Neo2 platinum no post with 3x512mb?

i have this problem when i set the board with 3 sticks of512mb ram it won`t  boot no matter at what speed or timing or whatever.
two sticks are pmi turbo 3700 and one is mdt ddr400.
i can run them in dual channel with no prooblem i mean one stick of the pmi and one with the mdt running in dual channel , i can reach even 235mhz with no problem.
but wheni put the tree sticks it won`t even boot i tried all kind of combinations of the slots still no go.
so i was wondering if this a board issue or a processor controler one
my rig is
neo2 platinum
winchester 3000+
fortron 460w
2x512pmi turbo
1 mdt512mb
thanks in advance

Please read Can I run 3 modules in my Dual Channel Board.

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    After plugging in the computer and starting up, the fans run and the drives spin, but I get no boot or post and nothing to the monitor.  I have tried just CPU and MOBO.  Ive tried CPU, MOBO, RAM, Video (Radeon 9600 Pro), and all give me nothing.  My two CD drives LED's blink and they constantly spin up over and over and over.  The DLED's on the back WERE all red for a while.  Now when I turn it on, LED one and two are red, three is orange ( not the red it used to be) and 4 isnt even on. 
    I was having problems with the computer after I would turn it off, and reboot, It would hang during post sometimes, and then I would reboot and everything would be merry.
    I went on vacation, unplugged EVERYTHING, and then came back, plugged it up, and pressed the power button.  Once again I saw the Platinum splash screen but it hung and didnt do anything else.  I re-booted and had no video, and no post beeps.  The drives spin up and down (optical) and will do it forever.  I have no idea whats going on. First i thought it was the processor not running the BIOS, then I thought the DLED's looked weird so Im working if its not my motherboard.
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    Quote from: ry_ry_us on 28-December-06, 09:48:35
    Well I guess thats two problems.  I feel like there is no need in investing in an outdated board and processor when i could be buyin a new one.  IF there is no other way to see whats bad then I guess I may have to start a whole new build.  Any other ideas?  Why in the world are the DLED's acting weird?
    you can borrow from friends to test it, or to take PC(case only) in some PC store/repair shop to ask for test there.
    another idea is try to disconnect D-Bracket and retest.

  • P45 Platinum, Wierd post with 2X 8800gt sli'd

    Finally got this system up and running, few memory issues n such but i worked though. Problem is, everytime i install both of my Nvidia 8800GT graphics cards with the stock "Crossfire" cable that came with my motherboard the boot stops at initializing the video and posts one long beep followed by two short ones. Is this Crossfire cable that came with my motherboard not compatible with Nvidia brand graphic cards? More importantly to me... lol  wth do the beeps mean? I've looked everywhere for some sort of guide but the manual is without. any insight is appreciated and let me know if I've left any info you need out XD

    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 27-September-09, 18:00:46
    1) The Intel P45 Chipset does not support SLI (Dual-NVIDIA-Card-Setup)
    2) You cannot use Crossfire Bridges to interconnect NVIDIA Cards (but ATI Cards only)
    3) There is a difference between CrossFire and SLI Bridges
    4) What you are trying to do will not work even on a board that actually supports SLI (2 * NVIDIA) because you are using the wrong bridge
    It indicates a video card problem (which is not surprising).
    The reason is obvious now, I hope.
    appreciate the quick response. and yes listing it like that DOES make me feel like an idiot, thx for that.

