New DSL Connection Troubles

I just had Comcast Cable Internet and switched to Windstream's DSL Internet. Everything was running smoothly before the switchover this afternoon. I am able to connect to the internet via Airport and by hardwiring to the modem and the router.....however none of my peripheral programs will connect (iChat, Mail, MSN Messenger, AOL IM...). They just spin and try and after about 2 minutes they stop and give me an error saying an internet connection was not established. I'm really confused as to how I can have an internet connection but yet not be able to access these programs. I did call Windstreams tech support and basically told me to call Apple and the issue isnt them. I told them that it worked fine in the morning when I had Comcast, and when I came home to WIndstream is when the problems started! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Kelly:
I'm a little confused, does safari work?

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  • New DSL connection prevents screen share, videochat

    Previously, I was able to videochat and screen share with a remote computer using ichat. With that particular remote computer, I was never able to use vnc or finder-originated screen sharing, so I've always relied on ichat.
    I switched from cable to Verizon's DSL internet service, and now I find that I can no longer screen share using ichat or use videochat. Sometimes my file sharing is also affected. I can also no longer access this screen from another computer from the finder, or access this computer as a file share from another computer.
    I have enabled file sharing and screen sharing in the sharing panel. The remote computer also has screen sharing enabled. I have mobile me service, which syncs ok, and I can obtain a shared screen from my office computer, although this seems to be available only now and then.
    Running ichat 4.0.8, OS 10.5.7 on both computers that I'm having trouble screensharing and videochatting between.
    Any suggestions?

    I have seen one post that remarked that the end user thought Verizon were now blocking VNC connections and that their reasoning was to stop Internet attacks on Home computers.
    Seeing this is a common method for large companies to update remote computers particularly with Windows and is part of Apple Remote Desktop, And, that on all computers it has to be set to be allowed, this did seem a bit lame.
    If you know the IP addressing needed to get from home to your work computer then using vnc:// instead of afp:// in Connect to Servers will invoke the Screen Sharing App that is hidden away in Leopard in Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services (I have only done this over my Local LAN and don't know how to set it up or address it over the internet)
    Your extras clues only seem to partially support the idea that VNC connections are blocked.
    If Video chat were not working as well I would look to whether the Modem is allowing Response to Internet (Anonymous) Pings as I know iChat sends a Ping in Video and Audio Chats (and the screen Sharing includes a Audio feed.)
    I would have looked on this site for more clues as some of the Instruction pages include pictures that can be helpful in some cases.
    I don't see your model listed which may mean it is really new and has not made it to the list yet.
    Defcom either compared them a chose the most likely access defaults or found the info elsewhere.
    This one which may be the closest model number has no real pictures in this case at.htm
    This page is from a D-Link emulator
    It is Advanced then Filters (The Yellow items)
    Do you have anything like this on your device ?
    Does anything appear to be set ?
    In this Tools and Misc page it has UPnP and other options that may need to be allowed. (WAN Ping Blocking is on this page for this device and it also has VPN stuff)
    These pages/links are for clues only as most manufacturers of modems and routers layout the pages differently.
    My thinking is that it is either something like a Firewall or filter or similar on the modem that need "Unblocking" in some manner to allow UPnP to "Fully" function or the ISP is doing something that they are not being too open about.
    8:05 PM Monday; August 3, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    You need to go into the Preferences for the your WiFi and remove your neighbors from the list or move it below yours so that it will connect to yours first.  System Preferences (Accessed through the Apple in the Upper Left Hand Corner) > Network.  Then click on WiFi in the list on the Left hand side of the window and then click on Advanced button in the lower right hand corner.  You will then get the list of all the wireless networks that have been joined and in the order they were joined from oldest to newest.  Find the one in the list and either drag it below your network, or click on it and then press the "-" button to remove it from the list totally and then from that point on it should start connecting to your WiFi first automatically.

  • Troubles with new DSL modem (moto 3260)

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    I actually seemingly had the Modem-Airport-Computer connection working for a few minutes, but the connection quickly fell apart and I'm busy trying to methodically put it all backk together.
    1) Reset modem and pulled power. Put modem back in non-bridged mode. Got new DSL password from ATT. Attached directly to computer through ethernet cable. Works!
    2) Put modem into bridged mode. Cycled power on modem and computer. Set computer to "DHCP with manual address" so I could directly access the modem's settings pages. Verifed that modem showed up in bridged mode.
    3) Set computer to DHCP (without manual adress)....renewed lease.....shut computer down and powered back up. Created PPPoE service on computer to see if I could get that working first before doing the same thing with the Airport....but this failed to connect! NOTE: I had gotten this working yesterday a few times, but not today.
    So, this is the main issue....I can't seem to get PPPoE working via my computer to DSL modem directly, or when I use the AIrport to DSL modem.
    If anyone has any pointers or advice, I would REALLY appreciate it!!!

