Negative impact of the program- RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL

hi all,
we are facing an issue with master data inconsistency . can anybody let me know if there is any negative impact of the program
RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL if we run it in repair mode for a single characteristic . We donot have aggregates.

Hi Dola,
There will be no negative impact of the program  RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL if you run it in repair mode for a single characteristic Even if you do not have aggregates it will not impact...Most of options provided in RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL are the ones in RSRV checks. At a time you can check only for one characteristic.
Hope it clarifies your doubt..
Amit Kr.

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    We have not observred measurement of  performance deterioration due to number of variants over a period.
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    First of all if you switch on delta there is no negative impact. The only thing is you need to follow some precautions before you switch on delta.
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                                 INCLUDE                                 *
    INCLUDE: z00_bci010.                   " Gestion des anomalies.
                          Déclaration des données                        *
                       Tables de la bases de données                     *
            ekpo,        " Poste document d'achat.
            lfa1,        " Base fournisseurs (généralités).
            marc,        " Données division de l'article.
            eord,        "Répertoire des sources appro. Achats
            eina,        "Fiche infos-achats - données générales
            t024,        "Groupes d'acheteurs
            tvarv.                                              "FAE17345+
                       Déclaration des données internes                  *
    Déclaration de la table interne qui permet de recuperer les mois.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_months OCCURS 12.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE t247.
    DATA: END OF itb_months.
    Table pour récupération d'infos sur les divisions
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t001w OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE t001w-werks,
            fabkl LIKE t001w-fabkl," Clé du calendrier d'entreprise
          END OF itb_t001w.
    Déclaration de la table interne contenant les infos sur l'adresse du
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_adresse OCCURS 0,
            lifnr LIKE lfa1-lifnr,           " Numéro de compte fournisseur.
            name1 LIKE lfa1-name1,                              " Nom 1.
            name2 LIKE lfa1-name2,                              " Nom 2.
            name3 LIKE lfa1-name3,                              " Nom 3.
            name4 LIKE lfa1-name4,                              " Nom 4.
            stras LIKE lfa1-stras,           " N° de rue et nom de la rue.
            pstlz LIKE lfa1-pstlz,           " Code postal.
            ort01 LIKE lfa1-ort01,           " Localité.
            pfach LIKE lfa1-pfach,           " Boîte postale.
            pstl2 LIKE lfa1-pstl2,           " Code de la boîte postale.
            land1 LIKE lfa1-land1,           " Clé de pays.
            landx LIKE t005t-landx,          " Pays.
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,           " Code langue
    END OF itb_adresse.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur les
    prévisions de commande.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_prev_cde OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,            " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,            " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,            " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,            " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,            " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,            " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,            " Désignation article.
            bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,            " Quantité de commande.
            men00 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité du mois en cours M.
            men01 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+1.
            men02 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+2.
            men03 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+3.
            men04 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+4.
            men05 LIKE plaf-gsmng,            " Quantité pour le mois M+5.
            men06 LIKE plaf-gsmng.            " Quantité pour le mois M+6.
    DATA: END OF itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les commandes convernant les PFC
    DATA str_pca_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    *add sde
    DATA str_eord_pfc  LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Structure de travail pour les prévisons PFC
    DATA str_prev_pfc LIKE itb_prev_cde.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour les informations sur le
    portefeuille des commandes d'achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_pca OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE ekpo-werks,    " Division
            idnlf LIKE eina-idnlf,     " ADDsde ref article frn
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,    " N° fournisseur.
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,    " Groupe d'acheteurs
            dispo LIKE marc-dispo,    " Code gestionnaire MRP
            matnr LIKE eord-matnr,    " Article.
            maktx LIKE makt-maktx,    " Désignation article.
            ebeln LIKE ekes-ebeln,    " Numéro du document d'achat.
            ebelp LIKE ekes-ebelp,    " Numéro de poste du document d'achat.
            slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt,    " Date de livraison statistique
            eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,    " Date de livraison indiquée dans la
                                      " confirmation de la cde.
            menge LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité indiquée dans la confirma-
                                      " tion de la commande.
            attdu LIKE eket-wemng,    " Portefeuille fournisseur.
            netpr LIKE ekpo-brtwr,    " Prix net du document d'achat dans
                                      " la devise du document.
            rtard TYPE i,             " Retard en jours ouvres.
            wemng LIKE eket-wemng,    " Quantité de l'entrée de marchandise.
            bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat,    " Date inscrite sur la pièce/sur le
                                      " document.
            qtran LIKE ekes-menge,    " Quantité en transit.
            dtran LIKE ekes-eindt.    " Date du dernier avis de transit.
    DATA: END OF itb_pca.
    DATA: w_i TYPE i,                "Compteur
          w_i_char(1) TYPE c,        "Texte pour récupérer compteur
          w_nm_zone(20) TYPE c,      "Nom zone pour assign au field-symbols
          w_nb_j TYPE i,             "Nb de jours ouvrés jusqu'à fin mois
          w_nb_j_tot TYPE i.         "Nb de jours ouvrés du mois
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les fiches info achat.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_eina OCCURS 0,
            matnr LIKE eina-matnr,
            lifnr LIKE eina-lifnr,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf.
    DATA: END OF itb_eina.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant les infos groupe acheteur.
    *DATA: BEGIN OF itb_t024 OCCURS 0,
           ekgrp LIKE t024-ekgrp,
           eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
           ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
           telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    *DATA: END OF itb_t024.
    Déclaration d'une table pour le transfert du fichier.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_transfert OCCURS 0,
            col00(8),                 "division
            col00bis(20),             "Reference article
            col01(18),                "No article
            col02(45),                "libelle article
            col021(17),               "Groupe acheteur
            col022(13),               "gestionnaire
            col03(17),                "qte commandée ou No de commande
            col04(13),                "Mois 1 ou No poste cde
            col05(20),                "Mois 2 ou délai initial
            col06(33),                "Mois 3 ou délai négocié
            col07(13),                "Mois 4 ou qté cdée
            col08(13),                "Mois 5 ou qté attendue
            col09(13),                "Mois 6 ou Montant attendu
            col10(13),                "Mois 7 ou retard
            col11(13),                "qte partielle livree
            col12(13),                "date livraison partielle
            col13(13),                "qté en transit
            col14(13).                "date
    DATA: END OF itb_transfert.
    Déclaration d'une table contenant la liste des fournisseurs.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_lifnr OCCURS 0,
            werks LIKE marc-werks,
            idfnl LIKE eina-idnlf,
            lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,
            ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
            spras LIKE lfa1-spras,
            eknam LIKE t024-eknam,
            ektel LIKE t024-ektel,
            telfx LIKE t024-telfx.
    DATA: END OF itb_lifnr.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans la table MSEG.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_mseg OCCURS 0,
             mblnr LIKE mseg-mblnr,
             mjahr LIKE mseg-mjahr,
             ebeln LIKE mseg-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE mseg-ebelp,
           END OF itb_mseg.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekpo OCCURS 0,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             ebeln LIKE ekpo-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp,
             menge LIKE ekpo-menge,
             bpumz LIKE ekpo-bpumz,
             bpumn LIKE ekpo-bpumn,
             matnr LIKE ekpo-matnr,
             werks LIKE ekpo-werks,
             netpr LIKE ekpo-netpr,
             peinh LIKE ekpo-peinh,  "Base de prix FAE17345+
             ekgrp LIKE ekko-ekgrp,   "AFT++
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,   "AFT++
           END OF itb_ekpo.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKPO.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekko OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln,
             lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,
             spras LIKE ekko-spras,
           END OF itb_ekko.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKES.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_ekes OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE eket-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE eket-ebelp,
             ebtyp LIKE ekes-ebtyp,
             eindt LIKE ekes-eindt,
             menge LIKE ekes-menge,
             dabmg LIKE ekes-dabmg,
             etens LIKE ekes-etens,
           END OF itb_ekes.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans EKET
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eket OCCURS 0,
             ebeln LIKE eket-ebeln,
             ebelp LIKE eket-ebelp,
             menge LIKE eket-menge,
             wemng LIKE eket-wemng,
             eindt LIKE eket-eindt,
             slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt,
           END OF itb_eket.
    déclaration d'une structure pour la selection dans MKPF.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_mkpf OCCURS 0,
             mblnr LIKE mkpf-mblnr,
             mjahr LIKE mkpf-mjahr,
             bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat,
           END OF itb_mkpf.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans EORD.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eord OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
             lifnr LIKE eord-lifnr,
             ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,                             "DE3K924352
             disls LIKE marc-disls,
             bstfe LIKE marc-bstfe,
             bstrf LIKE marc-bstrf,
             bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,
             bstma LIKE marc-bstma,
           END OF itb_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eordw OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE itb_eord.
    DATA : END OF itb_eordw.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans MAKT.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_makt OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE makt-matnr,
             spras LIKE makt-spras,
             maktx LIKE makt-maktx,
           END OF itb_makt.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans EBAN.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_eban OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE eban-matnr,
             werks LIKE eban-werks,
             flief LIKE eban-flief,
             lfdat LIKE eban-lfdat,
             menge LIKE eban-menge,
             bsmng LIKE eban-bsmng,
             webaz LIKE eban-webaz,
             ekgrp LIKE eban-ekgrp,
             ebeln LIKE eban-ebeln,
             banfn LIKE eban-banfn,
             bnfpo LIKE eban-bnfpo, "DB3K900702+
           END OF itb_eban.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans PLAF.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_plaf OCCURS 0,
             plnum LIKE plaf-plnum, "DB3K900702+
             matnr LIKE plaf-matnr,
             plwrk LIKE plaf-plwrk,
             flief LIKE plaf-flief,
             pedtr LIKE plaf-pedtr,
             gsmng LIKE plaf-gsmng,
             webaz LIKE plaf-webaz,
           END OF itb_plaf.
    Déclaration d'une structure pour la sélection dans MARC.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_marc OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE marc-matnr,
             werks LIKE marc-werks,
             disls LIKE marc-disls,
             bstrf LIKE marc-bstrf,
             bstmi LIKE marc-bstmi,
             bstma LIKE marc-bstma,
             bstfe LIKE marc-bstfe,
             ekgrp LIKE marc-ekgrp,
             dispo LIKE marc-dispo,
           END OF itb_marc.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_marc_eord OCCURS 0,
              matnr LIKE marc-matnr,
              werks LIKE marc-werks,
              strgr LIKE marc-strgr,   "groupe de stratégie planif
           END OF itb_marc_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_z03_bw_cmp1 OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-matnr,
             werks LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-werks,
             pdatu LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-pdatu,
             plnmg LIKE z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg,
           END OF itb_z03_bw_cmp1.
    Begin change BNI <DE3K937051>
    DATA : BEGIN OF itb_z03_bw_cmp2 OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-matnr,
             werks LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-werks,
             pdatu LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-pdatu,
             plnmg LIKE z03_bw_cmp2-plnmg,
           END OF itb_z03_bw_cmp2.
    *End change BNI
