Nested frames on SDN

Hi SDN folks,
I guess this is not new but may I suggest to enhance usability of the SDN forums by changing the site design to get rid of the nested frames!
Forum messages often do not 'line-break' adequately, so one has to scroll to the right to read the complete sentences. Since there are nested frames in place you first have to scroll down to the bottom to reach the horizontal scroll bar.
This is quiet a bad example of site usability.
Another thing concerning this category here:
In the subheader it reads something like "...for suggestions concerning the site use Contributions->Feedback in the top right navigation...".
Well, I can't see Contributions->anything in the top right navigation.
BTW, SDN is a very great project!

Yes, I second that
Also, the "simple" things like the contributor list should get checked in different browsers, as there is a useless space-limiting, scrollbar-adding area visible in Firefox, in IE it does display ok ...

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  • GUI building difficulties, nested Frames and other stuff

    I am currently working on a GUI and I am running into some difficulties. I have created a class which extends JFrame
    public class DelFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListenerI am instantiating an object of this class from within another object of a different class as follows:
    DelFace DelGUI = new DelFace(this,MastFile);The creation of the object takes place within the listener methods of another object:
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          DelFace DelGUI = new DelFace(this,MastFile);
      }The class that creates the object that makes this call does not contain the main method. Instead the afore mentioned object is created from a class that extends JFrame
    class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListenerSo the code in it's order of activity is as follows:
    It breaks down hardcore at the beginning
    public class StartProgram {
      private static GUI LauncherGUI;
      private static FileOps MastFile;
      public static void main(String[] args)
      MastFile = new FileOps();
      MastFile.fileStatus();            //Create File object &/or file.
      MastFile.readFile();              //Read file contents if any.
      LauncherGUI = new GUI(StartProgram.MastFile);
    }A GUI object is created, - LauncherGUI = new GUI(StartProgram.MastFile);
    From here the code differentiates somewhat - FileOperations stem from here as do all code related to the complete construction of the General User Interface.
    Specifically my difficulties lie with the GUI, therefore I will present the next peice of code related to the GUI. The following code creates a JFrame and places a whole stack of buttons on it. Included with these buttons are menus. So basically the code creates a menu bar and adds menu items to that bar and so on until a menu similar to that found in any regular program is produced. Also contained on this part of the GUI are the five buttons that are fundemental to the programs operation.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.EventObject; //Try removing this!!
    class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
      private JButton button1;
      private JButton button2;
      private JButton button3;
      private JButton button4;
      private JButton button5;
      private String Path1;
      private String Path2;
      private String Path3;
      private String Path4;
      private String Path5;
      private FileOps MastFile;
      private DataEntryBox EntryBox;
      private HelpGUI Instruct;
      FrameListener GUIListener = new FrameListener();  //Listener object created.
      GUI(FileOps MastFile)
        this.MastFile = MastFile;          //Make MastFile objects methods available
                                           //to all of LauncherGUI object.
        Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();       //intialize the toolkit.
        Dimension sSize = tk.getScreenSize();           //determine screen size.
        Container c = getContentPane();
        GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout();    //GridBagLayout object
        GridBagConstraints d = new GridBagConstraints();//GridBagConstraints object
        c.setLayout(gridbag2);                          //Content pane's layout set
                                                        //to gridbag object.
        d.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;               //Make all components fill
                                                        //their dispaly areas
        d.insets = new Insets(5,1,5,1);
        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();  //Creates Menubar object called menuBar.
        JMenu FMenu = new JMenu("File");    //File Menu object instantiated.
        FMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F);   //Key that activates File menu...F.
        menuBar.add(FMenu);                 //File Menu added to menuBar object.
        JMenuItem NewItem = new JMenuItem("New");   //Creates New sub-menu object.
        NewItem.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N);         //Key that activates New sub-
        NewItem.addActionListener(this);   //ActionListner for NewItem added.
        //Tutorial Note: Steps involved in creating a menu UI are as follows,
        //1). Create an instance of a JMenuBar.
        //2). Create an instance of a JMenu.
        //3). Add items to the JMenu (not to the JMenuBar).
        //Note: It is possible to include the Mnemonic activation key as part of
        //the JMenu or JMenuItem constructor. e.g.: JMenuItem NewItem = new JMenu
        JMenuItem DeleteItem = new JMenuItem("Delete");
        JMenuItem ExitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit",KeyEvent.VK_E); //Mnemonic key
        //included with constructor method here and from now on.
        JMenu HMenu = new JMenu("Help");
        JMenuItem InstructItem = new JMenuItem("Instructions",KeyEvent.VK_I);
        JMenuItem AboutItem = new JMenuItem("About",KeyEvent.VK_A);
        button1 = new JButton();
    /* The following if statments block first checks to see if the value held in the
    String array is equals to null (note: this only occurs when the program is first
    started and no data has been written to file). If the array is null then the
    buttons text is set to "". If the array value is not null (meaning that the file
    already holds data) then the value of the array is checked. If the value equals
    the String "null" then button text is set to "", otherwise button text is set to
    the relevant array value (a user defined shortcut name). Also the value of each
    buttons actionCommand is set to this string value. */
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(0) == null)
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(0) != null)
        d.weightx = 0.2;  //Specifies horizontal sizing behaviour.
        d.weighty = 0.3;  //Specifies vertical resizing behaviour.
        d.gridx = 0;      //c.gridx and c.gridy specify the x,y starting position
        d.gridy = 0;      //of this label, in regard to column and row respectively.
        gridbag2.setConstraints(button1, d);
        button2 = new JButton();
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(2) == null) //If the file contains no contents then..
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(2) != null)
          if(MastFile.getFDArray(2).equals("null"))//If the file contains the string
          {                                        //"null" then do as above.
          else  //Set both button text and actionCommand to relevant shortcut name.
        d.weightx = 0.2;  //Specifies horizontal sizing behaviour.
        d.weighty = 0.3;  //Specifies vertical resizing behaviour.
        d.gridx = 1;      //c.gridx and c.gridy specify the x,y starting position
        d.gridy = 0;      //of this label, in regard to column and row respectively.
        gridbag2.setConstraints(button2, d);
        button3 = new JButton();