    Sorry for the difficulties.
    I have used the Motorola 2210 for a number of years with rock solid performance. The modem is not exactly in Bridge is set to PPPoE is on the computer or router.  I do not know if the 3360 has that option.
    It appears as if the 3360 has replaced the 2210....I have not tried a 3360 yet.
    I use an Airport Extreme which is configured to provide the PPPoE connection service. No special setup, or hidden settings, etc. Been running fine for 4+ years.
    Not sure why you are having so much trouble, when it appears that you are doing everything right.
    You may have already thought of this, but it is possible to run PPPoE on the modem, and have the AirPort Extreme connect using "Ethernet".  That will create a Double NAT error, but this is usually not serious, and AirPort Utility provides you with an option to "ignore" the error, so you get a green light, and not flashing amber.
    I have run the network this way from time to time if for no other reason than experiment. The Double NAT does not seem to affect anything noticeably....unless you are using online gaming or other things that will not tolerate a Double NAT.
    One of the advantages of using Double NAT is that you can bring up the modem settings simply by typing in the Of course, if the network is running OK, there is not much reason to do this.
    I'm not recommending that you use the Double NAT setup, but it might be worth a try to see how you like it...or if it works.  Post back if need a few tips on this.

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    All my other devices are able to connect wirelessly to the modem, just not the printer.  I'm at my wits end!  What is left to try other than paying HP support for their assistance?

    Access your router and make sure that MAC Filtering is turned off.  Also, set the encryption type to WPA2-PSK (AES) only as HP printers don't work well with the TKIP encryption type, and set the Mode to 802.11g only as that is the Mode that HP printers work best with.  Being on channel 11 shouldn't hurt anything unless there is a device that uses the same channel in the area then you might get some interference.  Give these things a shot, and let me know what happens.
    -------------How do I give Kudos? | How do I mark a post as Solved? --------------------------------------------------------