  • Need help with k8n neo2 platinum

    I've just installed a new k8n neo2 platinum s939 board with a venice core 3200+ cpu the htt is 2000 and multiplier 10x.
    I've gone to the core cell menu and set the htt to 4x (seemed to be this at default) and the max mem clock at 166 (more about this in a moment), the fsb will go quite easily up to 250mhz even 255mhz, but when I try 260 Mhz the machine when it reboots shows the initial slash screen but then goes to a blank screen with the cursor flashing in the top left hand corner, I can't even get back into the bios setup without clearing the cmos.
    The odd thing is that the adjust cpu vid is showing a voltage of 1.50 and not 1.40 or startup.
    Anyway with the fsb at 250mhz the bios screen is showing the Current ddr clock at 208 mhz ( not the max memclock setting of 166) the memory in the motherboard ( a crucial 512meg ddr333 single stick) seems to perform OK according to memtest which shows no errors after 2 cycles.
    Any attempt to get to 260mhz fsb appears to fail even by upping the cpu vid to 1.525v unless i adjust the cpu voltage setting which by default is set to (by cpu vid) to +3.3%. Doing this enables me to get to fsb 260mhz but the memtest fails ( even when I set the max memclock to 133, which shows my current ddr speed at 174mhz, well below the 208mhz which appeared stable with the fsb at 250mhz?)
    So firstly why are there two cpu voltage settings in the bios when my manual only shows 1 (there is no mention of this cpu vid setting?
    How is it that my memory is stable at 208mhz with a fsb of 255mhz but unstable at 174mhz with the fsb set at 260mhz?
    Why does the memory clock lock not appear to be working, the memory should be fixed at 166mhz but infact increases with fsb?
    I have bios revision 1.5.
    Please help as I am not familiar with the bios settings for this nforce 3 chipset, they seem rather odd to me. I'm sure my venice core 3200+ cpu can get beyond 250mhz fsb, I have another pc with a venice core 3000+ cpu which runs quite happily at 270mhz fsb.
    PS I've tried reducing the htt to 3x but the same thing happens.

    OK further feed back, I can get to over 260mhz fsb but the system is not stable the memory runs OK with mem test but I have problems with prime95.
    I had to up the cpu core voltage to 1.53v to get to 260mhz using the cpu voltage setting in the bios and setting a 5% increase. increasing the cpu vid setting to 1.55v did not seem to do anything at all the core voltage was still at 1.43v.
    I upped the mem voltage to 2.6v from 2.5 but still could not get the system to be stable, it may be that the memory is holding the system back but I don't want to pay for better memory at the moment. Unless anyone has got any other ideas it looks like I may be forced to settle with 250mhz, well still a 500mhz increase maybe not that bad. I've now to try 3d benchmarking using my radeon 9600xt and 3dmark 03.

  • K8N Neo2 Platinum 54G BIOS problem

    I recently bought a MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum-54G mainboard with W7025NMS v1.3  092204 revision of BIOS.
    AMD Athlon64 3000+ 939 is installed on the mainboard, with 2x512 GEIL PC3200 memory modules in dual channel configuration working on default frequency of 200MHz. CPU is recognized correctly as AMD Athlon64 3000+ on startup.
    Mainboard’s BIOS seems to be corrupted. In Cell Menu options, in the upper left part of the screen (printed blue) are processor and DDR working timings:
    Current CPU Clock 1810MHZ, Current DDR Clock 200MHz.
    Aggressive Timings and Dynamic Overclocking values are [Disabled] (processor working on its defaulf settings); Spread Spectrum is [Disabled] while all DRAM Configuration settings are set to [Auto].
    While entering HT frequency settings, (locked to [x5])  there are no other values to select – empty, and there is no way to leave it (ESC doesn’t help, the only thing possible to do is to reset the computer by pressing the Reset button on the chassis), but  the HT frequency settings were enabled when I loaded Fail-Safe settings, offering [1x], [1.5x], [2x], [2.5x], [3x], [4x], [5x].
    Adjust CPU Ratio settings offer only [StartUp], [x4]~[x9] values, but as I understood by reading the manual there should be [StartUp], [x4]~[x20].
    CPU Voltage, Memory Voltage and AGP Voltage are set to default.
    CPU-Z, as well as SiSoft Sandra 2004 and SiSoft Sandra 2005 and MSI CORE CELL show that processor works at a core speed ~1005MHz, showing multiplier locked on x5.0 and HTT locked at ~200MHz, while the voltage is ~1.05V!
    I downloaded the latest BIOS revision (v1.4), did the BIOS flash, but the problem remains!
    Anybody, help!