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(4) == null)
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(4) != null)
        d.weightx = 0.2;  //Specifies horizontal sizing behaviour.
        d.weighty = 0.3;  //Specifies vertical resizing behaviour.
        d.gridx = 2;      //c.gridx and c.gridy specify the x,y starting position
        d.gridy = 0;      //of this label, in regard to column and row respectively.
        gridbag2.setConstraints(button3, d);
        button4 = new JButton();
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(6) == null)
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(6) != null)
        d.weightx = 0.2;  //Specifies horizontal sizing behaviour.
        d.weighty = 0.3;  //Specifies vertical resizing behaviour.
        d.gridx = 3;      //c.gridx and c.gridy specify the x,y starting position
        d.gridy = 0;      //of this label, in regard to column and row respectively.
        gridbag2.setConstraints(button4, d);
        button5 = new JButton();
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(8) == null)
        if(MastFile.getFDArray(8) != null)
        d.weightx = 0.2;  //Specifies horizontal sizing behaviour.
        d.weighty = 0.3;  //Specifies vertical resizing behaviour.
        d.gridx = 4;      //c.gridx and c.gridy specify the x,y starting position
        d.gridy = 0;      //of this label, in regard to column and row respectively.
        gridbag2.setConstraints(button5, d);
        Path1 = MastFile.getFDArray(1);       //Load Path variables with path
        Path2 = MastFile.getFDArray(3);       //details from String Array in
        Path3 = MastFile.getFDArray(5);       //MastFile object of FileOps class.
        Path4 = MastFile.getFDArray(7);       //Effectively loading these variables
        Path5 = MastFile.getFDArray(9);       //with file data.
        this.addWindowListener(GUIListener);  //Listener registered with Frame.
        setTitle("Java QuickLaunch Toolbar");
      /* The following methods return the ActionCommand and Text Label
         String values of the buttons */
      public String getButton1Command()
        return button1.getActionCommand();
      public String getButton2Command()
        return button2.getActionCommand();
      public String getButton3Command()
        return button3.getActionCommand();
      public String getButton4Command()
        return button4.getActionCommand();
      public String getButton5Command()
        return button5.getActionCommand();
      public String getBt1Text()
        return button1.getText();
      public String getBt2Text()
        return button2.getText();
      public String getBt3Text()
        return button3.getText();
      public String getBt4Text()
        return button4.getText();
      public String getBt5Text()
        return button5.getText();
      /* The following methods set the Path, Button and ActionCommand String values. */
      public void setPath1(String setPath)
        Path1 = setPath;
      public void setPath2(String setPath)
        Path2 = setPath;
      public void setPath3(String setPath)
        Path3 = setPath;
      public void setPath4(String setPath)
        Path4 = setPath;
      public void setPath5(String setPath)
        Path5 = setPath;
      public void setButton1(String setButton)
      public void setButton2(String setButton)
      public void setButton3(String setButton)
      public void setButton4(String setButton)
      public void setButton5(String setButton)
      public void setBt1Action(String setAct)
      public void setBt2Action(String setAct)
      public void setBt3Action(String setAct)
      public void setBt4Action(String setAct)
      public void setBt5Action(String setAct)
      /* actionPerformed methods */
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          //Create a data entry box.
          EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
        if(e.getActionCommand().equals("Delete"))//Example part of interest
          DelFace DelGUI = new DelFace(this,MastFile);   /// -------- ////
          Instruct = new HelpGUI();
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Java QuickLaunch Toolbar created by David "+
                                        "Dartnell.","Programming Credits",1);
          if(e.getActionCommand().equals(button1.getActionCommand())) //Determine source of event.
          if(Path1 == null)                        //If Path var is a null reference
            EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);//create a data entry box.
          if(Path1 != null)                        //If not a null reference then...
            if(Path1.equals("null"))               //Determine if string is "null".
              EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
            else        //If both the reference and the String are not null then run
            {           //the relevant command/program.
                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{Path1});
              catch(IOException run){}
          if(Path2 == null)
            EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
          if(Path2 != null)
              EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{Path2});
              catch(IOException run){}
          if(Path3 == null)
            EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
          if(Path3 != null)
              EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{Path3});
              catch(IOException run){}
          if(Path4 == null)
            EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
          if(Path4 != null)
              EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{Path4});
              catch(IOException run){}
          if(Path5 == null)
            EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
          if(Path5 != null)
              EntryBox = new DataEntryBox(this,MastFile);
                Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{Path5});
              catch(IOException run){}
    Something to consider concerning actionListeners:
    It must be remembered that String values are in fact objects and as such
    they require the equals() method unlike their cousins the primitive data
    types (int, float, boolean, byte, short, long and double) which require
    the == operator.
    */A comment is placed next to the line of code that is of interest to my problem (///-------////).
    When a button is pressed in the menu section that reads "Delete" then an actionCommand event is fired and the program responds by creating a second general user interface.
    When DelFace is instantiated in the form of the object called DelGUI I am once again creating an object which extends JFrame. I now have two objects of type JFrame on the screen at once, and I conveniently position one over the top of the other, so to the general user the programs appearance has changed in only very specified ways (i.e.: I have decided to increase the GUI's dimensions in the area of height only and not width). The code that constitutes class DelFace is as follows:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DelFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener
      private GUI TkBar;        //GUI object.
      private FileOps Fops;     //File Operations object.
      private JCheckBox ckbox1; //Delete shortcut 1.
      private JCheckBox ckbox2; //Delete shortcut 2.
      private JCheckBox ckbox3; //Delete shortcut 3.
      private JCheckBox ckbox4; //Delete shortcut 4.
      private JCheckBox ckbox5; //Delete shortcut 5.
      private JButton OkBtn;    //OK button.
      private JButton CnBtn;    //Cancel button.
      private JOptionPane confirm;
      private boolean short1 = false;  //Boolean variables indicate whether to
      private boolean short2 = false;  //delete a shortcut entry. True = delete.
      private boolean short3 = false;
      private boolean short4 = false;
      private boolean short5 = false;
      DelFace(GUI TkBar, FileOps Fops)
        this.TkBar = TkBar;
        this.Fops = Fops;
        Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        Dimension sSize = tk.getScreenSize();
