New catalog?

I am new to Iphone and just noticed how Apple has a catalog for web apps on here. I was wondering if when in Feb they release that development pack that they will then add a new kind of catalog to list applications that can be installed on the Iphone. I was not sure I should go with the Iphone and if it stayed the way it is it would be a mistake however since I know they are going to open it to 3rd parties comes Feb I have really high hopes of a new world. I think this is going to help the Iphone by miles. Still trying to figure out how to do a copy and paste on this thing but I guess from what I am reading that is not an option right now. I just can't wait to get past Feb and see waht all comes out

Nobody is sure how 3rd party apps will be made available and loaded. Right now most thoughts are that developers will provide the code to Apple and Apple will make it available via iTunes (sort of like how iPod games are).

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    jimfeet wrote:
    Yes, that's an option I've considered. But as with any database, size is inversely proportional to speed - larger database equals slower performance. LR 5 is much better than earlier versions in this regard but when you reach 100,000 images you can feel it.
    This is incorrect. I accept that you think the database is getting slower, but the database (and really all databases) are designed to work pretty much the same regardless of the number of records, except for perhaps searching through the entire catalog. We have seen in this forum people who are now editing larger RAW files than a few years ago, they see it is slower, and decide it is the size of the database, rather than the size of their photos.
    What aspects of Lightroom are slow? If it's scrolling and displaying the previews and searching, then it might be the database. If its displaying images in the Develop module, it is NOT the database at all.
    Have you taken steps to improve the performance of the database, such as Optimizing it regularly? have you tried these performance tips: FAQ: Experiencing Performance related problems in Lightroom?

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    That's simple & perfect.
    thank you.

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    You shouldn't need (its not even a good idea) separate catalogs for your vacations and trips. Your best bet is to put them all in one catalog.
    Photos don't just automatically show up in your catalog. Depending on how you get the files, File->Get Photos or using the Photo Downloader should do the trick.

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    Well there is a cost too in not being able to find all your images in a single step, and inconsistencies soon develop - eg a keyword is plural in one catalogue, singular in another. Speed or stability issues are not simply related to catalogue size, and I've seen decently-performing catalogues 50% bigger than yours (as well as slow ones of a few hundred images). Have you optimized the catalogue recently?
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    I doubt there is a way to create a new catalog via plugin (without some serious stunt - i.e. nothing in SDK supports it), and remember - open/active catalog is locked (sql will fail), so you can only do the script if Lr is closed or has a different catalog open.

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    When I select
    File->New Catalog,
    it asks me for a file ... you must tell Lightroom the name and location for this new catalog.
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    Thank you for help!

    Check the below thread.

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    expat31 wrote:
    PSE 11 crashes when I attempt to add a new catalog to those that already exist. No programs are running that might conflict with Organizer, and I can run other functions such as downloading photos from my camera. As soon as I attempt to add a new sub-catalog to an existing major catalog, the program crashes. I'm using Windows 7, and have tried various compatibilities, but none solves the problem. Any ideas?
    How do you attempt to 'add a new catalog' or a new 'sub-catalog' ?
    There are no such things as 'sub-catalogs' or catalogs included in catalog.
    Catalogs are totally independent storing systems, they ignore what is managed in other catalogs.That's why it is recommended to have only one catalog, unless you have a good reason to create several ones because they are totally independent by nature (home vs professional for instance).
    You can create several levels of albums, of tags categories, but not with catalogs.

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    I would suggest removing or renaming the Preference file and letting a new one be rebuilt. Can solve all manner of weird issues.
    You can find the location here:

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    Listener can be added to a cell editor, not cell renderer.
    Set relevent cess(s) to setEditable == true when you use your custom cell editor.

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    Best regards,

  • Lightroom 2.1 Crashes When Naming A new Catalog

    If I attempt to begin a new catalog, the default folder area pops up and I place a name for the new catalog in the provided box. Once I hit the enter key, LR 2.1 closes completely.
    If I double click the icon to bring LR back up, nothing happens. If I bring up the windows task manager, lightroom.exe is now listed twice in the process section.
    Select them both, hit end process, and re-click the icon, it starts with the catalog name I had just entered.
    Any suggestions?

    Now I have noticed other programs, if shut down (such as spysweeper or registry mechanic) will not restart unless they are stopped as a process.
    It is frustrating to deal with vista the last 2 years. Should have stayed with XP Professional.
    As for firewalls, no change if I switch to the Windows version or not.
    I know now to start the task manager and leave it in the tray while I work on the web site.
    is the link to the web flash show for the kid's high school band. Love the program, just a pain to establish a new catalog.

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    Also is there a way to have the publish settings migrated to the new catalog too?

    Thanks for that.
    I agree that a single catalog is the standard approach (all my personal photography is contained in a single catalog over the years). However this is for a large corporate event which we hold each year. This year I want to use extensively the face recognition and I don't want it assessing or confusing people with those who attended the event last year. The even is over 4 days and results in several thousand images from multiple photographers. It's just cleaner to keep the events in their own catalogs for now (good for archiving and backing up too)
    Thanks again. Appreciate your help.

  • Three questions about dealing with and creating new catalogs

    I have 3 catalog related challenges.
    1) I loaded an entire batch of images into the wrong existing one.
        Can I simply remove them from that catalog in bulk?
    2) For some reason I can't get LR to create a new catalog that I name after
        a specific job. Should I use File|New Catalog or Import? Something else?
    3) LR launches with the same catalog open every time. I have unchecked the
        preferences box that tells it to do that. I want it to open with NO catalog
        everytime. What setting am I missing?
    Thanks for the input.

    1) I loaded an entire batch of images into the wrong existing one.
        Can I simply remove them from that catalog in bulk?
    Yes, select all of the images you want to remove then hit the delete or backspace key. The following dialog will open and you should choose Remove - don't be tempted to choose Delete from Disk or you images will be sent to trash.
    2) For some reason I can't get LR to create a new catalog that I name after
        a specific job. Should I use File|New Catalog or Import? Something else?
    To name a Catalog after a specific job/project/shoot you should use File>New Catalog. A dialog will open and you can enter the name in the field labelled Save As.
    3) LR launches with the same catalog open every time. I have unchecked the
        preferences box that tells it to do that. I want it to open with NO catalog
        everytime. What setting am I missing?
    Launching Lightroom so that it opens with no catalog you need to choose the preference Prompt me when starting Lightroom as shown below.

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