Networking Leopard with Tiger

I have a Mac Pro running Leopard and an eMac running Tiger and I'm trying to enable screen/file sharing and everything. With everything enabled in system prefs>sharing on both computers, I see in the finder of the mac pro under shared- the eMac, the administrator/eMac username, and the name of my airport extreme. However when I click 'connect as' or 'screen share' on the eMac or eMac username, I enter my name and password it keeps saying they are wrong. Obviously I'm not playing w/ a full deck but I don't know which cards are missing (my first network don't ya know)
Any help out there?

All you should need to do is enable File Sharing on both machines and you should be able to see either from the other from Finder Go>Connect to Server. Browsing should show the other machine, or in theory you should be able to enter its name: things aren't always so simple, though, so you might have to use the IP number to connect. You can get this from System Preferences>Sharing pane, or from System Preferences>Network: click on the current connection and go to the TCP/IP tab. The number there should be prefaced by afp:// in the other computer to reach the first one.

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    See if this helps. Mac OS X v10.5: Sharing
    Mac OS X 10.5: Setting up a Mac computer to share files with Windows users

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    That is correct. You'll need either an ethernet cable or a firwire cable and a firewire to thunderbolt adapter to connect the two macs together. Here's info on Migration/Setup assistant

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    It's totally doable, but it's not trivial. As it stands right now, you won't be able to do it, as you will need to install software on your father's computer first. And there are quite a few other complications such as ensuring his computer has an IP address you know in advance. All of these issues can be handled, but you won't be able to set it up until you get in front of his machine.
    The basic steps are:
    Install VNC server software on your Dad's computer.
    Ensure the relevant ports on his router are open
    Install VNC client software on your computer and use it to view his computer.
    For a detailed review of how to set this up, you can read this article:
    As you mention, Leopard has two new features that will make your life a whole lot easier - Screen Sharing via iChat and BackToMyMac through the .Mac service. I would recommend investigating those technologies and plan to set that up when you next visit.

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    Thanks all.

    The Snow Leopard installer is somewhat optimized for updating an existing system: it uses data gathered from the old system to decide what to install, its network settings to attempt to access an Apple database of incompatible apps to supplement the list on the DVD, & other useful things.
    It even does the equivalent of Disk Utility's verify disk step before writing anything to the HD & does the actual upgrade as root user, making permissions issues a moot point.
    There is no reason to hesitate to use it in this way. It is greatly improved compared to earlier OS installers.

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    If people don't know the answer, would you happen to know an Apple contact email address or telephone number I can call (in the UK) to check prior to ordering?

    Are you sure you want to get a Mac with Leopard preloaded?
    It may actually not be compatible with some of the software you depend on, and will have no chance of being so (unless the product is updated) because Macs historically have only been able to use the operating system they ship with and newer operating systems, and we are still learning which products need updates for Leopard.
    The online store has a phone number in the upper left hand corner:
    0800 039 1010
    Message was edited by: a brody

  • Please could somebody help me I have an iMac which came with Tiger 10.4.10 installed I have lost my disks and I need to re-install after a hard drive failure. Where can I find this? I will upgrade to Snow Leopard after but I cannot go straight to SL

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    You can go strait to SL, all you need is a retail SL DVD available from Apple for $20. The US online store has them at:

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    Hi, I want to downgrade from OSX LEOPARD to OSX TIGER but I have a few questions regarding this. My iMac is originally from Sep 2007 it came preloaded with tiger. I have original install (2) tiger discs version 10.4.10.  I want to know if it is safe and what are the necessary steps to do so. Also by downgrading im wondering if a lot of apps nowadays support tiger for example I have photoshop version 5 and 4 these are very important to me. One last question does anyone know of any reliable virus protection for mac that doesnt slow down your computer? because I have read that a lot of them do so. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it! Here are the specs for my iMac 
    Model Name:
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:
    2 GHz
      Number Of Processors:
      Total Number Of Cores:
      L2 Cache:
    4 MB
    2 GB
      Bus Speed:
    800 MHz