    HT frequency
    is a known fault in bios & is easily sorted Bas HT Bios Error
    CPU Ratio settings
    AMD64 CPOU's have a lock on CPU ratios which varies according to the specification of the chip. therefore the multiplier available in your bios stops at the max multiplier allowed by amd for your cpu.
    As an example i'm running a 3200 754 which has a maximum muliplier of 11 so that is the max i see in bios.
    this guide may help Bios Guide

  • K8N Neo2 Platinum Checksum Error

    Hi, I apologize if I break any rules here, but I tried to use the search option to locate an answer but couldn't find anything that helped me fully.
    My problem is that when I try to turn on my computer, I get a message saying:
    "Award Bootblock BIOS v1.0
    Copyright 2000 Award Software Inc.
    BIOS ROM checksum error
    Keyboard error or no keyboard present.
    Detecting floppy drive A media
    Except this, my computer is completely "dead", I cannot go anywhere. From what I have understood, my BIOS is corrupted, and I need to flash it. This should be done by inserting a boot floppy with added AWDFLASH.exe and a bios.bin. The thing is, I don't know how to find these files, or at least the correct ones. I have also tried to google for a solution, but haven't found anything satisfactionary. So this is kind of my last resort. I am very sorry if this is a newbie question, but I have almost no experience in this advanced (from my perspective) knowledge.
    If someone could help me locate the correct verisons of the Award Flash utility and BIOS file, and write a short step by step-walkthrough of how to proceed, you would have my eternal gratitude.
    My system is a 4 years old:
    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum 54G S939 with nForce 3 Ultra
    Windows XP Home
    AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 2.2 Ghz
    Gainward GeForce 7800 GS 512 Mb
    2x TwinMos 512 Mb RAM PC3200
    Maxtor Diamondmax 200 Gb SATA
    MS-7025 Ver: 1 is printed on the motherboard.

    Quote from: go_for on 11-March-09, 03:04:25
    This one is stuck in Award bootblock mode, will most likely need a re-flash from a bootable floppy disk.
    Make a bootable floppy disk, in e.g WinXP.
    Make a file with notepad, containing this line:
    AWFL833D.EXE W7025NMS.1D0 /CC /CD /CP /QI /R /PY /SN
    Save this file on this floppy by the name Autoexec.bat
    Also add the two files AWFL833D.EXE and W7025NMS.1D0 on this floppy.
    Power up the K8N Neo2 Plat. with this disk in the floppy drive. The flashing will begin, let it finish.
    Remove floppy and reboot. If it  succeeded, set all relevant values in BIOS and save&exit.
    This one is stuck in Award bootblock mode, will most likely need a re-flash from a bootable floppy disk.
    Not always, the same fake error message can came from bad memory stick too.
    Also he didn't flash his BIOS before the message to appear.

  • K8N Neo2 Platinum - Nvidia MAC Address

    I built a new system with the K8N Neo2 Platinum that came with the 1.9 Bios already installed. It also comes with the nVidia MAC address bug.
    Since I already had the 1.9 Bios installed, I tried the suggestion that I try to update it thru the main bios screen. I chose Integrated Peripherals, then pressed SHIFT+F2 then ALT+F3 to reveal extra options. One option was to type in the correct nVidia MAC address, however it had been highlighted in blue with an X next to the selection. Meaning it was N/A to be changed. Has anyone been able to get this to work? Is the only way to reestablish the correct address by reflashing the 1.9 bios again with the dos commands inputing the correct address?   

    i also had problems with my k8n neo board when i flahed it to 1.8 and 1.9 it got totaly up i had to do it back to 1.7
    with 1.8 it woulnd boot or i wasnt able to instal clean windows and with
    1.9 i had the same thing that mac stuff i got a weird mac error when booting and it kept hanging there
    now with 1.7 it works good again  also in 1.8 in bios the temp display was high again
    well if there are more peeps with that errors they should report it