  • New DSL service disconnects frequently

    Bit on the $17.99 offer for 1mb DSL service. First time it was available in my area. Talked on phone around 20 July. Modem and filters arrived in about 5 days and startup day was 29 July.  Got an automated phone call saying man would come to house to do some checks between 8 am and 5 pm, but that he wouldn't need to come inside.  He never came because I live down a long lane and I watched all day for him. Installation using CD and instructions on my end went ok, and was soon online on 29th.  Westell modem 7500.  
    But, then found that my connection dropped regularly.  A couple of times it stayed on for 4 hours, but mostly it stays on 2-3 minutes and then is off for 2-3 minutes, etc.  Sometime it is off for hours at a time.  The service is not available when the green internet light goes out on the Westell modem.
    So I call the 1-800-567-6789 Verizon number for help.  As you probably know it takes 20-30 minutes of phone time to wait before you talk to an actual person.  The recordings tell you that most problems solved by turning off and back on your modem, computer, etc.  As if we hadn't already done that multiple times already.  And the recordings tell you there is lots of help on various websites . . . as if you could get to those websites without having your DSL connection actually working for an extended period of time.
    The help gal then tells me to do all the things I had already done, like turning off and on, etc.  She then says she ran some tests that show no problem.  Meanwhile the internet light on my modem is sometimes on and sometimes off.  But still no problem shows on her tests, she says.  Now the internet light has stayed on for maybe 10 minutes, so she says she is done because everything probably OK.  I tell her this is not uncommon that it stays on for 10 minutes or even a few hours, but eventually it always drops the connection.  She says she can't upgrade me to next level of help since it is my first call.  I say, you mean I have to call back tomorrow with the same problem.  She says, yes.
    OK, next day same problems but I can't take the time to call so a day is burnt.
    Third day the internet light stays on for 4 hours, so I am feeling pretty good.  But then the light goes out and I loose my connection at around 10:30 PM.  Too late for me to start a call, so another day is burnt.
    Fourth day, yesterday, mostly a repeat of previous day, so at around 8 PM, I call the 1-800 number again.  Go through the same 20-30 minutes of wait time with suggestions to turn off and on everything, go to websites, etc.
    Got a gal in Phillipines.  Pretty good English and very pleasant.  She says there is no record of my first call, so this is really my first call.  However, after I complain about that, she talks to her supervisor and he/she says they can upgrade m to next level of help.
    So she tells me a tech expert will start testing my line.  After 15-20 minutes she tells me there is a problem with my modem 'authenticating' so they will send me a new modem.  But I remember reading another thread here by a guy who got 3 Westell modems and still had problems . . . . so I am not overly hopeful about the outcome for me either.  Why does Verizon stick with a modem that is known to have multiple problems??
    Anyway, I was on the phone with Verizon that time for close to an hour and a half.
    Next day, which is today, my wife fields an automated call from Verizon which says they are going to send a tech to our house and for her to punch in some numbers, which she can't do because she doesn't know what time I want.  The recording gives her an 1-800 number to call back to schedule the time.
    I am floored when I see the number is actually 1-800-567-6789, because I know what hell is waiting for me when I call that number.  And I have to go through this hell just to reply to a call from Verizon which asks me to call them back to schedule the appointment.  But that number has nothing to do with scheduling appointments.
    So I call the 1-800 and go through the same **bleep** as before with all the recorded helpful hints about turning off and on, go to websites for help etc.  But I am simply trying to reply to a call from Verizon to set up the techs time to come.
    Then the recordings finally get to the point where I punch the 1 if I still need to talk to a person.  Have been on the line already about 10 minutes.  The voice says the wait time will be less than 5 minutes.  15 minutes later I am still getting the news that my wait time will be less than 5 minutes.
    Finally a guy from India answers.  I have now been on the phone for close to 25 minutes waiting for this real person.
    He starts telling me to turn off and on my modem, etc.  I tell him I am just replying to call from Verizon to set up the time for tech to come to my house.  He tells me I have called the wrong number.  I tell him it was the number the recording said to call.  He says he will try to transfer me.  I panic.  He then tells me when he talks to another dept they tell him there is no record of my ever having called with any problems.  I yell at him.  He talks some more to someone on another line and reports that they actually now find that I have called before . . . in fact just last night.
    OK, so now he tells me he will transfer me to the person who will help with the appointment.  But this new gal asks me what lights are showing on my modem.  I say, what does that matter and how is it relevant to scheduling the guy to come.  And anyway, I don't have the modem turned on because I think that is not a good idea to leave it on all the time.
    She insists that I must turn on the modem and . . . for first time that anyone at Verizon has ever told me . . . she says I should leave it on constantly until the problem is solved.  This apparently is because the tech people might be trying to do some tests on my line even before they arrive at my house.  OK, so I turn it on and the green internet light does not go on during the rest of our conversation.
    So she schedules the tech to come to my house next Thursday, 6 August.  I ask what time he will arrive.  She straight faced (I presume) said I must wait there all day 8 am to 5 pm.  I ask her if she doesn't realize the absurdity of this.  She will only comment that that is the way Verizon does it.
    I then ask her if she doesn't also recognize the absurdity of the 40 minutes I have spent on the phone, being cycled around, when I was only returning a call from Verizon to schedule an appointment.  She gives a nonsensical answer, so I repeat the facts.  Now she does admit that it is probably not fair and there should be a better number to call rather than the general 1-800 number for this situation.  I ask her if they ever talk about these absurd situations and poor customer service things at staff meetings or with their supervisors.  She doesn't answer that question, instead asking me if there is anything else she can do for me today.  I say that yes, there is something else, and that is to answer my question about what the staff meetings have to say about these absurd situations and what do her supervisors say about it.
    {please keep it relevant} 
    Message Edited by ElizabethS on 08-01-2009 05:54 PM

    #1 Check the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Servers on your computer.
    This means for example if you are on Windows XP...
    a) Go to Start -> Run.
    b) Type in
    and press enter.
    c) In the new window, called the command prompt, type in
    ipconfig /all
    and press enter.
    #2 With your web browser go to the default gateway.
    #3 Enter in the current user name and password of the router.
    The default User Name is
    and the password is
    Thanks dslr.  OK, I did what you said and found the default gateway was
    When I went to that place on my browser, there was no place for User Name or Password.
    But under the column 'Gateway Status' I saw:
    Download:  1181 Kbps
    Upload:         447 Kbps 
    Connect Type:  PPPoE
    So how does this info help in my problem of frequent disconnects?
    Or did I still not get to the place you wanted me to go?
    Thanks much. 