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index1,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index1.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index2,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index2.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index3_eord,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index3_eord.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index4,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
          END OF str_index4.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index5,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index5.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index6,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index6.
    DATA : BEGIN OF str_index7,
             matnr LIKE eord-matnr,
             werks LIKE eord-werks,
    END OF str_index7.
    Déclaration des variables de debut et de fin de mois.
    DATA: w_debut_mois    LIKE sy-datum,
          w_debut_periode LIKE sy-datum,
          w_fin_mois      LIKE sy-datum,
          w_fin_periode   LIKE sy-datum.
    Déclaration des variables pour les dates.
    DATA: w_date0 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date1 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date2 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date3 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date4 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date5 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_date6 LIKE sy-datum,
          w_datejour LIKE sy-datum,                             "FAE15269
          w_dat_da LIKE eban-lfdat,
          w_dat_op LIKE plaf-pedtr,
          w_mois0 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois1 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois2 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois3 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois4 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois5 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_mois6 LIKE t247-ltx,
          w_lendemain LIKE sy-datum.                            "FAE17345+
    Temoin d'un AR dans la commande d'achat.
    DATA: w_temoin_ar.
    Numéro de la confirmation de la commande
    DATA : w_etens LIKE ekes-etens.
    Déclaration des variables pour le nom des fichiers.
    DATA: w_nom_fichier LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_fichier LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_racine LIKE rlgrap-filename,
          w_file LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    Déclaration d'une table interne pour le transfert.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itb_trans OCCURS 0,
    DATA: END OF itb_trans.
    Déclaration d'une variable pour rechercher les enregistrements vides.
    DATA: w_compteur     TYPE i,
          w_compteur1    TYPE i,
          w_compteur2    TYPE i,
          w_retard       TYPE i,          " Retard en jours ouvres.
          w_trouve_pfc   TYPE c, "addsde
          w_trouve_pfs   TYPE c, "+DE3K937051
          w_trouve       TYPE c.
    *Index pour les LOOP
    DATA : w_index_ekpo LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_ekes LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_eket LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_mseg LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_eban LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_plaf LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_pca  LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 LIKE sy-tabix,
           w_index_z03_bw_cmp2 LIKE sy-tabix."+DE3K937051
    RANGES : r_type_pfs   FOR marc-strgr.
    *fichier sur serveur +EDR231003
    DATA : w_chemin LIKE filename-fileintern,  "nom du fichier
           w_date_fichier(12) TYPE c,          "Date format DD_MM_AA
           w_csv(307) TYPE c.                  "ligne du fichier format CSV
    CONSTANTS: k_imputation_m LIKE eban-knttp VALUE 'M'.        "FAE19001+
                     Description de l écran de sélection                 *
                         Paramètres "UTILISATION"                        *
    Ouverture d'un block de sélection pour le(s) fournisseur(s).
    Sélection division(s)
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR ekpo-werks.
    Sélection fournisseur(s).
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_lifnr FOR lfa1-lifnr OBLIGATORY.
    Sélection du Groupe d'acheteur
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ekgrp FOR marc-ekgrp.   "-FAE26446
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_dispo FOR marc-dispo.   "-FAE26446
    FAE 26446 : ajout
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 5(24) text-001 FOR FIELD p_ekgrp.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ekgrp FOR marc-ekgrp.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 5(24) text-002 FOR FIELD p_dispo.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_dispo FOR marc-dispo.
    FAE 26446 : fin ajout
                           Paramètres "SYSTEME"                          *
    Saut de 2 lignes.
    Ouverture d'un block de sélection pour l'adresse physique du fichier.
    PARAMETERS: p_pc       RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1 DEFAULT 'X',  "+EDR231003
                p_fic_pc LIKE rlgrap-filename.                  "+EDR231003
    SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP.                                      "+EDR231003
    PARAMETERS     : p_serve   RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1,          "+EDR231003
                     p_fic_se LIKE filename-fileintern          "+EDR231003
                              DEFAULT 'Z03_PREV_COMMANDES'.     "+EDR231003
                           Logique de traitement                         *
                              INITIALIZATION                             *
    Date du jour
      MOVE sy-datum TO w_datejour.                              "FAE15269
    Gestion des anomalies.
      MOVE text-lb1 TO w_lb_traitement.
      PERFORM f930_init USING sy-cprog '30'.
    Fin de la gestions des anomalies.
    Récuperation des mois dans la table interne 'ITB_MONTHS'.
                language              = sy-langu
                month_names           = itb_months
                month_names_not_found = 1
                OTHERS                = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Récupération des differentes periodes.
      PERFORM f100_recuperation_date TABLES itb_months.
    Récupération du debut du mois.
      CONCATENATE sy-datlo(6) '01' INTO w_debut_mois.
      MOVE: w_debut_mois TO w_debut_periode.
    Récupération du dernier jour du mois.
                day_in            = sy-datlo
                last_day_of_month = w_fin_mois
                day_in_no_date    = 1
                OTHERS            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
                              TOP-OF-PAGE                                *
                p_linsz   = k_ligne
                p_pagno   = sy-pagno
                p_prog    = sy-cprog
                p_projet  = k_projet
                p_societe = k_societe
                p_sujet   = sy-title.
                              END-OF-PAGE                                *
                            AT SELECTION-SCREEN                          *
    FAE 26446 : ajout
      IF NOT ( s_ekgrp IS INITIAL )
      AND  NOT ( s_dispo IS INITIAL ).
        MESSAGE e394(z03_mm).
      IF p_ekgrp = 'X'.
        IF s_ekgrp IS INITIAL.
          MESSAGE e395(z03_mm).
        IF s_dispo IS INITIAL.
          MESSAGE e396(z03_mm).
    fae26446 fin ajout
      IF p_pc = 'X'.
        IF p_fic_pc IS INITIAL.
    *Attention, il n'y a aucune adresse de sauvegarde pour le(s) fichier(s)
          MESSAGE e021(z03_mm).
        IF p_fic_se IS INITIAL.
    *Attention, il n'y a aucune adresse de sauvegarde pour le(s) fichier(s)
          MESSAGE e021(z03_mm).
    Création du matchcode pour la selection du fichier local.
                def_filename     = p_fic_pc
                def_path         = 'C:'
                mask             = text-ma1
