NETserver, mDNSResponder, syslogd using up large processing power, why?

For the past few weeks I've noticed about 150% processing power being used by three processes continuously. They are NETserver, mDNSResponder, and syslogd. They are using only 2 to 3 Mb of memory each but they keep the machine running hot and the fans going louder. I have rebooted and they go away for a while but then soon start up again. I did not notice this when I was running 10.6 and it seems to have started soon after I upgraded to 10.6.1. I have an 8 core Mac Pro.
I read somewhere that Back to my Mac may be a culprit. I've rebooted the machine after turning that off to no avail.
Any other advice? Anyone else having this problem.

I'm having the same problem. The NETserver process is consuming 70% of my CPU and has been for hours. This is a new development since, I think, I installed the latest patch to snow leopard. For what it's worth, I killed the Netserver process yesterday (via Activity Monitor), and the system continued to work normally. Still, it's annoying.
I see that the process is owned by my user id - not root. So it is likely being launched by something I'm doing, though I don't know what that might be. However, I suspect it could be related to my Brother printer (MFC-490CW). It's a wireless printer/scanner, etc, and my Mac needs to listen for inbound connections from the scanner. I notice this problem seems to occur a few hours after I scan something.
Of course, I could be completely wrong.

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    2012.04.14 11:50:33.024 AM mDNSResponder: mDNS_Deregister_internal:   <ipv6addr> PTR Apple-TV-578.local. already marked kDNSRecordTypeDeregistering
    Killing off mDNSResponder stops it, for a while.  I don't know what causes it to start up again.  I'd love a solution, as it looks like a bug with mDNSResponder itself, rather than a configuration issue with my mac, apple tv, or network.
    Both are very plain vanilla from a config and software standpoint (no jail breaking, haxoring, etc) and updated to current versions of soft/firmware.
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    First and foremost, make sure that Logic (and the 3rd party stuff) are the only thngs running on your desktop (ie, no Dashboard apps in the background, no iTunes, no iPhoto, etc, etc).
    Second, when you do use a 3rd party plug in, make it sound as close to accurate as you want, then bounce that track and reimport it as a plain audio track (much less processing power need to play the audio track than to apply effects in real time). You can always go back and fine tune later.
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    Those will release a lot of processor cycles and move you on your way to better performance from your machine.
    Good Luck!

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    Final Cut Pro - Wikipedia
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    video editing software Wiki

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    I can't tell much from that. In general, a runaway distnoted process correlates with a failing storage device, but there could be other reasons for it that I don't know about. You might be able to find out more by following the instructions below, but only do so if you feel comfortable with them.
    Back up all data.
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Please triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    sudo touch /var/log/do_dnserver_log; sudo chmod a+rw $_
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting. You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type carefully and then press return. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Confirm. You don't need to post the warning.
    If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. Log in as one and start over.
    Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear below what you entered. You can then quit Terminal.
    After the next episode, open the log do_dnserver_log in Console and post the last couple of dozen lines, if any.
    After that, you should delete the log file by dragging it to the Trash in the Finder. You'll be prompted for your administrator password.

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    Stellertony wrote:
    When TM decides to do an incremental backup, the backupd process ***** up a huge amount of my processing power, typically upwards of 45%, causing severe delays and slowdown. Sometimes it's doing it in conjunction with mdworker, but not usually. Is there a way to make Time Machine less processor-intensive? It's really obnoxious.
    I have not noticed that, but it takes less than a minute on my machine, so I may have missed it.
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    PPro makes use of the (more expensive) CUDA cores in an nVidia card... PreElements does not, so an ATI card works just fine... at least 512Meg of video ram, or 1Gig if you edit large pictures with Photoshop or Photoshop Elements (my thoughts on video ram, not official specifications)
    Do what you will with this list, but this is what I would build for 64bit PreElements 11
    Intel i7 3770 CPU
    16Gig Ram
    Mid-Tower Case
    550w Power Supply
    500Gig Drive
    Install Windows and all software
    1Terabyte Drive
    Use for project files and media (video & sound) and temp files
    ATI 5450 1Gig
    More $$$ nVidia not needed, only Ppro uses CUDA cores
    120mm x2 Case Fan
    1 in front to cool drives, 1 in side to cool CPU and graphics adapter
    Keyboard & Mouse
    Sata DVD Writer
    Use Win7 64bit Home if you will NEVER go over 16gig ram
    Use Win7 64bit Pro to use more than 16gig ram

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    The reason I ask this is because my Korg M3 plug-in is not playing nice with Logic when the VI track with that particular plugin is not selected. If i select another track, the playback becomes out of sync with the rest of the project. However, if I select that track, everything is played back in time.