        Container dcon = getContentPane();
        GridBagLayout gb = new GridBagLayout();
        GridBagConstraints bagcon = new GridBagConstraints();
        bagcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        bagcon.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
        JLabel TLabel = new JLabel("Delete Wizard",JLabel.CENTER);
        TLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,32));
        bagcon.gridx = 0;
        bagcon.gridy = 0;
        bagcon.weightx = 1.0;      //Take up all the 'x room' in this row.
        bagcon.weighty = 0.5;      //Take up all the 'y room' in this column.
        /* The weightx and weighty values are required otherwise all components will
           gravitate toward the center of screen. */
        JTextArea TxArea = new JTextArea("Tick the box(s) of the shortcut(s)"+
                               " that you would like to delete and"+
                               " press the Delete button. Alternatively"+
                               " press the Cancel button to exit.");
        TxArea.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman",Font.PLAIN,15));
        bagcon.gridx = 0;
        bagcon.gridy = 1;
        bagcon.gridwidth = 1;
        JPanel Nopan1 = new JPanel();
        bagcon.gridx = 0;
        bagcon.gridy = 2;
        ckbox1 = new JCheckBox(TkBar.getBt1Text());
        bagcon.gridx = 1;
        bagcon.gridy = 2;
        ckbox2 = new JCheckBox(TkBar.getBt2Text());
        bagcon.gridy = 3;
        ckbox3 = new JCheckBox(TkBar.getBt3Text());
        bagcon.gridy = 4;
        ckbox4 = new JCheckBox(TkBar.getBt4Text());
        bagcon.gridy = 5;
        ckbox5 = new JCheckBox(TkBar.getBt5Text());
        bagcon.gridy = 6;
        JPanel Nopan2 = new JPanel();
        bagcon.gridx = 1;
        bagcon.gridy = 7;
        OkBtn = new JButton("OK");
        bagcon.gridx = 1;
        bagcon.gridy = 8;
        CnBtn = new JButton("Cancel");
        bagcon.gridx = 2;
        bagcon.gridy = 8;
        JPanel Nopan3 = new JPanel();
        bagcon.gridx = 3;
        bagcon.gridy = 8;
        JPanel Nopan4 = new JPanel();
        bagcon.gridx = 0;
        bagcon.gridy = 9;
        setTitle("Java QuickLaunch Toolbar");
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      { /*--- Code of INTEREST begins here!!!!!! -------
          if(short1 || short2 || short3 || short4 || short5)
            //confirm = new JOptionPane();
            int n = confirm.showConfirmDialog(this,
                 "Do you really want to delete?","Delete Confirmation",
            if(n == confirm.YES_OPTION)  //Works Fine!
              while(short1 || short2 || short3 || short4 || short5)
                  short1 = false;
                  short2 = false;
                  short3 = false;
                  short4 = false;
                  short5 = false;
              Fops.destroyFile();   //Destroy the old (outdated) file.
              Fops.fileStatus();    //Create a new file.
              Fops.writeFile();     //Write updated data to new file.
            if(n == confirm.NO_OPTION)  //** Does not work ***
              System.out.println("No Option is being heard");
              //Listeners are working.
            if(n == confirm.CLOSED_OPTION) //** Does not work ***
              System.out.println("Closed Option is being heard");
              //Listeners are working.
        --- Code of interest ENDS here --- */
      public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent f)
        int state = f.getStateChange();
        if(state == ItemEvent.SELECTED)   //If a checkbox has been selected.
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox1)
            short1 = true;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox2)
            short2 = true;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox3)
            short3 = true;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox4)
            short4 = true;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox5)
            short5 = true;
        if(state == ItemEvent.DESELECTED)  //If a checkbox has been deselected.
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox1)
            short1 = false;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox2)
            short2 = false;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox3)
            short3 = false;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox4)
            short4 = false;
          if(f.getItem() == ckbox5)
            short5 = false;
    }The code that is of interest to my current programming challenge is marked in the above code block like this:
    //*** Code of INTEREST begins here!!!!!! ********** //
    This is where my programming twilight behaviour begins to kick in. From the DelGUI object I now listen to a button event, this event when triggered causes a JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(), as can be seen in the specified code block above. I make the JOptionPane centered over the DelGUI object ("JFrame No.: 2") which is also centered over the LauncherGUI object ("JFrame No.: 1").
    The program begins to behave quite strangely after the creation of the JOptionPane object called confirm. The JOptionPane is presented on screen without any visiual difficulty but it behaves quite strangely when it's buttons are pressed. The JOptionPane contains three event sources, the YES, NO and Close buttons.
    In my program the YES button causes a set of file operations to take place and then sets the "JFrame No.: 2"(DelGUI) invisible. It does this via the method setVisible(false). "JFrame No.: 2" is effectively the JOptionPane's parent component and as soon as it is setVisible(false) the JOptionPane is also cleared from the screen. I believe from my research that this is the JOptionPane's default behaviour, meaning that as soon as a button or event source is activated the JOptionPane will destroy itself.
    The end of the trail is near, thankyou for reading this if you have got this far, and please carry on....
    The Challenge:
    The program does not behave as desired at the two points in the code commented as such: ** Does not work ***
    if(n == confirm.NO_OPTION)
              System.out.println("No Option is being heard");
            if(n == confirm.CLOSED_OPTION)
              System.out.println("Closed Option is being heard");
            }If the NO_OPTION or the CLOSED_OPTION are pressed then the JOptionPane remains visible. After pressing the JoptionPane's button a second time it will disappear completely. I have tried a number of things in an attempt to work this out. Firstly I have inserted println messages to ensure that the events are being detected. These messages are always displayed whenever either the NO or Close buttons are pressed.
    As these messages are being passed to the Standard Output, twice by the time the JOptionPane has disappeared, I can only assume that the events are being detected.
    In addition to checking the event situation I have attempted to explicity set the JOptionPane invisible, in the form:
    confirm.setVisible(false); The above line of code did not change the situation. Still I need two button clicks for the JOptionPane to display it's default behaviour which is to set itself invisible (or possibly the object is alloted to garbage collection), either way it is no longer on screen. I have also tried this code with no if statements related to NO_OPTION and CLOSE_OPTION. This was done in an attempt to allow the default behaviour to take place. Unfortunately two presses were still required in this situation.
    A forum member mentioned the possibility that two JOptionPanes are being created. I have checked my code and am confident that I have not explicitly created the JOptionPane twice (the code throughout this question should support this).
    Is it possible that two JOptionPanes are being created because of the nature of my code, the fact that there are two JFrames on the screen at once when the JOptionPane is instantiated? I am using the this keyword to specify the parent of the JOptionPan