  • A few bios problems with my 915p Neo2 platinum board

    I'm wondering af anyone here can help me.
    I just got a new system and a friend of mine helped set up the bios for me, afterwards he failed to tell me how he had configured the bios (my first big mistake).
    Since the buidling of the system there have been 3 short beeps at the beginning of startup. I was told that it was a warning system of some sort and when i looked it up, the informations pointed towards a problem with the RAM.
    I ran memtest86 and it found no problems with the RAM, so i contacted the site i bought the parts from and they suggested i reset the bios.
    I did so and the beeps remained, but my DVD and DVD-writer drives arent being detected anymore.
    I took my PC around to another friends house with only his keyboard and monitor connected. The beeping had stopped before we changed anything. Bringing it back around to my house resulted in the beeping returning.
    From this i gathered that the only things different may have been his power source and the peripherals i have attached to the back of the case. (speakers, printer, kb/m, etc)
    Going by the manual map, my 2 HDDs are connected as slave/master in IDE port 1 and my two DVD drives are connected to the yellow IDE port that is closest to IDE port 1 (it's either IDE 2 or 3, the map isnt too clear on which is which).
    Long story short, can anyone help me in identifying the source of the beeps and their meaning, an optimum setup for my bios and how to get my DVD drives to work.
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me. I'm fairly new to building computers and my friends are the type to suddenly become unavailable as soon as a problem arises.
    edit: just noticed i missed the spec description part menitoned in the rules.
    MSI s775 915P-Neo2-Platinum
    Version 1.4 of bios
    Pentium 4 540 LGA775 3.2GHz
    Corsair VS 1GB DDR2 240 pin RAM
    256 MSI PCI-express GF6800GT, latest drivers
    600W 3XS-EzCool PPFC
    Western digital WDC WD1600JB-00EVA0 (160GB) (master)
    Seagate U series 5 HDD ST340823A (40GB) (slave) Both on IDE slot 1
    Liteon DVD-ROM (spec unavailable)
    MSI 4x DVD-RW +/- (part no: G57-CB00243, this is all i could find on this part form the box)
    Sound Blaster Audigy
    Windows XP SP2
    second attempt at clearing up the garbled mess from above.
    Motherboard is making 3 short beeps on startup. Indication of a problem with memory. I've established that it's something external that causing the beeps as the memory has checked out fine with memtest86. Hence i will be checking all the attached devices.
    I was guided to reset the bios in an attempt to clear up this problem above. Doing so has resulted in my bios being unable to detect my DVD drives.
    My DVD-drives are connected to IDE port 2/3 (manual is unclear on which is which).
    Everything was in working order (with the exception of the beeping) before the bios was reset but due to my lack of knowledge/involvement with the original configuration of the bios, i'm at a loss as to how to fix it.
    If anyone could recommend me any updates for the bios, or could advise me on how to configure my bios accordingly to the parts i have i would be most appreciative. Also, if osmeone would be abel to shed some light on the beeping issue i would be thankful also.

    Originally posted by Danny
    The board uses a Via raid controller for the IDE 2 and 3 channels, and you do have that enabled.
    Under SATA devices configuration you should select Enhanced instead of compatible. But this should effect your problem.
    I see there is a 1.5 bios released that mentions the via controller
    Maybe someone with this board will pitch in and help.
    I saw this and was wondering if i should install it. It would be the equivelent of resetting the bios again wouldnt it? So it wouldnt be that much of a step back from where i am at the moment and it might be able to sort my IDE problems.

  • MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum with Western Digital 750Gb Caviar Green 32mb

    Hi all, this is my first post and im a bit of a numbskull when it comes to upgrading, thus this post.
    My HDD is on its last legs and I want to get a Western Digital 750Gb Caviar Green 32mb. Im not sure weather it will work with my  MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum (MS-7025). Can anyone help me out? If you have any suggestions for a better HDD to go for that would also be appreciated, Cheers

    Burst speeds are high mainly because of the disk's cache. That's the only part of the HDD that can get near the maximum bandwdth of the controller.
    The bottleneck for speed is in the fact that the HDD's mechanical properties won't allow it to work faster. With SSD's it is or will be different.
    Back to topic: the WD Green is an excellent choice. I've 6 of those running here now, 5 in a NAS and 1 in my pc and they're simply good. Not the fastest, but very stable, quiet and fast enough.

  • MOVED: [Athlon64] Msi K8N Neo2 Platinum problems with Patriot Ram

    This topic has been moved to AMD64 nVidia Based board.
    [Athlon64] Msi K8N Neo2 Platinum problems with Patriot Ram

    First post, whoo hooo   
    So what version of BIOS are u running?  I recently installed the two newest versions 2.0 and 2.1, and they both give me problems.  With the latest (2.1) I'm getting the same error as you.  Returning back to previous BIOS fixed my problems.  Oh yeah, my RAM is Kingston Hyper-X, so i don't think thats your problem.
    Let me know if you fix it, thats why im here, .