    Most of the time a perception of general slow performance is the result of installing third party junk alleged to speed up, "clean" or "optimize" your Mac, or to look for viruses that don't exist. Ideally you would know what you installed so you can uninstall it, but if you don't know or aren't sure there are techniques such as Safe Mode and creating a temporary user account to confirm that suspicion.
    If you open Activity Monitor it may show a process, or processes, that occupy a lot of your system's time.
    Slowness confined solely to web browser activity is often the result of an inexorable progress toward websites that demand ever more processor-intensive tasks. If your slow performance is strictly limited to web browsing, you might try disabling Flash by either uninstalling it, or use utilities such as ClickToFlash that allow you to control what Flash content gets loaded. Flash in itself is not inherently evil, but there is nothing to stop websites or the advertisers who pay for them from writing horrible Flash code that can do everything from hogging 100% of your CPU's time to causing random crashes. You can watch Activity Monitor as in the above to correlate these troublesome web pages with performance degradation.
    You are correct; if your computer shipped with Tiger you may certainly revert to it. I forgot that Tiger was shipping on new Macs as recently as five years ago. To downgrade it would be necessary to completely erase your hard disk and boot with the Tiger installation DVD, followed by installing it anew. Such drastic measures are not necessary and you are unlikely to be satisfied with the results anyway.
    Assuming your system is free of third party parasitic junk attached to OS X in an ill-conceived attempt to improve upon it, that your hard disk drive is sound and the boot volume has enough free space to work with, by far the best performance-enhancing improvement would be to add more memory. Buy as much as your computer can use and that you can afford. 2 GB is not that much any more.
    Read the following for some recommended troubleshooting techniques from Apple:
    General purpose Mac troubleshooting guide: Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Creating a temporary user to isolate user-specific problems: Isolating an issue by using another user account
    Memory limitations: Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory and determine how much RAM is being used
    Identifying resource hogs and other tips: Runaway applications can shorten battery runtime
    Starting the computer in "safe mode": Mac OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

  • MB Pro, with Tiger, which has since upgraded to Leopard - Install Discs?

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    Should I need to boot from my install discs, which install disc do I use? Will my Tiger install discs work with Leopard, or should I use my Leopard disc (retail version)?
    Thank you!

    {quote:title=Kappy wrote:}
    Actually you would be better to install Leopard directly. You can reinstall pre-bundled software separately without installing Tiger. An Erase and Install of Leopard would be preferable to installing Tiger then upgrading to Leopard. Less chance of a problem.
    Hi Kappy,
    Some, at least, of the late 2007 MBP C2D 2.2 and 2.4 GHz MBPs (mine included) actually came with Tiger Installed, but with a "drop in" copy of Leopard enclosed in the box. From memory the version of Leopard included will only install if the original software is in place. (I'm not 100% certain of this, but I'll check) Not sure what Trisha's situation is, of course, but worth bearing in mind as a possible issue.

  • Can Leopard partition a backup drive with Tiger on it?

    I am going to be upgrading tp 10.5.4 on my main HD. I've cloned my whole 10.4.9 system to a 2nd internal drive a while back, but did not create a small partition for a SuperDuper Sandbox at that time. To save myself the time it will take to format the backup drive, partition it, then reclone my Tiger system can I...once I successfully upgrade to Leopard, use Leo to put a small partition on my backup HD, with Tiger on it, WITHOUT erasing the backup drive?

    First, and just to clarify things, your drive is already partitioned. It just has a single partition. In the "Partition" tab of Leopard's Disk Utility, you'll see a graphical representation of that partition (just as you would in earlier versions of Disk Utility). The difference is that there will appear a re-sizing "grab tab" at the bottom-right of the icon that represents your current partition (it looks just like the "grab tab" at bottom-right of any application window).
    If we are simply re-partitioning a drive, we can choose a new partition scheme using the appropriate pull-down menu, and that scheme will be reflected in the graphical representation (showing however many volumes, aka "partitions" we choose), and they can be adjusted for size. At some point, we would click "Apply" to begin re-partitioning according to our settings. In this scenario, any and all data on the drive would be destroyed.
    In your case, however, you'll be dynamically adding a partition to a "live" drive. You'll start by using the "grab tab" to make the one existing volume smaller, by however much space you want to allocate to the volume you'll add. Next, you'll use another new feature in Leopard's "partition" pane, the "+" button below the representation. This adds a new volume in the unallocated space you will have provided by making the first volume smaller. Click the "Apply" button, and your changes will be written to the drive (cross your fingers). Provided all works as intended, whatever data exists on the first volume will not be affected.
    With 121 GBs free, you can theoretically create a second volume of 121 GBs. However, I wouldn't expect this to happen in practice. Some of that 121 GBs of free space will actually exist "in the spaces" between the data/files already written to the drive. How much of your free space exists in this state depends entirely on how you have been using the drive, for how long, and the file sizes involved. If, for example, you have ever filled the current single volume entirely, it is likely that some files reside near the end of the drive, with almost all of your free space "in the middle." In this case, Disk Utility will balk at allowing you to make that volume smaller.
    Since you have recently "cloned" Tiger to this drive, it is reasonable to assume this won't be the case for you (the drive was probably erased at the time, right?). So, I think you have a good chance of success. And, since you have everything backed up on optical media, convenience will be the issue, not data security.