    Well, I've checked your code and I've seen where is the error.
    In Delface constructor (, line 127), you've got this block of code :
    1. OkBtn = new JButton("OK");
    2. OkBtn.addActionListener(this);
    3. bagcon.gridx = 1;
    4. bagcon.gridy = 8;
    5. gb.setConstraints(OkBtn,bagcon);
    6. dcon.add(OkBtn);
    7. OkBtn.addActionListener(this);
    Have a deep look at lines 2 and 7 : you're registering twice an actionListener on this button. Then you're receiving twice the event and it shows two JOptionPanes. In fact, you've also the problem with the 'ok' option, but you don't see it, because the 'n' variable in your event handler is global to your class, then it's shared between the two calls to the event handlers.

  • Export Specific Timelines (Main, Nested, Frame counts)

    It seems that every Flash file exports the main timeline in its entirety.
    Is there a way to choose to export jpeg sequences, mov's, and swf's of:
    - Specific ranges of frames
    - Specific timelines within a symbol only?
    - Specific ranges of frames within a specific symbol?
    - Specific layers of specific timelines within specific symbols?
    This flexibility would be great but I'm not sure if there's a way to do it. It seems like a pretty basic feature. Anyone?
    - I make a file named BALLBOUNCE.FLA
    - I have created a graphic symbol called "BOUNCE1" of a ball bouncing. 1 bounce. 1 single cycle.
    - In the main timeline I put BOUNCE1 on the stage, then tween that cycling ball across the stage so that the same bounce is used 25 times, moving slowly across the stage.
    - For reason X, I decide that I need to export JUST the frames inside that symbol as a SWF. One bounce cycle within the graphic.
    WITHOUT copying and pasting frames into the main timeline - is there a way to export that specific timeline directly as a SWF?