                mode             = 'S'
                title            = text-sel
                filename         = p_fic_pc
                inv_winsys       = 1
                no_batch         = 2
                selection_cancel = 3
                selection_error  = 4
                OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 3.
        MESSAGE e032(z03_mm).
                            START-OF-SELECTION                           *
      PERFORM select_donnees.
    Liste des ARTICLES impactés pour les prévisions *
    Construction itb_pca à partir de EKKO/EKPO.
      w_index_ekpo  = 1.
      w_index_ekes  = 1.
      w_index_eket  = 1.
      w_index_mseg  = 1.
    SORT itb_ekko BY ebeln.           "-FAE26446
      SORT itb_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_makt BY matnr spras.
      SORT itb_eket BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_ekes BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_mseg BY ebeln ebelp.
      SORT itb_mkpf BY mblnr mjahr.
      SORT itb_marc BY matnr werks.                             "+FAE26446
    FAE 26446 remplacement
    LOOP AT itb_ekko.
       LOOP AT itb_ekpo.
               FROM w_index_ekpo.
         IF itb_ekko-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln.
      LOOP AT itb_ekpo.
        READ TABLE itb_marc WITH KEY
           matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
           werks = itb_ekpo-werks BINARY SEARCH.
        CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    FAE 26446 fin remplacement
        itb_pca-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln.
        itb_pca-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
      itb_pca-lifnr = itb_ekko-lifnr.   "-FAE26446
        itb_pca-lifnr = itb_ekpo-lifnr.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-ekgrp = itb_ekpo-ekgrp.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-dispo = itb_ekpo-dispo.                         "+FAE26446
        itb_pca-matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr.
        itb_pca-werks = itb_ekpo-werks.
      Recherche du libellé article
        READ TABLE itb_makt
                   WITH KEY matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
                            spras = text-fra
                   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          itb_pca-maktx = itb_makt-maktx.
          READ TABLE itb_makt
                    WITH KEY matnr = itb_ekpo-matnr
                             spras = text-ang
                    BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            itb_pca-maktx = itb_makt-maktx.
        IF NOT itb_ekpo-bpumn IS INITIAL.
          itb_pca-menge = itb_ekpo-menge * itb_ekpo-bpumz /
      Sélect° ds la table EKES des dates de livraisons et des qtés
      en transit
        CLEAR w_temoin_ar.
        CLEAR w_etens.
        LOOP AT itb_ekes
                FROM w_index_ekes.
          IF  itb_ekes-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_ekes-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            IF itb_ekes-ebtyp = text-arn.
              itb_pca-eindt = itb_ekes-eindt.
              w_temoin_ar = 'X'.
            Si c'est une qté en transit alors on recupere
            la quantité et la date.
              IF itb_ekes-dabmg < itb_ekes-menge.
                itb_pca-qtran = itb_pca-qtran + itb_ekes-menge -
              IF itb_ekes-etens > w_etens.
                w_etens = itb_ekes-etens.
                itb_pca-dtran = itb_ekes-eindt.
          ELSEIF itb_ekes-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR ( itb_ekes-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_ekes-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_ekes = sy-tabix.
      S'il n'y a pas d'AR alors récupérat° de la date livraison dans EKET.
        LOOP AT itb_eket
                FROM w_index_eket.
          IF  itb_eket-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_eket-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            IF w_temoin_ar IS INITIAL.
              itb_pca-eindt = itb_eket-eindt.
            itb_pca-slfdt = itb_eket-slfdt.
          Calcul du portefeuille fournisseur à partir de la
          qté commandée et la qté reçue
            itb_pca-attdu = itb_pca-attdu + itb_eket-menge -
          Calcul du montant du poste
            itb_pca-netpr = itb_ekpo-netpr * itb_pca-attdu.
            IF itb_ekpo-peinh NE 0.
              itb_pca-netpr = itb_pca-netpr / itb_ekpo-peinh.
          Calcul quantité réceptionnée.
            itb_pca-wemng = itb_pca-wemng + itb_eket-wemng.
          Calcul du retard en nombre de jours calendaires
          Le calcul du retard  ne doit pas prendre en compte
          le jour de livraison
            ADD 1 TO itb_eket-eindt.
            IF NOT itb_pca-attdu  IS INITIAL
            AND    itb_eket-eindt LT sy-datum.
            Calcul du retard en nombre de jours ouvrés
              CLEAR w_retard.
                        date_deb = itb_eket-eindt
                        date_fin = sy-datum
                        jours    = w_retard.
              itb_pca-rtard = itb_pca-rtard + w_retard .
          ELSEIF itb_eket-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR (   itb_eket-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND    itb_eket-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_eket = sy-tabix.
      Recherche de la derniere date de livraison.
        LOOP AT itb_mseg
                FROM w_index_mseg.
          IF  itb_mseg-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND itb_mseg-ebelp = itb_ekpo-ebelp.
            READ TABLE itb_mkpf
                       WITH KEY mblnr = itb_mseg-mblnr
                                mjahr = itb_mseg-mjahr
                       BINARY SEARCH.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              IF itb_mkpf-bldat > itb_pca-bldat.
                itb_pca-bldat = itb_mkpf-bldat.
          ELSEIF itb_mseg-ebeln > itb_ekpo-ebeln
          OR (   itb_mseg-ebeln = itb_ekpo-ebeln
          AND    itb_mseg-ebelp > itb_ekpo-ebelp ).
            w_index_mseg = sy-tabix.
        APPEND itb_pca.
        CLEAR itb_pca.
    FAE26446 suppression parag. suivant
         ELSEIF itb_ekpo-ebeln > itb_ekko-ebeln.
           w_index_ekpo = sy-tabix.
    Fin FAE26446
      SORT itb_eord        BY matnr werks lifnr ekgrp.
      SORT itb_eban        BY matnr werks flief ekgrp.
      SORT itb_plaf        BY matnr plwrk flief.
      SORT itb_z03_bw_cmp1 BY matnr werks.
      SORT itb_z03_bw_cmp2 BY matnr werks."+DE3K937051
      SORT itb_pca         BY matnr werks lifnr.
      w_index_eban = 1.
      w_index_plaf = 1.
      w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 = 1.
      w_index_pca = 1.
      w_index_z03_bw_cmp2 = 1."+DE3K937051
    Remplissage de la table des prévisions de commande.
      LOOP AT itb_eord.
        CLEAR: str_prev_pfc,
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index3_eord.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO itb_prev_cde.
      Recherche dans table division/article (MARC) afin de déterminer si
      article PFS (prod fabriqué à stock) ou PFC (Prod fabriqué sur cde)
        AT NEW werks.
          READ TABLE itb_marc_eord
                     WITH KEY matnr = itb_eord-matnr
                              werks = itb_eord-werks
                     BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            CLEAR itb_marc_eord.
    a - Prévisions pour les PFS : DA + OP *
    *Calcul des quantités de commande.
        IF itb_eord-disls = text-tl1.
          itb_prev_cde-bstmi =  itb_eord-bstfe.
        ELSEIF itb_eord-disls = text-tl2
        OR     itb_eord-disls = text-tl3.
          IF  itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND itb_eord-bstmi = 0
          AND itb_eord-bstma = 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstrf.
          ELSEIF itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND    itb_eord-bstmi NE 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstmi.