  • Neo2 Platinum + Dual Channel = No Post

    I have 2 x 512mb OCZ Gold PC3200 and I've tried them in both (DIMM1 + DIMM2) & (DIMM3 + DIMM4). They will NOT post at all. However, they DO work in slot 1 + 3 or individually. I put in a search and have found many other cases just like mine. I bought my motherboard from a few days ago and in the bios it says: Rev 3.06 08/20/2004. So I'm not sure if I have the latest bios or not but I did read of someone fixing this exact problem by switching out their Antec 430W TruePower power supply for an OCZ 520W Powerstream. I really, really want dual channel and I would really appreciate any help!
    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
    Athlon 64 3200+
    2 x 512mb OCZ Gold PC3200
    ATi X800XT XT PE
    380W Antec TruePower

    Quote from: ericms on 22-December-05, 10:59:54
    So I should get either 7025v1B or 7025v18F? Why do I have Rev 3.06 and a compaq spash screen? I'm not sure which version I have right now but I'm pretty sure since it says 08/20/2004 it isn't the latest.
    Why do you have Rev. 3.06 with a compaq splash screen?  To see what bios you have freeze post screen by using pause tab.  It should have 7025 (msi model number in it).  Sounds like you have bios for wrong board.  Let us know what you have before you flash to anything else.  There are issues with 1B which may have not been resolved yet. 1.9 would be my recommendation for a first flash, but let's see what you have.  The wrong bios would certainly explain bizarre behavior.  Is it a used or new board?  That date for your bios (if you have 7025 bios) would indicate something like version 1.2 which is quite old.   
    Official bios can be found here by selecting AMD platform and Model 7025.
    Basically, I agree with Skigmund.  What's going on here?   

  • Neo2 Platinum - WinXP Pro sp2 won't restart, replaced Athlon64 with Athlon64-2

    I did a cpu chip replacement of my Athlon xp 3200+ with an Athlon xp-2 3800.  ($78 form NewEgg).  My windows xp pro, sp2 found the chip so no new install.  I used the AMD drivers for multichip and the WindowsXP-KB896256-v4-x86-ENU.exe to update my os.
    Now, my pc won't do a restart.  It closes widows but then stops without going to the bios post screen and restarting.  I have to do a shutdown to off and then push my on button to get back to windows.  A lot of application updates ask for restarts on installs or updates.  I never had this problem with the single cpu.
    Has anyone else had this occur?  Is there a fix?  My new cpu runs a bit hotter than the old.  I get core temp. 42 C and AMD 64 temp. 41-48 C in SpeedFan.  (case temp. 18 C)  How does this compare with others with this board and cpu?

    hi trjtrj,
    I found some discuss about this problem
    K8N Neo2 Platinium - no restart after installed opteron 180
    startup and reboot troubles with k8n neo2 platinum and bios 1.d
    AMD Processor Forum
    Help needed: System won't restart when CnQ is enabled
    I sent these discusses to MSI Chinese forum and the MSI online CS.
    But I get no any respond yet.
    U may find the temporary solution on the AMD Processor forum above.
    I m using it for now.

  • No Power With Neo2 Platinum

    I posted this problem earlier, and somehow it double-posted.  Now the posts are gone, so I will try again.
    I just bought a Neo2 Platinum today, but I cannot get any power to it.  I have made sure the power button connection is good; I have replaced the power supply; I have pulled everything out of the motherboard except for the CPU.  Still can't get the thing to power on.  What can be the problem?