    It seems that every Flash file exports the main timeline in its entirety.
    Is there a way to choose to export jpeg sequences, mov's, and swf's of:
    - Specific ranges of frames
    - Specific timelines within a symbol only?
    - Specific ranges of frames within a specific symbol?
    - Specific layers of specific timelines within specific symbols?
    This flexibility would be great but I'm not sure if there's a way to do it. It seems like a pretty basic feature. Anyone?
    - I make a file named BALLBOUNCE.FLA
    - I have created a graphic symbol called "BOUNCE1" of a ball bouncing. 1 bounce. 1 single cycle.
    - In the main timeline I put BOUNCE1 on the stage, then tween that cycling ball across the stage so that the same bounce is used 25 times, moving slowly across the stage.
    - For reason X, I decide that I need to export JUST the frames inside that symbol as a SWF. One bounce cycle within the graphic.
    WITHOUT copying and pasting frames into the main timeline - is there a way to export that specific timeline directly as a SWF?

  • Nested Panels with SpringLayout

    I've been attempting to use nested JPanels, each with a SpringLayout. However, this seems to cause some very strange behaviour with component scrolling off the left edge of the window unless it's sized narrow. I've not used SpringLayout much, but I'm at a loss to explain it.
    I have:
        protected void setUpGUI() {
            //set up layout
            SpringLayout theLayout=new SpringLayout();
            //add EntryPane
            //set up buttons
            storeButton=new JButton("Store");
            refreshButton=new JButton("Refresh");
            //add buttons
        }In my subclass of JFrame, and 'theEntryPane' is a subclass of JPanel which includes the following:
        protected void addComponent(Component comp){
            theLayout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST,comp, 5,SpringLayout.WEST,this);
            } else {
        }My subclass of JFrame has a similar method that simply passes the component on to theEntryPane. When I run it and add the following components:
    addComponent(new JLabel("Thing!"));
            addComponent(new JLabel("Thing!"));
            addComponent(new JLabel("Thing!"));The buttons at the bottom are off to the left, and only return when you make the window narrow. If I make my nested pane override getPreferredSize() to return Integer.MAX_VALUE for both dimensions, the buttons at the bottom (which are in a different container!) appear correctly but the top two labels in the nested frame suffer from the same problem.
    Can anyone shed any light onto what's going on here? It appears that the nested layouts are somehow interfering with one another.

    Found the error. Fixed now.

  • Nested Selection Screen Blocks

    Hi friends,
    My requirement is to display the two nested blocks in the selection screen and the radio button parameters defined should come in a single group.
    as below........
    !   Begin Block1      
    !        * Radio  Button 1!
    !  Begin  Block2                                        
    !          * Radio  Button 2                                                      ! 
    !          * Radio  Button 3                                                      !
    !         * Radio  Button 4                                                       !
    !   End Block2                                                                     !
    !       End Block 1                                                                 !
             My Requirement is all Radio Buttons 1 2 3 & 4 should be under one group only. I just need nested frames as shown above
    Thanks & Regards,

    In one group you can not declare only one radio button, you need atleast two radio button for a group.
    if there is a single radio button only, then better you make it as check box.
    Nesting of blocks is possible.
    you can do that.
    In one block there should be atleast two radio button for using Group.
    Reward if useful................

  • How do I create framesets in dreamweaver cc

    I need to desing a nested frame set in Dreamweaver I can't even following tutorials posted

    The most common reason for using frames has been the desire to place repetitive content (like menus, headers and footers) into all your pages.
    May I suggest you consider using SSI (Server Side Includes)

  • Differences Between Final Keyframes of Tweens

    Check this out... it's something I never really noticed
    before. Or never paid it much attention anyway, and thought what I
    was seeing was just buggy behavior (going back to at least Flash
    5). Now I realize it's some sort of actual distinction between
    keyframes at the end of a tween (maybe it is a bug).
    See how the top one has a distinct keyframe with a vertical
    line on the left, and the bottom one doesn't have the line? I can't
    find anything on this online.
    I also haven't been able to figure out how the difference
    arises. It seems almost random and I've tried quite a few things,
    but can't find a pattern. It will even happen when the keyframes
    and tweens are created exactly the same way with exactly the same
    It wouldn't bother me except there is one key behavior issue.
    The blank keyframe after the upper one works as expected. However,
    the blank keyframe after the bottom one isn't really blank. If I
    put any object in there, it becomes the same object that is in the
    keyframe before it.... and I can't even swap it, it's stuck as the
    same object from the keyframe before it.
    Anybody know what's going on here?