          ELSEIF itb_eord-bstrf = itb_eord-bstma
          AND    itb_eord-bstrf NE 0
          AND    itb_eord-bstmi = 0.
            itb_prev_cde-bstmi = itb_eord-bstma.
      si article PFS (Prod fabriqué à stock) recherche des
      demandes d'achat ou ordres planfiés
        IF itb_marc_eord-strgr IN r_type_pfs.
      Récupérat° calendrier de la division pour calcul correct lors de
      l'ajout de eban-webaz ou plaf-webaz jours ouvrés
          CLEAR w_trouve_pfs ."+DE3K937051
          READ TABLE itb_t001w
                     WITH KEY werks = itb_eord-werks
                     BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            LOOP AT itb_eban
                    FROM w_index_eban.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eban TO str_index2.
              IF str_index1 = str_index2.
                w_trouve_pfs = 'X'."+DE3K937051
              si qte commandées pour la DA  < quantité de la DA
                IF itb_eban-bsmng < itb_eban-menge.
                ajout de quantité de la DA - qte  commandée pour la DA
                  PERFORM affect_da.
              ELSEIF str_index2 > str_index1.
                w_index_eban = sy-tabix.
        ajout des quantité des OP (ordres planifiés)
          LOOP AT itb_plaf
                  FROM w_index_plaf.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_plaf TO str_index4.
            str_index4-werks = itb_plaf-plwrk.
          str_index4-lifnr = itb_plaf-flief.
            IF str_index4 = str_index3_eord.
            Ajout de webaz jours ouvrés à pedtr
                        i_date        = itb_plaf-pedtr
                        i_calendar_id = itb_t001w-fabkl
                        i_nb_days     = itb_plaf-webaz
                        o_date        = w_dat_op
                        conv_error    = 1
                        OTHERS        = 2.
              IF sy-subrc
       If forecasts found in Z03_BW_CMP2 for the article
       IF w_trouve_pfs = 'X'."-DE3K937602
    Recalculation prev month M in fct of Nb of wrought days of the month
        IF NOT itb_prev_cde-men00 IS INITIAL.
       one does not hold any more account of the day in progress
          w_lendemain = w_date0 + 1.
          CLEAR:w_nb_j,w_nb_j_tot.         "DE3K938206+
                    date_deb = w_lendemain
                    date_fin = w_fin_mois
                    jours    = w_nb_j.
                    date  = w_lendemain
                    jours = w_nb_j_tot.
          itb_prev_cde-men00  = itb_prev_cde-men00 * w_nb_j / w_nb_j_tot
    *CLA DE3K925301 FAE27197
    *to round has the higher entirety
        itb_prev_cde-men00  = ceil( itb_prev_cde-men00 ). "DE3K938206-
    *End change BNI
    b - Prévisions pour les PFC (Z03_BW_CMP1 puis rééquilibrage) *
      Recherche des previsions dans Z03_BW_CMP1
      si article PFC (Prod fabriqué sur cde) recherche des prévisions
        IF  NOT itb_marc_eord-strgr IN r_type_pfs.
          CLEAR str_prev_pfc.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_prev_pfc.
          CLEAR w_trouve_pfc .
          LOOP AT itb_z03_bw_cmp1
                  FROM w_index_z03_bw_cmp1.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_z03_bw_cmp1 TO str_index7.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_eord TO str_index6.
            IF str_index6 = str_index7.
          si on trouve des prévisions dans z03_bw_cmp1 pour la source
          d'appro eord alors c'est un article  PFC
              w_trouve_pfc = 'X'.
              CASE itb_z03_bw_cmp1-pdatu+0(6).
                WHEN w_date0+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men00 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date1+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men01 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date2+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men02 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date3+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men03 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date4+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men04 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date5+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men05 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN w_date6+0(6).
                  str_prev_pfc-men06 = itb_z03_bw_cmp1-plnmg.
                WHEN OTHERS.
            ELSEIF str_index7 > str_index6.
              w_index_z03_bw_cmp1 = sy-tabix.
    *Begin change BNI
        Si des prévisions trouvées dans Z03_BW_CMP1 pour l'article
          IF w_trouve_pfc = 'X'.
          Recalcul prev mois M en fct du nb de jours ouvrés du mois
            IF NOT str_prev_pfc-men00 IS INITIAL.
            on ne tient plus compte du jour en cours
              w_lendemain = w_date0 + 1.
              CLEAR:w_nb_j,w_nb_j_tot.               "DE3K938206+
                        date_deb = w_lendemain
                        date_fin = w_fin_mois
                        jours    = w_nb_j.
                        date  = w_lendemain
                        jours = w_nb_j_tot.
              str_prev_pfc-men00 = str_prev_pfc-men00 * w_nb_j / w_nb_j_tot.
    *CLA DE3K925301 FAE27197
    *arrondir a l'entier supèrieur
              str_prev_pfc-men00 = ceil( str_prev_pfc-men00 ).
          Equilibrage PFC : commande/prévision du mois
          Recherche COMMANDES cumulées pour M à M+6
            CLEAR str_pca_pfc.
            LOOP AT itb_pca
                    FROM w_index_pca.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING itb_pca TO str_index5.
              IF str_index5 = str_index3_eord.
                IF NOT itb_pca-menge IS INITIAL.
                  CASE itb_pca-eindt+0(6).
                    WHEN w_date0+0(6).
                      IF itb_pca-eindt >= w_date0.
                      str_pca_pfc-men00 = str_pca_pfc-men00 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date1+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men01 = str_pca_pfc-men01 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date2+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men02 = str_pca_pfc-men02 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date3+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men03 = str_pca_pfc-men03 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date4+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men04 = str_pca_pfc-men04 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date5+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men05 = str_pca_pfc-men05 + itb_pca-menge.
                    WHEN w_date6+0(6).
                      str_pca_pfc-men06 = str_pca_pfc-men06 + itb_pca-menge.
                ENDIF."NOT itb_pca-menge IS INITIAL
              ELSEIF str_index5 > str_index3_eord.
                w_index_pca = sy-tabix.
    *. Equilibrer commande / prévision des mois : diminuer la quantité de
    prévision de chaque mois par le portefeuille de commande client du
    mois*. Si ce solde est négatif alors lui donner la valeur 0.
            w_i = 0.
          Ajustement commandes/prévisions pour les mois M à M+6
            WHILE w_i .
            Pour un mois, SI Prévisions > Commandes en cours
              IF .
              Prévisions = Prévisions - Commandes en cours
                 = 0.
            On passe au mois suivant
              w_i = w_i + 1.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men00 TO itb_prev_cde-men00.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men01 TO itb_prev_cde-men01.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men02 TO itb_prev_cde-men02.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men03 TO itb_prev_cde-men03.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men04 TO itb_prev_cde-men04.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men05 TO itb_prev_cde-men05.
            MOVE str_prev_pfc-men06 TO itb_prev_cde-men06.