  • Safari 6 stalling DSL connection

    Here I am with the exact same issue Safari 5 had when it was released.
    I installed Safari 6 on my MacBook Pro whilst waiting for my Mountain Lion to download. I like the new changes and the page rendering seems to be super fast. But it keeps stalling my DSL connection. I know it's not an Airport problem, and it's not my MBP (other devices on the network are unable to load pages once the connection has stalled); which leaves just the modem and connection. Connection is fine when I'm using Chrome.
    After upgrading to Mountain Lion, the issue was still present. So i backed up and did a clean install of Mountain Lion and still no joy.
    Advice, suggestions, and resolutions very much appreciated.

    Yeah I am having the same issue - befor and after ML. Following on from the same issue, online documents ie. google spreadsheets become un-clickable, youtube videos do not stream smoothly...

  • My itunes on a windows 7 pc with dsl connection will not connect with the itunes store

    my itunes on a windows 7 pc with dsl connection will not connect with the itunes store.  Any suggestions about why not or how to get it to connect?

    After reading the whole post, I still don't capture the exact error message or code from it when you failed to install Office 2013. 
    The only clue is that "bootstrap loader error" ...
    It seems that you want to upgrade Office 2007 to new Office 2013, by default, we could complete the uninstall previous Office version and install the new Office in the installation wizard.
    At this point, if you get the install source through CD or other media. I recommand that we copy/paste the installation to local drive. Then turn off all of anti-virus and firewall, begin to setup in
    Windows clean boot mode.
    Please use a setup log to troubleshoot setup problems in Office if the installation problem still occurs.
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • New Airport Express Trouble

    Alright, so here's the deal:
    I have a titanium p-book w/ 1GB Ram, Superdrive, Tiger.
    I have a DSL connection.
    I just got an Airport Express base station and am having the following problem:
    I used the Airport Setup assistant to configure my new wireless network successfully, and the light is green. I recieve full reception from the unit and yet I cannot access the internet. However, if I bypass the Express Base Station by connecting the ethernet cable right to my computer (from the DSL modem), it works fine. Note that either way, AirTunes works fine. When I bring up the Internet connect window the status states
    "Connected to network 'BIG ISLAND' (that's the name of my network)
    Connected to the internet via Ethernet"
    I have done the following things to try and solve the problem:
    Reset the base station both plugged in and not. (no result)
    Reset the modem. (no result)
    Switched the ethernet cable. (no result)
    Here is my theory:
    Everything is functioning properly, but something is not set up correctly in my Network Settings. I think it must have to do with PPPoE/DHTP...I have an account user name and password, but I also have an IP address....
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    It appears as if you need to setup your AEBS PPOE settings to "log in" into your DSL connection.
    Using the Airport Admin Utility, select your base station and select internet. Make sure the following are selected:
    Connect using: PPPoE
    then enter your account information (then change password and enter your password)
    Always stay connected
    Then select Upload.
    Give that a shot. Let us know how it works.

  • AEBS causing earthlink Zyxel modem to loose DSL connection

    I hooked up my new AEBS n two weeks ago and I am having problems keeping connected to the internet. DLS and Internet light go off on Zyxel P-600 modem randomly. When I connect to the internet, via ethernet, no problems. I used to have a airport express hooked up to the modem and had no problems with dropping the DSL connection. Earthlink seem to think the AEBSn is causing the problem. Can you help?

    Hello again fleabee,
    So sorry it's taken me so long to get back here and update my last post. I wanted to wait a few weeks to see if my new configuration with the Netopia router would really make a difference, and then I just got really busy.
    Anyway, I'm happy to report that my wireless connection is MUCH more stable since switching away from the Zyxel to the Netopia. It is also important that you configure your Airport Express (or did you say you have the Extreme?) to be a 'bridge' letting your modem/router be the primary 'traffic director', if you will. Otherwise the two devices--your AE and the modem--will fight each other. I can try and retrace my steps on how to do this, or I'd suggest going to the genius bar at any Apple store if you no longer have AppleCare phone support. Please let me know if you need me to retrace.
    To get a new Netopia modem from Earthlink, you can simply call as I did and request it saying your Zyxel isn't cutting it any more for you or that it died, whatever. They should upgrade you for free as they did me.
    Oh, I also had to play around for a while to find a better location in my apt. for the AE. There are a LOT of wireless devices in my neighborhood apparently competing for the same airspace and that was also causing my wireless connection to suffer.
    Lastly, if you can afford to upgrade to Leopard, I highly recommend you do so. Leopard along with Apple's first patch 10.5.1 really have helped with stability of everything. Hope all this helps. Good Luck!