    Hmmm - can you send me this exact FLA? This has always and
    only been associated with the Sync
    feature. Basically, Flash turns this on but only if you
    create a motion tween by using the contect
    menu (right click) selection. if you apply a motion tween via
    the properties panel then Sync is NOT
    on be default. This vertical line is a visual indicator that
    Sync is not on (think of it as a wall
    stopping the syncing of frames with nested frames in the
    symbol being tweened).
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    randykato wrote:
    > Chris,
    > Thanks for the reply - but that's not it. I've checked
    the properties (for the
    > beginning keyframe, ending keyframe, and tweened frames
    in between) and they
    > are all the same. Sync is checked for both tweens, and
    all the tweens in
    > question.
    > There does seem to be some correlation though.... and
    here's where it's
    > getting even more complicated.... The issue I have with
    a blank keyframe
    > following the no-line end keyframe does go away if I
    uncheck Sync for that
    > tween. However, the vertical line line does not show up
    to reflect the change.
    > There are also lots of others that have the line even
    though Sync is checked,
    > and the line doesn't disappear if it's unchecked.
    > I just noticed something else. All the no-line end
    keyframes will show the
    > vertical line when selected on the timeline if the frame
    to the left is also
    > selected (regardless of whether Sync is checked or not).
    But, they won't show
    > it when selected as a single frame (when selected it
    turns all black, but you
    > can see the extra 1px line there when you compare them)
    or if the selection
    > doesn't include the frame to the left.

  • Is there anyhing odd with PDF and overlays?

    Hi, folks
    I have been building some overlays following the advice given in DPS tips (thanks, Bob) and the help. So far, so good. Nothing very particular or strange.
    But since this last weekend (23rd-24th June) or so, the overlays I include have started to act 'funny'. They are very simple things like scrollable frames and slideshows with static pictures (no videos or pan and zoom, nothing but pictures).
    First time I upload the folio everything is OK. The overlays scroll and do their duty perfectly, but after a while, when swipping and passing the pages... The scrollable content of a frame appears all of a sudden in the precedent page. It scrolls there and the nesting frame in the following is there but empty.
    If I make a tiny change and refresh the culprit article... everything is ok again. Until next random failure.
    Is it me? My way of working? Where? I am lost here.
    The folio is a PDF with horizontal swipping almost all of it. Just about 30 Mb and only three scrolling frames and one slidshow. I am in Windows7. Adobe suite is updated. DPS is: 12.24.20120611_m_691037 (
    Any idea, pretty please?
    Gustavo (posting from madrid, the oven of Europe)

    It's not only a PITA. It's that people who take decissions here will decide on what they see on the content viewer before flipping their money on the table. That's rather sensible, I guess. So, that's why any animation will have to go down the drain in the project.
    Been there, done that. Twice or thrice and I put my devices to sleep whenever I go to sleep. A mate of mine here suffered the same behaviour, btw.
    Good night here.

  • Difficulty Automating Javascript Web Form

    I want to automate filling out a javascript form on a secure website.  I apologize but am not able to give the site url, and you couldn't access it if I did.  It is a form we fill out often at work.
    There is one "select" drop down box that has two options, first is blank, second is "General Reference" -default is blank and an "onchange" command then populates the form with several other elements, two text fields which also
    need to be filled out.
    Because the user must be signed into the website already (we are not allowed to automate logins), my code so far grabs the correct open web browser and sets it as an object shell. 
    Although I can control the browser and have tested it by changing url locations, it seems as though I have no access to the document, innertext, or form elements.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  It's as though the IE.document is completely
    blank.  But I can clearly see it under "View Source." 
    Although I attempt to "getElementsByTagName" it never works, regardless of which tag name I use. 
    Here is the code I have so far:
    Sub testingThisWorksToGrabOpenWeb2()
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
    For x = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
    On Error Resume Next ' sometimes more web pages are counted than are open'
    my_url = objShell.Windows(x).document.Location
    my_title = objShell.Windows(x).document.Title
    If InStr(my_title, "ARCIS") Then
    Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
    Set objCollection = IE.document.getElementsByTagName("select")
    MsgBox objCollection.Length
    '*** No matter what tagname is used it comes back as zero'
    '*** There should be 3 "select" drop down lists showing, but they don''t'
    Exit For
    End If
    'here is the tag I need to change from blank to "General Reference"'
    '<select name="s_2_1_43_0" onchange = ''SWESubmitForm(document.SWEForm2_0,s_7,"","1-E5BYAR")'
    ' style="height:24;width:140" id="s_2_1_43_0" tabindex=1997 >'
    '<option value="" >'
    '<option value="General Reference" >General Reference'
    End Sub