    You check in SM50 by executing the programing, You will come to know which select is taking more time and accordingly you modify that select.
    You can do SQL trace and Run time analysis and analyse and see.
    check this and use
    1) Dont use nested select statements
    2) If possible use for all entries in addition
    3) In the where addition make sure you give all the primary key
    4) Use Index for the selection criteria.
    5) You can also use inner joins
    6) You can try to put the data from the first select statement into an Itab and then in order to select the data from the second table use for all entries in.
    7) Use the runtime analysis SE30 and SQL Trace (ST05) to identify the performance and also to identify where the load is heavy, so that you can change the code accordingly
    ABAP performance depends upon various factors and in devicded in three parts:
    1. Database
    2. ABAP
    3. System
    Run Any program using SE30 (performance analys) to improve performance refer to tips and trics section of SE30, Always remember that ABAP perfirmance is improved when there is least load on Database.
    u can get an interactive grap in SE30 regarding this with a file.
    also if u find runtime of parts of codes then use :
    Switch on RTA Dynamically within ABAP Code
    *To turn runtim analysis on within ABAP code insert the following code
    *To turn runtim analysis off within ABAP code insert the following code
    Always check the driver internal tables is not empty, while using FOR ALL ENTRIES
    Avoid for all entries in JOINS
    Try to avoid joins and use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    Try to restrict the joins to 1 level only ie only for tables
    Avoid using Select *.
    Avoid having multiple Selects from the same table in the same object.
    Try to minimize the number of variables to save memory.
    The sequence of fields in 'where clause' must be as per primary/secondary index ( if any)
    Avoid creation of index as far as possible
    Avoid operators like <>, > , < & like % in where clause conditions
    Avoid select/select single statements in loops.
    Try to use 'binary search' in READ internal table. Ensure table is sorted before using BINARY SEARCH.
    Avoid using aggregate functions (SUM, MAX etc) in selects ( GROUP BY , HAVING,)
    Avoid using ORDER BY in selects
    Avoid Nested Selects
    Avoid Nested Loops of Internal Tables
    Try to use FIELD SYMBOLS.
    Try to avoid into Corresponding Fields of
    Avoid using Select Distinct, Use DELETE ADJACENT
    Check the following Links
    Re: performance tuning
    Re: Performance tuning of program
    check the below link
    See the following link if it's any help:
    Check also
    books like
    Performance tuning for Data Selection Statement
    Run Time Analyser
    SQL trace
    CATT - Computer Aided Testing Too
    Test Workbench
    Coverage Analyser
    Runtime Monitor
    Memory Inspector
    ECATT - Extended Computer Aided testing tool.
    Just refer to these links...
    Performance Guide
    performance issues...
    Performance Tuning
    Performance issues
    performance tuning
    performance tuning
    You can go to the transaction SE30 to have the runtime analysis of your program.Also try the transaction SCI , which is SAP Code Inspector.
    1 Always check the driver internal tables is not empty, while using FOR ALL ENTRIES
    2 Avoid for all entries in JOINS
    3 Try to avoid joins and use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    4 Try to restrict the joins to 1 level only ie only for 2 tables
    5 Avoid using Select *.
    6 Avoid having multiple Selects from the same table in the same object.
    7 Try to minimize the number of variables to save memory.
    8 The sequence of fields in 'where clause' must be as per primary/secondary index ( if any)
    9 Avoid creation of index as far as possible
    10 Avoid operators like <>, > , < & like % in where clause conditions
    11 Avoid select/select single statements in loops.
    12 Try to use 'binary search' in READ internal table. Ensure table is sorted before using BINARY SEARCH.
    13 Avoid using aggregate functions (SUM, MAX etc) in selects ( GROUP BY , HAVING,)
    14 Avoid using ORDER BY in selects
    15 Avoid Nested Selects
    16 Avoid Nested Loops of Internal Tables
    17 Try to use FIELD SYMBOLS.
    18 Try to avoid into Corresponding Fields of
    19 Avoid using Select Distinct, Use DELETE ADJACENT.