  • Reinstall Leopard on Mini that came with Tiger

    I have a Mini that came with Tiger installed just before Leopard came out and I got the disk to update it to Leopard through the up to date program. I updated it to Leopard and have been using this Mini to load and test a lot of different programs.
    I want to re-install Leopard doing a erase and install to start again clean but am wondering if I can do it form the update disk or will I need to install Tiger first and then run the update to Leopard like I did after I received it?

    put in the install disc, and when you're at the screen where you select which disc to install to, click options, and it gives you the option to erase partition and reinstall leopard without needing to upgrade. did i word that confusing? it says that you need v 10.4 *or higher to do the upgrade, BUT if you don't click options and choose the reformat (last option) then it will upgrade and keep your old system folder on the drive. any questions, i'll be checking back at this post.

  • Anyone bought a imac in UK with Tiger and ordered Leopard disk for £5.95

    Im looking at buying a iMac, I can get 10% discount from Comet and so am thinking of going there.
    However there iMacs come with Tiger on, but I belive that if you buy an iMac after 27th Oct (ie now) then for £5.95 you can get Leopard sent to you from Apple?
    1) Has anyone done this?
    2) How long did the disk take to arrive?
    3) Do you still get iLife 08 with Tiger bought formthe shop?
    4) Did everything go smooth on the upgrade?

    Will is correct that neither Tiger or Leopard included iLife however Panther did include iMovie and iPhoto.
    the loc-man,
    Each new Mac will have an software bundle on one or more discs that will include both a copy of OS X and iLife etc. This is where the confusion comes in when the bundle is on a single disc.
    Although I did order an iMac on 10 Oct and ordered a UTD copy of Leopard for £5.95 on 25 Oct I couldn't answer your question as I haven't used the disc preferring instead to use the separate Retail disc I had for the Powerbook. (So I do have two licenses but only used one disc )

  • Anybody experience with Mac Leopard or Tiger on Equium A210-17I

    Has anybody experience with Mac Leopard or Tiger on an AMD Toshiba? I read about some folks installing it on AMD and Intel and wondered how it could feel and work on an Equium. I have A210 17l.
    Thanks for your input.

    It seems to be that you are alone with this idea. If you will try it in the future please post a little bit about it.
    Good luck!

  • AI have an iPad and iPhone but am stuck with Tiger and Leopard. Will I stir be able to get my email on my PowerBook if I after I upgrade to iCloud?  I don't have the cash to upgrade the mac right now.

    I have an iPad and iPhone but am stuck with Tiger and Leopard on my old powerbook G4.  Will I still be able to get my email on my PowerBook after I upgrade to iCloud?  I don't have the cash to upgrade the mac right now.  Just wondering what my email options are.  Thank You.

    You will be able to get your mail on the PowerBook. The calendars (iCal) will not sync; any events added to iPad and/or iPhone will not sync with the Mac but will sync with each other (that is: the mobile devices which are on iCloud). My  MacBook Pro (Lion) and iPad2 (iOS5) sync fine; I still get my Mail on iBook G4, MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard) and iMac (Snow Leopard). 
    Message was edited by: kennethfromtoronto

  • Dual Boot with Leopard and Tiger

    I've got a Dual 2 GHZ Power Mac, that I recently put Leopard on. Unfortunately there's a program that I need to used for a job that doesn't play well with Leopard (yeah, I shoulda made sure before the upgrade). What I was wondering is if it was possible to partition part of the system drive and load Tiger back onto it, and then be able to boot from either Tiger or Leopard. That way I can load the programs that are only friendly with Tiger on to that partition.
    Or do I need to get another drive entirely and pull the Leopard system drive out?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi. You can install as many different systems on different volumes/partitions as you wish. They can all be mounted at the same time, and you can select the default system to boot from in System Preferences > Startup Disc - or select at boot time by holding down the Option(alt) key as you Startup. But a system must be the only one on that volume/partition.
    Where to put the 10.4 system is more tricky. If you only have one internal drive, it's possible to re-partition it live - but not really a very good idea.
    It would be best to install 10.4 on a second internal drive - or a volume on that drive - or on an external FireWire drive.
    Needless to say all your data should be well backed-up before starting any of this.
    Rather than go through all the combinations - please post again with any detailed questions. Good Luck.

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