  • Internet Dropouts and Internet Connection Trouble; POSSIBLE SOLUTION

    Here is something that might help
    I have had problems with this on my old G5, Intel Macbook, and More Recently my Mac Pro (past 4 years I have airport trouble)
    I spent hours trouble shooting, the thing that ends up working for me three times so far has solved my problem
    Here is a step by step instruction of what I did (continue anyway if you are not receiving the same circumstances/results)
    Remember this is also a diagnostic method for yourself to see what is working and what is not so you can solve the problem. Also I still get network drop outs and sometimes internet performance decrease but a lot less frequently by performing the steps bellow. If your problem persists then I might be able to trouble shoot with you. In no way this method will be successful and your problem may become worse so use discretion when applying the steps below
    1)Check "Console" to see whether broadcast is being dropped (utilities folder)
    2)Make sure your problem persists with all other applications not running (including your virus software)
    3)Reset Safari and continue loading to see if network performance is still hanging up
    4)If slow loading persists/airport drops shut down computer and boot into safe mode by holding shift key (this empties cache stuff and does a few repairs)
    5)Load Safari and see if slow loading persists (while in safe mode)
    6)Go to disk utility and repair disk first (or verify)
    7)If disk comes clean then precede to repair permissions, there are many errors that show up that are nothing to worry about "ACL found in different place" is one of them.
    8)Shut down, (do not restart and wait for 10 sec, I have no idea why this happens and it does not make sense to me but I have restarted and ended up with some other problems)
    9)Turn on computer and proceed to disk utility again (do not worry about airport, do not touch yet
    10)Verify disk again (remember not in safe mode)
    11)Repair permissions once again (different things are loaded into the permission system; plugins ect.)
    12)Shut down computer again
    13)Turn on computer and proceed to open network preferences and remove airport service (make sure your changes are applied)
    14)Open key chain access
    15)Delete your network password (if it exists) in "login" and in "system"
    16)Shut down computer once again
    17)Reapply all network configurations in the network preferences panel
    18)Shut down computer once again and turn on
    19)Check airport performance over the next 30 min or so by clicking links actively and waiting
    20)If problem persists you may have corrupted files somewhere and may have to delete some preference files and perform the method above once again (to be safe I suggest running the disk utility test once again)
    note: for some reason Leopard still remembers old network information even after deleting it. you need to find a way to keep leopard from using old preferences (it can be any of them). If all thus fails trash your router settings (on your router, factory defaults) and perform the steps above once again)
    Please report abnormal occurrences like the "self assign ip address problem in network preferences" so we can narrow down where problems are mostly occurring"

    I quote from the System Preferences Help:
    If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can share its Internet connection with other computers on your local network.
    For example, if your computer is connected to the Internet using a DSL modem and has an AirPort Card installed, you can share the DSL connection with other AirPort-equipped computers.
    On Windows computers, sharing your Internet connection is sometimes referred to as a “network bridge” or “bridging your network.”
    To set up Internet sharing:
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click Sharing.
    Select Internet Sharing.
    Choose the Internet connection you want to share from the “Share your connection from” pop-up menu. For example, if you’re connected to the Internet over Ethernet, choose Ethernet.
    Select how you want to share your Internet connection in the “To computers using” list. For example, if you want to share your Internet connection over AirPort, select AirPort.If you share your Internet connection using AirPort, click AirPort Options and give your network a name and password.

  • TS2756 How can i create a new usb connection (service)  on my iMac for sharing internet from my iPhone5 ( i seem have to deleted it )

    How can i create a new usb connection (service)  on my iMac for sharing internet from my iPhone5 ( i seem have to deleted it )
    i know its not a problem whit my carrier o data plan or sharing preferences on the ipone because when i use it un my laptop it works perfectly through
    the usb and even works on the Imac through wifi and bluethood tethering but NOT through usb!!.
    the problem is that trying to make it work i deleted the "profile" usb iphone on the network prefereces panel. Now i only have 3 options: ethernet / wifi / bluetooth
    but not the usb iPhone i used to have.
    And when i try to add a new one i dont get a USB option.
    can some one help me please??
    this is how it looks (after the bluetooth PAN i used to have USB iPhone option)

    The question would be more appropriate in the Mac forums as it is not really related to the iPhone.