    Thank you Luna.  But the above code is VBA and I am attempting to automate a form in IE through EXCEL.  Probably should have mentioned that above though I'm pretty sure this was the right spot for this question.  Can you move it back to VBA
    With that said, I've solved this problem.  I had a frames issue and did not realize that.
    When I right clicked on the browser and selected "View Code" it brought up the document within that particular frame that I clicked on.  I haven't worked with IE in a while and did not know the young programmers at MS had made that change to the browser. 
    Doing that in the past would have brought up the top document, which defined the frames and the VBA developer could easily see that he was dealing with frames and what their names were.  This time it took me two days to figure that out.  Good idea,
    just wish I had known about it.
    Anyone in the future with the same problem might print out your outtertext to see exactly what it is.  In my case I discovered it was nested frames.  I was beating myself in the head tryig to figure out why I couldn't find the elements I was looking
    for.  It was because my script was accessing the top frameset document.
    Here is the adjusted code showing how I found the frame documents I needed.  It was double nested:
    Sub getOpenBrowserAndFillFormInFrame()
    ' this script grabs open browser with specific url and '
    ' changes a drop down list item inside a nested frame '
    ' Then fires onchange event to repopulate form elements '
    ' Next step: Get names of new fields to fill out '
    Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument
    Dim myString As String
    Dim resultClasses, resultClass, resultClasses1, resultClass1
    ' The section below locates correct browser and assigns it '
    ' to object IE'
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
    For x = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
    On Error Resume Next
    my_url = objShell.Windows(x).document.Location
    my_title = objShell.Windows(x).document.Title
    If InStr(my_title, "ARCIS") Then
    Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
    Exit For
    End If
    Next x
    ' The section below sets variable to correct frame document, '
    ' sets variable to the correct "select" list,'
    ' and changes that list to show list item # 1'
    Set HTMLdoc = IE.document.frames("_sweclient").document.frames("_sweview").document
    Dim suffixSelect As HTMLSelectElement
    Set suffixSelect = HTMLdoc.getElementsByName("s_2_1_43_0")(0)
    If optionIndex >= 0 Then
    suffixSelect.selectedIndex = 1
    End If
    ' The above code changes the dropdown box but does not fire the '
    ' onchange event. The code below does that in order to place additional '
    ' text boxes and drop down lists to the form through the sites javascript '
    HTMLdoc.all("s_2_1_43_0").FireEvent ("onchange")
    End Sub

  • When forwarding a message it is surrounded in red lines how do I elinmate them

    When forwarding a message it is always blocked with red lines around the message and heading. I have never had this happen with other email programs such as Windows Live, hope you can help eliminate this very annoying problem.

    Ignore them. They are Thunderbird's attempt to help you navigate complex systems of frames, often resulting from multiple forwardings. They let you decide exactly where in a message you will insert new content. I do occasionally try to flatten the content by taking out unnecessarily nested frames, but it's usually not worth the effort.
    Send a copy of such a message to yourself and you'll see they are invisible to the recipient - until it is re-edited in Thunderbird.

  • Opaque Background

    I want to create a page with a semi translucent background and a regular one as shown:
    I've seen them on ebay before and I want to know to do it.
    Is the opacity achieved by means of CSS? If so, how do I do it in Dreamweaver?
    Is the opaque part in a nested frame set or table?  The see through part will be divided in horizontally two portions (30/70).
    The image shown will be a full page live.
    Please, any help?

    I was actually going to use .png until I read somewhere browsers under a certain number (5 or 6 I forget which) couldn't read them.
    That's only partly true.  PNGs are widely supported by all browsers and modern web devices including tablets, smartphones, iPod, iTouch...
    However, alpha-transparency doesn't display properly in pre-IE7 browsers without help from a PNG fix.js.  You can add this to a Conditional Comment if you really need it. 
    Incidentally, IE5.5 is obsolete and IE6 has reached it's "end of life cycle" with only 3% users worldwide.  I no longer do cartwheels to fix older IE bugs.  If people want to keep using a broken browser, that's their problem.
    Is there a way to have rounded corners not be in a certain place?
    Border-radius values can be applied to the top-left, top-right, bottom-right and bottom-left regions of your body, division or table.
    See Border-Radius Code Generator
    I'm using a frameset
    That's very unfortunate for you and your site visitors.  Frames were popular in the mid 90's but no more.  The W3C saw fit to remove frames from modern HTML5 standards because they are not web friendly.   AFAIK, Adobe removed frames from DW CS4 release.
    See Why Frames are Evil:
    There are much better ways to set-up your site wide navigation without using Frames/framesets.  Use F1 Help in DW and read about DW Templates.  Or use Server-side Includes (my personal favorite).
    It's still not at the absolute top of the page. 
    To zero out default browser margins and padding on everything, use a wildcard (*) selector at the top of your CSS code like this:
    * {margin:0; padding:0}
    Good luck with your project.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • RoboHelp7 without help!?!