    TCfromBN wrote:
    It's never been a problem for me before either. It's just with this one plug-in. Like the delay compensation isn't working on it,
    that perhaps it's an issue with logic and this particular implementation of 'virtualized' hardware.
    Ok, well it's true that Logic functions differently than most (if not all) other DAWS regarding it's handling of buffers. Most DAWs keep a Plugin or VI partially active when the sequencer is stopped. Logic does not, this is how Logic gets it's high efficiency rating, you can load up a project template with all of the plugins & VIs you would need to start a large project and there will be virtually no CPU resources used, as long as you have enough memory you're good to go.
    When you keep a plugin track selected... it is active or partially active, this allows the plug-in to initialize and clear it's buffers.
    It sounds like the Korg plugin is built on an older AU spec, since Logic does not keep plugins active it's now up to the plugin to initialize and clear it's own buffers when the sequencer is stopped, this means that they have to remain active for a time after Logic is stopped.
    A couple of developers I beta tested for cried foul because they learned about this after the plugins had been developed and tested as the original AU spec did not contain this information.
    Anyway, it sounds like it will be up to Korg to update the plugin to be compatible with Logic. The scenario you've described sounds like the Korg's buffers have not emptied or the plugin doesn't initialize unless the track is selected.

  • Mail is using 100% CPU processes - wondering if I possibly have the answer?

    I have a big problem with Mail using all the CPU processes but may just have found a possible solution. I'm posting to see if anyone else shares this problem or can shed some light on whether or not this is a possible solution.
    _*The Problem*_
    Over the past couple of weeks, I've noticed that Mail is using on average 100% of the processes and sometimes up to 168% (I have screenshots to prove it). My 17" MacBookPro gets very, very hot and the fans spin up to cool it down so it's obviously not right as it's never done this before. I can only use Mail intermittently now as the machine overheats quickly soon after Mail starts up. As a result, the CPU is being hammered so I can't now use Mail or other CPU intensive applications properly, which is a big problem.
    I've used the iStatPro widget to verify that Mail is constantly using 100% of the CPU processes. I've also verified this using Utilities / Activity Monitor. When the Activity Monitor application loads, I've selected Mail from the list of Process Names and then clicked Inspect. I've managed to identify the parent process as being launchd (110) which is using all the CPU power. Here are some other stats for this parent process:
    %CPU 95.56 (at that specific instance)
    Threads 15
    Ports 275
    CPU Time 3:30.55
    Context Switches 310968
    Faults 65795
    Page Ins 1
    Mach Messages In 272627
    Mach Messages Out 65025
    Mach System Calls 1459878
    Unix System Calls 103120
    I guess the important bit is the first bit that says 95.56%.
    I have screenshots to back this up but no way of posting them here. I have also managed to use Activity Monitor to generate sample data that the process is creating and again there is no way of posting an attachment here but there is lots of sample data from the process to look at. I've compared the sample data from my MacBookPro to a colleagues machine and the difference between the sample data is enormous. There is obviously something very wrong happening.
    Here's some basic info about my machine, with the serial number removed:
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: MacBook Pro 17"
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro2,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.33 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 2 GB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: MBP21.00A5.B08
    SMC Version: 1.14f5
    Sudden Motion Sensor:
    State: Enabled
    System Software Overview:
    System Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 9.6.0
    Boot Mode: Normal
    Time since boot: 1:44
    _*The Possible Solution??*_
    I recently installed a Beta version of Daylite 3 as I was interested in the application and remembered that it integrates closely with Mail. I wondered if Daylite was constantly trying to communicate with Mail and having problems. Having uninstalled Daylite 3, the problem of Mail using all the processes has so far not reappeared. Mail is now using very little of the CPU processes as is usual. However, I'm currently at home instead of on my network at the office so I'll wait to see if the problem still fails to appear when at work.
    I know other people have had problems with Mail using 100% of the processes. Have you also installed Daylite 3? There has been some talk of Flip4Mac being a possible culprit but I use Flip4Mac and haven't previously had the problem. The only recent change and connection I can think of is an install of Daylite 3.
    I don't want to talk down Daylite 3 but it's the only thing I can think of and having uninstalled it, the problem hasn't occurred. I hope I have stumbled across the solution but any thoughts, shared experiences or feedback would be greatly appreciated...
    Many Thanks,