  • Error while creating a new DAC connection using connection type MSSQL

    I am trying to create a new DAC connection i.e. a new DAC repository in the SQL Server 2008 database.
    DAC version :
    Database : SQL Server 2008
    I have downloaded the sqljdbc4.jar file from the below link and placed it in the D:\orahome\10gR3_1\bifoundation\dac\lib folder.
    [ ]
    I have entered all the details correctly for database name, database host, database port. I created a new Authentication file.
    I get the below error when I try to test the connection.
    MESSAGE:::MSSQL driver not available!
    EXCEPTION CLASS::: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    ::: CAUSE :::
    EXCEPTION CLASS::: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException$ Method)
    java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    The error seems to be a connectivity issue with SQL Server. Am I using the correct jar file?
    Please help me out in resolving this issue. Appreciate the help provided on this forum earlier.
    Thank You

    at end of the line starting with SQLSERVERLIB in config.bat file
    Pls mark correct

  • Issue with Check in of template or creation of new site connection issue...

    Hi all, when ever i am trying to check in a new template through Dynamic converter or else, try to create a new site connection through site designer, i am getting the below error message, can anyone please let me know whats needs to be done to get this issue resolved.....
    Content Server Request Failed
    Unable to execute service DC_CHECKIN_NEW and function Imeta.
    (System Error: Unable to execute query 'Imeta(insert into DocMeta (dID, xComments, xCpdIsTemplateEnabled, xCpdIsLocked, xReadOnly, xHidden, xCollectionID, xInhibitUpdate, xTrashDeleter, xTrashDeleteLoc, xTrashDeleteName, xTrashDeleteDate, xForceFolderSecurity, xDiscussionCount, xDiscussionType, xPartitionId, xWebFlag, xStorageRule, xWebsiteObjectType, xTemplateType, xWebsites, xDontShowInListsForWebsites, xWebsiteSection) values(13, '', 0, 0, 'FALSE', 'FALSE', 0, 'FALSE', '', 0, '', null, 'FALSE', 0, 'N/A', '', '', '', '', 'GUI Template', '', '', ''))'. ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE)
    Thanks & Regards,

    Found this on metalink: NOTE:737470.1
    "This is caused by zone indexed fields that were created outside of the Content Server interface. Dropping and recreating the zoned index fields should resolve the issue."
    To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
    Log in to the Content Server through the browser as sysadmin.
    Navigate to Administration -> Zone Fields Configuration.
    On this page, change the value of the search engine in the dropdown list to DatabaseFullText if database full text indexing is being used. Leave it set to Database if database metadata only indexing is being used.
    If there are fields listed in the left-hand box (Zone Text Fields):
    Make a note of all the fields listed in the left-hand box (Zone Text Fields), or take a screenshot of this page.
    Remove all of the fields from the Zone Text Fields box by highlighting each field and clicking the right arrow.
    Click the Update button.
    Run the following query directly against the database to see if any zoned fields are still present. The zoned fields can be identified by the ZFT suffix, for example, DDOCTITLE_REVISIONS_ZFT:
    Select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = 'REVISIONS';
    If any indexes with the ZFT suffix are returned in the results as an index, drop that index from the Revisions table in the database.
    Verify that the error no longer appears.
    Re-add any desired zoned field indexes through the Administration -> Zone Fields Configuration page.

  • New database connection failed with oepe

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    Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Installation Guide says:
    "You can install OEPE using any of the following ways:
    Download, and then unzip OEPE plugins directly into the Eclipse dropins folder and restart Eclipse."
    This is what I have done,
    then when I create a new database connection, and I press the button "test connection" i got a pop up saying "Ping failed" giving details:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
         at$ Source)
         at Method)
         at Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.internalCreateConnection(
         at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionFactoryProvider.createConnection(
         at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionProfile.createConnection(
         at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.createTestConnection(
    Did I miss something?

    The documentation is out of date. The unzip to dropins method is no longer supported. The OEPE zip you downloaded is actually an archived repository. You can follow the instruction for installing using Eclipse Update Manager and point to the downloaded zip instead of the online repository.
    I will follow up to get the docs updated.
    - Konstantin

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