  • Why was Firefox 4 installed in WIN 7 Program Files x86 directory while Firefox 3.6.12 was installed in the Programs Directory?

    After I installed the new Firefox 4.0 today, Secunia reported that there was an insecure version of Firefox 3.6.12 remaining on the computer.
    OS = Win 7 Professional.
    Firefox 4.0 installed in Program Files (x86) directory, while the old version 3.6.12 remained in the Program Files directory (file version =
    Why did this happen, and can I just delete the old version in the Program Files Directory, or would there be negative consequences if I did this?

    That's an interesting suggestion about how I acquired the 64-bit version.. However, I just responded to the Firefox updater when informed, and let it install itself - I did not get the 3.6.12 from another source, and wasn't even aware that there were 2 versions.
    The important question for me is - How do I get rid of the reminants of the 64-bit version in the Program Files Directory? - Is it safe just to delete the Mozilla Firefox directory and its contents?
    Is there a 64-bit version of Firefox 4 available, and if so, why didn't it sense that I have a 64-bit system and install the correct version?

  • A conversion error occurred while the program -- display data on the screen

    HI all,
    Iam getting a dump error described below:
    A conversion error occurred while the program was trying to
    display data on the screen.
    The ABAP output field and the screen field may not have the
    same format.
    Some field types require more characters on the screen than
    in the ABAP program. For example, a date field on a screen needs
    two characters more than it would in the program. When attempting to
    display the date on the screen, an error will occur that triggers the
    error message.
                  Screen name.............. " Ztable_MM_MRQ "
                  Screen number............ 0100
                  Screen field............. "WA_PO_ITEMS-MENGE"
                  Error text............... "FX015: Sign lost."
    Further data:
    Give us step by step procedure to rectify the same with

    please give details in se51 where i have to put a "V"  to allow negative amounts
    whether it is in Text or I/O templates
    name                                     type of screen element         Text or I/O field
    WA_PO_ITEMS-MENGE     Text                           PO_quantity__     

  • I won Lightroom 1.0 a few years ago at an Adobe clinic in Fremont. I have since misplaced the original disk and cannot get the program to open. It wants a serial number and I don't have one. How can I get the serial number so I can use the software?

    I won Lightroom 1.0 as a door prize a few years ago at an Adobe clinic in Fremont. I have since misplaced the original disk and cannot get the program to open. It wants a serial number and I don't have one. How can I get the serial number so I can use the software?

    Thanks for replying, Jim. I wasn't planning to use it for raw images. I shoot film, black and white, and have many negatives I want to print. I am unfamiliar with the upgrades in Lightroom. I wasn't unhappy with the version I have. It was useful for my purposes.
    Because it was a few years ago, I don't remember if I registered the product. I was able to login to my account. But could not find a path to communicate with Adobe. I will keep trying.

  • Performance Impact for the Application when using ADFLogger

    Hi All,
    I am very new to ADFLogger and I am going to implement this in my Application. I go through Duncan Mill's acticles and got the basic understanding.
    I have some questions to be clear.
    Is there any Performance Impact when using ADFLogger to slower the Appllication.
    Is there any Best Practices to follow with ADFLogger to minimize the negative impact(if exists).

    Well, add a call to a logger is a method call. So if you add a log message for every line of code, you'll see an impact.
    You can implement it in a way that you only write the log messages if the log level if set to a level which your logger writes (or lower). In this case the impact is like having an if statement, and a method call if the if statement returns true.
    After this theory here is my personal finding, as I use ADFLogger quite a lot. In production systems you turn the log lever to WARNING or higher so you will not see many log messages in the log. Only when a problem is reported you set the log level to a lower value to get more output.
    I normally use the 'check log level before logging a message' and the 'just print the message' combined. When I know that a message is printed very often, I first check the level. If I assume or know that a message is only logged seldom, I just log it.
    I personally have not seen a negative impact this way.

