my portfolio to be a hyperlink to a website, is this possible on a picture (not on an URL) - and if so - How?
    Hope you can help me out here!
    ** I use Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro X 10.1.10 on a Macbook Pro 10.8.5**

    Carlinsky wrote:
    Hi All!
    I need to know how I am able to send a PDF file via mail, without it becoming an attached file. This means when the receiver opens the mail, he automatically sees the PDF without first having to read the normal mail text and scroll down to open the attached PDF file. Just like a spam newsletter
    Not possible with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.

  • Sending mail with attachment fails on MAC Mail and WRP400.

    Sending mail with attachment fails on MAC Mail and WRP400.
    We have hundreds of WRP400 connected with Mac (Machintosh) computers. No special configurations are applied (no virtual server or DMZ). Web navigation, P2P programs and sending mail without attachment work right.
    The problem is the impossibility to send mails with medium or big size files attachment from MAC Mail.
    If we use Windows PCs or a different linksys routers (eg. WRT54G) the problem not happens.
    We have upgraded WRP400 firmware version from 1.00.06 to 2.00.05 but the result is the same. Sending mail with attachment using Mac fails.
    We tried to configure WRP400 with DMZ to a particular MAC. We tried to configure Virtual server on tcp 25 port of a MAC. The result is always the same.
    This is a WRP400 bug? Windows PCs work right. MAC and MAC mail works right with other linksys router.
    We need help. Thanks.

    The problem was fixed since beta firmware 2.00.11.
    I think that this issue was caused from a bug that decrease upload bitrate of WRP400 after some days of activity.
    See more details on Cisco forum under title "WRP400 stops responding after browsing certain websites".

  • Filling up a pdf form which I received as email. I opened it on my adobe reader 11 and filled up the highlighted fields. Yet when I click on the send via mail it says changes will not be included. How do I send the form with changes?

    Filling up a pdf form which I received as email. I opened it on my adobe reader 11 and filled up the highlighted fields. Yet when I click on the send via mail it says changes will not be included. How do I send the form with changes?
    The add annotations field shows as not allowed in the security options. So how do I send this form back with the changes??

    I think you you need to click 'save' first, then it is saved to acrobat, where it will prompt to send.

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