    Thanks for the psu details. it would do no harm to post the rest Graphic card drives CPU. Add them to your signature then there there every time you post, saves a lot of re-typing. You can even get them looking better than rollercam's .(RC - It seems shorter now what u altered)
    yes your psu is low on the 12v rail & may cause issues down the road. but should at least turm over the fans.
    for now check:-1) CPU Fan cable is connected to motherboard CPUFan1
    2) 4pin 12v Cable from PSU is connected to Mobo (clip aligns correctly with mobo)
    3) 20pin cradle connecter is aligned & seated properly.
    4) case power connectors are properly connected to mobo JFP1 & JFP2 see page 31 of manual.
    Checked out ok.
    If you have any front panel usb/fireware leads from your case unplug thenm, the connectors may not be compatable & may be shorting.
    If still nothing
    Then try taking mobo out of case in case there's a short somewhere.
    Mount mobo on a piece of cardboard, the tray from the mobo box is ideal, or a wodden table. mount just memory try 1 module only 1st in slot 1, graphics card, plug in 12v 4 pin & 20pin cradle. Connect case power switch.
    this option also gives you chance to recheck the risers that your mobo rests on make sure there are no extra ones, should be 9, & check that these align with mobo screw holes.
    Also check that the backplate for the mobo back panel clips securely in case. If loose it's been known to make contact with pors/mobo & produce shorts.
    Whilst board is out of case you might also check cpu is mounted correctly.

  • Help needed with 915G Neo2 Platinum 2 problems please help doing my head in

    Case Sonata II 450 watt, MSI 915G Neo2 Platinum, P4 3.4 650 LGA775, 2x512 ddr2 5300 (cruical) Maxtor 200gig sata hd, Sapphire x800, NEC 3540, Sony DVD rom & floppy. My machine runs very stable, 1st problem however on start up I get 3 bleeps can anyone tell me what this means. I have tried looking in the manual but cannot find any reference. The usb dongle that came with the mb is installed & the are 4 green lights on. 2nd problem if I try to load the digi cell software this causes the pc to freeze were I have to switch off at the wall. Thank you for the help.
    I have now installed a new mb & I am still getting the 3 beeps. I have ran memtest & the ram passed does anyone have any other idea's.
    Thank you for the help.
     Report to moderator 

    please help, i am going to throw myself out of the window.     

  • Problem with P45 Platinum during POST

    Good day! 
    I have MSI P45 Platinum mainboard and from to time to time it freezes during POST with AMI bios POST code - 423C. This happens right after the message that "4096MB OK" and before the detection of SATA/IDE drives.  When this happens, the only way to make the system run is to turn off the power (pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del of Reset would result in the same error)  - after that the POST procedure finishes correctly and I don't experience any problems afterwards (system is rock-solid after POST completion).
    So my question is - can anyone explain me what does this post code mean (D-Leds are not much of a help)? Is this a mobo problem or may be there is some kind of incompatibility with my hardware. I should mention also that I've tried all versions of Bios both official and beta without any success.
    This problem does not trouble me that much (doesn't happen often), but still I would like to understand what may cause it.
    P.S. My system config - iC2D E8300/MSI P45 Platinum/4x1Gb DDR2-800 Geil Black Dragon (5-5-5-15)/MSI Radeon 4870 1Gb OC edition/HDD 250 Gb WD + 120Gb Seagate/SB Audigy 4/DVD-RW Asus 1814/PSU TT Toughpower 700w (w0105)
    Thanx in advance and please excuse my poor English   

    Thank you for the reply! 
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 16-December-08, 06:39:42
    What is your current BIOS Version?
    I've recently flashed the latest beta bios version - 1,5 beta 6... but it produces the same error as did the latest official bios v1.4 
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    Does the same problem occur with only one memory module installed?
    I don't know actually. But thanks for pointing this out  - I will test the system with one (and then with two) module(s). I've tested the modules with the memtest86+ software (the latest version, which supports P45 chipset) several times and it showed no errors. So the modules are OK and they worked without any problems with my previous mb (Gigabyte P35-DS3).
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    What do the POST-Status LEDs of the board tell you, when the system freezes at the described stage?
    Well, I guess I don't fully understand what does the combination of LEDs tell during the freeze. I'll try to describe the combination -
    LED12 - OFF           LED13 - GREEN
    LED8 - RED             LED7 - OFF
    LED14 - OFF           LED10 - GREEN
    LED15 - RED           LED11 - OFF
    In mobo's manual this diagnostic LEDs are grouped in 4 groups and the description of the group that most closely resembles my case is - "Testing base and Extended memory etc." But I'm not sure that I'm identifying the problem correctly, because of the LEDs that are OFF.
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    Are you experiencing any freeze and/or stability problems appart from the described problem?
    No, as I said in my initial post, once it get past this stage everything is running smoothly - OS boots and all software, including the most demanding games or tests, are running OK.

Maybe you are looking for