    Thanks for the post. Not sure what you mean when you say "What does Mail say it's doing?" Can you be more specific and supply specific instructions to follow so that I can give you the information you need?
    I've sampled the process but can't post any attachments on the forum. I've listed what the Activity Monitor stats are saying at the top level in the post above.
    This is a serious problem that's hammering my machine and making it overheat and almost making it unusable. Any feedback or instructions anyone can give me for what info to supply to help you determine what the issue is would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping to find a solution here rather than have the machine overheat permanently and eventually fail, leaving me to sort it out with AppleCare.
    Clown Guy

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    Any advice on this would be much appreciated. Feel free to include any other relevant information you think I should know.
    Thanks, Nick

    Computers are out of date when you open the box
    Ok, getting serious, that iMac should be a viable workhorse for what you want for a good five years, and taht depends on how much ram you put in it, add really fast external storage, and so on.
    Didn't throw this in earlier so as to not influence the discussion: my daughter is the senior art director, VP, at a graphics design firm in NYC.  Has been in the business for a number of years.  When she changed out her Mac at work, bought, or company bought, the 27" iMac model just before the latest, with maxed out CPU/GPU, and storage.  They maxed the memory to 32 GB for her, then added a 30" Apple cinema display so she has almost 5' of display in front of her.  There is nothing she cannot have open all spread across that display area.  She works almost exclusively in print media, occassionally condescends to do web stuff.  And has a massive array of RAID drives hanging on it.  But that is a setup an individual would be hard pressed to go with.
    At home she uses a MacBook Pro with top cpu and display but that is all.
    The point, just how massive do you want to go depends on how fast you have to work; in the office where time is money you need tons of horsepower.  At home, you scale it to your abilitty to juggle other tasks at the same time.
    I think your choices have been great, the discussion has focused on what is important and especially what can and cannot be changed in the future.
    Best of luck setting this up.

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    It sounds as if you're having some system-related problems now, unrelated to processing power as such. In particular, a buggy video driver can cause everything to slow to a crawl.
    Medium format files are big, true, but not so big as to cause significant slowdowns on a normally functioning and reasonably current computer. A laptop will always be slower than a well-equipped desktop system, though. Mac vs PC plays no part in this, performance is unrelated to platform.
    Bottlenecks are different in ACR and Photoshop, so that should give you a clue. ACR is computing-intensive and mostly limited by CPU speed. Photoshop, however, is mostly bandwidth-intensive and mainly limited by memory and disk throughput. It's also sensitive to GPU issues.

  • Why can't I make Lightroom use all the CPU-Power (all cores) available for generating Previews?

    Dear Lightroom Team,
    I've been a Lightroom user since the very first Beta, and I am truly happy with the work you deliver. It changed my way of editing forever, and you guys keep improving it.
    Yet there is that one question that bothers me, and that i'm looking for an answer for.
    My Workflow has the generate Previews checkbox checked by standard. I usually import between 150 and 2000 photos at once, on occaions it can be up to 5000 photos. Generating Previews always takes a significant amount of time, and Lightroom is only using 25% of my CPU Power while doing so. (using a MacBook Pro 8,2)
    I understand the concept, that only using 25% CPU enables me to use the computer while waiting for the Previews. But most of the time I just grab myself a cup of coffee, do the dishes or other stuff, while waiting for the Previews. Usually I rund out of things to do, because it takes ages to Process all the photos. So I would really love to make Lightroom use ALL the cpu power possible.
    I'm sure you guys have spent a lot of thoughts while coding this and have a very good answer handy. Looking forward reading it!
    all the best,

    Wolfgang Lienbacher wrote:
    I was actually hoping to get an official reply from adobe ...
    This is prmarily a user-to-user forum. The Adobe staff monitored site is here:
    On my four-year old Windows 7 i7-860 system LR4.4.1 takes ~0.5 sec. per Canon 5D MKII 21Mp raw image to render 'Standard-Sized' previews with LR Catalog Settings 'Standard Preview Size' set to '2048' pixels. I consider that pretty fast!
    I usually build 1:1 full-size previews on import, which takes ~5.0 sec. per image. Processor utilization varies between 15-50% for Standard-Sized previews and 15-65% for 1:1 previews. I consider this pretty slow, but it doesn't stop me from working on the images inside LR's Library and Develop modules.
    I wait until 'Copy and import photos' has completed and can see Preview Building has started. LR doesn't slow-down much even with the 1:1 preview building going on in the background. Have you tried working in LR during the preview building (i.e. sorting,  rating, keywording, and Develop adjustments)?

Maybe you are looking for

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