  • Numeric Integration of positive and negative values in the same signal

    Hello.. I need to perform an evaluation of Area Under Curve of my signal, but it contains positive and negative values. I am using the "Numeric Integration" function, but the result expressed by my VI represent: AREA OF POSITIVE VALUES - AREA OF NEGATIVE VALUES, in other words, my result represent the difference between these two areas. But I want to know the total area, the sum of positive values area and negative values area, and because both values has are "+", my final result should has "+" notation.
    For example:
    Area of positive values: +45.00
    Area of negative values: +34.00
    Total area: +79.00
    How do I modify my VI to obtain the total area value?
    I try to split my values in two parts:
    A) only the positive and zero values
    B) only the negative values
    I calculated the areas of both splits and performed an sum of them, but the final result does not matches with total area (computed by another software to know the real value)
    I attached an picture of my VI
    Thank you
    Numeric Integration1.png ‏12 KB

    Use an event structure for the boolean value changed. You also did not follow Lynn's advice to insert an "absolute value". It would really simplify everything.
    Here's how it would look in a newer version of LabVIEW (your icons look different because you have an older version. The functions are the similar).
    This is just a draft and the program needs to be improved. Use a state machine with events for read file and another for value change on the sampling rate. Place the data array in a shift so you can change the sampling rate without the need to re-read the file. Modify as needed. 
    Some important pointers in general:
    There is NO need to constantly spin the loop every nanosecond. The only time the loop needs to spin if if one of the inputs has changed.
    If you don't use an event structure, all UI loops need a wait to conserve CPU.
    Never (almost never) use "switch until released". Typically you want to use "latch when released" which makes the terminal true exactly once until the value is read and it will revert to false after that. "switch until released acts like a doorbell, so if it werent for the file dialog, you would execute the case several times in a row.
    You don't need to get the array size and wire N of the FOR loop if you are autoindexing. LabVIEW will spin the loop until it runs out of elements automatically.
    There is an atomic operation for "negate" in the numeric palette. No need to multiply with a "-1" diagram constant.
    There is an atomic operation for ">=0" in the comparison palette. No need to compare with a "0" diagram constant.
    Use a stop button on the loop termination.
    Everything that only needs to be done once after the file is read (e.g. you inner loop, etc. also belongs inside the case structure. Right?
    In general, you would make things much easier for us if you would attach your actual live VI instead of dead images.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 04-19-2008 12:22 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    areaPositive.png ‏9 KB

  • HP G4050 "HP Scan Resources has stopped working" and the program closes

    Scanning photo negatives, and all was working well until I updated the HP software.
    RUnning on an HP laptop, 64 bit, Win 8.1 64 bit, most current version of scanner software (is there no way on the software to find the version no.?  I deleted the download after installing)
    Have rebooted the machine.  Closed the scanner, turned off/on, reinstalled software and all combinations of these three.
    load the negs.  preview.  rotate, crop, click "finish".  It scans the first neg, gets 95% of the way (according to the work bar progress), throws up a message:
    "HP Scan Resources has stopped working"  Close the program.  On the close screen it suggests the above 3 retrys, and gives the "extended error info" as :
    8,[(4,0,-2147023170)]    I presume that may mean something to someone.
    Am about 1/2 way through scanning 5,000 negatives, and this has cropped up.  Bizarre, as the laptop has not changed from the get-go (new HP laptop).   WhaddaIdo?

    Hello WRJP, and welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I see you are running into scan issues.  I would like to help.
    I would suggest Uninstalling the Printer Software.
    Once it is uninstalled, I would suggest putting your system into clean boot mode within the Microsoft configuration.  You can do so by following this document: How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
    Once the computer is in clean boot mode, I would suggest reinstalling the HP Printer Install Wizard for Windows.
    Good luck and please let me know the results of your troubleshooting steps. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

  • Changes made in BCC how it be impact in the code & Database

          Whatever changes made in BCC how it be impact in the code & Database . Example : Price  ll be change in the BCC . Could u please briefly explain about this.

    Hi Gugan,
    From your description if i am understanding correctly, i think you are looking for information on BCC VS production like the changes which are performed in BCC how they are reflecting in DB and then production, if this is your question.
    BCC will have its own Database which is version and maintain the information of production Database and agents which are our production sites.
    When you observe CA console you will come to know about agents, along with that there will be a repository mapping which will map source repository to destination repository which will make sure that the data is mapped to correct repositories.
    after configuring all required sites and repository mappings when we do a deployment with changes, a successful deployment will push the data to the production data base and a cache invalidation will take place so that the newly deployed changes will appear on the production site.
    you can find a very nice explanation on ATG Content Administration Programming Guide
    if you are looking on some thing else feel free to update the post.
    Thanks & Regards
    Suman Vasireddy
    Please mark any update as "Correct Answer" or "Helpful Answer" if that update helps/answers your question, so that others can identify the Correct/helpful update between many updates.

  • User Status (OK02) without business trans control - any negative impact?

    I would like to know if there will be any negative impact if I do not maintain any business transaction control for my user statuses (OK02 config).

    Hi Vivian,
    As such there will be no negative impact in general but user statuses are required to control business transactions according to one's need . For example say there is a project created in CJ20N but management doesn't wants to release the project without budgeting. So this can be achieved by various user statuses.
    Otherwise if you do not set the user status , it will not make any negative impact.
    Dhruv Kumar Malhotra

  • Negative Impact of Auto Excise Invoice (J1IIN) creating

    Dear Experts,
    We are going to start auto excise Invoice creating. (after creating billing document, excise invoice will be creating automatically)
    Any negative impact if we have start this scenario.

    Asper your requirement i dont think so there will be a problem, (Except for regular sales)
    but carefurll when you are creating the excise invoice (J1IIN) for the exports and deemed exports, since those two sales processes system will expect the utilization option then only can able to go for the next process like ARE1, ARE3.
    check it out, whether you have both exports and deemed exp scenarios
    or else plz let me know(if i am wrong) if you hav any other way for both exports & deemed exp. (Automatic process)
    Thanks & Regards
    Rajasekhar R

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