    Nowadays you get a first step or content help for every
    software when you press F1.
    What happens in RoboHelp7 (as i understood a software to
    produce help! LOL) ?
    It opens a context sensitve help! RoboHelp HTML - Help:
    BUT: You can't search, you can't so many things you
    can't ... Not worth to list them here!
    Next try: Menu - Help - Content & Index
    At least it opens a searchable help window with content.
    Great. I thought.
    Did anybody anytime found anything with that help.
    Don't worry I thought, have look to online help.
    Yeah: I found RoboHelp 7 resources.
    THERE IS and we proudly present: LiveDocs.
    LIVEDOCS (For me now it sounds like SkyNet in terminator;-)
    WHO wrote this software? WHO is responsible for this?
    WHERE is adobes quality management????
    So far: NO HELP available!
    What do next?
    I searched in the installation directory for chm files.
    And really, I found <robohtml.chm>.
    You won't believe it:
    At Ieast I found a HELPFUL and searchable HELP! After TWO
    I'm so sorry, but there is one more to tell you about
    One more embarrassment:
    It's a German Helpfile and german umlaute
    äöüß display as hieroglyphs in the topic list.
    Yes, true, that alone is not upsetting.
    BUT alltogether, for my part I think about RoboHelp7 as a
    And still I wait for a response of a bug report from monday I
    sent to Adobe: Nested frames in a table of a FM8 lead to a crash.
    But this is another story.
    I'm the only one here who feels outsmarted to pay money for
    this software?
    At least I got FM8 with this TCS.

    What offline help do you mean.
    The one which opens from the menu, the one which open when
    you press F1?
    Sorry for my english.
    Please read my first message again and tell me what you
    didn't understand.
    Maybe you understand the following from a guy who published a
    message in RoboHelp HTML:
    From Handy13 "11/24/2007 07:51:03 PM"
    Converting an existing application from Winhelp to HTMLHelp
    PART I
    b. Called Robohelp for help.
    c. Not much help. They were nice though.
    d. The Robohelp program’s Help – Contents &
    Index resulted in some weird semi-on-line page.
    i. It brought up an error message when I tried to search for
    help on anything (like the word “map” for example)
    ii. Search using that page says “LiveDocs Search
    Results – your search for map site:
    did not match any documents…”
    iii. There was no scroll bar so when I did manage to get
    something up in that window I could not see the rest of the
    iv. I did not discover the html help files buried in the
    Robohelp installation directory until a couple of weeks had gone
    by. That did not help my understanding of how to use Robohelp.

  • In actionscript 3.0 how do i make a nested movie clip button go to a frame on the main timeline

    I am making a website based in flash actionscript 3.0 i have a button nested in its own movie clip, because I have the button expanding to be able to read it i have figured out the only way to do this is by creating it as a movie clipa nd inside the movie clip creating it as a button
    I added an event listener to the blog button by saying,
    function gotoblog(evtobj:MouseEvent){
    this part of the code works it goes to the 2nd frame of the timeline it is in and stops wich is a blown up version of the origanal symbol
    i added on frame 2 a second command
    function gotoblogpage(evtobj:MouseEvent){
    trace("the blog button was clicked")
    i have named the symbol blog and have name the frame of where the blog page is going to be "blogframe" this line of code at the bottom is where i run into trouble the output window in Flash is saying "The blog button was clicked" just like i want it to. no errors are accouring why than is the playhead not going to frame "blogframe"? if the button is working when i click it the code is right i belive the problem here is it does not want the playhead to go to the frame i want it to. So i gues my question is, how can i make a button withing a movie clip interact with the main timeline?

    I have a similar problem if could please help me i'd really apreciate it!!
    So i have a looping animation of some thumbnails, the hierarchy goes like this
    Scene1(main timeline) -> imgBar(MC)->imgBarB(MC within the imgBar MC)
    My buttons symbols are in the last MC "imgBarB" where i have this code:
    ss1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OneButtonClicked);
      function OneButtonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void{
    I want to control the Btns in my "imgBarB" MC to play a labeled frame(named "ssbox1") on another MC on the main timeline,this other MC goes like this:
    Scene1(main timeline)->ssbox_mc(MC where my labeled frame is)

  • How to access frame lable on main stage from a nested symbol

    I have two buttons
    btnA on the main stage
    btnB is nested inside btnA
    How do I access a frame lable on the main stage from btnB

    ok i figured this one out.
    i created a button symbol 'BTN-NAV-INTRO' and placed it on the main stage.
    i created a mouse over/out effect on it's timeline with an object on top called 'MC-HIT-AREA' 
    i placed the mouse over graphics inside the button and animated them on their own timelines
    coded the MC-HIT-AREA to play those timelines 'MC-HIT-AREA' is nested inside the button
    then on the main stage (this is what threw me) i set the button ('BTN-NAV-INTRO') to cursor and coded it to call the other button form the main stage.  Nesting it wasn't necessary.  I didn't realize you could have multiple mouse over/out effect below a mouse over effect from the main stage
    Edge rocks when i get it to do my bidding! 

  • Drop frames on nested comps

    Whenever I have a sequence with nested compositions (NTSC DV), I consistently have a problem with dropped frames. It only happens when the playhead gets to the nested compositions. Even when I don't use print to video, to output to tape, it drops frames. This also happens with multiclips but not as often. Any clue as to what might be happening? Is there a setting I'm missing?
    Any insight is appreciated.

    The problem is most likely your hard drive. The "my book" is not designed for the rigors of video editing - it is really an inexpensive drive usable for backups. Once you get into multiple streams, it just can not handle it.
    Get something designed for editing: G-Tech, Granite Digital, and/or CalDigit, run it off of the FW800 bus (with nothing on the FW400 bus) and you will likely see significant real time play back improvement.
    Good luck.

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